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Signs of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: customs, beliefs, holiday rites. Orthodox notes the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the main prohibitions and traditions of the day. Signs of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 28

An important day for Christians has long been established on August 28th. Believers await him with impatience: according to biblical beliefs, it was on this day that the Body's preching soul left the body, and "I met her the Son of God." From this day, the Orthodox world acquired a great prayer and the main intercession in heaven, and special beliefs and signs of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin were established in the people.

Orthodox traditions for the holiday

Christians have the Great Day of Assumption preceded a two-week post. Believers have long since this period of abstinence did not relate to strict and heavy, since in August, the crust was broken from the harvest of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other gifts of nature allowed in the post.

It is referred to as the first most and is considered a real holiday and a significant event that fills beliefs and signs. The harvest was completed on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was possible to celebrate and have fun, therefore the atmosphere of the day was established by the majestic and special.

Followed and properly prepared for this day:

  • purely remove the house;
  • to reconcile with everyone, with whom there were disagreements;
  • prepare generous and variety of treats;
  • provide a calm and benevolent atmosphere in the house throughout the day.

Bans on an important day

The customs on the audit of the Blessed Virgin Mary are associated with the atmosphere of the holiday, but also reflect the features of the seasonal period of the year.

With this afternoon, the people were associated many of the prohibitions, which should be sure to comply.

  1. It was forbidden on this day to use stitching and cutting items, so at the table did not take a fork and knife in the hands. The food tried to cook in advance in order not to disturb the important ban.
  2. Signs for the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary forbade walking barefoot on the grass on this day. The interpretation of such a ban has a double meaning: believers believe that the dew dropped on this day is the tears of the Blessed Virgin that she leaves the earth and cannot help people. On the other hand, the earth cooled to this day, so the bosomic walking can contribute to supercooling and diseases.
  3. It should be strictly followed, so as not to graze the leg with an inconvenient shoe on the day first. According to popular beliefs, in such a way it was possible to impose problems and trouble.

Customs of the holidays day

Signs for the audit of the Blessed Virgin Mary are associated with special rituals and rites. It has long been considered special and unique, this is precisely this factor and contributed to the conference in the people of the individuals associated with this August day. Such ritual customers are leading their roots from those settlements in which the audience was related to the prepar holidays:

  • In the second half of the day, after prayer appeals to the Virgin, the people were going to the center of the settlement. With a highly raised icon with a procession, people went to the field and loudly read prayers to the Virgin, a miraculous miracle and an intercession.
  • During the morning service in the temple, bread was sanctified, which followed this day to take out in the field. There, the consecrated karavai was smashed, eaten the whole world, drinking with holy water. It was believed that in this way it is possible to ensure the yield of the next year, but it was worth strictly ensuring that bread crumbs fell on the ground.

Home festive rituals

To attract good luck to the house and family, wealth and healing from diseases should have been carried out special rites at home. On the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos - on August 28 to hang the icon with the face of Our Lady in the courtyard at home, leave it there for the whole day and be sure to follow its location:

  1. The Lick of the Virgin, who looks at this day from the gate to the house, attracts happiness, good luck and prosperity.
  2. The icon of the Mother of God in the very center of the courtyard will help get rid of all diseases pursuing family members.

The Lick of the Virgin should be brought to the house after the morning prayer was defended with this icon. The house was lit candles and lamps, it was necessary to ensure that the candle did not go out throughout the festive day.

Signs of healing

An important point of the Assumption Day has long been considered commemoration and rites conducted to get rid of diseases and ailments.

Particularly relevant to carry out such rituals was considered for those families in which someone from family members. An important condition of the rituals was that the sick person had to defend in the temple of Prayer and pass the congestion behind the icon with the face of Our Lady. Therefore, seriously tried, they tried even to bring behind the icon, after which they filmed the native crosses and dip in the holy water. The drops that glasses from the cross, the frozen of a sick person lubricated the body of the body, where the pain was felt particularly strong.

