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Lunar calendar for May year dream book. Calendar for May. Favorable lunar days

Useful advice

The first week of the month It is not particularly suitable to address issues related to papers, negotiations, the design of various documents, signing important contracts. This is due to the reversal of Mercury, which will occur May 3 2017 , But a few days after this event, all cases that relate to Mercury (listed above) are worth a very careful.

In the first week of the month We do not advise you to go for large purchases, as Mercury also relates to trade. This applies to the period from May 1 to 6. These days it is better to refrain from shopping for technology, electronics, phones. In addition, this is the time of the growing moon, which means that favorable shopping will make it much more difficult: sellers are not particularly located to sell good things with big discounts. In addition, there is a big risk that buying will be unsuccessful and will have to return it or change.

ATTENTION! The weak moon of the month will be observed in the following periods:

Periods of the Moon without a course, when you can not start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.05.2017 23:23 - 02.05.2017 7:12

04.05.2017 7:35 - 04.05.2017 12:46

06.05.2017 15:42 - 06.05.2017 21:20

09.05.2017 1:59 - 09.05.2017 8:00

11.05.2017 0:42 - 11.05.2017 19:59

14.05.2017 5:14 - 14.05.2017 8:37

16.05.2017 13:22 - 16.05.2017 20:50

19.05.2017 3:33 - 19.05.2017 6:52

21.05.2017 6:39 - 21.05.2017 13:11

23.05.2017 9:59 - 23.05.2017 15:33

24.05.2017 22:08 - 25.05.2017 15:15

27.05.2017 9:18 - 27.05.2017 14:24

29.05.2017 9:59 - 29.05.2017 15:12

31.05.2017 14:14 - 31.05.2017 19:16

Magic time of the month: May 25 at 22:43 (in Moscow) There will be a new moon. From now on the magic will begin 1st lunar daythat will end May 26 at 05:00. This month, the magic clock falls out at night, so many of you will be difficult to force themselves to wake up in the morning or late to lie down in order to think about what you really want. However, it is worth doing this, because the right time will have to wait for a whole month.


♋ 1 May, Monday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:04.CANCER

Moon without a course from 23:23

Symbols of the day : Unicorn, crane. Today is not the most favorable aspects of the Moon, so we advise you to postpone the beginning of new important affairs. Since this is a festive day, it is good to rest well and work less. Spend this holiday in the family circle, throw out all the alarms, try to relax normally and not think about work and important things. If you have to go to work on this day, try not to take complex tasks, but leave all the simplest on this Monday.

What should not be done : engage in advertising, make important decisions related to your family, home, negotiate (great risks that they will be ineffective), make out important papers, go on trips, to start learning some questions, load yourself physically, take money in Debt or make loans.

Purchases : Not the best day for shopping: shopping trip can leave you disappointed, you will find it difficult to find what you need. Today you can buy something not too expensive. For example, various little things for home. But it is better to save and not spend your time on shopping.

♋♌ 2 May, Tuesday. 6th, 7th lunar day at 10:13.CANCER , A LION from 07:12.

Moon without a course to 07:11

Symbols of the day : Unicorn, Wand (Wind Rose, Keys). The moon is approaching the change of the lunar phase, so this day is not suitable for undertakings, even though it is a growing moon. Your affairs may have irresistible difficulties. In the first half of the day (especially until 10:30), the Moon and Venus will comply in very favorable aspect, And this is a good time for creative work, to communicate with sweethearts, for dating. Well at this time also please be loved by pleasant gifts. You can wear new clothes and shoes that will help raise self-esteem and mood. Do not spend this day too passively. On this day it is best to relax, spend time with close people and pleasant companies.

What should not be done : Start new important cases, especially concerning your children or beloved, lead important business negotiations, contact requests to superiors or higher instances.

Purchases : It is better to postpone.

♌ 3 May, Wednesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:25.A LION

I quarter, second phase moon from 05:45

Symbols of the day : Wand (wind rose, keys), Phoenix. A good day, one of the most successful days of the month. Today it is good to start new things if they not related to Mercury. For example, you should not sign documents or draw up documents, but it is quite possible to start projects related to creative activities. Spend this day actively, you can visit entertainment institutions and various cultural events. It is not necessary to get acquainted, but you can go on a date.

What should not be done : Today, Mercury comes out of retrograde movement and will be static. This means that this day should not be solved any affairs related to documents, travel, negotiations. It is also dangerous to start the cases that are connected with Mercurian activities is also dangerous. Since they will be very difficult to budge. If your activity is directly related to texts, translations, negotiations or trips, be especially careful, and it is better to take the day off.

Purchases : Small and minor, but it is better not to spend money at all.

♌♍ 4 May, Thursday. 8th, 9th lunar day at 12:39.A LION , VIRGO from 12:47.

Moon without a course from 07:35 to 12:46

Symbols of the day : Phoenix, Milky Way (Bat, Mother Milk). With the moon without a course it is impossible to start anything new. In general, the first week of this month is well suited to complete any cases associated with papers, office, movements, since Mercury is static. New things will not be successful, but the completion of old promises to be very effective. Today, a fairly weak moon, which once again indicates that new affairs may be small. In the afternoon, you can clean up the house, in the office or on the desktop.

What should not be done : To quarrel, find out the relationship, criticize people from the nearest environment, sign important documents, to make paperwork, negotiate, contact requests for the authorities, start repair.

Purchases : Today is better not particularly spent, since Mercury is still static. You can make small and minor purchases.

♍ 5 May, Friday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:52.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : Milky Way (Bat Mouse, Mother Milk), Fountain (Mushroom, Water Source, Fallos). This day is in charge of hidden dangers, which are difficult to predict. In the first half of the day there may be a cash loss. Most favorable time of the day - with 14:30 to 17:15. A good day for cleaning and guidance of the order around yourself, to sort things and documents.

What should not be done : To trust your money to unfamiliar people, to make investments, engage in important affairs related to commerce and documents, negotiate with foreigners.

Purchases : Today you can go shopping for something necessary in everyday life and in everyday life. You can buy books, stationery, personal hygiene items, medication cosmetics medication.

♍♎ 6 May, Saturday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:04.VIRGO , LIBRA from 21:20

Moon without a course from 15:42 to 21:19

Symbols of the day : Fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth). Today, postpone the decision of important financial issues, as they will not bring the desired result. In the morning hangs negative Aspect of the Moon and Saturnwhich can give obstacles and all sorts of trouble. Maybe about yourself to know some old obligations. In paper matters there may be difficulties. Potion and criticality on this day will be especially noticeable, from here there may be quarrels and disagreements with loved ones. The day is good for small cleaning and sorting things, but not for important affairs!

What should not be done : Take money in debt, make out loans, arrange weddings, holidays and techniques, deal with serious monetary issues, to start new important things that are related to real estate, land plots, cash investment.

Purchases : The day is not suitable for large purchases. You can buy something small, not spending large sums.

♎ 7 May, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day at 16:14.LIBRA

Symbols of the day : Crown (Range, Fire Sword, Labyrinth), Bowl (Heart). Energy will now be at a high level. You can arrange engagement. Good go on a date, to the theater, in a movie or a concert. Any cultural program Leaves good impressions. It is better to do sports on this day or some kind of physical work. You can easily solve any problems in partnerships. Raised mood and optimism will accompany you all day.

