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Jesus christ and the holy gospel. Found scroll or gospel of jesus christ. Grace leads into eternal life

Christ taught people, but people who did not learn anything did not learn. They wrote themselves another Christ. And we are interested in the very one who was the very first to be called Christ. The teaching of this particular Christ will be discussed.

Christ: The least faithful of all is the one who prays more than others and thinks that from this he will be given more than others. For he himself does not understand what he believes. As if a beggar, incapable of anything else, humbly prays for the fulfillment of desires. What are you begging God for? Or do you think he was mistaken when he sent you what you have, and you want to teach him how you should correct that mistake? That means your God is not intelligent. Why then do you call him God, why do you believe in him and why do you pray to him? You yourself do not know what you are bowing to. And there is little true faith in you.

I tell you that being of little faith is worse than not believing at all. For denying God, you will come to God.

Christ: Whom do you listen to and whom do you go to worship? And who are the most revered people in it? Scribes? Pharisee? High priests? All, no matter how many of them came before Me, are thieves and robbers, and worse than that. For it is not your bread and not your gold that they steal, but your life itself.

They honor God with their lips and tongue, but their hearts are far from him. And they are likened to painted coffins, which on the outside seem beautiful, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all kinds of filth.

And those hypocrites shut the Kingdom of Heaven to men, for they themselves do not enter into it and do not allow those who want to enter. And they love what people would call them: teacher! teacher! Don't call them teachers. They are the blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind leads the blind, then both will fall into the pit. And for centuries they hide the keys to true knowledge and replace them with half-truths, which they dress up in the clothes of Truth, and therefore it is more dangerous and more terrible than a lie.

Christ: Do not ask false treasures, not earthly blessings from the Heavenly Father, as sinners ask, but one thing: to make the paths leading to His Kingdom straight, so that you can see the Almighty during your earthly life.

For if you do not see God during your life, you will not see him after.

Christ: Try not to see God, but Divinity! Divinity in which He manifests Himself in all that exists, Divinity with which the entire universe is filled.

Christ: A man does not need a man-made temple to speak with God, for the house of the Most High is the whole earth and sky, and the stars, and all people.

Christ: There is no point in praying for a soul. No one can save your soul if you don't take care of yourself. And no one will bring the Kingdom of God and will not give it to you if you don’t find it yourself.

Christ: That heaven of which I speak, is inside everyone and outside of everyone, and the Kingdom of God is in this heaven and no other. And you do not need to go far after it, and they will not say: here, it is here, or: here, there. For the Kingdom of God is within everyone.

Christ: Woe to the one who makes boundaries on earth and divides people. For there are no boundaries in heaven, and there should not be on earth. Truly I say to you: this division is the reason for enmity and strife, whether it is division along borders, or according to language, or according to faith - everything is one! And if a person is divided within himself, then the same enmity will be inside him and there will be darkness in him, and there will be no rest for him.

Christ: Everything that is alive and that is inanimate seems to be invisibly connected with each other, and everything separately is a part of the one!

Christ: Do not be afraid to get lost when you look for your path, only the strongest are capable of this. And the Shepherd loves those who have left the flock more than others, for only they can find the coveted path.

Christ: It is not the fault of the cattle that they are in the corral, for that owner built the corral for him. Man, to his shame, has created what no living creature is capable of: he erected a prison for himself with his own hands and placed himself in it.

And woe that his children are born in this prison. They grow up and do not know any other life than the life of their fathers, and after that they cannot see it, for their eyes have become blind from the darkness of imprisonment. And they do not see anyone who would live differently, and therefore they believe that their life is the only possible way of existence. For if the eyes have never seen the light, how will you know that you are in darkness. And people are struggling to decorate their prison: some with expensive decorations, some with a beautiful slave. But there is no benefit from this: you have to get out of prison!

Christ: You must first know yourself. When you know yourself, then you will be known and accepted by the Almighty, and you will know that you are the son of the living Father. And through you, as through all his creatures, He reveals Himself.

When you know yourself, then you will find your true self, and all the secrets that are hidden from you will be revealed to you. If you do not know yourself, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.

Christ: If you do not understand the beginning, then it is impossible to understand the end. So it is impossible to know what is around you, if you do not know what is inside you, for then there is no one who knows who is given to understand the secrets of the Heavenly Father.

Christ: Do not separate the sky from the earth, for it is an extension of the earth, and do not separate yourself from the earth, for you are an extension of it, and it is an extension of you. Therefore I say: you are the beginning of everything and the end of everything. When you see this, then you will see the Kingdom of God.

Christ: Not only to believe, but to test everything for yourself, to find and know - this is what I urge. And in what he has learned, there is no longer a need to believe.

Christ: There are some who will not taste death, as they will already see the Kingdom of God.

Christ: The commandments are given for those who hear by hearing - and do not understand, look with their eyes - and do not see. For the fulfillment of the law cannot give life, does not bring grace and does not make righteous. Only true faith, acting with Love, is capable of this.

Disciple: Why, then, is the law given?

Christ: It is given for those of little faith, in which the Word of God does not fit, in order to save them from crimes until they acquire true understanding.

Christ: If you do not love your neighbor, but say that you love the Most High, then you are lying! In the face of Your Heavenly Father, love life itself, as a great gift from Him, love everything in you from end to end. To love your neighbor means that: to love every Creation of God with all your heart, without guile.

Christ: If you do not love your neighbor, but say that you love the Almighty, you are lying!

Christ: Be you even the first righteous person in the world and live according to the Law of God, and speak in the language of angels, and have all knowledge and all faith, but if you do not have love and harbor malice in your heart, even if you are an insignificant worm, then you are only copper. ringing, and there is no benefit to your soul.

Christ: To become Love means to become equal to God, it means to become God! For Love is God! And there is no other way to His Kingdom: it is impossible for men, but for God everything is possible. If Love is in you, then God will be in you and you will be like God.

Christ: The light that is inside you will show you the way, True Love that will settle in your heart will open the necessary door by itself. Perfect Love and the Holy Spirit come together, for they are one.

Christ: A person's life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions. You care and fuss about many things, but your soul only needs one thing - so that the Word of God would take root in you and bear its fruit.

Christ: You have to be not God-fearing, but God-loving. For God loved you before, so love you too with His True Love, a Love in which there is no fear, for Perfect Love casts out fear, because fear is torment. The one who fears is not perfect in Love.

And even if you distribute everything that you have, and you give your body for burning, but Love will not illuminate your deeds, there will be no benefit to you.

Christ: He who has everything, needing himself, has nothing.

Christ: Everything is open before heaven, do not lie and that does not come from your heart, do not do it.

Christ: If you have true strength, then earthly desires and passions will leave your soul, with which it, as if insane, boiled until now, and with them false knowledge and judgments will go away, and your soul will become empty, but it will be filled with Purity and Light!

Christ: A fool is one who has no doubts.

Christ: Be as pure as a dove and wise as a serpent. The light that will save you, you yourself will find inside you.

Christ: And even if the pages of the Gospel are lost, they can be restored from the heart.

The last gospel of Christ
And He said to them: Let what I have said, you also say. And do not be afraid if you add or subtract any word. And when someone decides to write down what he heard, then there will be my true words. So I will come to you again.

Is it true that we should serve and worship God because we are his children and he is our Father?

It is true that you are his children, and you must grow up to become like him.

If the son is worse than his father, how will the next son be?

If a son is weaker than his father, how will he save himself?

If a son is more foolish than his father, where will wisdom come from?

All the disciples sat around the fire, throwing branches and brushwood at it, which made it burn very brightly. And He said: The life of a man is fire, and being born from a spark, it grows on a heap of dry logs into a large and strong flame, and then it grows old and goes out in ash. Great is the fire that can go out when it wants.

And then the flame of a bright fire suddenly went out and even the coals did not burn in complete darkness. And He got up and went away. And everyone was silent.

And He said, I have no name, for I am no longer a man. And what my enemies call me is their business.

And He said: Now that I have known everything, I know that I will die. I know this, and therefore I am free. So free that if I want, I can not die. But I know that I will die.

And his disciples said among themselves: "Truly, He is Immortal!"

Everything they do - they do it out of anger or pity. They even love out of pity or anger. You cannot love with anger or pity. Conquer your anger. Conquer your pity. Conquer love in yourself!

They approached him and asked him: Our Father, teach us! And He said this: you are my children, but I am not your father. All that is bad in you is from your fathers; so they made you bad, and you desired it. Become better than your fathers. Defeat your fathers who are in you. I am not your father, but you are my children.

Actions are not important. Their meaning is important. It doesn’t matter what I do, it’s important that someone comprehends the meaning of it.

And his disciples asked him: Is not blood life?

And He answered with a smile: No. Our blood is what we drank recently. I recently drank wine. So now my blood is wine.

The next day, I threw away the sharp knife that I had spent so many nights over.

The [disciples] asked him: Who is the devil?

And He answered: I told you who I am. What is the point for me to speak for someone else? Let it speak for itself. And if you see a person who starts to say who the devil is, you should know - here he is!

