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How to shock the girl - effective rituals. The best way, how to shim the girl to the girl

Using practical white magic, you can independently call your girlfriend's attraction to yourself, awaken in her love. Unlike black magic, these rituals are safe for all participants, they do not harm and violence, do not cause magical rollback and reverse strike. You can spend them at home with all available ingredients. It may not always work out the first time, but with proper perseverance, thanks to the witchcraft, at first there will be an attraction, and then true love.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

    Features of white magic

    The peculiarity of love rituals in white magic, unlike Magic Black, is that it is mainly focusing on attracting attention and the emergence of sympathy. The dark rituals imply a tough binding when the wanderings are experiencing suffering, being not close to whom they were stuck. As a result, the sacrifice destroys the psyche, and the storm gets a karmic punishment. Impact with the help of white magic passes without negative consequences.

      White magic does not destroy the psyche of the one who is directed.

      In order to smoke a person, a communication channel is always created, which will be broadcast by the will of the one who sodes. This may occur as follows:

      • Through a photo. Paper photography is more preferable for magic rituals than the image on the display. If the photo is in the phone, it is better to extract it and pre-print.
      • Through food. Usually, drinking or delicacy, which is then treated with a person who is required to be awesome.
      • Hair. If you managed to get the hair of the girl you like, you can spend a magical ritual with him.
      • Decoration or other subject. It is pre-exposed to magical processing, and then gives a gap.

      Love spell in the photo

      In order to do it, you will need:

      • stock Foto Girls attached;
      • a guy photocarcar to which are attached;
      • candle;
      • aromatic incense;

      After midnight on a growing moon in a room, without foreign people, all the corners of the incenses are emphasized, put a lit candle on the table. Take photos, on the lips a man dripped honey and glue with a photo of a girl so that the lips coincided with the lips. Looking at the flame candle and holding photos between the palms, read a plot:

      • "Sweet honey, sticky honey, welner Honey. My lips My lips for (the girl's name) pulls (the girl's name) to me, just loves me, just wants me to come to me. As I said, so it will be. Amen."

      A girl will constantly pull to the guy's ritual, she will have a desire to kiss him with him, will only behave so that he fell in love with him finally, to be affectionate, caring and preventing. The spell in the photo is convenient because it can be done at a distance, without contact with the ward.

      The strongest love spells on love - how to shock a man or a woman forever?

      Love spell on hair

      It is possible to fasten your favorite woman with a hair. This method is good if you managed to get at least a few hairs beloved. For the rite should be taken:

      • two candles;
      • hair beloved;
      • two candlesticks;

      Stick candlesticks with candles in front of them, they write on candles with something sharp names, their own girls. A candle with the name of the girl put on the left hand, and their candle is right. They first ignit the left candle, then right. Holding a hairs in hand, you should call in my memory the image of your beloved and tune in to it. When the candles are ruined by a third, take a drip wax drip from the left candle and read a plot:

      • "As a candle melts from fire, it melts from the love of the slave (the name of the girl) by slave (the name of the man), as long as the hair grows in the slaves (the name of the girl), she will love me and day, and at night, from now on and forever. Word. Case . Key. Castle. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

      The wax lump with the hair ranks from now on is a guide amulet. It should be worn with him. You can put it in the wallet separation so as not to lose, wrap in paper. It is allowed to carry this lump in your pocket or in Laneank on the neck. If the girl is tired, the spell can be removed by throwing wax with hair into the fire with the words:

      • "Let's let go of a flammable, smoke, fly. Amen."

      After that, the girl will be completely free from the feelings surced on it.

      Take on the hair and another spell. Take three enough long hair and pull out five of their hairs. The hair is intertwined with each other with the words:

      • "Hair to the hair, body to the body, soul to the soul. Like the hair was walked, so they walked down and (the names of a man and a woman), whose hair is more, that and the main in the family. That power, that worship, the obedience. Amen."

