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How unusual (and easy) paint eggs to Easter. Marble, patterns and geometry from bloggers with YouTube. Easter eggs and decorative scotch. Universal way painting for all natural dyes

Meat dishes. And one of the most important treats on this day becomes, of course, eggs - a symbol of birth. And any hostess to surprise everyone painted eggs on a non-standard solution - with a fantasy.

And how to paint eggs beautifully for Easter with your own hands? Here you will see, as unusual and originally decorate Easter eggs at home - it's not worth anyone there! Marble, rainbow, classic in a onion husk, without dyes, with food and natural dyes, rice or cloth (decoupage).

Everyone, each other treated with this symbol and sentenced "Jesus Rissed!", And heard in response - "Truly rissed!". "Paints" (so called painted eggs) we are drunk. But before that we admire them - what they are beautifully decorated!

How beautiful to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands: General rules

There are no clear rules how to paint eggs for Easter, but recommendations that need to be adhere to still exist. They are checked by experienced way - by trial and errors. Therefore, I trust them and fulfill them. And I advise you!

  1. Before cooking eggs, their temperature should be at least a room. Therefore, if the eggs are in the refrigerator, then you should get them in advance. It is necessary that the shell when cooking did not crack.
  2. So that the egg is painted evenly, it is necessary to wash it. Not just to slip the water, and the kitchenie sponge, and better with the soapy solution.
  3. After washing it is necessary to degrease. You will need vodka or alcohol. Then wipe dry.
  4. To the egg after painting glittered with a healthy view, it needs to be deceived by vegetable oil. This will appear gloss on the shell.

Now you are ready to decorate eggs for Easter. Material is ready, now time to start painting. Follow the clear instructions and you have the most beautiful Easter eggs.

Luke husk is a traditional classic natural material for painting Easter eggs at home. Colors are obtained different shades. It depends on what is the volume of the main ingredient and how much the testicles keep in it - from light beige to dark brown.

Also along with a onion husk, various additives are used: green, dyes, lace, create patterns.

Classic Options Painting Eggs in Low Sickle

This method is the most popular. Because it is used for more than a dozen years. The more husk, the darker and rich color.

Get out eggs from the refrigerator and leave for 2 hours so that the temperature comes with room.

At this time, fall asleep in the puzzle of the mulberry onions, pour water and cook at least half an hour. Let it stand in 30-40 minutes.

Then add a spoonful salt into the decoction and put the testicles there. Cook your dog readiness. Remove gently and cool in cold water. You can strain the onion decoction, but only then cook in it.

If the eggs did not acquire the desired effect, then place them back and bring to the condition.

Be sure to wipe dry and lubricate vegetable oil to appear gloss.

To get bright red and brown, you will need a couple of bow kilograms per tet egg.

How to paint eggs in marble color with a lowwood husk

For such a way, it is necessary to prepare the main material: the husks and paper cut arbitrarily into small pieces.

Moisten the water with eggs and dangle in the husk with paper.

Prepare gauze or byproof stocking. Cut them in such a way that one egg placed. Tightly cover and tie a thread. The more denser, the more clear the drawing.

Place onion husks and eggs in a saucepan, satten and cook 30-40 minutes.

After readiness to cool in cold water and remove the gauze or stocking.

Dry and deceive with vegetable oil.

Marble Easter eggs - a way in a onion husk and green

A rather original way and many of them like it. It turns out an unusual marble color.

Eggs moistened with water, catch in the onion husk. And both in the previous embodiment, wind gauze or the bonor. The tips are dragging the thread.

Pour water in a pan and pour the whole bubble of the green.

We put eggs. They should be hidden with her head. I bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.

Gently remove both under the crane. We shoot marla and rinse again.

We dry and polish vegetable oil.

How to paint eggs with a pattern in the onion husk and rice

With the help of rice, we can get the so-called "specks" - when the shell is painted as if in the speck.

Mix the water with eggs and cut into rice.

Wrap marley and tie the thread of the ends.

Place in a prepared saucepan with water and husk and cook a little more than half an hour.

After time, cool, remove the gauze, dry and lubricate to the effect of gloss by Maslitsa.

You will also be wondering what to cook for Easter tasty:

  1. Juicy and delicious potatoes in rustic

How to paint eggs on Easter with your own hands without dyes with a pattern

In order to get Easter eggs with a pattern there are several options. Patterns are lace, rainbow and abstract.

For all methods, the main ingredients and the recipe for cooking are the same. The difference is that as items we will use the remedies found at home. With their help painting eggs in the desired pattern.

Patterns on Easter eggs do it yourself: General rules

We need:

  • Luke husk
  • Branches of dill, salad, basil, celery and others (any, at your discretion),
  • Marley or Capron Tights,
  • Threads, tapes, fabric and stationery,
  • Different cereals (their seeds),
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt.


  1. Cap the coloring solution.
  2. Decorating Easter eggs.
  3. Fix the pattern of gauze or a chip.
  4. Cook in the mixture.
  5. Cool, we remove the fasteners and rinse.

Mobile eggs using green cereals

The painting technology lies in the fact that the testicles need to be moistened and cutting in grains of cereals - either of one variety or all in a row. It turns out such an uncomplicated pattern. It will be suitable for various gruses: siny, buckwheat, rice (above we have already spoken, as using rice you can paint in the form of "specks") and others.

Fabric patterns

This is also an unusual way to dye eggs. It is that the product is tightly wrapped with a fabric with a pattern in inside. The fabric can suit any, both old and new, especially for these purposes.

Well, if instead of a fabric with a pattern, use lace, then a very beautiful lace pattern will remain on the shell.

Patterns on Easter eggs using stencils

It guys a completely simple way. Buy stencils or cut out of paper yourself. Cool on a wet shell wind gauze and in the cooking solution.

Required uncomplicated ornaments. You can pick up the drawings of animals and flowers, but anything. All in your hands and on your imagination!

Patterns with the help of greenery:

For this incident, we will need celery and basil leaves (maybe you have other species). Dill can also leave a good picture. We glue the face with the front side, clamping a capron and tips tie. Cook in the dye.

Tape, thread and gum

It is also a suitable material to decorate eggs for Easter. Thread in chaotic or on the contrary, in a predictable form, wind up the egg. It is worth cutting through thin stripes and also to apply a thread. Stationery rubber bands - they can be winding randomly crosswise.

These, above the listed methods must be applied to the already welded eggs. And also to get a mess. First you need to swallow in one color, hold to dry and then in another color.

Now in front of the Easter itself in stores and supermarkets you can find a lot of tools for Easter decoration. I had and dyeing dyes, and a pulling film, and rice napkins for decoupage and much more, no less interesting.

Today we will talk about natural dyes and their help in painting eggs at home. With your own hands, it is always more pleasant, especially if a number of kids.