And then one [disciple] with a sly face asked him: And if I meet a man who will tell me who God is. Will he be God?

And He answered, smiling wearily: I doubt it.

And I asked him what kind of death he chose for himself.

And He answered me, looking straight into the eyes: I will not deceive you much - they will hang me.

He saw one burning his notes and said: you cannot burn what your hand has written. What my mouth has said cannot be burned.

And one student asked him: what should I do if I love? And He said: Kiss her until your mouth is tired. And his disciple asked, lowering his eyes: what if I love him? And He said, laughing: then, I think, one kiss will be enough.

His disciples came up to him and asked: Should we believe in you as our God? He said to them: Why believe you? A blind man can believe that there is a sun. A sighted person knows this. You need not believe, but know.

To know is to see, hear and feel. Can't you see me? Can't you hear my words? Do you not feel that I am your God?

And if you know that I am your God, then why should you believe?

The believer cannot know. The knower cannot believe.

A disciple came up to him and said: How can you destroy love? After all, God said: "Love your neighbor."

And He answered: God? Didn't you tell me that?

He said: There is no lie more skillful than the truth. How can I figure this out?

Death is terrible. Through fear, she holds us and conquers us. Do not be afraid of death, and then you will conquer it. Then you will become immortal. Immortal and fearless. Death is not terrible.

Life is all you have. Death is everything you don't have. I have come to conquer death. And I will do it.

They asked him: Should we pray to you as we pray to our God?

He answered: I am your God. Why do I need your prayers?

And his disciples asked: Should we wait when you return to us?

And He answered: Why do you need to wait for me when I am with you? Let others wait.

Those who came to him asked him: How do we know that you are our God?

He answered them like this: If you have a God besides me, bring him here, just as I brought mine to you. If you have another God, bring him here, as I brought mine. If you have a God, and he is not me, let him come here, as I came here!

And those who came to him did not know what to answer him. And many said: Yes, yes, truly He is our God, who if not He? He got up and walked away, and He was great in his strength, and handsome in his face, which smiled.

He was asked by a man who was a doctor who wanted to learn how to heal people, like him: Does it say in the Scriptures that God created a man from clay, but inside he has something completely different?

Doesn't the Scripture say from what God created the head of man? Right, too, made of clay? - so He answered and his face smiled.

He showed the city of fire, distant and inexplicable.

People came to him and fell on their knees, saying: Forgive us, for we are sinners!

And He said to them: Get up off your knees, for there is no sin in you. There is no sin in anyone. There is no sin. There is only your ignorance. If you knew how to do it, you did it as you knew it. If you didn't, then you didn't know. And if you didn’t know, how can I ask you? How can I ask a baby for not knowing him?

I say to you: Whoever tells you that you are sinful will deceive you and take away your mind so that you are defenseless before its power. I have come to teach you. Get up off your knees.

Do not seek knowledge from the prophets. They do not know what they are saying, for another speaks through their mouth.

People came to him and said: Glory to you, our God, Glory to you!

And He answered them thus: Why say Glory to Thee? Or do I not know my glory? Or do I have little of it? Or do I need it?

I do not need glory from you, but you! So I am not equal among you, but great, but I want the first to be. And it is not I who should descend to you, but you should rise to me.

And he gathered his disciples together and said to them: My path is long. For a thousand years I will walk away from you and for a thousand years I will return to you. And my enemies will speak on behalf of my words are not mine. And they will call me by my name, not by my name, but by their own disciples, so that they may be believed as I am. My path is long. And my disciples will say - no, we are not his disciples and will forget my words. And whoever understands my words will be horrified and say - no, not that He said, but this. My path is long, but this is not what I wanted to tell you, having gathered you together.

I tell you: I have come to make you strong. The strong will do everything, the weak nothing. The weak is the one who believes. The strong is the one who knows. Do not believe, but know.

I have come to free you from death. The one who is afraid [to die] dies, the fearless one is immortal. Don't be afraid to die. I have come to make everyone God. God is the one who in time realized his insignificance. It is not difficult to be God. It's hard to become one.

I tell you: do not pity anyone and no one will pity you. He who regrets pity himself. If you want pity from someone, then as children you are. You should not be small children, but grown up. Do not love. Love is the fear of losing. The one who is afraid to lose will not find it. The one who is afraid will lose.

Do not think that you are guilty, you are not guilty.

I tell you: not in the beginning was the Word, but in the end. My words are not sacred, but your thoughts. So, there are always more words.

I tell you: goodbye, those who were with me.

And his disciple asked: Lord, do not leave us!

He answered: I'm not leaving, but you stay.

And the flame flared up, illuminated his face.

And his face was smiling.

The masters of the biblical West are not intolerant of polytheism or idolatry, namely to paganism - as a natural intrasocial basis for the development of civilization.

Idolatry and worship of anyone, just not God, they just encourage, supporting the cults of man-made idols and deified personalities of people - in the past; and political leaders and idols of mass culture (pop stars, cinema and sports) - in the present. This expresses their Satanism and opposition to God.

Any eradication of truth needs a fine disguise, "justifying" the perverters and deceiving short and superficially thinking crowd. Therefore, it is inconvenient for the “world government” to eradicate paganism in the course of building a global racial “elite” state openly and directly. But since idolatry and polytheism are real mistakes of one of the past stages in the historical development of paganism in the culture of the present civilization, that is why the rabid masters of the Bible adopted strategy to eliminate paganism as a natural social phenomenon and genetically predetermined psychological culture of a person, under the guise of fighting idolatry and polytheism- the real vices of the pagan worldview of the past.

This can be shown textually directly in the Bible itself. It does not include a text that would directly and bluntly be called: Good News to the World of Jesus Christ... There are only four "gospels" in the Bible. The meaning of this Greek word "enlighteners of the Slavs" did not want to express in Russian. If we substitute the Russian verbal equivalent in the text of the New Testament, we get “Good News”. But nevertheless not from Jesus Christ, but "from Matthew", "from Mark", "from Luke", "from John": that is, forgery Good News to the World of Jesus Christ a kind of substitute for it - obvious.

If the words “Good News” were initially substituted for the word “gospel” in the translations of the canon of the New Testament into Russian, the reader would soon think about it: "Where is it - this very Good News and what is its meaning?" In reality, this has not been done, and under the incomprehensible name of "gospels" there are four short curriculum vitae about the life and work among the people of Jesus Christ, who are tacitly identified with himself By the teachings of Christ... Biographical references, of course, quote something from what was said from Above to the World through Christ, but do not set out this in its entirety; and most importantly - in them, the Good News of Christ is accompanied by ad-libbing and censorship exceptions introduced by the editors of the canon of the "holy" scripture and the "patristic" traditions of each of the many warring biblical churches.

Answer to the question: “Where have you taken the Good News to the World of Jesus Christ as such?”- however does not remain suspended in the air. The churches named after Christ rejected it, but it survived as an apocrypha, the name of which can be expressed in Russian as follows: "The Good News to the World of Jesus Christ as Explained by the Disciple John". Judging by its content, this is not the same John, the "gospel" of which is included in the canon of the Bible.

In total, more than 60 apocryphas are known (ancient books, the content of which did not coincide with the official doctrine.

In particular, there is a complete translation of the Aramaic texts found in the secret archives of the Vatican in our century. The translation of the first part of these texts, in the form of the first book - "The Gospel of the World from the Essenes" - was first published in 1928. Its English version appeared in 1937.

The author of the translations, Edmond Bordeaux Sheckley, received his doctorate from the University of Paris and his other degrees from the Universities of Vienna and Leipzig. A renowned philologist, specialist in Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, he spoke ten modern languages.

We owe the existence of these two versions of the text to the Nestorian clergy, who, under the threat of the advancing hordes of Genghis Khan, were forced to flee from East to West, taking with them all the ancient scriptures and icons.

The ancient Aramaic texts date from the third century after the birth of Christ, while the Old Slavic version is a literal translation of the Aramaic manuscripts. "

In the newspaper we provide excerpts from the book. The full text of the translation can be found on the website It can be understood from it that Jesus Didn't End Paganism how the biblicals are trying to convince people of this and how the alien hierarchy of book readers in Russia has been doing this for more than a thousand years in the person of its homegrown initiates, and taught true, unmistakable paganism.

Gospel of Peace Jesus Christ
from disciple John

(fragment; translation from French translation from Aramaic and Old Slavic)

… And then many sick and paralyzed people came to Jesus and said to him: If you know everything, you can tell us why we have to suffer from so many diseases. Why are we deprived of health, like other people? Master, heal us so that we may regain strength and that our misfortunes will leave us for a long time. We know that You have the power to heal all diseases. Free us from Satan and from all the terrible troubles that he causes us. Teacher, have pity on us!

Jesus answered them: Blessed are you who seek the truth, for I will help you and give you the bread of wisdom.

Blessed are you who wanted to break free from the power of Satan, for I will bring you to the kingdom of Our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot penetrate.

And with great surprise they asked: Where is our Mother, and who are Her angels? Where is Her kingdom?

