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Prayer when you feel about recovery. Prayers about healing from mental illnesses. Holy Damiean straws and Damian, Wonderworkers

According to religion, illness is very good and useful. We all should thank God for illness, because he sends them to us to soften our stale heart and send you towards God. Sometimes, when our own diseases are not able to teach us anything (or rather, we are unable to learn), God leaves the diseases and suffering to the closest people to us so that we draw up, corrected and thus have screamed the cure for them. Remember, the diseases and death of close very often are not their fault, but the result of your sins.

When someone is sick in your house, start treatment with the health of the patient, buying a sanctified icon and candles for health in the temple. And only then, go beyond your doctor.

Saint Panteleimon Healer

Before reading the prayer for the health of loved ones, you need to ask God to forgive you your sins, promise that you will fix (and really try to be better), ask God to pour for forgiveness from those who were offended, and wish happiness to those who offended you,

after releasing the feeling of malice from yourself.

The strongest prayer for health is read by the Holy Panteleonon.

Saint Panteleon lived a very difficult life: he healed hundreds and thousands of people, for which many times was punished, and in the end, executed. But even after death, this saint never ceases to pray to God about our cure, because each believer knows that he frees no medicine from illness, not a prayer, not holy, but only the Lord God.

The next Orthodox health prayer needs to be read before the saint icon. Do not worry about trifles, and do not use it as "prevention". Sv.Patevonomu is also addressed in serious cases.

"Oh, the great waters of Christ, passionier and the doctor a multi-facing Pantelemanone!

We need to be soaked by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the celestial, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of our, Christ of our God, may healing from the ailment, the opposite.

We accept unworthy praying of the sins of all people. Visit my fellow visiting.

Do not rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life.

To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

Prayers of Saint Matron

Holy Matrona is a simple Russian woman who lived in the Tula region from 1881 to 1952. Its real name is Matron Dmitrievna Nikonova. In life, she became an old man and helped all those who came to her for help, get rid of physical and mental illnesses. The old people had many popular "aphorisms". One of them warned lovers to envy and condemn others. Holy Matron said that in any case, each sheep will be suspended for his tail.

After her death, the old man was called the Holy Matron, and began to ask her about health in their prayers.

"On the blissful mother of Matrono, the soul in the sky before the throne of God is coming, the body is on the earth, and this is more than grateful than the grateful wonders of excess. Watch now with a merciful, sinful, sinful, in rabbits, diseases and sinful temptations, the days of His dependent, the comfort of us, desperate, heals our moths, from God for our sin, to save us from many troubles and the circumstances, the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, imži, from youth, who is even before the real day and an hour of the sorry, and your prayers are graceful and grandie And confessed and forever. Amen".

In any difficulties and problems, people resort to the help of the Lord - especially needed and useful to pray for an uprising from Odra Disease, when you are sick or your close person suffers. Physical indicators, laws of biology and physiology are retreating before the great and wonderful power of the Lord.

He can violate any laws, because they created them himself - and does it for his faithful, for those who sincerely asks him for help. Doctors cannot explain much of what is happening with patients - they are recovering literally in their eyes without objective reasons healed by the only power of faith in the Almighty Father and Prayer to Him.

Prayers for restoration from severe illness

Most often, in case of soul and body diseases, prayers are read about the healing of the saint saint, which in life healed and saved the body and soul of people. The Great Martyr and the healer of sick panthewon, the presbyter of the Martyr Ermolai, the Saints of the Degrement of Mustle and Damian, Kira and John - Assistants and Prayermen before the throne of the Lord.

