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When cakes are sanctified in the church. What time is it necessary to go to the church to shit cakes. What to put in the Easter basket

    We always try to go to Church of Sitting Culichi, Eggs, Curd Easter at night in a passionate Saturday after 16 hours, and many do it, come at this time. You can bring to consecrate other products: a little salary, sausage, meat, baking, a bottle of red wine. If when there is no opportunity to come to consecrate the cakes with eggs to a passionate Saturday, then we come to the temple on Sunday at Easter. In the morning at Easter, people also come to sink products.

    In general, eggs and cakes are customary to sanctify after night easter worship, which happens on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Upon completion of the divine service, the priest begins to sanctify the cakes, eggs and Easter. Easter service is very beautiful. It is advisable to visit this service and consecrate the cakes and Easter.

    Holy cakes and eggs early in the morning in a passionate Saturday, because the procession will begin in the evening. When the midst of the night will end on Saturday, it will begin to shy eggs and cakes, it is at four o'clock in the morning. Shit will be, while people will go. Therefore, on Saturday, but it is better early in the morning, although usually the people are going to eleven o'clock in the morning.

    On the night of Saturday on Sunday in front of Easter serves all-bedic. As a rule, this occurs from 00.00 to 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. But the consecration of kulichs and other Easter food can be held both before serving (on Saturday in the evening) and on Sunday. This year in our church, sanctification was held until 13.00 so that everyone had time.

    Probably depends on the temple. In large parishes, all Saturday will be shed after the morning service. In our temple, a couple of years will hurt even after the midnight, i.e. Night Easter service. But it is better to come on Saturday.

    According to orthodox tradition, consecration of Easter cakes and Pask It is an urgent need to consecrate the transition from lean to the rapid. If you want to keep all the rites, as a true Orthodox, Easter and cakes should be consecrated not earlier than the all-in-room, which begins with the sunset on the Great Saturday, and ends with a dawn.

    Nevertheless, not everyone can surrender throughout the whole night in worship, therefore there are still two options for visiting the church to consecrate the festive bread.

    Option 1. Most of the temples and churches are consecrated by Pask and Kulichi in a passionate Saturday early in the afternoon, after 16 hours.

    Option 2. You can also come to Church to Sat Easter Culich and EasterDirectly early in the morning, on the day of the resurrection of Christ.

    By the way, you can sanctify not only festive bread and painted eggs, but also wine, and meat, since it was from these products that truly believers refused for the time of the Great Post.

    After all, Easter begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday - at 00:00 And at the same time, the church begins a vigil vigil, then liturgy and only then the priest sanctifies all the products brought (approximately 4 hours). In the church for 12 o'clock in the morning, all believers go and bear with them what they want to sanctify. We (Khabarovsk - Far East) In the temple of the Armed Forces, it ends rather late - to 5 o'clock in the morning - it is hard to give it hard (especially if you take children with you). We somehow have children with them (in vain) and half of the service persuaded them to suffer and not go home.

    In Russia, almost everywhere, eggs and cakes are consecrated only at night, and on Saturday or on Sunday morning - it is not instituted or rare.

    Usually in most orthodox churches, consecration of Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, eggs and other things begins on Saturday after the morning service. Then the sanctification occurs after the solemn Easter service performed on the night from Saturday on Sunday. It lasts about four in the morning.

    To clarify the schedule of all Easter services held best in your temple.

    We usually at night from Saturday on Sunday parishioners go to church. With you, they bring cakes, eggs, Easter. After Easter service passes, the priest begins to sanctify eggs in the morning. If there is no opportunity to defend the service, you can come in the morning to consecrate Easter dishes.

    In different temples it can be assigned differently. In one temple, you can consecrate the products for the festive easter table. Already on Saturday after the evening service, in another temple it is made early in the morning on Sunday after the Easter service. And in some temples, they conduct services so that believers even have the opportunity to bring products to sanctify twice. But still make it more convenient on Saturday. After all, if you sanctify on Sunday, you will have to defend the entire night service, it is about 4 o'clock in the morning.

Everyone knows when light Easter comes. But few people know when you need to go to church and illuminate the ads and testicles. People learn about this event from relatives, friends or neighbors, but most often over the Internet. On the network there are answers to all questions. So we want to tell you in detail how much the cakes in the church will hurt.

