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Clean Thursday conspiracies of prayers for beauty. Conspiracy in pure Thursday to like guys. Describe the uni-versal conspiracy on third water, directed to from the brand of the body

The most strict and mournful week of the Great Post comes from a week before Light easter Sunday. This week is called passionate, and every day is great. everyday Passionate week has its own religious value, but especially always stands out Maundy Thursdaywhich people are also called " Pure Thursday».

Clean Thursday in 2017 falls on April 13th. From the title immediately becomes clear that this day must be disadvantaged the housing and wash yourself. Cooking for Easter is beginning to engage in the great Monday. But cleaning, washing and cooking first dishes on easter table It is customary to start in the great Thursday.

Traditions of the Great Thursday

This holiday is a symbol of purity, spiritual and physical.

Traditional for this day is cleansing from dirt of their dwelling and body. The hostess on this day are harvesting in the house, because the next day to engage in any economic affairs is prohibited. Clean Thursday - a wonderful day for the general cleaning of the dwelling, a good mistress in the evening the house should glitter.

At the same time, cleaning should be carried out with good mood and good thoughts.

Be sure to wash up the sunrise, it is best to use dew for this. It is believed that such a wash removes with a person all the sins, which were committed during the year, strengthens his health.

It is necessary to take care not only about the body and housing, but also about the soul. Therefore, believers on this day are definitely visiting the service, they are confessing and communion.

And after returning from the church, it's time to proceed to general cleaning. Also on this day, it is advisable to wash all the lingerie that will turn out, including linens, towels, tablecloths and even rugs.

Signs in pure Thursday 2017

So that money was found in the house, you need to recalculate them. All the money is gathering, which is in the house and recalculate three times: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. If no one should see a person, even family members. It is believed that such a ritual will provide a family financial stability for the entire coming year.

So that the hair was thick and beautiful at the kid, they must be cut in exactly the great Thursday. It will not only give the baby beautiful and thick hair, but will also be a guard. Corrective curls must be put in a linen bag and carefully store.

Thursday salt. Traditionally, Thursday Salt is harvested in the Great Thursday. For this morning, after all family members swim, everyone needs to take a slanting salt and pour it into a pot. Salt store and use throughout the year to purify the energy of residential premises. To spend the ritual of lighting in an unnecessary cup, you must put a candle and pour some salt. Welcome a candle and with prayers to do the whole house. You can also put a cup with a candle in a place where a family quarrel recently happened.

In the people, it is customary to wake up on this day before sunrise to redeeve. It is believed that this rite washes off with a person those sins he committed during the year. Signs also suggest that the water on this day has healing properties. She not only eliminates sins, but also helps to cope with many illnesses.

Believers in the great Thursday before Easter must go to church to confess and coming up. Then you can proceed to the general cleaning of the dwelling. Wash everything is necessary: \u200b\u200bfrom the walls and the ceiling to the smallest bauble. If you take it on this day, it will always be pure in the house during the year. This refers not only dust, but also getting rid of dark energy, which brings quarrels and scandals to the house.

It is believed that when you have a clean thumb, you can find your favorite, but long-lost things.

April 13 is a day when pure Thursday in 2017. On this day, it is necessary not only to be removed in the home, but also try to stop all the lingerie in the house. Including curtains, towels and even rugs and rugs. When the ulora is completed, you can start cooking Easter baking and paint eggs. After a big cleaning in pure Thursday, it is impossible to clean up in the house before the onset of Easter, and then three days after the festive Sunday.

Conspiracies in Clean (Great) Thursday 2017

Conspiracy in pure Thursday for money

If the family constantly lacks money, if people live in need, then this rock is interrupted.

At the great Thursday, they take a sieve, put in it a trifle, go early in the morning on the street (so that no one pleases), read the money and "sow" the money in the snow.

It is noticed that after that the family gets out of poverty and lives much better.

First utter "Jesus Prayer":

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Sweet me, sinning.

Mother earth, sister-land,

Accept seeds,

Give me and my family

Good times, good shoots. Amen.

How to remove damage to destruction in the house

In Clean Thursday, it is three buckets of water from different houses. At first glance, it will seem difficult to you, but if you wish, you can do everything. Wash your apartment with this water, and leave one bucket for myself. Water can be warm or not to warm up - at your discretion. Speak water before making a wash in the house and wash your body. The conspiracy is:

Lord God, bless and help!

Christ crucified, the tears of the Virgin fell,

Looks into the water, penetrated into the ground.

I went for Crinic clean water found

Hata is my temple, the Golden Palace.

Bless my house, Heavenly Father.

Lord, help, Lord, bless

Lord, from damage my house and release me.

My word is hard, my business is tenacious and loy.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Poverty conspiracy in 2017

In the great Thursday, throw money (trifle) into the water, speak to this water and wash the table first, then the windows, then the doors, and then the floor. But the floor should be soaked in advance, that is, from the threshold - in the room. Conspiracy is read over the water, chazzing the Misintsy. Misinians disclaim only when you read a plot of 33 times.

