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Christmas Christo: How to celebrate Orthodox. For folk signs: whom the first to call in the house for christmas

The clergyman, the rector of the open Orthodox University of Saint Sophia-Wisdom Georgy Kovalenko told the "apostleph" on the preparation and celebration of the Nativity of Christ, his attitude towards and evil deeds, as the only thing that can really be performed on religious holidays and not only on them.

- What is the first to remember, preparing for Christmas?

At Christmas, the main thing is not to forget that this is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is not just a beautiful winter holiday, not just a time of some spiritual or earthly joys. Christmas is not just a feast (on the day before, lean or not permanently per Christmas day).

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ, and gifts on this day should be given to Christ. How to do it? Recall that he himself said. Once, speaking of a terrible court, he said: "If you have gone thirsty, they fed hungry, shelted homeless, visited the one who is in the hospital or in prison, you did it for me." That is, we can meet Christ when we see a person in trouble, and if we give him something to him, then we give it to Christ. Everything else is already the joy of what we met Christ. Moreover, on this day there are many non-obvious, but very relevant meanings for us. If we remember Christmas events, you can immediately see them.

First, Christmas is a day, when you should remember the homeless. Why? Because once Joseph and pregnant Maria came to Bethlehem and did not find the place where to stay. They stopped in a wretched cave.

On the other hand, Christmas is a time when you need to pray about the world. Remember that angels sang: "Glory to the Welcome to God and on the Earth, in man in favor." That beautiful word "Fale"! If you translate it on modern languageThis is "good will." Christmas is a time for goodwill people, we all have to do something in order to restore the world between people. And then we can give praise to God.

On the other hand, Christmas is time to remember the orphans. After all, what is the Holy Family? This is Mary, baby Christ, named Father Joseph. We have a lot of families in our country, where the father is awkward. And just Joseph is an example and patron saint of such parents, and the Holy Family is a patron of such families. We also have enough families where there is no father at all. When we look at the Virgin Mary with a baby Christ, we understand that this is the Son of God, and his father is God. Also for a child who does not have a father, God must be a father, and when we read our father's prayer in such families, this prayer sounds quite different.

Remember when Joseph and Maria run with a baby in Egypt. This event is called the flight to Egypt and is the plot of many works of art. But if we translate it into a modern language, the holy family was refugees, and this is another important and relevant meaning today. Because in fact, refugees are people who are not like us. They may have another mentality, another culture, but when we meet with them, we must remember that they also meet Christ.

And remember again: Magi brings gifts Christ. Ukrainian I. russian word "Magi" has a somewhat negative connotation, but if you recall these biblical wilts, it is worth understanding that, on the one hand, it was the kings, on the other hand, scientists, astronomers, astrologers, wise men, magicians (if we talk on english language). And these people bring prophetic gifts Christ. They understand that this is an unusual person, and give him gold - like the king. I think that we also have to give the Gold Gold - the gold of our pure heart and perfect life. They also give him incense - this is a resin, which is used in the church in order to be a good fragrance. Also, we must give Christ incense of our prayer, that is pure prayer. And the third gift of Magi Baby Christ is Smirna. This mixture used to spread the body of a deceased person. That is, in fact they predict his sacrificial death. So and we must be sacrificially to the neighbor.

That's all you should know and do not forget for Christmas. And then we sit down at the table, then pray in the temple, then we sing a card, passing each other knowledge about Christmas in very simple and perfect folk formAnd then we celebrate up to baptism.

Many since childhood adults are taught that it is impossible to carry out some kind of work for certain holidays. What can not be done for christmas?

I, though the priest, but I do not know the answer to the question of what you can not do on religious holidays, because it is necessary to do good to religious holidays. And, probably, do not need anything evil. If we do a good way, then, probably, any business or action aimed at helping your neighbor should be welcomed. Excess, I think there will be an action that takes time from us for good deeds to glorify God or to communicate with your neighbor.

- According to your observations, the number of people who go to church celebrate Christmas, increase over the years?

Sociology says that in Ukraine about 70% of people call themselves believers. Almost 70% of them are Orthodox. All these people celebrate Christmas. If we look at, on the one hand, on the filled temples, we can assume that we are all really believing, religious people, Christians. But if we look around, we will see that our country still does not live in God's commandments.

Then the question arises: are we really believers? Are we Christians? Do we really celebrate the birthday of Jesus? Are we going for his festive table? Whether we hear what he tells us? Will we celebrate it on the street, at home, at work, in social networks? Whatever it is enough to sound, but the Lord himself says: "Where two or three are collected in my name, there I am among them."

