Repairs Design Furniture

Folk signs of flowers. Plants die in houses with poor energy folk signs for what in colors are becoming

1. Excessive watering.
Excessive watering is the most common mistake, because of which flowers are dying in the house. With the exception of marsh species, such as the Egyptian papyrus (Cyperus Papyrus), the flowers should not stand in the water. In the too wet land, the roots can not breathe, gradually get the plant and the plant without healthy roots is doomed to death.
Often you can deceive the soil itself. On the surface there may be dry, but inside can still contain enough moisture. It is easy to check with a wooden stick: stick it into the ground as sticking to the cake checking. whether he is baked. Since the dough, wet soil sticks to the stick. If the removed wand will be dry, it is time for watering. Water should be so much so that it remains in a bowl of not more than 15 minutes. The greater the leaves of the plant, the more water evaporates, so it will drink more.

To flowers do not sit down, theirwater with sprinkle:
"My Paradine Garden is small, so that with God's help does not disappear. Amen."

2. Drying.
Without water, no plants can live. The exception is almost immortal succulents with thick leaves, in which the supply of water is preserved for difficult times. If the plant dried, but not quite dry, try to save it. Lower a pot with a flower for several minutes entirely in a bucket with heat water. Because the drying substrate, especially containing peat, worse absorbs moisture. It is important and water quality. Plants are needed soft and defined, in no case are not ice.

3. Insufficient lighting.
If the plant loses its beauty and saturated color, it means it lacks light and you need to put it as close as possible to the window. Aside with the window, it will be well-chained plants, such as Monster, which is used to using the slightest portion of light, which will receive in the native tropical forest. In line, light-affilome plants place only on the windowsill or close near him. The intensity of the light will enhance white walls, help the mirror. The most expensive option is a daylight lamp.

4. Solar burn.
To surprise, some plants harm and excess sun. For example, direct sunlight harm almost all orchids - they need scattered light. It will be sustained not hot morning or evening rays, but a midday sun, enhanced with glass, just burn the leaves and the plant dies. Therefore, orchids need to be placed in the eastern window or far from southern or western.

5. Inappropriate temperature.
The colors of the house differ in temperature requirements, so these requirements need to know earlier than buying a certain plant. Subtropical and Mediterranean species require a lot of heat, but in winter as a rule, rest at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees, so that the NB is beautiful and healthy. It is better to put them on the wintering or winter gardens to the veranda if there is a light cold corridor in the house, also a good place. And for example, the legendary camellia is just necessary. Subtropic plants do not harm fluctuations in day and night temperatures from spring to autumn.

6. Dry air.
The lack of moisture in the air will not destroy the plant, but will have an impact on its appearance. Therefore, all the colors in the house (with the exception of succulents, which it does not matter) needs to be irrigated. Sprinkler for colors you need to irrigate them one - twice a day. If you do not have for this time, you will help with water bowls set near the pots.

7. Pest.
Flowers in the house will live in the interior, but unfortunately, at home like not only them, but also in the insects that feed them. Most often on flowers, ticks (web, cyclamen), aphid, whiteflid, shield, trips, etc. are attacked. To detect them on time, the plants need to be regularly inspecting. To see at once, but the red spider is not so easy to find. You will see only small capes on the bottom of the sheet. First, try uninvited guests to remove the mechanical way, for example, putting a plant under a stream of the shower or rubbing the leaves with a carry-made rut. Then, instead of insecticides, try the fruitlessness based on oil and letizin Biool, which glues insects and thus ruin. On the testicles, these funds do not act, so in a week - two you need to repeat the spray.

8. Diseases.
Even worse than insects, diseases caused by microscopic mushrooms and bacteria are determined. Most often amazing plants for fungi, which form brown wet spots on the leaves. Damaged parts need to be removed, a plant isolate from the rest, and if the disease does not disappear, try the plant to process fungicides on the applied instructions that buy in gardening needs.