Prayer to healer Panteleononu

"Oh, the great waters of Christ, passionier and the doctor a multi-facing Pantelemanone! We need to be soothstered by me, a sinful slave, I hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the sky, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of ours, the Christ of our God, but give healing from the ailment, the opposite. "

Prayer Sacred Ermolay

"Oh, the Pressenger of the Martyr Ermola and the East Assistant Christian in the disease! I believe in all souls and thinking, I can be sick with the gentlemen of the gift of sorry to heal and relaxed to strengthen. Then for the sake of the sake of the sickness of the disease, I am a bitten disease, I suspect, and, your deed image with a reverence of a dear, praying: your concern for the king of the celestial comes to me sick healing from the departing of the disease, wheezing bo and unworthy to you, a blessing father and a dream of my intercession, but you, formerly imitator of the humanity of God, coordinate Evil affairs to good lives, all the grace of the sulfur and the body of my soul and the body of my body, giving up health and salvation and in all the good harees, yes, tako, quiet and silent lives, live in every piety and clean, would fit with all the saints of Slaviti all The name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer Kosme and Damian

"Oh, the wonderworkers of Slavny, physician, Cosmo and Damian! You, from the youngestness of Christ God alone, not to the doodle of Tokmo art, but in more than a whirlpool grace of healing all the ailments from God are friends. Toky and us, before honestly, your fallen, soon hear. Yunya kids, your Assistance in the teachings of the book asking, with their prayers, let them sign up, and your life is jealous, not the earthly sharpesis, and in a patch of piety and the right of faith, incessantly invesuve. On Audru's Diseases Lying, in humanity, we desperately, to you, warmly with faith and diligent prayer, we are healing, the healing of diseases to your gracious miraculous visiting: Taktoyd and from the people's ailment to despondency, foolishness and rapidation, let's notify you from God in patience And instruct, yes, I comply with the will of God from them and the perfect, and the participants are prefeed by God's savory grace. All, to you diligently resort to, from the diseases of the people are unharmed, save, and from the supreme death to protect, and with a powerful petition for God in the right of faith, comply with the firm, in piety in the same way, and you will advise with you in the future in the future, Etsie and Highness and Slaviti The magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen."

Prayer Kira and John

"Oh, Holy Wonderworkers and Doctors Good-to-Wayless Cyrus and John, resort to you, from our suffering from Lyuto's diseases. In the days of your life, you preached, Yako is a poor soul, heavier than all the ailments of the body and ,,, soul sins are painful, often the body in the disease flows. We know that diseases from sins Cleaning, "Bloom the same, holy miracles, gentlemen, let him give the forgiveness of the sinners to us, weak and helpless, in diseases is emaciated, and not perish, falling into the despondency. Accelerate to help us and heal our disease, and we are in health, repentance days Outcomes, in the world, we graduate from our life and on the day, the judgment with a clean heart will appear before the sindia of the Universe, the core of God. We sing and Slavy in the eyelids. Amen. "

The traditions are not always obvious, according to which it is customary to contact one or another saints - so, the holy blessed Matron of Moscow in life was crippled - she did not have physical vision, for which the Lord had given her great sight of spiritual: Matron Matron saw many more sighters, and helped in all requests, healed every seriously ill and any ailments, carrying his humbling cross. She pray in any disease and need.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

"On the blissful mother of Matrono, hear and now we have, sinful, who praying to you, speaking throughout the life of your enjoyment and listen to all the suffering and grieving, with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to residing, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone feeding; Now you do not care about the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in the multi-world world of Sea and NIGHDAGE Obtaining consolations and compassion in sorrowfulness and help in the diseases of bodily sickness: our diseases are healed, get rid of temptations and tormenting the devil, passionately Cross, demolish all the importance of life and not lose the image of God, believing Orthodox until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope for God is strong, and non-estate love for the neighbor; For us, we were able to achieve the kingdom of heaven from the life of this to the kingdom of heaven with all the welfare of God, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Solimago, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen."

For a long time, we are resorting to the help of a saint, reading prayers for recovery - no matter, we sick, or ask about the health and salvation of our relatives, friends, friends or acquaintances.

Often pray for recovery and early restoration after the disease to the Most Holy Mother of God, and the prayer for healing, addressed to the Queen of Heaven - an extensive concept, including many different prayers in front of various images, against various ailments, for various purposes (there is, for example, Mom's prayer about Health of a sick child, prayer from cancer).

If the prayers for recovery from your disease do not exist - pray the Virgin Marya that prayer, which was originally intended for the image of the healer. By the way, if you could not find such an icon - do not be discouraged, asking the Most of the Mother of God for help in front of any of her icon.

