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When you need to swim on pure Thursday. We prepare a threshold salt. General cleaning in pure Thursday

It is important to know well what customs, prayers, traditions accompany Pure Thursday. It is believed that this nice day, which precedes a passionate Friday, every believer person is obliged to part with all his fears, problems, unrest and sinful thoughts. Do not stand this "cargo" to carry on your shoulders to the bright holiday Easter. How to get rid of all the problems? What should I do in pure Thursday?

Thursday Passionate week It has great magic power. On this day there will be many different visits and, of course, rites.

Immediately after waking up in pure Thursday, each family members should wash with silver, that is, with a silver coin or spoon. According to the belief, such a washness gives a person not only strong health, but also by beauty. Patients in Maundy Thursday Wash off the neighboring "silver". The strongest silver coin is considered to be stolen. Such a coin is not spent, but you caress: it is treated, they are being brought and awaited on it.

Cleaning in a house in pure Thursday. Before each Orthodox task is to be cleansing. It follows the cleanliness in the house in the body and in the shower. It is necessary to endure all the litas from the house, collect trash, web, all that long years Stored in the corners hidden from the eyes and is waiting for his starry hour. If the thing did not use 12 months, then it is time for her in the garbage or give the subject to people in need. This procedure will help remove the entire negative from the house that has accumulated for a long timeAnd also not to give the unclean to dissolve "your hands and languages." Please note that garbage accumulates where they sip. And in a noncomfortable house where negative thoughts are beginning to emerge, scandals, squabbles, evil words appear. People forget about love for near, lose faith.

Swimming up to sunrise in pure Thursday. To stay happy and successful until the next clean Thursday, you need to clean your body. Before sunrise you need to buy. In this earlier morning, water in the reservoirs is saturated with a fertile strength. The ablution in pure Thursday will lead to the fact that the accumulated fatigue, anxiety will go, pain. Before washing, you need to pronounce prayer, your words of gratitude for what is available now, you need to repent. Until the sun dawn in pure Thursday, according to what they require customs, we become under the shower and imagine that water is not just a body, but takes the whole series of trouble with you.

During bathing you need to read a plot to attract good luck. It is necessary to speak: "Voddy, a water, you walkers, my face cleaning, my body cleaning and soul my cleaning, fill me with beauty and health." After that, the bathing ends with a bucket of a bucket of cool water.

In pure Thursday it is necessary to burn cakes and Easter. The main custom of Thursday of the passionate week is associated with the baking of Easter cakes. From the morning, all hostesses put the dough "to rose". And in the late afternoon, reading all the necessary prayers, proceed to festive baking. Folk beliefs say that by what the cakes turned out, it is possible to judge how the whole year will be passed until the next Easter. If a easter cakes turned out lush and tasty, then next year Bring only joy. But if the pasting failed, then the year is to be difficult.

Signs in pure Thursday

According to folk signs In pure Thursday, each mistress necessarily closes the general cleaning in the house. After all, folk wisdom says that "the benefits in the mud does not happen." And therefore, if you meet the approaching holiday of Easter in a dirty housing, then nothing good to wait for the next year. After the great Thursday, it is impossible to clean in the house - the days remaining up to the Greater Day should be held in a strict post and prayer.

Believe strictly setting prohibit in pure Thursday to give anything from the house. Even if a neighbor for salt came to you, find a reason to refuse her, otherwise, together with salt, you can give her weakness and peace from your home.

In the great Thursday it is necessary to bring the so-called passionate candle from the church, which helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases. On the same day, a third salt is prepared - the usual salt strain into the furnace, and then sanctify in the church. Such salt has amazing healing properties.

The hostess on this day is preparing pussy, painted, cakes and Easter. The appearance of cottage cheese Easter on festive table not by chance. Since ancient times, milk and dairy products, along with bread (cake), revered as sacral, sacred food. Our ancestors endowed milk with healing properties and tied up with such concepts as power and fertility.

In pure Thursday, a person can ask the otherworldly forces about his future. To do this, they took a candle brought from the evening service, lit her and walked on the attic (one of the habitats of the house). There it was necessary to stand for some time and wait for my home spirit. If I was a shaggy house, then it was a rich family, if the bald - then live the owners in poverty.

Leshego could be asked about the future. It was necessary to go to the forest, sit on a birch (tied with the souls of the dead and female demons a tree) or aspen (damned tree), remove native Cross And call the Forest Spirit. It was believed that Leshel would definitely appear in a passionate Thursday and respond to all the questions of the braveness, driving around to talk with an evil spirit.

Conspiracies in pure Thursday

Conspiracy for beauty

This conspiracy is read to the Great Thursday before the sunrise and when reading low is low on all four sides.

