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What are the conspiracies best to fulfill in full moon. Rite "Money Talisman". Plot for good luck in full moon

On the lunar night, you can go fortunate and magic, paint your beloved, strengthen financial well-being. Conspiracies in the full moon have incredible magic power, they will completely change your life. You can challenge for sale at home, for the love of narrowed, for money and wealth. There are conspiracies and rites in full moon to fulfill the desire - they help to attract happiness.

Predictions with the full moon come true, the money becomes more, the luck comes to the house. Read white conspiracies, since dark magic has unpleasant consequences. What conspiracies can be read in full moon, what is being done at home, what kind of rites are the most effective? The executing wishes of prayer - in front of you.

What among readable spells uses the greatest demand? Someone is interested in conspiracies in full moon on love, someone is concerned about their wallet. Here is a list of effective conspiracies that you may come in handy:

  • cash spells (conspiracies in full moon on wealth, read on the wallet and coins);
  • trade prayers (increase profits, contribute to rapid sale of goods);
  • conspiracies in full moon on love (help break a rich guy or a girl);
  • conspiracies for the love of a husband in full moon (a kind of imaginary magic aimed at a legitimate spouse);
  • rituals for health (make you stronger, get rid of diseases);
  • conspiracies for good luck (conceived always executed).

You can strengthen the conspiracy to the full moon, if you do the right things at this time. Money and good luck in life will bring the following classes:

  1. Self-education (read the lecture, visit important courses, submit documents to the university).
  2. Real estate transactions (intensified by cash conspiracies in full moon).
  3. Humanitarian and political activities (a powerful source of influence).
  4. Debt settlement (return loans).
  5. Personal questions (rites for men in full moon).

Improve financial position

The most popular conspiracy for money in the full moon got to us from the famous predicting of Vanga. Before you the strongest rite of wealth. Assuming the presence of culinary abilities from the Contractor. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lift at the dawn, bake three pie.
  2. Add a spoonful salt and coin to each pie.
  3. Left at home and continue the rite at the intersection.
  4. Fold the pies at the tract crossing center.
  5. Turn the east face.
  6. Read the prayer for attracting money.

Conspuses in full moon for money are effective in cases where you leave the intersection without looking around. For 7 days, forget about the downlings, quarrels and conflicts. Conspiracy of Vanga act in homes of good people. Text that is read in rituals for money:

"My bitter two sisters, poverty with the need, bump off from you a gift. Help bread and salt, take a penny. How to take off, you can't cross my threshold. Good you do not pick up, hunger do not worry me. The Lord made a fulfilled prayer law. Amen".

Ritual on an even day

There is a strong conspiracy for money that works on even days. You can enrich yourself and protect yourself from the envious. Find the Osin in the forest and tickle under it a conspiracy for money (in your hands you need to keep a coin). After that, the money is buried in the roots of the tree. Text of prayer:

"Gross Sazhu, a good crop expect. Lost from the wallet one coin, I will get two. Highly aspen grows, wealth will bring me. Underground worm will not expire, the field mouse does not spoke. Prayer read, I brought the iron word. Amen".

Enchanted ant nest

Some conspiracies and rituals of monetary magic look exotic. Sometimes you have to read prayers on the candle, sometimes on the purse. In this case, you will have to find an ant nest in the forest and reversal it. Throw a handful of coins on a hilmik, read the spell:

"The ants of Darkness is going, and money flows into my wallet. The more ants, the more wealth. I attract good, I do not open the mouth of your mouth. Amen".

In search of luck

The simplest conspiracies in full moon for good luck do not require complex ritual actions and long-term preparation. Such prayers are read twice a day, and the first results are felt month later. Here is the text:

"The dawn and sunset is not destined together, and my luck will now be tied to me. Success is waiting for me in any endeavor. I am a guy lucky, as I said, so everything will happen. Amen".

Love magic

Love conspiracy in full moon are girls usually engaged. Particularly popular conspiracy to the love of men, readable on holy water. If the church water does not work, the spring is also suitable. Procedure:

  1. Wait for midnight.
  2. Take a glass filled with water.
  3. Read the prayer for attracting love.
  4. Repeat the text three times.
  5. Drink water.