What should not be done : Do business related to fire, gland, complicated technology.

Purchases : Good buy cosmetics, perfume, clothing. We do not recommend buying knives and other sharp objects, as well as animals.

May 8, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day at 17:23.LIBRA

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spin). Increased emotional excitability can exhausize you physically and attract problems in relations with partners. Try not to find out the relationship and do not plan things that you cannot solve alone. Listen to the opinion of the parquets. Do not criticize them or find out relationships with them. May be unexpected news Or unpleasant unexpected situations in which you or your partners. With new acquaintances, there may be some surprises that you may not like, so it is better not to go to search for new acquaintances. You can visit cultural events.

What should not be done : make up and sign important paper, get acquainted, negotiate, move, go on trips.

Purchases : Shopping may be unpleasant to surprise, so we take new unverified products with care. We do not advise you to buy something expensive.

9 May, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:31.LIBRA , SCORPIO from 08:01

Moon without a course from 01:59 to 08:00

Symbols of the day : Wheel (spiner), pipe (call). Good day for collaboration, search for missing things, but not for serious change. If you relax on this holiday, try not to relax too much. FROM 13:00 to 15:00 - the most an unfavorable time To start new cases, since the moon will be very weak (unfavorable degree of the moon).

What should not be done : Submit to court, move, engage in important affairs related to apartment or house.

Purchases : You can buy cars, equipment and machines, as well as antique things (but not from 13:00 to 15:00).

See also: Where to hide money? Useful inventions for those who have them

♏ May 10, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:38.SCORPIO

Symbols of the day : Pipe (call), fire snakes (jacal with wings). The day is quite tense, as the full moon is approaching. Emotional instability may interfere with the implementation of plans. It is better to do something insignificant on this day, do not plan important things.

What should not be done : Start new business, to start a course of treatment, participate in entertainment activities, start repairing or go on a journey, conflict and find out the relationship.

Purchases : It is better to postpone.

Lunar calendar 2017: Favorable days


May 11, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:44.SCORPIO , SAGITTARIUS from 20:00

Full moon at 00:41

Moon without a course from 00:42 to 19:59

Symbols of the day : Fire snakes (jackal with wings), butterfly (pigeon). The time of the moon without a course is the time of the clutch and peace. Today is just such a day. From 20:00 to 22:00 - Bad time to take money in debt: It will be difficult to give. Conflicts with the lender may be subsequently. If you would like to "fail" some matter, then not to find a better day! Today the moon will be too weak to help in the exercise of the desired. Continue any cases started earlier.

What should not be done : Start any matters whose result is important for you.

Purchases : It is better to postpone at least until 20:00, since with the moon without a course you are unlikely to find what you need, or spend the money wasted.

♐ 12 May, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:46.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : Butterfly (pigeon), grape cluster (bells). Positive and negative aspects of the moon will make this day rather saturated and very memorable. In the first half of the day it is good to go to distant and neighboring trips, communicate with foreigners, solve some cases related to abroad. Also, the first half of the day (until 12:30) is suitable for dating; You can take a debt move to a new place of residence or in a new office. Today you can visit the church or seek advice to spiritual people. It is not worth starting to start some trials, but consultations with lawyers are quite acceptable. You can go on a trip (especially until 13:00).

What should not be done : To find out the relationship, passing money, join conflicts, promise something.

Purchases : Today you can easily go shopping, especially until 12:30. It is at this time that it is good to buy cosmetics, perfumery, because the moon and Venus will be in a favorable aspect. In the afternoon, be careful with the purchases: there is a risk lose money. Also in the afternoon, the moon will approach a negative aspect with Mars, and this may indicate that it will be difficult for you to negotiate with the seller. It is impossible to buy real estate. The day is suitable for small purchases.

♐ 13 May, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:43.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : Grape cluster (bells), mirror (monkey, ice). Although 17th lunar day Traditionally, it is considered easy and relaxing, it is impossible to say about this day, since the moon is approaching the connection with Saturn in the Sagittarius. Be careful: today it will easily overestimate your capabilities. Do not take on faith all that hear. Today it is necessary to make order in matters, thoughts, you can clean up. Well be alone.

What should not be done : New things are better not to start: they are doomed to failure. We do not advise you to give any serious promises, start building, engage in long-term commitments, arrange a wedding, go on a trip to the mountains.

Purchases : Small, not too expensive. You may not be too satisfied with the purchase. Go to the shop with a clear shopping plan. It is impossible to buy real estate or land.

14 May, Sunday, 18th, 19th lunar day at 23:35.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 08:38.

Moon without a course from 05:14 to 08:37

Symbols of the day : Mirror (monkey, ice), network (spider). With the moon without a course you can not start anything new and important. Today is a good day for wood routine work. For example, it is good to do general cleaning. You can solve some organizational issues or appoint negotiations. However, not all things can be successfully completed. Good get rid of bad habits, such as smoking. On this day you will be easier to quit, as the will power is quite strong now.

What should not be done : Give things to dry cleaning, iron, give or take money into debt, make out loans, making plastic operations, designate dates, solve important financial issues, arrange wedding celebrations.

Purchases : Today it is better not to buy cosmetics and clothing, as they will quickly know you. Large amounts are also better not to spend. It is better to buy something necessary, without which it is difficult for you to do.

♑ 15 May, Monday, 19th lunar day from 00:00.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : Network (spider). On this day, emotions can be easier to restrain or keep under control, although inner concerns and disturbing thoughts are not excluded. Moreover, 19th lunar day - Not the most successful day of the month. If possible, do not be serious about this day, but especially do not risk it!

What should not be done : give things to dry cleaning, ironing; until 13:30 it is impossible: To enter into financial transactions, negotiate with foreigners, go to long journeys, to start learning a foreign language, contact the authorities or high-ranking officials, ask for advice from a reputable person.

Purchases : Today you risk spending more than planned. It is better to save and buy only the most necessary.

See also:

♑♒ 16 May, Tuesday, 20th lunar day from 00:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 20:50

Moon without a course from 13:22 to 20:49

Symbols of the day : Eagle. Today, unexpected news may appear, there may be disturbing thoughts and premonitions. It is better not to start new things, but to engage in the continuation of old. Thanks favorable aspect Between the sun and the moon you can have a tide of strength and the desire to act. However, it is worth acting with caution, since the results can be obtained extremely unexpected. In the first half of the day, it is possible to make marriage, especially if there is a big difference between the bride and groom, marriages with a widow or widow or marriage for the calculation.

What should not be done : give things to dry cleaning, stroke (until 21:00), sign important paper, to engage in paper matters at all; To appoint business meetings and important meetings (it will be difficult to agree), writing important statements, start repairing, building, playing gambling, engage in resale of anything.

Purchases : Not bad for shopping - until 12:30. Today you have a chance to get a good product with a big discount. Large purchases this month do is not the best solution. However, if you still can't wait, you can purchase land or real estate. You can also buy something for the purpose of resale. With the moon without a course, it is better not to buy anything and do not go shopping at all.