9. Lack of nutrients.
Plant roots quickly draw nutrients from the soil in a small pot. Therefore, you need to regularly add, otherwise the plants will not grow and good. Fertilizers are many, the easiest way to use liquid. They dissolve in water according to the instructions and are added during irrigation. You can use one versatile remedy or special for plants with beautiful leaves, flowering plants, palm trees, etc. Plants that do not tolerate calcium, such as citrus and orchids, need to be picked up by special means. From the spring of the autumn plants fertilize once a week, in winter - once a month, and those plants that winter in the cold do not fertilize at all. You can use concentrated fertilizers in the form of a tablet or sticks, which is enough for a month and more. However, not all nutrients from them will fall to all roots.

10. Too little dishes.
If the roots of the plant completely fill the pot, they cannot grow further. If you regularly feather the plant, it will not die, but cannot grow and develop. So buy a new pot on your plant and transfer it! The most suitable time for transplant is spring. A pot is required for one - two size more. If the plant is already quite large and heavy and hard to change the pot, then replace at least the upper layer of the soil and feed it well.

We all love indoor plants - beautiful flowers but we know so little about them: what they carry and how they act on people. Get acquainted with some features of a particular flower.

It is interesting!

Step-by-step decision

Let's start with the color.

Plants having red in their color (it does not matter whether these are fire-red flowers or burgundy residences on the leaves), they charge the person with energy, stimulate its activity, activate brain activity, increase endurance. For example, Amarillis, delivered on the desktop, will help make a final decision, and the guides subjected and shake the prone to thoughtfulness. Bright red flowers are best located in the living room, but for children's room or bedrooms, choose a calmer pink shade.