How is it among us? Then, when we remember about him, when we know His commandments, when we do something good to someone who is next to us. Then we give it to God.

Because we are accustomed to think that God is our assistant, and he wants us to be His assistants.

Last year, Ukrainians received an additional Christmas day off on December 25. What do you think about such innovation?

It is very good that Ukraine does not oppose December 25 and January 7th. We have two Christmas days and must fill them with christmas meanings. If we talk about January 7, then everything is clear here - this is our Christmas, these are our traditions, this is what is transmitted from generation to generation, what is reborn today.

Christmas is Christo - one of the most important Christian holidays, in Russia is always celebrated on January 7 in a new style. What are the traditions, customs and commercials of the holiday in Russia.

January 7, 2018. Christmas divine service came to Rus in the city, after the official introduction of Christianity. Almost 200 years after that, before the holiday itself was established or.

Another old Christians were installed pious custom to fast before important holidays. The need to feel the greatness of the events was reflected in the desire to limit the most natural needs of a person. A strict one-day post and is now preserved on the eve of Christmas and baptism and is called a Christmas Eve or forever, from the usual to rush in the evening of this day (after the first star), cooked cereals with honey.

Strictly speaking, the symbol of the first star is a candle, which is carried out on Christmas Eve on the evening, which serves immediately after the liturgy, so you can eat after the end of the morning worship. However, a steady tradition of the sole meal is formed on a Christmas Eve with the onset of darkness, when the first star can be seen in the sky. After all, on the eve of Christmas, I want everything to be reminded about the coming celebration.

Christmas of Christ - Folk traditions, customs and holiday signs

For the period of the end of December, the beginning of January, Slavic-pagans had a pagan festival "Solt Votor". The sun turns for the summer, and winter on the frost, they used to say. Probably because the sun was considered wearing weak, just started their way by the summer and strengthened the custom of the richness - hiding the face under the mask, to hide from the unkilled spirits seeking to destroy the birth of life. In addition, these days have a game, fortune telling, there were a lot of rites and will take, all this was associated with the cult of fertility - the desire to draw the natural gods and not let them destroy the nasty new life.

All these festards were called bond. There are several opinions about the origin of this word. It is most likely that it has the same basis as the word "wheel" - Kolo's root. Many scientists connect the "Wheel" with the word "good", that is, "sunny" (the sunny circle rolls over the sky), which again draws our attention to the holidays of the solar cycle.

Christmas of Christ - Folk traditions, customs and holiday signs

After the adoption of Christianity, in Russia, they preferred not by force to suppress the liability of paganism as in Western Europe, and fill the established form of a new content. Therefore, the church never pressed the consciousness of people external power And did not cancel the rank these days. Old traditions were gradually reborn in new ones. The carols became the rite of walking around the houses with a Christmas star and with a pendant to glorify the Born Savior and to protect the grace of God at home, where they took warrants.

The church watched that during the celebration of the Nativity of Christ the line between Christianity and paganism did not move, although sometimes she was and very thin. If in the foreground there was a glorification of a born of God, as a donor of all good for people, then the church was with those who gained Christ.

Christmas of Christ - Folk traditions, customs and holiday signs

However, fortune-telling on the sagnes was never welcomed orthodox Church. Many challenges are also related to peculiar divisions, when well-being is associated with doing anything, some special clothing and random meetings. By the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, it has nothing to do. It should be noted that the works in the sinic days that can be postponed have no consequences for a person. But they are not blessed with the priesthood - in such a great holiday, as the arrival in the world of the Savior of all people, it is necessary to celebrate, rejoice and praise God, postponing all earthly affairs and care.

Christmas of Christ - Folk traditions, customs and holiday signs

But the weather signs based on perennial observations beyond the nature were not denied by the Church.

Clear weather and the starry sky for Christmas - foreshadowed the rating of the cattle, a good harvest of vegetables and mushrooms next summer and autumn.

Abundant snow at Christmas, Christ says that the wheat harvest should be expected. In addition, it is good sign For the beekeeper - the bees will safely fall and will die.

But if on the holiday thaw, then it is necessary to wait for cold spring and, therefore, a bad harvest of vegetables.

How to celebrate the Christmas of Christ. What can not be done. Christian traditions and customs. Signs for Christmas. How to congratulate Merry Christmas.

On the night of January 6, January 7, the whole orthodox world Names the Christmas of Christ - one of the most important Christian holidays.

This is a holiday, symbolizing the update. After all, it is the birth of Christ proclaimed for humanity a new, light era. It was not by chance that even a new chronology was installed - from the Nativity of Christ.

Birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the wonders revealed by the Lord mankind. Therefore, in the feast of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and pray for the next year to be better and happier thanting.

This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is among the Lords of the two-month holidays and is preceded by a 40-day christmas post.

The celebration of Christmas begins on January 6 with the appearance of the first star at the uneven. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first of the people came to bow down the shepherds notified by the angel's phenomenon. According to the evangelist, Matthew, a wonderful star was revealed in the sky, which led to the infant Jesus Magi.

everything about christmas Christ

Christmas Eve is called Christmas Eve. In Russian, the name happened from the word "sochily". It denotes the keyned wheat grains - a model of a well-known piece of cute. Orthodox Christians celebrate the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6.

On the eve of Christmas, a vigil vigil with the Great Village, on which they sing and read the prophecies about christmas are served.

Around midnight begins the morning, which is committed by the rank of great holidays. It read fragments of the Gospel of Christmas and sing the canon "Christ is born ..." - one of the most beautiful canons in Orthodox worship. Then serve the festive divine liturgy of St. John of Zlatoust.

Vigil vigil - The liturgical future, which consists of the evening and the uterus, which received these names in time of the commission. Before the holidays, the morning and evening worship unites in the so-called "all-night vigil", that is, a prayer that continues all night. Such prayer is only twice a year - for Christmas and Easter. Before Christmas in the all-night occasion, they do not serve the evening, but the Great Village: He is made after the evening evening, hence the name.

What to cook for christmas:

On the Christmas table it is customary to put 12 dishes, and decorates the Casca table. January 6 ends the post and the Christmas Eve begins.

Each hostess prefers his recipe for cooking. Recipes There is a great set. The easiest: take a break and soak it overnight, after cooking until readiness and add all sorts of sweetness. So, for example, you can take rice honey and marmalade, also millet poppy and honey, some even boiled with a punch and millet cereals. You can add to the jungle of marmalade or zuchats.

Also on the Christmas table it is customary to serve the Uzvar - compote from dried fruits.

On the birthday of Christmas, believers are celebrating and drank - "talk", already allowed there is not only lented, but also "rapid" food.

Traditional on the Christmas table are a variety of pork dishes: a keeper, grilled piglets, stuffed pork head, roast. A baked bird and fish, fried and baked meat with large slices are served on the Christmas table, since the structure of the Russian oven allowed to successfully prepare large-sized dishes. Finely chopped meat and sub-products cooked in pots along with traditional porridge. The meat is also and a variety of pies: Kalachi, cheesecakes, koloboki, couch, jugs, piers, etc. prepare casserole and pancakes. In addition to meat steps, a variety of vegetable, fruit, mushroom, fish, curd and mixed fillings are preparing.

The folk traditions of the celebration of the Christmas density before the baptism are rooted in the Slavic customs of the celebration of the Winter Solstice, informs C-IB. The mandatory attributes of the holiday were dressing up (ignition using skins, masks and horns), a range (visits to the houses by a group of female villagers who performed "prosperity" sentences and songs to the owners of the house, for which the treats received), Collabli songs, or carols, youth games And fortune telling.

The shints began to eat a Christmas Eve dinner and porridge, cake with pretzels, even for the holiday baked animal figures from wheat dough, which were decorated with tables, windows of horses and who were sent to the gifts native and acquaintances.

When the family was going at the table, the elders remembered the year - everything is good and bad in the outgoing year. At the end of the meal, some of the remaining kits, the children were spread to grandparents and grandmothers, as well as the poor to and they could celebrate Christmas. In some locations, food and tablecloth did not remove from the table until the morning, believing that the souls of the late parents would come to the table to eat too.

Then, dressed, dressed in Tulupa wool and animal masks, to be unrecognized, satisfied dancing in homes and on the streets, played scenes and entire views. At the end of the XVII century, the River Theater penetrates from Poland: in a special drawer-Vertepe with dolls played scenes about the birth of Jesus Christ and other plots.

The echoes of the pagan beliefs were manifested in that it is customary to guess. In some villages on the shields, Zhugli Solwoli - according to belief, the dead ancestors in these moments came to warm up at the fire. The church, without approving the witchcraft superstitions and pagan rites, assimilated "uncountable" customs, and they organically entered the folk life.

For Christmas, the owners have definitely removed the house, washed in the bath, he drove a clean tablecloth, gave new clothes, which was put on with the beginning of the day, were invited to Christmas dinner lonely people. But somewhere they were distributed and associated with the holiday superstition: they did not drink at breakfast simple waterSo it was believed that a man who had watered Water by Christmas in the morning, the whole summer would torment the thirst.