This is a strong conspiracy on love, but you must adhere to certain recommendations. First, imagine the image of your lover (you can watch in the photo). Secondly, immediately drink a glass with water (leave it "for later" can not). Prayer is this:

"Water without water dries, the forest burns from the flame, and the fish in the desert do not live. So God's slave (the name of the beloved) quenches thirst with God's slave (your name). I read a conspiracy for love, I'll kick the burning longing on you. You will be sad and sad, while I'm not there. You can not feel about my beauty, you wanted me forever. Amen".

Saucer with spices

An effective plot of love in full moon suggests the collection of magical artifacts. If you do not have a loved one, you can get one of the things belonging to him. It can be a clock, a handkerchief, decoration or a wardrobe subject. Also for witchcraft will be useful:

  • saucer;
  • red candle;
  • spices (teaspoon of cumin or coriander);
  • salt (teaspoon);
  • napkin;
  • matches.

Light a candle, mix the spices with salt in a saucer and cover it all with a napkin. Put on top of the thing belonging to the narrowed. Read the spell, expect a candle and go to bed, without talking to anyone on the way. Spell text:

"I see a dense forest, there is a hut in it, and a witch-old woman sits inside. The evil witch, go to the sea Publensky, grief there with a fire snake, bring me a key from a well-headed heart (guy's name). I brag into the ocean of the Golden Key, it will hide under a flammable stone. The raven is the key will be protected, it will not get it nobody. Only I can get away into the ocean, the stone moves yes the key heartly to take. Amen".


Full moon, conspiracies, artifacts - all this works with the exact compliance with ritual actions. Rite with a crystal glass is a lively confirmation. Do this:

  1. Wait for midnight.
  2. Fill the glass of spring water.
  3. Lower the fingers of the right hand into the container and mix the liquid three times in a circle.
  4. Say the spell.
  5. Leave the water on the windowsill under the lunar light.
  6. Having treated in love with tea, cooked from this water.

Spell text: "Moonwater mixed, your beloved (name) I attract myself. To make you forever without me. As I say, everything will happen. Amen".

Prayer for beauty

To increase the chances of marriage, you can enhance the attractiveness to the magical means. To do this, you will need church candles (13 pieces) and cosmetic cream. At midnight, burn the candles, trenching the prayer on the cream and go to bed. In the morning, start using a conspiracy cream. And the text of the prayer is.

Full moon is considered to be the most mystical and witchcraft time of the month, therefore rituals carried out on the full moon have the strongest impact. Conspiracies in the full moon will help attract love, well-being and beauty.


Features of conspiracies in full moon

During the full moon, a wide variety of rituals are carried out, especially aimed at receiving or an increase in something. Also, this time is well suited for getting rid of the opportunity to leave something behind. The moon also agrees with female energy, so the full moon is a favorable time to hold rites.

For many conspiracies that should be carried out on the full moon, use water.

The most effective conspiracy will be, if you additionally put into water, any of these stones:

  • citrine - for financial well-being;
  • aquamarine - for courage and mental equilibrium;
  • pink Quartz - to attract and strengthen love;
  • amethyst - for cleansing and rest.

Citrine Aquamarine Pink Quartz Amethyst

Plots in full moon for love

Undoubtedly, the most desired is a conspiracy for love. Such conspiracies read by the full moon are able to revive the fastened feelings or attract a new person.

Rite with water to attract the narrowed

For this conspiracy, you will need some water from a pure natural source, and the holy water will be well. If you dial the water yourself be sure to ensure that the reservoir is safe. At midnight, type water into a transparent container and select a place where the moonlight will be as stronger than it "fill". Clearly imagining a lover, start reading a conspiracy on the water.

How dries without rain grass, how the forest is burning in the fire, as the fish does not live on land, so the servant of God (the guy's name) will not be able to do without me. A longing burning his heart pierces, as long as I'm not there. He wants to look at me - do not pay out, listen - does not hear. Amen.

After that, it is hosted to drink conspiracted water.

Conspiracy to mutual love

Another similar plot of love, made by water, has already proposed to give a drink to a man. To fulfill it, you will also need clean water and a glass that will need to be left for the impact of moonlight on the night. At midnight, you should, keep the right hand over a glass, pronounce magic words.

The water is clean, the spring, fills the moon by force, which will give to see the beauty of my true, soulful and physical, the slave of God (the name of the beloved). He will be with me, the slave of God (name), forever, days to day and night. Amen.