      These hair stored at home in a secluded place. The girl will obedient to his partner, but also a guy, albeit to a lesser extent will pull to this girl. If you wish to destroy the charms, it will be enough to squeeze all the hairs without any additional words. Love spell for love with hair is considered very strong.

Walking the girl can help the conspiracy of white magic on the feelings of the beloved. We must not forget - the desire to be with a woman should come from the heart, because the spell is committed for a long time.


Rules for the love spell girl

To make a love spell on love yourself, you need:

  1. Read the magic conspiracy, to make a promotional rite at home follows in the period of the growing moon. This is done so that the love of beloved grew and strengthened.
  2. Alone, the magic ritual must be performed in a calm, balanced condition, with clean thoughts and intentions. If you go on egoistic goals, the spell is inverse.
  3. Rituals need to be repeated until the target is reached.
  4. It is necessary to carry out a probitive rite in a quiet place.
  5. Love spell comes from beginning to end. You need to know and want, what happens to spend the ritual.
  6. Candles to the magic ritual are acquired in the church. The color is chosen white, pink, yellow or red.
  7. About the fact that a spell was committed, it is better not to tell anyone - so its energy is preserved for a long time.
  8. An important point related to magical action is release. After the ritual is made, it is necessary to try to forget about it. This is done to send the energy sending to the highest forces. And then their help will not make it wait.
  9. If there is a mirror in the room, it is worth covering it. It should be removed objects with a mirror reflection.

Preparation for ritual

An important process in preparing for a susceptible ritual is to purify thoughts. You can conduct meditation to enter the peaceful state.

For this you need:

  1. Enable relaxing music.
  2. Take a convenient position: you can sit down, lie, the main thing is that the body is not counted.
  3. Close your eyes, let go of problems, thoughts.
  4. Feel calm, silence.
  5. Large in such a state of about 20-30 minutes.

To tune in to the magic rite necessary:

  1. Take a shower (bath). The purity of the body matters, as well as the purity of thoughts.
  2. After taking the shower, it is necessary to put on the clothes of light tones. It is worth avoiding black, purple, blue, red.
  3. Prepare photos of a girl.

Selection photo for ritual

When carrying out a probitive rite, it is better to use a portrait image of your beloved. If the portrait is not, then you can take a photo in full growth.

Selection Rules for Magic Ritual:

  1. The picture must be clear. Do not use low-quality, blurry or black and white photos.
  2. The snapshot need to take a fresh one. The newer the image, the easier it is to read the information about the girl and it is easier to achieve the result of the insight.
  3. The beloved view in the photo should be open, straight looking. Images, where girl in glasses, do not suit the ritual.

Possible consequences of self-conducting

When a man does not follow the rules for the promotional rite, the outcome of events and consequences can be deplorable.

If the guy uses a strong ritual for the attitude, and after it goes to another, it attracts such troubles:

  1. A man risks stay alone. Build a normal relationship to him will interfere with the energy binding with a woman he has hit.
  2. Walking will remain unhappy. She will return to a man all the time, wait, hope that he will leave another girl.
  3. Correct the consequences of the magic rite a man is unlikely to succeed. This requires special knowledge, skills that have professional magicians and psychics. For one session, cleaning cannot be done - it will take several years.
  4. A man who made a strong spell and left the girl, you need not to forget that he leaves karmic duty to the blood. His children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren increase the possibility of being unfortunate in marriage, relationships.

A man should remember that he is going to attract the choices, he takes responsibility.

Simple ways to shock your favorite woman

Uncomplicated guidance rites are used to fall in love with those who like. Their action is to charm the girl, cause sympathy, warm, tender feelings in it.

Acquire materials for rites follows secretly from a woman who a man is going to shock.

Ritual with photography

To wander the girl to help two rites:

  • if you need to pay attention, then use one photo of the girl;
  • in the case when you need a powerful effect, take a personal snapshot and a beloved image.

