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What you can drink a pregnant on an empty stomach. Alcohol during pregnancy: Are there any permissible doses? All figures touch women who drink regularly

The fact that during pregnancy should be powered correctly, known to everyone. But about what you need to drink more and correctly, sometimes forget.

But the observance of the optimal drinking regime is the key to the successful flow of pregnancy and childbirth. And although water is not a nutrient, it is it that the smooth functioning of all internal organs and human systems is uninterrupted.

Number of liquid during pregnancy

Water is a universal solvent responsible for the salt exchange. Water is the main assistant in the derivation of toxins from the body. Water is a regulator of acid-alkaline balance, restoration of tissues, viscosity and blood flow, from which the level of blood pressure depends.

That is why the future mother, and the future child requires a sufficient amount of fluid: in the first and beginning of the second trimester (active development of the fetus) - 2 - 2.5 liters per day.

In the second and third trimesters, when blood circulation increases, the metabolism increases, and the organs work with a larger load, fluid consumption should be reduced to 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

To drink, adhering to the norms, healing drinks during pregnancy - a condition that naturally causes the following question: what exactly to drink? What drinks will bring and thorough thirst?

Ginger tea for slimming with parsley. Displays excess fluid from the body. Dieta (Dieta).

Carrot juice It is useful to drink 2 times a day on the floor of the glass. This juice, and especially in a mixture with beet In the 2: 1 ratio, improves the structure of the teeth and bones of the future child. After all, such a drink contains in a large number of sodium, potassium, calcium.

Drinking along the glass of carrot juice per day in recent months of pregnancy, it is so possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of sepsis in a newborn.

Extremely useful black Currant Juicewhich tones is refreshing, promotes digestion and increases the ability of the mother to breastfeeding. Since winter currant is not available to everyone, it makes sense to dry the berries, and in the cold season to make beautiful vitamin infusions.

Can be cooked dandelion leaves juiceBy passing fresh leaves through the meat grinder and squeezing them. To drink half a cup once a day, and to improve taste to add lemon juice and honey. This drink tones and improves well-being.

Immediately, it is necessary to pay attention to that with all its value, juices, especially freshly, can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa in women suffering from chronic gastritis and colitis. Therefore, they need to drink only diluted juices, thereby reducing their concentration.

It is good to dilute (in half) the juices by a leaky Hercules decoction, decoction of bran. To increase the food value of juice, you can add a spoonful of finely chopped greenery (plantain, beets or carrots).

Brusnel and cranberry juice, radish juice with honey, lime tea and smorodine tea - Beautiful natural medicines for the prevention of ARVI during pregnancy.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas will help to saturate the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins. If the damage and benefits of black and green tea for a pregnant woman (because of the presence of caffeine and theobromine) are still arguing with nutritionists (no more cups per day), then a look at herbal teas is unequivocal: they are useful and are an excellent option for Quencing thirst, to combat anemia, cold, heartburn, toxicosis.

Herbal tea helps strengthen the veins, the lower muscles of the abdomen, which contributes to the good passage of labor.

Recommended during the entire pregnancy period to drink tea using lingonberry and raspberry leaves, chamomile, ginger. The latter, by the way, has an anesthetic effect, and during pregnancy helps to remove nausea symptoms.

However, not all herbs can be used as the feedstock for the preparation of drinks to pregnant women. After all, the grass is the same medicine, only natural, and in no case should not forget. And especially about the correctness of the dosage. The fact that in small quantities is the healing, taken above the norm, may be poison.

Drink from chicory

By right, a miraculous drink should be called a drink from chicory. It facilitates the work of the heart, stomach, liver, helping the derivation of toxins from the body. Chicory relieves heartburn, contributes to the best absorption of milk, preventing the formation of lumps when it turns out in the stomach.

Also, the drink from chicory increases the number of red blood cells, thereby cleansing blood. But through the mother's placenta, the fruit receives nutrients with a current of its blood. In addition, chicory stimulates the kidney activity, which is vital during pregnancy.

Other useful drinks

In the daily diet of pregnant, milk and fermented milk drinks must be present. Preferably drink 1 - 2 cups of kefir.

You can drink in a small amount of purified bottular mineral water, but with a low level of mineralization: 1 - 2 g / l.

Useful pregnant and consumption of infusions and decoctions.

In conclusion, more somepractical Soviets:

  • try to drink slowly, making small throats. So it is possible to quench thirst and less liquid;
  • in the cold period of the year, the temperature of the drinks should be room. In warm season, you can drink cooled drinks, refraining, however, from too cold;
  • if pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no ethnicity, then in the warm season it is possible to increase the volume of the fluid consumed by 200 ml;
  • in the process of food it is useful to take a small amount of fluid, as the process of digestion is improved, and after eating you want to drink you will be less.

Drinks for pregnant women: drink or not to drink?

The wonderful nine months of expectations of the kid demand from the future mother extremely attentive attitude towards themselves and their health. Therefore, she should not only attend women's consultation regularly, but also eat right away, refusing time from loved ones & harm. It concerns it and beverages, because the use of many of them during pregnancy should be dramatically limited or excluded at all. And that what you can drink pregnantAnd which drinks can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the mother's body, we will tell you now.