Our Mother is in you, and you are in Her. It was She who gave birth to us and gave us life.

It is from Her that you received your body, and the day will come when you will have to return it. You will be blessed when you can know Her. Her and Her kingdom, when you follow Her laws.

Truly, I say to you: the one who achieves this will never see illness, for the power of your Mother dominates over everything.

And this power destroys Satan and his kingdom, and the law of your Mother rules over everything and governs your bodies, as well as everyone living on Earth.

The blood that flows through your veins originates from your Mother, from the Earth. Her blood falls from the clouds, gushes from the bosom of the Earth, murmurs in mountain streams, rustles through the foliage of trees, rises like dust over wheat fields, slumbers in deep valleys, burns sultryly in the desert.

The strength of our bones comes from our Mother, the Earth, from Her rocks and stones. Their bodies are naked and look into the sky from mountain peaks: they are like giants who sleep on the slopes of hills, and like idols located in the desert: they also hide in the deepest depths of the Earth.

The elasticity of our muscles gave birth to the flesh of our Mother, the Earth: this flesh, yellow and red, gives life to the fruits of our trees: it also gives food that gushes from every furrow of our fields.

Our womb was given to us by the womb of our Mother, the Earth: it is hidden from our eyes just as the depths of the Earth are invisible to us.

The light of our eyes, the ability to hear our ears, were born from the variety of colors and sounds of our Mother, Earth: they wash us, as the waves of the sea wash fish, and the jets of air wash birds.

Truly I say to you: man is the son of Mother Earth; from Her, the son of man teaches his body, just as the body of a newborn is growing, feeding on the breast of his mother. Truly I say to you: you are one with Mother Earth: She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, you live thanks to Her, and in Her you will eventually return. Therefore, follow Her laws, for no one will live for long years, will not rejoice at every moment, if he does not honor his Mother and respect Her laws.

For your breath is Her breath, your blood is Her blood, your bones are Her bones, your flesh is Her flesh, your womb is Her womb, your ears and eyes are Her ears and eyes.

Truly, I say to you, if at least once you break even one law of Her laws; if you hurt one of the members of your body at least once, you will inevitably be severely affected, and there will be crying and gnashing of teeth. I say to you: Until you follow the laws of your Mother, you cannot escape death in any way. But the one who decides to respect the laws of his Mother will receive Her affection in return.

She will heal all his diseases and he will never become sick. She will give him a long life and protect him from all sorrows, protect him from fire, water and the bites of poisonous snakes. For your Mother gave birth to you, and She keeps you alive. She gave you your body, and no one but Her will heal you. Blessed is he who loves his Mother and who rests on Her breast!

For even if you move away from Her, your Mother loves you. And how much more will She love you if you return to Her. Truly I say to you: Great is Her love, more than high mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And the one who loves his Mother will never be abandoned by Her.

Just as a hen protects her chicks, and a lioness protects her cubs, any mother newborn, - also your Mother Earth will save the son of man from all misfortunes and all troubles. For truly I say to you: countless troubles and dangers await the sons of men: Beelzebub, the prince of all demons, the source of all evil, is waiting in the body of all the sons of men. He is the source of death, he generates all misfortunes, and under a captivating mask he tempts and seduces all the sons of men. He promises them wealth and power, magnificent palaces, robes of gold and silver, many servants, and whatever they want; he also promises fame and honor, sensual joys and luxury, wonderful food and abundant wines, noisy orgies and days spent in idleness and laziness.

So he seduces everyone, calling for what his heart is more inclined to. And on the day when the sons of men become completely slaves to all this vanity and all these abominations, then he, as payment for pleasure, takes away from the sons of men all the good things that Mother Earth has given us in such abundance. It deprives them of breath, blood, bones, flesh, viscera, eyes and ears. The breath of the son of man becomes short, intermittent and painful, it becomes fetid, like the breath of unclean animals.

His blood thickens, spreading the same sickening odor as water in a swamp, it curdles and turns black like a deathly night. His bones become deformed, become brittle, they become covered with knots on the outside, and decompose from the inside, and then burst in half, like a stone falling from a cliff. His skin becomes oily and plump from the water in it, and a crust and ugly abscesses form on it.

Its insides fill with disgusting filth, forming rotting, fetid streams in which countless filthy worms nest. His eyes grow dim until deep night reigns in them: deafness seizes his ears and deathly silence reigns in them.

So, in the end, the son of a human life is lost because of his own mistakes, and because he could not learn to respect the laws of his Mother, but only made mistakes, one after another.

Therefore, all the gifts of his Mother Earth were taken away from him: breath, blood, bones, skin, entrails, eyes and ears, and, in the end, life itself, which Mother Earth bestowed on his body.

But, if the son of man admits his mistakes, if he regrets his sins and renounces them, if he returns to his Mother Earth, frees himself from the clutches of Satan and resists his temptations, then Mother Earth will accept her son, who was in error. and mistakes: she will give him her love and send her angels to him, who will serve him. Truly, I say to you: As soon as the son of man opposes Satan who dwells in him and ceases to obey his will, at the same moment the angels of his Mother will take turns in him to serve him with their power, freeing the son of man from the dominion of Satan.

For no one serves two masters. Truly, either they serve Beelzebub and his devils, or our Mother Earth and Her life. Truly I say to you: Blessed are they who follow the laws of life and who do not follow the paths of death. For in them the vitality will grow, becoming stronger and stronger, and they will escape the influence of death.

And all who were near Him listened to His words with amazement: For His words were full of Power, and He did not teach as the priests and scribes taught.

Meanwhile, although the sun had already set, they did not return to their homes. They sat down beside Jesus and asked Him: Master, what are the laws of life? Stay longer with us and teach us. We want to listen to Your teaching and remember it in order to walk the straight path.

Then Jesus sat down among them and said: Verily I will tell you: No one can be happy if they don't follow the Law... Others answered Him: We all follow the laws of Moses: it was he who gave us the law as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

And Jesus answered them: Don't look for the Law in your scripture. For the Law is Life, but in scripture it is dead... Truly, I say to you: Moses did not receive his laws written from God, but from the Living Word.

The Law is the Word of Life transmitted by a living prophet for living people. The Law is written in all things... You will find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountains, in the birds, in the sky, in fish, in lakes and in the seas, but look especially for it in yourself.

For truly I say to you: All that exists in which there is life is closer to God than scripture devoid of life. God created life and all that exists such that they are the Word of eternal life and serve as Teaching to man about the Laws of the true God. God wrote His Laws not on the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit.

They manifest in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your skin, in your insides, in your eyes, in your ears, and in every little part of your body.

They are present in the air, in water, in the earth, in plants, in the rays of the sun, in depths and heights. All of them are addressed to you so that you can understand the Word and Will of the living God. Unfortunately, you closed your eyes so that you could not see anything, and you covered your ears so that you could not hear anything. Truly I tell you: Scripture is the work of man, while life and all its incarnations is the work of God... Why don't you listen to God's Words written in His creations? And why are you studying the scriptures, the letters of which are dead, being the work of human hands?

How can we read the Laws of God if not in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us, where you see them, for we do not know other scriptures, except those that we inherited from our ancestors. Explain to us the Laws about which you say that, having heard them, we can be cured and corrected.

Jesus told them: You cannot understand the Words of life because you are in death. Darkness closes your eyes, and your ears are deaf. However, I say to you: Do not fix your gaze on scripture, the letter of which is dead, if by your actions you reject the One who gave you the scriptures. Truly I say to you: In your deeds there is neither God nor His Laws; they are not present either in gluttony, or in your drunkenness, or in your way of life, which you waste in excesses and luxury; and even less - in search of wealth, and especially in hatred of his enemies. This is all very far from the true God and His angels. But all this leads to the kingdom of darkness and the lord of all evil. For all these lusts you carry within you; and therefore the Word of God and His Power cannot enter into you, because you bear many bad thoughts in yourself, and also abominations nest in your body and in your mind. If you want the Word of the Living God and His Power to be able to penetrate into you, do not desecrate either your body or your consciousness, for the body is the Temple of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the Temple of God. Therefore, you must cleanse this Temple so that the Lord of the Temple can settle in it and take a place worthy of Him. To avoid all the temptations of your body and your mind, which come from Satan, retire under the shadow of the Lord's Heaven.

For verily no one can reach Heavenly Father without going through Mother Earth. And, like a newborn, who cannot understand the instructions of his father until his mother puts him to her breast, redeems him, caresses him, puts him in a cradle so that he falls asleep after feeding him. For the place of the child, while he is still small, is near his mother, he must obey her. But when he grows up, the father will take him with him so that he can work with him in the field, and the child will return to his mother only at lunch or dinner time. And then the father will give him his instructions so that he can easily help his father in all his affairs.