What can not be done for christmas:

Under the fear of all sorts of troubles in Christmas it was impossible to bend anything, weave or sew. Legs dining table. They associated with each other rope so that the cattle would not run away from herd. The remains of the evening meals were taken out of the fence - "so that the wolves do not harm the peasant cattle."

The people's proverb says: who will score at Christmas to the cattle - he will die after three years.

It is impossible to give a Christmas Eve on Christmas, what is associated with fire, for example, lightning, matches, lighter, a bucket of coal or firewood, etc., otherwise you will suffer misfortune.

Never seize, do not wash your head, do not wash and do not borrow in three-day holy holidays (Christmas, Easter and Trinity), otherwise you caress her tears and poverty.

On the Christmas Eve, bread, salt and money from home, otherwise everything will be good to go past your hands. Do not cut your hair and do not hide wool. Do not erase and boiling underwear. Believers all dirty work to this day should finish Pure ThursdayAnd who on the Christmas Eve "pulls" dirt, he will sit for this all year in it.

For the Christmas table, it is impossible to sit in mourning, that is, in black clothes - mischleet.

If in this bright day in your yard will get a dog, then be trouble. To get out of it, you need to approach the dog immediately, to untie it and say it: "As the rope does not hold you, so it would be a matter of my house!".

Do not buy on January 8, on the second day of Christmas, ropes, so that you never have hung or removed in the nature. Do not boil and do not eat on this day Kisel, so as not to call into the house of the dead man.

November ninth, on the third day of Christmas, before sunset, in no case do not rub firewood.

What to do for Christmas:

According to people beliefsSo that your native people were happy and healthy for the whole year, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, ask the most senior family member to treat all relatives with milk. Running milk to someone, he must say every time: "The Lord was born, the people were baptized. Whether you are cheerful and healthy. Amen".

On the eve of Christmas, in former times, they left and left food for those who need people or distributed treats - it was believed that in this way all the dead ancestors did not have time to eat before her death, quenched her hunger. Food after the festive feast was not removed from the table to and dead souls Relatives have fallen off festive food, and for it they will pray for you.

In that family, where there is no peace and Lada, in the Christmas night put a bucket for the frost, and in the morning they put on fire and say: "Ice melts, water will boil, and [such a thing] will overtake the soul." This water gives her husband to wash or in the form of tea / soup, and also erased her husband's underwear. Holy Christmas water always helps female trouble.

Ask God for Christmas what is very necessary. Ask seventy seven times - and you will be given. Who in Christmas at three o'clock in the morning will ask for anything of God, this will be given.

If you have a flying star in the sky in the sky and make a desire, it will surely come true.

On January 7, in the frost, throw off to the street Lighting and, as only goosebumps will perform on the body, tell me: "As a lot of pumeres on my skin, so that I have such a lot of money too."

Signs for Christmas:

♦ If you first declare a man in a drunken form, the whole coming year will be in noise and quarrels. If your threshold will overstep the woman, then it is to gossip and failures. If a man or boy is to well-being. If the old man or old woman is to a long life. If the bird will knock on the window - to amazing news. If a beggar or beggar comes to you - to loss and needs. If a few people appear right away - to rich life.

♦ If you are the first to go to Christmas in the morning, you will wear one-year clothes on this day, if a woman is a color dress, so that all year has passed safely.

♦ When the family is sitting at the table under Christmas and when the first star appears, it will start even unmarried girl Or a non-native guy from this family, taking the first not a lean piece in the mouth, should keep him in the language and not swallow, while going out on the street, accidentally he hears from people passing by people. It was believed that the same name would be in the groom or the bride. People say that this sign has come true.

♦ Cucumbers will be strong and crispy, if you break them exactly on that day of the week, in what Christmas was this year. A good owner for this purpose stores salt in a secluded place taken in pure Thursday.

♦ Good, kind sign, if during the Christmas feast, a homemade cat sits under the table - this means that this year, of all sitting at the table, no one will die.

♦ If in the morning in Christmas, two will come to you, then in your house there will be no death, divorce and separation for a year.

♦ If anyone will thank something in your home on this day, then all year for your family will be restless.

♦ If a person going to church for Christmas is stumbled, then in twelve years, day a day, he will get sick. So that this does not happen, you need to say right away: "Not to the Devil, and I go to God, he will save me."

♦ Ninth January, be sure to visit their Kumovyev and Parents.

♦ Child, which on January 10 will independently make the first steps, will be healthy, handsome and live long life.