So, let's try to determine if you can at least occasionally drink moms ...

... so-called & Energy &?

Of course not. The main harmful component of such beverages is caffeine, which is long output from the body of the future mother, and in high doses (namely, it is contained in & Energy & Energy, it has a negative impact on the nervous system, it helps to increase blood pressure, the tone of the uterus, breaks blood circulation and changes the heart rhythm.

In addition, along with caffeine, in power drinks contain:

  • taurine, destroying pancreatic cells
  • high Glucose doses, contributing to excessive emission of adrenaline and, as a result, sharp narrowing of vessels
  • coalic acid, or gases causing bloating and, in general, negatively affecting the gastrointestinal tract

It is because of such a non-versatile composition & energy & during pregnancy (and not only) doctors do not recommend doctors.

… carbonated drinks?

Popular & Pop & Nichtch is not useful & energy &, because it also contains & horsepower & sugar dose and coal acid. In addition, the composition of some carbonated drinks instead of sugar includes sweeteners, which negatively affect the fruit even in minimal doses, can provoke development from a diabetes's mother, a quick set of excess weight and violation of liver functions. Also in the composition of carbonated beverages there is phosphoric acid, which quite often causes the appearance of stones in the bustling bubble and kidneys.

There is another interesting fact about the dangers & soda &: scientists found that in pregnant women who drink on one glass of a hip beverage per day, 38% increases the risk of spending premature. Therefore, from their use of women & in the position & best to completely refuse.

... mineral water?

Mineral water is allowed and useful for the body of a pregnant woman - however, I need a reasonable approach. So, it is not recommended to buy gashed mineral water or drinking non-carbonated, but in unlimited quantities: gases can cause bouts of pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and mineral salts are caused by the formation of kidney stones. In addition, if mineral water has a salty taste, then, in order to avoid delay in the body of the liquid, the appearance of edema and increase blood pressure, it is better to abandon it.

... fruit, herbal and berry drinks?

Herbal teas are tasty and fragrant, that's just allowed during pregnancy very few. For example, the future mothers are forbidden to eat teas with adaptogens (ginseng, eleutherococcus), aloe, barberry, hoodie, forest strawberry, raspberry leaves, nettle, mint, melissa, black currant sheet, yarrow and sage. But you can rosehip drink pregnant, as well as delicious and useful beverages made of cranberries, raspberry berries, black currant, compotes and teas from dried fruits. However, some of them can cause allergic reactions, so in any case, before using berry or herbal teas, you need a doctor consultation.

No no and one more time no. And although many women believe that no particular harm causes the fetus a small dose of light alcohol, scientific research confirm the opposite. Thus, alcohol not only can cause congenital defects and violations of the formation of organs and systems, but in some cases, leads to health problems after appearing on the light - for example, the development of leukemia in early childhood. Therefore, all drinks even with a minimum alcohol volume (including non-alcoholic beer) - & taboo & for everyone without exception to future mothers.

And what is still possible?

In priority for all women should be, first of all, clean drinking water, which must be pre-passed through a special filter, or, as a last resort, to defend and boil. In addition, it is useful to drink natural pasteurized milk, fermented milk drink, fastening green tea, fresh and natural juices. But coffee, cocoa and black tea should be in the diet of the future mother in the lowest possible quantities.

How much can you drink a pregnant water balance

How much can you drink pregnant? From the normal fluid exchange in the body of a pregnant woman depends on the growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, the water balance in the body for future mothers is very important. It is important not only the flow of fluid into the body for all processes in it occurring, but also the correct distribution of this fluid.

During pregnancy, fluid consumption increases, the future mother increases the mass of the body, as well as the volume of circulating blood. The number of blood vessels also increases due to the vessels of the fetus and placenta, and the oily water waters are constantly updated, taking an additional 1.5 liter of fluid from the maternal organism by the end of the term.

Liquid is generally an important and indispensable component of metabolism of any living organism, and the fetus including. All of these additional costs require the future mum of the water balance, so that the amount of water in the body and water stands out from it is correct.

And doctors pay particular attention to this issue, constantly controlling the water balance of pregnant women, watching the weight gains, viscosity and biochemical composition of the blood and the indicators of the overall analysis of urine. According to urine analyzes, the kidney work of the future mother is also judged, as this is the main excretory body of the body.

How much can you drink pregnant?

Since the blood volume increases in the body of the future mother, then the load on the cardiovascular and the urinary system increases greatly. And the more period of pregnancy, the more body weight increases, the volume of fluid and the load on the heart, vessels and kidneys increase. In addition to all this fluid delay, progesterone hormone is very promoted. It increases the permeability of the vessels and the liquid part of blood goes into the surrounding tissues, causing edema.

As soon as the body has a lack of liquid, the central nervous system submits a signal in the form of a feeling of thirst, and we feel that we want to drink.

The feeling of thirst can affect various internal and external factors.