During all these manipulations, you cannot take a handset, talk to anyone, answer questions through the door. It is impossible that at this time the dog (who has it is) went from the room to the room or, worse than the barking. Cat and birds do not interfere. If at least one of the above stipulated conditions is not fulfilled, there will be no sense from the conspiracy.

And the conspiracy is:

Water you water

All drink you, everyone loves you.

All will holy in baptism.

I ask you, water, forgiveness.

Mother, clean water, sorry

Mother, water, help.

How much you are in the lake, in the river, in the stream, the ocean,

In every human cup.

So I had a lot of money:

And on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday,

And on Thursday, and on Friday,

And on Saturday, and on Sunday.

As a lot of water so that and to me, God's slave

Many good, zlata and silver.

In the name of the Father and in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit

And forever in the ages. Amen.

If you do not get out of debts

Make a quasch, bypass around your house. Near the angle stop, take a piece of quashers in the mouth, and they say before that:

Who comes to meet? Christ!

What does he carry? Money!

How this quasher grows and arrives,

So, S. God's help, and good come.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Also in the event that it is very difficult to get rid of all debts, draw the following.

When you get a quasper on bread, tell me three times:

Dai, Lord, Sporina,

In the money, chant, silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for profits in the house

In Clean Thursday in 2017, laying on the floor receiving a fur coat (Fur Up), lie on her naked and ride with a side on the side, saying:

Like you, sheep, wool was rich and lochmat,

So that my house was warm and rich.

So it would be me, God's slave (name),

Zlata and silver.

Blessed, the Mother of God, my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Those who want to live in wealth in 2017

In the Great Thursday, to sunrise three times, count all the money available in the house. After each account, you need to say secretly spell on money:

Thousands, polluts, six hundred -

Everything, everywhere my hand Vladyko will take.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen

Conspiracy to the Great Thursday for Profit in the House

Again in the great Thursday, the husband and wife must talk through the window. One of the spouses will ask:

Is there money in the house?

In response, you should say:

There is always everything will be if the Lord I will not forget with you.

If a woman has no husband, then he can talk to her who older than over the years.

For good luck

To the great Thursday, wash your house with holy water. When you finish cleaning, say so:

Cleaned clean Thursdays All Mother Earth,

Clear thursday and my soul.

How to go through the sky and the moon

In his circle eternal turning,

So correctly turns to me

Happy share and fate.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

On the east side

Oh you, saints,

Close My bodies meat, dairy rivers,

Run, milk, in the residents,

From the vests right in the same time,

From sample in the subsideries,

From the root in the pink.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy on cleansing

This conspiracy is read in pure Thursday (the last Thursday of a straight post). The words of it are:

How confession cleans

How water dirt is washes

So you, Thursday, be pure.

Clean me from any evil,

From the insult to people, from disobedience,

From the conference, the devilish bully,

From bad tinlav, evil conversations,

Demonic disputes.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the son does not drink

Wash windows in pure Thursday, the latter when washing the water is drained into the jar and seven times pour the son in the back when he goes out of the house, with the words:

How I gave rise to you, I fed my milk,

So would you, slave (name), alcohol did not drink,

Braga, wine in the mouth did not lil.

The windows were laundered, and you are clean.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the woman did not drink

Throw sprinkled thursday Sol. In drink, so that the patient with alcoholism did not notice. So make forty times. At the same time in the house there must be icon of 40 saints.

Both thorny and the word mine strongly.

As this salt melts, so your desire to drink.

Forty saints stand, you look at you (the name of the patient).

Do not dismiss your eyes or days nor night.

So that the slave (name) of the cross did not drink,

in the hands of the charm did not take.

The word my lopko and firmly.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

To make a husband and his wife

On the great Thursday (before Easter) from two coils twist one thread, put it across the threshold. When the husband oversteps through the thread, tie it in the middle of the node and hide somewhere. When you tie the knot, say:

Slave of God (name) and I, his thread,

Together twisted, tightly drilled.

As on this thread, the node will not unleash,

So he will never dismantle with me.

Love spell on your husband in clean (Great) Thursday

Roll out your cabinet beautiful dresses, Replace them and read the plot. Instead of the number 12, indicated in the conspiracy, say the number as you have outfits.

(12) My dresses, all beautiful.

I am in (12) dresses of all more beautiful.

How people can not walk without dresses,

so you (name) can not be without me.

Also read this spell on Easter.

With voice loss

Make in the Great Thursday. It is necessary to go outside to sunrise, get up from the rear of your home and scrub it all three times in a row:

For the soon marriage of the old lady

To the great Thursday washed with feline milk, saying:

How everyone is stroking cats and like cats to all flax,

So my grooms will not give me a passage.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

If a person brings unhappiness to people

In pure Thursday, wash in three homes or three baths, speaking:

Clean Thursday, be Father,

Turn to me face.

Like you, pure Thursday, clean and leveled,

So would my life were clean and light.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the girl liked the grooms

In pure Thursday, buy a mirror without taking surrender. Then stand between two trees and, looking at just purchased the mirror, say:

How the whole world in the mirror looks

Reflected admire

So would guys admired me

Milked and kissed me

On a mixture, wrapping me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to beauty

Read this conspiracy to the great Thursday (the last Thursday of the Great Post) Early in the morning, before sunrise. At the same time, lay low on all four sides. Corporate words such:

I will stand, the slave of God (name), at the dawn,

Worship the first star beautiful

We wonder the dew, I cut the girl's oblique.

