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When you need to prepare cakes and eggs. The best time to bake Easter cake and paint eggs

If you consult an essence and meaning of the day is a good Friday of the Great Week, you can answer the question of whether the cakes can be on this day. Of course, it is impossible, because on this day you need to try to refrain as much as possible from any work. It will be necessary to go to work, but here households are under strict ban, including all preparation for Easter in terms of various domestic acts and worries.

IN Good Friday Already more than two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was crucified. It happened not since the morning, but the events developed rapidly. It is about every event that the day is told during worship services in the temple. Worships are held in the morning, at noon and then by the time of dinner, when the center of the temple is removed by a relief.

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So, the answer to the question of whether the Easter stove is in Good Friday, just like just to cook, negative. This day should be devoted to prayers, memories of last day The life of Jesus Christ, his martyrdom, reflections on human sins, which Christ redeemed his torches on the cross.

Signs to Good Friday, which cannot be done:

About the removal of the shroud

An important tradition and a feature of this day is. This happens about 2-3 hours of the day, time, when, according to modern counting, Jesus Christ died on the cross. The gardener is a symbol of that Savan, in which they put the Savior-shot from the cross. In the same Savan, he was attributed to the cave where he was buried.

Downturn just once a year to the center of the temple, it is accompanied by procession. Then she is there until the evening service in the Great Saturday. It is recommended to find the time to attach to the ship, it is a symbol of the death of the body of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection of the future of his soul and the soul of every believer of Christian.

If you have a question, and whether it is possible to do something or another on Good Friday, then the answer is not looking for a long time, in nine and a half cases out of ten it will be negative. The only thing that was found in the people on this day was to spread seeds of parsley in the ground, it was believed that she would give a double harvest. All other worldly affairs on the day of great grief under the ban and try to follow them. Before the removal of the shroud, you need to abstain from food, after three hours of the day water and black bread and so all day are allowed.


The last week before Easter, called the church canons of passionate, contributes some adjustments to ordinary life Miry.

This week, you have to have time to have a lot: to take the courtyard, clean up the house, clean your thoughts from negative and have time to cook the main attributes of the holiday - bake Easter cake and paint eggs.

When you need to oven cakes and paint eggs on the church calendar: when can I paint eggs?

Easter - a bright holiday, which is preceded by a lot of cases.

When it is better to carve time and bake fragrant easter cakes and paint eggs?

Starting from clean Thursday they were preparing for festive table, painted and painted eggs. By ancient tradition Painted eggs laid on fresh sprouted oats, wheat.

Easter preceded Maundy Thursday. It is called clean - after all, on this day, it is customary to clean the house, body and soul.

Also in the Great Thursday there are preparations for Easter - on this day you need to paint eggs, knead the dough and bake cakes. If there are still too many cases on Thursday, the dough can be kneaded on Wednesday, and on Thursday to start bake cakes.

If for affairs, paint eggs in Pure Thursday It was not possible, then this can be done on Saturday in the morning.

In no case can no paint eggs in Good Friday. On Friday, before the time of the crucifixion of Christ, it is better not to do homemade at all. On this day, you can go to the temple or simply spend it in a quiet family circle.

When you need to oven cakes and paint eggs on the church calendar: when bake the cakes?

Easter is the most important, the most joyful and solemn of all Christian holidays. The word "Easter" is Jewish, it means "passing" and "deliverance". Easter for Christians is the passage from death to eternal lifeSo this holiday is celebrated most solemnly.

Despite the abundance of cakes and Pask in stores, many mistresses prefer their oven themselves, without recognizing any shopping baking.

Usually on Thursday we knead the dough for cakes, but the bike of the cakes and the other day, when it is convenient.

Traditionally, cakes are usually baked with yeast dough. The whole process takes quite a long time. It is necessary to put the pole, then when it increases 2-3 times, knead the dough and carefully, for an hour, knock it out.

Then it is either left for another 2-3 hours, or spices, nuts, raisins, are already added, and fill it with a form of 1/3 form with creamy oil, after which the dough should rise again, and only after that bake.

Ready cakes are decorated with icing on top or sprinkled with sugar powder, pushed nuts and candied.