In the people, I sincerely believed that in this way you can heal from many ailments, especially from the diseases of the joints and the spine - this is exactly how the signs for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary were argued. On August 28, with the help of such a rite, pain in the stretched muscles, the joints deformed by arthrosis were healed from post-traumatic pains in the limbs.

Signs for personal happiness

Girls with a special impatience awaited a festive day, as some challenges on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary promised them personal happiness.

After the period of the Assumption post, the meatseed was assumed, young people tried to have time to find a couple of themselves, otherwise risked until spring remain alone.

In order for the subsequent period to be prosperous and young people able to find each other, folk signs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary advised in those homes where young unmarried girls lived, cover generous tables, treat all visitors and guests. The house should not be heard quarrels, swearing, the atmosphere of the day should be festive and bright.

A good mood should accompany all living in the house, in the evening, young people were supposed to gather on youth sites.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not the most important holiday from Orthodox, but it is of great importance for those who live with God in the shower.

Commed by the end of the Assumption post - the meatyad began, and with him came the time weddings. Also, young people tried to wrap up until August 28 to wake up for the girls liked, as it was the last opportunity this year to ask their hands and hearts.

We noticed that autumn by August 28 gradually enters into their rights, because swallows flew into the warm edges. It was customary to do on this day with homemade blanks and, in particular, saline cucumbers. They tried to sow winter crops either for three days of success, or three days after the holiday. Also on August 28, potatoes were started to remove potatoes.

In the Orthodox and Catholic Church, the holiday of Assumption is equally dedicated to the Virgin - her death. In the New Testament it is said that Christ, being already crucified on Calvary, instructed the apostle John to take care of his mother. And after the resurrection, and then the ascension of Christ on the sky Maria for a long time, indeed, lived in the house of John in Jerusalem, often walked on Calvary for prayer. One day an angel came to her, who said that she would die in 3 days. On the day of the death of Mary came the apostles. Put it in the tomb and littered the cave stone. I did not have time to say goodbye to Maria only the Apostle Thomas, who asked the other Apostles to open the tomb. And when they did, they saw that Mary inside was no longer - only funeral clothes were in the coffin. On the same day, the Mother of God herself appeared to the apostles along with the angels, and the disciples understood that she was ascended to the sky.

The holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin on August 28 began to celebrate even during early Christianity. In the VI century, he was celebrated everywhere. Officially, the first date is 5 8 2 year old. The Orthodox Church refers to the audacity to the United Holidays - the 12 most important holidays after Easter. Preceded by the Assumption is quite a rigorous Assumption post for 2 weeks.

Slavs were associated by the Mother of God with Mother-Earth, and therefore, a variety of relevant rites were held on this day. It was impossible to walk on this day on the ground barefoot or stick sharp objects into the soil. Therefore, the Assumption usually did not work. The holiday was called and the music, because they managed to squeeze all bread at this point. Participated in the harvest, mostly women, and therefore, the time after the awaits in the old days was called Babi in the summer - this time continued to Ivan the lean (September 11). On August 28, the custom, according to which, women rode the land, tied out sickles with straw and asked for a ride to bring them all the power that was previously spent on harvesting. Then they took the last sheaf and dressed him in Sarafan and Kokoshnik, with the songs heading with a sheaf to the village.

It was customary to sanctify on the Assumption, on August 28, ear and seeds. After that, people were ordered to be organized by peers, treated poor and beggars, baked pies, fried the rams, prepared soup. It was also time for cooking home preservation - Solii cucumbers, quasilled cabbage. Subsequently prepared bridins, soup, fir all this with potatoes and bread.

  1. If you throw parcel to the state of all, then you can still catch one more shop.
  2. There was a rainbow in the sky - a sign to the fact that autumn will be warm
  3. Good weather - Indian summer will be cool
  4. Many cobwebs - a sign to the fact that winter will be frosty and low

On August 28, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Great Holiday - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Vestodel Mary. This holiday refers to the two-month. After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary was in the care of one of the apostles - John the Bogoslov. At the end of his life, he spent a lot of time in prayers at the Holy Sepulcher. According to legend, during one of these prayers, Archangel Gabriel reported that three days she dies, and the palm branch was presented as a symbol of victory over death ...