Be my white face whites white light,

Red and red red cheeks,

The eyes of the brighter of the month clear

My eyebrows be black of black earth,

To guys are all like one

The word could not tell me against say

Eye to tear out from me.

Everyone I would be bass and mile,

Welcome and beautiful.

My word lopko,

The thing is so tena.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that no one spoil the cattle

On the great Thursday you need to wear Tulupa's backwards. Come in turn to the whole, what you have, cattle, shake the bucket and say:

On the east side

In the far country there are commas and Fedosius.

In Holy Rutchs, they have gold keys.

Oh you, saints,

Close My Body Meat,

River dairy,

So that no one approached these rivers

So that no one houses my economy.

Run, milk, in the residents,

From the vests right in the same time,

From sample in the subsideries,

From the root in the pink.

Find, Zhor, on my cattle,

And you, Zhor, go to fat, gloomy, whitewash.

CHUR, my deeds, amin my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

To become invulnerable

On the night from Wednesday to Thursday of the passionate week put a nodule with salt into the oven. In the morning, even before sunrise, remove the knots from the furnace and carry it to the well or to any other water. Lose salt, throw it into the water and say:

From salt Napti not weave,

From salt, the track is not tkut,

No one considers salt the enemy

No one wants no salt.

It does not shoot it, it is not a semit,

Neither sticks or whips do not beat her.

Nobody does not judge salt, does not kill

No matter and damage to her does not want.

So it would be me, God's slave,

Be like soles Thaparent, invulnerable,

Neither a beast nor a person invincible.

And be the words of my modeling,

And be the affairs of my strong.

As a stone Alatyr strong,

Like a bath sheet to a naked modeling.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

On beauty and health

In pure Thursday, you will be able to with silver or gold, putting it into the water - and you will be beautiful and healthy.

Conspiracy for beauty in the great Thursday 2017

In pure Thursday in a jug or pelvis for washing, pour water and consecrated salt in the temple on this day and sanctified salt, lower any silver object (spoon, ring) and, washing, say:

Mother of the Mother of God,

Bless me for the purity of Thursday.

Like this water holy and clean

So would be my beauty.

How is silver purely, radiant,

So all year to be me, God's slave,

In full health and beauty.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.


From damage to get rid of

So, here is one of these ways. In pure Thursday, go to the cemetery and find there the grave there, in which a man is buried, who deceased exactly a year ago. Put three eggs on this grave, three pancakes and kits. Then worship and read this plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Who in this earth will consider worms,

Only that body is alive.

Dead soul, the saint of my enemy,

Pancakes and bunches

Dead body sweat.

When the enemy of all worms in the ground considers,

Then only with me saves.

Give, Lord, I live long

And my damage in this place to be.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.


Punishment for evil

If you do not know the name of your enemy, stand up in the great Thursday at three o'clock in the morning, open the door in the furnace and shout into it:

Oh you, bouquet knives!

Fly you faster, forty-twist knives.

Fly, find it

Who is the culprit of sorrow of mine.

Cut it, colitis,

Do not sleep and do not sleep

Do not rest

Do not give the enemy.

How water in the river back is not flowing

Fish in the Sky Solovie does not sing,

The sun is not shining at night,

Ice with junior frosts does not melt,

In the sky, chicken does not fly,

Blood child of his mother does not drink,

So my enemy will not clarify.

The first key lies in the Black River,

The key is second in yellow sand.

No one will take those keys

And my castle is not heated.

Key, castle, language,

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the cattle was not stolen

In Clean Thursday, take water from the well and pour it into one of the corners of your yard. At the same time you need to say three times:

Water in the river goes, does not stop,

No meeting prevents her.

The river is always in the shores,

And my cattle in my hands.

Thief will not see her

Does not touch and will not be offended

My yard will not come to my

No cattle steals.

In the sky month, and behind him the sun will come,

Not a single thief of my cattle will take.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Talk husband from rival

In pure Thursday, end the nails on the legs and arms, and fold the nails in two new nasal scarves. From the legs - in one handkerchief, from the hands - to another, while say:

Cut from my fingers a nogot

I will put them in white handkerchiefs.

And how my marigolds of my sorry will not be,

Also let my husband (such something) will take advantage.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Test nails on the nodules and put there, where no one will see them. Soon your husband will completely forget your rival.

Treatment of joints in pure Thursday 2017

From the environment for clean Thursday, look out the window and, looking at the sky, say:

Lord, Almighty God,

Creating everything from nothing!

Bless and clean my body

Yes, it will be holy and firmly your business.

Like the body of heaven does not hurt anything

Not whitewhat, does not grind and fire does not burn

So I would have my bones hurt,

They did not dive, not brazed and did not burn.

The water of God from heaven is descended,

My body is cleared.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


From insurance

In good time, in an ambulance.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the graveyard lies in the tomb of the dead.

He sees him red sun,

He does not hear hemps of church,

He does not feel free

Not stars nor a clear month.

