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Custom Kulichi Furnace for Easter. The appearance of Kulichi on the Easter table has its own story

Why is Easter marked every year in different numbers?

First, explain why the Easter holiday does not have a definite date.
The fact is that Easter is celebrated by lunar calendar By the decision of the first universal (Nicene) cathedral. Then in 325, the first Sunday was secured for the holiday after the full moon and spring equinox.
Why was this day chosen? The word "Easter" translates from Greek as "deliverance". Jews celebrate Pascha (Pits) as a holiday of liberation from Egyptian slavery, so the birth name corresponds to its source. In antiquity, the Jews celebrated Easter from 14 to the 15th number of the first moon month Nisana, this night has occurred immediately after the spring equinox, and it was a full moon. At that night, Jesus Christ was crucified. Three days later he was resurrected, and this day became known as the resurrection.


Why do Easter bake cakes?

After the resurrection, Jesus Christ came to his apostles during meals. The disciples left for him in the middle of the table and put bread (in Greek "Artos") from a duple dough with nuts and raisins, however, before the resurrection, Christ with the disciples were knocked out only fresh dough.
In the temple at Easter, it was customary to leave Artos, and gradually this bread was the oven in each family, as the family is also a kind of temple. Thus, standing on the family table Kulich (with Greek translated as "round bread") - this is a symbol of the invisible presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ in your home.
The bake of the cake is accepted in Pure Thursday. On this day there must be cleanliness and order in the house. Cooking is needed without any rush, with clean thoughts and a good mood, it is impossible to talk loudly and threatening.
Previously, it was a sign - which cake will succeed, such a year and waiting for the family. If smooth, lush and delicious, then it is waiting for luck and happiness, and if you cracked and ugly, then disappointment.
For Easter meal, cakes eaten first.


Why is Easter paint eggs?

The egg is the preammed of the universe, the symbol of the world, birth and life, and so considered long before Christianity.
Tradition to paint eggs is shrouded in many legends. One of them reads the following: Apostles of Jesus Christ sorted by different countriesTo make anyone about the resurrection of the Savior, that he defeated death and no longer be afraid of it. With this news, Maria Magdaline came to the Roman emperor, and a chicken egg brought for him as a gift, since she had nothing more. The meaning of her sentence was that the egg - a symbol of life, and under the shell hidden a chicken, which from there breaks out, as Jesus Christ broke out of deaths and resurrected. The emperor did not believe her and said that it was impossible in the same way as the white egg turn into red. And immediately an egg Mary has become red. So the tradition appeared to paint eggs into a red color, banning the blood of Jesus Christ.
Paint eggs, like bake cakes, in pure Thursday. Eggs in red can be painted using a red-bow husk with the addition of pomegranate juice and rosehip.

Since ancient times, Easter preparations are in the muice muffins and baking holidays. Well-established customs do not even cause the question, but where did it come from? Nevertheless, it is interesting why the cakes bake for Easter? It turns out that the roots must be sought in ancient legends telling about the life of the twelve apostles and the period of crucifixion on the Cross of Jesus Christ.

From custom history

Before you sit down, the disciples of Christ dismissed free space for their teacher, and the table was put on the table with a bread sliced. This is how the usage was born to leave Jesus a piece on a specially designated place before going to the festive move around the church.

After the Easter service, the bread was smashed and distributed to the church. Today, thus gives alms in need. But the essence is not in this, but in the value of bread. Tradition firmly entered our lives. To this day, in honor of the holiday, the Light Easter Hospital Baked Bread round shape, cake.

Why is the Kulichi oven for Easter?

The family is a small temple, so in every home there should be your own Arthos. And its cylindrical high form is by no means random. It is connected with Savior Savior, who, as it is considered, was exactly the same. Culici is a symbol of revival, the beginning of something new, clean and light.

