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What is the difference between Orthodox Easter from Catholic. Orthodox and Catholic Easter: Main differences

Catholic Easter is a church holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most ancient and important holiday of the church liturgical year.

In European languages, the word "Easter" is one of the variants of Latin Pascha, which, in turn, goes back to the Hebrew Pesach (transition, outcome from Egypt). The Germans are called Easter Ostern, as well as the British - Easter, that is, by the name of the ancient German goddess Spring Eostro (Ostara). Thus, Christians timed their main holiday also to celebrations on the occasion of the revival of life after the winter.

In addition to differences in the naming of the holiday, a lot of disagreements were about the time of his holding.

The first Christians following the practice of the celebration of the Jewish Easter, believed that Easter falls on the 14th day of the Moon phase after the spring equinox. In the Note Cathedral in 325, it was decided to celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon, following the spring equinox. The question was still not resolved, since there were several astronomical cycles, for which the solar and lunar months were calculated. Then between Greek and Latin churches (as well as inside the Latin Church) there were disagreements. In 387. Easter was celebrated: in Gaul - March 21, in Italy - April 18, in Egypt - April 25th. The Orthodox and Catholics of Easter did not match at all. The next "calendar split" occurred in the XVI century. Since the year on the church Julian calendar lagged behind the astronomical, by the end of the XVI century. There are already 10 "unaccounted" days. Thus, there is a need for calendar reform. Then Pope Gregory XII according to the instructions and with the participation of the German Mathematics Christophe Kijus introduced a new, Grigorian calendar, or a new style. In February 1582, according to Papal Bulle, Inter Gravissimas (in the midst of the most important cases ...) was ordered after October 4, 1582. The next day is not considered 5th, but the 15th of the month.

The Gregorian calendar in the same 1582 passed Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland. Protestant and Orthodox churches decided not to be guided by the calendar "proposals" of Pope, the other Catholic countries introduced the Gregorian calendar over several centuries.

Currently, the Grigorian calendar and Easter are held in the Western Christian world and Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the day of the spring equinox. The difference in the celebration of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter can be from one to five weeks, but can also coincide.

In 2011, the celebration of the bright Christ of the Resurrection from Catholics and the Orthodox coincides and falls on April 24.

The coincidence of Easter (Easter Date Calculation Systems) from different Christian denominations occurs every few years. In 2010, Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants celebrated it on April 4. Prior to this, Christian Easter coincided in 2007, in 2004, and even earlier - in 2001, then Easter will coincide in 2014 and 2017. It happens that Easter and the Annunciation coincide on the dates of the celebration, such Easter got the name of Kirosha, which is translated - the Lord of Easter.

Like the Orthodox, Catholics Easter precedes the 40-day great post and the next passionate saddemic, who starts at Verbal Sunday.

The festive worship service in the West was moved first to the evening of passionate Saturday, and later (in the XIV century) - in Easter morning. Early in the morning on Saturday in the chosets bless fire and water. After the new fire with the help of a chass (possibly, the echoes of the northern pagan rituals) should be consecrated by the Easter Candle and the Singing of the Exultt hymn (will rejoice), and then reading 12 prophecies and the sanctification of baptismal water. The fire is debated at home and light Easter candles. Easter candle wax is considered miraculous, protecting from evil forces. Supernatural properties are attributed to the Easter holy water, it is added to food, they sprinkle at home, wash the face. Easter holiday symbol - painted eggs. The custom of painting eggs is distributed everywhere. Western European Catholics prefer red eggs without ornament, in Central Europe (Poles, Slovaks) paint them with a variety of equipment.

The priests consecrate the eggs in the houses of the parishioners on Saturday together with the rest of ritual food. In the evening, a vigil in all temples serve in all temples. In the morning, returning home, everyone is talking, primarily eggs. Steep eggs, scrambled eggs, omelets - the most important ritual Easter food. Meat dishes are prepared (pork, lamb), as well as sink bread.