♒ 17 May, Wednesday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:37.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : Eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot). Good day for dating, dates, visits to concerts, theaters, cinemas, etc. The day is suitable for recreation and entertainment. You can arrange small banquet houseor go to visit. Caution decide on money regarding money. But today you can take small loans and loans, engaged in advertising. This day should be carried out quite actively.

What should not be done : There are no special restrictions.

Purchases : Today is a good day for shopping, especially household appliances, computers, phones. You can also go for the purchase of trendy modern clothes, new products of cosmetic brands. Permissible to buy the property (But remember that this is not the ideal time for this).

♒ 18 May, Thursday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:36.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : Horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key). The approach of the shift of the lunar phase may prevent you from endeavors, but the favorable aspects of the moon will help to get good results from affairs that will continue. For example, well to continue affairs related to modern technician, accurate devices. You can continue to introduce innovative ideas and innovations. A good day to get knowledge, self-education, reading, searching for the necessary literature and drawing up lists and plans for study. You can try to apply phenomenal abilities or think about solving some problems with an unconventional way. An excellent day to study astrology or receiving other interesting knowledge. Calculate with debts.

What should not be done : Start new affairs and projects, contact important institutions, change jobs, repair computers and electrical appliances.

Purchases : It is better to postpone.

♒♓ 19 May, Friday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:55.AQUARIUS , FISH from 06:52

III quarter, fourth moon phase from 03:31

Moon without a course with 03:33 to 06:51

Symbols of the day : Elephant (book, golden key), crocodile. Sympathy and care are keywords that belong to this day. It will be difficult to solve any legal issues, especially in the first half of the day. It is worth going to go to any long journey, and it is better to postpone the departure at least until 18:00. Good to engage in charity or any creative work.

What should not be done : To conclude important contracts (especially with foreigners), get acquainted (especially with foreigners), arrange weddings, presentations or open exhibitions.

Purchases : Buy something big and expensive on this day it is impossible. You can buy something small and insignificant. It is better not to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics.

♓ 20 May, Saturday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:20.FISH

Symbols of the day : Crocodile, Bear. ATTENTION! Damaged moon! An unfavorable day, one of the most unfavorable months due to damaged Moon. Day, full deceptions, misunderstandings and conflicts. There may be pity for yourself, unpleasant emotions are not excluded. It is worth considering health with special attention, as poisoning, exacerbation of chronic diseases, injuries by negligence, etc.

What should not be done : Start new things, give or take money into debt, make out loans, start repair, move, invest money, demand debt pay, negotiate with someone about something, commerce, sign important documents.

Purchases : Shopping should be done with special caution. It will be difficult to negotiate with the seller, and in the event of problems with the product, it will be difficult to return it. Therefore, we do not advise you to spend large sums today. Before you buy something, think again, do you need it, do you need it.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♓♈ 21 May, Sunday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:42.FISH , ARIES from 13:11

Moon without a course from 06:39 to 13:10

Symbols of the day : Bear, Turtle (sink, urn with ashes, two vessels with lively and dead water). For the first half of the day, do not plan important things, to continue well or complete the started in the past. When the moon turns out to be in the sign of the Aries, it will be good to deal with cases that require quick completion. Especially favorable from 13:00 to 14:00. At this hour, it is well planned to schedule cases that are related to commercial activities or associated with real estate, repair (they can be started during this period). Also, at this hour, you can start looking for work or go to the interview for a new job: more chances that these cases will be successful.

What should not be done : Start long-term business.

Purchases : The first half of the day is not suitable for shopping, since this is the time of the moon without a course. In the afternoon you can buy sportswear and inventory. Also at this time you can buy something that will not lie idle for a long time, quickly used. From 13:00 to 14:00 You can buy a car.

♈ 22 May, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:04.ARIES

Symbols of the day : Turtle (sink, urn with ashes, two vessels with lively and dead water), toad (swamp). A good day for active activities: you can do sports or download yourself to physical work. You can ask the bosses about the increase. Commercial activity may be successful. Labor productivity is likely to be on high level, so you can have a lot of time. Plan on this day, the cases that require rapid completion. For example, you can demand to return you a debt (better in the period from 13:00 to 17:00).

What should not be done : Transfer money, arrange weddings, banquets, take or give money in debt, try to solve financial problems, put somewhere money, register firms.

Purchases : Today it is best to go shopping from 13:00 to 17:00. At this time you can buy clothes and cosmetics. The first half of the day is not suitable for shopping: you risk spending money on nonsense. Also this day is suitable for buying a car (great chances to buy a car at a reduced price).

♈♉ 23 May, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day with 03:27.ARIES , CALF from 15:33

Moon without a course from 09:59 to 15:32

Symbols of the day : Toad (swamp), trident (wand, ship ). Until 10:00 You can contact the authorities with requests and suggestions, continue searching for new work. When the moon is in the Taurus sign, you can solve some of the issues related to finance. This is the time of decreasing moon. Lunar month is almost at its own completion, so the day is more suitable for completion of casesbut not started new! You can move to a new place of residence, or in a new office (after 15:30), if you are already ready and there is a desire to leave last last life. Also in the second half of the day it is good to make reports, databases, call somewhere in an important thing, draw up and sign documents.

What should not be done : engage in speculative activities, repair computers, phones and other equipment and appliances.

Purchases : Purchases are allowed until 10:00 and after 15:30. Promotion of the purchase of real estate and other large purchases (make sure that these purchases have been planned for you and are not impulsive). In the morning you can buy a car.

♉ 24 May, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:53.CALF

Moon without a course from 22:08

Symbols of the day : Trident (wand, ship), lotus (karma). Not bad day. The lunar month comes to an end, so today it is better not to start new things, but to complete the started in the past. You can deal with stock operations, draw up final testament, finish the registration of monetary documents, to conclude or extend the contracts after the negotiations.

What should not be done : There are no special restrictions.

Purchases : You can still try happiness, going shopping. You can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics. But too expensive shopping do not recommend. You can buy decorations for a home or office, to create a cozy atmosphere.

♉♊ 25 May, Thursday, 28th, 29th from 04:23, 1st lunar day from 22:43.CALF , TWINS from 15:15

Moon without a course until 15:14

New Moon at 22:43.

ATTENTION! Magic day! Symbols of the day : Lotus (karma), spruit (hydra, maya), lamp (lamp, third eye). On this day, the moon will be rather weak, so it is extremely recommended to start new things today. Do not do any difficult work where patience is required, accuracy and attentiveness. If possible, take the day off, spend this day outdoors. After 22:43. You can begin to make a desire and make plans for the future. Mental and creative work on this day will bring more benefits than physical work.

What should not be done : Start new things, start new projects, go to a new job place, make important decisions.

Purchases : It is better to postpone.