And he is not afraid of the thunder of heaven,

Not a hail, no lightning fire,

And he is not afraid of the sorcerer of black,

Not a robber ax.

Not afraid of evil speeches,

Do not fear dark nights.

He does not hide from evil eyes.

And so that I (such something) was not afraid of anything.

In the word, this strong holy was saved.

Angel my guardian

Angel my savor,

Be everywhere with me, with (such something)

God's slave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Shield on a child from all troubles

In pure Thursday wash the child with conspired water. We speak water with such words:

First, good hour,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Lord! Let the enemy

My child will not deceive

In the frowning trap it will not lure him

Harm and pain will not bring

Life, God, this will not take.

Let him not see him,

Nowhere and no offense

Invisible blood is not shedding

Hitness for the hand will not lead.

Let this enemy near the child numb.

Eyes will be flooded, zaled.

The hand will not rise, the foot will not go,

Until the child leaves him.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, confessed, in the eyelids.


Please note: reading the prayer, you need, depending on who you are reading it (boy or the girl), talking correctly words - "His" or "her", that is, change words to female or male genus.

Folk rites on pure Thursday in 2017

IN Ancient Russia Great day called the first Sunday of the new sunny yearcoming after equinox. With the arrival of Christianity, the holiday gained a deeper essence, but the folk rindness remained. That is why pure Thursday, like no other day of the year, has many traditions originating in pagan times.

In fact, these rituals are a relic of ancient beliefs that have nothing to do with orthodox traditions Great Thursday. They do not have much sense under them, but the church is not prohibited.

It is believed that along with the soul, it is necessary to clean the body. There is nothing wrong with that people, especially patients, want to get up early and wash the body with clean water. If only action is not combined with any magical and occult ritual. They said that on this day, "even the crow of the Voronenka washes in a puddle."

On Thursday reaches his epproy at home. For the holiday, he should, literally, glitter. Our grandmothers said: "If you clean it in pure Thursday, then you will live in cleanliness."

It happens that the Orthodox Russian traditions call what the church fought for centuries. One of the many superstitions belonging to the pre-Christian mythology is the custom of cooking "Thurspage (black) salt." About him in last years They say more and more.

People, worshiping the Divities of Nature, believed that the "black salt" heals many ailments of people and animals. It was believed that it was her to be served to the main meal, add to the dough and into the water for washing. There was a tradition of a sick person to ten days in a row there are buns baked on a black salt. Often for "sanctification" took salt from three houses. Then the crystals were dissolved in the tinctures of fragrant herbs or quasny, sometimes mixed it with thick oatmeal. Put for crystallization in the oven until smoke goes. Salt dark, purchasing black color.

In the church there is a "prayer over the salt", one of the most ancient. After all, this product, in the spiritual sense, meaning the saving teachings of Christ - the necessary person. Salt can be brought to the temple for sanctification, but there is no need to do it on a certain day and prepare it in a special way. The church cannot consecrate superstition by their authority. Since the 100-eyed cathedral (1551), this is strictly prohibited. If you ever had a concession to folk beliefs, this does not mean that they were Christianized.

Rite from the evil eye in pure Thursday

To wash off the evil eye or damage, it is necessary to wash in pure Thursday with silver water. Make such water is easy - it is necessary to put a silver object for the night in the water, and in the morning Good Friday Wash this water.

In addition, if you have a child who less than a yearIt is necessary to wash it with such water, in order to wash away everything bad that they could talk about it.

Prayers in Clean (Great) Thursday 2017

Prayers are read on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, standing under running water, which pours to the whole body.

The packer is your Visua Savior My, decorated, and clothes are not imam, yes, in the lounge: enlighten the apparel of the soul of the Muya Svetka, and save me. (I see your decorated (married) pane, the Savior, but I do not have (worthy) clothes to enter it. Enlighten your clothing of my soul, gives the light, and save me.)

Time Tweese Tweese, the Son of God, a Party of Justice: I do not be the enemy of your mystery, nor the lobsia of the ladies, Yako Judas, but I will confess the robber to confess: a rumor me, Lord, in your kingdom. (Son of God, accept me today as a partary of your secret evening. We will not betray the mystery of your enemies, do not kiss you like Judas. But like (prudent) robber, I confess you: Remember me, Lord, in your kingdom).

Lord! Sweet and save!

To you with a prayer resorting.

And for my sins forgive you,

Most High, I beg.

Clean the soul help

I am from my sins of my siety.

Save me, god save

From affairs and thoughts of hopeless.

Give forces from the wounded soul

Swipe slaps of sinful mud

Everything that conceived to accomplish

Evil despite and shimmers.

Save and merry, sinful.

As a confession cleans how water dirt removes, so you, Thursday, be clean, to cleanse me from any evil, from the insult to people, from disobedience, from the confusion, from the devilish hula, from evil-haired, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Everyone knows that the last week Before the great holiday, Easter is an unusual period. Even non-religious people try to devote time to careful cleaning in the house on this day. This time has a special force, there are even conspiracies and signs for pure Thursday.

