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Moving to a new apartment. signs! Important, interesting folk signs and rituals when moving to a new place of residence, how and when to move to a new apartment

How to say goodbye to the old house?

The wisdom of past generations often comes to contemporaries encrypted - in the form of superstitions. Many signs are logically justified, some seem completely absurd. For example, in homes, according to folk beliefs, there are verses-houses, whose lose when the crossing is considered to be a big failure.

Houses, despite the name, are not attached to housing, but to people-owners, so you can pick up the spirits in new house. The most common way is to "invite" the house to the box with soft things, put in half an hour before leaving the threshold.

It is rumored that houses love a variety of sweatshops and even live in them; If there is a broom in the house - be sure to take it on a housewarming, so as not to deprive the house of the dwelling. It is believed that the hosts will be taken from spirits and troubles, and therefore before leaving it is worth removing and repair the remaining homemade utensils. Current crane and cracked windows in the windows will appear in the new house, if you do not get rid of them in the old one.

Road signs

There are many "way" superstitions; Most are universal and perfectly combined with such a non-standard journey as moving.

  • If it rains on the road - everything will go well. But no precautionary measures should not be neglected: you can easily slip on the puddle, injured and smashing a raw cargo, no matter how successful.
  • Immediately before leaving you need to sit at the door, preferably on the suitcases. The ritual is useful and without metaphysical background - "on the track" usually silently silent, and it's easier to recall the important call, not covered with a crane or forgotten alert.
  • If the first meeting on the road is a beggar, a pregnant woman or a dog - the owners waiting for a pleasant news shortly after the instill. But a collision with a monk, funeral procession or a young girl - already warning from higher Forces About "bad stars" on the day of moving.
  • An ideal time for departure is considered early morning - right at the dawn. The earlier the tenants leave, the better and richer, according to believe, will flow their lives in a new place. In the evening, to leave and make something out of the house is considered a bad admission.

There are other road taboos - for example, on the day of departure you can not sew, wash and wash your head.

"Rituals" of Novoselov

There are other signs: how to move to the apartment, knowing little - some "rituals" will be required. So, in new housing it is necessary to first let the cat. Changing the animal to move - you need your own pet. It is forbidden and pushing it - the cat must be logged in goodwill; Throw a delicious bait with superstition, however, it does not take place.

The dog, on the contrary, you need to let in the apartment only after people - otherwise the houses will perceive who has entered as someone else and will be a long time for him. Well, according to "Canon", on the night before the transportation of things in the house should be inserted into the living rooster - to overclock the unclean.

In addition to the "animals" of rituals, a complex of action after moving is not important.

  • Immediately after the entrance, spend in the apartment wet cleaning "So you clean it from someone else's energy and prepare for a new owner."
  • In the following days, if the previous tenants left after themselves broken furniture, plumbing, etc., do repair. As they say, "the crane flows - the money from the wallet is drowning."
  • The same applies to the supplied dishes, broken windows and other cracks in glass and ceramics - if possible, it is necessary to get rid of the broken things immediately, and the trash found in the process of moving should be ruthlessly eliminated.
  • The house should be fed after arrival, leaving on the table to the night of flour, milk, buckwheat, bread with butter and red wine.

If you do everything right, you will make a solid contribution to the well-being of the house. "Bonus" of these rituals becomes prophetic dream On the first night in a new place.

"Golden" customs

Most will take, anyway, due to financial well-being. The people will make a lot of recommendations on how to move correctly new apartmentTo make money. In the context of moving, the next "recipe" is used: on the first day, the newlywakes you need to throw a handful of coins from behind the threshold. After that, it is impossible to sweep in the house for several days. The subsequently assembled coins should be hidden in all secluded housing places - in antiquity they were inserted into the slots between the flooring or fit into fuel clay walls, but in modern houses You can use even the space behind the plinth.

To attract wealth, the pitfalls filled with money, in which separately store plants of metal coins are separately stored different color. Covers under the tablecloth dining table. We will also bring wealth to the owners - but it is forbidden to remove it from the table. Some money will need to leave both in the old house; Here works "Boomeranga rule" - giving you, you get.

Magic talismans for all occasions

How to move to another apartment, keeping full harmony with the laws of the universe? Our ancestors set overalls around the house, and when moving, they were decorated with them as early as possible. One of the main protective talismans Traditionally, the horseshoe above the door is necessarily nailed or glued upwards.