In Italy, in Easter, the Blueberry bake, in Eastern Poland, the Easter morning eat the okroshka, which is watered with water with vinegar, as a symbol of Friday's criticism of Christ, in Ecuador - Fansel - 12 kinds of cereals (they symbolize 12 apostles), cod, Peanut and milk. And in England, Easter buns Hot Cross Buns must be cut from above the cross before baking. In Portugal on Sunday, the priest walks on the sparkling cleanliness of the houses of parishioners all day, spreading Easter blessings, and he is treated with blue and pink dragees, chocolate eggs, biscuits and a glass of real port. And in Poland there is a custom Oblewany PoneDzialek - on Monday after Easter guys and girls pour each other with water. Throughout Europe, the hostess is laid in wicker baskets on young grass. Multicolored eggs, toy chickens, chocolate bunnies. These baskets throughout the Easter week stand on the table at the door.

In the morning in Easter Sunday, after worship, children and young people bypass at home with songs and congratulations, similar to Christmas strides. Among the Easter entertainment are the most popular games with painted eggs: they throw them into each other, ride on the inclined plane, smashed, scattering the shell, etc. Painted eggs exchange relatives and acquaintances, the godfall give them to kissing children, the girls are beloved, in exchange for palm branches.

Custom to grant for Easter painted eggs leads its beginning since the time of Emperor Tiberius. Maria Magdalene, having come to Rome for the preaching of the Gospel, brought him the first Easter egg with the words "Christ Risen," says legend. The unbeliever emperor exclaimed: "It is also incredible as if the egg has become red." After his words, the egg flushed. There is another legend: the blood drops of crucified Christ fell to the ground, petrified, took the form of chicken eggs. And the hot tears of Our Lady left for them traces in the form of patterns. Symbolically, Easter eggs personify the resurrection, as a new creature is born out of the egg.

But in the West, more and more preference is not real, but chocolate eggs or souvenirs in the form of Easter eggs. Congratulations on Easter, Catholics usually give each other Easter baskets filled with eggs, candy and other sweets, which are consecrated on the eve of the church.

In many European countries (and especially in Germany), a popular Easter character became a rabbit who brings Easter eggs. The explanation of this goes deep into paganism. According to the legend, the pagan goddess Spring Estra turned a bird in a hare, but he continued to carry eggs. Another explanation for this phenomenon is more landed - when the Easter in the morning children went to collect eggs from the chicken coop, they often found near the rabbits.

Therefore, Catholics give each other with a rabbit, which comes only to good and good people who have not hurt children and beasts. In Belgium, babies are sent to the garden, where they find eggs under Easter chicken chicken. In France, there is also a belief that the holy week of church bells fly to Rome, and returning, they leave in the gardens to the joy of the children of sugar and chocolate eggs, chicken, chickens and rabbits from chocolate.

During the entire Easter week, divine services in the chosets are visited, street performances on religious topics continue.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Reading the Holy Scripture, we often can't imagine how the events described in it occurred. On the eve of great religious holidays, we have an additional motivation to understand the religious issues in detail. This year, the end of March and April became special months for Catholics, Jews and Christians.

Marsan / Shutterstock.

Catholics have already noted Easter March 27, Jews are preparing to celebrate on April 23, and Orthodox - May 1. Ivetta invites you to know what the Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox Easter are different.

Catholic Easter

Catholics celebrate religious holidays in the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. The Roman dad threw out 10 days from this year (from 4 to 14 October), and also introduced the rule on which in the future out of every 400 years of Julian calendar for alignment with the tropical year will be thrown 3 days. Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland moved to him.

Catholic Easter - a church holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, whose crucified on the cross. On the third day after which he was resurrected.

Holiday symbol - painted eggs. Moreover, they can be painted in one color or are manually painted by different shades. In some countries, they believe that they are brought by an Easter rabbit, which is considered a peculiar symbol. Figures of a fluffy animal decorate the house and give them to each other. Also baked rabbits from the dough and in some baked eggs. It is believed that if someone comes a bun with an egg, he will be especially successful all year until the next holiday.