Before you carry the coulich to the church, must go through at least 2-3 hours so that Kulich managed to completely cool, and the glaze on it is hardening.

Already on Saturday, April 7, after the evening liturgy in the temples, there is a consecration of Easter cakes and eggs, so it is better to paint eggs and prepare another food to the Easter table better on Thursday, April 5, or on Saturday, April 7, in the morning.

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Easter cakes are traditionally starting the oven in pure Thursday. But if you are not going to sanctify foods for Easter, you can cook everything even in bright Sunday. But baking kulchi requires knowledge of certain subtleties, no matter when they are baked.

When need a cake furnace

If the owners of the house are preparing to go to Easter service, you need to count the cooking time in advance. By that time, when they leave the house with herbs, they should completely cool, and the glaze on them is to harden. Eggs are taken in the morning in the Great (it is clean) Thursday. And the cakes bake on Saturday morning. Consecration occurs or on Saturday evening, or on Sunday early in the morning. But if you count that you go to the evening service with a basket, which then goes into the vigil, to prepare for everything you need in advance.

Cook cooking time is different, and depends on the recipe. Classic yeast dough for a grind, which is suitable twice and is for a long time manually, is prepared for five to six hours. Then the cakes are baked and cooled after the furnace. Higher baking to endure on fresh air It is impossible. Easter falls at the cold season, and in the air, the uncomfortable docket quickly focuses. There are recipes for the preparation of kulchi takes more or less time. When calculating time, it is usually considered that it should pass at least two hours after the cake is removed from the oven. But it is better if from the moment of applying the glaze to the start of all other manipulations with it from four to six hours.

How baked cakes

In the recipes of Kulukhai usually negotiate necessary actions. But for the hostess, which is the bake of Culichi for the first time in life, there are many unknown nuances. So, the dough on the cakes does not tolerate the rush and neakkurat appeal. It can fall from drafts and from sharp shake. But you should not be afraid that once stuck with the dough in the hands, the result is no longer achieved. As a rule, the dough is badly suitable when someone enters the room, chlorides the doors.

Pledge of lush dough in good flour. Flour of the highest grade goes to the cakes, moved to moderately. Yeast dough Of the recently, the flour fits badly, and when baking, it may be festive or crap. The flour is sieved so that its particles are better dispelled in the test. It is better to sift flour twice.

The rest of the products are also prepared before entering into the dough. What was stored in the refrigerator must be warm. Cottage cheese is crushed so that in the test does not form inhomogeneous lumps that interfere with approach. Raisins and other additives are mixed pre-with a small amount of flour, then they will be distributed in dough evenly.

Baking shape must be made of thin metal. Suitable tin forms, special and made from coffee cans, as well as steel and aluminum. Special refractory glass for baking is also permissible to use, and enameled dishes for kulchi baking is used, probably, in nine cases out of ten. In order for the dough to not stick to the walls and is not burdened, the form must be loosened with oiled paper. To do this, cut a round piece of paper on the bottom and rectangular on the walls. Inside the edge of pieces of paper should be labeled, and sit outside the edges of the form outside. Then the cake will be high and smooth.

The oven put the cakes of the same size, separately large and separately small. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to often look into the oven to check the readiness of the test. When the finished little cakes take out, you can hurt and damage big. But this applies not to all types of test. Estimated yeast, for example, does not react to drafts and shakes as well as cooked by complex technology with adding large number Eggs and sour cream. Moreover, the cakes will have to move in the oven, rotate with different sides.

If the dough on herbs rises too much, you can stop it, covered with a sheet of paper or foil. To do this, wait for it when it rises a little higher than I would like. Under the weight of the leaf, the top falls a bit. When the top is burning, it can be corrected in two ways. Either covering the top of a wet sheet of paper, or putting a water vessel in the oven. The burnt top can be cropped and disguised under the icing, and the sides, protected by paper, can be crushed with a knife. Worse, if the cake is bold on the sides. Finding it, you can quickly until he cooled, return the cake in the oven is already without a form.

When should I paint eggs for Easter?