Natural dyes talk better than those artificial. I would not say so and there is nothing chemical in them. They are also harmless, like natural. And the palette of colors is more richer. More minus natural ties - time. To prepare a saturated coloring solution will be required from 2 to 10 hours.

Consider several popular options for natural dyes to color Easter eggs. Let's be able to understand.

Natural vegetable dyes for Easter eggs and how to paint them

  • Long husk. We already know about it, she asks the shell from light yellow to dark brown. I sympathizes the second tint. How to paint in detail and step-by-step explained above (you can return if you started from this item).
  • Beet. Beet color paints eggs into various shades of red, pink and burgundy (in some cases purple). How to paint: rub the beets on the grater, (you can whole, but it will be longer), we can boil the beet juice. Add a spoonful salt and a spoonful of vinegar, put eggs and boil the screw.
  • Cabbage reddish. This performance prevails blue color. How to paint eggs: disturb the fine cabbage, pour boiling water and vinegar (a couple of spoons) and leave for 8-10 hours. Then place the eggs and leave until the color saturation.
  • Turmeric. Love gold testicles. Here is a dye. Turmeric paint eggs in sunny-golden color. In boiling water, pumped 100 grams of ground turmeric, add raw eggs and continue cooking further until readiness. Leave up so morning.

How to paint eggs with dyes in rainbow color

You can paint eggs on Easter and paints that are sold in the store in the form of food dyes. There are from 4 to 15 colors - a rich palette. So something beautiful will happen! Main desire and patience!

How to paint - read the instructions and you will not be mistaken.

When using multiple colors, eggs are obtained in rainbow color. Just eggs dip in the beauty not until the end: not a third or half. And let's get the opportunity to dry before coloring another paint.

Everyone will surprise this kind of painting - very beautiful, unusual and original!

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  1. Greek salad for new

Paint Easter eggs with varnish or vegetable oil

I do not know how you, and I really liked this way in a novelty. Offer as a working tool to use vegetable oil in a bore with dyes and color nail polish.

Not only rainbow and marble eggs are obtained, but also abstract and symmetrical. Due to evenly distribution of paint in the other case, extraordinary symmetry is created.

Staining eggs in marble color with nail polishes

In this case, we need conventional eggs with a white shell (although it is not necessary). In the tank with water to the center ripping nail polish. You can alternate colors.

Right in the bowl of the toothpick to draw everything that comes to mind: abstraction, flowers, waves, web. To put on gloves and dip in this colorful liquid egg, and then the other side.

If there is no desire to bother with gloves and with dipping, just draw directly on boiled eggs.

How to paint eggs on Easter without dye: Decoupage do it yourself

Now in our time, people are increasingly trying to engage in their hobby. New masters of their business appeared, new directions. Decoupage in general concept is one of the popular directions of the Fair of Masters.

This is the art of creating anything stunning! Decorated everything that can, old furniture, clothes, photos, crafts and including eggs. And by the way, not only for Easter, but so for the sake of creativity. In addition, this is another way to paint eggs without a dye!

Video - Decoupage Eggs Napkins

Tip: Choose napkins with a small pattern, as the surface of the testicles is small.

So carefully and beautifully got a decoupage of eggs for Easter care, care, care, patience and a little bit of skills (experience). You can read, even need! The video shows - as the adhesive composition used the most common egg protein.

In any case, if something is very wanted, then you will definitely!

Video - Decoupage Eggs in Gold Color

But you have one more video and master class, how to paint the egg in a gold color. This color of gilding is also actually safe, as in the case of without dyes.

Why paint eggs for Easter?

I somehow did not think about what the eggs are painted on Easter. Paint and paint, give and give - so what? Became interesting.

It turns out that there is a legend.

Holy Maria Magdalene presented an Easter egg to the Roman Emperor. The egg was painted in red. And on the church legend, the stones on Calvary turned into red eggs on the day of the resurrection of Christ.

According to another version, the emperor, having accepted the usual testicle and doubting that Jesus was resurrected, said: "As an egg cannot become red, and the dead do not resurrect!" And at this very moment the egg has become red. I was exclaimed from what he saw, the emperor exclaimed: "Truly risen!"

Since then, he has been behaved, painting eggs for Easter and giving them to talk - "Christ is risen!" And answer - "Truly Rissed!"

And here is the master class:

Creative and original solution. Call your babies and proceed. There is nothing difficult in this.

You will need:

  • beautiful with a pattern and with patterns of fabric pieces,
  • white fabric
  • vinegar,
  • pans with water
  • eggs themselves,
  • desire and time (20 minutes).

1. Now cut the cloth on the patchwork at about the lengths of the parties in 18 centimeters, as on the video.

2. Watch each egg first in color cloth, and then in white.

3. We fold the original steers in the pan. Fill with water and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Cook for 15 minutes.

4. Cool and Wu-Ala - the beauty is indescribable! Is it so beautiful still happen somewhere?

Short video:

Easter eggs from beads video lessons

Three very useful and simple, and most importantly without water, understandable lessons and master class from Shurachochka:

Behind the results, we can safely say that you now know and know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands at home. With such a variety of options, it is simply impossible that something will not work.

My kids have already decided to cook Easter eggs in gold color - it hurts them a fairy tale reminded about the "Ryabu" chicken. And I think you need to try several options so that the festive table looks in fact fabulous with an abundance of a variety of decorations.

Good house, love mutual, peaceful sky and well-being! So that there is no grief and sadness in your life so that the diseases and failure pass through the face! Happy holiday to you, with Light Easter! Christ is risen!

Good day to all! How are you feeling? On the street spring in full swing, run, burglaries. Breathe easily!

Mood for 5+ and therefore I want to create and see, so today I want to show how unusual, original, tasteful and super beautifully can be decorated, paint eggs to Easter. See and choose the way you like, there is nothing complicated in this matter. I hope that these step-by-step descriptions in this article will help you. And your guests will be delighted.

Also do not forget to sharpen the couplings and bake a delicious Easter. It seems to me that a wonderful tradition to prepare snacks in Spring Days and decorate the testicles with their own hands.

Why paint eggs for Easter?

I do not want to write therefore the reason for greater information. I will not delve into history, honestly never loved the story in school, although in vain of course.

So, what is the paint eggs for Easter? I answer.

At all times, the egg was considered a symbol of the origin, the revival of the Sun. The sun carried light and warmth. Previously, eggs presented to the gods, and now we are presented to loved ones, friends.

Staining eggs have become more in ancient Egypt, and the inhabitants of this event were waiting for a whole year. For them it was a great miracle.

In the Indian Vedas, God Brother hatched from the Golden Egg.

It is known that in the east by legend they said that the world came from Chaos and was in the egg.

In our world there are legends, which say that an egg is a symbol of life.

Easter eggs are one of the main attributes of the Christian Easter. According to an ancient church legend, the first Easter egg Holy Equal-Apostles Maria Magdalene gave the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Painted eggs are considered in Christian culture a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian traditional traditions say that at the time of the resurrection of Christ, the stones on Calvary turned into red eggs.