The meaning of pure Thursday

For Christians in Orthodoxy, this is the day when it happened mystery evening Jesus Christ, at that time he already knew that Judas had betrayed him. This bulk was farewell to the disciples of Christ. Farewell passed through the ablution of the feet of the apostles and the saint communion.

In connection with these historical events It is believed that the person is able to become pure from many sins. This is the day when thanks to conspiracies, rites and signs you can improve the quality of your life.

This is the time when you can attract improvements in all its areas: in finance, love, well-being.

Cleaning in pure Thursday

The main thing that needs to be done in pure Thursday is, of course, to get into the house. It is said that if on Thursday, the dirt will be dirt, then the dirt will chase you throughout the year.

Christians believe that general cleaning on this day will help find things that have been lost for a long time, but the roads to your heart.

General cleaning and this time is true way Take everything clean and bright with your life. On this day, cleaning also occurs because after that it is not possible to clean six days at all in honor of the great holiday of Easter.

Even if a person is not very believed, cleaning procedures in this period will certainly attract various benefits into his life. So that this day is a way to clean your home physically and morally. With the procedures for clearing the house, everything is clear, and what are additionally conspiracy and signs on this day will help bring various benefits to the house?

How to attract financial benefits to the house in pure Thursday?

Here is a simple way as at home can be held a rite to attract money in the family, in such an unusual day. So, the conspiracy for money for pure Thursday.

To spend it take a bucket and type cold water there. Then in this bucket you need to throw a handful of little things. After that, tell me such a plot:

"Money is found, and not to translate. They grow me - multiply. My enemy does not remain. "

Clean Thursday, Signs and Traditions.

Clean Thursday, customs, traditions and signs.

Clean Thursday: Rituals and Signs

2017 Clean Thursday - Easter. Prints.

Clean Thursday 2014: Signs, customs

What is the number of pure Thursday in 2017.

Clean Thursday, rites Signs Tips.

Money in the house for clean Thursday do not miss the day !!!

After such words, a trifle from the bucket will get it out and leave it in the secret corner of your home. Such a conspiracy for money in pure Thursday will definitely increase your well-being. And with water that remained in the bucket you need to wash the glands of the Zhidnod, such a ritual you and money in the house will attract, and the windows will clean.

Here is another ritual who can contribute to wealth. If on this day you will keep records of all your money at home exactly three times, then soon they will be at least twice as much. Recalculate money, and thus attract wealth in the morning dawn, exactly at noon or on an evening dawn.

Only to do such rituals and customs are needed secret from everyone else. Therefore, select the time when your home will not be at home.

To get married

Unmarried girls will be wondering how to use this day in order for the next year to get wondering. For this there are conspiracies in pure Thursday to a successful marriage.

It begins such a ritual for marriage since the unmarried girl needs to take a bath or shower, then you need to hang out a new towel. All this procedure should be thought of your personal happiness, you can even mentally order my husband.

Then you need to go to the store, buy candies and distribute them on the way home in need or just children. By the way, kind people At the same time, just say:

"Dai, God, you have a good husband, daughter."

Hearing such good words On this day, it is very useful, of course, this is a quick happy marriage.

At Easter, the girl will also need to buy a separate cake, paint eggs and distribute them to the poor. Such rituals will help a free girl to attract your beloved and get married.

And this conspiracy will help to find family happiness already a meal girl. For this, a woman must wash his face in the morning and say such words at the same time:

"All the cat strokes, everything flas down to her, so the men will not let me go. In the idol you are not looking for, I want real husband. And since I want. Amen".

Milk from the same pack then you need to offer cats on the street. You can trace how many cats fed up on this milk, on these signs are determined from how many grooms of the husband will choose. The signs will be the color of cats.

Similar conspiracies for love or prayers need to be pronounced with particularly passionism and inspiration.

Foreign Bathing in Clean Thursday

If you want to get rid of the negative, then a real bath day for yourself. Customs suggest cleaning not exclusively an apartment, but also themselves.

Ideally bathe in a bath at dawn of such Thursday. Such a bathing is useful to conduct for both the soul and body.

After that, as you shaved, take a football with cool water or just a bucket, tell me the magical text on it, and then take yourself in full, make a rite-bathing of purity:

"Slavm's pure Thursday, I globify her all the people, let me be honored, and who is older, and who is to whistle. And so that the boss read me so that my things go well, it will stick to me all good, gold, health, well-being, are full of my pockets. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy to become more beautiful

The girl can ask more beauty in this magical day at the sky. The ritual begins with the fact that the girl gets up early in the morning dawn, while the sun did not rise, wash off, goes to the street, it is low of each of the four sides, and after that he utters a conspiracy:

"I rose a slave of God (my name) on a dawn of early, I bow to the first asterisk morning. I wash the dew with a transparent dewy, but I wrap my devotion sideways. It will be my face, whiter is the very light of white, the cheek will burn with a red flame. The eyes will burn, as a clear month. My brows will be black as a mild. So that all the grooms shied to me, so that their eyes could not take away from me. So I was very cute for them. My word is easy, my business is accurate. Amen".

After such a beauty ritual, it will certainly be addicted to the grooms.