The apostles buried the Mother of God in the tomb of her parents, righteous Ioacima and Anna, in which the ashes of her spouse - Joseph of the wrap, at the foot of the Eleon, or oilseed mountain, near the Goodle Garden, where he loved to talk with the students of Christ and where he was arrested. At this place is now underground Orthodox (Greek) temple.

On the third day, after the death of the Apostles, the largest stone was closed, which was closed input. However, the Virgin Mary they did not find, in the tomb there were only funeral pellets - Jesus took the heaven not only the immortal soul of the Virgin, but her body.


This holiday should think about your mother, who may need your help. +

Holiday Assumption is best to spend with parents for a festive and sufficiently revealing table. Also, this day, people in the old days did not work, but celebrated the end of the harvest. Assumption was made to trust cucumbers. Since it was believed that it would help to "apart" to the house of her husband. On the eve of the holiday, the last sheaf, collected from the fields, retained in the house and even put on a sundress on him. On the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the girls read conspiracies for love and attracting grooms. On this day, it was customary to be shy in the church the bread of a new crop.

What can I do

On this day should not be taken into the hands of stitching and cutting items, as well as cook food. Believers break their bread with their hands, as it is impossible to use a knife. Assumption can not be barefoot, it was believed that this way could collect all the diseases. Dew on this day is the tears of nature that the Mother of God left this world and cannot be with people and help them. You can not wear old or uncomfortable shoes on this day - to avoid problems in life. It is believed that if grateful to the leg on this day, then a person is waiting for difficult, complete problems and failures. On this day it was allowed to work, especially if you did not finish some kind of work started whether someone needs to help.


From the holiday of Assumption began the first (young) Indian summer. It continued until September 11 and it was determined on it, what the weather will be on the second Indian summer (from September 14 to September 28). If the first half of September is dry and warm, then after 14 be charged rains. If the freezing will come after the success, then autumn will be protracted. Assumption was recognized by the weather for the next month. Assumption Watching, autumn meet. If the Rainbow appears on the Assumption - to the protracted and warm autumn. You won't find the guy's success - you will not get married before the spring.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary It is one of the main holidays in the Orthodox Church. After the Ascension of Jesus, the Most Holy Virgin, who lived in Ephesus, prayed to meet her son as soon as possible. Once, during the prayer of the Virgin, Archangel Gabriel appeared and said that after three days she would meet with the Lord.

Before Association, all the apostles gathered near her bed. Pick up her soul appeared the Lord himself. The apostles buried the body of the Virgin in the cave and three days were in prayer. When the grave was decided to open to console the Foma's late apostle - the Body of the Virgin did not find. Then everyone was convinced that she was ascended to the sky. On the same day, the Holy Virgin was the Apostles and said: "Rejoice!" I'm with you - all the days. "

Assumption, like any other Orthodox holiday, is customary to go to the temple into service. It is also necessary to put a candle, recalling all relatives and loved ones, pray for children. In addition, it is customary to treat the poor and cook twists for the winter.

On this day, the people celebrated ending harvesters ("Dogs"). From the last remaining in the field of the trays of the jacius, they arranged "Goat" - they knocked them into a bundle like a shalya and put inside a hunk of bread, sprinkled with salt. Women appealed to God with gratitude for the prosperous completion of the harvest, and then wondered: the eldest of them sat on the ground with his back to the "goat", the rest served her sickles, and she threw them back across her head. The closer the sickle turned out to be "Goat", especially the good future expected its owner. Sickle, who stuck in the ground, foreshadowed misfortune.

Niva sat down

Strand suffered,

Flexible spins

Sharp sickles.

Thank God,

Before the new year.

The hand left on the field of the unrevented sections "wound into the beard" - tied up with a ribbon, saying: "Give God to have a good harvest to another summer!" This "beard" intended Veles - a patron of livestock, or Ilele-Prophet, or Nikolai-Wonderworker. It was believed that together with unrealled ears on the field, the fruiting grain force remains for future yields.