A little conspiracted water will need to be poured into the drink a beloved (excluding alcoholic beverages). Also conspiracted water can be used to brew tea on it or add to some dish. However, one portion retains the power of only a day, so if the chosen one has not drank conspiracted water during the day, the ritual should be repeated only in the next full moon.

Conspiracies in the full moon for money

Conspiracy to attract money

One of the most famous and oldest rituals requires quite a lot of strength and training. It takes it to rise at the dawn and bake three pie. A spoon of salt and coin is added to each of them. At noon there are pies at a crossroads, turn to the east and read a plot.

Bitter sisters mine, poverty Yes need, bother off your offer. Choose bread with salt, yes, take a penny, and since take my gifts - my threshold is no longer able to cross, and you can exist under my roof. Neither hunger you can not worry me nor good to take away. Amen.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, return home without looking back. Over the next week it is important to refrain from quarrels and take money or debt.

There is a simpler way to attract wealth to your life. The ritual is carried out within three days when the full moon is visible in the sky. On the first night you need to put a blank wallet on the moonlight and read the plot.

As in the sky, the night stars do not consider, so let it be not to consider the money in my sute. Amen.

On the second night, put a few coins in the wallet and repeat the spell. On the third night they make the same ritual, but already with bills. Each full moon ritual can be updated.


Attract wealth and relying envious will help a conspiracy on a clear day. To spend it, you need to take a coin and bury it under the aspen, uttering such words.

As a mouthpiece is growing, and my wealth will grow. Savy Gross, letting a rich harvest. For one coin that I will give, we will receive two. The worm of an earthwood root will not expire, the mouse does not shrink. Amen.

Rite "Money Talisman"

In addition to one-time rituals, money can also be attracted by a special cash talisman, to make it quite simple. Any small thing can act as a talisman. Often use a five-air coin, externally reminiscent of the moon. To create a talisman, you need to substitute any selected thing under the moonlight and tall.

Like the moon in the sky grows, so my prosperity will grow. As a moon with water over water, power has, so I will have the power over the money. Amen.

Talisman should be stored in the wallet. Ritual can be repeated every full moon.

Rite to attract finance with candles

For this rite you will need a green candle and money, most effectively, if different currencies. Coins and bills are suitable. The lit candle is put under the moonlight. Next you need to pronounce a plot three times.

How moths fly to light, so let the money seek me. Amen.

It should be waited until there will be a very small grid from the candle, which then you need to put in a wallet along with conspiracted money. Money must be spent on gifts for friends and loved ones.

Conspiracies in full moon to attract good luck

And for love, and for money there is always a little luck. Therefore, conspiracies in full moon for good luck can not only bring success to your life, but also strengthen other magical rites. Conspiracies for good luck are simple and do not require special training.

So that Fortune turned to you face, the plot is worth repeating twice - at dawn and at sunset. Check out the lunar calendar, and on the day of the full moon at dawn, say the following words.

Morning dawn does not fall from the evening, and my luck will not leave me. There will be a house of my full bowl, wealthy yes, he will fill it, money will not leave, and good luck will not leave. As she said, so it will be. Amen.

At the sunset, repeat the conspiracy, changing the morning in it morning dawn from the evening.

Prayer for beauty

Since the moon patronizes the female start, its energy can be used to enhance attractiveness. Such conspiracies help reveal their natural beauty and gain self-confidence. Also help preserve freshness and youth uncomplicated rituals with lunar water.

For a standard rite for beauty, you will need 13 church candles and leaving face cream. Wait for midnight, lit candles and say a conspiracy on the cream.

As the moon is full, so I will be full of red and light. Lick Light will be forever young, the stanish grace will be forever stored. Amen.

In the future, continue using the conspiracy cream.

Strong conspiracy

The most efficient rituals for the awakening of beauty also include water interaction. It is very useful to swim in the full moon in a natural reservoir, where the moonlight falls, it gives a woman special strength and attractiveness.

However, it is worth remembering several rules:

  • the moon should not be hidden by clouds;
  • the light should fall in the reservoir;
  • if the moon closes the cloud, it is worth getting out of the water so as not to shoot down the energy;
  • after bathing, it is impossible to wipe, you need to allow moisture to evaporate.

Swimming can be replaced by the reception of charged water inside or, for the strongest effect - combine.