This tradition appeared due to the fact that Maria Magdalen gave an egg to Emperor Tiberius as a sign of the resurrection of Christ. He did not believe and said that both the egg shell won't become red and the dead could not be resurrected. And at that moment a miracle happened - the egg flushed. So the red is the main color for Easter eggs.

In the evening of the Great Saturday, on the eve of the offensive of the resurrection of Christ, in Catholic temples, an Easter forever is made, which begins with the liturgy of light. Before the temple, the bonfire is divorced, from which the priest with the words "the light of Christ, resurrecting in glory, and will break the darkness in the hearts and souls" Ignition Easter - a big Easter candle. Then, with a candle in his hand, the priest enters the temple where all the lights are tested, and proclaims the news of the resurrection of Jesus - the ancient anthem of Exsultet, and only after that everyone else can ignite candles.

Parishioners go to the temple with a basket, in which there are definitely painted eggs and cakes or a passage (special festive bread), as well as other goodies that had to be abandoned during the 40-day pretty (great) post. Marking the resurrection of Christ Catholics love, gathering the whole family at the festive table. Pray and congratulate each other with a bright resurrection with the words "Christ!", And the answer hears: "Truly rissed!"

Marsan / Shutterstock.

Pesach - Jewish Easter

Pesach - this is exactly the name of Easter from Jews. Translated from Jewish means "go past" or "leave." The roots of the holiday leaves even during the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, it is described that Jews (Israelis) were in the Egyptian slavery of 430 years and asked for liberation from the Lord. He sent his high priests Moses and Aaron in order for them to go to Pharaoh demanding about the long-awaited liberation of Israelis. Pharaoh, in turn, did not want to let go of the Jews, and God floated to Egypt ten "executions": the transformation of the Nile water into the blood, the appearance of a reasonable set of toads, irresistible hordes of lice, wild animals, cumulative, ulcers, crop death and locust , solid three-day darkness and death of the firstborn. During the last "execution", God killed the firstborn of all the Egyptians and missed the Jews at home. This event and formed the basis of the holiday.

In the Bible, the Jewish Easter is a holiday that is devoted to the deliverance of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery.

Peshov begins on the 14th of the month of Nisan on the Jewish lunar calendar, and they celebrate it for 7 days. This year, the holiday will begin with the sunset on April 22 and will end on April 30. Before the first day of the first day, it is necessary to throw away all the boom, which can be worried. Not only the stove is prohibited, but even having in the house a pallium bread. During the whole week of flour eating exclusively Matsu - fresh loaves. It is prepared from wheat flour, which was protected from contact with liquid, so that no fermentation arose.

In the morning, on the morning of Pescha, all men who became the firstbots from their parents will be fasting about the wonderful salvation of the Jewish firstborn.

The first and seventh day of pescha - non-working. In the evening, 14 Nisan Jewish families gather for dinner and read the Cerban Sadie Seder (the order of the Easter sacrifice), and only after that he begins to pristia. Trapeza is called the Seder, they are committed in the first and second night of the holiday in a strictly defined order.

During Sedizher, it is customary to read Haggad - a prayer that tells about the outcome of Israelis from Egypt. During dinner, each participant must drink four wine glasses in honor of the four cups mentioned in the Torah, and on the table there should be three (sometimes two) mattsies, laid on the other, as well as a chicken egg and a chicken ward, a vessel with salt water, Marhor (celery, horseradish or other bitter grass) and boosets (sweet mixture of fruits, nuts, wine and flour). Be sure to open the door to the house and invite to the generously coated table of all who need.

On the last day of Pescha (the day off, as was written above), the Jews go to the water bodies and sow an excerpt from the Torah.

Interestingly, the prostivities cannot coincide with the Orthodox Easter, because in accordance with the Gospel itself, the Resurrection of Christ occurred after the Jewish Easter.

Chameleonseye / shutterstock

Orthodox Easter

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on the Julian calendar or old style. This calendar adopted in Europe before moving to the Gregorian calendar, introduced in the Roman Republic of Julia Caesar from January 1, 45 to N. e., or 708 from the founding of Rome. Orthodox, like Catholics, believe that Jesus rose to the third day after the crucifixion, and this event was the main thing for humanity. Believers paint eggs as a sign that the egg is a symbol of life. Bake Easter cakes, which together with eggs will be holy in the temple.