Folk customs, including those who have developed in a new time, provide for many "magical" items:

  • wreaths of straw with woven in them seeds and beads, beams of the Hyperician, willow, juniper, wormwood and thistle in the corners will scare out unclean strength;
  • clay pots with salt and croups, corn cobs and pepper bales with garlic will do so that residents at home will never remain hungry;
  • perfume figures, homemade dolls-ten, and a small broom, suspended in the corner under the ceiling, linked the houses;
  • napti and miniature hats hanging in the hallway, protect residents from failures and direct home intercourse (for example, in a blizzard);
  • under the threshold after the entrance is put a knife - it is believed that unkind people will not be able to cross them.

In general, any charms can be used. Symbols of Feng Shui, incense, Egyptian figurines and Jewish Hams will bring good luck to the one who believes in their power.

Signs when moving to a new apartment must be taken into account during this important event. Many do not remember them. They will not require a lot of time, but their consequences will have a favorable effect on your new housing. Living you will be more comfortable and calmer. We will remind you of these simple actions.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the past years in his walls and give him proper respect. Before you leave him forever, hover the order there. Wash the floors, windows and everything that is possible. On boxes and other packages for things you need to draw crosses. It will serve their protection against the disappearance when moving.
  • The things you think will be superfluous in the new apartment, do not take with you. They need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will ensure the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Farewell ritual with old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook the cake and eat it all with households in the old apartment. You can not pick up the remnants. If you live there is not easy to make a cake salt. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signals and rituals at housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to new housing, you need to pick up a housekin with you, who lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do an action with a broom of old apartment. Just take it with you when moving. Thus, your spirit of home and his and the defender will also move to new housing. If in household There was no broom, enhance the following way. Take a small box and put any soft things into it, you can fill it with trimming fabrics. Put it for a while her entrance door And the house "settles in it. Take a box with you and you can be sure - the house also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the first to let the cat should be inserted into it. The place that he will choose to stop - the most suitable bed. It is necessary to take into account the cat consistent with this folk signs. He must be exactly a cat, not a cat. But the fact is that not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use the dog in this case. It serves to protect housing and the first crossing the threshold should not. The dog should enter the new apartment last. You do not need to pass anyone forward. Wait until it is mastered and risks nevertheless. All other new buildings come for him.
  • Following this, immediately "feed" the house. You can put a container with milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and did not go to live to other more generous owners. After that, you can proceed to wet cleaning and the role of things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all the rooms of the apartment. It does not depend on the purity of the dwelling. Even if it is perfectly clean. It saves the dwelling from bad energy. She could gather in him before your move.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better for them to be from precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being in the house.
  • In advance, purchase a new broom, horseshoe and grass of the Zverboard. Bench put in the corner at the entrance door, and strengthen the horseshoe down the horn. Grass in bags can be twisted in several secluded places. Such a kit will help secure the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could arrange icons, mascots, amulets.
  • When you discern boxes and get used in a new home, prepare treats. Now it is time to call friends, neighbors to hover a housewarming.
  • Put cash banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is to the welfare in the family and to attract new honest friends.
  • When complying with all these rules, you can calm down. In the new place of residence you will be accompanied by family happiness, all life difficulties Minute you.

  1. If you have not taken with you the houses from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when you are visible to the moon, you need to call it loudly into the open window: "The house - the house, come back home. You will live with us, and we love you. "
  2. In the new apartment, spend the rite of consecration. To do this, burn the church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Incense is well eliminated by an apartment from negative energy. You can light the aromatic sticks and arrange them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. Excellent sign, if the move happens when it is snow or rain. This is a sign of over that a happy life awaits you in the new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things on a new apartment, in the case of having a bat or cracked dishes, it needs to get rid of it immediately. It can become a source of misfortune.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make new purchases. It can be something out of dishes, towels or curtains. It will bring you good luck.

The duration of many people will take and rituals regarding moving to a new apartment. Why sign up when moving to a new home, you ask. And they in order for your life in the new house was carefree, joyful and happy.

There are rituals when moving to a new apartment

Folk rituals when moving

As a rule, at the housewarming, the owners of their homes come first. But is it right? Who actually should come first? As popular rituals say, the first should go to your animal. Be accurate, the first should go to your cat. The beliefs say that the cat is a sacred animal that brings calm, joy, peace, happiness and joy to the owners. So you go through the first.

There is another ritual that helps to keep or attract prosperity to a new apartment. To do this, at the entrance to throw coins on the threshold. No matter what, or silver, or gold. Here is the main very availability of money. Therefore, after they entered, immediately throw a couple of coins.