To do this, you will also need a transparent vessel in which you need to throw a pinch of salt, rose petals and lunar stone or pink quartz and put a glass on the moonlight. While salt dissolves, you need to read a plot.

Clean water lunar, as if the tears of the maiden, and transparent. Make me forever young yes Belolic. Amen.

In the morning an empty stomach you need to drink a sip of the conspiracy water. The ritual can be repeated every day until water is over.


Also to increase the attractiveness will help the next rite. For him you will need two church candles, a refractory stand (pallet or dish, something is quite large) and a large mirror. At midnight, burn candles and install on the dish so that they are reflected in the mirror. Remove the clothes and stand up in front of the mirror and say a plot.

I will go to the field clean, let it go on the road to the throne is gilded. Angel on the throne seats. I worship to the earth to him, I will ask his light a bit, and the beauty of his unearthly, to be snow whiter, and the sun brighter. Amen.

Conspiracy needs to repeat three times, after which go to bed. Candles Leave to trample on the dish.

Katerina Vesta, leading Slavic practices, tells more on the effect of full moon on female strength and beauty.

Conspiracy to the full moon on the execution of the desire

If you do not fit into rituals for love, money, good luck or beauty, but rather looks like one cherished desire, you will help you will help the next conspiracy to fulfill the desire. It can be considered the most versatile.

For him, you will need only three candles from the church and a sheet of paper:

  1. As clearly and more specifically, specify your desire. Try to fit it into one sentence or phrase and write on paper.
  2. At midnight, lit candles and concentrate on the desired, as something achieved. If you strive for wealth - imagine how you spend money if you look for love - about the joint future.
  3. Google a sheet with a written desire from the central candle and wait until he is fruit.
  4. Collect the remaining ashes and throw away the window with the words "so it will be so!".

This method does not work instantly and takes time, from several weeks to several months, so it is important not to lose faith in your strength. The more confident you will be in your success, the better the magic will work.

Conspiracy on health in the full moon

The rites for health promotion often love to perform for the new moon, but also on the full moon they have no less power. The functioning of the human body is often dependent on the phases of the moon. Full moon most strongly activates the energy processes in the body. Remember that only conspiracies and rituals will not cure you from existing diseases, but will help preserve health and strengthen the spirit.

For example, to give a powerful tide of strength to you will help the next ritual. Google five church candles and imagine how heavenly powers drink you energy. Follow a plot five times.

The full moon gives me strength, all diseases, damage, defaults. Amen.

Place the candles, wrap the flats in the leaflet and go away from home.

Full moon is a special mystical time of peak energy lifting, so most rituals are recommended to be carried out in this truly magical period. Experts believe that rituals in full moon Employed with a special, wonderful force of the full moon, so when they are held, you can get the maximum results, while spending the minimum of effort.

What rituals and rituals are held in full moon?

Traditional full moon techniques are rituals for money, for love and to fulfill desires.

In this article we will analyze in detail all the most powerful and effective practices conducted during the full moon.


How to prepare for rituals in full moon

Before you start spending any rituals, you must first prepare to prepare for them, and above all psychologically. Since all rites on the full moon are mainly held at night, and this time of day traditionally causes many people natural fears and natural instincts, they need to overcome or neutralize them.

Here are some councils for rituals:

  • First of all, determine for yourself, or do you really need it? Are you ready to attract money, love, success in your life, the success of it in this way? If it is so, then boldly begone and discard all doubts.
  • Be sure to look into the lunar calendar, so as not to be mistaken. All rituals in full moon are carried out during the full moon, namely, in the period from the 15th to the 17th lunar days. At this time, the "Night Mistress" concentrates all the forces accumulated over previous periods and is in its most active phase.
  • Basically, all rituals and rites are carried out with the pronunciation of texts - conspiracies, promscar, whispering. Prepare carefully, learn them by heart, so as not to be resting during the practice.

Well, go to rituals yourself?

Rituals in full moon to attracting money

If a monetary crisis has come in your life if money problems have suffered, if you can't get out of debts, or you just want to improve your financial situation, then wait for the nearest full moon and spend one of the rituals suggested below to attract money.

Ritual for money "Money water"

You will need:

  • 1-1.5-liter bottle
  • melt water
  • paper
  • a pen
  • paper glue

On the night of the full moon, pour into the bottle of Talu water and put it in front of yourself. Close your eyes and for about one minute, create a picture on a mentible screen, money (paper or metal - no difference) fall from the sky. Then make a breath, open your eyes, graze a bottle with your hands and on the exhale mentally "transfer" this picture into the water, while through the hands chargening it with its energy.