  • the air temperature, if it is hot, then you want to drink stronger, the fluid is needed to reduce body temperature at the expense of sweating.
  • physical exertion to replenish the balance of fluid that has left and then and rapid breathing.
  • salted, smoked, sharp or sweet food-glucose and salt bind water and delay it in tissues, so the liquid ceases to participate in the overall metabolism.

On average, the daily need for a non-embled woman is 1.5 liters. But during pregnancy everything changes. At first, the fluid flow increases, and by the end of the term it decreases, since sufficient internal reserves have been accumulated.

And for each period of pregnancy there is its own liquid consumption rate.

How much can and need to drink pregnant:

  • from conception and up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus, their formation and metabolism of the mother comes with the greatest intensity. During this period of pregnancy, the need for liquid is the largest and future mother need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters.
  • after 20 weeks, the volume of circulating blood and blood flow speed, the burden on the kidney and the heart increases and the fluid consumption must be reduced. Therefore, from 20 weeks a pregnant woman needs to drink less and less, and by 30 weeks your daily volume of the fluid consumed should be 1.5 liters.
  • in no case reduce this figure, even when swelling! 1.5 liters of fluid per day of pregnant woman needed. Moreover, optionally drinks, juicy vegetables and fruits are also considered.

Why can not reduce the volume of fluid below 1.5 liters per day?

Because it is the minimum that is necessary for the proper metabolism. With its decrease, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, the blood viscosity increases, and this very badly affects placental blood flow and provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus. For the baby, this means the delay in the flow of nutrition and oxygen, and sometimes there may be a threat of interrupt.

If weight gains pregnant make up more than 350 gr. A week, visible swelling appeared, we can talk about fluid delay in the body. But in such cases, it is limited not to water consumption, but consumption of products causing thirst and fluid delay. These products include:

  • marinades and pickles
  • sauer and uroen vegetables and fruits
  • spices and seasonings

What to drink during pregnancy

All men, as well as women, never former pregnant women, may be surprised by the formulation of the question, but pregnancy is so much a special state that, if it occurs, a responsible future mother has to fully reform their own life.

Many have heard that there are special diets for pregnant women. They consist of dishes that not only do not harm the fetus, but also contribute to its proper and rapid development. Drinking used by a pregnant woman gives no less effect - properly chosen fluids will only benefit, but some familiar drinks will be better excluded. So, what to drink during pregnancy?

What to drink during pregnancy

Let's start with pleasant and useful - what can be used. The list is not so short, but ordinary water will become the most important drink for a pregnant woman. Although no, the word & ordinary & is not suitable here - there is due to clean water, that is, water without filtering is not suitable. Not everyone loves to drink clean water, but the human body needs it in water, and not in conditional tea.

Drink spring water, water from bottles or just boiled, but make sure that it was smaller than different impurities, even at first glance, useful. Ordinary pure water should be about two thirds of the entire fluid entering the body. Pregnant women who are not at home are constantly recommended to always have a bottle with such water. And yet the same water & liquid menu is not limited.

A good fruit juice is fine with thirst and will saturate the body with useful vitamins. It is natural, about fresh juice - the juice from the package is not recommended, since the vitamins in it are much smaller, but preservatives and other additives are in excess. You can eat drinks, related to juice - for example, home compote or jam, diluted in clean water.

Another helpful drink can be ordinary herbal tea. Again, it follows with suspicion to treat selling welders - it is better to collect & raw materials yourself & and brew it. At the same time, it is not necessary to chase some particularly healing plants, it is possible to brew absolutely familiar leaves of raspberries, linden, rosehip berries and other herbs and fruits that are often used to achieve the same goals. Such a drink will help to diversify tasteless water (from which in pure form it is still impossible!) And it will help the body to fill the reserves of useful trace elements.

Pregnant women should follow the reaction of its body and not to use those drinks, in response to which the negative reaction follows. Therefore, the herbs for tea do not mix - it's easier to determine that it is the body that does not accept. If you adhere to such a drinking diet, you can occasionally afford something conditionally harmful - the same tea.

That it is impossible to drink during pregnancy

There are such drinks that are not recommended to drink even ordinary people, not that pregnant women. These include alcoholic and low alcohol drinks, energy and other types of beverages, which contain a significant amount of toxic substances and chemical additives.

The use of such beverages during pregnancy strictly-setting is prohibited - what is harmful even quite formed adult, can lead to incorrigible consequences if the effects of these substances undergo in the formation stage. However, not only this is forbidden to drink pregnant women - there are many favorite and generally safe drinks that drink during pregnancy is not forbidden, but still not recommended.

The first on our list is coffee. It is no secret that coffee refers to light drugs, however, it is usually no tragedy, since visible problems with its use is usually not observed. In fact, if you think about, coffee in large quantities leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, and this is reflected in the fruit even more than on adult.

Among other things, coffee is flushes from the body of calcium, in which the musculoskeletal apparatus of the fetus is sharply needed, and he would be useful for her pregnant mother. The reasons are forced to strongly limit the use of coffee - to drink during pregnancy it is better not worth it at all.

For tea, in general, the same contraindications are characteristic as for coffee, although it does not wash the calcium. In addition, tea can be used in sufficiently large quantities, but it must be quite weak, diluted, which repels many fans of this drink. If you choose from kinds of tea, it is better to give preference to green because it contains more useful trace elements.