Prayer for the icon "Healer"

"We will accept, about the Majorod's Major, the Major of the Mother of God, of the Master of Prayer, with tears to you now bringing away from us, unworthy of your servant, to your workflow of the singing with mongings, and you are the very beginning of our Introduction. By Komozho Bo Vesti Fulfillment, chasters of facilitating, weak healthy darumes, relaxed and sucking the healing, from the unreal demons of the rogue, abyssing from the offense of delight, levery, and the small children of Milouseshi: Also, Mrs. Vladychitsa The Virgin Mary, and from Uz and Dunnitz Szekheyesshi : Whole whole is possible by your pet for your son, to our God. Oh full of mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not commend to pray for us, unworthy of your worker, the famous Tu and honorably, and those who are defeated with the taste of you, and the hope of cautiously and faith is incomprehensible to you, novice and disassembled, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

How to pray according to the rules?

Among the great set of prayers is very easy to get confused - therefore, if you cannot find a prayer that is customary to read in your particular case - ask the Council of the Holy Father or an experienced Orthodox person, you can even moms or grandmothers if they believe. Do not finish at the same time with false experiences and dismissed religiosity - many people who call themselves Orthodox Christians, cover allegedly the hoody faith of unkind intentions and aspirations.

Prayer for recovery should be read with faith and good intention. Do not take conspiracy on the water, food and medicine, if you, moped by the mercy of the Lord, drink holy water or lubricate sick places with sanctified oil - they should be consecrated by the priest, reading conspiracies and spells are unacceptable, it is a huge sin.

If you pray about the health of a sick child, your parent, a friend or relative, in a word, if you are not sick you - stand up before the icon (absolutely no matter, despite the situation on the Internet, which it will be icon).

Light a candle or lamp, her light will set up on a prayer paw and warm his heart, allowing it to be easier to fry to the Lord.

Read the words of prayer with moutigation and trepidation, do not get used to them, do not let thoughts dissipate and do not be distracted. Do not follow the recommendations on the number and method of placement of candles - if you are confused by such a council, you clearly need to consult with the priest. In the Orthodox tradition, there are instructions on the exact amount of candles for some rituals, but they are held, as a rule, the priest - they are not applicable for the celian prayer.

It is always possible to pray to the saints about help and everywhere - not only per minute of extreme needs and danger, not only in the temple or from the icon. The omnipresent Lord sees us in our need, led him about every problem, and he sends a quick and mighty intercession on the prayers of his rates.

Do not read prayer conspiracies, do not angry God, do not insult his magic. Required preparation - humility and sincere repentance in their sins. If you have it, the Lord will hear prayer and restore from Odra Disease.

In order for God to hear our prayer, we must apologize to all those close, to ask for forgiveness from everyone who quarreled. Make it you need sincerely - only after that you can proceed to prayer.

After receiving the help, it is necessary to thank God and His Saints from the bottom of our hearts - the gratitude prayers are pleasing to God, and the Gospel speaks about it: out of ten healed from the gravity of the leprosy alone returned and thanked God. Of these, all the most pleased, he was Jesus, despite the belonging to a different faith.

As a gratitude, you can sacrifice to the needs of the temple, to light up in front of the icons of saints of candles (the candle is also a victim of God), order them prayers, read the akathists and create a generous alms in the name of the Lord.

Video: Healing Prayer

In the life of each person there are bright and dark stripes. Undoubtedly, diseases relate to difficult periods, because everyone wants to be strong and active. Along with official medicine, prayers for recovery also bring help. Just need to remember that it is impossible to refuse traditional treatment in the hospital. Prayer helps a speedy recovery, gives strength, but it works together with doctors and medicines.

Prayer Saint Matron.

This prayer is considered the strongest. Matrona still has been known for his blessings in the field of helping the patient. To this day, people pray to the Holy Matron, asking her about recovery. The power of such a prayer is so high that it helps even in the most difficult and hopeless cases, right up to wonderful recovery. This prayer needs to be read before the Saint Matron icon.

"Matrona, Mother's Mother, in heaven you are soul, you are prestone before the throne of God, you have your body on Earth, and you are wondering the grace of you. I ask you, look at me the slave of God (name) in the disease and the sinful grief. My diseases heal, get rid of me. May the Lord forgive me all my sins. Amen".