And when the father sees that the son understood all his instructions and does his job skillfully, he will give his son all his goods so that the son can continue the work of his father. Truly I say to you: Blessed is the son who follows the advice of his mother and behaves accordingly with them. But a hundred times more blessed is the son who accepts the advice of his father and follows them, for it was told to you: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged on this earth." And I say to you, sons of men: Honor your Mother - Earth, follow all her laws, so that your days may continue on this earth; and honor your Father in heaven, that you may inherit eternal life in heaven. For the Heavenly Father is a hundred times greater than all fathers by generation and by blood, just as Mother Earth is greater than all mothers in the flesh. And in the eyes of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, the son of man is even more dear than in the eyes of his father by blood and his mother in flesh.

And the Words and Laws of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth are filled with a different wisdom than the words and will of all your fathers by blood and all your mothers according to the flesh. And the inheritance of your Father in Heaven and Mother Earth will be infinitely greater: the Kingdom of Life, both earthly and heavenly: an inheritance preferred to all that your fathers in blood and mothers in flesh can leave you.

Your true brothers are those who fulfill the Will of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and not brothers in blood. Truly, I say to you: your true brothers, by the Will of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, will love you a thousand times more than brothers by blood. For since the time of Cain and Abel, since the brothers by blood violated the Will of God, there is no longer a true brotherhood by blood. And brothers treat their brothers like strangers. Therefore, I say to you: Love your true brothers, by the Will of God, a thousand times more than your brothers by blood.

For your Heavenly Father is Love!

For your Mother Earth is Love!

For the son of man is love!

And thanks to Love, Heavenly Father, Mother Earth and the son of man are one. For the spirit of the son of man comes from the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth. Therefore, be perfect as the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth.

Love your Father in Heaven as He loves your spirit.

Love also your Mother Earth as She loves your body.

Love your true brothers as your Heavenly Father and Mother Earth love them. And then your Heavenly Father will give you his Holy Spirit, and your Mother Earth will give you her Holy Body. And then the sons of men, as true brothers, will love each other with the kind of Love that their Heavenly Father and Mother Earth give them: and then they will become true comforters for each other. And then only all troubles and all sorrow will disappear from the Face of the Earth, and Love and Joy will reign on it. And then the Earth will become like Heaven and the Kingdom of God will come... And the son of man will come in all his Glory to take possession of his inheritance - the Kingdom of God. For the sons of men live in the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and Heavenly Father and Mother Earth live in them.

And then, together with the Kingdom of God, the end of times will come. For the Love of the Heavenly Father gives all eternal life in the Kingdom of God. For Love is eternal. Love is stronger than death.

And although I speak the language of people and angels, if I do not have Love, I am like a sounding bell metal or thundering cymbals. And although I predict the future and know all the secrets and all the wisdom and have a strong faith, like a storm moving mountains, if I do not have Love, I am nothing.

And even if I distribute all my wealth to the poor in order to feed them, and give the fire that I received from My Father, if I do not have Love, there will be no good or wisdom for me.

Love is patient, Love is gentle, Love is not envious. She does not do evil, does not rejoice in injustice, but finds her joy in justice.

Love explains everything, believes everything, Love always hopes, Love endures everything, never getting tired: as for languages, they will disappear, as for knowledge, it will pass.

And now we have particles of error and truth, but the fullness of perfection will come, and all that is private will be erased.

When a child was a child, he spoke like a child, but having reached maturity, he parted with his childish views.

So, now we see everything through dark glass and with the help of doubtful truths. Our knowledge today is fragmentary, but when we stand before the Face of God, we will not know more partially, but we will cognize everything, having cognized His teaching. And now there is Faith, Hope, Love, but the greatest of the three is Love.

And now, thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father, I speak with you in the language of Life of the Living God. And there is still no one among you who could understand everything that I am telling you. And those who explain the scriptures to you speak to you in the dead language of people who seek through people for their sick and mortal bodies.

Therefore, all people will be able to understand them, for all people are sick, and everyone is in death. Nobody sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind in the dark footsteps of sin, sickness and death, and in the end, all fall into the abyss of death.

I am sent by the Father to light the Light of Life before you... The Light itself lights up and disperses the twilight, while the twilight knows only itself and does not know the Light. I have a lot to tell you, but you will not be able to understand this, for your eyes are weakened by the twilight, and the full Light of the Heavenly Father would blind you. Therefore, you cannot understand everything that I tell you about the Heavenly Father, who sent me to you.

From this it can be understood that Jesus Christ, speaking in Russian, is a pagan, and speaking in Arabic, a Sufi. That is, the alien Byzantine hierarchy of priests, hiding behind the name of Christ, has perverted and eradicated the teaching of Christ in Russia for more than a thousand years.

It is impossible to deny the truth of what was said in the above fragment of "The Good News to the World of Jesus Christ" on the basis of the life experience of every person in a sound mind and clear memory.

Found Scroll or Gospel of Jesus Christ

I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nevertheless I have always been interested in Christian philosophy. I did not come to my conclusions right away, but all my knowledge, all my experience suggests that there are very, very many differences between Christ's teaching and the modern church. Quite recently, by chance, I stumbled upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to my surprise it is nowhere to be found in Christian literature. And I took it with all my heart, I liked it, it did not contradict any of my concepts - about God, the World, Nature and about our Earth. And it all started like this ...

Gospel of Christ.
In 1945, a scroll was found in the Nag Hammadi desert (Egypt), which is now called the secret words of the Living Jesus Christ. I quote: Jesus said - the Kingdom of God is within you and everywhere around you, not in buildings of stone and wood. God is within you and all around you, split a piece of wood and I am there, lift up a stone and you will find Me.

Good news from Jesus Christ
I will feed you with the bread of wisdom
And then many sick and crippled
They came to Jesus and asked Him:
If you know everything, tell us why do we suffer from these painful calamities? Why are we not healthy like other people? Master, heal us so that we too can become strong so that we no longer have to endure our suffering. We know that it is in Your power to heal all kinds of diseases. Free us from Satan and all of his great misfortunes. Master, show us compassion.
And Jesus answered:
-You blessed that you are hungry for the Truth, for I will nourish you with the bread of Wisdom. You are happy to knock, for I will open the door of Life for you. You are happy that you want to throw off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the Kingdom of Angels of our Earthly Mother (explanation - Earthly Mother, this is our Nature), where Satan has no power.
And in amazement they asked him:
-Who is our Mother and who are her Angels? And where is her Kingdom?
-Your Mother is in you and you are in her. She carries you: She gives you Life. It was She who gave you your body and the day will come when you will return it again to Her. You will be happy, who have come to know Her and Her Kingdom, if you accept the Angels of your Earthly Mother and obey her laws. Truly I say to you - whoever does this will never see the disease. For the strength of our Earthly Mother surpasses everything, and She destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules all your bodies and all living things.
-The blood that flows in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds, makes its way from the womb of the earth, murmurs in mountain streams, spreads in lowland rivers, sleeps in lakes, makes a powerful noise in stormy seas.
-The air we breathe is born from the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath turns blue in the heights of heaven. It rustles on the tops of the mountains, whispers in the leaves of the forests, sways over the fields, slumbers in the deep valleys, blows with heat in the deserts.
-The hardness of our bones is born from the bones of our Earthly Mother, from rocks and stones.
-The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother, whose flesh attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and feeds us with arable fields.
-Our insides are born from the insides of our Earthly Mother and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.
-The light of the eyes, the hearing of our ears are born from the colors and sounds of our Earthly Mother, which surround us from all sides, like the waves of the sea surround a fish, like the air to a bird.
-Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and it is from her that Man receives his body, just as the body of a newborn is born from the womb of his mother. You are one with the Earthly Mother - She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, in Her you live, and in Her you will return again. Therefore, observe Her laws, for only he who reveres his Earthly Mother and follows Her laws can live long and be happy. For your breath is Her breath, your blood is Her blood, your bones are Her bones, your flesh is Her flesh, your insides are Her insides, your eyes and ears are Her eyes and ears.
-I tell you truly, if you break even one of these laws, if you harm any part of your body, completely perish in your terrible illness, and there will be sobbing and gnashing of teeth. I tell you, if you do not follow the laws of your Mother, you will in no way be able to avoid death. The one who adheres to the laws of his Mother, the Mother herself will also keep. She will heal all his diseases, and he will never again be sick. She will give him a long Life and protect anyone from illness - from fire, from water, from the bite of poisonous snakes. For your Mother gave birth to you, and she sustains Life in you. She gave you your body, and she alone can heal you. Happy is he who loves his Earthly Mother, and who peacefully clung to her breast. For your Earthly Mother loves you even when you turn away from Her, and how much more will she love you if you turn to Her again. Her love is excessive, great, higher than mountain heights, deeper than the depths of the sea. And those who love her Earthly Mother, She will never leave. As a lioness protects her lion cubs, a mother protects her newborn baby, so the Earthly Mother protects the Son of Man from any danger and from any evil.
-Evil and danger are innumerable and they lie in wait for the Son of Man at every step. Satan, the ruler of all demons, the source of all evil, lurked in the bodies of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the lord of all misfortunes and, dressed in a decent guise, he leads the Sons of Man into temptation and temptation. He promises wealth and power, luxurious palaces and robes of gold and silver, many servants. He promises fame and glory, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness, revelry and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone with what the soul of a person lies most of all.
And on the day when the Sons of Man already become slaves of all these disgusting things and vanity, then Satan takes EVERYTHING from the Sons of Man as payment for them, which the Earthly Mother generously endowed them with. He takes away their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Man becomes difficult, painful and fetid, like the breath of unclean beasts. And his blood becomes thick and fetid like the waters of a stagnant swamp; it curls up and darkens like the night of death. And his bones become hard and knobby, they are depleted from the inside and break into pieces like stones falling into a gorge. And his flesh becomes overgrown with fat and becomes watery, it begins to rot and decompose, becomes covered with disgusting scabs and growths. And its insides are filled with vile waste, oozing streams of decomposition, and many vile worms find themselves here a shelter. And his eyes grow dim, until the dark night completely surrounds them, and the ears cease to hear, a deathly silence ensues. And the last lost Son loses his Life. For he did not adhere to the laws of his Mother and committed sin after sin. And that is why all the GIFTS of the Earthly Mother are taken from him: Blood, Bones, Flesh, Eyes and Ears, and after all the Life itself, with which the Earthly Mother crowned his body.
-But if the lost Son of Man repents of his sins and destroys them all, and returns to his Earthly Mother, and if he obeys Her laws and frees himself from the clutches of Satan, abandoning his temptations, then again the Earthly Mother will accept her lost Son and send his Angels to serve him. Truly I tell you, when the Son of Man rejects Satan who dwells in him and stops doing his will, at the same hour the Mother's Angels will appear to serve him with all their might and finally free the Son of Man from the power of Satan.
-For no one can serve two masters at once. Either he serves Satan, or he serves our Earthly Mother and her Angels. Either he serves death, or he serves Life. Truly I tell you. Happy is he who observes the laws of life and avoids death.