  • Blue flowers set up a peaceful way. But here the main thing is not to overdo it. Deep blue color can cause attacks of longing. But saturated blue inflorescences will be very useful to creative images. In any case, it is better to dilute the plants of this color with other shades - yellow or orange, suitable white.
  • Orange and yellow invariably raise the mood. Looking at the flower in orange colors, most people feel better and wish to smile - it's just like that, without a pricing reason.
  • White color - symbol of purity, freshness, light. It is difficult to come up with a more suitable plant than blooming with white flowers, for the design of a children's room, since such plants neutralize negative energy and contribute to the development of a healthy children's psyche.
  • If a person often changes in the house of the plant, something gives something, it acquires something, and all plants are not similar to each other, this indicates that the person is well adapted in society, has a wide view of life and balanced character.
  • People who do not endure surprises are easily excited and too emotional prefer plants with flowers, but without a bright smell.
  • But the volitional passionate nature will choose a sharp, strong fragrance.
  • Lovers of wildlife, ranging from a neighbor's dog, ending with cornflower in the field, be sure to have at home at least one flower on a long stem (ciprus, shooting, orchid).
  • Wake-up and avid optimists who love noisy companies and know how to have fun from the soul will be happy to get a plant blooming with lush flowers (chrysanthemum, hydrangea, azalea).
  • The presence in the house of roses or hibiscus characterizes the owner as a man of jealous. At the same time, these plants almost never grow pessimists who feel losers.
  • The bulbous plants in the apartment are often bred by people, in which there is a lack of strong and joyful feelings.
  • Aggressive, assertive, combat, preference to cactis and other plants with spines and spikes (Akantus, Afgladen, Pandanus).
  • And now - about certain types of colors (most common in our apartments). The growing house of Aloe will not only help you with your leaves in the treatment of a runny nose, herpes and other sores, but also protects the unkind people who come to your house from a bad energy.
  • Begonia, which is in sight, stimulates the speed of thinking and intelligence. If there are often disputes in your family, which is called, on an empty place, get a continuously blooming begonia. She will smooth contradictions and conflicts.
  • Geranium highlights essential oils that are able to remove stress, eliminate insomnia, treat neurosis, improve metabolism and prevent diseases of the respiratory organs. This plant is recommended to those who want to temper the character, to achieve personal success. Geranium is an excellent assistant in the granting of aggressive inclinations and the development of a sense of humor.
  • The laurel tree helps to cure insomnia and light depression. To do this, you need to lean to the flower more often and breathe outgoing outgoing aroma.
  • The Golden Uce (or, as it is called, "homemade ginseng") not only disinfects and heals the wounds. This plant is a powerful energy donor. Look at it for 30 seconds, and your affairs will definitely go uphill.
  • Cacti are able to absorb poor energy. It is said that the longer the needle of the cactus, the faster he absorbs negative emotions.
  • It is said that the pool tree helps people throwing smoking. As soon as an irresistible desire to smoke another cigarette, you need to take a pot of mytrome into my hands and carefully pepper into his small leaves.
  • The fat man, in the people called "money tree" attracts material well-being to the house. In the morning, leaving for work will be performed for its leaf, and in karsh will not be empty.
  • Ficus is a source of family harmony and universal understanding. So that in the house there has always been consent, put it in the kitchen. Need to establish relationships with the spouse - place the ficus in the bedroom. And if you have long dreamed of children - you need to reset this flower from pot to an even greater pot.
  • But Ivy is not in vain in the people called "Musicon". It is believed that settling in your home, he survives men. True, the experience of my familiar married ladies refutes this belief. But still - if you look for yourself a couple, having to acquire ivy. But if your dream is to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor, with whom everything does not manage to disperse, or from the annoying neighbors on the site, then it is better to find ivy means.
  • Delightful orchids also have bad fame. Often they mention themselves as "energy kidnappers". It is not recommended to grow their homes, especially in a bedroom or a room where children live. On the other hand, people are energetically vampires, as well as fans of the stool and gossip perfectly get along with these flowers.
  • White violets will calm down too emotional people, violets with blue flowers help to open talents, and purple allows you to look at the problems from the side and from a philosophical point of view. It is believed that the violet protects against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes. If you place in the children's several pots with white flowers, then kids will be more good.
  • Ferns and palm trees contribute to the establishment of friendly relations. If you want to come to a consensus with a person, with whom I could not agree for a long time, put it so that in the field of his vision there was a Yucca or Nephrolepp.
  • Croton is just necessary in the house where there are teenagers, especially "difficult." He will give confidence in herself, will save from bad influence and street companies.
  • Calla helps to find a common language to spouses, serves as a faithful of family happiness.
  • Calanchoe protects against apathy, opposes the mental disassemble and does not give a disgust to master the man. This flower is recommended to give people who have fallen into heavy life situations.
  • Cyclamen give the owners of independence and reduce someone else's influence.

Houseplants can transform your home almost to unrecognizable. With their help, you can visually increase or narrow the size of the room. For example, if there are large lianas (ivy or monster), it seems more compact and cozy. But high plants growing vertically, visually increase the height of the ceilings. Therefore, people experiencing discomfort from the low height of the room subconsciously choose high plants.

Pick up for yourself exactly the plant that will bring you benefits.

Signs and superstitions that exist for many centuries are very ambiguous. They do not always help figure out the situation, so most people make a decision intuitively or based on practical considerations.

Meanwhile, modern interiors decorated in the style of minimalism, techno, futurism, high-tech, allow you to abandon home plants as from an unnecessary subject, deprived of any functional load. On the other hand, the flowers in the house can be entered into any interior. They create a lively and cute atmosphere and fill the space with motley paints.

What effects have flowers in the house?

It is believed that the plants are able to change the energy of residential space. For example, if the family members do not talk to each other or constantly quarrel, then it's time to apply the positive energy of colors in order to return well-being in the house. For this you can bring alive flowers to the apartment. If they fade quickly, this is a sign of the presence in the family of a large number of negativity. Each purchased flower brings good and takes bad energy to the house.

Some people feel a subtle connection with the elements of the Earth and are able to use her magical properties. Some successfully bred home plants, while others are engaged in Iquiban and improve the energy of the house with the help of creating excellent compositions from flowers, wood and stone.