♊ 26 May, Friday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:00.TWINS

Symbols of the day : Lamp (lamp, third eye), Horn of abundance (mouth). Although on this day there are many favorable aspects of the moon, it approaches the negative aspects with pest planets. This means that the day will be saturated. most different events. Today, your reactions to what is happening may be quite violent, but you should not succumb to feelings and try to find out the relationship immediately. You may find it difficult to solve any financial problems that have arisen. There may be deceptions and self-deceptions. Be optimistic, use your sense of humor and talents to solve problems. Much forces can be spent on trifles. The information received on this day may be incorrectly understood, or incorrectly presented, so it is worth being particularly attentive!

What should not be done : Move important negotiations: It will be difficult to focus and come to an agreement, to start new very important cases, especially related to real estate, land plots.

Purchases : With the growth of the moon shopping will not be so profitable. Time is suitable for good sales. Today is not the most successful day for large purchases, but you can buy cosmetics, perfume.

♊♋ 27 May, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:47.TWINS , CANCER from 14:25

Moon without a course from 09:18 to 14:24

Symbols of the day : Horn of abundance (mouth), Bars (leopard). Not bad day. Until 14:30 - Peace time and relaxation. Do not start new things. To communicate well and exchange views and ideas, collect information about something. When the moon is in the sign of cancer, it is good to do homemade. The evening is good for family celebrations and gatherings. You can go on a trip to the water or in the holiday home.

What should not be done : Start new important things before 14:30.

Purchases : Until 09:30 you can buy phones, computers and any gadgets. With the moon without a course, do not go shopping, as it will be difficult for you to find something suitable. After 14:30 you can buy the necessary items for the house (dishes, underwear, towels, etc.). Cosmetics and clothing is better not to buy.

♋ 28 May, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:46.CANCER

Symbols of the day : Bars (leopard), Tree of knowledge. Emotionally day can be rather rich and overloaded. Do not undermine too much. It is better to relax in the family circle. Observe the security equipment in everyday life.

What should not be done : Having arrange a wedding, give or take debt money, take loans, to schedule financial transactions; until 12:00 it is impossible: Go to long journeys, ask for advice from reputable people, contact requests to the authorities or officials, to apply to the court.

Purchases : Today you can make minor purchases. Do not go shopping without a clear list of purchases. There is a big risk of buying something unnecessary and in vain to throw money into the wind.

♋♌ 29 May, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:54.CANCER , A LION from 15:12.

Moon without a course from 09:59 to 15:11

Symbols of the day : Tree of knowledge, unicorn. Unsuccessful, honeycomb day: be careful if you are engaged in any risky activities. Be especially attentive on the roads. Risks are especially high in the morning. After 15:00, when the moon will be in the sign of the lion, there will be a better time for the beginning of new cases. For example, it is good to engage in advertising, turn to the authorities or in higher authorities with some requests, proceed to construction or a new project. Creative people will appear inspiration and new creative ideas. In the evening you can go to theater, movie, restaurant or concert.

What should not be done : Do not start new important things from 10:00 to 15:00.

Purchases : Purchases made up to 15:00 are unlikely to bring you joy. It is better to postpone them. After 15:00 you can buy decorations and products from gold and other precious metals. However, remember that the sellers will hardly shoot down prices, and good discounts are unlikely to get.

♌ 30 May, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:08.A LION

Symbols of the day : Unicorn, crane. In general, the day promises to be quite favorable. Although paper affairs are better not to do, today is well resting. Have fun or engage in creativity. You can go somewhere with children or pay them more attention to the house. You can arrange a small banquet or go to visit.

What should not be done : Register and sign important documents, to go on a business trip with important tasks, please contact the authorities or applying for important authorities (a great risk of refusal).

Purchases : You can buy inexpensive jewelry, goods for children or creativity.

♌♍ 31 May, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day at 10:24.A LION , VIRGO from 19:16.

Moon without a course from 14:14 to 19:15

Symbols of the day : Unicorn, Wand (Wind Rose, Keys). A good, favorable day, the moon will not make any intense aspects now, so many things will easily decide. Do not start anything on the moon without a course! But the first half of the day is suitable for visiting hairdressers and salons, to compile the wills, to appeal to the authorities with requests and new proposals, to start construction, to start various new projects, for dating, for dating, to buy a lottery ticket. Introducing new ideas well, especially creative.

What should not be done : There are no special restrictions. Do not start new things from 14:14 to 19:15.

Purchases : Before the moon will be without a course, go well for shopping clothes, cosmetics, decorations. Especially good shopping until 9:00 (for example, in online stores). After 19:00 you can buy household appliances, personal hygiene objects, as well as any books.

Different cases and most favorable days for them in May 2017

Cleaning:4-6, 9, 11, 14-16
Wet cleaning:4-6, 23, 24
Wash:11, 19-21
Washing windows and glasses: 12, 13, 17, 18
Ironing linen:11-13, 17-24
Dry cleaning:11-13, 17-24
Start of repair:14, 23, 24
Start of construction at home: 29, 30
Moving:12, 17, 23, 24
Signing important documents: 23, 24
Searches for new work: 21-23
Appeal to the authorities: 14, 21, 22, 29
Translations and receipt of money, loans, debts: 17, 23, 24
Dating, dating, engagement: 2, 7, 11, 12, 17, 23, 24, 29
Trips to rest to the reservoirs: 12, 27, 28
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 12, 19, 27, 28
Trips to Mountains:14
Business trips: 5, 12, 14
Visit theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 2, 3, 6-8, 17, 23, 24, 29-31
Banquets and celebrations: 2, 3, 12, 17, 23, 24, 29-31
Weddings:15, 16, 23, 29, 31
Judicial and legal issues: 27, 29
Solving important financial issues: 23, 24
Investments (small): 12, 23, 24
Commercial activity: 5, 21, 22
Gambling and Lottery Win: 29, 30, 31
Exchange operations: 23, 24
Document registration: 12, 23, 24
Testament design: 17, 23, 24, 31
Advertising:12, 17, 18, 29-31
Small purchases:17, 26
Large purchases: 17, 23
Shopping cosmetics, perfumery, clothes, decorations: 7, 22-24, 26, 29-31
Property Shopping: 17, 23
Buying a car: 21-23
The probability of unexpected spending: 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 20, 26, 30
Losses of money, cheating, scam, fraud: 5, 12, 19, 26
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 17, 23, 24
The most dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 10, 20, 25

Lunar calendar for May 2017 predicts both professional and spiritual growth. Everything around it is born, filled with sunlight, so you need to take on new things. Listen to the vote of the mind and advice of experienced people. In full moon - May 11, it is necessary to analyze what is happening that he will continue to do not make rapid steps. The new moon in May is the 25th, when it is necessary to conclude transactions and strengthen financial position. The lunar calendar for May 2017 advises to pay attention even to minor symptoms that may be harbing diseases.

May 1, 2017, Monday
6 lunar day from 9:04. Today is the moon in cancer

The lunar calendar for May 2017 recommends going on a trip, enter into contracts and commit important things. All that was planned, successfully and quickly embodies. Listen carefully what people say. It is possible that they will present you a wise lesson and give advice for the future.

May 2, 2017, Tuesday
7 lunar day at 10:13. Today, the moon in Lev from 07:13

Nature wakes up, it means that you need to take an example from it - fill with energy, optimism and take for new things. Be frank with people, work with pleasure and do not be dug. Excellent day for cardinal changes, long-distance trips and welfare improvements.