How to paint eggs properly with your own hands?

Of course, no one will argue with the fact that Easter eggs is the decoration of the festive table in the days of Easter. There are now a very large variety of all interesting things for decorating eggs, these are stickers, and dyes, materials for decoupage and much more.

The main thing is that the decorated eggs turn out to be funny, and not sad, that is, they must be executed in bright, solar colors.

Mandatory the presence of red in old Russian traditions, and your fantasy, imagination and creativity in your mind.

There are several rules for painting eggs:

  • Eggs before painting or decoration need to be deguted and rinsed. This is done with the help of the household soap (wave) and alcohol (degreasing).
  • The eggs are not immediately cooking, that is, it can not be delivered from the refrigerator to put them immediately into boiling water. Get the eggs and let them lie down a little warm. Then there will be a large temperature drop and shell during cooking will not crack!
  • Boil eggs by adding salt into water, approximately 1 tbsp. By 1.5 glasses of water.
  • To, after coloring, the eggs glistened, you need to dry well and then with the help of vegetable oil, lubricate a little, remove the oil over the cloth.

Interesting: 😆 Have you ever heard about sharp eggs, specks, pussy and drapes. Znorly sounds 🙂

  • painted - paint in one color
  • krapanki - color in one color, but have small scaffolds of another color
  • pussy - there is a small drawing on such eggs
  • drapanka - a monophonic egg with a pattern, the drawing is done manually, with a scratch

Prayes and decorate eggs at Easter

In this article I want to teach you to decorate, paint eggs with different interesting ways. And methods of painting are very much. Choose what to your soul and experiment. You will succeed. 🙂

Egg decoration with wax pencils

This method is very light and not very expensive from the financial side.

We need:

  • white Eggs, Food Dyes, Warm Water, 9% Vinegar, Wax Pencils

Stages of performance:

1. Instruct paint-dyes according to the instructions that are specified on the package.

2. At 250 ml of water, add 1 tbsp.

3. Mix the vinegar with the dye well.

4. Cook the eggs, but do not drain the water, because for this method of eggs you need hot.

5. Take the egg and wet it with a napkin.

6. Take pencils and paint the egg.

7. Lower the painted egg into the dye for 1 minute.

8. Remove the egg after the expiration of time and dried on the stand. Stand can be made of foam and toothpicks. You can take a sponge for washing the dishes and stick to her needles with beads, it will also get a good stand for drying eggs.

9. These are the beauties - the testicles turned out 😎

Decoupage Easter eggs from napkin

We need:

  • white eggs, napkins with a pattern, egg whites and brush

1. Take a raw egg and separate the protein from it. Beat a little protein so that it is thick. Many write, you can use PVA glue instead of a protein, but it seems to me that it is not safe. Prepare to work napkins with drawings.

2. Take the napkin and separate the topmost layer, which is patterned.

3. Now cut off the napkins those elements that you want to reprint on your egg.

4. These are the elements turned out.

5. Take any element to attach it to the egg. Sweep the brush in the protein and and wake the butterfly protein.

6. You can wove the butterfly not entirely. To do this, you do not remove the top layer with a pattern from the napkin.

Attach a butterfly, wake the middle of the butterfly protein, remove the top layer at the butterfly, and the bottom mark the tassel with a protein.

7. Easy and simple, and so beautiful!

When, I was preparing for this article, I found one amazing video that I really liked. It also shows the original decoupage. Watch you will not regret!

Master - class "Design of Easter eggs with their own hands"

I liked the patterns, write me through feedback, I will send you to the mail.

Marble drawing with dyes

A good option for creative natures, also an original and not much difficult way.

We need:

  • eggs, Food Dyes, White Napkins, Spoon, Gloves

Stages of performance:

1. Dress gloves for work.

2. Mandatory food film supplies the table or oil.

3. Take the egg and wrap it in three paper white napkins.

4. Take a spoon and type a few of any dye into it, and then pour it on the egg.

5. Now take another color of the dye and apply again on the egg. Continue to apply the dye into the places where the white napkin is.

6. Tightly press the napkin to the egg so that the dyes painted the egg.

7. Leave the egg for 15-20 minutes on a special stand.

8. Then remove the napkin and look at your masterpiece.

9. It turned out a marble pattern with a transition from color in color.

Painting with capron and greenery

This way of painting eggs will require you a bit of the perfection and skill of the hands.

We need:

  • white eggs, food dyes, greens (parsley and dill), Capron, thread

Stages of performance:

1. Take the egg and put a parsley on it and carefully wrap the egg with a chip, tightly pressed and spinning.

2. Title Tie the Capron and lower the egg into the dye.

3. Remove the egg and put on the stand so that the egg is dried.

4. The egg miracle turned out.

You can use not only greens, take the tape or isolate and cut different figures, and in the same way to wrap in the nap and paint in the dye.

Easter patterns with thermosclek

We need:

  • white eggs, hot water, Easter thermal blocks

Stages of performance:

1. Take a termonary pattern and dressed on the egg.

3. Easter egg with a pattern is ready!

Patterns from Easter stickers

The easiest way is to buy Easter stickers and somehow decorate our festive testicles.

We need:

  • eggs, Food Dyes, Easter Stickers

Stages of performance:

1. Color eggs in any color. And you can leave white.

2. Take Easter stickers, they are sold in the store. Remove stickers from the leaf and decorate the eggs.

Method using onion and beet husk

In this way, you can always use, as such products like beets, onions, red cabbage and turmeric almost always have in the house. The only minus is so painting, this time. In this way, the eggs face much longer than the food dye.

We need:

  • white eggs, crane cabbage, beet, water, can be used onion husks, turmeric

Stages of performance:

1. Take the red cabbage and cut it with a knife to pieces.

2. Beets Sattail on the grater. Fill boiling water vegetables in different cups. (Onion husks, if you make painting out of it, you need to pour with water and cook this decoction about 40 minutes, then add eggs and insist in the onion husk until the water cools down. After, move the pan at night to the refrigerator, y Morning eggs in the onion husk will be painted).

3. Lower there on the egg.

4. Remove time and dry the eggs with a napkin.

5. Put the eggs on the stand let die.

6. In this way, the eggs are not very bright, saturated. But this is real natural dyes!

Color from girlfriend home

We need:

  • eggs, food dyes

Stages of performance:

1. Egg must be dry, also an important condition, it should be warm or hot.

2. Instruct paint-dye with water, according to the instructions and add to the dye with water 1 tbsp. vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Lower not completely egg in the paint, hurt a little in the dye 2-3 minutes. Remove the egg and a drop of paint. Remove the napkin.