♦ If the sick person loudly sneezes on the third day of Christmas, he will soon recover and live for a long time. If a person who is seriously ill, will speak on this day about pancakes or horses, he will soon go away into the world of others.


♦ Eleventh January, do not give her husband to a towel, otherwise he will dissolve his hands.

♦ After you arrive on the door on January 11 or call, do not immediately open. Wait when they knock or call a second time, otherwise you will invite a disease into the house.

♦ If Christmas drops on Monday, then this year a lot of men die. If the Christmas coincides on Tuesday, the even number of guests is called to the table, so as not to invite poverty to the house. If Christmas falls on Saturday, then many old men will be pressed this year, without surviving until next christmas.

♦ If the ultimate was called to the woman inherine and she gave birth to a child for Christmas, then the grandmother did not take even a penny for her works, moreover, she was obliged to become a babe of the godmother. This custom has never broken, old people knew: who would take money for childbirth, he would spend them on the coffin for themselves.

Congratulations Merry Christmas:

♦ Merry Christmas! With a bright day!
Let it take this day in everything!
Let your joy look at your house,
New machine - in the garage,
Profit work - in the house,
And many children have a lot in it!

♦ Let the christmas miracle
Give you your warmth,
Let never be bad
Meet every day with good!

♦ The star of good and magic was lit -
Happy Holy Christmas!
May God keep, and people help!
Let the star light in the shower do not fuss!
Let happiness and wealth full of the house!
Love, Health, Peace! Merry Christmas!

♦ Let the night sparkles magic,
Stating snowflakes sweat.
You congratulate you on Merry Christmas
Wish smiles, joy.
Flow of Divine Love
Let miraculously be a miraculous light,
And the Lord bless you
Health, happiness and success!

♦ We wish you in Christmas
Smiles, sincere laughter,
Good health, success
And a lot of good things.
Let him play in the heart of blood,
And joy lasts indefinitely.
And let them be with you forever
Hope, faith and love!

♦ Congratulations on Merry Christmas
And I want to wish from the soul,
To be happy with happiness,
So that adversity and the peasants do not know!
I wish you to be fulfilled
All your hopes and dreams,
To clean love and tenderness
You can always enjoy!

♦ Let in the bright Christmas holiday
Everything will be fulfilled!
Let in the house there will be many joy, good,
And let the heart not know the sadness!
I wish a lot of fabulous wonders,
Heat of love, spiritual purity!
And let the snowflakes fall from heaven,
Store the peace of heavenly beauty!

♦ And again, Christmas -
Forces heavenly celebration!
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from angry.
Glory eternal to him
Winning darkness!
Congratulations on the whole soul
With this joy big!

♦ Candles Merzian warms the house
And gold sparkles,
When Merry Christmas
Lord to the light will appear!
For us he gave his life -
Should remember about it
And that the people bequeathed -
Let him guard your peace
From shuttle to the threshold
Long-suffering love
Simple faith in God!

♦ Star lit - Christ was born -
And the world love with love!
Let happiness come in every house!
With beautiful light christmas!

♦ Today, Christ came to us,
To teach people's love.
Friends, let's notice
And you will have a little bit of kind!

♦ let the snowflake rings,
Making the Birth,
And delight will fill
Your customer!
After all, today salvation,
Love celebration -
Holy comes
Christ christmas!

♦ When snow is tightened,
And Christmas will come again,
Raise a glass for happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
Live a lot of bright days!
Save comfort, peace family
And respect for friends!

♦ with kind light christmas,
What already knocks on the house!
Swipe the doors wider
You love, hope, faith!
Fur Yelochk
Smell on the whole house
Each needle
Whispering: "Merry Christmas!"
Let insults and losses
Frequently like foliage!
Let luck come into the door
In the bright holiday of christmas!

♦ Take congratulations to Christmas!
Let the miracle happen in your life!
Let joy, inspiration and good
You will be able to settle in your home!

♦ Today - the birthday of Christ -
Walking on the planet the news of good!
I wish this holiday christmas
Consent and joy without edge!

♦ Happy New Year's Eve!
With New Year's treat!
With New Year's celebration!
With happy merry christmas!
Let everything be in the family will be Lada,
And luck will be near!
Let health be good
Happiness - light, unmatched!

♦ Christmas came to your home,
Happiness broke around!
Let the smiles in him vit
And I wish you:
Kindness and beauty,
So that all the dreams come true,
Let health fails
And good luck let it go!

In contact with

Christmas is one of the main holidays of Christians. Orthodox celebrate the birth of the Savior on January 7th. In the temples and monasteries are made forever, they serve the royal watches, all-sleeping vigils.