And everyone who gathered around him listened with amazement to his words, for His Word carried Power, and he taught not at all what the priests and scribes preached about. And although the sun had already set below the horizon, they did not disperse to their homes.

The Law is Life, the scriptures are dead.

They sat down around Jesus and began to question him.

Teacher, what are these laws of Life? Stay with us and teach us. We will listen to the teaching so that we can be healed and become righteous. We all obey the laws given to us by Moses exactly as they are written in the scriptures.
And Jesus answered:
-Do not look for the law in your books with scriptures, for the Law is Life, the scriptures are dead. Truly I tell you, Moses received these laws from God, not in writing, but through the Living Word. The Law is the Living Word of the Living God, given to the Living prophets for the Living people. In everything that is Life, this law is written. You can find it in grasses, in trees, in rivers, in the birds of the air, in the fish of the sea, but above all, look for it in yourself. For truly I say to you, all Living is closer to God than the scriptures, in which there is no Life. God created Life and all living beings in such a way that they could teach a person the laws of the true God with the Eternal Word. God wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in your hearts and souls. They are in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your insides, in your eyes, in your ears and in every part of your body. They are in the air, in water, in the ground, in plants, in the rays of the sun, in depths and heights. They all speak to you so that you can understand the language and will of the Living God. But you close your eyes so that you do not see and close your ears so that you do not hear. The Scriptures are the creations of man, and Life and all its diversity are the creations of our God. Why don't you listen to the words of God recorded in His creation? And why are you studying dead scriptures, which are the creations of human hands?

How can we read God's laws that are not in the scriptures? Where are they recorded? Read them to us from where you see them, for we know nothing but the scriptures we inherited from our ancestors. Tell us the laws you speak of so that when we hear them, we can be healed and be forgiven.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of Life because you are in death. The darkness has closed your eyes and your ears are deaf. There is no benefit to you from studying the dead scriptures if you actually reject Him who gave you these scriptures. God and his laws are not about what you do. They are not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in revelry and not in lust, not in the pursuit of riches and not in hatred of their enemies. For all this is far from the true God and His Angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and the ruler of evil. And you carry all this within you, and therefore the Word and power of God cannot enter into you, for all evil and abomination dwell in your body and in your soul. If you want the Word of the living God and his power to enter into you, do not defile your body and soul, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God, so that God can abide in it and that He will take a place worthy of Him.
-And from all the temptations of your body and your soul that come from Satan, take refuge in the shadow of God's heaven.
-Clean your body and soul from evil and abomination, doing good and bringing joy and love to people wherever you are. Be a help for all people, be needed by people, for this is the meaning of your Life. Do good, without saying or boasting about it to anyone, for only such good will be credited to you. Renew yourself with this and fast. Satan and all his misfortunes can be driven out only by goodness and love, fasting and prayer spoken with meaning and understanding. Retire and fast alone, not showing your fast to anyone. The Living God will see him, and your reward will be great.
Strive to the fresh air of forests and fields, and there you will find the Angel of Air. Throw off your shoes and clothes and allow the Angel to embrace your body. Breathe deeply and enjoy all the scents and sounds of forests and fields. Wash your body with the Angel of Water, in forest springs, mountain streams, deep rivers and warm seas. Connect with the Earthly Mother and become one with her. Open up to the sunlight, let your body bathe in the rays of the Angel of Light, and so does your soul - in the rays of the Heavenly Father's Truth.

Your Heavenly Father is Love and Freedom.
Earthly Mother is Love and Freedom
The Son of Man is Love and Freedom
Only through Love the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For Love is eternal and surpasses death.

If I speak in human and angelic tongues, but do not have love, then I become like a brass ringing. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all the secrets and have all the wisdom and faith as powerful as a hurricane that moves mountains, I don’t have anything on love, then I am nothing. And if I distribute everything that I have in order to feed the poor and give all my fire that I received from My Father, but I have no love, there is no benefit to me.
-Love is patient, love is kindness, love does not envy, does not do evil, does not take pride, does not know rudeness and self-interest, does not rush to get angry, does not plot evil, does not rejoice in flattery and untruth, but enjoys the Truth. Love covers everything, believes everything, always hopes, love endures everything, never stops, even if all languages ​​become silent and all knowledge disappears.
But we know about love only in part, we see it through glass and through sayings, but when we present ourselves before God we will already know love NOT in part, but in the way He teaches us.

Now I speak to you in the Living language of God, through the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father. Although there is not one among you who is able to understand everything that I am talking about. The one who expounds the scriptures to you speaks to you in the dead language of the dead, through his weak and mortal body. And therefore everyone can understand him, for all people are sick and are in death. Nobody sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind along the dark paths of sins, sickness and suffering, and in the end everyone falls into the pit of death.
-I was sent to you by His Father to make the Light of Life shine before you. Light illuminates itself and darkness, while darkness knows only itself, but does not know the light. And I still have a lot to tell you, but you are not yet able to withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and the full Light of the Heavenly Father will blind you. Therefore, you still cannot understand what I am telling you about the Heavenly Father who sent Me to you. Therefore, at first, follow only the laws of your Earthly Mother, which I told you about. And when her Angels cleanse and renew your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you can look at the bright midday sun without blinking your eyes, then you can look at the dazzling Light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter than the shining of a thousand suns. Now how can you look at the blinding light of your Heavenly Father if you cannot even bear the light of the shining sun? Believe Me, the sun is like a candle flame, next to the Sun of Truth of the Heavenly Father, and therefore have both faith and hope and love.
Truly I tell you, you will not want another reward. If you believe My words, you also believe in the One who sent Me, who is the Master of everything, with whom everything is possible. For what is not possible for people, all this is possible with God. If you have faith in the Angels of the Earthly Mother and follow Her laws, your faith will support you and you will never see illness. Also have hope in the love of your Heavenly Father, for the one who trusts Him will never be deceived, and he will never see death.

It was said: "Honor your Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother and fulfill their commands, so that your days on earth may be long." And the next commandment was given: "Thou shalt not kill", for Life is given to everyone from God, and what is given by God, man is not in the right and cannot take away. I truly tell you, from one Mother comes all Living on earth, both man and beasts. And therefore, the one who kills kills his brother. And the Earthly Mother will turn away from him and take away her breast, which gives Life. And Her Angels will keep away from him. Satan will find his abode in his body. And the flesh of the slain beasts in his body will become his own grave. Truly, I say to you, whoever kills - kills himself, and whoever eats the flesh of slain beasts - eats the bodies of death.