4. Put the egg to the stand, let the paint dry.

6. Repeat the action 4, 5 and again 4.

7. That's what happens about, more interesting design, I think 🙂

8. Put the stained egg on the stand and dried.

Painting eggs in a glass

We need:

  • eggs, Food Dyes, Glass, Syringe

Stages of performance:

1. Take the glass, put an egg in it.

2. Type a dye into the syringe and gently on the walls of the glass pour the dye. Leave the egg for 30 minutes. Next, dial again into the syringe and carefully pour so that the egg is completely covered and leave again for 20 minutes, and again type the paint in the syringe and hold for 10 minutes.

3. Remove the egg from the paint to dry the egg with napkins, dried on the stand.

4. The egg will be in monophonic, but the color will be on it to have 3 types: dark, lighter, very light.

Winding yi trays

We need:

  • eggs, food dyes, knitting threads

Stages of performance:

1. Cut eggs with threads.

2. Lower the eggs into the dye for 10 minutes, let it be painted.

3. Remove the eggs from the dye, blot the eggs with eggs.

4. Remove the threads.

Painting eggs with vegetable oil

It turns out very interesting, I never thought that vegetable oil in combination with the dye can give such an effect!

We need:

  • eggs, food dyes, vegetable oil, water

Stages of performance:

1. Paint the egg in some light color, for example, yellow.

2. Take a container with a dark dye, for example, green and add 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil and mix.

3. Lower the egg into the green dye, let it be painted. That's how originally happened!

4. Remove the egg. Put on the stand to dry.

Decorate with fabric

I never thought that in this way, you can also paint eggs. See and surprise! "How to paint eggs for Easter with old ties! Silk staining:

Interesting way, so you can take any fabric and make the painting of eggs

Staining eggs with nail polish

This method can be called aquatic manicure (or in a water manicure technique). The method is quite attractive, but not very safe for health. Since, varnish is chemistry, so it is possible to use this method if the egg simply gives, but not to eat, I would not risk.

We will need:

  • white eggs, nail polish

Stages of performance:

1. Eggs first boil and cool down, dry.

2. In a bowl, pour the water of room temperature and damage the varnish (one color can be used, you can use several colors, here already at your discretion).

3. If you use several colors, remember that dripping varnish is needed to the center of the bowl alternately, then one, then another color.

4. Now take the toothpick and draw any abstract patterns patterns. Or take the egg and lower in a bowl first one side, then another. Let dry.

5. You can not dilute the lacquer in the water, and just lacquer to draw anything, flower, horses, chicken, bunnies, etc. Give it to raise your fantasy!

Unusual Easter eggs from jelly

When I was preparing for this article, I saw such a stunning video, how to make unusual eggs from jelly. A child is filmed in the video, very mischievous and cheerful. It turns out such a bright, solar clearing of multicolored shiny eggs.

In addition, who loves jokes, or to make surprises to relatives or friends, this idea to pinch with such eggs is perfect. For this, you do not need to remove the shell from such eggs, just the shell is decelerating in any way. And it turns out that it's just an Easter egg, and in the fact that when you start cleaning will see a surprich play on Easter your guests, none of the guests will remain indifferent. How much will be laughter and smiles!

See and see everything yourself.

Such testicles (eggs) from jelly can be created with the child, as shown in this video. After all, the collaborative labor of the child and mom very unites, brings closer. And the main child will be delighted.

If you have a desire, you can decorate eggs together with the child, and do some funny souvenirs for Easter, I wrote another article on this topic:

Friends, I want to wish you all the best, peace, well-being, good! Let it always be warm, light in your life, life will be without illness and adversity! If all this wish on the eve or day of Light Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Strong health! Happy Light Easter! Christ is Risen!!!

P.S By the way, Easter eggs can be left until next year, and then use them in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and damage. I never knew about it. This year, be sure to leave one, the most unusual beautiful, egg intact. Let him lie until the next Easter, there will be such an interesting tradition in our family.

Yours faithfully,

Good all day! Let me on the eve of the most important Christian holiday, who this year will be celebrated on April 8 to devote today's note, namely, it will take information about various ways of painting eggs for Easter.

In I showed you all kinds of craft options that you can also do right now. And also decorate their festive table. But, all the same, no Easter does not do without delicious kulichiki and beautiful eggs. Agree? This is the real symbols of this celebration.

Therefore, the first article this year I want to devote to painted eggs. In order for you today were ready for that, and thought about how quickly and easily right at home can be issued and surprised everyone with their skill. After all, it is beautiful pisants who will lift the mood and the holiday will definitely succeed.

In I already gave you a lot of ideas on this topic. Wow, there are so many ideas that just if you go there to see, there and hang. Of course, the most common methods in which natural dyes are used, namely all sorts of vegetables.

In one of the magazines, I saw this magnificent cheat sheet, save her onto the wall so as not to lose. It is with her that you achieve that all your testicles will be painted in different colors without harming your health.

Of course, about natural dyes, we will talk more about more details, but just below. Do not switch).

Before you begin to think about how and how to paint eggs yourself, I would like to remind you that you don't need to forget about the expiration of eggs when you buy them in the store.

Now I suggest you coloring the writings the very first all in a famous way, probably even the most common, these are food dyes. Take a package that is intended for decorating.

In this sachet there was 4 dyes of different colors. Therefore, you can immediately take jars at once to make this work quickly.

And of course boiled snacks who are ready for labor and defense.

Do everything as written in the instructions, on the turnover pack. You need to wash them before painting them with food soda (take 1 tbsp of soda by 0.5 liters of water). Dye, solute the entire bag in the floor with a glass of hot water and make vinegar 9% 1 tbsp. After lowering the egg completely and hold for about five minutes.

In a secret, I will say, and maybe it's not a secret, you can get more colors from this set, for this just mix yellow with blue, it turns out turquoise.

Important! In order for paintings even more blended, wipe them with a napkin with vegetable oil.

To get purple you can mix red and blue dyes.

I hope you remembered what perhaps forgotten. You can still decorate with decorative stickers. Beautiful, awesome!

By the way, it is possible that it is not completely all the egg to the dye, but only a part into one paint, but a part to another.

Of course, the children really like this occupation, but do not leave them unattended, it is very important!

By the way, there is another little trick of how not to freeze hands, look at this photo.

There is still one option, which is also performed by food dyes, but using wax. And the essence is, you will need to rub the wax, and then lower the product in the paint, where the wax, it will not give it to paint. In this way, this will simplify the task in drawing with different colors.

There is one more interesting and new way, it is when the eggs are directly dripped with a liquid dye and immediately poured with water, so they are obtained rainbow.

Or another super option, weak the testicles into the paper napkin, and after spraying from the pulvilizer with colored liquid dyes, and leave 1 hour in this form.

What will happen from this? But what, such beauty, and even marble.

I still love the way with the help of a thermal block, I told you about it in .Id in two words, then you need to purchase these miracle miracles in the store and then, as the magic to wear them on the template and omit in boiling water for 5 seconds.