Prayer about health Nikolai Wonderworker.

Nicholas The Wonderworker was famous for the miracles and healings of patients. Since ancient times, people have treated holy due to help in problems and most often asked recovery. The health prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker will help heal and gain strength after illness.

"Our intercession, Nikolai, the waters of the Lord. Help me, the slave of God (name), sinful, ask our Lord to let my sins, because I am sin and in a word, and the case, and thoughts. Help me Saint Nicholas, ask the Lord of health and save me from the pigeons and the seals. Amen."

Prayer for speedy recovery.

"My Lord, Lord over life and death! Thank you for the gift of God (name) Healing from Kalvy. Your gracious gratitis saved me from pain and suffering. I glorify, Lord, your miraculous power. Thank you for mercy. I ask you, to teach you to take care of the purity of my soul no less than about the health of my body, to fulfill all the commandments of yours and avoid sin to achieve joy and grace in your kingdom. Amen."

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and the healer of Pantelemon.

"Oh, the Holy Great Martyr Pantelemon, hear us sinful, praying before your holy icon. We ask you to the holy healer Panteleon, the intercessor of our and benefactors, heal the heart's peaceful and bodily servant of God (the name of the patient). We ask help and comfort in the disease of the slave of God (name). Ask the Lord God to give us strength in earthly trials, save us from the temptations of spiritual and bodily. Give me health and grace your all sick and suffering. In the name of the father of our and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer - walked from diseases for children.

Put a silver cross in a glass jar with water and leave overnight. At dawn, you need to stand over the jar, cross and read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

Then talk over the water the following conspiracy on the health of the child:

"The driver is fast and strong, so that the child is silent and strong. As the water is not elbow, it will not hold and the hands with diseases on the mind of God (name) can not be held. Obi and keep, Lord, Child My (name). Save him from a pigeon! Amen."

This conspired water must be sprayed a child, reading prayers. Add some water in a bath while swimming, the rest of the water to add in a drink and spray on a crib, toys, stroller and baby clothes.

It is also very useful to all the well-known Prayer "Our Father". Read it over the patient or above the water and let the patient drink. This prayer always helps in any business.

Prayer for the health of a sick person is the strongest - these are words that we raise to the sky, to our Lord and all the holy with hope and hope for the mercy of God. It is necessary to utter these words with a sincere faith, a clean heart and desire. The power of such a prayer is enormous, it will work at the most distinction. Strong prayer often produces real miracles, sometimes even proud of the most expensive injections and tablets. She fills our lives with hope and strengthens in faith. Patients are recovered, acquire a bodily and, which is important, spiritual health, financial affairs are recovering, lost relations restored and stronger, relations between people go to the way.

3 The strongest prayers for the health of a sick person

To read the words of the prayer for the health of a person who has suffered a disease, perhaps in the walls of the Church and at home, in front of holy icons. Requests for health and healing from a variety of disadvantages and grave twigs can be served both for themselves and for their parents, children, husband, wife, your relatives and friends. Mandatory requirement that needs to be completed before accessing the holy with this request is only one. You need to find out - the core of this person or not. It would be ridiculous to find out that it was forbidden to pray for the health of a naked person. Of course, no one can say that it is impossible to pray for a person's health, however, in this case, the effectiveness of your prayer is very and very much declining.

Prayer in church

Not only the most deeper text, which you will say, but also a prayer for health, which will be pronounced by priests in the walls of the liturgical institution at a pre-agreed time, taking into account your wishes in a pre-agreed time, taking into account your wishes to help.

You can order such a prayer or for every day, either for one month or forty days. In any of the above cases, all this very much increases the likelihood of recovery at a suspicion.

Every prayer is a powerful energy message that has a huge positive strength that gives us faith in healing, hope for a bright future. We have pronounced prayer words allow us to transfer to a weak person, for whom we ask for the Lord, a positive attitude, in the course of which the state of the health of the diseased, albeit gradually, but it begins to improve, and its ailment is to retreat.