"I will stand
Slave of God (name),
At the dawn,
Worship the first
The star is beautiful
We remember dew
I drank a devil sideways.
Be my white face
White white light,
Scarm red cheeks
Red Sun,
Eyes bright
The month is clear.
My eyebrows be
Black black earth
To guys all
As one,
The word could not
To tell me
Eye to tear out from me.
Everyone would be
Was white and mile,
And beautiful.
My word lopko,
The thing is so tena.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy So that the husband and his wife did not part

On the great Thursday, with two coils twist one thread, put it across the threshold. When the husband oversteps through the thread, tie it in the middle of the node and hide somewhere. Tie a node, tell me:

"Slave of God (name) and I,
His thread
Together twisted
Tightly drilled.
How on this thread knot
Does not unleash
So he never
Do not discern. "

Conspiracy to the Great Thursday for Smell Marriage

For a quick marriage of a non-aged woman, you need to wash your feline milk into the great Thursday, saying:

"How are all stroking cats
And like cats to all flax,
So my grooms
The passage will not give.
Now and confessed
And forever in the ages.

Conspiracy in pure Thursday To like the guy to girls

To the guy liked girls, you need to go to the great Thursday, washing, read this plot:

"Water from face,
Bride to well done.
How people love water,
So would i girls
Appreciated and loved.

Conspiracy in pure Thursday To like guys

In order for the girl to like guys, you buy a mirror to the Great Thursday, without taking out the purchase, get up between two trees, look in the purchased mirror and say:

As the whole world
In the mirror looks
On its reflection
So would you guys
Milked with me
And kissed
Yes, swirling
To me rushed.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy in pure Thursday for good luck and happiness

In order to end your misfortune and failures, we wash your house with holy water to the great Thursday. When you finish cleaning, read this plot:

"Cleansed clean Thursday
All Mother Earth,
Clears clean Thursday
And my soul
. How to go
In the sky, the sun and the moon,
In his circle
Eternal turning
That's right
Will turn to me
Happy share
And fate.
Now and confessed
And forever in the ages.

Thursday on the passionate sadmice is called great or clean. This day must be devoted to cleaning the house and yourself. Therefore, the main ritual to the Great Thursday is swimming. According to tradition, it is cooled in cool water, as it has a strong cleansing energy. How to swim in pure Thursday before Easter? Consider the topic in the article.

How did our ancestors spend the rite of ablution in pure Thursday? There were many beliefs and customs related to bathing. For example, so that the face is clean, the soap from Wednesday to Thursday was taken out on the street and left all night under the moon. Silver coins were made to the water so that the year was rich.

The ritual part of the Great Thursday was entirely aimed at clearing itself and housing from the negative energy accumulated over the year.

People walked to the river and dipped in icewater. It was believed that the river would wash all the energy mud and takes the health and longevity. Swimming in the river was accompanied by a plot:

What time do you need to go to the river? Before sunrise sun. In a modern city, you can just get up under the cool shower and do the same.

Before sunrise, it is taken in a bath. What do you need to talk at the same time, because at night it becomes unclear? The following words said:

Kresthenny on the shelves, unresolved - from the police.

How to wash it right if you do not have the opportunity to visit the bath or take a bath? Just stand up to dawn, type water in a bowl, read over it corporate words And beware:

Get rid of damage

On this day you can quickly remove the wrong damage. Need to wash with the words:

What time do you need to do it? Wash away from damage until dawn.

You can head water and differently:

Then you need to ask the water in your own words so that it will be freed from evil and damage, the sickness and dismisses, gossip and peresise, evil eye and bad molva.

To the Great Thursday put in water silver and left until Sunday to wash. It was believed that after this rite no suffocation is not terrible.

Cleansing housing

At dawn were taken for cleansing their home and yard. The room was first fured by juniper twigs, and then they did general cleaning. If there is no juniper, you can lay down the house incense, a hunter or sage. Well purifies negative energies And wormwood with a thistle.

How to fool the room? You need to warm up the frying pan with a long handle, put herbs on it or incense and get around the whole house, while you should read prayer. The ashes of the grass must be thrown into the street in trash can, wash the pan. Returning home, drink a little holy water and proceed to general cleaning.

Note! In pure Thursday you need to pour flowers, replace water in vases with bouquets and wash the laundry clouded on the eve. It is impossible to leave individual underwear in the pelvis until Friday.