Usually according to the old traditions, it is customary to cover the cooked treats on Saturday to the Easter itself. But you must definitely defend the night service. Saturday usually all preparations are completed. But many busy people, and on ordinary days did not have time to paint eggs or bake. Therefore, these preparations are engaged on Saturday, and the next day, in the morning they go to sink prepared treats.

But why do people do not know when to sip cakes in 2017 and other products? The point is that we all visiting the shrine and do not have a concept when the service passes. Many do not know the exact time, they only assume that the lighting rite will occur in the morning or in the evening. But the morning bypass is dedicated to a passionate Friday, but Evening - Easter.

It is necessary to visit the night service. There, the servants of the church tell the story of our Savior, as it was crucified in strong flour and that he died for the sake of people.

If none of your environment also knows when there is a tramp, you can see all the information you are interested in the temple doors. Usually there post an ad. If it is not, then do not hesitate, go inside and ask the cholesmithors, they will tell you exactly. During bypass, the father reads a prayer and splashes you and your treats with holy water. This is an interesting divine rite, it cannot be missed in any way.

You must also understand what food you can light up in the temple. It is necessary to take seriously to the church fees. With you, you can take some products, as you take the lit food only before the start of the meal. Put the oak, silent and several eggs. Many people do not know and carry in the temple for lighting a variety of products. Few people know, but even koror on this day it is impossible to light.

When you come home, put the illuminated food for a beautiful plate, only in the morning it will be possible to try it. Before meals, you must definitely pronounce prayer, only then proceed to the meal.

At what time can you go to the temple and consecrate the cakes? As practice has shown, many people are asked by this issue. But everything will depend on the church in which you will be shit. Usually, bypass starts from 10 am and up to 22 pm. You can also get to the service, after which the procession will be made, where it will be possible to condemn food.

The time when the cakes will hurt in different temples, it is different. In one temple, it is possible to sanctify food for a festive table on Saturday, in another - early in the morning on Sunday. In some churches, the service is carried out in such a way that believers have the opportunity to bring products to consecrate twice.

Therefore, before going to Church of Sitting Culichi, it is better to ask about the time and order of the Easter service in advance. This can be done in the ministers of the church. But before going to church service, it is necessary to prepare.

When is it necessary to shit cakes according to the rules?

The church service is carried out on the installed canons that allow very minor deviations. According to the canon, each service is accompanied by a prayer chant, characteristic of a certain event, time of day, the presence of restrictions on the day of post and the memory of saints and so on. The Easter service lasts all night, and the rite of consecration of products prepared for the morning festive meal is carried out at 4 am. These products are traveled by parishioners then carry home, and breakfast begins with them.

However, sanctifying products in the Great Saturday is also permissible. The rite is held on Saturday evening, in the evening service.

After a passionate Friday, the Great Saturday is considered a holiday in the afternoon, the priest is already putting white clothes, and the chant of the church choir becomes more joyful. The resurrection of Christ is nearing.

It is more convenient to shit cakes on the Great Saturday, because in order to do it on Sunday, you need to visit the end of the vigil service. Early get up very uncomfortable, and not everyone can stand in the church to afford itself. Therefore, the tradition of sanctifying foods on the eve, on Saturday, appeared quite a long time. Hostess baked cakes on the night from Friday or early in the morning on Saturday, in the evening were in the church. And the morning has already passed at home, because after cleaning in a clean Thursday, a prayer and bodily attachment to a passionate Friday, the preparations of the Great Saturday remained for all of all.

What food can be consecrated for Easter.

Culichi, cottage cheese Easter, eggs, meat and wine - these are products that can be brought to the church to consecrate. Not necessarily bring a lot of products, as the consecration of meat and wine, frown foodis symbolic. Thus allowed to complete the post. But the conversation begins either by eggs or a piece of slices or Easter. Therefore, you need to be in the church first of all these products.

It is not necessary to bring all the pastries that was prepared on the eve. Suffice one or two cakes. The first eaten during the morning meals, sharing between family members, the second is still stored for another week and even more, maybe until the next Easter. But so now come very rarely. Even very best cake Gradually turns, so he is trying to eat as soon as it is fresh. There are all painted eggs, because they are given, they are allowed to exchange, more often keep in memory of the holiday.