The rite sequence is:

  1. Photo of a girl put under a pillow before bedtime. Let it stay there for three nights.
  2. After that, take a picture and put in front of you.
  3. Conspiracy over the photo you need exactly at midnight.
  4. Light a candle, drive it clockwise and say: "The servant of God (name) is only looking at me, the slave of God (name). With each glance, her love to me becomes stronger, the desire to be with me is stronger. May it be so. Amen".
  5. Put the candle in the photo so that it can do to the end.
  6. Image of a girl put under a pillow for three days.

Second ritual option:

  1. Wait for the night.
  2. Put your photo on the front of the beloved photo on the front side.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Keep two photos above the candle as low as possible. Read the conspiracy: "As you, the slave of God (name), now you look at me, the slave of God (name) and the connection between us is close. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  5. Make three nights in a row.

Ritual with flowers and threads for the love spell

White ritual for love beloved girl is held at dawn. Fields for the rite are used field, and the threads are made of natural wool.

To perform a probitive rite, the following is necessary:

  1. At sunrise with forest glade, Narvita flowers.
  2. Reinforcing a bouquet of wildflowers with a red thread three times. On the last turn, tie a triple knot.
  3. Come home, burn the church candle, and put flowers to a photo of your beloved girl.
  4. Read the plot: "I went out in the field, the slave of God (name), for the flowers to you, the slave of God (name). Accepting flowers from me and love my acceptance. Amen".
  5. Leave a bouquet in the photo for three days. On the fourth day, take the flowers back on the field, scatter them there. Fit the thread next to the tree.

Ritual with hair

The person who is being made such a spell makes itself felt within a month after the ritual.

Rite sequence:

  1. Try to take a small amount of hair with your beloved woman. Hair can be used with the calculation.
  2. Cut some hair from your head.
  3. Place your and lover's hair in one white fabric.
  4. Light a candle. Put a girl portrait in front of you.
  5. Read the spell: "We are connected with you, the sky is tied. Our way the sun, the moon is illuminated, your dislike in love turns. Amen".
  6. Clean the candle, place the cloth with hair behind the photo of a woman.
  7. Hair should fly over the portrait until the beloved will cross the threshold of your home.

Love spell on candles and photos

A strong magic rite that is able to cause a girl's love in a short time. With a frequent use of this ritual, the human energy field is destroyed, its immunity and psyche weakens, so you need to be careful with it.

For ritual, it will be necessary:

  • two thin red candles;
  • two photos (personal and photo girls);
  • white fabric.

Start spending a ritual at night:

  1. Two photos put in front of you.
  2. Light two red candles.
  3. Tie the candles with each other so that one candle turned out.
  4. Put three drops of wax from the candles bandaged to the image of your beloved girl.
  5. Put your photo face down on a snapshot of the beloved.
  6. Two folded photos have three drops of wax.
  7. Extinguish the candles, place them together with pictures in white fabric.
  8. Scroll hide into a secluded place.
  9. Every day, take a white fabric, without turning it out. Read over a smoky whisper: "You are mine, I'm yours. Come to me. Amen".

Love spell on sweets

Sweets for the girl buy for personal money (without occupying).

The guidance ritual is as follows:

  1. Over sweets, read: "Your love for me sweet like these candies (replace the word on what is going to treat a woman). Amen. Amen. Amen".
  2. Give the treat to any woman and make sure that she herself ate it.

Love spell on alcohol

A promotional rite for a woman needs to be done late in the evening or at night, when you stay alone with your beloved.

Consistently ritual:

  1. Buy a bottle of wine (any alcohol). Purchase three times the words above the bottle: "As alcohol in your blood and love for me too. Amen".
  2. Pour alcohol into a glass of girls, let her drink it.

It is important that the beloved woman drank alcohol from the glass to the bottom.

Women's spell with a nasal handker

A powerful love spell on the girl's in love is taken on the birthday of the lover.

Ritual holding:

  1. Buy a new handkerchief (light color: white, pink).
  2. Bring it home, quit near the threshold.
  3. Bosoy heel press a lot of scarf to the floor.
  4. Read the conspiracy: "I am tightly coming to the shawl, your love, the slave of God (name), causing. You will love me as tight as I stand. Amen".
  5. After the ritual, give a handkerchief to your beloved woman.