Always take food from the table of God: "The fruits of trees, cereals and grasses of the fields, milk of animals, eggs of chickens and honey of bees. For everything beyond this is from Satan and leads through sins and sickness to death. God's abundant table, gives strength and youth to your body, and you will never see disease.
-And don't be like a greedy servant who was always hungry and ate others' portions at his master's table. And he had no equal in gluttony, and he could not think of anything but food. Seeing this, his owner was angry and drove him from the table. And when everyone finished the meal, he mixed everything that remained on the table, and, calling the greedy servant, said to him: "Take and eat everything together with the pigs, for your place is among them, and not at my table."
-And when you eat, do not fill your fill. Therefore, always keep track of how much you eat, and always eat less by a third. Do not mix more than three dishes. He who eats more than twice a day does the work of Satan in himself. Eat only when the sun is at its zenith and again when it has set. And you will never see disease.
-Follow the example of all the Angels of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother who work day and night on the Kingdom of Heaven. Follow the example of the water that flows, the wind that blows, the sun that rises and sets, the trees and grasses that grow, the animals that run and jump, the moons that come and go, the stars that light up and go out - it all moves. and get the job done. For everything that has Life in it is moving, and only that which is dead is motionless. God is the God of the Living, and Satan is the God of the dead. Therefore, serve the Living God, so that the eternal movement of Life can support you and so that you can avoid eternal immobility. Therefore, be true Sons of your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother, so that you do not fall into the slavery of Satan.
-Love one another, for God is Love, and His Angels will know that you are walking in His ways. And then all the Angels will appear before your face and begin to serve you. And Satan with all his sins, diseases and filth will leave your soul and body. Go and avoid sins, repent, accept Conscious Baptism, so that you can be born again and sin no more. And remember what will be created by people on earth will be the will of the people themselves.
-Come to Me, all who are haggard and suffering in strife and misfortune. Because My Peace will give you strength and comfort you: "Peace be to you!" And you greet each other like that. And now return to your brothers, with whom you are hitherto at odds, and give them your Peace as well. For happy are those who strive for Peace because they will find the Peace of God. Go and sin no more. And give everyone his own world, as I gave my world to you. Because My World is God.
Peace be to you!
And He left them.
And His Peace descended on them, and the Angel of Love came in their hearts, in their heads was the wisdom of the Law, and in their hands was the power of rebirth. And they went among the Sons of Men to bring the Light of Peace to those who fought the battle in the dark.
And when they parted, they spoke to each other.
Peace be to you.

Our days 2012
1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his gaze. It seemed to him that he was walking on a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures of his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints on the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord. When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And I saw that often along his life path only one chain of footprints stretched. These were the most difficult and miserable times in his life. He was greatly saddened and began to ask the Lord: "Didn't You say: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretches along the sand. Why did You leave me when I am most of all needed You? "
-You are wrong, My Child, when there were grief and trials in your life, when the most difficult times of your life came, I carried you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, his grandmother always said to him: "Granddaughter, if you grow up big, you feel bad in your soul - you go to church, it will always be easier for you there." The man grew up. And he began to live somehow completely unbearable. He remembered his grandmother's advice and went to church. Entering there, he saw an overweight priest who was reading righteous sermons, and because of his excessive full body, beads of sweat dripped onto his forehead. And it was clearly visible how hard it was for this man to stand on his feet while the service was going on. And then someone comes up to him: "You don't hold your hands like that." The second runs up: "You are not standing like that." The third grumbles, "Not dressed like that." From behind he pulls: "You are not baptized correctly." And then a woman came up and said to him:
-You would have left the church, bought yourself a book on how to behave here and have a gold cross, yes, I almost forgot, and all this is sold here in our church and the prices here are the cheapest, and then you would go ... The man went to the exit, went into a shop at the temple, bought a book and a pectoral cross, and left the temple. He sat down on a bench and began to cry softly. And suddenly he hears a voice: "Why are you crying, My Child?" The man raised his tear-stained face and saw Christ. He says: "Lord, they won't let me into the temple. Jesus hugged him:" Don't cry, they won't let me go there either. "


I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nevertheless I have always been interested in
Christian philosophy. I didn't come to my conclusions right away, but all my
knowledge, all my experience suggests that between Christ's teaching and
there are very, very many differences in the modern church. Most recently I
accidentally stumbled upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to my surprise
it is nowhere to be found in Christian literature. And I took it with all my heart, it
I liked it, it did not contradict any of my concepts - oh
God, the World, Nature and about our Earth. And it all started like this ...

Gospel of Christ.

In 1945, a scroll was found in the Nag Hammadi desert (Egypt), which
now called the secret words of the Living Jesus Christ. I quote: Jesus
said - the Kingdom of God is within you and all around you are not in buildings
made of stone and wood. God is within you and all around you, split a piece
trees and I am there, lift up a stone and you will find Me.

Good news from Jesus Christ

I will feed you with the bread of wisdom

And then many sick and crippled

They came to Jesus and asked Him:

If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful
disasters? Why are we not healthy like other people? Teacher, heal
us so that we too can become strong and so that we no longer need
endure our suffering. We know that it is in Your power to heal all kinds of
diseases. Free us from Satan and all of his great misfortunes.
Master, show us compassion.

And Jesus answered:

You are happy that you are hungry for the Truth, for I will fill you with the bread of Wisdom.
You are happy to knock, for I will open the door of Life for you. Happy
you that want to throw off the power of Satan, for I will bring you into the Kingdom
Angels of our Earthly Mother (explanation - Earthly Mother, this is our Nature),
where Satan has no power.

And in amazement they asked him:

Who is our Mother and who are her Angels? And where is her Kingdom?

Your Mother is in you and you are in her. She carries you: She gives you Life. Exactly
She gave you your body and the day will come when you will return it again to Her.
You will be happy, who have come to know Her and Her Kingdom, if you accept
Angels of your Earthly Mother and obey her laws. Truly I tell you
- whoever does this will never see the disease. For the strength of our Earthly
Mother surpasses everything, and She destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules
with all your bodies and all living things.

The blood that flows in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her
blood falls from the clouds, breaks out of the womb of the earth, murmurs in the mountains
streams, spreads in lowland rivers, sleeps in lakes, makes a powerful noise in
stormy seas.

The air we breathe is born from the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her
breath turns blue in the heights of heaven. Whispers on the tops of the mountains, whispers in
leaves of forests, swaying over fields, dozing in deep valleys, blowing
heat in the deserts.

The hardness of our bones is born from the bones of our Earthly Mother, from rocks and stones.

The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother, whose flesh
attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and feeds us with arable land

Our insides are born from the insides of our Earthly Mother and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.

The light of the eyes, the hearing of our ears are born from the colors and sounds of our Earthly
Mothers who surround us from all directions, like the waves of the sea surround
fish, like air to a bird.

Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and it is from her that Man receives his
the body, like the body of a newborn, is born from the womb of its mother. You are one with
Earthly Mother - She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, in Her you
live, and in Her you will return again. Therefore, observe Her laws, for
only the one who reveres his Earthly Mother and follows Her laws can
live long and be happy. For your breath is Her breath, yours
blood is her blood, your bones are her bones, your flesh is her flesh, yours
insides - Her insides, your eyes and ears are Her eyes and

Truly I say to you, if you break even one of these laws, if
harm to any part of your body - completely
perish in your terrible disease, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I tell you, if you do not follow the laws of your Mother, then no one
you cannot avoid death. One who adheres to the laws
to her Mother, that Mother herself will also keep. She will heal everything
his sickness, and he will never again be sick. She will give him a long
Life and will protect anyone from disease - from fire, from water, from the bite of poisonous
serpent. For your Mother gave birth to you, and she sustains Life in you.
She gave you your body, and she alone can heal you. Happy
one who loves his Earthly Mother, and who peacefully clung to her chest. For
Your Earthly Mother loves you, even when you turn away from Her, and
how much more will she love you if you turn to
Her. Her love is excessive, great, higher than mountain heights, deeper than sea
depths. And those who love her Earthly Mother, She will never leave. How
the lioness protects her lion cubs, the mother protects her newborn baby, and
The Earthly Mother protects the Son of Man from any danger and from any

Evil and danger are incalculable and they lie in wait for the Son of Man on
every step. Satan, master of all demons, source of all evil,
hid in the bodies of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the lord of all
misfortunes and, dressed in a decent guise, he introduces
temptation and seduction of the Sons of Men. He promises wealth and power,
luxurious palaces and robes of gold and silver, many servants. He promises
fame and glory, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness,
revelry and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone with what the soul is for
man lies more than anything.

And on the day when the Sons of Man already become slaves to all these
disgusting things and vanity, then Satan
takes from the Sons of Man EVERYTHING, which the Earthly Mother generously endowed them with. He
takes away their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their
eyes and their ears. And the breathing of the Son of Man becomes labored,
sickly and fetid, like the breath of unclean beasts. And his blood
thick and fetid like the waters of a stagnant swamp, it
curls up and darkens like the night of death. And his bones become
hard and knobby, they are depleted from the inside and break into pieces like
stones falling into the gorge. And his flesh is overgrown with fat and becomes
watery, it begins to rot and decay, becomes covered
disgusting scabs and growths. And his insides fill up
filthy waste, oozing streams of decay, and a multitude of disgusting
find worms
a shelter here. And his eyes grow dim until the dark night is completely
surround them, and the ears cease to hear, there is a deathly silence. AND
the last lost Son loses his Life. For he did not adhere
laws of his Mother and committed sin after sin. And therefore they are taken away from
him all the GIFTS of the Earthly Mother: Blood, Bones, Flesh, Eyes and Ears, and after
of all and Life itself, with which the Earthly Mother crowned his body.