According to the tradition of the collapse of eggs, one of the days of the passionate week is devoted. It can be the great Thursday (April 13) or Saturday (April 15), which was called because of this Beautiful or Red. But modern hostesses are far from always adhere to these traditions and prefer to paint eggs when a free moment appears and when it is most convenient. To keep up with the times or contact traditions - to solve only you.

Everyone knows about exactly which three dishes are the most important component of any easter table.. These are cakes from the dough, Easter from cottage cheese and, of course, painted different ways chicken eggs. The process of cooking each dish is quite long, when it is precisely on church rules to give him time?

In principle, the bake of cakes and paint eggs, start, you can already in pure Thursday. True, not all the owners, if the plans also spring-cleaninggrabs this time. But, at least, you can cook dyes for eggs (if you plan to use natural components), as well as make the dough on the cakes. The dough on the cakes should be jumped and yeast, it means that it will have to beat more than once until it acquires the desired consistency.

On Good Friday, work is not held

After the Great Thursday, which is saturated with various economic troubles, there is a passionate Friday. This is a day of great grief, when any home work is considered to be sin and is strictly prohibited. The same concerns the staining of eggs and baking kulchi. So that, Great Friday It is not precisely the day when the eggs are painted and baked cakes. Have you already decided what you will serve?

The only thing that can be done in Good Friday is to prepare bread. It is believed that bread prepared on this day is able to protect against the evil eye and disease. And you can still put the seeds of parsley, which is considered to be in the people, will give a double harvest when landing in Good Friday. From any other work you need to refuse.

Great Saturday - a suitable day

The best and second day, when the eggs are painted and baked cakes for Easter - this is the Great Saturday. If the dough has been prepared since Thursday, then the work will argue faster. If this was not done, you will have to get up very early, perhaps before sunrise the sun. But it turns out to do everything.

The Great Saturday is still, but for the vigor preparation of the festive table, the time before the evening flies quickly. Since the cakes and eggs will need to be consecrated to the church in easter basket, It is the preparation of these products on Saturday should be in the first place.

How to paint eggs

To paint eggs in the Great Saturday quickly and without hassle, you can use ordinary food dyes. They are sold in stores in separate bags and easily bred by water. By cons of such a method of staining, the color palette is extremely limited, and all colors are obtained very "poisonous". But, with work you can quickly cope and, gathering a basket, switch to other Easter dishes.

Also for staining eggs can be used natural dyes. But, in this case, you will have to prepare various decoctions in advance. Most often, leek husks, beets, some spices, berries are used for painting eggs. Another option is stickers. They were recently sold in stores, but they are presented in all its glory. It is not recommended to take stickers with the image of saints, because, it is considered to throw them into sin after use.

Culici from the furnace

As for the preparation of cakes, it also needs to be stocking sufficient number time. After all, it is required that the dough is sustained by several times before it is distributed in forms and sent to the oven. All cakes can be prepared from one test, but, decoring them in different ways, it turns out to create a bright and festive composition on
Your Easter table.

Clean Thursday and the Great Saturday - two days when the eggs are painted and baked cakes before Easter. It is impossible to do any affairs on Good Friday. But on Saturday you can get up from the very early morning, so as for sure everything. Do not forget that in the Great Saturday you will need to still go to the temple to consecrate the products that the festive trapes will begin in Easter.


The last week before the Easter celebration is called passionate. She herself is strict and demanding to believers who kept the post before the great church holiday and are now being prepared to meet him in all traditions and with special inspiration. Passionate week - preparatory. Every day has its own characteristics and rules and is dedicated to separate pre-holiday concerns.

In a passionate Monday, believers begin cleaning in the house - they are trying to fit the courtyard to Easter and every apartment of dwellings to meet a holiday not only with purity in the soul, but also in absolutely complete idyll with the outside world. The passionate Tuesday is also removed, as well as the washing and ironing. In the passionate environment begin to make the first purchase for the holiday - in particular, it is worth the eggs. According to the beliefs bought on Wednesday they will be particularly tasty and painted as naught beautifully, as well as after will not deteriorate.