The fourth day of the passionate week is pure Thursday (the Grand Thursday, Passionate Thursday), even for not particularly believers, is a kind of ritual afternoon associated with cleaning and bath. In Orthodox faith, this is very significant day dedicated to the mysterywhere Jesus, already knowing about the betrayal of Judas, was forgiving with his students by committing rituals - the Holy Communion and the ablution of the feet of the apostles.

Special challenges and customs on the passion week are associated with clean Thursday. It is on this day that you can get rid of many sins and improve your life. Follow easter signs And rites, you can change to the best of your destiny for the next year. This article provides signs, beliefs and rituals inherent in the Great Thursday of Passionate Sedmians, namely:

  • Bathing in pure Thursday
  • Communion and confession
  • Monetary signs and conspiracies in pure Thursday
  • Simple protective ritual
  • Culichi, Easter and Paint

Bathing in pure Thursday

"If you want to be healthy all year, certainly, just at sunrise."- Try it yourself and you make sure that, indeed, this morning water acquires wonderful healing properties. This water can be washed away all, sins accumulated in the year.

It is desirable in pure Thursday to get into the bathhouse at dawn, but also a shower or bathing with soap foam is also welcome. It is believed that not only the cleansing of the body, but also the soul, as water acquires cleansing and protective properties that can wash off the accumulated negative and disease. It is important during the procedure to have bright, joyful thoughts.

If you want, you can spend this simple conspiracy on the ablution thaparent water. Before sunrise, take a big ass, type cool water into it, will tell the words of the conspiracy and deteriorate the face:

"Pure Thursday Easter Slavs, all people orthodox Easter Slavita, so I would give me people, and young, and old, so that in honor of the authorities, I walked God (name), so that my profit my profit brought me. Gold to my hands lipnet, pours. Coins in the wallet are walked. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Communion and confession

To finally cleanse from sins and bad thoughts, after the ablution, you should go to the church for confession and communion. If you did not follow the post all the time of the Great Post, then do not forget that before confession you need to go, at least a few days. Essentially in pure Thursday you can pour even the most terrible death sins.

General cleaning in pure Thursday

There is a right sign - if in pure Thursday will carry out general cleaning, you will get a lot of joy for it. In addition to the fact that the house will be clean, there is also such a religious moment here that six days after clean thursday religious people are not engaged.

Besides there is popular beliefthat tremendous general cleaning in the house, you get as a gift from the Lord the opportunity finding seemed forever lost favorite and necessary items. And indeed it is. I registered more than once during this cleaning for a long time lost things, and in the most unexpected places.

Cleaning the body and soul, you can proceed to cleansing your personal space, that is, houses or apartments. Bringing general cleaning, follows without pity spread and with old unnecessary things - It concerns the personal wardrobe and broken household appliances, old furniture and podcotus dishes. Together with an old trash from your space, everything is stagnant and bad, including old problems and trouble, because you exempt the place for new things and well-being, which requires free circulation.

Money Sketch in Clean Thursday

Icestari It was believed that if during clean thursday three times to recalculate all the money available in the house, then they will not translate in the family throughout the year. Recalculation of money should be engaged in early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. It is necessary to do this in secret not only from outsiders, but also from all our households. Only then from the execution of this ancient rite will be the UK.

Conspiracy in pure Thursday for money

But I. cash plot In pure Thursday. If you wash the doors and windows with water, into which the trifle is put, then for the whole of the year yours will grow as on yeast! The words of the conspiracy to say when throwing a bucket or pelvis with water handful of coins:

"Cash, go - do not translate, grow-multiply, do not eat enemy!"

and any more prayer for those you know well. After all the doors and windows in your home will be washed, remove the trifle from the water and put in the far, but the pre-washed corner of your home or apartment for a week. Water pour under any tree.

Simple protective ritual

If your house has a baby under the age of the year, then this procedure is especially shown to him because he cannot yet protect himself with the help of holy prayer. Therefore, take care of his protection follows us by spending this simple protective rite. In Clean Thursday, put on the night in a water container any silver object. And in the morning, in Good Friday, smear this water, and during the year no devilry You and your children will not be terrible.

Culichi, Easter and Paint

Actually, in pure Thursday, they are embarking on cakes, Easter and begin to paint and paint eggs. While cooking is desirable read prayers, and in no way indulge in negative thoughtsthat the products prepared by you do. In the Holy Holiday, all dishes on the table must be energetically clean.

How to cook a threshold salt

Cook a Thurspen Salt can be solely once a year - in pure Thursday. Properly cooked salt - a universal wubble from damage and evil eye, as well as the strongest assistant in any business. Initially, the Thursday salt was preparing in the furnace. It was added to her ash from the furnace wood, but in the current urban conditions it is difficult to bake salt and ash anywhere else.