May 3, 2017, Wednesday
8 lunar day from 11:25. Today, the moon in Lev

Today you need to focus on the most important and primary affairs, as well as practical treat everything that concerns money. It is advisable to go to reconciliation, both with people and with your own conscience. Do not hurry with conclusions and conclusions. To clean the dwelling from the negative, you can walk around the house with a lit candle.

May 4, 2017, Thursday
9 lunar day at 12:39. Today, the moon in the Virgin from 12:47

A difficult day for the perception of the surrounding and understanding of loved ones. Before doing something, you need to carefully consider all the nuances. Try to protect yourself today from communicating, both with relatives and friends. Business meetings should also be transferred to a more convenient time.

May 5, 2017, Friday
10 lunar day from 13:52. Today is the moon in the Virgo

The lunar calendar for May 2017 advises to limit communication with negative people. Clean internally from what prevents to be implemented and move forward. Do not deny the help of people who are sincerely calculated. If you go on your desires, it is fraught with emotional disruptions and disappointments.

May 6, 2017, Saturday
11 Lunar day from 15:04. Today is the moon in the scales from 21:20

Today you should not build distant plans and take on new things. Better complete what has already been done. Put small things in priority, and keep emotions "in the cord". Disputes, conflicts and legal proceedings should be avoided. Otherwise, all these processes will delay for a long time.

May 7, 2017, Sunday
12 Lunar day from 16:14. Today, the moon in the scales

An excellent day in order to give debts, completing past things and fulfill the desires of other people. It is not recommended to plan shopping trip, as well as take part in mass events. Sharp words and deeds can be offended by those who trust you and loves.

May 8, 2017, Monday
13 lunar day at 17:23. Today, the moon in the scales

Less fuss and foul language! Then this day you will live without complaints from loved ones. Holidays in nature will benefit as spiritual and physical condition. There is a chance that all dreams and good thoughts will be brought into reality.

May 9, 2017, Tuesday
14 lunar day from 18:31. Today, the moon in Scorpio from 8:01

The lunar calendar for May 2017 recommends to get together with thoughts and enrich spiritually. Do not make rapid conclusions, otherwise you will be paid for it. Try any promises, especially if there are all the prerequisites for this. Communicate with "related souls" - they will understand and help the Council.

May 10, 2017, Wednesday
15 Lunar day from 19:38. Today, the moon in scorpion

In order to spend this day calmly and with benefit, you need to be emotionally discreet and friendly. Important solutions take together with loved ones. If you plan something, first calculate the mentally all the pros and cons of this enterprise. To any problems, take away the share of humor.

Descending Moon in May 2017

May 11, 2017, Thursday
16 lunar day from 20:44. Full moon at 00:41. Today is the moon in Sagittarius from 20:00.

Today is full moon, so do not take active steps in life. It is necessary to complete the work done high quality, and also get rid of all negative. If you want to live in safe and calmly, then burn the candle and meditate.

May 12, 2017, Friday
17 Lunar day from 21:46. Today is the moon in Sagittar

An excellent day in order to attract cosmic energy. Look for reliable business partners, make new acquaintances and talk with long-standing friends. There is an opportunity to make it with those who were in a quarrel for a long time. Help people and look for new ways to success.

May 13, 2017, Saturday
18 Lunar day from 22:43. Today is the moon in Sagittar

The lunar calendar for May 2017 recommends remaining to remain a true face in any situations. Try to first solve your problems, and then engage in others. Less nervous and follow the course of events. From business and personal offers, it is impossible to refuse, especially if another such incident is not expected.

14 May 2017, Sunday
19 Lunar day from 23:35. Today is the moon in Capricorn from 8:38

Good day for internal conversion. If everything goes wrong, you have planned, then look for mistakes in yourself and your behavior. Quietly reveal to critical comments in your address. If they are structural, then listen to the advice and do not be offended.

May 15, 2017, Monday
20 lunar day at 0:19. Today is the moon in Capricorn

If you are full of energy and inspiration, then this day will be held under the plus sign. Those who easily fall under the influence of other people can please in unpleasant situations. It is desirable to solve all problems independently, and not to listen to the advice of envious personalities. Limit visiting places where many people.

May 16, 2017, Tuesday
20 lunar day at 0:19. Today, the moon in aquarium from 20:50

A wonderful day to relax on the lap of nature, communicating with relatives and a family holiday. Listen to intuition, make information and do not fuss without reason. Today you need to be silent more, watch and listen to the advice of wise people.

May 17, 2017, Wednesday
21 lunar day at 0:57. Today is the moon in aquare

The lunar calendar for May 2017 recommends being meticulous even in trifles. From boring work it is not worth refusing - it will make a profit. Any business is brought to a logical completion, as well as use your rich potential for creative purposes. Clean the spiritually to look positively on the surrounding reality.

May 18, 2017, Thursday
22 lunar day from 1:28. Today is the moon in aquare

Creative day for those who are truly talented and hardworking. You can even risk slightly and become an altruist to achieve the desired one. Successfully will be held meetings, negotiations on a commercial basis and charitable shares. The chances of mutual understanding with people are very high.

May 19, 2017, Friday
23 lunar day from 1:55. Today is the moon in the fish at 6:52

New information will be useful to you in the future, so do not miss the chance to collect it and fix in memory. Take care of patience and excerpt to make the future prosperous. Any errors will only benefit if you leave a lesson from your misconduct. Romantic dating is possible.

May 20, 2017, Saturday
24 lunar day from 2:20. Today is the moon in the fish

Excellent will be all new things, long-distance trips and business contracts. If today "Watch" your chance today, then it will not come back soon. Listen to people, do not interrupt and make appropriate conclusions. A new vision of both close people and their own "I" will open.

May 21, 2017, Sunday
25 Lunar day from 2:42. Today, the moon in the Avnel at 13:11

The lunar calendar for May 2017 advises to be restrained, perfected and patient. Before making decisions, you need to think about everything and weigh. It is necessary to engage only by those cases that you have long known. Otherwise, problems in your life will arrive twice as much.

May 22, 2017, Monday
26 Lunar day at 3:04. Today, the moon in the Aries

A good day for those who decide to devote him to rest, contemplation and reflections on life. You can do yoga, meditation and other spiritual practitioners. Try not to envy anyone, do not be angry and give the surrounding smile. If everything is clearly planted, then the day will bring success and financial profit.

May 23, 2017, Tuesday
27 Lunar day at 3:27. Today is the moon in Taurce from 15:33

A difficult day in mental terms, so it is better to spend it in the gym or after another occupation requiring emotional unloading. Fit strictly by regime, eliminate alcohol and conflicts with people. Do not be offended to criticism and nervous on trifles.

May 24, 2017, Wednesday
28 Lunar day from 3:53. Today is the moon in Taurce from 15:33

An excellent day when you can free yourself from the negative and attract positive energy. If your thoughts are bright and kind, then this will affect the surrounding people. Do not go on the crowd of people, and it is better to stick to their eyes and principles. Support to those who really need it.