In pure Thursday, they are preparing for Easter not only the house, but also the body - on this day you need to buy, so that the soul cleaned during the time is "Place" into the purified vessel. Bathing on this day before dawn brings you a bodily and soul healingIt helps to cope with illnesses and problems, as well as recharge your health for the entire next year.

Everyday Friday is forbidden to do something. This is a day of grief, because that day, Jesus took flour on Christ in the name of all mankind. On Saturday - day silence. End preparations for Easter - hostess make the first billets to the holiday table, because at night the whole family go to the service to consecrate the cakes, eggs and other products before the start of the creeping.

Sunday - Easter holiday. The post and believing with the flashes meet the news about the resurrection of Christ. You can already eat everything, but to start the meal stands with a consecrated silence and painted eggs - symbols of the celebration of life over death.

When the furnace of cakes and paint eggs to Easter

Many hostesses are wondering every year about what day of the week need to bake Easter cakes and cook paint. Answers to this question are different - many believe. To prepare the main treats for a holiday worth in pure Thursday. Others are confident - on Saturday to Easter, so that the products are most recently.

The church advise the main preparations and manipulations to spend on Thursday, the more in 2018 in Good Saturday, April 7, another big church festival is celebrated - the Annunciation - and he prohibits believers to engage in physical labor.

Also, Thursday is more suitable for baking kulukhai due to the fact that the process takes a lot of time - on Saturday in the evening they just do not have time to cool, and after all it is from the evening the believers go to the church for a vigil vigil in honor of the resurrection.

At the same time, many clergymen suggest that the main thing in church holidays - Spiritual component. If you have visited on Saturday, the service in the church, gave prayers and behave righteously, no one forbids work if necessary. The Annunciation Time is worth spending in a narrow family circle and in pacification - if you will be without a rush and with a special inspiration on this day to prepare for the celebration of Easter, there is nothing sinful.

Thus, you can summarize that the bake of the cakes and paint eggs to Easter or on Thursday, or on Saturday Personal week. The main thing, do not forget - the last week Before the holiday should be the most spiritual and light filling you, the site writes. These days it is worth a lot to pray, aware of the path already passed and prepare for a new, better and righteous period of your life.

How is the cake oven

Kulich baking is the main character of the Easter holiday - it is a very trembling and important ritual. Kulich symbolizes the flesh of Christ, continued life, reunion with faith. The bake of the cakes stands with prayers and a special, light mood so that the process is smooth, the dough rose and subsequently a treat was particularly tasty.

The dough on the cakes does not tolerate a rush and inaccurative circulation. It can fall from drafts and from sharp shake. But you should not be afraid that once stuck with the dough in the hands, the result is no longer achieved. As a rule, the dough is badly suitable when someone enters the room, chlorides the doors.

Pledge of lush dough in good flour. Flour of the highest grade goes to the cakes, moved to moderately. The yeast dough from the recently coat of flour fits badly, and when baking it can fall or crap. The flour is sieved so that its particles are better dispelled in the test. It is better to sift flour twice. The rest of the products are also prepared before entering into the dough.

What was stored in the refrigerator must be warm. Cottage cheese is crushed so that in the test does not form inhomogeneous lumps that interfere with approach. Raisins and other additives are mixed pre-with a small amount of flour, then they will be distributed in dough evenly.

Baking shape must be made of thin metal. Suitable tin forms, special and made from coffee cans, as well as steel and aluminum. Special refractory glass for baking is also permissible to use, and enameled dishes for kulchi baking is used, probably, in nine cases out of ten.

In order for the dough to not stick to the walls and is not burdened, the form must be loosened with oiled paper. To do this, cut a round piece of paper on the bottom and rectangular on the walls. Inside the edge of pieces of paper should be labeled, and sit outside the edges of the form outside. Then the cake will be high and smooth.

The oven put the cakes of the same size, separately large and separately small. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to often look into the oven to check the readiness of the test. When the finished little cakes take out, you can hurt and damage big. But this applies not to all types of test. Estimated yeast, for example, does not react to drafts and shakes as well as cooked on complex technology with the addition of a large number of eggs and sour cream. Moreover, the cakes will have to move in the oven, rotate with different sides.

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