After that, write a dollar $ sign on a small sheet of paper, get on the bottle and transfer to the windowsill, which hits the moonlight. Look through the window on the full moon and say loud three times: "The Moon-Magician - Sveti, the water of the power of charge!". Leave a bottle with water to stand on the windowsill for two or three hours. After that, highlight her place the refrigerator and once a day, drink 2-3-throat "Cash water" from it.

Ritual for money "Money magnet"

You will need:

  • 3 Coins of any dignity
  • small magnet
  • small White or Green Candle

Before holding this ritual to attracting money, it is necessary to cleanse the dwelling, as the money is very loved by purity and order.

Wait for the onset of complete darkness and spend a thorough cleaning of an apartment or at home. After that, there are 3 coins in the form of a triangle, in the center of which, put a candle. Light her and let it burn to the end. Then put coins into the left pocket of the clothes that you most often wear. Put a small magnet in the right pocket. Wear all this with yourself exactly 7 days. If the clothes are changed, shift money and magnet into it. During the week, the monetary situation should improve.

Ritual for money "Monetary Bank"

This rite to attract money should be carried out if you urgently needed a specific amount of money.

You will need:

  • Bank with lid.
  • 7 coins of one dignity
  • Paper
  • A pen

Wait for the full moon. Exactly at midnight on a sheet of paper Write a handle that the amount you are very necessary at the moment. Write it 2 times - numbers and in words. Roll into the bottom of the bank. Then by the hand that you wrote, take 7 coins and take turns to the jar, while saying: "Coins ring, the light of the moon reflect, wealth and money to me attract!". We leave the bank for the night on the windowsill, which falls moonlight. In the morning, remove it from the window, hide in a secluded place and every day, up to the next full moon, add to this bank another 3 coins (any dignity), repeating the same words.

Ritual for money "Lunar Wallet"

You will need:

  • wallet or Purse.
  • paper money and coins

Wait for the full moon. After the onset of midnight, fill your wallet or purse with money "to failure." Use both paper bills and coins. The main thing is that your wallet is filled with money completely, as they say, "cracked on the seams." Put it onto that windowsill, which is illuminated by the lunar light, and looking at the moon through the window, aloud, say the following words: "As the moon is full, so full of money and my wallet!". Leave it on the windowsill until the morning. Money from the wallet can be spent only from the 18th lunar days when the moon goes to decrease.

Ritual for money "Moon meditation"

This rite to attract money is distinguished among the others, as it is based on meditative practices. It is very powerful, and if you have a good one to own meditation technique, then the correct execution of this ritual will attract money to you with a very large probability.

You will need:

  • New cash bills of any dignity (preferably greasy)

Wait for the onset of midnight on the day of the full moon, go out into the street and sit on the plot lit by the lunar light. Take a convenient posture, take a cash bill with two hands for the ends and during 2-3 minutes closely look at it. Imagine that the banknote is filled with lunar light, it is sent to them and itself begins to glow and shine. And the lunar light begins to turn into a ray of light connecting the moon and monetary bill. Get out of meditation when you feel that the banknote is maximally filled with the force of the full moon. Put this "charged" bill in the wallet and do not explicate it until the next full moon, it will serve you with a monetary magnet and will significantly increase the incoming cash flow.

Ritual for money "Coin of Happiness"

You will need:

  • Coins of any dignity

After the onset of midnight in any of the days of the full moon, collect all the coins that only have in your home. Menate one of the sides of the coin, which will be happy for you (eagle or rush). Collect them in a hassle, shake several times with the words: "Shake-Bring, I find the coin of happiness", and like playing bones, throw them on some surface, for example on the table.

After that, reflect only those coins that fell out a "happy" side. Do this procedure several times until you have only one coin. Happened? Congratulations! Now it is your "coin of happiness." Never waste it and always wear in your wallet as a cash talisman. Also, it can be used when fortunate as an answer to the question (happy side will mean "yes").

Do not be discouraged if at the very end of the last coins did not fall out of the spent side - they were simply "happy" among them! Just repeat the ritual for the next full moon.