Growing Moon in May 2017

May 25, 2017, Thursday
29 lunar day from 4:23; 1 Lunar day from 22:44. Today, the moon in the twins from 15:16. New Moon at 22:43.

The lunar calendar for May 2017 advises to pacify the pride, envy and vanity. All these qualities will bring only problems as in communicating with people and their own life. It is necessary to surround close people care and love, as well as help with advice.

May 26, 2017, Friday
2 lunar day from 5:00. Today is the moon in the twins.

Today it is necessary to accept the circumstances and be "peace of mind." Do not let other people manage their thoughts and behavior. If you become a puppet, you will lose credibility in the circle of friends. Refuse to participate in events where many people are too noisy.

May 27, 2017, Saturday
3 lunar day from 5:47. Today is the moon in a cancer from 14:25.

A busy day that requires care and collens. There are betrayals, lies and health problems. It is impossible to be lazy, give an oath and indulge in the temptation. All important and urgent things are better to postpone at another time. Small work will bring much more benefit and money.

May 28, 2017, Sunday
4 lunar day from 6:46. Today is the moon in cancer

If today look at the world is optimistic, then you can achieve a lot. It is advisable to do internal condition, as well as learn, cleaned from negative and completed the cases started. Physical exertion is better excluded, and the evening spend with your favorite people.

May 29, 2017, Monday
5 lunar day from 7:54. Today is the moon in Lev at 15:12.

The lunar calendar for May 2017 predicts an ambiguous day in which everything will be gradually - mistakes, creativity, obstacles and victories. You can start the fight against destructive habits. Dating, communicating with friends and solving problems - all this should be in the foreground.

May 30, 2017, Tuesday
6 lunar day from 9:08. Today is the moon in Lev.

A rather difficult and problematic day, when it is better to retake and relax in a relaxed atmosphere. People who are in leadership posts may be in unpleasant situations. Avoid new acquaintances and love dates.

May 31, 2017, Wednesday
7 lunar day at 10:24. Today is the moon in Lev.

Today I want to be closer to nature, talk to yourself and just relax in silence. All these desires are quite realizable if you make them in the list of the day, as the "main thing." An excellent day for a long trip, which has been planned for a long time. Do not contradict yourself, but be honest and frank.

It is always difficult to catch the perfect moment to start an important business or conversation. Therefore, we often resort to assistance: We ask the Council, we make calculations, or we appeal to astrologers. A universal response, of course, does not exist, but you can use the time for a long time in the way. The lunar calendar for May 2017, compiled with several main factors warn you about danger, will tell you when you go on a trip or make an offer to your beloved person. Even a skeptic will be convinced of his accuracy, using the main advice.

Lunar calendar for May 2017

The lunar calendar is somewhat different from the usual Gregory calendar, since it is taken into account for its compilation, and the moon, respectively, is taken into account. In addition, in it you will find additional information about the lunar phase and the sign of the zodiac in which the ground satellite is located. It is important for compiling a complete picture and a more accurate forecast for the future. It has long been known that the moon is influenced by all living creatures on Earth: from plants and animals to people and even climate ..

Also, if you have no complete calendar at your hand, you can navigate, knowing only the Phase of the Moon:

  • New Moon (May 25 at 22:44) - Time when you can dream about the most intimate. To build plans is still early, and translate the dream to the goal is also. It is now important to visualize and see one's dream as much as possible, its execution and your well-being at this moment. Even if now it seems to you that this is something abstract and uncomfortable, the moon will help you find the main thing.
  • The first quarter (May 3 at 12:25 pm) is a great time for clear planning. You can start fulfilling the plan almost immediately after writing it. But it is advisable to spend a little more than five minutes to draw up major items. You may need additional research or make up the abstracts to items, then you will present a sequence of actions in more detail.
  • The second quarter is the time of active actions. Assign Meetings, organize events, collect friends and colleagues at one table. Now you will have enough forces and enthusiasm to bring to life most of the intended, do not miss the chance and possibility. Also well enlist support for further periods. It is most practical to do this now.
  • Full moon (May 11 at 00:42) - it's time to pause in pursuit of purpose. You should stay and analyze the path already passed. Maybe you have come down from the planned course, or others have appeared - more comfortable and practical - opportunities, or someone is ready to help you and contribute to work. Also translate the Spirit, overestimate your strength, you should not be taken for something new.
  • The third quarter - you should continue your journey, but now unwind every step so as not to get to see or stay at the curb. Do not make hasty conclusions and do not take lightning solutions. You should bring to the logical end negotiations - to make a deal, make an offer or renew the period for another lunar month so that things do not become long-term. Also bring patience, now everything will go not so fast.
  • Last quarter (May 20 at 03:20) - complete your affairs, summarize and draw conclusions. Analyze the past period, look for errors and successful moves. From the first to get rid of the first, but the second remember and repeat. It will be a rather complicated and dangerous period, since the forces are already on the outcome, and cases can remain abuse. Do not tear your anger on others.

The full and detailed lunar calendar May 2017 will contain detailed information of each day, but you can learn to interpret its meaning if you have enough deep knowledge in this area. They argue that for the successful completion of the case, it is necessary to accommodate the lunar month, and not the calendar. It is quite difficult to do if you plan long-term tasks, for example, a year ahead. Of course, the most rational in such a situation will divide the long way to shorter segments. It is believed that if it won't go to the next month, risks to delay or even completely eliminate. To avoid this, use advice and properly distribute your time and effort.

Lunar calendar May 2017: favorable days

One of the main problems with which those who first take into the hands of the lunar calendar are not the correspondence of days and day. The lunar month can begin in the middle or end of the usual - sunny. And the day lasts from a few minutes to more than twenty four hours, and not start at midnight, but early in the morning or late in the evening. Therefore, it is so important to know the time of the moon's sunrise to determine the beginning of the lunar days that will have an impact on the whole day. It happens that the first half of the day is suitable for meetings, and the second to work alone, since the influence of the heavenly shine is changing. Pay attention to such events and follow the tips.

The comfortable lunar calendar for May 2017 in the table will clearly show you and shift the day, and the phase, and even the zodiac sign. To save time, we accounted for a brief description of the day, but you can find out more detailed information about the upcoming day, using data in columns. Of course, an individual detailed description will be more accurate, but there is enough common data for preliminary planning.

You can find similar information in the article that will help plan summer leave or travel.