Prayer is a way to heal the soul

In very many cases, disease flow processes deteriorate due to the lack of peaceful peace and equilibrium in patients - in this case, we can say that a person has a soul. The prayer for health, uttered by many times and sincere faith, strengthens the mental state of a sick person, carries the lost peace, harmony and internal equilibrium lost in his life, helps him survive various fears and doubts.

With prayer words, all believers most often appeal directly:

  • to our heavenly,
  • to the protistant Virgin Mary,
  • to the Blessed Staritz Matron of Moscow,
  • to Nikolay the Wonderworker.

The reasons why people turn with their hot prayers about the health of the Almighty and the Mother of God are understandable without any explanation. Indeed, in the hierarchical staircase of higher spiritual strength, they occupy the highest positions. In solid and loving hands of our Lord, the fate of all that is on earth is concentrated. The Most Holy Virgo Mary, who gave our imperfect world of the Savior, at all time was, there is and will be the intercession of weak. She always covers us all their loving maternal wing.

Appeal to holy

To the Sainry Matronushka of Moscow and Nikolai - the miraculous worker believers always bring their hot mozzles also because these saints among Orthodox Christians are one of the most beloved.

While his life, the blissful Matron of Moscow and St. Nicholas, the wonderworker found glory through healing and facilitating the sufferings of weak, bringing real wonders of healing in their lives. Evidence of these facts serve hundreds of thousands of stories that are recorded in church books, preserved in ancient scrolls, in Christian legends and legends, posted on the pages of Internet portals.

Prayers for the health of a sick person

The peculiarity of the simplest prayer, uttered by any person, even the child, is that it is an appeal to all representatives of the highest heavenly forces: to our Lord himself, to the Mother of God, to holy ash and angels heaven. That is why it is also a simple appeal to angels, this is the most severe prayer for the health of the patient. To pronounce the prayer for the health of the patient, if possible, is better in the walls of the church temple. Instead of brackets, you will need to call the name of the patient, which you ask for and to which help is needed:

Prayer to the Lord God about the health of the patient and her strength

Simple prayer "On Health"

"On a premium god, the father, the Son and Holy Soul, in an inseparable Trinity, worshiped and famous, proud of the fraud to the slave of yours (name), the disease is obsessed; let him go all the sins of him; give him healing from the disease; Return to him the health and power of Bodyna;

Fend him gradual and graceful lives, peaceful and premium benefits, so that he bring to us with a grateful plenty to you, with my God and my creator.

The Most Holy Mother of God, the omnipious intercession of yours help me to chite your son, my God, about the healing of the servant of God (name). All the Saints and Angels of the Lord, the pray for God about the sick slave it (name). Amen."

And, of course, as often as possible, at any time and anywhere in your own words, look about helping to the power of heaven. These words suggested by your heart will be the most awake. Of course, you can also choose special words from prayers and how often they can pronounce them. You can read and prayers from the church morning and evening prayer rule. Some prayers even better read repeatedly, it will be prompted to you in the church.

Prayer to the Lord God "On the Health of the Patient"

Prayers, pronounced to the Lord God, with requests for recovery and healing patients and weak, need to pronounce the icon of our Savior, with burning candles. It is possible to do this in the church, and at home, if you for some reason can not come to church. Here is one of the most frequently pronounced prayers:

Oh Lord, our creator, I ask you to help you, give the complete recovery of God's slave (name), Omoy the roam of her rays with his own.

Only with your help will be healing to her yes bless all of her to long-awaited salvation, healing, recovery.

Give her body to health, her soul is the ease of blessed, her heart is a divine balsam.

The pain will forever retreat and return to it will return, wounds will all be lit and the Holy Help will come.

Your rays from the blue skies will reach her, will give her the defense of a strong, bless it to get rid of her diseases, strengthen her faith.

May these words of my Lord hear. Thank you. Amen!

Prayer for health towards the Lord, pronounce both for myself and for your loved ones, friends and relatives. The words "God's slave" are replaced by the "God's" slave and call the name of the ill person.

Prayer "Sorokoust" on the health of patients

The whole human story is measured by "Sednamins" and "Socialists".

  • The number of forty is a significant and sign, very often found in the Holy Scripture.
  • Jews forty years wandered in the desert in search of land promised,
  • the Prophet Moses held a post for forty days,
  • The Son of God, Jesus Christ after baptism was in the desert also 40 days, opened the secrets of the kingdom of God
  • 40 days apostles after their resurrection.