The smallest tradition is to be sophisticated with eggs, in turn, hitting the egg about the egg with the words: "Christ is risen!". He whose egg beat, must answer: "Truly risen!". There is a belief: the more eggs to beat while "his" will remain as much, the more people will be accompanied and the health will be stronger.

Shortly before midnight, the Great Saturday is served by the midnight, at which the priest with a deacon is attached to the Altar of the Corporation (the canvas with the image of the position in the coffin of the body of Jesus Christ). It is put on the throne, where she should stay within 40 days before the ascension of the Lord.

After the ritual, the veil is moved, located behind the royal gates (the main gates of the iconostasis in the Orthodox church, which lead to the altar part of the temple and symbolize the paradise), and the Battyushka sings the poem "Resurrection, Christ, Savior, Angeli sing on Heaven, and our Earth Heart to you Slaviti. " At midnight, the priest with parishioners bypass around the temple with a procession with the singing of the same poem under the bell ringing. Such a procession means the march of the church towards the resurrect Savior. Walking around the temple, the procession stops in front of the closed doors of the temple, the sober stops and three times it is: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I have been going to the tomb of the belly (life). Then the poems of the ancient prophecy of the Holy Tsar David are pronounced: "God will resurrect and the gates (enemies) of his ..." will rise. In the morning, after the all-sleeping service in the Church, the priest sanctifies the water brought to the food in baskets. After that, you can deal with festive dishes, noting the bright resurrection Christ.

Iakov Filimonov / Shutterstock

Each region brings something in their customs, but we tried to tell you about the key, and you can tell you about your family traditions in the comments.

Catholic Easter or Resurrection of Christ - ancient Christian holiday, the most important holiday of the liturgical year established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a rolling holiday - its date is calculated on a lunarly sun calendar every year.

In 2016, the Sunday Sunday's bright Christ is celebrated on March 27.

The word "Easter" comes from the Jewish "Peschi" and is literally translated as "passing by", having the value of deliverance, transition from death to life. Easter celebration in the Jews was established by the Prophet Moses in honor of the exodus of Jews from Egypt. The last gospel events occur in the days of the Jewish Easter. In the New Testament Church, Easter is celebrated in memory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The secret bulk, suffering and death of Christ occurred on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, and on the first day the Lord rose after the first day of the Jewish Easter.

After the Pentecost (travel day of the Holy Spirit on the apostles), Christians began to perform the first liturgia, in shape similar to the Jewish Easter, as well as the sacrament of the Eucharist established by Jesus Christ. Liturgy was committed as a secret evening - Easter suffering related to the godfather and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Initially, the death and resurrection of Christ were celebrated weekly: Friday was the day of fasting and grief to the memory of his sufferings, and Sunday is a day of joy.

In Multiazia churches, especially Christian Jews, in the first century, the holiday was celebrated every year with the Jewish Easter - 14 days of the spring month of Nisan, since Jews and Christians expected the coming of the Messiah on this day. Some churches have transferred the celebration on the first Sunday after the Jewish Easter, because Jesus Christ was executed on Easter Day and rose to the Gospels a day after Saturday.

In the second century, the holiday was celebrated annually in all churches. From the writings of Christian writers, it follows that the initial post was noted by the suffering and death of Christ as the "Easter Cross", which coincided with the Jewish Easter, the post continued until Sunday night. After it, the resurrection of Christ was noted as Easter Joy or Easter Sunday.

In 325, the First Universal Cathedral of the Bishops in Niceka banned Easter "before the spring equinox with the Jews".

In the 4th century, the cross Easter and Sunday have already been connected both in the West and in the East. In the V century, the name of Easter became generally accepted to denote the very holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

In the VIII century, Rome accepted East Easter. In 1583, in the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Grigory XIII introduced a new Easter, called Grigorian. Due to the change in Polelia, the entire calendar has changed. Currently, the date of the Catholic Easter is determined from the ratio of lunar and solar calendars. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. Spring full moon is the first full moon that has come after the day of the spring equinox.