Therefore, it is proposed modern recipe. Pour no a large number of Salt salt and the same amount of rye flour. Put on a strong fire and, stirring with a wooden spatula clockwise, read the prayer "Our Father", until the mass acquires a dark brown-black color. In this case, flour that burned, replaces the ash from the furnace. Why rye? Because in the framework of the recipe, a thickness of rye kvass is added, so rye flour is allowed to the modern recipe, replacing both ash and sourdough.

Properly cooked salt not only, but also enhances the action of different prayers and conspiracies. Store in a bag of natural canvas in a dry dark place. They say that the sick person is added to the food and drink, the Thursday salt can contribute to his cure. If you prepared salt only for the overall, let's say on the bag of words:

"The name of God is defending herself, the Thurspen Solu is clear.
Those who troubles are satisfied with my life disappear.
Key. Lock. Language".

Taking a conspiracy, tie a linen bag with a red ribbon. It can be worn as with me, and stored in the house.

Conspiracy on soap to attract a guy

It will take a piece of soap made by hand, since homemade soap handmade Includes natural components that are the extensions of the energies that you want to attract. Go in the morning in the bath ( permissible time - From the sunrise to ten in the morning) and come only with this soap. They can not be shared with other people.

Come home, make cleaning, applying all the same soap, replacing everything to them chemicalswhich usually use. All the time, while you are cleaning, pronounce words: "(name) will stick back to me like soap." Sell \u200b\u200bas much time as clean in the apartment. If the soap remains - it should be attributed to the church and put somewhere under the threshold or near the fence. Well, if the soap does not remain, so it is desirable to initially take a little lump. After the Ascension (for the fortieth day after Easter), your lover will provide you with increased signs of attention.

Folk signs in pure Thursday

  • If during the guidance of order in the house you have discovered once lost things - it's fortunately.
  • If in pure Thursday to spend the rearrangement of furniture in the apartment, then it is.
  • If in the morning, looking out the window, the first to whom you will see will be an old man, it is to failure. If the dog is or young man - It's fortunately. If a young girl is to family happiness. If a child is to study.
  • On this day, not only money can be given to debt, but in general something from his house - luck will go away.
  • The people always existed the custom to cut the hair on the fourth day of the passionate week. It was believed that cutting his hair, a man was cleared of sins.


These are the main signs and rites are associated with clean Thursday. At the same time, all of them, one way or another, are associated with the guidance of purity and order. Only after pointing the order in pure Thursday, the bake of the cakes and paint easter eggs. Even if you do not go to church, rock money and clean energy flows - always the right thing. So use on health.

And who does not comply with this and the cakes will be cryvococa. Therefore, first make a general cleaning, and only then take care of the preparation of festive Easter dishes.

Articles dedicated to Easter on our site.

The fourth great day of the passionate week is pure fours, even those who are far from religion associate this day with different rites, traditions, and refer to the "bath" day. It is not wonderful, because home Tradition On pure fours - it is. Those who are all trying to follow the church canons, are wondering when you need to wash in pure Thursday before Easter: in the morning or evening? Consider this riteHow to spend it correctly and when to do it.

Clean Thursday and Important Traditions

If you turn to the story, then it was in the pure fours. Mystery eveningWhen Jesus, knowing that one of his students betray him, forgiven with them a special ritual - washed every leg. So he showed his humility, forgiveness and love. Therefore, one of the most important rituals on this day is swimming and washing.

It is believed that it is in pure Thursday that you can clean the soul and body, and contribute that life improves (at the same time, it does not matter exactly which aspect of life requires improvement). In addition to bathing, there is also a common tradition and rituals on this day:

Communion in church and confession;
Total house cleaning;
Cooking by the Thurspage Salt;
Bakeing Easter kulichiki and preparation of products for solemn meals on the occasion of Easter.

When you need to swim in pure Thursday

Folk wisdom reads: "If all year you want to live in health, pay back in pure Thursday before the sun appear on the horizon." This morning, water acquires unique healing properties, vigorous vigor, health, force. Such water can be washed off all your sins, which have accumulated during the year.

It is best for swimming in pure Thursday in the early morning, and even better if it is going to a bath. Of course, in modern conditions, there is no such possibility, so the adoption of a hot bath with foam and soap is welcome. At the same time, wash, you need to think about something good, positive that bad emotions do not interfere with the purification process.

Is it possible or not to swim in the evening and at night? Despite the fact that it is better to start your day with a swim in pure Thursday, you can also swim in the evening, at any time, most importantly, be sure to do it immediately before bedtime. Let even this evening rite will be executed not for the sake of the healing properties of water, but to purify the spirit and body, as well as respect for the traditions.