Be sure to settle down to a new home or in a new apartment, make general cleaning. Wash all the furniture, do not be lazy and look into the corners of the new housing. After all, negative, poor energy accumulates in the corners. Moreover, this "garbage" of other people's people. These egregors can have a negative impact on you.

After careful cleaning, invite your friends and relatives to the new apartment, tick together this housewarming. So there is a chance to attract relatives to your life with my soul, sincere and devoted people.

First in a new apartment should go to your cat

There is a similar ritual that helps to attract financial wealth. To do this, put a couple of bills under the tablecloth in the kitchen. With a housewarming, this is very important, so neither be lazy to do it.

By orthodox traditionsIt would be desirable to sanctify a new apartment. For this, the priest is invited, he reads prayers, splashes the rooms with holy water. After that, the priest gives you an icon, and according to the rules, you must place it above the door. This ritual protects against evils, evil thoughts, bad intentions of guests, as well as quarrels and offense between family members.

Many believe in the house and what he guarded the house. When you move, it remains in the old house. How to pick up a house with sobody? To do this, deliberately call him with him. Explain to him that now the new home is a new home and for your home. He will definitely hear you. There are many people many people with a housewarming. You must know them, or hear from grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Let's look at the effective:

  • in your house or in the apartment in the corner there should be a broom, he will protect you from the evil eye, troubles and unclean power;
  • at the entrance above the door there should be horseshoe. Horseshoe symbolizes unity, strength and prosperity. It will protect your family from a long sorry, as well as from poverty;
  • another good thing in your house will be a bundle of different herbs. Preferably dried, they will also be a broom, protect against damage and evil eye.

Horseshoe symbolizes unity, strength and prosperity

There are many ways and methods with housewarming how to protect yourself from trouble, unclean power. There are those who told you grandmother, i.e ours, Slavic. And there are oriental signs and rituals. For example, Feng Shui. This is the search for the good energy for the location of a particular thing. Try, experiment, do those rituals and rites that you like.

Best days to move

Monday - a heavy day. This applies not only to work, but also the undertakings of some kind of business. Well, nevertheless? What day of the week will be burglary and safe to move to a new apartment or house?

  • Monday. Folk signs do not recommend moving on this day of the week. Therefore, it is better to wait.
  • Tuesday. On this day of the week you will be accompanied by luck, luck. Therefore, boldly begin to collect things.
  • Wednesday. Folk signs say that if on this day to move to a new home or in a new apartment, long at this place you will not live. It is better to transfer a housewarming.
  • Thursday. Not accurate definitionWhat day for housewarming is. Folk signs say that he is neutral. Therefore, this day can also become a chance of moving.
  • Friday. Folk rituals It is stolen that on this day it is better not to plan anything and not start.
  • Saturday. Very good and lucky day for moving. The road to the new home will be calm, without incident, so rather go.
  • Sunday. On this day, it is desirable not to work at all, but relax. Therefore, the housewarming cannot go and speech.

Together with you reviewed the signs and rituals at housewives. Also learned what day the week is better and more correctly moved to a new apartment. I hope you come in handy the above information. Be happy when you want, not only with a housewarming.

Faith in signs very firmly rooted in the consciousness of our person. So, the signs are governed by almost any phenomenon or an event that can occur in life. They did not go around and moving. And, accordingly, unfavorable and favorable days To move. And, perhaps, with the unsuccessful choice of day to change the place of residence, the whole life will differ in a new address to differ from the past, and not for the better. Astrologers tell us that better time There will be a period for moving when the moon increases (and several moon days In 3 and 4 phases of it).

And now everything is in order:

Have you finally decided to move to a new apartment? But when it is better to do it, you do not know? Many would say, but straight right away, and someone will think and say, and what day is more favorable? There is a lot to take on the day of moving. Everyone solve this problem in different ways, who thinks, in which days of the week it is better to move, who in which lunar days, etc.
Consider, for example, signs regarding the days of the week, as seven are known:

  1. Monday. Monday is considered a heavy day unfavorable for important affairs. It is also especially unfavorable for moving. When moving on this day you need to fear the misfortune.
  2. Tuesday. On this day, go on a journey or on the road is very successful, considered the most favorable day.
  3. Wednesday. On this day of the week, in no case cannot begin any new case, and since the relocation treats him, then it is better to cancel it. The people say that moving to a new apartment on this day, you will not live there for a long time, and guests are not going to visit.
  4. Thursday. This day is neutral, he foreshadows good luck, moving to a bang!
  5. Friday. Friday, like Monday, a very difficult and unfavorable day. It is also impossible to hob new cases, they foreshadow, collapse. Friday is unfavorable for moving, roads, travel.
  6. Saturday. She is similar to Tuesday, the day is fast and light, all things are solved by a raid, and everything happens most successfully. On Saturday you can go on the road, make moving.
  7. Sunday. This day of rest must be dedicated to God. It is better not to arrange any work, but to rest.