As for the test for such bread, it makes a bite containing a lot of oil and eggs. And this also has its explanation: during his life, Christ with students fell only fresh pellets, and after the resurrection - baked from yeast dough. That is why the cakes are made sweet, add raisins, and on top are decorated with powdered sugar or icing.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter - what is it connected with?

The ritual dish - Easter is preparing on the basis of cottage cheese, to which traditionally added:

  • eggs;
  • butter;
  • sour cream or cream;
  • raisins;
  • jam;
  • vanilla;
  • covered berries;
  • liquor or tincture.

Why do cottage cheese Easter, why is the cottage cheese becoming the main product in cooking? There are two versions. The first is rooted in biblical times.

The Prophet Moses brought the Rabov-Jews to Egypt, to the ground where milk and honey can be enjoyed. These products have become the personification of the happiness and bliss of the Jews and those who after death fall into paradise. Therefore, the Easter is a dish cooked with the use of milk or more accurate cottage cheese.

There is a second embodiment of the interpretation having already pagan roots. Cottage cheese - a symbol of fertility. In ancient times, he played an attribute in rites praising land. According to the pagans, cottage cheese is the product that took over all the best of milk.

Painting eggs - also rite?

Painted and painted eggs, like Kulich, is a constant attribute of the Great Church Holiday. What is the same associated with this part of the tradition, why is the eggs paint on Easter? Again, there is no one clear explanation, but there are several assumptions.

Household interpretation says: To the great post it was necessary to exclude all the products of animal origin from the food. And the chickens were not stopped, the eggs were copied. So that they do not disappear, the hostess began to boil them.

And in order not to confuse with fresh, painted. So these bright products have become a decoration of the festive Easter table setting.

There is another version. It is based on the story about the gift of Eggs Maria Magdalena Roman Emperor Tiberius in honor of the resurrection. The ruler believed that as a shell of eggs could only have white colorSo the dead can not become alive. At that moment, the gift was painted in a scarlet color.

There is a third explanation: Maria decorated with eggs to amuse the baby Jesus.

Different times Easter

In Christianity there are different holidays, some of them are still and always come to the same number. For example, the Christmas of Christ. There are such events on the adopted solar calendar.

As for Easter, this holiday is movable. Every year the date changes. Why is Easter marks every year in different numbers? This day coming to the new moon after the date of spring equinox, it is customary to celebrate from 14 to 15 the number of the first lunar month of Nisan. True, with respect to sunny calendar, He is constantly shifted.

The method of calculating the date of Easter is simple: after March 21, the onset of the spring equinox, the new moon comes, following him Sunday - and there is an Easter celebration day. What to do if the new moon itself is on Sunday? Mark the following.

Signs finally

  1. Hostess during cooking easter cakes Must wear a pure apron;
  2. If baking turned out to be fame, the world will reign peace, peace and well-being;
  3. Kulich can not be cut vertically. First you need to remove the top, and then cut off the piece of each of the family members. The remaining upper part was covered by bread until he was eaten completely.

Regarding the great church holiday, which has completed the post, there are many legends and believes, but all of them somehow leave the roots in history, which we must remember and honor.

During breakfast, the cakes were remembered with her husband (or Easter) who baked our mothers and grandmothers. Dried in Russian furnaces, since our oven, for example, appeared only in the mid-70s.
Mom's dough prepared with special love, adding the freshest eggs into it, milk, sour cream, raisins, which my grandmother had dried his own. If you managed to get a bit of vanillin somewhere and add to the dough, it was a special pride)

Packed Mom Culichi in saucepans and circles. Were they different size: From tiny to large, who were not placed on a plate. Male's gifts were usually given to children, and they were big treated and ate themselves.

I remember that there were cakes always very tasty, crumbly .Theto from egg yolks acquired yellow. I loved the top of the mouth very much, the one was smeared with a knocked squirrel. Now the squirrel is decorated with a squirrel, but all the beauty is raped on it, and my mother soaked is painted.