But if the erring Son of Man repents of his sins and destroys
all of them, and will return to his Earthly Mother, and if he fulfills Her
laws and freed from the clutches of Satan, abandoning his temptations,
then again the Earthly Mother will accept her erring Son and send him
Their angels to serve him. Truly I tell you when the Son
The human will reject Satan who dwells in him and will stop fulfilling
his will, at the same hour the Mother's Angels will appear to serve him
with all his might and finally free the Son of Man from power

For no one can serve two masters at once. Either he serves Satan
or he serves our Earthly Mother and her Angels. Either he serves death
or it serves Life. Truly I tell you. Happy is he who observes
laws of life and shuns death.

And everyone who gathered around him listened with amazement to his words, for
His Word carried Power, and he taught not at all what they preached
priests and scribes. And although the sun has already set below the horizon, they are not
dispersed to their homes.

The Law is Life, the scriptures are dead.

They sat down around Jesus and began to question him.

Teacher, what are these laws of Life? Stay with us and teach us. We
let us listen to the teaching so that we can be healed and become righteous. We
we all observe the laws given to us by Moses exactly as they are written
in the scriptures.

And Jesus answered:

Do not look for the law in your books of scriptures, for the Law is Life,
the scriptures are dead. Truly I tell you, Moses did not receive these laws from God
in writing, but through the Living Word. The Law is the Living Word of the Living
God given to the Living prophets for the Living people. In everything that is
Life, this law is written. You can find it in grasses, in trees, in
rivers, in the birds of the sky, in the fish of the sea, but above all, look for him in
to ourselves. For truly I say to you, all living things are closer to God than the scriptures,
in which there is no Life. God created Life and all living beings in such a way that
they could, by the Eternal Word, teach man the laws of the true God. God
wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in your hearts and souls. They
in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your
guts, your eyes, your ears and every part of your body.
They are in the air, in the water, in the ground, in the plants,
in the rays of the sun, in the depths and heights. They all talk to you so you
could understand the language and will of the Living God. But you close your eyes to
do not see, and cover your ears so that you may not hear. The scriptures are
man's creations, and Life and all its diversity are creations
our God. Why don't you listen to the words of God written in His
creations? And why are you studying dead scriptures that are creations
human hands?

How can we read God's laws that are not in the scriptures? Where are recorded
they? Read them to us from where you see them, for we know nothing,
except for the scriptures we inherited from our ancestors. tell us
the laws you speak of, so that when we hear them, we can be healed and
to be forgiven.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of Life because you are in death. Darkness
I closed your eyes and your ears are deaf. Study is of no use to you.
dead scriptures, if in fact you reject Him, who gave you these
scriptures. God and his laws are not about what you do. They are not gluttonous and
drunkenness, not in revelry and not in lust, not in the pursuit of wealth and
not in hatred of your enemies. For all this is far from the true God and
His angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and the ruler of evil. And all this is you
carry within you, and therefore the Word and power of God cannot enter into you, for
all evil and abomination dwell in your body and in your soul. If you
want the Word of the living God and his power to enter into you, do not defile
your body and your soul, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God, so that
God could abide in her and so that He would take a place worthy of Him.

And from all the temptations of your body and your soul that come from Satan, take refuge in the shadow of God's heaven.

Cleanse your body and soul from evil and abomination, doing good and bringing joy
and love to people wherever you are. Be a help to all people
be needed by people, for this is the meaning of your Life. Do good
without saying or boasting of this to anyone, for only such good will
credited to you. Renew yourself with this and fast. Satan and all his troubles
can be driven out only by goodness and love, fasting and prayer spoken
with meaning and understanding. Retire and fast alone, no one
without showing your post. The Living God will see him, and yours will be great

Strive to the fresh air of forests and fields, and there you will find an Angel
air. Throw off your shoes and clothes and let the Angel hug your body
yours. Breathe deeply and enjoy all the scents and sounds
forests and fields. Wash your body with the Angel of Water, in the forest springs, in
mountain streams, deep rivers and warm seas. Connect with Earth
Mother and become one with her. Open up to the sunshine, give
your body to bathe in the rays of the Angel of Light, so also your soul - in
rays of the Heavenly Father's Truth.

Your Heavenly Father is Love and Freedom.

Earthly Mother is Love and Freedom

The Son of Man is Love and Freedom

Only through Love the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For Love is eternal and surpasses death.

If I speak with human and angelic tongues, but have no love, then
I become like a copper caller. If I have the gift of prophecy and know
I have all the secrets and I have all the wisdom and I have faith as powerful as a hurricane,
who moves mountains, I have no love - then I am nothing. And if I distribute
all that I have to feed the poor and give all my fire I received
from My Father, but I have no love, there is no benefit to me in that.

Love is patient, love is kindness, love does not envy, does not do evil, does not
is proud, does not know rudeness and self-interest, does not rush to get angry, does not
devises evil, does not rejoice in flattery and untruth, but enjoys
Truth. Love covers everything, believes everything, always hopes, love everything
endures, never ceases, even if all languages ​​are silent and all
knowledge will disappear.

But we know about love only partially, we see it through glass and through
sayings, but when we introduce ourselves before God we will already know
love is NOT in part, but in the way He teaches us.

Now I speak to you in the Living language of God, through our Holy Spirit
Heavenly Father. Although there is not one among you who is able to understand everything,
what I'm talking about. The one who expounds the scriptures to you speaks to you in
the dead language of the dead, through its feeble and mortal body. And that's why
everyone can understand it, for all people are sick and are in death. None
sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind down the dark paths of sins
disease and suffering, and in the end everyone falls into the pit of death.

I am sent to you by My Father to make the Light of Life shine before
you. Light illuminates itself and darkness, darkness knows only itself, but
does not know the light. And I still have a lot to tell you, but you are not yet in
condition to withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and full of Light
Heavenly Father will blind you. Therefore, you still cannot understand what I mean.
I am telling you about the Heavenly Father who sent Me to you. So first
follow only the laws of your Earthly Mother, which I told you about. AND
when her Angels cleanse and renew your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you
will be able to look at the bright midday sun without blinking eyes, then
then you can look at the blinding Light of your Heavenly Father,
which is a thousand times brighter than the radiance of a thousand suns. Now how are you
will be able to look at the blinding light of your Father in Heaven if you do not
you can even bear the light of the shining sun. Trust me sun
like a candle flame, next to the Sun of Truth of the Heavenly Father, and therefore
have faith and hope and love.

Truly I tell you, you will not want another reward. If you believe Mine
words, you believe in the One who sent Me, who is the Master
everything with which everything is possible. For what is not possible for people, everything
it is possible with God. If you have faith in the Angels of the Earthly Mother and
obey Her laws, your faith will support you, and you will never
see disease. Have also hope in the love of your Heavenly Father,
for he who trusts Him will never be deceived and never see
he is death.

It was said: "Honor your Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother and fulfill
their commands, that your days on earth may be long. ”And the next was given
the commandment: "Thou shalt not kill", for Life is given to everyone from God, but what is given
By God, man is not in the right and cannot take away. I truly tell you, from
All Living things on earth, both man and beasts, happen to one Mother. AND
therefore he who kills kills his brother. And from him the Earthly Mother
will turn away and take away his breast, which gives Life. And Her Angels will
keep away from him. Satan will find his abode in his body. And flesh
the slain beasts in his body will become his own grave. Truly I say
you, who kills - kills himself, and who eats the flesh of killed animals -
eating the bodies of death.

Always take food from God's table: "Fruits of trees, grains and herbs
fields, milk of animals, eggs of chickens and honey of bees. For everything beyond this is from
Satan and leads the way of sins and sickness to death. The food you are
accept from the abundant table of God, gives strength and youth to your body, and
you will never see disease.

And don't be like a greedy servant who was always hungry and
he ate others' portions at his master's table. And there was no equal in
gluttony to him, and he could not think of anything but food. Seeing
this, his master was angry and drove him from the table. And when all
finished the meal, he mixed everything that remained on the table, and, calling
greedy servant, said to him: "Take and eat everything together with the pigs, for
your place is among them, not at my table. "

And when you eat, do not fill your fill. So always watch out for
how much you eat, and always eat less by a third. Do not mix more
three courses. Who eats more than twice a day is doing work in himself
satan. Eat only when the sun is at its zenith and again
- when it sat down. And you will never see disease.

Follow the example of all the Angels of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother who
work day and night on the Kingdom of Heaven. Follow the example of water that
flows, the wind that blows, the sun that rises and sets, trees and grasses,
that grow, beasts that run and jump, moons that come and go,
stars that light up and go out - they all move and do the work.
For everything that has Life in itself is moving, and only that which is dead is
immovable. God is the God of the Living, and Satan is the God of the dead. So
serve the Living God so that the eternal movement of Life can support you and
so that you can escape eternal immobility. So be true
By the sons of your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother, so that you do not fall into
slavery of satan.

Love one another, for God is Love, and His Angels will know that
you are walking in His ways. And then all the Angels will appear before your face and
will serve you. And Satan with all his sins, diseases and
will leave your soul and body with impurities. Go and avoid sins,
repent, accept Conscious Baptism, so that you can be born again and not
sin more. And remember what will be created by people on earth will
by the will of the people themselves.