Other products carry in the church if it allows wealth. It should be remembered that not all parishioners can afford to purchase good wine and meat products Even for the holiday. therefore good thing It will treat other parishioners in the church after serving by part of the products brought, or leave for those who remain on specially organized by the church with meals. You should also ask in advance which products could be brought to the church with herbs. Some priests do not allow meat and wine, even if the church tradition has nothing against.

In addition to kulichs and cottage cheese Easter, you can put another baking: pies, buns, cookies, Easter sweet bread, pie. You can consecrate sweets and fruits.

Forbidden products in the list turns out a bit. First of all, you should not try to bring vodka and other alcoholic beverages other than wine. Wine, by the way, it is not necessary to be red. But white wine is not recognized in all churches.

To come to the consecration of kulukhai is better in advance. IN holidays The church is much more parishioners than usual. Put your products on the table, pass to it without it, it is not always possible. In addition, the service can start a little earlier or later laid, and the time of consecration will be shifted. In small arrival, this happens usually more often.

It is more convenient if all products are put in the basket, which is so put on the table. Often this basket is made to decorate with flowers. But the shape and size of it will be compact and convenient. In addition to her, there will be many others on the table, and the places should be enough for everyone. The basket is lined with napkins or embroidered specially for the holiday by a towel. During the transportation of cakes and other products can be covered with cloth.

photo: Gennady Cherkasov
- When do you need to paint eggs and bake cakes?

After the services dedicated to the events of the Grand Thursday, memories of the cuney and communion. That is - on Thursday Intor. Many do it on Friday, however, at the most sorrowful day, the saddimians are more important not to engage in households. More important to buy these products.

Cooker these products at home, should any rituals be observed?

Not. Pray, ask for the blessings of the Lord, read the "Our Father" - the century of the Bignetski. However, there are no special spiritual rules of painting eggs and cooking kulukhai.

When are eggs and cakes sanctify?

On Saturday, after Morning Liturgy: Especially the sanctification begins the exemplary at noon and continues until nine hours of the vach. You can do it on Sunday.

Can not baptized people sanctify cakes and eggs?

They may definitely: and sanctify, and participate in worship. Not baptized does not hope to go.

Other food and wine, what will be on the parade table, are sanctified in the church?

Pretty sanctifying cakes and eggs. All of the other you can consecrate the individual prayer at home, on the meal. Wine is not consecrated in the church, there is no need for this.

What should be on the Easter Table?

After the Easter service, it is allowed for all types of balls. In total, of course, everything should be in moderation. If a person contained a post, then it is not necessary to immediately overeat: it can be dangerous to health. Everything should be in moderation, it is unusually touched by alcohol.

What should Orthodox on Saturday, in addition to the lighting of eggs and kulichs?

To be taken to the part of the Divine Liturgy, coming up. As if one on Saturday is made victory over death. As a sign of this, during the times of the Liturgy of the Jewel Pourgement from black robes in coolant. And at midnight, believers will have to return to the sanctuary for the festive service and the procession.

On Liturgy, you can immediately with the provinders, which will be subsequently consecrated, or more importantly bring them more?

No, people come to the service immediately with bags and knots. Stand with them, nothing hellish. After all, not to touch immediately all the eggs and cakes at once. One single softener, one egg. This is pretty. Everything else will heat up from them - at home.

There is a tradition to take the candles from the service in the immaculate Thursday. And after the service, what is consecrated by the consecration of eggs and eaves, the candle is carried home?

No, it's all done in the great Thursday if the Gospels of the candle goes after reading. Then the candle take home, stored and light in special cases of your life. And on other days, the candles do not quit, and they, naturally, remain in the temple.

Declamation of materials: "Immucumber Thursday, Culichi Stuffing: Mortar Believers and Pious Traditions"

"Examination of flour showed how famous brands are suitable for baking cakes"

Does not exist accurate date or the number when the Kulichi stove at Easter 2017. This can be done from the day pure Thursday. It is recommended to take a break on Good Friday to devote to prayers, visiting the service. Next, you can continue to bake the culberies and paint eggs already in the Great Saturday.