Candle and needle love spell

This rite should not be carried out in a church holiday, on Sunday and Monday.

For the ritual, take:

  • two new needles;
  • two thin candles;
  • point of choice;
  • red large candle.

Spend a probitive rite in the following order:

  1. Put in front of yourself a photo of a girl.
  2. Light a large candle, put it from the left of the snapshot.
  3. Tinging two candles, say: "I caught your love, tie to myself. You will walk for me, not to notice anyone, I ask for a meeting with me. Amen".
  4. Two needles pour three drops of wax from a big candle.
  5. Stick needles in tied candles.
  6. Put the photo in a secluded place. Stressed candles with needles Put under the bed.
  7. Clean a large candle.

Love spell on rods

The rite is carried out before Verbal Sunday.

Day must be chosen so that he does not come to an Orthodox holiday:

  1. Natine nine verbal twigs.
  2. Tell them with red thread.
  3. Read the spell: "Spring has come, your love is, the slave of God (name), with her strips."
  4. Put the twigs under the bed for nine days.
  5. After that, take the branches to the house of the Beloved, leave the threshold and leave without looking back.

Women's love spell

For the rite, choose such a cereal:

  • pendant;
  • pea;
  • barley;
  • rice.

The ritual is as follows:

  1. Pour in the package three handstone selected cereals.
  2. Read the conspiracy over it: "Howrs are brewed, so your love wakes up to me. Neither sleep, no rest, no rest to know without me. Amen".
  3. Ask the lover to cook a conspiracy croup.

To enhance the result, spend a ritual with salt, which will be needed for cooking cereals.

In the video from the "Sordunya Tatyana Moscow" channel, a guidance ritual for salt was demonstrated.

Love spell for a gift for your beloved

Remember that in order, taking gifts, is given / accepted with them the energy promise. A person who makes a gift from the heart receives love, recognition, kindness in return. Those people that present gifts with offend, envy or sadness back attracted it.

For a favorite girlfriend, try to avoid glass, metal, acute items:

  1. Choose a gift for a sweetheart with love. Give her what exactly likes.
  2. Over the gift whisper the guidance words: "I give you a gift, I give love. We accept a gift, take love my love. Amen".
  3. If the woman adopted a gift with pleasure, you can be sure - the spell worked.

List of chosen on pin

For the ritual, purchase a new pin and a snapshot of a beloved woman.

The rite is carried out like this:

  1. Put a photo of your beloved girl.
  2. Estate the pin, tell me over it: "The servant of God (name) to me, the slave of God (name) is attached. Love grows her every day. I close a pin, I will contact us forever. Amen".
  3. Punch snapshot corner, button pin.
  4. Photograph hide from prying views.

Conspiracy on the love spell of a married woman

For the attitude you will need:

  • wedding Ring Women;
  • salt;
  • photo by beloved;
  • church candle;
  • saucer.

Spend the ritual on the same day:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Put a picture of a girl on a saucer.
  3. Ring Place the photo.
  4. Sprinkle the image and ring with the words: "In addition to me, you don't see anyone, you don't want to know. Love for her husband cools, it flares up. You leave him, you come to my threshold. Amen".
  5. Spend a candle nine times above the saucer counterclockwise, hide it.
  6. Ring Return the hostess, saucer with a snapshot and salt on the windowsill for three days.
  7. Collect salt from the saucer and pour it away at the woman's threshold.
  8. Come back home without looking around.

Men are typical of their own forces to seek love of the chosen. They are essentially their, pragmatics and realists. And even when they are unbearably hurt from the impossibility of being with the only one who eclipsed the whole world, they prefer to cope with this misfortune.

Ritals for the love spell

Actual question, how to shock like a girl's dream, not only young guys are asked, but also men. And very few of those who are in this someone to admit. However, this method can help where all the actions of a man are absolutely powerless.