Prayer, committed by the church daily for forty days, is called forty store. Prayer Sorokoust about health ordered all Christians at any convenient time, without any restrictions. But there is one feature. During the Great Post, when the full liturgy in churches is performed only on Saturdays and Sundays, the most wise decision will be ordered not by forty-store, but just leave notes about healthy yourself and loved ones or on the rest of the deceased every time you visit the temple.

Prayer Sorokoust "On Zeravia" is ordered not only for the preservation and increase in the health of yourself and their loved ones, especially for sick and seriously ill, but also for their successes, material well-being, acquiring internal, peaceful peace and harmony. After all, such an extensive concept as "health" carries and human physical health, and its spiritual state, and financial well-being.

By the way, if we make a prayer for the health of a person who created a lot of evil and others, it does not mean at all that we appear to the Almighty that this confusing personality continue in this destructive condition - no! We all ask Lord God of our so that he will change his grace all the intentions of such a person, changed all his inner disharmony and did it so that even the most finished ill-wisher, the most evil enemy would be in harmony with the father of heaven, with the church, with a beautiful world surrounding it.

Come in God's church with a clean heart, take a piece of paper with the intention to order a prayer of Sorokoust and just write the names of all those people who you want health, salvation, prosperity! Remember the holy need to pray for all enemies of yours. Have every help with all your loved strength of your Christian love and all-bad church commemoration!

Video: "3 Strong prayers to the Lord about sore"

Comments from site visitors

    Prayer for the health of a sick person is endowed with a special force that no other possesses. If such a grief happens, always appeal to it. On all the will of God, but the Almighty will be able to hear you if you contact him. And if you are silent and your heart is deaf to prayers, then you should not wait for help from God. This law that always works.

    God always sees the sincere faith of man, so you do not need to be shy to read prayer, but on the contrary. You should start once again and then it will be much easier and most importantly - you can free yourself from the shipment. It is especially important to read prayers when a person is sick with a notch. Basically, we always appeal at this moment to God, and there is nothing wrong with that. God loves us.

    Each person sooner or later relate to health issues. And those begin searching for different paths that will help you get rid of the ailment. Doctors, hospitals, and then already prayer and temple. But everything should be different, first learn to believe in God, learn to pray, ask forgiveness for your sins, and there may be no death and there will be no.

    No one laughs at God in the hospital ...
    No one laughs at him in war,
    There, faith in the hearts begins to sparkle,
    And more often the prayer sounds in silence.

    No one laughs at it in a fire,
    And not to laughter, when there is a tornado,
    When hunger and under the underground strike,
    Ridicule pass, changing speech ...

    Flies from the face suddenly a screw mask,
    When the plane begins to shake ...
    No one will declare that God is a fairy tale
    The criminal meeting at a narrow path ...

    No one exclaims that faith - for stupid,
    Hearing a deadly diagnosis of a doctor ...
    And with foam at the mouth, few people will argue
    When the view of his execution is ...

    Mocking, spitting and stupid jokes
    Lose their relevance when
    You suddenly understand that there is no minute
    Calm in your life Jesus Christ ...

    Machine at speed ... You are on the road ...
    Here is a sharp break ... That's the stone of the temple ...
    Here is a shrach bullet, trouble on the threshold ...
    From death and hell, you are on the hairs ...

    How do you know, laughing ...
    What will happen to you on the developments of fate?
    Laugh easily while God gives strength
    And tolerates your fists humbly.

    Classroom verse. Behind the soul touched upon

    It is when the disease overtakes us or our relatives, we appeal to prayers. They really cure us, cure our souls. We believe in virtue of prayer. Very necessary article, and these prayers should know. Nikolai Wonderworker is one of my favorite saints, with childbirth helped me.

    We were helped by these prayers in the hard time for our family. We try to talk more often with the Lord, it gives humility and tranquility. When I start nervous at work or with children, I always remember prayer and calm down. Everything falls into place, the brains goes into place.