Day of the week Moon day Moon phase Zodiac sign
The 1 of May


5 Moon day (until 10:04)

6 lunar days

First quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: a good day to tie contacts and love dating. You can safely appoint meetings and dates, make plans for a distant future and great prospects. It is only important not to overdo it with inspiration and not start a revolution.
6 lunar days (until 11:13)

7 lunar days

First quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: Today you will be unusually energetic and full of strength. Direct all this in the peaceful - the right one - the row to achieve the desired results on the desired time. You will be somewhat difficult to concentrate on something one, but still have. The more you spray, the smaller will achieve for today.
7 lunar days (until 12:25)

8 lunar days

First quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: In the first half of the day you will still be overwhelmed with the forces and ideas, you will rush to perform feats and no less. But for the second half of the day you will feel the decline of strength and fatigue. Take care that after lunch you have not been appointed too many meetings, and do not leave important things for this time.
8 lunar days (until 13:40)

9 lunar days

Two quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: Continue to play the team and engage in work together, it is also good to spend time in a family circle - a joint breakfast will be as if the way. Set aside all things for tomorrow, because the second half of the day will be hard for you in emotional and moral terms.
9 lunar days (until 14:53)

10 lunar days

Two quarter Virgo
Characteristic of the day: in the morning you will have the feeling that you got up not from that foot. And the coffee will not be strong enough, and the transport is too slow, and people are annoying. Try not to enter into conflicts with unfamiliar people and not heat acquaintances. It will be difficult for you to recall.
10 lunar days (until 16:04)

11 lunar days

Two quarter Virgo
Characteristic of the day: spend the first half of the day with colleagues or friends. You will be much more cozy in the company. Well, if it is some kind of activity: sports, game or Challenge.


11 lunar days (until 17:14)

12 lunar days

Two quarter Libra
Characteristic of the day: Although it is a day off, you should carefully think over every minute and prepare everything you need, or what may be needed for a particular event. Try not to retreat from the planned plan.


12 lunar days (until 18:23)

13 lunar days

Two quarter Libra
Characteristic of the day: You need your entire willpower to not be involved in something not too pleasant. You will constantly provoke you, so try not too actively to defend your position or choose someone's side in the dispute.
13 lunar days (until 19:32)

14 lunar days

Two quarter Libra
Characteristic of the day: the day of self-education and learning. You will absorb, like a sponge, so engage in the study of the question for a long time, read new articles and forums, visit seminars and webinars, sign up for courses.
14 lunar days (until 20:39)

15 lunar days

Two quarter Scorpio
Characteristic of the day: Assign the most important things today - you will have a chance to complete them successfully and the first time. Today you will be accompanied by luck, if you concentrate on a really important thing for you: the fact that will help you embody the plan.
15 lunar days (until 21:44)

16 lunar days

Full moon at 00:42. Scorpio
Characteristic of the day: It will be difficult for you to focus today, so try to direct your strength to the most important things without being undertaking. And no new beginnings. If possible, take a pause.
16 lunar days (until 22:46)

17 lunar days

Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristic of the day: Now it's good to continue working on existing projects, but new ideas to postpone to the future period or try to apply to the current one. Try also to analyze your actions once again. Perhaps you are moving not in the direction.
17 lunar days (until 23:44)

18 Moon day

Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristic of the day: closer to the evening you can do business and more serious, but only subject to their thorough preliminary planning. Assign important meetings at this time only if you are ready to answer all the questions.


18 Moon day (all day) Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristic of the day: the symbol of this day is a mirror. Everything you see today or hear is a reflection of your actions. Therefore, do not perceive something negative as a punishment, but a positive as a reward. Day is given to you to look at yourself from the side.


18 Moon day (until 00:35)

19 lunar days

Third quarter Capricorn
Characteristic of the day: the energy of the day is rather dark and therefore you will be aggressive, irritable and a little evil. You will have enough one spark in order to inflate the fijaris of the scandal. Keep yourself in your hands.
19 lunar days (until 01:19)

20 lunar days

Third quarter Capricorn
Characteristic of the day: the expression today will not bring you success, but the collapse will be enchanting. The evening of this day is best to spend alone or away from stripping and disputes. You will have to perform a kind of referee in conversations of colleagues and friends, do not interfere.
20 lunar days (until 01:57)

21 lunar days

Third quarter Aquarius
Characteristic of the day: If your day is full of work, spend it with colleagues or meetings with partners. If you are free, surround yourself with friends and loved ones. This is a day of social activity and communication. The main thing is not to abuse alcohol.
21 lunar days (up to 02:28)

22 lunar days

Third quarter Aquarius
Characteristic of the day: Today you will be experienced by new features. As from the horns of abundance, new offers and ideas are plowing. Refrain from decision-making. Start something today - rashly. Better continue to engage in the usual routine, here you have more chances to succeed.
22 lunar days (until 02:56)

23 lunar days

Third quarter Aquarius
Characteristic of the day: You will seem that you do everything wrong, because of which you will spend the um of time on the alterations and the achievement of a non-existent ideal. Stop and think about it. But be sure, today it is better to engage in useless work than not to do anything at all.
23 lunar days (until 03:20)

24 lunar days

Last quarter Fish
Characteristic of the day: a good day for trips, both tourist and business. The main thing is not to do anything too fast. A leisurely walk, the car's unhurried ride will bring more benefits than bustle and race. In general, quite a successful day.


24 lunar days (until 03:43)

25 lunar days

Last quarter Fish
Characteristic of the day: fight apathy and the lacency of this day, you need to express yourself. And if not before the bosses, then in front of loved ones. So you will enlist their support for further large projects and accomplishments.


25 lunar days (until 04:04)

26 lunar days

Last quarter Aries
Characteristic of the day: Keep yourself in your hands. You will be very susceptible to frequent mood shifts and therefore surrounding will not know how to approach you and what to count on when talking. Not a scandal from scourge, better spend the day alone.
26 lunar days (until 04:27)

27 Moonday

Last quarter Aries
Characteristic of the day: Subscribe today the result of your work. It does not matter, you finished the project or not, today you can soberly and objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses, find errors and not repeat them in the future. Do not make any innovations, postpone it for a week.
27 lunar days (until 04:53)

28 lunar days

Last quarter calf
Characteristic of the day: Despite the fact that in the morning you will feel ease and tide of strength, you do not need to strive to move the mountain range at once. In the evening, problems with well-being and health as a whole can begin. Try not to get involved in sports.
28 lunar days (until 23:46)

1 lunar days

New Moon at 22:44. calf
Characteristic of the day: Today it is not necessary to get involved in excessive communication or chatter. Spend a day in contemplation yourself and your life. The day is ideal to observe and analyze your actions and bringing a new formula.
1 lunar day (up to 06:01)

2 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: You will want to do as much as possible, but the same will become the main mistake if you give up to say it. It is too early to take too active actions. It is better to deal with more careful planning.
2 lunar days (up to 06:48)

3 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: Perhaps you should think about getting a second education. In the evening you will visit the brilliant idea to make something incredible, refrain from instant solutions and actions.


3 lunar days (until 07:48)

4 lunar days

First quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: in the morning you will offer several activity options at once: work, sports or love meetings. Choose something one thing, you will not work everywhere. The evening spend on a new book or seminar, new knowledge will be as it can be possible today.


4 lunar days (until 08:54)

5 lunar days

First quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: you will smile good luck in financial affairs, unless you are a financial fraudster or a scam. Try not to catch with empty promises, you will definitely require their execution.
5 lunar days (until 10:08)

6 lunar days

First quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: Be prepared for any surprises. As a rule, it will be something joyful and unpleasant surprises are also possible. Enjoy the support and help of relatives, it will be useful for you in the afternoon.
6 lunar days (until 11:25)

7 lunar days

First quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: Today, focus on the main thing, do not spawn to secondary classes. Also follow your own words today, everything that has been said can be used against you in the future. However, everything is heard, you can also use at your discretion.