However, harmful in it is also there, therefore it will have to dilute it. It is best to cook your own fruit or herbal & tea & - in quotes, because tea will not be here at all, and the drink with such a name will be helped with a pregnant woman not from the bag, but from dried herbs or fruits.

In the context of tea and coffee, Cocoa looks completely harmless - it is at least not recommended to dilute. True, it also flushes calcium, and many people have allergies on him.

It is not recommended to drink during pregnancy and carbonated water. Gas bubbles, firstly, contribute to the meteorism, secondly, impede the assimilation of all the same calcium, the benefits of which has already been mentioned above. Pregnant women should not use any sweet carbonated drinks, since they contain too many different chemical additives, no mineral water, which is usually considered useful - the abundance of mineral salts will create an excessive load on the output system.

During pregnancy, you should not use the juices - those that are presented in packages from various firms. The very fact of packing means that the juice in this case is not clean, it contains various additives, preservatives, sugar, finally. If I really want juice, and the homemade is at all, you can buy intended for baby food.

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Having learned about the coming replenishment in the family, many future mothers begin to fight with their not too useful habits. Some quit smoking and drink alcohol, others refuse to themselves in an extra cup of coffee, the third turns into mineral water without gas. And this is not all the victims who are ready to go to the birth of a healthy offspring. However, it is not necessary to treat a new status with special fanaticism and prohibit itself literally everything. After all, such small joys like a glass of refreshing milk cocktail or a couple of good wine sips, perfectly raise the mood and give the charge of positive energy. In this article we will tell you that you can drink pregnant women.


During the baby tooling, the future mother in no case should limit itself in fluid consumption. The attacks of thirst, characteristic of the second half of pregnancy, are recommended to eliminate pure drinking water without gas. For this purpose, you should always carry a small bottle with liquid. In the case of its absence, it is necessary to abandon the acquisition of therapeutic drinks from the discharge of Essentuki and Borjomi. Due to the high content of mineral salts, they must be used only on the recommendation of the doctor.

An ideal option for a woman in a position is the natural dining water, devoid of harmful impurities and heavy metals. You can buy it almost in any store, having previously examined the label. Preference should be given to the dining water of industrial production scored from the well and has passed additional cleaning. While bottles with artificially mineralized liquid is better to avoid the party. It is nothing more than ordinary tap water, first purified from salts, and then again enriched. Special benefits for the health of a pregnant woman will be brought by oxygen-saturated beverages. The discharge includes oxygenated water, the only minus of which can be considered its high cost.

If the doctors limited pregnant women in the consumption of fluid in Soviet times, today this trend has long gone into the past. Following this Council is able to cause late toxicosis. Modern doctors in one voice say that anyone must drink at least 2 liters of water a day in small portions. The same applies to future mothers. Of course, in summer heat or under conditions of increased physical activity, the index of the fluid consumed significantly increases. As mentioned above, women in position should be thickened thirst for clean non-carbonated water. It should drop 2/3 from the fluid entering the body. The remaining part is distributed between all other drinks.

Juices, compotes, kisins

Drinks prepared from homemade jam, jam, dry or fresh fruits are distinguished by a rich taste and have an excellent refreshing effect. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins and trace elements, they are not better suitable for future mothers. The same can be said about the freshly squeezed juices, which are recommended to be used in any quantity. The only exception is a carotine carrot drink, which represents the danger to the health of the baby. It is important to notice that pregnant women should abandon the shopping juices. After all, their composition includes a huge amount of sugar and preservatives. It is much better to get fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare the delicious drink on their own.

In winter, home billets will come to the aid of the future mother. It is enough to dilute the jam or jam water to get a delicious and fragrant Morsik. Compotes should be prepared from fresh or dried fruit, because in their store analogues there are harmful to the body preservatives. One of the recipes of cooking beverage was reflected in the video material.

Whatever it may be sad, but in the modern world there are less and less adherents of Kisel. Few is known that it contains the necessary vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body, prevents the development of dysbacteriosis, and also gives the feeling of comfort in the stomach. Not only fresh berries and syrups, but even a Hercules and milk can be used as a basis for cooking. The soluble Kisel is better to leave for later, because its composition includes many not too useful for future mums of items.

Tea, coffee, cocoa

It is quite obvious that without the use of hot drinks a pregnant lady could not do. However, if the woman preferred to start the morning from a cup of aromatic coffee until the moment of conception, then he would have to refuse this habit. Having a strong exciting property, such a drink is in itself a threat to the nervous system of the fetus. In addition, frequent coffee use may entail an increase in blood pressure. Where better to pamper yourself a cup of freshest tea, brewed on herbs. For its preparation, almost any plants that do not have an unpleasant taste and strong smell are permissible. Dried grass, flowers and fruit should be brewed at the rate of one teaspoon on a glass of boiling water.