The exact dates of these days depend directly from the date of Easter Christ, which changes every year depending on the lunar and sunny calendar And even the dates of the Jewish Easter. This year, the Calendar of Gregorian and Julian coincided in such a way that Easter all Christians of the world meet on April 16. That is, you can begin to start the cakes on April 13 in pure Thursday, but to continue on the Great Saturday on April 15, which this year fell out for the middle of the second spring month.

Important! In the temples, the rite of consecration of food for Easter festive table. In a basket, there must be cakes and painted eggs. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in order to consecrate in the temple, the cakes must already be cooled, and the glaze to dry them completely. So, if the cakes will bake in the morning of the Great Saturday, then get up early.

Secrets of delicious cakes

On the pages of our site you can find many and cottage cheese cakes without baking. But there are fairly common advice and recommendations as properly a cake furnace, so that this ritual pasting is necessarily tasty.

Interesting! In one can guess on herbs, as our grandmothers did. Already in the morning of this great day, a yeast dough was put on the cakes, and in the evening they began to prepare the first baking party. By what the first cake, it is possible to judge how successful and successful will be the current year for the hostess itself and for the members of her family.

Cooking the cakes are needed in a room where there are no drafts, because yeast dough This does not like some sharp shake. The dough will be good in a room with a calm and quiet atmosphere. The pledge of a magnificent herch is high-quality flour, it is necessary to quickly sift it over a sieve. As for other ingredients for the test, they should all be the same room temperature.

A raisins and dried fruits are often added to the dough: they are pre-chopped to pull in water. You can also add nuts in the dough for cakes, they are also recommended that it is also finely detail.

What else is important for successful Easter cakes:

  • Take a baking shape made of silicone or thin metal.
  • If at home there is no special form for the scene, then it can be made from the usual coffee steel or aluminum can.
  • So that in the process of baking the dough does not stick to the walls of the form, it will be necessary to pre-store the parchment paper on the parchment paper.
  • In the oven simultaneously you can cook a lot of cakes, but only the same size: so that the pasting is evenly protected
  • Get ready to immediately remove out of the oven, put on the bar, so that they are cooled correctly. If you just leave cake to cool in a vertical position, then the dough due to gravity can suit.
  • If the dough rises very much, you can stop the process if you cover it with a foil.

Easter Easter Culichy 2017 furnace can be started already in pure or Maundy Thursdaywhich this year falls on April 13th. If possible, in a break from cooking, and then, getting too early to sunrise in the Great Saturday, continue the process of creating fragrant, delicious and lush, so important on Easter

To answer the question about when the cakes and eggs are illuminated in 2018, it is necessary to remember Good Saturday. Every day of passionate week - last week The Great Post is called "passionate" or "great." Great Saturday In 2018, it falls on April 7, and therefore, it is this date that is the day when the cakes will be consecrated in the temples.

Collecting baskets to consecrate food, you need to remember some of the rules. It is impossible to sanctify wine and any alcohol. All consecrated food must be eaten, it can not be thrown away. For this reason, you should not put a lot of food in my basket. One silent is enough, you can put a piece of meat and cheese, cucumber and tomato. Be sure to consecrate salt.

In which the hour go shine food

When the cakes and eggs are illuminated in 2018, how much depends on each church. But, as a rule, the rite of consecration of food is carried out throughout the entire Saturday day somewhere from 10 am and until night. Then the holiday service begins in the temple. It may be consecrated even at its beginning, and then the consecration rite is not carried out. For this reason, it is necessary to clearly choose the time on Saturday on April 7, to have time to consecrate your cakes and eggs, other products in the festive basket.

When to eat

Remember also that you can eat consecrated food in the morning on Sunday, when Easter will come directly. If you stick to that rule that you definitely visit the night service, you can eat consecrated food immediately after this service. Usually the procession passes at midnight, after which the priest announces that Easter has come. From now on, you can eat consecrated food, the holiday begins, and Great post ends.

The tradition of committing quite interesting. The priests and the flock bypassed three times around the church and always stop in front of the closed doors of the temple. Closed doors They symbolize the entrance to the cave, where Jesus Christ was buried after he was removed from the cross. But the third time the door of the temple opens, and therefore Easter came, Christ was risen and announced the victory of his life over death. The festive worship will continue until the morning, but many after the godfather go home.