The most real tip and assistant will be the calendar of the lunar days for May 2017, thanks to which you can choose the right moment for any event and endeavors: a new project in work, a date with a person you like, sports and gaining a new habit. You can also avoid many trouble if you refrain from sharp comments on the dangerous days, which are also marked in the calendar.

Beauty Moon, which hides behind the clouds or brightly illuminates the sky - a factor that has a considerable effect on the well-being and emotions of people. From a long time, the moon was read, considered a mysterious night luminaire, endowed with special magical abilities.

In some ways, our ancestors were right, because the impact on us lunar phases is indisputable. From this article, you will handle helpful knowledge about when there is a new moon, which days the moon will grow and decrease, and when Full moon in May 2017.

  • May 1 - 2, 2017 - the moon is in the growing phase;
  • May 3, 2017 - the first quarter;
  • 4 - 10 May 2017 - continuation of the growing phase;
  • May 11, 2017 - Full Moon;
  • On May 12 - 18, 2017 - the transition of the moon to the decreasing phase;
  • May 19, 2017 - the third quarter;
  • May 20 - 24, 2017 - continued decreasing phase;
  • May 25, 2017 - New Moon;
  • May 26 - 31, 2017 - the transition of the moon in the growing phase.

Detailed lunar calendar by day for May 2017

May 1, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) - the first day of the last spring month should be carried out without unnecessary trouble. In the first half of the day, it is good to go on a journey, you can also plan and analyze. Closer to the evening you can engage in rejuvenating procedures.

May 2, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - All negative is important to keep with you, so that he did not return to Boomerang. A suitable day for marriages and large purchases. Extremely unwanted haircuts and any manipulations with hair. Green shades, colors of safaris and khaki in clothes will bring to life positive.

3 May 2017 (7, 8 lunar day) - you need to follow the mood drops to prevent severe depression. New haircut will give well-being and peace in the shower. At carefree and romantic paws will configure pink colors in the wardrobe.

May 4, 2017 (8, 9 lunar day) - on this day it is impossible to overload yourself to hard work, since excessive loads can lead to nervous breakdowns. Not the best day for the haircut and change of the image.

On May 5, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) - a favorable day in all respects - both for commercial affairs, and to solve important issues, and for a pleasant pastime in the circle of friends and loved ones, and for changing the image and hairstyles.

May 6, 2017 (10, 11 lunar day) - an extremely digestible period to solve important issues and serious problems. Financial affairs, trade classes should be postponed. It is also undesirable any undertaking. It is better to finish all current affairs. Then the welfare and happiness will come to the house.

May 7, 2017 (11, 12 lunar day) - a good day for staying in the fresh air. Unity with nature will beneficially affect the body and emotional state. Business style clothes are better changed to sports. Comfortable suit and sneakers will make feel better.

May 8, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) - today it is better to easily swim downstream, not trying to change anything. It is necessary to try to spend this day in silence and relative peace. A visit to the hairdresser will help dispel.

May 9, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) - sensitive people May 9, 2017 should care their vitality and energy, not express their negative emotions. The day is very favorable for important cases, large-scale projects, commerce and shift work.

May 10, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - At this time, the emergence of difficulties and unforeseen problems are quite likely. Mood swings may violate peaceful ways. It is also worthwhile to beware of laziness and apathy. A haircut, like staining, should be transferred to another day.

May 11, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - in order not to get under the influence, it is worthwhile to beware of bustle and excessive activity. It is best to do yoga, medicinal physical education, meditation, etc. Tune in the required way will help bright shades in the wardrobe.

On May 12, 2017 (16, 17 Lunar Day) - successful in all directions day. Any event today will pass with a deafening success. Good time for carefree leisure in the circle of friends.

May 13, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - It is desirable to get up early on this day to charge vigor and good well-being. Good time to purify the body and wellness procedures. A new journey will be successful.

14 May 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) - the change of image today will be a good idea. Also, haircut and staining will also affect hair. It is time to get out of the closet dresses and lung tissue pants.

May 15, 2017 (19 lunar day) - the day is better to spend at home affairs and pleasant troubles. Serious things should be transferred to another time. Also, May 15, 2017 should not make marriage and make promises. Walking outdoors will be well affected by the body.

16 May 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) - today you need to avoid loads that can lead to health problems. Good time for home affairs, communicating with relatives.

May 17, 2017 (20, 21 lunar day) - water treatments today will have a healing effect on the hematopoietic system. It may be visiting the pool, sauna or contrast shower at home. A new haircut or laying will give a special charm.

May 18, 2017 (21, 22 lunar day) - Not the best day for travel and business trips. Important things are also better to postpone at a better time. On May 18, 2017, it is best to spend behind the books, plunging into studies or engaged in self-development. Good time for haircut and staining.

May 19, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) - Lunar calendar for May 2017 does not get tired of pleaseing the lovers of changing the image: today you can make coloring, staining, haircut and twigs. However, for marriages and other important cases, the day is categorically not suitable.

20 May 2017 (23, 24 lunar day) - a favorable day for the start of large enterprises, opening new cases, solving important issues. Additional forces will give bright, catchy colors in clothing.

May 21, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - today, in order to achieve harmony with its own "I". The day promises to be measured, it is better to spend it in nature, with the aim of accumulating vital energy. For haircuts today, there is no appropriate time.

May 22, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - a day is not intended to work together in the team, meetings, meetings and visits to public events. Health today should be in the first place, and the hair should not be subject to any manipulations.

23 May 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) - serious questions, financial operations and other important things still have to stay aside. The day is more suitable for communication with nature, meditation, relaxation.

On May 24, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) - a favorable day for the start of new projects, productive work and important matters. Good luck will bring shopping and visiting the spa.

25 May 2017 (28, 29, 1 lunar day) - Not the most successful day for meetings, solving serious issues and planning. All events need to be used on samone. On May 25, 2017, it is best to spend in a circle of relatives, friends and loved ones.

May 26, 2017 (1, 2 lunar day) is a very dangerous period for making transactions of any character. Wedding also should not be appointed for that day. In addition, it is worth postpone all the undertakings. The day is intended for creativity.

May 27, 2017 (2, 3 lunar day) - it's time for visiting the pool, baths, saunas or water procedures at home. Even an ordinary contrast shower or pouring will benefit from the skin. The haircut and shift hairstyle today is better not to start.

May 28, 2017 (3, 4 lunar day) - today there may be things that have been lost for a long time or there is a question for an exciting question. Image change bad will affect health. Preference is better to give a stylish image.

May 29, 2017 (4, 5 lunar day) - Today it is worth paying our health: to strengthen the body or even sign up for a doctor. Timely diagnosis will qualitatively increase the level of vital energy.

May 30, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) - a good day to appoint meetings, planning, communication. Rejuvenating procedures will only benefit. Business suit will help tune in to positive way.

May 31, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - a wonderful day for marriage, making important and responsible decisions, signing contracts, conclusions of transactions. Today, all acquisitions and purchases will be successful and profitable. Good time for haircut, staining, coloring, hairstyles and styling.