Ritual for money "Cash spices"

You will need:

  • tablespoon of isa
  • table spoon sugar
  • half Cinnamon Teaspoon
  • tablespoon of walnuts

All the ingredients are pretty mixed, wait for the midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and contact the moon with the following words: "The Mistress of the night is a gift, and bring a lot of money!". After that, you need to scatter this mixture around yourself, having completed 3 turns counterclockwise.

Rituals in full moon on attracting love

Immediately I want to note that rituals for attracting love And magical love spells are not the same thing. The difference between them is that love spells are always directed to a particular person and in addition to his will.

The rituals attracting love are intended to attract the energy of love to increase the frequency of the internal vibration of a person to the level of frequency of love.

Rituals for attracting love, unlike the love spells, are absolutely safe, they only help the practitioner to meet their soul mate and become more attractive for those of the opposite sex.

Ritual for the love "Note of love"

You will need:

  • 2 Small red candles
  • small piece of paper
  • a pen
  • scissors

Wait for the full moon. After the midnight comes, put two candles on your table. One of them will be yours, the second is your narrowed. On a small piece of paper, write your love desire, for example: "This year I meet my halves and get married!". Scissors cut the "love note" in half and in turn burn them into the flame of the candle - one over yours, the second - above the candle of your narrowed.

Ritual for love "Rosa Love"

As you know, the rose is an ancient symbol of love and it is very often used to attract love in their lives. If you are alone and passionately want to meet the love of your life, then you will certainly need to spend this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 Red Candles

On the day of the full moon go to the flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Put it at home in a beautiful vase and take a look at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood. After the clock is trying twelve nights, burn candles and put a rose between them. Turn on the romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this "composition", enjoy, inhale pink fragrance, mentally imagining the image of your second half. After that, three times aloud: "Love is in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love-sky is needed by me, Love-Earth under me, love around me. Love attracted, I will tell you! "

Look at this video. In it, I show 3 ritual to attract love in full moon.

Ritual for love "Mascot of Love"

This ritual for attracting love can be performed at any time of the full moon, regardless of the time of day.

You will need:

  • personal photo
  • big flat plate
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • large red candle with candlestick
  • red thread
  • ceramic bowl
  • natural fabric of red

Take a red candle, hold it between the palms, and with closed eyes a couple of minutes visualize yourself happy next to your loved one. Try to "forward" "picture" through hands in the candle. After that, put a candle in a pre-prepared candlestick and burn it. Before the candle, put a flat plate and put your photo on it (on it you must be alone).

On the plate around your photo, put a circle circuit around my clockwise, while saying: "Love yes surrounds me!". Above the circle of cinnamon pour another circle, this time from the Basilica, say again the same words. And at the end, pour the third circle again from cinnamon (above the basic), again uttering a plot "Love yes surrounds me!".

After that, reflect the spices to the ceramic dishes and mix them with your hands, saying with this: "Magic herbs, send me a narrowed! Our love is mutual! May it be so!".

Then pour spices from the ceramic bowl onto a red natural fabric and put your photo from above. Fabric ends Connect with a red thread to get a bag. Now it will be your love talisman. Leave it near the candle exactly 7 minutes, then hide into a secluded place. Do not throw out the residue, and every day, putting your mascot of love in front of it, ignite it for 7 minutes until it completely prohibiting.

Ritual for love "wax heart"

This ritual to attract love can be used both to search for its narrowed and strengthening passion between spouses.

You will need:

  • rose petals
  • twig of juniper
  • dill seeds
  • red Wax
  • red Pouch of Natural Fabric
  • scissors
  • tablespoon
  • wooden mortar
  • small plate

On the day of the full moon, after midnight, take the dry petals of one red rose, a dry twig of juniper and cut them with scissors into small pieces. Mix them together and 2 teaspoons of this mixture. Put in a wooden stue. Add one teaspoon of dill into it and expire it all into powder.

Then put a small piece of red wax in a tablespoon and melt it over fire. Add to the molten wax 3 of the chopping "love" powder and pour it onto a plate.

Give the wax with spices a little cool (so as not to burn your hands, but it remained militant), and cut out a small heart from it. At the same time, imagine the image of your lover and paint the mental pictures of your happy future.

When you finish it "Love Magic", put a heart in a pre-prepared bag of red and push it hanging from your bed headboard. If you are in a relationship and your bed is a married bed, then hide the bag with a wax heart under your pillow.