There is also the magic of numbers.
Here are the most favorable numbers for moving: 2,8,11,14,16,21,25.
Unfavorable: 5, 12, 13, 19, 22, 26, 29.
Moon day No less significant when moving. Moving is considered to be favorable when the moon in the Taurus, unfavorable when the moon in Scorpio, Lion and Capricorn.

With all these data and numbers, you can choose a certain most successful day for moving, and then it will pass without problems and misfortunes.

It is alleged: on what day you move, your future in the new home depends. Weather here important factor. For example, if moving to the snowfall - you will have a lot of money in a new house, you will live safely. Moving to the full moon will ensure an increase in abundance, and if you move to rainy weather, it will entail the explosion of diverse emotions. "

The day of the week is also considered very an important component: Monday Monday will bring a decrease in nightmares and strengthen confidence in its own physical abilities. On Tuesday, it gives more acute perception and growth of intelligence. While moving on Wednesday enhances all sorts of passion. If Thursday is selected for moving, the river money will flow through parade doorAnd if Friday is, in a new house will reign an atmosphere of love and harmony. Moving on Saturday is an excellent day for these purposes: everything will be obtained. On Sunday - a new one, the house will favorize all endeavors.

Here are some magical rules related to moving. Freeing the house, always leave money in it, no matter how much. It will bring good luck to you, and the future residents of this dwelling.

Before moving to a new house, put in shoes pieces of dirt taken in your former possessions. Leave it there until you are moving to a new place, and good times are provided to you.

Take the escape, process or bulb from some plants in the old house and put in a new garden. (The transport of home plants from the old place to the new is equivalent to this rite). To ensure stability among things introduced primarily, a very desirable subject that cannot be dried by the wind, for example, a massive armchair.

To get used to the energy of a new house, burn the blue or white candle, we will delight any Fimiam with a sweet smell and sit for a while, meditating how you will walk around the house. Mentally searched on it. You can tell a few words to the house or simply submit your life in it as you want. The house, which is left, must be subjected to "cleansing".

In the confusion of the move, such a ritual should be limited to several brief actions or words. However good planning You can choose the time to carry out the manipulation of the cleansing of the old house, as soon as they are taken out of the house the last things. This ritual can be in simple hacking with a sprig above his head three times in each room. You can use both "culinary" plot.

As possible to the date of your move, prepare something edible - loaf, pie, etc. in the form of a house. Use any recipes that you like. The dough can be a furnace in the form or cut the layers of the cake, give them needed species and freeze. You can use molds for baking in the form of a house. It doesn't matter how it will turn out, eat your "edible" house immediately before moving, and then you will take the basic essence of the house with you.

Moving to a new apartment. Signs and customs.

By moving to a new apartment, the signs to abide by, of course, it is possible, however, to insist on the strict performance of them, no one will not become. Nevertheless, very many refuse to enter their new home, without fulfilling the people recognized as the people. Among those most common is the tradition to run a cat to the house before entering themselves. And in the place where the cat will learn to relax on the floor, it is recommended to put a bed - dreams will be solely good for you. But the most important thing is to enter a new home with a good mood. And all the other will apply.

And now everything is in order:

Moving to a new apartment Event is very importantAnd as they say, in which mood you will run into your new home, with such a mood there and you will live. There is a lot of acceptance and superstitions, probably, everyone is familiar to us, and it's not a secret for anyone that the cat should stand on the threshold at home the first leg.

Previously, it was enough that she would just go on the first, and now people think about what foot she stepped, how she led themselves, etc. If you are from such people, then you must know the following to be known: "At what place the cat first falls, it's best to put your bed." Yes, it feels a wonderful way where good energy, and where is bad, and this is true, but there is very big butAnd suddenly she will fall in the kitchen, or God forbid in the bathroom? What then will you have a whole life to pour and sleep in the bath. It's even funny! Know that if she falls asleep, somewhere, in some extrarmal place, simply do not pay attention to it, and sleep where you want. But if she still fell asleep on the place where you were going to put a bed, then, of course, definitely put! Just be sure to follow what it was a cat, and not a cat, it is especially important that he would be black. It would be wonderful that the cat was affectionate and kind, then life in the new apartment you will be bright and happy.