Catholic Easter is often celebrated before Jewish or one day, and ahead of Orthodox Easter sometimes more than a month. Once a few years there is a coincidence of Pellery from different Christian denominations. Orthodox and Catholic Easter coincided in 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2014. Orthodox and Catholic Easter will also coincide in 2017. Always, with the coincidence of Easter days, it was celebrated in April.

In Easter, as in the most important holiday of the church year, a particularly solemn service is performed. In the church, since ancient times, the tradition of committing Easter worship at night.

Starting from the Easter night and the next forty days before the release of the Easter holiday, it is customary to be chicted - greet each other with the words: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected!", At the same time, it is throttling. This custom originates from the apostolic times. Of great importance in worship has Easter fire. He symbolizes the Light of God, educating all nations after Christ of the Resurrection.

In Catholic worship in the Priermum Territory, a large bonfire is incited, from whom, before the start of the Easter service, Easter is missing - a special Easter candle, the fire from which is distributed to all believers, after which the service begins. This candle is lit in all the worst of the Easter week.

In the Roman Catholic Church, the procession is committed in the worship of Easter after Liturgy.

For worship in the Vatican, which all over the world, all higher priests of the Roman Catholic Church are gathering, including 30 Cardinals. After serving the pontiff commits the rite of baptism of converts Catholics.

At the solemn Easter Mescil from the balcony of St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican Pontiff announces the good news of the resurrection of Christ thousands of believers who came to the square. Congratulations to believers are pronounced by 63 languages, including Russian.

During the Great Saturday and after Easter worship services, cakes, cottage cheese Easter, eggs and everything prepared for a festive table are consecrated for talking after the Great Post. Easter eggs believers give each other as a symbol of a wonderful appearance on the light - the resurrection of Christ. According to the legend, when Maria Magdalenine brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the emperor, doubting, said that both the egg from the white did not become red, and the dead were not resurrected. The egg in the same moment became red. Although eggs are painted in different colors, traditional is red, like the color of life and victory over death.

The preparation of the Easter Table is trying to finish the great Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter) so that nothing distract from the service of a passionate Friday (last Friday to Easter), the day of the removal of the holy dressing and prayer.

In Italy, in Easter, the Blueberry bake, in Eastern Poland, the Easter morning eat the okroshka, which is watered with water with vinegar, as a symbol of Friday's criticism of Christ, in Ecuador - Fansel - 12 kinds of cereals (they symbolize 12 apostles), cod, Peanut and milk. And in England, Easter buns Hot Cross Buns must be cut from above the cross before baking. In Portugal on Sunday, the priest walks on the houses of the parishioners, the spread of Easter blessings, and he is treated with blue and pink dragees, chocolate eggs and cookies.

In the West believes that Easter eggs brings a rabbit. The rabbit as a cult character and the Easter attribute is known for Western Christians in the XVI-XVII centuries. In Germany, Easter is a religious holiday, closely intertwined with the ancient pagan representations about the occurrence of spring.

The German name of Easter - Ostern, as well as English - Easter, happens, in all likelihood, on behalf of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Spring and the fertility of Oster (Eostra), whose companion was a hare. According to the legend, the Goddess of Spring turned the bird into a hare, but he continued to carry eggs. Another explanation for this phenomenon is simpler - when the Easter in the morning children went to collect eggs from the chicken coop, they often found near the rabbits.

Throughout Europe, the hostess is placed in wicker baskets on young grass. Multicolored eggs, chocolate bunnies, toy chickens. These baskets throughout the Easter week stand on the table at the door.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Easter is the main and most ancient religious holiday in Christians of all directions. The name of Easter is taken from the Jewish holiday of Easter, but their essence is fundamentally different. Jews Easter is the celebration of the outcome of Egyptian slavery. Christians have a resurrection holiday from the dead Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Christian Easter has the second name - the Resurrection Christ.