There is nothing difficult, everything is simple as two two, in general, at all this method is generally a find.

Painting eggs in the onion husk

The traditional and most inexpensive option is of course painting in Luke, in his husk. And if you want a good and rich color to get, then you will then need such proportions 1 cup of husks plus 1 cup of water.

You need to cook this mixture for about an hour, and then put the prepared boiled samples there. It turns out such a brown color.

Well, another coloring method is using a different kind of greenery, such as parsley or dill. It seems ridiculous, but it looks quite elegant and colorful.

We will need:

  • long husk
  • egg chicken raw - 10 pcs.
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • stockings Cronovy
  • leaves of different greenery
  • thicks
  • vegetable oil

Stages of work:

1. Collect or specifically cut onions. Put the skins in a saucepan and pour with water. The more husk, the fact that the color will be rich.

To put a twig of greenery or grass on the egg, make a box from a stockullet and rewind them the sheet, tie threads.

2. It turns out something like this photo.

4. And followed by placing the workpieces that are already waiting for no miracles.

5. Cook for 30 minutes, and then remove from the saucepan, let them cool, remove everything too much and wipe them so that they shine with vegetable oil. Well, the truth is great looking for these painten, super!

This way you can use and with any other options, I mean such wraps.

Deactivate pussy so that they get marble

This method is similar to the previous one, too, the husk of Luke is used, only a plus is added to everything is added. It looks like this truly cool, colorfully and even I would say fascinatingly. Handsome people who will delight and give smiles on their faces.

We will need:

  • long husk
  • raw eggs
  • zelenk

Stages of work:

1. So, if you compare with the previous description, here you can enter in a different way, for this you first need eggs to wet and omit them so that the husk sticks to them, after tie to the gauze, or the bandage. Even good for this is a stocking.

2. And in the water, put another 1 tbsp salt and plus a little green tape or you can pour a whole bottle, it is still small. What a different pattern turned out, and most importantly on each product it is different. Sumptuously!

If something is not clear to you, then I propose to watch this video.

By the way, you can get another marble effect, another way, in front of the painting simple slightly break the shell with a teaspoon and it will not be cool.

How to paint with natural egg products?

At the very beginning, I gave you a similar sign, I still show such a sample into your piggy bank.

So let's understand in order.

Important! Everywhere add vinegar to paints and colors are resistant.

1. Turmeric. You know this product, yes, of course! What color do you think? Completely, colorful with a yellow tint. About her, we will say more detail further.

2. Carrot. Bright orange and so beautiful, press it, or rather use carrot juice. Samples hold in such a solution to the desired color.

3. Beet. Use beet juice, soak eggs in it and get after a raspberry or even pink shade. But, here you will have to hold 10 hours to happen color.

4. Coffee. If you do not have coffee, then take tea. The effect will be almost the same. Brew and hold in such a tea or coffee solution for a couple of hours. Here are my experiments with tea).

5. Spinach. With the help of it, it turns out a cool green color, cut it into pieces and put it in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook so much until you get the expected result.

6. Cabbage. This method is also popular and safe for health. Use only such a sort of cabbage as the red. That's just the time of eggs in water should be 10 hours so that they are painted in purple color.

Here are some of the results of experimentation, choose. Oddly, the years also went to the move, I also tried to paint the pussy with the help of the honeysuckle, I have in trouble in the freezer.

Emerald Pains for Easter

A pretty good option exists yet, which I want to offer you here in this video. I hope you will succeed, the author of this video is available and stitchedly shows the whole process of work, so look and repeat all the actions, I wish good luck!

How to decorate eggs without dyes using turmeric?

A pretty good and interesting method, because such paintings are quite bright and seductive, see themselves.

To get such a miracle, you need to take a glass \u003d 250 ml of hot water and put 1 tbsp into it, stir. Give this mixture slightly cool, and then place the room temperature in this solution so that they do not crack in the cooking process. Cook for about 30 minutes on slow fire.

By the way, you can decorate them first in the onion husk with a pattern, type of leaves and twigs, and then further omit into the rugged solution and the pattern is painted in yellow.

We use beets instead of dye

About this method I think everyone knows. Although there are three of these options for these options, consider each of them. You can take the basis of absolutely any, see what time you have.

1. You can take fresh beet and it is for it to cite your samples. How to achieve this, you first need to boil eggs to the state of steep, and then follow this instruction.

Beets are purified from peel and rubbed on a large grater. Observe the samples in this mixture before it is recommended to lubricate the eggs with acetic essence so that the color is better fixed.

2. You can also use freshly huge juice of this vegetable.

Important! Consider, for this method you need ready-made boiled eggs.

You can skip the beets through the juicer (the Buryachka speak in Ukraine), and you can do it yourself using the grater and gauze. After juice is ready, make a pair of vinegar droplets and only after that place the eggs for 3-4 hours, it turns out a beautiful pink color.

If you want the color to be bright burgundy, then leave in this fluid to stand the sharp night in the refrigerator.

3. And finally got to the third option, you need the fruits of this purple vegetable booze in a saucepan, after adding a spoon of vinegar. You must have the calculation and proportions: one big beet is taken on 1 liter of water. Finished samples are placed in this liquid and leave for all night to stain.

And in the morning, you can get such a beautiful result.

Painted tissue

We continue to see further, last year the hit of painting was the way with the help of ties, well, or it was possible to take any silk fabric, the main thing that it was natural. It will come up with another common cotton, the main thing is that it is color.

Well, of course, you probably guessed, you need to put the egg in the flap of the fabric, and then omit into the water and cook about 15 minutes with vinegar, (pour it about 3-4 cent. L by 3 liters of water).

Do not forget the fabric to tie with threads, in general it turns out perfectly. The main thing is that everyone will like this miracle. You can take on the exhibition with yourself.

There is also such an option, this is when the material is taken into the mesh or with some pattern, ornament, and also rewinds into the pussy, and after putting the eggs into a solution with dyes or in any other, such as a liquefold husk or beet.

Looks cool and pleases the eye. In general, what is needed on this Christian holiday.

Decoupage Eggs to Easter from Napkin

This technique appeared not so long ago and quickly gained momentum. Souvenir. But, but what is the luxurious, wow, well, just a healthy and cool!

We will need:

  • slippet.
  • scissors
  • pVA glue
  • brush

Stages of work:

1. Take any paper napkin with a pattern, cut off neatly scissors pattern. Separate the bottom layer, does not hurry carefully picker with your nails.

2. Prepare glue to work and brush.

3. Lubricate the surface of the sticky glue, and after attaching the drawing and brush lubricate it. Let dry and lie down to the full charm.

Prayes of testicles from prudent agents at home

Now I will reveal one secret, kidding, of course. You probably think about, yes, you would quickly like to sharpen them))). So, here I just because they are usually decorated with a sprinkler, and why not take advantage of this here for these purposes.