But still there are people who the flowers do not inspire confidence, and care for them causes annoyance because of every faded leaflet or an inappropriately broken stem. Numerous superstitions give rise to their distrust on home plants and their wonderful properties. However, knowledge of reliable folk will adopt will make clarity to this question and form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment and benefits of each particular room plant.

Plants bringing stability and financial wealth

Such domestic flowers, as a rule, have strong stem and fleshy leaves. These plants (mainly these are succulents) show that they are inhibited nutrients and do not give moisture and excess energy to the world around the world. Thus, they symbolize the strength of the house, the well-being of the family and the accumulation of resources.

Money tree, according to many convictions, attracts wealth to the house. In order for the incomes of working family members to grow, it is necessary to carefully carefully take care of the plant and regularly wipe its rigid sheets of oval shape with a damp cloth. Brilliant leaves and blooming type of plant - to improving family well-being. If the leaves fall out, the plant does not bloom, it does not grow up or worse, hesitates in a pot, then it is a bad mark, and it's time to do something against the impending need.

Happy bamboo, or sander's draouser, gives creative success and luck in material affairs, contributes to the career growth and the prosperity of a person who wipes him. A favorable attribute is considered if the bamboo leaves are directed accurately, the plant grudges growing and letters new shoots.

Cacti also stand on the guard of the family budget. They fulfill a restrictive role, that is, hold the owners of the house from unnecessary and meaningless spending. In addition, cacti reflect any aggression aimed at home and family. They protect the house from robbers and fraudsters.

Flowers bringing family happiness and well-being

Those people who more need family well-being than in material welfare should prefer to prefer fat-raise plant-succulents tender flowers carrying with them harmony, light and joy. They will delight the eyes with various forms and paints, they will give a feeling of comfort and help to recreate that atmosphere about which the owners of the house are dreaming.

Graceful violet has always been a symbol of mutual love, beauty and spiritual unity. Signs say that after the appearance in the house of velvety beauty of noble blood in the house, mutual understanding, peace and love reserves. People cease to quarrel with each other and make it easier to compromise. It must be said that the violet is a very gentle and even a capricious plant, so it needs to take care as well as about the preservation of the world in the family.

Spathifulum is often called female happiness. If the personal life of the young woman does not develop for a long time, then the best gift will be spathiflow for her. This is a house plant, according to folk signs, will help to meet the soul mate and create a strong and stable alliance with a man of your dreams. Spatifylum also provides support in maternity affairs, and married women with children he brings peace, stability, mutual love and confidence in his partner.

There is also a home plant that brings happiness with a strong half of humanity. Anthurium improves male health, promotes the growth of the authority of the head of the family and makes it a good family man. Homemade plant saves men from dependencies and protects their heart. Some believe that Anthurium should not keep at home because it is a weakly poisonous plant. But the true lovers of the flower and the connoisseurs of his magic properties are not afraid of no poison nor superstition.

Flowers favorably affecting health

The house should have several plants that have a beneficial effect on health. If the benefits of plants bringing money and love can be subselected (it is very difficult to separate the signs from ordinary superstitions), then the positive effect of some plants on the well-being of people is known since antiquity.

So, everyone will be useful to learn about the colors that neutralize the unfavorable background in the apartment, absorb harmful substances and improve the condition of the air.

Chlorophytum is a practically perfect room plant. Original striped color or bright green leaves will revive the interior of any room. In addition, chlorophyteum is unpretentious and growing very rapidly. Due to the presence in the room of this plant, mold mold fungi, pathogenic bacteria disappear, and everyone will notice that it becomes easier to breathe.

Like chlorophytum, geranium also does not require much care, but brings maximum benefit to its owner. Many people like Pelargonium during flowering: pink, red and white flowers raise the mood. There are not all the smell of this plant, but it is specific substances allocated by geranium, purify air and kill many bacteria in it.