For each holiday, there is a "code of behavior", prescribing to act in a certain way and providing for prohibitions. So, what can not be done at Christmas?

In the church

Collecting on all-bedic and other worship services, it is necessary to take care of the external and internal well-being. Women refuse cosmetics, clothed in closed dresses or put on a sweater and skirt. On the head there should be a handkerchief. Men, on the contrary, come to the temple with a uncoated head.

The main thing is that it is impossible to do to it come to the church evil, aggressive, with a feeling of resentment in the near. The heart should be filled with joy on the birth of Christ. Achieve this mental state help

During the service, it is forbidden to be distracted, too carefully consider the icons and clergy. It is necessary to stand, lowering his head, and listen to prayers.

Care is considered a big sin to end it. All prayers and bows are made with thoughts of God.

At home

Preparation for Christmas begins with the post, but on the eve of the holiday and are starving at all. In the holy evening there are starting only when the first star appears.

What can not be done at the Christmas of Christ, except for refusing to eat before the set hour? Wear old clothes, coming for a holiday in black, perform weight work. Kushana for festive table. Prepare in advance. It is permitted only after all the night. Also excluded classes with needlework, crafts. For breakfast it is not recommended to drink water, otherwise the thirst will torment in the summer, and the owner of the house should not go from the courtyard so as not to "make" family well-being.

In Christmas night it is categorically forbidden to guess. We experience fate, as a rule, during a shield, but such a pastime is not welcomed by the Church.

Until January 14, the hostess do not worry, and after the old new year, the garbage is going and burned in the yard.

On the eve of Christmas was not allowed to wash in the bath. And the point here is not only in the upcoming troubles (folding firewood, to apply water), but also that the water is washed off sins, and in such an important holiday, a person was prescribed to be cleaned independently with the help of post and prayer.

In christmas holidays were not hunting. It was believed that at this time in animals the souls of the dead.

Our progenitors clearly knew that it was impossible to do the Christmas. Signs are rooted in paganism when a person considered himself part of nature and sought to live in harmony with the outside world.

In relation to others

Christmas is a family holiday, therefore it is noted in the circle of relatives. Guests, as a rule, are not invited, but one who came, take with honors.

Before the revolution B. Satar week It was customary to apply visits, however, staying in someone else's house did not exceed 15-20 minutes. Congratulations and wishes were pronounced. Long-term guest and also applies to what is impossible to do the Christmas. With the invention of telephone devices, short visits were replaced by calls.

During Christmas, you can not forget about the near. Previously, in Christmas, it was customary to serve alms, treat the poor.

On the days they remembered not only about living, but also about the dead. On the table lit the candle and put the devices for the ancestors. Therefore, when Christmas comes, it cannot be done on this day, so to forget about your roots, about those who lived on earth to us and contributed to our emergence.

All the above is right not only in Christmas holidays, but Christmas is an additional reason to recall the moral and family values, think about how to behave Christian.

Alone with myself

At time, attention should be paid to its inner world. It does not constitute the exceptions and Christmas of Christ. What can not be done on January 7, it is to save in the shower hatred, envy, malice, despondency, others negative emotions And feelings. The soul should be opened to God, so you should not make thoughts on carnal pleasures, it becomes lustful.

Traditionally, holidays are celebrated at the table. But although after the Christmas post is allowed to talk, it is still not worth moving.

Christianity and paganism

Some prohibitions are associated with the rejection of the Christian religion of pagan traditions. Back in the XIX century, at the state level, it was declared how to celebrate the Christmas of Christ. It was forbidden to engage in idolatry, dress up in the inappropriate robes, arrange songs and dances. At the same time, Christianity did not fully eradicate paganism, but transformed it.

The church allows during the Christmas holidays to show children's immediacy and have fun from the soul, and there are even monks today. Singing allows you to feel the atmosphere of the holiday, get rid of despondency and stress.

How to celebrate the Christmas of Christ in our days

For church canons before the holiday, it is prescribed to observe at this time there is no meat and other products of animal origin (butter, eggs, milk, cottage cheese). In the monastery will begin more strictly, and reluctance is allowed for the laity. On the eve of the holiday prepare sochily last Kishu. with honey, dried fruits and nuts.

Christians attend all the statutory worship. Before Veligid, you need to sleep and drink some coffee. Before the communion committed after the all-sleeping, do not eat about six hours.

You can confess and after the service, but it is better to do it in advance, as the father is difficult to take confession from a large number of people on a holiday.

Children on the all-night take only their desire. Parents need to take a small pure patch that the tired child can feed.