Stages of work are not completely complex. In order for the powder glued to the shell, an egg white will need, dear the sample them, and then shake. Here is such a miracle reincarnation.

Of course, it is possible and glued to glue, but such an egg no longer eat, so be careful.

Similar machinery applying is all sorts of croups. Funny face turned out).

Even legumes and pasta can be applied here. Wow, how cool you!

I also heard that it was covered with nail polish, it looks cool and beautiful, but also not edible.

How to make such work? Take a glass with water and on the surface of the water, draw any patterns like you, and then completely lower the sample into this liquid.

There is still one breathtaking option using markers, or markers. And take on a water basis so that they are harmless. Draw a face or face, perhaps even your favorite heroes from cartoons.

Although such an exhibition can even be attributed, if you are very trying and bravit.

Now there are still ready-made eyes, which you can also easily place here.

You can still use acrylic paints for this purpose.

It looks too seductive, bright and pretty. The main thing is that there was an insight and inspiration and then exactly all will happen.

If you do not want at all, and there is no mood or time, then you can use another method. Remember in childhood everyone loved to burst bubbles, I'm talking about that packaging paper, polyethylene. So you can make eggs painted using it.

If you are preparing someone souvenir, you can decorate quilling eggs in the technique. There will be a lot of time and strength to such work, but for the masters of this case will not be a lot of work as such a handicraft.

The next option is the coating of gold gold, what is it, did you hear about it earlier? This such paper that resembles foil, only it is golden. The egg can be taken any color, even the usual white, and then apply gold on it, stick to PVA.

And to be more convenient to create, you can make special stands from foam and toothpicks.

In fact, it is even completely gold, well, as in a tale about the chicken in a row, and demolished the egg chicken yes, not just, but the golden ... see only ahead of time do not break))). This work is definitely time-consuming, because you need to do anyway and smoothly so that wrinkles do not get.

I also remembered how that one year, I stuck with a raner scotch, though did different drawings and pieces from it, and then put in a colored solution.

You can invent a whole plot.

If your family has children, then I suggest you to make such an experience with them. Take the soda and food dye, and stir them in a cup or bowl, respectively place the egg there. And then pour along with the young researcher a vinegar divorced with water. Sh-sh-sh will occupy reaction, the baby will be delighted with the seen.

Or a completely safe way of coloring, it is drawing with wax pencils.

On this, I have everything for today. Let all you congratulate you with the upcoming holiday and wish you all the brightest and rainbow! Christ is Risen! Join me in the group and come to visit more often! Until!

Sincerely, Catherine Manzurova

Good day dear friends will soon come a bright holiday Easter. And you will need to decorate the table with silences and eggs. If we sort out with herbs a little, then there are no eggs yet. A note on how.
And so now let's talk about ways of painting eggs. Eggs paint, paint and decorate to Easter for a very long time, but the real dawn and the flight of thoughts can be realized only today when a lot of all kinds of food dyes appeared.

In this article, we will analyze several correct ways to paint eggs to Easter as beautiful as possible. And of course you need to prepare for early since it is necessary to collect all the ingredients. For example, the apartment does not always have a bowl with a bow and collect onion husks in the right amount is not so simple. In general, then we will describe in detail in detail.

Somehow once browsing your wall in VC fell on the eyes of this post about painting eggs by natural dyes. All natural dye without adding chemistry. And the colors will pleasantly surprise you.
I will tell you a little more about the use of natural or natural dyes, but a little later, but still we will analyze a small memo on the definition of freshness of eggs.
Well, they checked the eggs to fresh that you managed to leave results in the comments. And we go further to the line of food dyes. Which are sold before Easter at every step.
These are four packages you will find inside the main package.
In small bags there can be either a tablet or ready-made liquid. Better of course, when working with these paints, wear gloves. No, not because the paint is harmful, and so that you would not get dirty.

We select from boiled eggs a few first handsome people dilute the paint according to the instructions. For each paint on one bank.
In most instructions, the instructions are similar to my bags, the instruction that boiled eggs need to be well washed in soda solution (on the floor of the liter of water 1 tablespoon of food soda). Paints dilute only in warm water. On 1 paint, the floor of a glass of water is enough, but still it will be necessary to pour the tablespoon of vinegar 9%. Prepare a dye and lower the egg in it for 5-6 minutes. The field of which gently get a spoon and lay out on a plate to succeed.

As well as you, I am a real creative person and I came to mind to mix the paints to get a new color. For example, if the blue and yellow is mixed with turquoise color. Try maybe you will succeed. And perhaps you want to mix other colors. Write in the comments under the article what happened with you.
After the paint is dry, it will not be so stuck so much. And you can try to decorate eggs with beautiful stickers. They are glory to God is also not a problem to buy.

And if you want to make an egg not one color, but a few. Try the egg to lower in the paint is not completely, but only it is not most of it.

For the painting of eggs on half you can use wax. We rub the wax that part of the egg that will not paint. Lower in the paint and under the wax shell does not change the color. So it will be easier for you to make multicolored eggs.

If your family has children surely invite them to help with painting eggs. But do not leave them all the same it is a kitchen.
And so you can paint eggs with the help of an ordinary bog.
Try to fold eggs (boiled) into a colander, and it drops into the water with several dyes and to mix the blade. All intricate colors are obtained at the output.
You can also wrap a boiled egg into a conventional paper napkin and from several sides to drip paint. Then leave the egg in the napkin for 5-10 minutes that the paint would be entered into the shell.
That's what beauty can work out. Practically marble egg without much effort.
You can decorate an egg to Easter and without dyes. It is enough to take a special thermal film to put it on the egg (boiled) and omit for 5-7 seconds. In boiling water from high temperature, the film narrows and takes the shape of the egg.
As you can see a special complexity here there is no. Everything is easy and simple and the hands of marathing is not necessary and the paint is diluted, too, a film of boiling water and that's it.

Painting eggs in the onion husk

This is the oldest and most importantly, not to eat the traditional method or method of painting eggs. Our grandmothers painted so painted in Tsar Pea.
Colors are natural and no chemistry. Despite the great abundance of dyes, everything in every family was painted every year and will paint eggs in the bow as this as part of the tradition from which no one wants to refuse. But there is one minus for the painting of eggs in Luke will need to highlight the pan as the dishes can also paint.
For a good saturated color, we take 3-4 pieces of husk on one piece of water. Just paint eggs in Luke it is not about us. You need to do it with a creative approach. So read on.

For creative egg painting, take the following:

  • 1 tablespoon salt.
    Capron stocking.
    Green leaflets (dill, parsley, dandelion, kinza, etc.)
    Motor thread.
    Vegetable oil.

Painting process.

Eggs take raw since boiling in the husk need not less than 40 minutes.
Apply leaves for egg. From the stock rug, cut a piece and gently put in the stocking egg. We press the leaf to the egg and weching the threads of the stocking. It should succeed like this.