Maybe it was not a millet, but I remember that these things were very hard, and their children were usually overwhelmed, but a protein with sugar was eaten with great pleasure even on the ages of Kulich)

But why bake cakes for Easter, it is worth remembering today, friends! I found this explanation.

After the resurrection, Jesus Christ came to his apostles during meals. The disciples left for him in the middle of the table and put bread (in Greek "Artos") from a duple dough with nuts and raisins, however, before the resurrection, Christ with the disciples were knocked out only fresh dough.
In the temple at Easter, it was customary to leave Artos, and gradually this bread was the oven in each family, as the family is also a kind of temple. Thus, standing on the family table Kulich (with Greek translated as "round bread") - this is a symbol of the invisible presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ in your home.

The bake of the cake is made in pure Thursday. On this day there must be cleanliness and order in the house. Cooking is needed without any rush, with clean thoughts and a good mood, it is impossible to talk loudly and threatening.

Previously, it was a sign - which cake will succeed, such a year and waiting for the family. If smooth, lush and delicious, then it is waiting for luck and happiness, and if you cracked and ugly, then disappointment.
For Easter meal, cakes eaten first.

A small cake was usually left until the next Easter. Why did it do, I did not know, and all the time tormented to unwind the sweet protein, so after some time our cake was left without a white crown.

Now the horses of the cake almost do not bake: you can buy in the store. I also buy, but the taste of them, of course, is not the one that was in Mamin Kulichi.

Have you already smeared kulukhai? Remember how mom or grandmother baked cakes?

Light Christ Sunday (Otherwise - Easter) - the most important event in the year for all Christians. No wonder he is called the "triumph of celebrations", or otherwise - "holiday holidays". It was on that day that a miracle happened - the resurrection of the Lord. Christian interpretation of the word "Easter" - the transition from the struck earthly existence and death to eternal life In heaven. Easter celebration for church canons lasts 40 days, and the climax becomes Sunday of Christ.

With the most great church holiday Many attributes and rituals are associated. The most important of them: festive worship, Easter greeting, appearance Fellow fire, Great trip with a solemn ringing and Easter meal.

What is Easter meal?

IN Great Saturday And at the end of the festive service in large temples and small rural churches, the consecration of traditional festive treats is being consecrated: easter eggs, Curd Easter and Kunichi. This process is accompanied by a special prayer.

The Orthodox version of the Easter Celebration involves the use of special bread during the worst services - arthos, which is consecrated on the first festive service. He symbolizes the scratch of bread, which the apostles have always left during their trapes for Jesus Christ after his ascension. Thus, he, as it were, symbolically denotes its constant presence behind the meal.

Over time, the tradition of leaveing \u200b\u200bbread for the Savior has become an integral part of the holiday of Sundays of the Lord, and Arthos began to put on a special table in the temples. Arthos during the whole Light Sadmitsy It remains in the church and every day to get around it with procession. This consecrated bread is divided between Christians after the final festive service. There is a tradition to keep pieces of arthos in the house for a long time And to eat necessarily an empty stomach in exceptional cases, for example, during a serious illness.

What is traditional cake?

Any family is in a spiritual sense, too, as it were, the temple in the miniature, so over time, it became a tradition in every home to have the similarity of the real church arthos - Kulich.

This bread has a special round and high (cylindrical) form. It is made as soon as possible, that is, with a large content of drum (oil and eggs) in the test. Add raisins and always decorate with sugar powder or icing. Catholics prepare a similar festive treat from sand dough and call it "Baba".

The name "Kulich" occurred from Greek Kollikion, which means "round bread". This word is found not only in Russian. Spaniards call "home" Arthos Kulich, and the French - Koulitch.

Consecrated during the service to the Great Saturday, baking is talking at the end of the Great Post. It happens most often during a festive family meal. It is accepted to divide the festive bread at all households. Parishioners can treat pieces of baking each other and clergy immediately after the festive service.