From the evil eye and damage

At night, on Wednesday, on Thursday, you can spend rites and customs that will help you protect them from damage from the evil eye. The ritual is carried out with salt. Put the knot to the stove with salt, read the prayer several times. If there is no stove at home, you can fry salt in the frying pan in the evening. And in the morning dawn, the remains of salt get out of the stoves, refer to the spring or to another water source. The nodules of the salt are unleashed, throw into the water and at the same time sentences:

"From salt of lapotopes not to weave, it's not to weaken from salt, it's not an ease of salt, no one wants the salt, no one wants the booms and bullets into it, do not bother with her sticks. People do not condemn salt, do not want to kill. Pulling and die salt is also not afraid. Let me be a servant of God (his name) I will be like Sol Thursday, the same invulnerable. I neither animal nor a person invincible. Words are my lungs, my accurate things. Amen".


Unemployed people on the eve of Thursday you can spend a ritual for gaining good cash work this year. To carry out the ritual you need a candle white color and gold color coin.

On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, stay in the room alone. Extinguish all sources of electric light. Sit down at the table and burn a white candle. Remove the gold coin of the gold color and hush it in your right hand.

Look at the candle flame and say these words:

"Fire Thurspen cleansing, cleaning me and me, my life, my thoughts and body. Help me find a job glorious, so that I was, in honor, I was there, so that the gold coins were paid there anymore. And I will certify the celebration of Easter! Amen".

Leave a candle to keep it to the end. Coins carry with me as a mascot for all interviews, do not explicate to small kopecks, do not waste it. This rite is similar to the ritual of Stepanov, where you also need to carry a gold-plated coin. To enhance rituals and customize a new workplace for gaining work.

Rituals on health

Those who strongly suffer from diseases, and the rest for the prevention can be conspicited for health, so that energy in this area is filled.

To do this, take a cup of passionate environment and go to any reservoir, jump from there some water. When you come home, put the cup on the table three times its crossbow, and cover it with a clean towel, immediately go to bed.

You need to get up at two o'clock in the morning, go to the cup and turn it over three times. Then take a cup of bathroom with you, stand up in the bathroom, stripping completely and take yourself with water from this mug. Leave quite a bit of water at the bottom of the cup. After such a wash, do not wipe. The remaining water on the bottom should be pouring into some kind of well-growing plant. It is believed that at this moment the plant transmits you health and youth.

If you have problem skin, there are some skin diseases, you can spend a ritual for its cleansing. To do this, you just get up early in the morning in pure Thursday, take a mug with cool water, go out into the street, namely to the intersection. First turn into one direction, wash away with water, then to another, so you need to wash and spend water to all four sides. When washing, you need to use water to the end.

After that, tell me such a plot:

"From all four sides, the snakes are gathered, but for each of the four sides, my scars spread, pick them up cute yourself, you will not get used to you, you will drop the skin, so reset it with my scars. And give me a new skin, do not spare, give, we will be grateful. Amen".

After that, you can go home.

A simple way to improve human health is possible, if in pure Thursday each time you drink water to silent:

"Do not drink water, drinking health."

These plots of prayers can be used every day.

Conspiracy for pregnancy

For women who want to get pregnant passionate week a wonderful period when you can ask for motherhood opportunities for God. To do this, you need to independently carry out such a rite. Prepare two dishes. One of them will be sweet, and the second salty, even slightly saved.

A woman who spends a pregnancy ritual sits down at the table, tries a sweet dish and senses such words:

"Sweet-sweet me, the same sweet daughter, the Lord will send me. Come my daughter's soul, enter me. I will love you to follow the soul, no one is offended to give. "

Then you need to try a salt dish and say:

"Salen-shown, so that I want to cry, but my son will not cry, it is warmer in this the world will come. Come darling, to me, I will be the best mother for you, come, I will love, patronize the soul, no one offended you. "

These dishes need to eat throughout the day, in no case can not throw out his remnants.

Such a conspiracy to attract pregnancy can be held all a passionate week. Signs say that for what kind of dish a woman liked more can be judged about the future of the child. Self best rituals It will be good for pregnancy on this day, they will be effective.

Rituals to protect the house

In this divine day, you can make charms for your home to put magical protection for your home. Traditional charms during this period are spring plants. If you did not have time to dedicate the Verqu church, you can do it on Thursday.

After that, come back home. Check the windows of the Willow to the most prominent place and say this plot:

"My sins, what were the very gentlemen of the Lord, I ask my pure Thursday, my bad soul and my house we defend, welfare in my abode I invite. Let our whole family be blessed. Amen"

Let these twigs stand for a whole year before the next great holiday. Conspiracies on the willow from unclean power Natalia Korastylev advises.

So that your home is protected all year you can make a Thursday Salt. Salt that was preparing in pure Thursday in a special way, will be your assistant and defender all year. She will defend you from diseases, keep well-being in the house. It's not so difficult to cook it:

  1. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, when all your homemade will fall to bed, get a big cast iron skillet And put it on fire.
  2. Put a pack of a new cook salt on the rubbish.
  3. Add dried herbs to salt, so it will turn into a real tasty seasoning.
  4. Fry salt on slow fire for 6-7 minutes.
  5. At the same time, read the prayer "Father Our" all this time.
  6. After that, pour salt into the bag of flax, put it in the corner and do not touch until the Great Sunday.