Full moon rituals for desires

As mentioned above, the full moon is the period of maximum lunar activity and the most peak in the energy plan of time, so the fulfillment of desires, mounted in this time segment, is much faster.

Indeed, to implement desire, for its speedy materialization in reality, energy is needed, and during the full moon the energy background is as elevated as much as possible.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Magic note"

This is a very simple ritual, but its effectiveness does not decrease from it.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • a pen

Wait for the full moon offensive. After 12 hours of Night, write on a sheet of paper with a handle your cherished desire. It should be recorded in the present time, without denying and the words "want". For example: "I am comfortable for high-paying work!". Magic note with written desire put on the windowsill, where the light falls from the moon. Leave a leaf on the windowsill for 3 nights in a row (in the morning take it from the window). During this time, your desire is "soaked" with active lunar energies and will soon begin to be carried out. Leaf with desire to hide away, until the desire is fulfilled. After that, it needs to be burned and thank the universe for its execution.

Ritual for execution of desires "Lunar magnet"

With this ritual, you can perform any desire rather quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white *)
  • paper
  • a pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white *)
  • small magnet

*Note: The color of the candles and dressing tape in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for the rest - white).

One of the days of the full moon, after the clock is trying at midnight, burn two candles. Write your desire on a piece of paper very detailed, in all parts. Avoid your future time, the words "want" and all types of denials (not, nor never). Put the leaf with the desire between the two candles. Look at the fire and imagine your desire already executed. Enjoy emotions from his exercise! At the end, tell me out loud 3 times the following words: "Moon-hostess is filled with - my desire is already executed!". After that, wrap a small magnet in a sheet with the desire, tie it with a dressing tape and wear in your bag or pocket until the desire is fulfilled.

Ritual for the execution of desires "Lunar Mirror"

One of the strongest lunar rituals who are executing wishes. You will need only one accessory for it - a small mirror.

Wait for the full moon night. After midnight, go out to the street near your house (you can on the balcony). The main condition is the full moon should be clearly visible and you must be in the lunar light stream. Take a small mirror into the right hand, turn your back to the moon, catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, and without looking away from him, say out loud:

"Moon, Beauty, all the stars like. Light lunar Share for me you are a touch. What I want is to come true, your strength will come down to me. Your light on the ground is strengthened, my desalination is executed. May it be so!"

In the lunar mirror, after that, it is impossible to look at the onset of the next full moon. During this time, your desire must be fulfilled.

Look this small video. In it, I show 2 ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

Friends, do not miss a wonderful time of the full moon and be sure to spend magic rituals to attract money, love and to fulfill desires!

Let your dreams come true!

Alain Golovin

P.. S.. Take a gift powerful digital amulet "Emergency Luck" :


The full moon in the fish reminds us of compassion and spirituality, the hope and feeling of the involvement of everything in the world. This is a special full moon, because its energy is able to wash the boundaries between people. It gives the feeling that we are connected with others by invisible spiritual forces.

If you have long could not improve relationship with someone, forgive someone now the most favorable time. You yourself will be surprised, how rapid relationships with others rapidly. This is the first feature of the upcoming full moon.

Time comes to forgive people, let go of anxiety and resentment, move away from the bustle of everyday life and turn into something more than a separate person. The intuition and imagination exacerbates, you can use these abilities to get your own understanding of the world.

It is important to note that the full moon on 13 degrees of fish is withstanding the Sun in the Virgin, at the same time the moon forms a connection with the Great Mysteritor Neptune, which adds his nuances to the lunar energies. It is necessary to be careful than usual, because it is easy to deceive.

A similar combination of planets enhances ordinary rituals to attract money in full moon several times. Now they will be particularly effective.

As a rule, in the days of the full moon, it opens what was hidden before. Perhaps you will become clearer the deep meaning of any events or a relationship for you. They can bring emotional situations, especially considering the fact that fish is an emotional watermark. Most of all the influence of full moon on September 6, 2017 is subject to representatives of mutable (changeable) zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish.

In the days of the full moon, the effect of magical influences is multiple times. Well at this time guess, spend rituals to attract in your life what you want: love, money, beauty and much more.

In general, the time is now favorable, if only not to direct the powerful energy of the full moon on a quarrel and the slots will return the boomerang in a double volume. Better forgive the offender and wish him good luck-your wish, good luck will also return to you the most unexpected and pleasant way.