Baking festive cakes to the Christian holiday Great Easter very logically combined with folk tradition Making spring ritual bread, symbolizing the beginning of the sowing work. Such bread was accepted only in special cases: for the feast of the harvest, noting the beginning of a new agricultural or calendar year. Such sacred baking peasants did not eat just like that, but used in various protective rites to increase the crop grain and livestock, as well as at fortune telling.

Orthodox believers are preparing for Easter for a very long time - Great post Larsing for 47 days, the passionate saddemic prescribes constantly praying and some days to sit only on bread and water. The more nice and the long-awaited attack of Easter Christ. Why do the cakes bake for this holiday, cook cottage cheese Easter and paint eggs?

To present a festive table without such main attributes as painted eggs and festive cakes (sweet bread) is simply impossible. But these products are not just part of the holiday, they have their own symbolism and meaning. If you know about it, the process of cooking of the Easter table can be turned into a fascinating quest for the whole family. You will not just mix the ingredients together, but still remember interesting and amazing events of the past days.

Read interesting materials on this topic:

Jesus Christ rose on the third day after crucifixion and burial. But he was already disciples not in the body, namely in the image of the Spirit. The first time he was the disciples when they trapes. According to the tradition of the time for a person who recently died, left an empty place at the table and put on a plate of a sweet bread with nuts and raisins.

At first, in each family, Arthos baked (so cake is called on greek), but yourself in Easter if ordinary bread. And then began to replace the usual bread sweet cake and now it is believed that on this holiday day, and then during the festive week, ordinary salty bread can not eat, only a festive sweet sdobe. That is, Culich on Easter day is not a dessert sweet bread, but just bread, which, including you need to eat on all the rules and with salty foods, and the first, second dishes. Here is a taste combination of sweet and salted in the mouth modern people More from childhood is associated with the resurrection of Christ.

Now you know why Kulich's stove for Easter. Today, of course, this bread can be bought at any store or pastry shop. But most valuable if the hostess bakes at least that can be found and on our site, it will not be difficult to do it. Culichial furnace can already be pure Thursday or the Great Saturday. Just remember that yeast test. Wanted hours to rise, so correctly count your time.

Interesting! The mistress in Russia in the first baked coulich was gadal, which is waiting for the family this year. If baking immediately managed, it was a very good sign.

Why paint eggs

If with herbs more or less understandable and tradition is quite symbolic, but understandable, then everything is much more difficult with the eggs. Because, the unified version, why there are no paint eggs for Easter. But, each of the option is poetic and beautiful in its own way.

For example, the most common history is the one in which the main acting persons Is Mary Magdalene and the Roman Emperor of the Time Tiberius. After the resurrection of Jesus Mary went with this news to the emperor. She had nothing to take with me as a gift to the king and she took just chicken eggs. When she defended her big turn and told the emperor that Christ was risen from the dead, he raised the girl on laughter (and all the swollen immediately began to laugh at such a large special). Magdalene did not know what to do and how to prove his right.

The emperor continued to mock the girl and, shifting, he said that it was impossible to rise from the dead. It is also impossible as if an unfortunate egg in the hands of the girl was red. It was then a miracle happened - in front of everyone, including the surprised Tiberius, the egg flushed. The king did not have anything, how to say that Christ is truly resurrected. So we say today, congratulating each other with this holiday.

Symbolism of cottage cheese Easter

Another mandatory dish on a traditional holiday table is a cottage cheese Easter, which is done in the form of a truncated pyramid (will need to buy a special form). The side of the pyramid depicts crosses - this is a symbol of suffering, and the symbol of the resurrection are the letters "the Holy" on the other hand, which means that Christ is resurrected.

Knowing stories and traditions, why the cakes are baked by Easter, paint eggs and make cottage cheese Easter, you can turn the process of compilation and preparation festive table. From the routine to an interesting and informative event. Call your children with you and while cooking tell them, showing the dishes, which has happened long ago, more than two thousand years ago, which means the resurrection of Christ from a spiritual point of view.