Here, perhaps, everything that can and what can not be done for Christmas.

Feel the joy of long all-sleeping service helps awareness of what exactly happened on this day. And really incredible happened: God went to the ground and appeared before people in human court. Jesus Christ gave each of us hope for salvation.

There is a day in a year when infinite joy comes in the world. It seems that heaven is lowered, and everything is dissolved in them. In a single impulse, angels join and people rejoice. Angel Bethlehem's shepherd was announced the cause of this joy of more than two thousand years ago: "The son of God's Son - Savior of the world was born in Grada Davidov. This event laid the foundation for the salvation of mankind by the embodied Christ.

From evangelical history it is known that the Mother of God has come to Bethlehem on the eve of the birth of the Son. Together with the wrap of his Joseph, she participated in the census of citizens. Bethlehem - the city is small, the hotel has no places for everyone. Therefore, Maria and Joseph stopped for overnight in the cave. There were many such places in those edges - the shepherds were drunk on the night of cattle. In the same night, Christ was born. Baby put in Nursery - feeder for livestock. The first to bring the shepherd gods to God.

Also wondering the Savior came Magi. These wise men lived far in the east. They foresee the birth of the Messiah and when they saw a guide star in the sky, went after her. This star in Christian history is called Bethlehem. Magravels had to cross the boundaries of several states before they came to the poor Bethlehem nursery. The Gods of the Wise men brought gold, incense and Smyrna as a gift.

These gifts that were called "Gifts of Volkhvov" have a deep symbolic meaning:
gold - symbolized as an offering of the king, because Jesus was embodied to become the king of the earth;
incense - a priestly symbol, because by his earthly ministry, Christ became the High Priest;
smirna "It was imposed by the body of a deceased person, in the Christmas history she became a symbol and an indication of the redemptive sacrifice of Christ for all humanity.

For the first time this holiday, Christians began to celebrate only in the IV century. Prior to this, the event of the emergence of Christ was mentioned by the first Christians on the day of the Epiphany. Under the influence of Hellenic culture and beliefs, these two holidays were divided. Christmas significantly surpassed the value of the Epiphany and almost immediately became the second Christian holiday after Easter.

In Russia, Christmas was waiting for especially. First celebrated him, and then met New Year. Therefore, Christians are accepted to dress up her Christmas tree. In 1918, Russia moved to the Gregorian Souluscript. The church continued and continues to live in Julian, old calendar. Because of this, the new year comes first and only then Christmas.

Christmas Christmas Eve.
The day before the holiday is called the Christmas Christmas Eve. This is a very strict per day. Christians try not to eat food until the evening. The Earth is preparing to meet the Divine Baby. But on modern tradition You can still fast until the Christmas Eve after the liturgy on the center of the temple will be rendered a candle and sing the trop christmas.

The evening of this day is called holy. It is traditionally spent in a circle of the closest people. The table is sitting with the first star. It symbolizes the Bethlehemian, led the Magi to the born Christ. The hostesses to the sakery are preparing twelve lean dishes. Quite is allowed only the next day. 12 The number of symbolic is 12 months of the year, and 12 apostles, and 12 main holidays of the church. The main delicacy is Casca. Under the plate with her, there are a little hay in a reminder that Christ was born not in the horrors, but in poor nursery.
Kutgy - dish of failed grains, more often wheat, with honey and nuts. Only from the XVI century to it began to add poppy, and even later - raisins. Modern hostesses instead of honey are added halva or sugar. From this taste of kuti improves, but its symbolic meaning is somewhat lost. Since honey is the most pure product on Earth. And God, as you know, is given the best.

The meal is drunk. It is customary to boil to the holy evening lean borsch, cooking salads with lean oil, dumplings with launch filling, pies, fish dishes.
Christmas celebration
In church, except Easter, there are 12 most big holidays. They are called the two-one and the most important among them - christmas. Celebrate him before baptism. That is, from 7 to 17 January. This period is called the Holie. Christmas waiting for both adults and children. It brings many joy, fun, sweets. The feeling of comfort and rest reigns in the house, and the heart warms the hope that the future will definitely be light.

Believers people celebrate a holiday in the temple. On Christmas night in all churches, festive services occur. It is believed that it is impossible to sleep - the night is special, Christ is born. It should be remembered that the Lord thanks a man for each, the smallest effort that he does for him. In this holiday, even stars in the sky behave especially, and in the morning the sun plays different colors.