In particular popularity among our compatriots, teas from mint leaves, melissa, currant, raspberries, cherries and strawberries are enjoyed. Rosehip and hawthorn fruits along with linden flowers, calendula and violets also perform excellent raw materials for cooking herbal teas. The advantage of such drinks is quite obvious: they can be alternate with each other depending on the preferences and mood of a pregnant woman. It is better to prudently harvest the fruits and flowers of favorite plants in the summer to enjoy the excellent taste of herbal tea throughout the year. Such stuff will help the future mother to deal with the lack of vitamins and trace elements.

If we talk about ordinary leafy teas, they also contain a small dose of caffeine. However, the periodic consumption of fastening drink will not affect the health of the baby. But with cocoa pregnant women should be careful because it stimulates the washout of calcium from the blood of a future mother. But this mineral component is one of the fundamental building materials at the stage of forming the fetus! Moreover, Cocoa acts as a strongest allergen and contains some caffeine.

Other drinks

Milk, subject to lactose allergies, does not represent an even account no danger to the health of the woman and its Chad. On the contrary, it contains useful proteins, amino acids, calcium, iron, iron, and so on. It is important to note that unpasteurized milk should be excluded from the diet of the future mother due to the high probability of contamination by pathogenic bacteria.

Answering the question that you can drink pregnant women, you can not get around the delicious and useful kefir. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, due to which it is shown to use everyone: from Mala to Great. This drink helps in the fight against constipation, which are a very common problem among future mothers. Moreover, it contains a minimum calorie amount, which is also important. After all, many women suffer overweight at the last stages of the fetus. Driving a kefir is recommended not too often: one or two glasses per week will be enough. If you wish, you can occasionally pamper yourself and rippled, weak or natural dairy cocktails.

Special attention should be given to kvass, the influence of which on the body of the future mother has not yet been studied. On the one hand, this drink has similar effects with kefir and pays a lot of useful properties. On the other hand, it contains a slight percentage of alcohol, which can affect the health of the fetus with frequent use. By affecting the theme of alcoholic beverages, it is worth mentioning their destructive effect on a tiny body. A woman in position should not be born on persuasion to drink a glass of champagne or a bottle of beer in honor of the significant date. The exception is only dry red wine, famous for its ability to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, to catch a few sips of such a miraculous "elixir" once a month quite permissible.

Thus, the most useful and safe drink for pregnant women is pure water without gas. To make it more tasty and saturated will help adding a lemon or orange lobby. An excellent action on the body also has various fruit drinks, fresh juices and herbal teas. Making a bet on them throughout the pregnancy, the future mother will be able to occasionally treat himself a cup of fragrant coffee or a glass of good red wine. These little joy will help to brighten up the period of strict restrictions and get a charge of positive emotions.

Many future mothers are familiar to the constant feeling of thirst, especially when the warm summer is in the yard.

To the question of drinking during pregnancy it is necessary to come seriously, and not only because the person is 70% consists of water.

After all, everything that drinks mom is getting and baby.

By the way, even moms with signs of gestosis doctors do not advise now to restrict themselves in drinking. Today, among the doctors, there is an opinion that the lack of fluid can provoke this state.

And yet choose the best drink - and useful, and well-quenching thirst - they are so easy. Therefore, about all types of beverages in order.


Coffee is also "dangerous" due to the high content of caffeine, which, by the way, will be more in a cup of soluble coffee than in a natural cup.

A soluble coffee, besides, and chemicals that are absolutely not needed by future mothers. If you think that without coffee you can not live, you can drink one cup of natural coffee per day, but no more.

Sometimes doctors advise pregnant women in the mornings of a drink from chicory. According to taste, it has something common with natural coffee, and also has an easy invigorating effect. Chicory is a good remedy for anemia, heartburn, combating overwork.


This drink is often offered pregnant women as an alternative to "prohibited" coffee. Cocoa also contains caffeine, but in a much lesser concentration.

But still cocoa can hardly be called the perfect drink for pregnant women.

Cocoa is a pleasant drink, however, he is also a strong allergen. Allergy to cocoa, as well as on chocolate, is found quite often both in adults and in children.

It is believed that ordinary cocoa without additive prevents the assimilation of calcium, so that this drink is better not to drink.

Energy drinks

Of course, energy drinks, or so-called "energy" are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. This is even written by manufacturers on the packaging of drinks.

The main operating component in power drinks is caffeine. As we found out above, this substance is not recommended to future mothers even in the smallest doses.

But, in addition to caffeine, as part of popular power drinks can also be found:

  • Taurine. In the literal sense, corrosive the stomach sheath, traums the cells of the pancreas;
  • A large amount of glucose and sucrose. These substances provoke adrenaline emissions and excessive narrowing of vessels;
  • Gas (coalic acid). They cause bloating in the stomach, slow down the processes of digestion in general.

Due to the use of energy drinks, blood pressure rises sharply, the cardiac rhythm is accelerated.

This negatively affects blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord.

"Energy" can even cause a hypertonus of the uterus, threatening with many complications of the course of pregnancy, up to.

Sweet carbonated drinks

As in energy drinks, in "gasing" contains coalic acid and a lot of sugar. Some manufacturers instead of sugar add artificial sweeteners and taste amplifiers, which are even more harmful.