    It seems to me that in the life of every person, sooner or later there is a difficult period associated with the deterioration of either his health or someone from loved ones. Many people do not believe up to this point, people begin to contact faith, a very useful article, I am a believing Christian and for me these prayers are almost all familiar. All good and be healthy!

    All see everything from above. As we treat close, as we care about their health. My husband is a believer, but always shy for some reason his attitude towards religion, he loves one to go to the church, the prayers also shy to read, did not show, hid from me. When the mother-in-law fell ill, he changed very much. Now we are still not easy with her health, my husband will show this article, and I myself pray for its amendment.

    Arthur, a wonderful poem, already pierced on a tear! Thanks for such sensual and deep words.
    And on the article I want to say that it is necessary to handle prayers if you believe in God! Upstairs you will definitely hear and help you survive difficulties! I wish all readers of this site only good and health!

    God always sees everything and knows everything, all our sincere intentions and what we want. Be sure to pray, send and show that we believe and honor the Christian religion. Each holiday to all believers needs to go to church and sorcest, who does not know, be sure to read the article and follow how it is written here!

    All of my acquaintances in a certain period arose in the family of someone's health problems. I always serve a note notch in the church, for me it is holy right. And I recommend it to everyone, be sure to put a candle and say, for whom you want health. Write forties, put candles, pray the Lord about the healing of your loved ones. You and my soul simultaneously clean, it will be easier for you.

    These prayers every Christian should know. And it is not praying to start not when something happened, and when everything is fine. The first should be prayer, then there will be no problems. Clearing its actions, thoughts - we are cleaned from an evil spirit and anything of unclean. And the body and soul feels much better.

    And my mother has learned from childhood since childhood and walk to church on Sundays. For me, it's like a teeth to clean. And if someone is sick, you need to order a prayer in the church. But now the youth knows nothing, they are only the Coldrels and the analgin are treated. And about the soul they forget. Then they go cry why their life is awry.

    Prayer Lord God "On the Health of the Patient" always saves us. If the kids get sick, I do not leave them and pray. Prayer always cures. In the church, we rarely - now life is so angry, which I want to visit the soothed golden walls, but it does not work. Children need to feed, so we work as slaves from morning to night.

    How can a Christian help the patient? That's itch that sympathy and prayers. And of course the departure. My husband was seriously sick, we tried so many doctors and went around, but no one could really make sure that the believer was always in moderation, but I did not stop, I regularly went to church and prayed for his health. And asked all close to pray for us to help.

    After the disease of his spouse, my son hit the faith very much. And before that, I would have told a rampant lifestyle. Now it starts and finishes every day with prayers, asks God to heal his wife, regularly goes to the church in the church, is inhibited by churchwear ... We ourselves are very worried, but bypass prayers.

    Tell me, how often do you need to give a note about health? At a certain period, I realized that the prayer in the morning soothes me, reduces nervousness and irritability, so he learned himself in early morning to get up and contact God. I go to the church mainly on holidays or family events (the anniversary of the death of relatives is mainly).

    Favorite daddy broke his leg. Already a month and a half, but the bones did not get so far, very hurting, the leg was swollen, it could not step on her .. I say about the operation, we are very afraid of it, this is a common anesthesia, and the father has a heart problem! What is better to do? I do not know church traditions. What other prayers are better in our situation? please reply!

    Each person always arises, when complications of health appear, all sorts of sores begin to climb, hiking to doctors entail a large list of treatment. First of all, people are always going to doctors, and if it is impossible to recover with the help of medicine, then they are already referring to faith. And it should be different, you need to believe in God from the very beginning, praying for your healthy spirit and the body constantly.

    When mom was put in intensive care, and then transferred to the cardiology department (now she is already a third week there is), I read the prayer about sicks every day 2 times a day. How to do? Can I read it every day? As a person gets better, continue to read it or need another prayer to start?

    Reading the prayer for the health of a sick man, you forgive a person yourself and ask the Lord about the forgiveness of the sins committed by him. You bring the light and heat into the world. But it is very important, to pronounce prayers, it is believing in God, and not just from hopelessness. You must and believe in God and sincerely want to ask about what, i.e. recovery near a person.