Fill with a husk with water put on the stove.
Add salt and when the water starts to throw the blanks in the husks.
Cook 30-40 minutes. Then pull out and if there is a second batch, cook the second, and the first thing let it cool down.
Once the eggs are slightly cool, remove the stockings, remove the leaves and soda the eggs with vegetable oil. After that, the testicles acquire a beautiful shine.
Also in this way you can paint eggs and food dye.

How to paint eggs so that they were marble

Want to surprise the old owners or girlfriends with their painted eggs then look longer. So the eggs very rarely who colors everything do everything according to the classics and no one wants to bother, and then the carrots are practically no.

  • Eggs.
  • Long husk.
  • Zelenka.
  • Water.
  • Pan.

Painting process.

The method is similar to classic, but with small additions.

We take a raw egg to dry into the water and about riding on the onion husk, so that it adhered to the egg. Then you will withdraw it in stockings or bandage. In the pan pouring a simple water to add a spoonful salt and put on the stove. As soon as the water starts to drop the eggs, we pour green and cook the eggs of 30-40 minutes. After we merge the water with cool and remove everything is not necessary.
That's what happened to me, the same should turn out.
The drawing is obtained simply unusual. And that the most interesting no 2 identical eggs are all different.

Pray eggs with natural products

Well, now we turn to natural dyes. Which are in food.

It is important when using such paints be sure to add some vinegar. It will attack the paint and make the colors more rich.

1. Color eggs with turmeric. She will give you a yellow color. How to paint eggs with turmeric below.
2. Want to paint eggs into a bright orange color then carrots to help you. Take carrot juice and lower the egg in it. Color saturation will depend on the time that the egg broke in carrot juice.
3. Never painted eggs in beet juice? I recommend to try. True, the process is too long. You need a boiled egg to hold at least 8-10 hours in beetted juice. But the raspberry eggs will only have.

4. Another long way of coloring in a red cabbage. Also press the juice and withstand in it boiled eggs 8-10 hours.

5. Tea and coffee and coffee will help us to paint eggs. Brew tea in stronger and hold in a welding egg for 2-3 hours. Then get and get tea-colored eggs. By the way, you can paint not only in black tea.

You can make a beautiful green color To do this, take the spinach bundle. Cut it into a saucepan with water. We put on the stove and cook eggs in it until the desired color is obtained.
This is what you can achieve patience. The author will boast of their achievements.

Emerald Eggs for Easter

Consider this option for staining eggs. The video shows all the steps it is possible that this method will be clear to you more.

How to paint eggs without dyes using turmeric

Not for nothing This coloring method is gaining popularity. After all, the result is so good that it does not believe that it is all natural color.
On 250 ml of warm water 1 tablespoon of turmeric stiring to give 2-3 minutes to dissolve turmeric and put on fire. We throw eggs with boiling 30-40 minutes.
Also before throwing eggs, you can apply the technique with stockings or husks.

Painted eggs in fabric

We continue to create and see the ones now to paint eggs. Trying with a tie. No, of course, spoil the whole beloved tie, we will not, just take and cut a small piece.))) For this method, any silk colorful cloth can also be taken on colorful cotton.

We take a beautiful piece of fabric wrapping the egg into it and weching threads. Next, we lower in a saucepan with water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. The result struck even me.

Instead of the fabric, you can take any material with a meshe and bury egg in it. Cooking such eggs in any dye and get unusual results.

Painting eggs for Easter in a napkin

The technique is pretty young and little known. For me, this is more like a man-made full-fledged craft for the holiday is not joyful to painting eggs.

The next set will be required:

PVA glue

Production process.

The pattern is cut out of the colorful napkin. Napkin disassembled on the layers.

A layer of glue with a tassel is applied to the egg. Then the carved pattern is neatly applied.
Top drawing to lure a thin layer of glue. You can apply several drawings on one egg. After you need to give a dry glue.
It turns out very beautiful. I remind you of eggs already boiled.

Prayer eggs from undergraduates at home

As Kulichi is known to be decorated with icing and beautiful sprinkling, and why not decorate this sprinkling and eggs.
This is not cunning, and the results will surprise you perfectly. In order to put the sprinkling on the egg, you will not even need a special glue. All the same eggs will help us.

We take the protein to lower the boiled egg in it well lubricate it from all sides, then fall out in the powder.
You can use the stationery glue, but only there is no longer worth it as the glue will easily penetrate the edible part of the egg through the pores in the shell. Of course, when using this technique, you can decorate eggs not only with a sprinkler, but also by different croups.
For example, see what a cheerful egg is obtained if you use a break.

Well, since it suffered in this direction, then the eggs can be decorated using nail polish. True, you need to work in gloves so as not to stain your hands. Take a glass of water pour a little varnish of different colors. Display a small pattern and plunge into it. But I remind you once again there are such eggs not recommended.

Try to paint eggs with markers. For these purposes, water-based markers are very well suited. And if you have a little fantasy and draw eyes on eggs you can create a whole army.

If you are interested in the idea with eyes, look for them on store shelves.
You can buy finished eyes and with their help to create here such minions. See what kind of cute truth?

So I think now to painting eggs to Easter holidays you are fully prepared. Congratulations on the upcoming bright Sunday. Christ is Risen!!!

In pure Thursday, a popular customary need not only to finish cleaning the house for the holiday, but also to do painting eggs. All popular ways are presented for you in this article.

It is necessary to paint eggs yourself, for several reasons:

  1. You will be confident in the freshness of eggs and their expiration date.
  2. You will be confident in the natural components in the composition of the dyes
  3. This is great entertainment for the whole family and should not be skidding such fun.

Despite traditions, the modern pace of life does not always allow on the working day to allocate time on painting, so most families are given to this process in the evening on Saturday, on the eve of the holiday.

What paints can be painted eggs?

If you decide to traditional egg painting, then choose either natural dyes, type beet, turmeric, tea, etc., or carefully read the composition on the box with the paints from the manufacturer. Typically used food dyes, and the paint is well squeezed by vinegar.

How many eggs to paint on Easter?

Before the immediate color you need to decide on the number of eggs you want to paint. One of the main Easter traditions is to exchange painted eggs with friends and relatives, respectively you can calculate how much it is necessary - 10, 20.30 pieces or more. If you want to still celebrate Easter at work on Monday, then you also need to think about a small reserve.

Do not forget to consecrate the eggs in the temple - these eggs can not be disposed of shell, only burn. Well, accordingly, how many eggs gave you, the same amount will come back to you - you need to prepare for a protein diet, which is waiting for you the next week.

How to decorate the original eggs for Easter?

The most original ways of painting eggs are born in the creative process, when most materials and products are already spent. The new idea always comes unexpectedly and makes you revise the entire concept of filing.

For example, several interesting options:

  • Gradient fill- All eggs are performed in one color, but different shades, that is, the exposure time in the color solution is gradually and evenly increases. As a result, you will have a series of eggs in the colors of smoothly moving from light to saturated.