Sweeteners violate the metabolism and prevent the proper operation of the liver. This manifests itself in an uncontrolled extra weight set.

Abusing sweet carbonated drinks, you risk provoking the development of diabetes.

Another fact that causes the damage to effervescent drinks is the risk of premature.

During the research, it was determined that the third part of mothers, during pregnancy, prevengeless children were born during pregnancy, premature babies were born.

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Mineral water

The carbonated mineral water is not the best drink during pregnancy, as it is able to provoke fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines.

Negasted mineral water is saturated with mineral salts, which is why there is a risk of "overload" by her kidney.

From mineral water, both with gas, and without, it is better to abandon future mothers at all.

Probably unnecessarily reminded that it is categorically prohibited during the tooling of the baby alcoholic beverages. Extremely undesirable sweet soda, as well as any synthetic drinks containing preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages are that under any circumstances it is recommended to use women from the first to the last day of pregnancy.

Especially dangerous alcohol (ethanol) in the first weeks after conception. This period occurs the most important processes that determine the appearance, health and proper development of your child: the laying of organs and tissues occurs.

Alcohol in early pregnancy provokes the occurrence of many congenital pathologies and diseases of the fetus.

Non-alcoholic beer, essentially the same carbonated drink, is also included in the list of beverages prohibited for future mothers.

What can be drunk during pregnancy?

Milk and fermented milk products

Milk and other proof derived from it do not represent any threat to the life and health of the baby in the womb. On the contrary, the high content of group B vitamins, important elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and proteins makes milk from one of the main sources of nutrients.

Lactobaccuses contained in kefir, ryazhenka and other fermented milk products help the digestive system to cope with loads.

This property will reduce the risk of heartburn, constipation and other problems, so familiar with pregnant women.

It is enough to drink 1 cup of kefir 1-2 times a day to feel noticeable improvements in digestion.

Also, the main plus of kefir is its low calorie content.

Remember that milk is best to eat pasteurized, purchased in the store.

Do not buy milk and dairy products on the street "from hand", since even boils it, you cannot be absolutely confident in its purity and quality.

It is not worth using these products if you have an allergy to an animal protein contained in milk.


Kissel, cooked at home from fruits (juice, milk) and vegetable starch, is known for its useful properties for the stomach and pancreas.

This drink is completely safe for pregnant women. Kissel, more dense consistency can also become a beautiful dessert.

But the soluble chest of quick cooking is not suitable for this definition. About such drinks should be forgotten until the end of breastfeeding.


No doctor will advise future mom to drink water from under the tap.

The best water is spring, only here is not all that is available. You can buy drinking water in the bottle.

You can purchase a special filter to purify water at home.

A filter-jug with interchangeable cartridges is suitable, and a filter nozzle for the crane.

Another way to get water is almost the same as from the spring - it is to freeze the tap water in a large saucepan, and then the resulting ice block is placed under a jet of hot water.

Frozen water, in which the most impurities will remain on top and in the middle (the middle of the ice floe will be opaque), therefore these sections should be melted under the jet of hot water. The remaining ice must be melt, and clean drinking water will turn out.

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If there is no time for all these manipulations, the well-defined boiled water is suitable.

Black and green tea

Black and green tea contains caffeine with whom it should be careful during pregnancy. However, in green tea, more than more useful substances. Drink and black, and green teas are strongly diluted, though, alas, it negatively affects the taste of these drinks. Teas with additives from natural fruits or berries (not from the bag!) You also do not need to forget the "eager to dilute with water.

Herbal teas

A good choice for a pregnant woman, however, there are our pitfalls.

Most doctors believe that the herbs need to be treated yet as a medicine.

In addition, one kind of grass can not be taken constantly.

Therefore, if you prefer to sneak thirst for her herbal tea, firstly, be sure to first consult a doctor, and secondly, brewing herbs in proportions are not stronger than 1 teaspoon on a glass of boiling water.

It should be remembered that there are herbs that can not be used by pregnant women, as they have a rather strong effect. Among those such as wormwood, St. John's wort, Pijm and others.

One of the most famous herbal teas is Ivan tea. With proper use, this drink will only benefit, and this also applies to nursing mothers.

Fruit and berry teas

Infusions made of dried fruits and berries are not only very tasty, but also incredibly useful in this difficult period for a woman. Raspberry, rosehip, cherry, Kalina, Rowan is rich in vitamin C, necessary to strengthen immunity.

Water consumption during pregnancy increases to 3 l per day, and its quality affects the health of the mother and the child. Security and quality - the main rule of any drink.

Experts believe that the safest drink for pregnant women is mineral water of good quality - low sodium content and good balance of calcium, magnesium and iodine, these substances are necessary for the healthy development of the kid to the end of the third trimester.

Replace mineral water can be cleaned with household filters - they remove heavy metals and are applied even in kindergartens.

What you can drink during pregnancy - Fresh juices

A pregnant woman should consume at least 400 grams of vegetables and the same portion of fruit per day. Some of them can be used in the form of juices and puree, they will become an excellent source of vitamin C (orange), A (carrots), folic acid and potassium (tomato).