There are no fundamental differences in the Easter celebration between Orthodox Christians and Catholics. There are discrepancies in some details and local traditions that closely intertwined with the ancient pagan rites. The main difference is the date of the holiday itself. There and there Easter is preceded by a great post and a passionate week.

Initially, Orthodox and Catholics were guided by one rule:

Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon and is calculated for many years ahead for the so-called Easter - Easter calendars. Why Orthodox Christians and Catholics began to celebrate Easter at different times - this is a whole historical investigation. The purpose of this article is to show the difference in the celebration of Easter with simple believers.

How to celebrate Easter Orthodox in Russia

The first - Easter is always celebrating on Sunday. It comes from the very election of the holiday - Christ Sunday (from the dead). By the way, in the pre-Christian era of Slavs, this day was called "Week" \u003d "Do not-do" - only to relax!

Custom Christ. All friends who meet each other on this day greet each other with the words "Christ Risen!" "Truly Risen!" At the same time, the younger leaders are the first to welcome the elders.

Custom paint eggs. According to the legend, this custom dates back to the times of ancient Rome, when Maria Magdalene brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. The emperor, did not believe and said literally that "like an egg from White does not become red, so the dead do not resurrect." And the egg in the same moment became red. Therefore, Easter eggs were originally painted in red, then they began to paint in the most different way. And even paint artistically. Such eggs are called "writings".

Easter cakes. This is church-ritual food. This festive bread was required to be consecrated, either in the church, or inviting the father home. After that, festive Easter herbs and painted eggs treat each other.

Easter Blagovest. All passionate week before Easter Bells on the bell tower is silent in the sign of grief on the suffering of Jesus Christ. And in Easter, the Easter chime starts. With anyone who wants to climb to the bell tower to anyone else's easter week. (The author of these words was able to call in the bell at the Tobolsk Diocese!)

Festive table on Easter. Easter Resurrection marks the end of the great post and the beginning of the talk - there is anything, have fun, get drunk, to communicate with the opposite floor how much will fit.

"Chokean" Easter eggs. - Favorite competitions of children and adults. Wins the one, in whose hands the egg after the collision will remain whole.

Cattle eggs. Fun like a board game. On the surface there are different items. Then roll an egg. Whose egg is what the subject will affect - this object gets.

How to celebrate Easter Catholics

Easter Blagovest, Easter cakes, a festive table, painted eggs - all this is also present in the Catholic celebration of Easter. Notable honors are an Easter rabbit or Easter hare.

This is a purely Western Catholic tradition. The roots goes to the ancient worship of a hare or rabbit, as a symbol of fertility (everyone knows the fertility of these animals). Edible Easter hares and rabbits bake out of the dough, make chocolate, marmalade, from anything. Very often in such an edible hare baked or hiding an Easter egg.

Chocolate hares are very popular in Europe. Only in one Germany at Easter buy ten thousand tons of chocolate hares and eggs.

Souvenir Easter hares make clays, plastic, fabric, wood, etc., and installed on fireplaces, bedside tables and other prominent places and celebrate as it were with the owners. Easter hare is a very popular character!

Hunt for Easter eggs. In many Western countries, there is a believer that Easter gifts and Easter eggs do not come themselves, and they need to be found. Parents hide them somewhere in the house, and children are happy with pleasure!

Briefly for memorization

Easter celebration in Orthodox

It always happens either together or later Catholic, never before. Easter eggs and cakes are sanctified, give each other. Christ. Chopen eggs. The bell tower sounds the Blagovest. Abundant festive table and drink.

Easter celebration from Catholics

It always happens together either before Orthodox. Blagovest, eggs, cakes - like Orthodox. Mandatory Easter hare or rabbit, both edible and souvenir. No custom Christ.

Easter (Resurrection of Christ) is the oldest, greatest and most important holiday in all Christians. On this day, people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who gave hope to the eternity of the immortal soul. The name of Easter went from the Jewish word "Pesach", which means "transition". Easter is the holiday of all the bright and positive in the life of a person, the unity of all mankind and sincere love for his family.