Already in Easter and the distance of the whole year, salt can be used. But it is always to waste it, as the usual salt. Use it in cooking when you feel that harmony disappears in the house, then cook me with her.

If someone in the house fell ill, then he also needs to offer food, which is cooked with this salt. Even if there is no appetite at all offer a patient with a small hunch of bread with this salt. If an open quarrel occurred in the house, then such a salt can be scattered between quarrels, unlike ordinary salt, such will contribute to reconciliation. If there is a baby in the house, then you can bathen it in the bath, which added such a salt. It will bring the baby moral and physical health. Chu-slightly salts can be scattered in the corners of the house, it protects the room from negative.

The article contains only the best and time-tested signs and not only they make it possible to understand what happens various events on this day.

No less interesting information is invited in other articles of this project, including in the interpretation section of dreams and dreams.

Signs for pure Thursday and conspiracies, customs, prayers, rituals

Clean Thursday for all believers a significant day. It is customary to bring himself and your home in order, make general cleaning, look at all corners of the house to wash and prepare for Easter. After cleaning in the house and ablutions, go to the church for confession and coming. It is customary to pray, everyone asks the most necessary. Someone health, someone's bridegroom, someone's child.

So that the hair grew well, cut the tips.

Good sign found lost thing During cleaning, something good will happen soon.

Signs on pure Thursday with money and to make money

To make money in the house, several coins put in a bucket with water, which will wash the doors and windows. It is believed that it is through these entrances that money come and go. IN clean house, money go better. Three times recalculation of money in early morning helps not know poverty all year.

Signs for pure Thursday before Easter for marriage and unmarried girls, what needs to be done, but what can not

To attract the groom in the house, during cleaning, you can leave a place to a new resident. For example, put new sneakers next to your or free the shelf in the closet. It is impossible to ignore asking for help, alms next to the church or help the neighbors, on this day it is customary to help each other.

Signs and traditions on pure Thursday with salt, for pregnancy, health

Only in this holiday can make the so-called "Thursday Salt". Falling into the tray to dry a little in the oven. Then collect in the container, use for rituals, removal of damage, to promote health. Before use, it is better to speak: like a snow salt, let him help wash all the dirt from me. Protects from the evil of someone else's, from the unlocked unfit, from the envy of human.

For pregnancy, you need to go to the church to light the candle, ask the most intimate. On pure Thursday prayer is doubly stronger.

On pure Thursday how much to swim

If you want to be healthy, it is better to swim before sunrise. It does not mean at all if it is not afraid after dinner health. Regardless of the time of day, all sins, all "dirt" is washed off with a person. His thoughts become clean.

Clean Thursday Signs for Children

Little kids who are not even year, wash his face from the evil eye. This age is the most vulnerable to the bad eye. The most restless children become calmer, less crying and capricious.

Signs for pure Thursday from Alena Kurilova

Alena Kurilova offers to rearrange things from place to place, to attract money. In order for a unmarried girl to find the groom, you need to be pure, the new towel is waggered after washing. Fold it into the basket with eggs and herbs, on Sunday with alms to give in need. After a short time to wait for the groom on the threshold.

On pure Thursday which fortune telling on the narrowed and belief

With the new soap wash, after the same soap, use while cleaning at home. Constantly talk: how soap will stick to the body and you (name) stick to me. Talking these words to represent the narrowed.

The article contains only best interpretation Dreams that can be a prediction for a wedding celebration. Sleep preparation for your wedding is different ...

The article presents only those of the wedding will take about the color of the dresses, which are most often come true and which every woman should know about. Signs with ...

Young people, and even more "old girls" even more stuck in the days before the latter do not lose hope to become his wife. To attract a man to him and get married safely, it was accepted on important Orthodox dates to make the appropriate rites, so to speak, "on marriage." Especially many similar sacraments committed on pure Thursday, because in this orthodox holidayYou must say, one of the few can not only wash in the bath, but even work and burn out that simply "unlocks" hands with young beauties!

What rite to hold to get married soon?

Any rite spent on marriage specifically in pure Thursday, has a special mystical force and if everything is done correctly, you can get married, even an old girl!

In the morning on Thursday, shortly before sunrise, you need to slip the face of the potential bride cold water From under the tap or washbasin and immediately wipe it new, never once unused towel. You do not need to throw away the towel, it is caught before Easter, and after it is carried by Easter baking to sanctify into the nearest church. Something from the brought will need to give as alms and necessarily among the given one should be one egg.

Some have successfully used to attract weddings conspiracies who read on different things and gave the alleged future grooms, handing the thing in deception. Like the thing they spoke alcohol and just whispered on fire either water.

However, such traditions were not always considered traditions. Such options were mainly used by grandmothers-sorcerers and, it was believed that such a threatened rite can guarantee the result only by 50%. Of course, the wedding, of course, took place in the near future, just the bridegroom "came across" the wrong life of a girl, as actually the groom himself was irrevocably spoiled.