Vegetable puree will fill the body with a fiber eliminating the problem with digestion, and the juice is beautifully quenched in a hot day. The most useful is made of a favorite fruit or vegetable grown in an environmentally friendly area, you can cook yogurt or smoothies for snacks.

Choosing vegetables, take care with caution to carrots, excess vitamin A negatively affects.

If pregnancy is accompanied by gestational diabetes, freshly squeezed juices must be diluted with water!

Shopping juices during pregnancy are excluded - pasteurization destroys the nutritional value, in addition, they contain preservatives, dyes and sugar.


Ultrapasterized milk no more than 3% fat, kefir and yogurt - sources of calcium, protein and probiotics.

However, you must remember that ready-made yogurts include sugar, artificial flavors and dyes, so it is better to prepare them at home or replace kefir with pieces of fruit.


What drinks can be drinking pregnant after eating? Doctors do not recommend green, white and black tea - these varieties contain a lot of caffeine. If you like a certain variety, caffeine can be reduced by pouring welding with hot water several times.

Red tea, herbal and fruit decoctions are most safe - they do not contain harmful substances rich in antioxidants and reduce nausea.

You can drink Roibush to pregnant women, it has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect and supports the work of immunity.

Ginger, removes morning malaise, mint relaxes muscles, and a dream improves from chamomile.

It is interesting: scientists from the United Kingdom and the United States have proven that two cups of coffee per day have a negative impact on the development of the fetus, prevents the assimilation of calcium and iron.

Women who consumed coffee during pregnancy, gave birth to children with a low weight more often than other mothers who refused tea and coffee.

What is forbidden to drink

The kid waiting can not be consumed:

  • sweet drinks such as Fed and Coca-Cola
  • beverages with caffeine
  • excessive carrot drinks
  • non-alcoholic beer, cooling tea from the store
  • alcohol in any form and quantity
  • energy drinks.

Vitamins and minerals are needed not only for pregnant women, but also for any person who wants to be healthy. And in our case we are talking about the health of not one, but at once two people, one of which still lives in the tummy.

It is well known that all the necessary vitamins and minerals are contained in full-fledged food. So is it worth turning yourself to a tablet processing factory? An unambiguous suitable for all answer to this question cannot be given.

Indeed, it contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy people. But pregnant women need a need for some of them, and get them out of food in sufficient quantities are already problematic. Not to mention the fact that in the first weeks tastes change very much, and healthy nutrition does not always cause appetite. Nausea appears, and often vomiting, thanks to which to eat their daily portion of vitamins and calories becomes even harder.

The most necessary substances during pregnancy are folic acid and iron. In most regions of Russia, it also includes iodine. They must be taken in the form of tablets to all, while the remaining vitamins can be found in sufficient quantities in food. The only condition at the same time - the nutrition should be balanced, full and diverse, ideally, should be developed under the leadership of a nutritionist.

But in this case, without multivitamins, only a very healthy future mother with ideally flowing pregnancy can do. There are many special situations, such as pregnancy twins, intolerance of milk, etc. What kind of vitamin support is required in special cases, see at the end of the article.

The most necessary

These components, in addition to the main nutrition, it is necessary to take each pregnant woman.

Folic acid - About her exceptional importance for the development of the embryo was written by Tom. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of DNA and cell division, it is absolutely necessary for the development of the neural system of the embryo (nervous tube). If at the beginning of pregnancy, the future mother had a strong lack of folic acid, it often led to the malformations of the baby.

Since the root of the nervous system is laid very early, period from 15 to 28 days after the occurrence of pregnancy, to take folic acid ideally before conception. The daily dose for pregnant women is 400 - 600 μg. In food, even with the most balanced diet, there is no such amount of folic acid. Preparations: "Mamifol", "9 months folic acid", "folic acid" in tablets (dose in this preparation is much higher than necessary).

It must be remembered that green tea reduces the digestibility of folic acid, which means this combination should be avoided. Akaltswebs famous good old "Biseptol" is an antagonist of folic acid, which is why strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Iron - The direct component of hemoglobin, which is part of blood cells. During pregnancy, a future mother, the amount of blood increases about a liter to provide both the placenta, and the baby with the necessary nutrients. It is necessary for the formation of this blood.

With a well-balanced diet at the rate of 2500 kcal per day, about 15 mg of iron arrives in the body, however, this mineral has its own feature: no more than 10% of the adopted dose is absorbed. Therefore, in the daily rate for pregnant women 3 mg, the overall intake of iron into the body should be at least 30 mg, including what is contained in food.

It is important to know about the effect of iron on the assimilation of other vitamins. So, vitamin C improves iron digestibility, so in many pills they go together. On the other hand, zinc and copper compete with iron in the intestine for suction, so it is not worth taking them together. Moreover, excessive iron intake can lead to zinc deficiency in the body. Many gastric drugs bind iron and do not give it to digest. Such, for example, "Motilium", "omeprazole", "Ranitidin", "Almatyel" and other medicines from heartburn. Their reception, if necessary, should be transferred to another time.