Another an important nuanceTo specify, this is what you need to swim or wash in pure Thursday, but with prayers with special conspiracies. These words should be pronounced:

Sacred Scripture says that it is necessary to pray in pure Thursday not only during the ablution, but also in the performance of any cases, and they are not enough for pure Thursday. All on this day should be made with great love in the heart, with joy, good thoughts. After all, soon Easter, and therefore, you need to clean yourself from all the negative, and this is possible only by reinforced and sincere prayers.

So when is it better to wash before Easter in pure Thursday? In the morning - the best, and in the evening you can, so you should not be upset, the main thing is to go to the case with good intentions and sincere faith, then there will be no difference between the two procedures.

Communion and confession on pure Thursday

After literally cleansing the body and spirit, the result should be "consolidated" by going to the temple on the sacrament and confession. It is important here to take into account that if you have not followed the entire period of the Great Post, then in front of the communion it is necessary to post a few days, you can start with the Great Monday. Only in pure Thursday, you can pour even those sins that are considered mortals.

Again, without communion and confession there will be no complete cleansing, and therefore a person is not ready for the Great Easter.

Clean Thursday is an important and special day for religious people, it is actually the last stage of the Great Post, the last stage of preparing for the holiday. Rites, which are made in pure Thursday, have their own strength on this day.


Because in pure Thursday it is customary to swim, many people are interested in when it is necessary to take water procedures for best Effect. A detailed answer to this question is shown below.

When in pure Thursday you need to swim

Throughout the year, perhaps, perhaps, only 2 days, when water acquires special properties - this is a holiday of baptism and pure Thursday. In 2018, he will come on April 5, and already on April 8, many people will celebrate Easter.

This day is called because by legend Christ washed my legs to all 12 students during a mystery of the evening. And since this event occurred at night, then it is necessary to swim too much before sunrise. You can organize bathing on the night from the environment, you can get up early in the morning - here everyone can do the way it is convenient.

In Russia for several centuries existed interesting tradition. Already in the evening, on Saturday, a large amount of water and firewood brought to the bath, the oven melt, and at night they went to swim with the whole family. Of course, in modern conditions, the alternative bath became a bath or shower, which, however, does not diminish healing properties water. The main thing is to properly tune in to this holiday and know not only when, how much you need to wash in pure Thursday, but also how to do it.

Thursday pure or great?

Pure Thursday was called people. And according to the church tradition, he (like all the days of the passionate week) is called the Great. It was the last day of Christ's earthly life. He arranged a evening meal with his students (the evening), and the next day was devoted to the court and crucified on the cross.

What you need to talk to pure Thursday when you wash

Whether to swim at night or in the morning to sunrise, the most important thing is to tune in to this funny and useful event. What does it mean? You just need to release all the extraneous thoughts, sincerely wish for yourself and close happiness, and the enemies - forgive all the offenses, reports the site. After all, every person has its weakness, what can be done here.

And that the bathing is in joy and charged energy and health for the whole year, you can use such useful tips:

  1. It is best not only to lie down in the bath, but also to take a cool shower. If you get up and feel a pleasant fall of the jet, you can easily imagine how it destroys everything unnecessary and giving you up with your love and care.
  2. Once you really feel the beneficial strength of water jets, you can imagine how all the alarms, unnecessary thoughts, Handra and other problems go.
  3. But before washing the soap, you can speak such words:

You can also pronounce some other phrases that go from the heart. You can say them out loud, and to yourself. Repeat three times or more. The main thing is to do everything naturally, intuitively understanding how best to do.


In pure Thursday, when you need to swim before sunrise, it is helpful to slip the face with water from silverware. If this is not found, you can just put on the night silver ring or earrings so that they recharge water. It is believed that thanks to the procedure, the skin will become elastic and will look attractive throughout the year.

First of all: the opinion of the priests about the appropriate battery life

The rules described above include, rather, folk traditionthan to strict church canons. In fact, a strict requirement when it is and how it is necessary to swim on this day that it does not exist at the same time. Representatives of the Church believe that this can be done at any time.

It is important to understand such a nuance. Yes, the cleansing of the body (and at the same time the general cleaning in the house) is the right one, good way Preparation for Easter. However, the basic value of the holiday is the cleansing of the soul. What can it be expressed? For example, we can ask for forgiveness for a long-time resentment, to see them, with whom the contact was interrupted, perhaps for reasons is not the most weighty.

Yes, and you can stop offended by different little thingsAfter trying to understand and take the point of view of another person. In this way, we remove the psychological burden, as if we wash our soul from unnecessary emotions, thanks to which the Easter holiday would surely play more bright colors.

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