Come to Me, all who are weary and suffering in strife and misery.
Because My Peace will give you strength and comfort you: "Peace be to you!" AND
you greet each other like that. Now go back to your brothers,
with whom you are hitherto at odds, and give them your World as well. For
happy are those who strive for Peace because they will find the Peace of God. Go and
sin no more. And give everyone his own world, as I gave my world
to you. Because My World is God.

Peace be to you!

And He left them.

And His Peace descended on them, and in their hearts came the Angel of Love, in
on their heads is the wisdom of the Law, and in their hands is the power of rebirth. And they went
between the Sons of Men, to bring the Light of Peace to those who fought the battle in

And when they parted, they spoke to each other.

Peace be to you.

Our days

1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his gaze. Him
it seemed as if he was walking along a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. On the
the sky flashed pictures of his life, and after each of them he noticed on
sand two chains of footprints: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.
When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he
looked back at the footprints in the sand. And I saw that often along his life
there was only one line of footprints on the way. These were the hardest and
unhappy times in his life. He was greatly saddened and began to ask
Lord: "Didn't you say: if I follow your way, you will not leave
me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life, only one chain
footprints stretching across the sand. Why did You leave me when I am most
needed You? "

You are wrong, My Child, when there were sorrows and trials in your life,
when the most difficult times of your life came, I carried you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, his grandmother always told him: "Granddaughter,
if you grow up big, you feel bad in your soul - you go to the temple,
it will always be easier for you there. "The man grew up. And he began to live somehow
completely unbearable. He remembered his grandmother's advice and went to church. Entering there,
he saw an overweight priest preaching righteous sermons, and
because of his excessive full body, beads of sweat dripped onto his forehead. And it was
you can clearly see how hard it is for this person to stand on their feet while walking
service. And then someone comes up to him: "You don't hold your hands like that." The second
runs up: "You are not standing like that." The third grumbles, "Not dressed like that." Behind
jerks: "You are not baptized correctly." And then a woman came up and
tells him:

Would you leave the temple, buy yourself a book on how to behave here
I also need a gold pectoral cross, yes, I almost forgot, and all this
sold here in our church and the prices here are the cheapest, and then
came in. The man went to the exit, went into a shop at the temple, a book and
I bought a pectoral cross and left the church. He sat down on a bench and quietly
burst into tears. And suddenly he hears a voice: "Why are you crying, My Child?" Raised
man his tear-stained face and saw Christ. Says: "Lord! Me in
the temple is not allowed. Jesus hugged him: "Do not cry, they and Me are not there
let go. "

Christ: The least faithful of all is the one who prays more than others and thinks that from this he will be given more than others. For he himself does not understand what he believes. As if a beggar, incapable of anything else, humbly prays for the fulfillment of desires. What are you begging God for? Or do you think he was mistaken when he sent you what you have, and you want to teach him how you should correct that mistake? That means your God is not intelligent. Why then do you call him God, why do you believe in him and why do you pray to him? You yourself do not know what you are bowing to. And there is little true faith in you.

I tell you that being of little faith is worse than not believing at all. For denying God, you will come to God.

Christ: Whom do you listen to and whom do you go to worship? And who are the most revered people in it? Scribes? Pharisee? High priests? All, no matter how many of them came before Me, are thieves and robbers, and worse than that. For it is not your bread and not your gold that they steal, but your life itself.

They honor God with their lips and tongue, but their hearts are far from him. And they are likened to painted coffins, which on the outside seem beautiful, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all kinds of filth.

And those hypocrites shut the Kingdom of Heaven to men, for they themselves do not enter into it and do not allow those who want to enter. And they love what people would call them: teacher! teacher! Don't call them teachers. They are the blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind leads the blind, then both will fall into the pit. And for centuries they hide the keys to true knowledge and replace them with half-truths, which they dress up in the clothes of Truth, and therefore it is more dangerous and more terrible than a lie.

Christ: Ask not false treasures, not earthly blessings from the Heavenly Father, as sinners ask, but one thing: to make the paths leading to His Kingdom straight, so that you can see the Most High during your earthly life.

For if you do not see God during your life, you will not see him after.

Christ: Try not to see God, but Divinity! Divinity in which He manifests Himself in all that exists, Divinity with which the entire universe is filled.

Christ: Man does not need a man-made temple to speak with God, for the house of the Most High is the whole earth and heaven, and the stars, and all people.

Christ: Praying for a soul is meaningless. No one can save your soul if you don't take care of yourself. And no one will bring the Kingdom of God and will not give it to you if you don’t find it yourself.

Christ: Woe to the one who makes boundaries on earth and divides people. For there are no boundaries in heaven, and there should not be on earth. Truly I say to you: this division is the reason for enmity and strife, whether it is division along borders, or according to language, or according to faith - everything is one! And if a person is divided within himself, then the same enmity will be inside him and there will be darkness in him, and there will be no rest for him.

Christ: Everything that is alive and that which is inanimate seems to be invisibly connected with each other, and everything separately is a part of the one!

Christ: Do not be afraid to get lost when you search your way, only the strongest are capable of this. And the Shepherd loves those who have left the flock more than others, for only they can find the coveted path.

Christ: It is not the fault of the cattle that they are in the corral, for that owner built the corral for him. Man, to his shame, has created what no living creature is capable of: he erected a prison for himself with his own hands and placed himself in it.

And woe that his children are born in this prison. They grow up and do not know any other life than the life of their fathers, and after that they cannot see it, for their eyes have become blind from the darkness of imprisonment. And they do not see anyone who would live differently, and therefore they believe that their life is the only possible way of existence. For if the eyes have never seen the light, how will you know that you are in darkness. And people are struggling to decorate their prison: some with expensive decorations, some with a beautiful slave. But there is no benefit from this: you have to get out of prison!

Christ: You must first know yourself. When you know yourself, then you will be known and accepted by the Almighty, and you will know that you are the son of the living Father. And through you, as through all his creatures, He reveals Himself.

When you know yourself, then you will find your true self, and all the secrets that are hidden from you will be revealed to you. If you do not know yourself, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.

Christ: If you do not understand the beginning, then it is impossible to understand the end. So it is impossible to know what is around you, if you do not know what is inside you, for then there is no one who knows who is given to understand the secrets of the Heavenly Father.

Christ: Do not separate heaven from earth, for it is an extension of the earth, so do not separate yourself from the earth, for you are an extension of it, and it is an extension of you. Therefore I say: you are the beginning of everything and the end of everything. When you see this, then you will see the Kingdom of God.

Christ: Not only to believe, but to test everything for yourself, to find and know - this is what I call. And in what he has learned, there is no longer a need to believe.

Christ: There are some who will not taste death, as they will already see the Kingdom of God.

Christ: The commandments are given for those who hear by hearing - and do not understand, look with their eyes - and do not see. For the fulfillment of the law cannot give life, does not bring grace and does not make righteous. Only true faith, acting with Love, is capable of this.

Disciple: Why, then, is the law given?

Christ: He is given for those of little faith, in which the Word of God does not fit, in order to save them from crimes, until they gain true understanding.

Christ: If you do not love your neighbor, but say that you love the Almighty, then you are lying! In the person of Your Heavenly Father, love life itself, as a great gift from Him, love everything in you from end to end. To love your neighbor means that: to love every Creation of God with all your heart, without guile.

Christ: If you do not love your neighbor, but say that you love the Almighty, you are lying!

Christ: Be you even the first righteous person in the world and live according to the Law of God, and speak in the language of angels, and have all knowledge and all faith, but if you do not have love and harbor malice in your heart, even to an insignificant worm, then you only ringing brass, and there is no benefit to your soul.

Christ: To become Love means to become equal to God, it means to become God! For Love is God! And there is no other way to His Kingdom: it is impossible for men, but for God everything is possible. If Love is in you, then God will be in you and you will be like God.

Christ: The Light that is inside you will show you the way, True Love that will dwell in your heart, will itself open the necessary door. Perfect Love and the Holy Spirit come together, for they are one.

Christ: A person's life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions. You care and fuss about many things, but your soul only needs one thing - so that the Word of God would take root in you and bear its fruit.

Christ: You have to be not God-fearing, but God-loving. For God loved you before, so love you too with His True Love, a Love in which there is no fear, for Perfect Love casts out fear, because fear is torment. The one who fears is not perfect in Love.

And even if you distribute everything that you have, and you give your body for burning, but Love will not illuminate your deeds, there will be no benefit to you.

Christ: He who has everything, needing himself, has nothing.

Christ: Everything is open before heaven, do not lie and that does not come from your heart, do not do it.

Christ: If you have true strength, then earthly desires and passions will leave your soul, with which it, as if insane, was seething hitherto, and with them false knowledge and judgments will go away, and it will become empty in your soul, but it will be filled with Purity and Light!

Christ: The fool is the one who has no doubts.

Christ: Be as pure as a dove and wise as a serpent. The light that will save you, you yourself will find inside you.

Christ: And even if the pages of the Gospel are lost, they can be restored from the heart.