As a preventive reception during pregnancy, a dose of 30 mg of iron per day is sufficient. If you also consider what is contained in food, then the total amount will be sufficient. Large doses are used only for treating anemia, after appropriate blood tests and advice with the doctor.

For healthy, large doses of iron can harm. First, it is nausea and constipation, then the deficiency of zinc, which has already been mentioned above. The lack of zinc, in turn, can cause a delay in the development of the fetus, provoke a miscarriage or premature genera, so the prescribed dose of iron can not be improved. Preparations: "Malto Syrup", "Ferrum Lek", "Feneuls".

Iodine - Necessary trace element for normal work of the thyroid gland of the mother, and after 18 weeks - and the fetus. The hormones of the thyroid gland, which includes iodine, is responsible for metabolism and the growth of the baby. During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases, so if in your area (and this is almost all Russia) there is a lack of iodine, it is necessary to take it. The daily dose of iodine for pregnant women is 200 μg. Preparations: "Yodomarin 200", "Yodbalance 200", "Vitrum Yod".

The deficiency of iodine during pregnancy can lead to a delay in development, miscarriage or congenital coolness in a child, and the mother may suffer the thyroid gland (goiter develops). Caution in the reception of iodine must be observed with those who have diseases of the thyroid gland, in this case it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Calcium To both participants of the duet are needed: both mom and baby. It is a building material for bones and teeth, and also participates in blood coagulation processes and muscle contraction. Serious calcium deficiency can slow down the development of the fetal bone system.

The most relevant calcium deficiency becomes to the third trimester, when the kostyk bone system is actively formed. With a lack of calcium, the risk of increased pressure from the mother, as well as the exhaustion of its own bone tissue, especially for mom younger than 25 years old.

A well-balanced diet provides the receipt of the required amount of calcium and its additional reception is not required. The main source of calcium for pregnant women is any dairy products, as well as cabbage leaves, salad, radish.

If for some reason it fails to eat correctly, it is necessary to accept calcium in the dosage form. The daily rate is 250 mg. Vitamin D improves calcium absorption, so many manufacturers produce pills with their combination.

How to choose Polyvitamins

All polyvitamins contain a different set of substances in different doses. And most often it is not about too low, but about the too high dose of vitamin. Before buying, check the composition on the label.

Here is a list of components that must be present in standard polyvitamins for pregnant women:

Folic acid - 400 μg
Iron - 30 mg
Zinc - 15 mg
Calcium - 250 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 2 mg
Vitamin B12 - 2.6 μg
Vitamin C - 50 mg
Vitamin D - 5 μg (200 Me)
Vitamin A - 750 μg (2500 me)

These doses of vitamins will be quite enough for prevention, but too high doses should be alarming.

Iodine - 200 mg - is usually not included in vitamins for pregnant women, and it is prescribed separately.

Calcium also most often need to be taken separately and at another time from vitamins, since its drugs may worsen suction of other substances.

Dose of vitamin A should not be more than 4000 IU, since in large quantities it has a toxic effect.

Try to avoid drugs, on the label of which small font indicates "is not a medicine". Recently, vitamins manufacturers can register them not as medicinal products, but as dietary supplements. And the requirements for Badam are significantly lower, the dose of the actors in them is not checked, and sometimes the real number of vitamins in such a drug may strive for zero.

Vitamins in special cases

Vegetarians - If you do not avoid milk and eggs, the diet is full and well balanced, then you do not need additional vitamins, in addition to conventional folic acid and iron and iodine. Vegans (Milk and Eggs are also not eating) need supplement vitamin D (in the amount of 400 units) and vitamin B12 (in the amount of 2 μg), as well as fats due to the increase in energy needs.

Milk intolerance - Since dairy products are the main source of calcium for pregnant women, their exceptions from the diet must be reimbursed. With a lack of calcium, the mother increases the risk of increased pressure and preeclampsia.

Milk intolerance and lactase insufficiency are often found in women of Asian and African origin. In this case, it is necessary to take either lactose-free dairy products, or replace them with soybean milk and fill with calcium deficiency with preparations in tablets.

Vomiting pregnant - Excessive vomiting can facilitate the reception of vitamin B6 (25 mg 3 times a day). It is necessary to eat often and gradually. Take tablets after eating, so as not to enhance nausea. If it does not help, buy vitamins in syrup or solution.

Failure of the Sun. - It is found in the northern regions, as well as in Women Muslims, wearing hijab. In this case, it is necessary to include in the diet preparations of vitamin D3.

Athletes - During pregnancy, sports occurring a tendency to hypoglycemia (reduced blood sugar). Reducing the glucose level after training can lead to a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients with the fruit. Exit - It is necessary to increase the consumption of carbohydrates. The second aspect - sports nutrition often contains too high doses of vitamins, which may be toxic to the fetus. It is necessary to avoid sports mixtures containing vitamins.

Multiple pregnancy - the rate of increasing body weight with multiple pregnancy above, and the total gain can be 16 - 20 kg. Admission of additional vitamins is required. Doses of the following vitamins should be elevated: folic acid 1 mg (\u003d 1000 μg) per day; Iron - take more often; Vitamin B6 - 2 mg per day.