Ritual with photos

Get a photo of the girl is quite simple. Better, if it is a fresh snapshot. All actions are carried out on a growing moon.

For a conspiracy, you will need a candle, a photo of your beloved. At midnight, you should sit down for clean and empty table, set yourself and light the candle. Take a photo. To bring a snapshot from above to the flame of the candle, the image down, but it is necessary to follow, so as not to fall out the photo.

Drive a photo with circular, smooth movements over fire, read three times:

"The fire flares, the heart (girl's name) fills love, only to me directs."
"The fire flares, the mind (girl's name) overshadows, just wants about me."
"The fire is glowing, (the girl's name) for me languishes, burns."

Then put a photo near your bed, you can under the pillow, and go to bed.

To repeat such a ritual in a row three evenings. Soon, the girl's feelings will really become warmer. The photo transfers energy, and also absorbs. Often these are black magicians, sorcerers, psychics. Therefore, it is necessary to handle a snapshot, carefully.

Rite on colors and threads

Make it easy, it is enough to know the exact address where the girl lives. It is desirable that the guy himself chose and narrow flowers. If there is no season on the street, and the love spell does not wait, you can buy flowers and in the store. But it is better to choose simple, tender and inexpensive flowers. It is necessary to hold the rite until midnight. You need to prepare silk white threads in advance.

The collected flowers to wind the thread, as if collecting in a bundle, saying:

"Strike my love, like a filament, silk, clean my love, like a white thread, tying with knots, I will give to yourself (the name of the girl) forever."

The more densely wrap, the stronger the spell will be stronger. Words to repeat until 12 laps of threads get. After, collecting all the petals from the bouquet and scatter in front of the door (the porch, yard) of the girl. But only so that she had to cross through them.

Stems tied up with thread, suspend in an inconspicuous place. When they dried, remove to any comfortable place where no one will find them and will not throw out.

If everything turns out true, the spell from this day will gain strength.

Magic hair rituals

Walking girl can be used by her hair. How to get it, another question, but hairs should be at least three.

The strand of your hair must be tightly tied with a girl's hair. All the energy should be aimed at wanting to associate his fate with the beloved. Words that need to pronounce do not have strict rules. You can think in advance or simply say what you want most and feel.

Approximate text:

"We will be tied up firmly, long-long. Do not smash, not to pour with water, we are with you now together. "

Hair wrap in a clean handkerchief and hide away. You can bury somewhere in the garden.

Love spell on the pin

If the guy likes a girl from a close environment - a friend, a colleague, a former classmate, and it does not accept signs of attention, you can apply a spell on the pin.

What is needed for this:

  • new ordinary pins 7 pieces,
  • candle,
  • photo of a girl.

In full moon, prepare all the necessary attributes, stay in a dark empty room. Loop the candle. On the table to put a photo of a girl and pins.

Visualize the emission of the chosen as possible. Some joint moments can be represented: Walking under the moon, gentle hands or strong arms. You need to take the first pin, attach to the photo of the girl and fasten.

At the same time follow the words:

"The first castle is strong. Do not recognize any love, give me your love. It will always be so. "

Then use the second pin, with similar words, only changing the "First Castle" on the "Second Castle", etc. After, photo with pins put on the window so that the moonlight falls on it.

And speak words:

"The lunar thread is connected, forever tied."

In the morning, chop down the seventh (last) pin, and at the meeting to throw the girl. The best option is considered if the pin manages to hide the girl in the room, imperceptibly attach to the curtain or put under the mattress on which she sleeps.

Strongest rite acting at a distance

How to shock a girl if she is far away, and there is no opportunity to meet with it personally. In this case, a guidance ritual with mirrors and salt will help.

Salt is a good energy conductor, and the mirrors have long been attributed to magical properties.

Purchase two small mirrors of any form, preferably without plastic rim. Having waited for the new moon, you can proceed to the rite.

At midnight, cover the table with a new white tablecloth. Install two mirrors against each other. Near each mirror, on both sides, light the candle.