  1. In pure Thursday you can always find out whether you will marry this year. To do this, it will be necessary at any time of the day to approach the fence from the stakeholder and grab the hands as much as possible a staketin, while sticking the eyes. If you count an even number - there will be a couple of you.
  2. It is believed that it is in the pure Thursday the gates of Heaven will decide, and God hears in detail of the prayers of every person. Everything you need a woman dreaming about marriage is from a pure heart, without malicious intent to pray to the Lord in their own words and ask him not only for forgiveness, but also good man. At the same time, ask children of healthy and smart.
  3. In the church you can ask the appropriate prayer in advance about marrying. Read it on pure Thursday. Feel the difference with prayer, not conspiracy.

You can, of course, find the mass of the sacraments and rituals that can commit unmarried girl To approach the wedding day. However, among them everyone needs to be selected only innocuous sacraments, which in any case will not be sin from an Orthodox point of view! You must always remember that the rites never had anything to do with a burning and black fortune. Warknizhye will not bring anyone happiness, on the contrary, will destroy the fate of both newlyweds, since each of them will find a "no" person and will live someone else's fate!

Passionate week requires Christians a special thorough preparation for the main holiday - Easter. Every day of the passionate week is special, but pure Thursday is considered one of the most basic, since it is on this day every hostess finishes cleaning in the house, bakes cakes for the holiday and paints eggs. On the other days before Easter, all this is not allowed. Clean Thursday is different from other days of passionate week by special customs and rites, which were used by our ancestors in distant times.

What rites of clean Thursday are particularly popular?

The first thing from which every person should start pure Thursday is from bathing before sunrise, so the man is cleared of sins, wash off their water.

So that the year was financially well-safe, you need to take money in the morning and midnight three times.

There is also a belief that windows and doors in the whole house need to be washed with water, with coins thrown into it. After all the washed coins are hiding far away, and water is poured under a tree that grows in the yard.

To protect against the evil eyes and damage in the morning in pure Thursday, washped with water filled with silver.

Clean Thursday - Signs and Customs

I will take a lot of thursday a lot and every hostess knows about them not to be bleak:

  • before sunrise, you need to swim, reading the prayer;
  • wash the whole home carefully;
  • make a threshold salt that will help heal from many diseases;
  • recalculate money;
  • visit the church to confess;
  • bake the cakes on a thoroughly washed kitchen and with a purified soul.

Such rites came in our days from a long time when our grandmothers were still observed. Each of the rituals must be respected with accuracy and then until the next clean Thursday, everything in the house and the family will be in order. For married girls, also pure Thursday prepared their rites to get married and find their half this year.

Clean Thursday - rites and signs for unmarried girls

All signs in pure Thursday for young girls concern beauty and personal happiness. Washing with water, infused on silver, promise not only health, but also beauty. If on this day to visit the hairdresser, then the hair will not only grow rapidly, but will look beautiful and healthy. Girl who is for a long time It can not get married in pure Thursday should wash and laid out a towel. At Easter, together with the festive cake and eggs, a towel must be filed as alms. Such a ritual merged a quick marriage girl.

There is also another rite that promises a young girl a quick marriage - in the morning in pure Thursday you need to look out the window and if a girl sees there young guy, then this year she will go under the crown.

Clean Thursday - Prayers

All rites and customs of clean Thursday are particularly powerful, even prayers read on this day have a special magic powerUnless of course they read with faith and open soul. Prayer a lot, but in pure Thursday you need to read special, which will help improve financial welfare, good health, or even marriage for young girls on issuing.

"Lord! Sweet and save!

To you with a prayer resorting.

And for sins forgive me

You, Most High, I beg.

Clean the soul help

I am from my sins of my siety.

Save me, god save

From affairs and thoughts of hopeless.

Give forces from the wounded soul

Swipe slaps of sinful mud

Everything that conceived to accomplish

Evil despite and shimmers.

Save and merry, sinful. Amen".

Prayer cleansing the soul from evil and bad thoughts:

"How confession cleans how water dirt removes,

So you, Thursday, be pure, be,

Clean me from any evil,

From the insult to people, from disobedience,

From the conference, from the devilish bully,

From bad tinlav, from evil conversations, demonic disputes.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy for girls to attract beauty and charm so that the guys looked around. You need to read it in pure Thursday before the sun goes out and when reading you need to bow all 4 sides.

"I will stand, the slave of God (name),

I drank a devil sideways.

Be my white face

White white light,

Scarm red cheeks

My eyebrows be

Black black earth

To guys all

To tell me

Eye to tear out from me.

Was white and mile,

Welcome and beautiful.

My word lopko,

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Clean Thursday: What can not do at home?

In pure Thursday you can do a lot, but there are both restrictions about which every believer should know:

  • listening to the service in the church can not sitting;
  • so that the world always reigned in the house, the candle, which was lit in the church, should burn to home and not to smoother;
  • before serving in the Church it is impossible to drink anything, there is and do;
  • in pure Thursday, nothing can be given anything;
  • cannot be left dirty dishes and clumsy underwear;
  • you can not start cooking to dishes festive table As long as the house does not appear full order.

If you observe all customs and signs, then before the next clean Thursday, everything will be in the house.