How is the date of Easter? Why are Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter at different times?

Days of Catholic celebration and are not fixed and differ in each other, as they are calculated by different calendars. Western Christian World expects the holiday date of the Gregorian calendar and celebrate it after the day of the spring equinox, on the first resurrection after the first full moon. On the Eastern Church Tradition, Orthodox Easter is calculated from the day of equinox in the old Julian style. Catholic Easter is almost always celebrated before Orthodox, usually for a week, but sometimes the difference in a few weeks. Sometimes the dates coincide and both Easter are celebrated in one day.

In 2016, Catholic Easter falls on March 27, while the Orthodox is celebrated significantly later, on May 1.

Catholic Easter traditions

Believers Catholics, as well as Orthodox Christians, before the beginning of Easter, try to adhere to the rules of the Great Post. It is considered to be softer and not so strict as Orthodox, since on certain days it is allowed to eat dairy and meat products. It is important to take care of your health and adhere to the rules of the post to the extent youighing your well-being. The most important task is the spiritual cleansing, concentration on bright and positive thoughts.

Catholics have their Easter traditions, for example, in England, bright Thursday is called Thursday of Almighty, since at this time the money for the poor is one of the members of the Royal Family. A gold coin as a gift gets so many people as the monarch. This tradition is very many years and earlier instead of money distributed different items of clothing. Such a ritual in the odd year is carried out in Westminster Abbey, and in the even year - in one of the large and central councils of the country.

As well as in Orthodox traditions, Catholics arrange a festive meal with a variety of dishes, aligned in the church in advance. One of the central elements of the festive table is painted eggs, which are eaten primarily on a festive day. In the UK, on \u200b\u200ba festive dinner, mutton with a variety of vegetables, easter sweets are prepared. In the morning serve Sunday buns. In America, the composition of the Easter lunch includes: potatoes, pineapples, fruit salad and various fresh vegetables. In Germany, the central Easter dish is a fish baked in the oven, also fed to the cookie dessert of a variety of shape. On Thursday, before the holiday, the Germans eat special soup with greens, vegetables with adding 7 or 9 herbs.

In Easter Sunday, in some Catholic countries, when dawn, in the temples there are festive services and performances of the game on the organ.

One of the important festive events is the blessing and purification of water and fire. The beginning of this rite occurs on Sabbath Day in the Church. At the same time the church candle, which is considered sacred, is read by special prayer. After, you can take this candle home and leave her to get to the end. The fire of the candle will help to remove the negative energy from the room, will create comfort and comfort. Consecrated water can be used for various tasks, including wash and drink it. Thus, a person is cleared from all negative, his thoughts become more positive and he becomes happier.

The main Easter attribute of the Catholic Easter can be considered an Easter bunny, which is a symbol of prosperity and wealth of nature. On a festive day, people bake various sweet pastries in the form of rabbits. Also adorn the house of objects with images of a given cute animal. A huge number of chocolate eggs are manufactured to the Easter day, which are torn as adults and a defector. Before Easter Sunday, parents hide eggs from chocolate around the house and children in the morning should find them, while they say that sweet gifts caused the Easter bunny.

Among the German Easter symbols you can allocate daffodils, which are still different in Easter's bells.

Close people on a festive day are presented with chocolate eggs, inside of which are different sweet goodies. In America, Easter is presented to other people as a gift basket with painted, multicolored eggs and different, delicious sweets. It is believed in the egg there is a question for which the answer has to give.

In some countries, bright carnivals and festive marches bringing joy and positive emotions are held.

One of the vintage fun, on the day of the holiday, is the rolling of Easter eggs from the mountain. In some cities, even compete competitions. That egg, which will go on to all and remain the whole, becomes the winner. In America, a large-scale competition is arranged on Sunday at Easter near the White House. Many children come there with their lumps, in which Easter eggs lie and rub them from the mountain.

There is a belief that people you will meet in Easter day will become good friends for you for life. That is why the holiday needs to behave friendly.

We wish you a happy holiday Easter!