The latter, "horse-yamby" sheaf dressed in a sundress or wrapped up with bright scarves and carried on the feast honest, which was arranged by exploit. He was called a birthday boy and retained to the New Year, attributing to him magical power. The straw from this snop was treated with sick animals, and grain was added to the sieve, starting new sowing.

The tired jacks lay in the field on the last compressed strip and asked the land to return to them the forces spent:

Niva, Niva,

Give my power to another Niva.

I sting you, lost strength!

Home jacia returned, putting on the head wreaths woven from non-sections. A special good luck was considered to find a "stubborn uterus" - a spike with very large grains, and "Speerty" - double spacing.

The end of the field work was celebrated by the feast with the obligatory baking of Karavaev from the flour of the new crop.

This day is the deadline for the departure of swallows. Cold matinees begin.


Young Indian summer begins, and the sun falls asleep.

If the young woman is a buoy - wait for the bad weather in the old one.

On the awning, the water is quiet - autumn and winter quiet.

Good cucumbers, sleepy awesome!

On Tuesday, on August 28, the Orthodox world meets one of the most important not tolerable holidays with a constant date - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And even on that day, the Virgin moved into the world of others, it is not necessary to be sad on this occasion - a holiday, on the contrary, symbolizes the joy and happiness reunion of Mary with his son.

On this day, the priests are applied to blue clothes, symbolizing the sky and enlightenment of each believer, solemn services are held in churches. Orthodox raise prayers and words of gratitude to the Virgin Mary, who gave this state of God's Son and defending all believers from troubles and enemies.

Today, the two-week Assumption post ended up, which believers were preparing for the holiday following the example of Mary itself - she learned about his death in advance, and for preparing for a meeting with his son and his father, he fasted and prayed to be pretty, cleaning the soul and body before ascending to heaven.

By the way, in the tomb, where the body of the deceased Mary was placed, after a few days they did not find him - the mother, according to the Son, went on the sky not only to the soul, but also a bodily shell.

In the people on this day, young Indian summer and the wedding season begins - tomorrow you can send the woven and plan a celebration for autumn.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28 - what is possible, and what can not be done on the holiday

On this day, it is necessary to go to the church, pray for the Virgin for loved ones, relatives and, most importantly, for their children. It is impossible to be greedy - treat the street of the poor and needy, help your suffering.

The holiday fell on Tuesday, which means the post really ended - you can eat everything you wish. True, the doctors do not advise too much to zealous, because after a long abstinence, you can harm your body.

Assumption, like any other church holiday, there are a number of strict prohibitions:

- Today it is impossible to walk with bare feet on earth - dew is the tears of the Mother of God, and therefore it is worth showing respect to it. Walking bare can be attached to himself.

- It is necessary to wear comfortable shoes. Grained today corn will bring difficulties and testing;

- You can not cut the hair. This will cause tears and sadness of Mary, which patronizes all the youth from heaven;

- Cannot swear with relatives and loved ones, and with unfamiliar people;

- evil should not be desired, because all the curses will turn against you on this day;

- It is impossible to use prickly and cutting objects - so as not to bring terrible diseases. On this day, bread breaks with their hands, and the food is not boiled;

- As in any important church holiday, it is impossible to do heavy physical labor and needlework.

What to take this day? Festive table, communication with relatives and loved ones, games with children. The day must be made as much as possible and alone so that the entire subsequent year in your house there was only joy and happiness.

Signs for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption Watching, and the fall meeting - it is from the Assumption that the India begins the summer, which will last the entire next month, and maybe longer. In the church on this day, you can bring the ears of a new crop to consecrate so that winter is satisfied, and the sky and then failed to your work.

Our ancestors believed that it was from this day that it was possible to go to the forest for mushrooms and nuts that were inquired for the winter. At the same time, the holiday alone in the forest is better not to go, because evil and insidious perfume woke up there, who wish to tighten and confuse a lonely traveler.

Followed this day and weather

  • What a rest is like autumn.
  • A rainbow appeared in the sky - autumn will be warm.
  • Good weather - Indian summer will be cool.
  • Many cobwebs - winter will be frosty and low.