Previously, our ancestors never moved to a new house without her house. By any paths, they lured him and took it with them. Today, few who do that, they either simply do not know or forgot what their parents, grandparents taught. The house should always be a house, to whom you get used to who protects you and protects against dangers. If you are friends with your home, then, as a rule, the troubles happening less, and all this thanks to it. But when you move, you do not need to offend the house, he is your friend, just take it with you. There is nothing difficult in this, there are many ways to do this: first, you can put a box with soft things on the threshold for 10 minutes before leaving, he will definitely be taken to her, and will be happy to go on a journey. And also, secondly, you can simply take a broom with you, and he will pass, together with you, on your new apartment.

Upon arrival at the place, it is not necessary to shove the cat with all the might that he went to the house, he should do it himself, you want your home to be welcoming, and you visited a lot of friends. Boxes must be discovered to release outwards. Be sure to put him a saucer with milk to the floor, because it is very tired on the road.

In the house you can also clean up, here are the most famous signs:

  1. Having arrived in a new home, be sure to spend wet cleaning, even if the apartment is empty, wash the walls and floors. This will help you to get rid of the negative energy of the existing, in this house.
  2. Also for happiness and well-being in the house, above the entrance door you need to nourish the metal horseshoe, horn down.
  3. You can not forget about the beastly too, threshing bundles in the corners, thereby defending itself from the penetration of unclean forces.
  4. There is one more sign, if you put a knife under the threshold (under the rug), then he will upset you from bad people.

Observing these signs and, adhering to these custom, your life in the new apartment will be bright and beautiful, and adversity will bypass you by the side.

Moving to a new home is a very weighty event in a person's life. Each of us wants to live in a new place long and happily.

At the moments of joy, it is especially important not to forget the rules for moving to a new home.

What do folk signs say

Exists a large number of It will take about moving to a new home, which are known for many times.

Which for example?

Consecration of the house. Be sure to invite the priest to consecrate the house before entering it. Let the candle pyrit in the house in the house. Read the prayer "Our Father". The sanctified house is considered a blessed God.

Icon and bread with salt. Never enter with empty hands in a new home.

The right day of moving. Sunday, Thursday or Friday - the most favorable days for moving. You will smile good luck, love and prosperity in a new house. Also, moving should be carried out on a growing moon or in full moon. It will attract material well-being in your home.

Moving a kitten to a new home. Everyone knows that the first threshold of the house should cross the cat, preferably black, with a calm and affectionate temper. People believed that the cat will take all negative energy to myself. The most important thing is not to register the cat forcibly. Everything should go at the request of the animal. After the cat goes, you can go the rest. Where the cat will fall for the first time, you need to put a bed. This place will be favorable for sleep.

If the cat still refuses to go to the house, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps this house is not your fortress.

Old broom - to a new home. With the help of an old broom, lure and take a house with you. It is believed that he must be in the house to take care and protect you from dangers. Upon arrival in the new home, treat the bribes. Put the old broom behind the entrance door handle down. He will protect you from unfriendly.

Metal Horseshoe, Which must be attached to the front door "Horn up" - for happiness and good luck. If you hang the horseshoe "horn down", then all well-being will leave.

Silver coins Abandoned on the floor in a new house, bring the wealth of his residents. They will not be superfluous and 3 coins under the rug at the house left there forever.

Neutralization of negative energy. This will help you cleaning at home. Surround the windows, gender and everything else glitter from purity. Get rid of dust and garbage.

Grass from unclean power. The protection will be a bunch of dry grass of the Hypericum, Celebre or Chertopoloha, placed in the corner of the house.

Housewarming. Of great importance is organized meal in honor of moving to a new home. Do not skit, covered festive table. Also, do not forget to invite relatives and neighbors.

video - Rules of a happy moving to a new home:

Vintage customs. For or opp

Folk signs are, of course, good, but how to be to us modern peoplewho are always fussing, hurry somewhere? Sometimes, do not even remember the elder customers. So the question arises, whether to do them?

Undoubtedly, this is the case of everyone. Some people consider all the usual superstitions, close their eyes and go boldly in life, others - do everything to the smallest detail to be calm and not to distort themselves for irresponsibility the rest of life.

Of course, it is important to know which customs of moving to a new home exist, but there is no need to copy them to blindly. Much in our real world is already outdated and does not have such an important value as before. So follow your worldview, but the edge of the eye still look into the past.

video - Traditions and rites when moving:

Finally, remember, changing the house, we change our destiny. Know the customs of moving to a new home, but to keep them or not, to solve only you.