Salt should be from a new pack, which has not yet been opened and did not take a chopping from there. 12 spoons of such a salt heat in a frying pan than hot, the better.

"Hot love (girl's name) to me, fervor burns, heart burns, soul bake. Without my day, it will not live. "

After reading three times, salt collect all the last grains into the bowl, and follow the room where the mirrors are cooked. Your condition should be calm, thoughts are light. The image of the girl should always be kept in the head. Scattered with a warm salt from one mirror to another continuous track.

At the same time, pronounce the words of the probing spell:

"In the path, hot, bring me (girl's name), going to the path, without me (the name of the girl) does not live, do not sleep and do not drink. As will be released on the threshold, the heart (girl's name) is torn to me, it will not turn to another. Bosy legs, dense meadows, hurries to me (girl name). As I know, I will not give myself anyone. On another road, do not carry (the name of the girl) legs. "

Read three times without hurrying. Then collect salt into a clean handkerchief, tightly tie. Candles to bandage with a red wool thread. The mirrors are folded displayed in the inside. All attributes of the affected ritual fold into one places (box, box), and remove away.

Soon, the girl should take longing for a young man. Wherever it was, she wants to see her. Now, the main thing, the guy is not confused and make every effort to further successfully develop events.

All these rituals will help to shock the girl in the fastest time. So that the efforts are not in vain, and the consequences did not appear in worst, it should be carefully related to the acquired love.

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasenSorika
Education: Professional

Posted articles

Not many guys are solved to shyly the girl, and all because the network is shot by various horror stories about this. There are different situations, and sometimes lacks one step alone so that two were happy. Your decision to shock your favorite girl is not sin, because when loving hearts are connected - a miracle occurs.

If you feel that I also like a girl, but neither you, not she are not capable of a heroically romantic act - a love spell will help you. He will simply create a favorable situation from which you both will leave the already held pair.

Clear thing that it is a spell that is the best tool in Amur deeds. Women this term is very close, but from men not everyone will go for such a step. Everything is very simple - few of the representatives of the strong floor believe in these rituals under the moon. If you still decided on such a step, you just need to know some features of the male rite:

  1. Male energy of the world - Yan. So consider the Ancient Wisdoms, and therefore any ritual held by a man should pass at the light of the sun. In this case, the best time is the beginning of the sunset.
  2. Optimal days for the creation of the ritual - Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Give your preference Friday, since this day is best suited for love rites.
  3. Pick up a lone place where no one can prevent you from! Magic Thin Matter, which does not tolerate unnecessary witnesses.
  4. Remember that the spell always needs to be pronounced three times to secure the result without a single error.
  5. Conspiracy can only be pronounced by memory! In no case should there be another carrier or cribs at hand.
  6. Clean clothing is just what will help you only strengthen your abilities, although this condition is not necessarily compliance.

Security, first of all! Use only white energy in good - so you will not harm your beloved. Black magic makes only a senior of sexual chakra and an awesome man can go crazy, and often the consequences are much worse.

How to choose a suitable ritual?

Soft and at the same time very effective rituals are village magic and energy spell. Both options do not require deep knowledge and special devices. In addition to the photo or personal item, you will not need anything.

To get something personal will be problematic, especially if you do not communicate and do not consist in friendly relationships, but you can get a photo today easy! Moreover, an inexperienced magician will be easier to cope with a visual way than with a source of energy that the personal thing carries.

What photo is best about?

IMPORTANT To successfully hold a spell, pick up a suitable snapshot of the beloved. Choose the following criteria:

  1. Do you really make a photo of this girl on your own phone or find the main thing in the social network so that the photo is fresh! A snapshot should be no more than a year. It is best to find the latest photo, since it is in it that will be sealed with a maximum of new energy.
  2. On the photo other than the object of your reeble, there should no longer be even animals. For the rite, it is better not to use a cropped snapshotEspecially if it has at least some of the clothes or the body of another person. For example, someone hugs a girl by the shoulder.
  3. In the photo, a person should look straight into the chamber, as you need to clearly see the eyes and face of the girl.
  4. Best if the snapshot will be in fullSince the photo to the belt is not always suitable.