Traditions of the holiday
Merry Christmas is connected folk traditions. Most of them are church recognized. On the eve, on a Christmas tree, dress up a Christmas tree. Her tip crowned star - the symbol of Bethlehem. Candles on the Christmas tree are reminded of an unearthly light emanating from the cave in which Jesus was born. Under the Christmas tree put boxes with gifts to all family members. In addition to the Christmas tree, in houses and temples, the Vertpets build a symbolic cave with the born by Christ and the bulk figures of people who surrounded him.

The main action of the holiday is a bond. All - and adults, and children can collect. Previously, the city has little reminded the current megalopolises, so people went from home to the house and glory to Christ born, why they were called Christ. Those who brought the joyful news to the house, accepted - sweets, fruit, money - who can.

In Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. Very useful and correctly from a Christian point of view to visit patients and suffering. Especially this holiday is waiting for children. If you have the opportunity, give joy to a child from a shelter or a sick boy or a girl. The disadvantaged people are not so little in our time - it is only necessary to want to create a good one. Be sure to go to the divine service in the temple.
But there are traditions that the church categorically rejects as pagan. For example, fortune telling. To predict the future - sin, because this person compresses the participation of God in his life and his care for herself. At any time, the Lord Waves to change the course of events.
Christmas present

Celebrations who came to the newborn Christ with gifts laid the beginning of the tradition to give presents to Christmas gifts, especially children. In a person's consciousness, Christmas is a dream of a dream. Therefore, you need to pick up a gift carefully. It does not have to be expensive. For a person, the touch of a miracle to his life is important. Find out what you want or dreamed of childhood who you want to give. A gift can not always cause delight. Much more important is to touch the heart of a person, make him believe in a miracle. Traditionally, they give sweets to Christmas. And not only to children.
Christmas is celebrated for a long time. The most important thing is that anyone must be taken out of these days - this is the very essence of the birth of a holy infant who paid his life by paying for our sins. Thus, gave us the opportunity to correct your mistakes and make up with God!

Signs for the Christmas of Christ

Clear weather on the holiday of Christmas promised a good crop in the summer and autumn.

If there was a thaw for Christmas, then it is to a bad harvest.

Snow blizzard for Christmas was familiar to good harvest Wheat and good sign for a beekeeper.

If the starry sky was starry, then the year will be a yield on mushrooms and berries, and also expected in such a year a large rating of livestock.

Well, if the holiday of Christmas was warm, they waited for cold spring.

If it was snowing on this day, and even flakes are to a good bread crop.

And there is one more sign that is trusted and now, that is, how to spend Christmas, so will be the year. Therefore, the Christmas always sought to spend in love, peace and well-being, with a generous christmas table. Be sure to be on the table there should have been 12 lean dishes, then all year in the house will be wealth, and the year will be generous.

It is impossible to quarrel on the day of the Nativity of Christ in any way, since the whole year can be held in disagreements.

Recipes Dishes for Christmas Eve

How to cook the cout

Feed and washed rice pour water and bring to a boil
Merge on sieve, shed cold water and boil again until readiness in large quantities water
Drop back on the sieve, cool and shift in the dishes
Select a glass of berries without a syrup of jam, add some boiled water
Mix with rice, top up to the spoon and sprinkle with sugar slightly
How to cook sochivo

Sochily from rice
A half rice glass rinse, boil in a large amount of water until readiness
Merge on a sieve to cool
One glass of nuts (almonds, walnuts) grind and add 5 - 6 spoons of honey, some boiled warm water
One glass of raisin rinse in several waters, boil
All mix if you need to add more honey.
Syochily from rice with dried fruits
In a large amount of water to boil 1.5 glasses of well-washed rice, see the sieve, cool
100 g of dried fruits to weld in sugar syrup (1.5 tbsp. Sugar on 2 liters of water), writing, cool
In a deep bowl, mix rice with dried fruits, add a lesioned decoction (outstanding)
How to cook carols

These are small patties who prepared specifically for this day, these are very ancient products from fresh dough.
The carols were preparing formerly from eight components - rye flour, water, spring, milk, oil, sour cream, salt and filling.
The dough for them was prepared for them - 2 glasses of rye flour (or a mixture of rye and wheat flour) sift, mix with a mixture of water, milk, rustic, sour cream in any ratios, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt.
To knead the dough, give him to lie down for 30 minutes, roll out with sausages, cut into small pieces, blind balls and rolling pancakes with a rolling pin.
Share on them stuffing, roll and protect the edges.
So that the crust after baking was soft, lubricate with oil or a mixture of fused oil with sour cream.
Bolds for carols were made from cottage cheese, millet porridge, carrots, dried mushrooms, potato mashed potatoes.