Whispering for water to attract monetary success

Whispering is largely reminded by a plot, however require much less effort. So that the magic ritual brought his fruits, it is necessary to wait for the full moon. When the moon disk completely illuminates the sky, pour a glass of water. Put it on the windowsill for an hour. It is necessary in order for water to fully absorb the lunar energy.

An hour later, stand up to the window, from which the full moon is best visible. Holding a glass with water, in a low voice:

"As full of the moon and full of happiness is my glass to the edges. Moonl water will give me a new life, and I will swim in the money and good luck. "

Water over which you whispered conspiracy must immediately drink.

There is another conspiracy to help gain monetary success. However, for this rite requires certain weather conditions. The most important thing is that the clouds do not interfere with the lunar light penetrate into your home through the windows.

You will need a small container that must be filled with running water and put under the lunar rays. Make sure the night luminaire is reflected in the water. Wait a few minutes and read the words of Argete:

"In the night, when the full moon in the sky, I attract monetary success. We remember the water in which it reflected, and immediately to me will come wealth and abundance. "

After you feel this water and go to bed right away. Falling asleep, imagine how much money you have and how all your desires are fulfilled.

Conspiracy for money in full moon

Conspiracy for money is worth pronouncing near the window or mirror, in which the full moon is clearly visible. You will need a glass container with water that you put charging the lunar energy, and a small coin. Starting opposite the water, take a coin into the left hand and loudly say the words of the conspiracy three times:

"While the water is charged with lunar energy, money is attracted to me. Full moon in fish will give me wealth, abundance and success. In the water today there is all the power and the power that goes to me. "

Throw into a container with water coin and leave it there for two hours. During this time, the coin absorbs the power of the Moon and becomes your personal cash talisman. Such an amulet must always be kept next to the money so that his force is only fixed and growing day by day.

Plot for good luck in full moon

To attract good luck to the full moon at midnight, dial the deep container of warm water and leave on the balcony, under the rays of the night shone. After 15 minutes, lower my hands into the liquid and, looking at the moon, say the conspiracy:

"Bosoy came, and I will come from here with luck. The full moon endowed the water by force and power that water will give me. All my deeds are going, everyone awaits luck and breakthrough. Luck from nowend with me. May it be so".

After reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to wash the moonwater. Be sure: now luck will not leave you.

Time when the queen of the night is gaining full force (round face) is magical. This is not an exaggeration.

In these three days, anyone can discover subtle worlds. It is believed that the boundary between the physical side and fine is almost erased. We are simply not accustomed to feel.

Although people who intuitively understand this, yet there are.

Many women suffer from elevated excitability, some do not work for those who were deliberate decisions. A huge amount is performed in the full moon.

This is the magic of the queen night!

This period is when everything is completely open and available. This refers to the reverse side of life.

Anyone with minimal preparation can get keys from any problem. Nothing can not be closed or hiding.

In the full moon, our souls and hearts are especially sensitive to third-party influence. Do you say that we become defenseless? No, it's not quite so.

Simply once a month the whole world becomes powerful and solid. Energetically, we penetrate each other and open, demonstrating a true will, kindness, power.

Not that applied, which herself came up with and now, call the "civilization", but the real, given by the Lord initially.

In principle, it is not necessary to understand this. It is important to know that the full moon is the best day for a positive impact on your own and someone else's life. Although, black also use the magic of this moment.

Yes, it is necessary to have a "good roof". That is, being connected with a more powerful source of dark, so that the cleanliness of the full moon does not hinder the man.

The queen of the night is not particularly honored. For her, it is preferable to the desire for harmony, and not destructuring of life.

What moon to read conspiracy

Conspiracies for the full moon need to be pronounced clearly, well representing the goal. Beginners are recommended to carry out rituals in the light of night beauties.

It is important to create a connection (pure mental) with its full face. In captured, you can recreate her mentally. But for a start, this feeling is necessary to bring up in yourself.

First step: Watch and hear the inner response to it. And then this is peculiar. The unique feeling of infusion in your veins of her strength.

Pictures or thinking here will help here a little. It is necessary to watch the moon to feel the flow of its lifeful power, an unearthly magical impact. Then everything that is learned is literally embodied in front.

If your feeling was frivolous, soon there will be no trace from him. And if it arose by the will of the higher forces, then you will reciprocate.