Geranium is not necessarily located in the bedroom or in the hall. It will bring considerable benefit if it is standing in the kitchen. Thanks to its properties, it will be possible to get rid of rotten and stagnant air indoors.

In addition, geranium will help people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. She will save from insomnia and nervous excitement. Being near the plant, many people feel the tide of strength and vital energy, charged with positive and optimism.

And, of course, it is useful to grow aloe at home. Its juice can be cured by a runny nose, because the useful substances of this plant have a property to disinfect fabrics. In addition, aloe contains vitamin C, and preparations are useful to take inside to raise immunity.

Aloe has a soothing, antibacterial and regenerating effect, and its fleshy leaves can be applied to wounds and cuts. The plant will also be indispensable for those who suffer from violation of metabolic processes and gastric diseases.

So, a lot of tangible benefits can be brightened in the house. Signs and superstitions associated with this topic, of course, should be critical analysis, because not all judgments about room plants need to be taken for a clean coin.

The people there are a large number of colors associated with flowers. It is believed that the plants affect the person, the atmosphere in the house, and also have the ability to foreshadow the upcoming event. We still believe that cactis in the house are failed, and the yellow bouquet of colors predicts an ambulance separation. Whether it really is, we will try to figure out.

What flowers do not keep at home

Our ancestors belonged to homemade plants with caution. There are a number of plants that categorically impossible to keep in the house. These indoor flowers emit a negative energy, which is why the atmosphere in the house becomes tense. The flowers dangerous for the house include:

Ivy. This plant, according to folk signs, is dangerous for women. It is believed that if a woman holds ivy in the house, she will be very difficult for her to marry. Ate believing old legends, ivy survives from the house of men and does not let anyone else.

Violets. Unscructing fame in the people got these flowers. It is believed that violets cannot be kept at home with young girls. The violet brings failures in love and attracts female diseases.

Ficus. A lot of legends and belief are connected with this plant. Some argue that Ficus brings happiness and money to the house, and others call it energy vampire. What to believe? If you contact the Chinese teaching Feng Shui, the ficus will be useful in the house only if there are often quarrels and scandals among family members often arise. Ficus will take the negative energy and the atmosphere in the house will work out.

Good room colors

There are plants that have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house. It is spathifylum, bamboo, aloe and fat man. These domestic flowers attract money, well-being, health and love. There are several adoptions associated with these home colors.

In order to the fat man attracted money , the bottom of the pot needs to put a coin. The larger on this plant there will be petals, the more money will be in the house.

If aloe does not bloom for a long time, then you will soon expect illness. Cancellation of this plant as best as possible, and then no diseases will overcome you.

Bamboo should be kept in the desktop. If he quickly and grows next to your table, then it happy sign , meaning that quite soon your affairs at work will go to the way.

What does color mean

What colors do you most often give? If you pay attention to the color of the bouquet, you can predict the upcoming events. According to the old one, each color of the plant means this or that event in life.

Red colors Symbolizes passion and strong emotions. The people say that if a man gives a woman red bouquets, he is seriously configured towards her. This may indicate an emergency wedding.

Yellow flowers The people earned bad glory. It is believed that the yellow bouquet is a precursor separator. You should not give a bouquet of this color to a person with whom you do not want to part.

Blue colour - Symbol of kindness and sincere intentions. Blue flowers, according to old signs, symbolize purity of thoughts and a strong emotional connection with a man who is meant a bouquet.

White bouquets It is customary to give only a wedding. White color is a symbol of purity, innocence and the beginning of a new life. If a man gives a woman a bouquet of white flowers outside of marriage, then this is a good sign and harbing a fast wedding.

Believe folk signs Or not - everyone's personal matter. In any case, admire the flowers and enjoy their great mind, then they will certainly attract good luck to you. We wish you happiness and do not forget to click on the buttons and

01.04.2014 12:05

Spathifylum is one of the most popular indoor plants. About "female happiness" folded many will accept and ...

To give an even number of colors - it is impossible. Perhaps this is the most common superstition that almost everything is observed. Where ...