    Prayer strength is sometimes really capable of real miracles. And the patient will raise, and the forces of moral and physical will give. Sometimes it is even more powerful of imported expensive drugs and injections in the human health plan. And very well in terms of psychology, helps a person relax, find peace of mind.

    And what else can you help a person who is from you in 5 hours of summer on the plane ?? Unfortunately, a close friend of childhood fell very hard, physically I am far away. There is no money to give money to help or medicine, there is a wealthy family, there is no need. I pray daily to make it easier for him and the disease is gone. I believe in virtue of prayer at a distance.

    Tell me, what can help from insomnia? My husband is just already the roof goes from her, in the evening falls asleep for a couple of hours literally, and at night it is undermined and lies until the morning, rarely when you trimps. I worry about him, because there is a very psyche in the psyche. Tell me what prayer or conspiracy can be read to help him?

    My baby, 2 months will soon be from the family, very sleeping! Constantly nights crying several times, as if just as such as the onset of this part of the day. He sleeps very restlessly, I don't know which methods to resort to ... I started to swing it in my hands, whispering a prayer for the night (we are the believers of Orthodox), began to calm down. But at night still wakes up and crying (

    Are there any conspiracies or prayers that help to sleep and gain strength for sleep? While how much it would not lie, no matter how many hours did not sleep, I still get up broken and barely live until the end of the day, until I find it in bed again. Please tell me!

    Lord, help to recover my son Ivan and me, his mother, Oksana. Forgive us for our sins and evil intent. Only on God and hope. Tell me how to read correctly or what are the conspiracies better pronunciation? I can not describe the problem of our personally family. But the forces are no longer fighting, it hurts to look at yourself in the mirror and son.

    Dear readers, it is necessary to pray to God personally and only to him. More nobody nor the saints, no other, I always told me my believing grandmother, who daily went to church, knew all the religious laws, holidays, prayers. You need to believe with a bright soul, you need to concentrate on good and help others! Amen.

    Faith in God and the highest forces are able to work wonders! I believe that they will help my mommy to recover, grow up and stand up again. I pray, I ask for loved ones and those who are not indifferent to us to help the strength of the word, faith in God. Very warming the soul that so many people want to help, offer their services. I ask them to pray for my mother's health.

    Very righteous poems at Arkurku, thank you, after reading, many should think ...!

Pray for health, not forgetting that you must ask the Lord about forgiveness and correct your behavior. Also Orthodox prayer for mental health A person crashes with a request for the forgiveness of his sins.

The best prayer of St. Pantelonum to treat diseases of bodily and spiritual getting rid of suffering and pain

Panteleimonus Healer of the Holy Believers often raise Christian prayers about the health and well-being of relatives and loved ones

Oh, the great waters, the passionerpiece and the doctor a multi-facing pantheliamanone! We need to be soothstered by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and scream of my, the sleepyness of the sky, the shower and the televisionals of our, the Christ of our God, but give healing from the ailment, the opposite. We accept unworthy praying of the sins of all people. Visit my fellow visiting. Do not rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life. To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Holy Panteleon helps even in hopeless situations. It is necessary to sincerely believe in God and sincerely pray for help, about the recovery of the patient Jesus Christ, the Virgin of the Virgin Mary and other saint.

So know, the prayer for the health and well-being of your relatives will not remain without help

Christ does not explain to us nor the human evil, nor the silence of God, but helps us live "in the consciousness of our weakness." The passions of Christ did not put an end to all evil on earth, but in the authenticity of these passions, followed by the resurrection, people can find a basis for hope. In the depths of any human disaster, God always has: "I sometimes on the side of God, often against him, but never - without him" (Eli Velsel).

Lord God often works wonders. And these miracles occur in ordinary life. All this is so if you believe it sincerely. If you believe that the Christian prayer for the health and well-being of relatives It will help them, it means that the help will really come in the most difficult, and even hopeless situations.

Recently, the interfaith dialogue does not subside on the main topics that society worry today. It is on the local or popular level, the solutions become public. It becomes obvious that the largest religions, feeling the risk of increasing society due to worklessness, are united to confirm their commitment to one God, and in one language, one by force opposing those who stubbornly seeks to alienate from other people in the name of some beliefs.