It should be remembered that the consecrated food in easter Sunday Must be the first food that you and your family members will put on your mouth. Before starting the meal you need to read prayer. This food can not be sought to "Dump", she only needs to start a meal, and then continue to celebrate Easter's offensive by other dishes that the mistress supplied for this bright event. Of course, when and where the cakes and eggs are illuminated in 2018: only in the church.

How to find out how much food will be consecrated

In passionate or great Friday, which is the most sorrowful day during the post and during the entire Orthodox church calendarMany go to church. The night service is held on which it is recommended to attend. On this day they remember that biblical Friday, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross.

For Orthodox, as well as for Catholics, Easter is the main church holiday The year is a "celebration of celebrations." However, atheism was imposed in the Soviet times to the Belarusians, and after the collapse of the Union, our people did not become too downed, so to recognize the Easter traditions to many residents of the post-Soviet space.

We will tell you how to behave in Easter when festive church Services And the great post ends, as well as when the cakes can be consecrated.

Sanctify easter eggs and cakes You can start the Saturday afternoon and until the evening of this day. It will be possible to do this in the following days after worship: on Sunday, as well as on Monday and Tuesday. But it is important in these holidays not just to consecrate the cakes, but to remember the victim of Jesus Christ in the name of mankind, and pray for salvation own soul And their loved ones.

Easter worship Starts with a procession at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. It is advisable to come in the temple a little earlier. But since not all people can come to church at midnight, in many temples are usually performed on two or even three liturgies. They are usually repeated in the morning and day on Sunday.

Participate in worship and sorry cakes can everyone, regardless of whether they are baptized. but not baptized people Does not assume commits.

Wishing to participate in Cross progress need to come into the temple of the sober. The appearance in worship in a state of intoxication is considered to be a manifestation of disrespect for the holiday.

Post stops After graduating from Divine Liturgy and communion. Every year, the festive service ends in the area 4 o'clock in the morning. After that, believers can return home to warble, or if desired, do it right in the church.

For those, who missed the night serviceThe post ends after the end of the liturgy, which the parishioner was able to get to compete.

Alcohol in the temple It is not desirable to bring, but it is not forbidden to use it after talking, although it is not necessary to do this, not forgetting a sense of measure.

Orthodox at Easter it is impossible Sprue, quarrel, swear and fight. Also, the church prohibits believers get drunk. Dragging a bright holiday is not worth any bad thoughts or actions.

Tomorrow we will celebrate Easter holiday. Therefore, many are very interested in how much Kulichi 2018 begins to know when to go to church.
Time in the temples is different. Some temples begin to shit them already on Saturday, and in some you can dedicate them only in the morning on Sunday. If you want to go to a certain temple, then it is best to know in advance, how much will be the consecration of cakes there.
Basically, if the church consecrates cakes on Saturday, this is done from 12 to 20 pm. Some can finish lighting at 18 or 19 hours. And some begin already from 8 am. If the cakes are illuminated on Sunday, then it is usually after 4 in the morning.

It is believed that it is advisable to sanctify cakes on Saturday, because in the morning on Sunday it is customary to have concern with consecrated herbs and eggs, and without breakfast to the church in the morning I won't have enough courage. In addition, according to the rules, to consecrate the cake on Sunday, it is necessary to attend the church Easter service, which is carried out at night, but not everyone will go to it.
In church canons allowed to retreat. So, one church can consecrate easter basket Already in the pre-holiday Saturday, and the other is directly on Sunday, on the Easter holiday. Maybe so that they will hurt twice: on Saturday, and then again on Sunday.

On the one hand, it is convenient - you can consecrate the cakes, without defeating the tiring all-in-bed and not getting early in the morning on Sunday. On the other hand, true Orthodox believe that it is incorrect, and only after the all-sleeping service.
Easter liturgy continues all night, and therefore wears the name of the vigil. At about 4 o'clock in the morning occurs, after which the priests change dark robes for festive light.
Holiday greetings "Christ is risen!" - "Truly Rissed!" And after that, the time comes when you can sip cakes and other products for the festive table.
Usually in the temple itself and beyond the huge string of people who hold Easter baskets in front of them. The priests go around the rows, congratulate the believers and splash with holy water on people and products.