  • Engraving - Special instruments or ordinary cutter make it possible to apply patterns on the already painted egg, shaking a white shell. You can use any drawing or translate an interesting image. To begin with, paint the egg in the desired color, let me dry. Then apply the drawing with a pencil and gently engrave it.

  • Space EggsOperate when using toothpaste and gold paint for the final decor.

  • Easter sets Today they differ in great variety. You can dress up your Easter treats in the shape of dashing musketeers, sailing minions or small chicks. The set already has all the necessary details.

Ways to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands

You can paint eggs in many ways, below for you a detailed instruction for each of them is presented.

How to paint eggs for Easter in fabric?

You can paint eggs with bright flavors of fabrics that are available in any farm. The best paint is translated from silk, so you can use old ties or scarves. You will also need a white coat, pieces 15 * 15 centimeters.

  1. The raw egg wrap the cloth so that the outside of the outside is the outside. Sun fabric so that it fits tightly egg and drawing not slipping.
  2. Now overlap with white cotton cloth, tips tighten the thread near the stupid end.
  3. In a saucepan with water, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar and put a wrapped egg, put on the fire and sake 10-12 minutes after boiling.
  4. After cooling, unpack the egg - it will remain a picture.

How to paint eggs on Easter beet?

A beautiful festive shade will give eggs to the color of beets, depending on the intensity of staining, you can get a shade from pink to Marsala. So that the egg is not cracked during cooking, let him warm up to room temperature before putting in a saucepan. A spoon of salt will not allow the content of even the cracked egg.

Painting beet has several ways:

  • cooked eggs put in beet juice overnight
  • graze cooked eggs with beet
  • breed

To add a pattern to such eggs, wrap them before color or use stickers. The closed space will remain white. Beets - natural dye, so you can be confident in the ecology of the finished product.

How to paint eggs on Easter green?

Experienced hostesses have long used green eggs for egg coloring, as a result, you can get a green shade from light to saturated emerald. The essence of the method is to add a few drops (light green) or the entire bottle (emerald) in a saucepan before cooking. Vinegar in this case you will not need.

How to paint eggs on Easter onion husk?

Painting the eggs of a husk onion, probably the most ancient way of painting, as well as the most budget. The husk, which is usually not used at all, is useful for giving a noble golden-brown shade.

  1. Collect the husks from the bulbs than it will be more, the better. The very first layer is better not to take.
  2. Fold the husk in a saucepan, pour with water. The amount of water is determined based on the number of eggs that we want to paint. After half hour soaping, we put on fire and cook 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. The resulting solution must be made cool, and then strain it.
  4. The cooled solution is used to cook eggs, after 10 minutes they will get a beautiful brown tint.

How to paint marble eggs for Easter?

Marble eggs are obtained based on the combination of the two above-mentioned methods, that is, the green and onion husks. First, you turn around the raw eggs into the crushed husk and fasten it with gauze or pantyhose, then add a few drops (spoons) of the greenfly during cooking into the water. As a result, eggs will be in color to resemble brown marble into green speck.

How to paint the eggs in polka dot on Easter?

Eggs in polka dot - what could be easier? Use the adhesive tape or round-shaped stickers. Before the color evenly distribute them on the egg, check that there are no gaps to penetrate the paint and feel free to lower into the solution. After drying, remove the stickers - you will see white circles. By the same scheme, you can paint eggs in a heart, in a strolley, in a square, and the like.

How to paint eggs at Easter turmeric?

Kurkuma will give eggs yellow sunny shade. For painting, you will need a bag (20 g) of this spice, as well as vinegar. In aluminum (all other materials are painted) with a saucepan to boil dissolved turmeric and use this egg cooking solution, adding 3 spoons of vinegar.

Be careful: turmeric is very quickly absorbed and can be stained not only dishes, but also hands and table. Use gloves when working, the table is better to close with newspapers.

How to paint eggs on Easter rice?

An unexpected result and invoice can be obtained using for painting figs.

  1. Take several plastic cups, welded eggs and food dyes of different colors.
  2. Sill a small amount of rice on the cups and add to each 15-20 drops of various paints.
  3. Shake or mix the rice so that the dye spreads uniformly.
  4. Now add to the ruggled eggs and shake the cup. After a few minutes, the egg will be painted evenly and you can get it and give to dry.
  5. The finished egg can be painted again in another color if desired.

How to paint eggs in the form of emoticons?

Merry emoticons are suitable for children, it will be close to them, because they communicate in the network mainly with merry face. To begin with, paint eggs in yellow with food dye or turmeric. After a complete cooling, arm yourself with a black marker and dorisite funny face.

How to decorate eggs on Easter napkins?

Decor equipment napkins called decoupage. To work, you will need:

  • starch
  • slippet.

You can choose napkins with Easter symbols or neutral drawing, then you need:

  1. Boil the eggs and give them to cool. If you wish, you can paint them into the desired color.
  2. At this time, we remove the two lower white layers on the napkins, and from the remaining color cut the motifs you like.
  3. With the help of water and brushes, distribute pieces of napkins on the egg.
  4. From the starch, weld the alert and fasten the napkin on the egg.

Only natural components are used when decorating, so you can be sure of the safety of the resulting product.

How beautiful to paint the egg?

To paint the egg need to be patient, usually takes some time. Before starting, practice on a piece of paper to feel more confident.

Today, the following painting techniques are used:

  • Painting Tychkin acrylic paints and cotton wand
  • Painting hot wax
  • Painting with tassel and paints
  1. eggs, decorated with hot wax, are called Pianca
  2. uniformly painted - Krashhanka
  3. engraved Drapanka
  4. a mixture of hot wax and paint Krapanka

How to paint wooden eggs to Easter?

Before the holiday, you can buy a drank and grinding wooden blank in the shape of an egg and paint it. Paints will be preserved for a long time if they are fixed from above with varnish. With a wooden egg, you can not think about the ecology of the paints, but to use the technique that you like or comfortable: gouache, watercolor, acrylic, etc.

All described methods of chicken eggs described above are also applicable to a wooden egg, of course, the coloring of beet or turmeric wooden surface will be not so bright as the egg, but the shade will be similar.

Needlewomen and craftsmen, accustomed to work with a tree, can try the carving technique, such an egg will not need an additional decor. A wooden egg is a wonderful gift for Easter, it will decorate the house for a long time and reminding who presented it.

Egg decoration before Easter is a wonderful family tradition. Teach her your children, attract them to joint work. When the family gather at the table, you can tell you the younger history of the holiday, explain the meaning of characters and signs. Do not limit your imagination with templates, use non-standard coloring methods, experiment with flowers and materials and do not be afraid to be mistaken. Light you Easter! Christ is Risen!

Video: How to paint eggs for Easter without dyes?