Spend as much time as possible to cooking a rite and only after you are ready, you can start holding a ritual over a photo. Main comply with all the established rules!

Ritual actions

Before proceeding to perform one of the selected rituals, it is necessary to ask yourself one single question: "Are you really experiencing the brightest feelings for this person"? If you do it from a feeling of envy or pursue other goals, then you will not succeed in your hands! In such a finely, the promise is very important and your friendly attitude, only in this case you will succeed and no one will suffer.

Burning Fabric Message

Need an unused handkerchief of a light shade. Write a few phrases on it that I would like to tell your beloved when meeting. From how sincere will be words, the power of the ritual performed is dependent. Claws wrap in roll and burn on a porcelain dish. In the process of burning it is necessary to read a special conspiracy:

"Crawling in the desert of the snake-rapida to the girl (full name), horrid her in the heart with a scorching sting. Heart will overtake, burn fire. Only I, kind well done (full name) I can put the flame to zagu off. Will my strong. "

All the action is performed at night, in full silence. The ashes remaining after the procedure to breed in the wind. For several days wait for the first signs of attention from your beloved.

Simple ritual with photo

At home, you can organize a love spell, using her photo. The snapshot should be at least an annual limitation, good quality. Eyes beloved should be well visible. Do not try to trim the photo with scissors, in this case the spell does not work. The entire picture where the girl who you like is captured by one, without unauthorized persons and items - the perfect option in order to make the magic of love play entirely in your favor.

The rite acts at a distance, which gives you undeniable advantages. So, looking at the photograph and thinking only about how you meet your favorite and you will be happy together, start reading such a magical prayer:

"As I can't live without you, the slave of God (name), so you are not a mound without me, the slave of God (your name). May it be so, for my word is the law. Amen!"

The photo used when making a rite, hide into a secluded place. Love spell on love girl will act within 1-2 weeks.

How to shock a girl with an apple

The strongest spell on the girl at home is very ancient and requires full seriousness in their intentions. At home, in full solitude, you need to concentrate and tune in to the magic ritual. Love spell is a very simple but strong rite.

Take a sharp knife and cut the apple strictly in the middle. Post off the knife with an apple to the side and write on a white sheet of paper names of your own and beloved girl. Insert a note with the names between the halves of the apple and connecting them to connect the apple with a red ribbon. After the apple is bandaged with a ribbon, it must be put on a white saucer and remove it for the icon and read the prayer for marriage. note that within 7 days, the apple can not be touched (7 days associated with the magic value of the figure forming the word family).

The spell on the apple is strong and fast, already in a week the beloved person begins to experience a magical attraction through the distances to his second half, but the girl's spell does not work if the apple trottered, tolerated from place to place, or found out about the magic ritual.

The strongest spell on the girl at home with an apple should be interrupted:

  • If you cut apple saw that it turned out to be rotten or worm, it is a sign that now is not the time for the love of the girl.
  • If a at the time of the magical ritual, you constantly someone or something distractsSo, to shock the girl at a distance you need to stop and do at another time.
  • If during the attitude of the apple, the tape is constantly scorpoving, confused, this is a bad sign. The highest strengths prevent the ritual and the girl you want to shit, intended to be heaven for another.
  • For seven days, the apple will not dry, but begins to rotSo the spell of the girl did not work.

Love spell conspiracted sweetness

For ritual, you will need something sweet - then what your lady of the heart would be crazy about. It can be candy, chocolate bar, cake. Say over the confectionery product:

"How this candy is pleasant and sweet, so I will like you. Amen!"

A conspiracy yummy must be presented to anything that is not a guessing woman. As soon as she eats a given sweetness, it will cover an insurmountable desire to see you and be there.

How to shock a former wife

This method will help to return not only to his wife, but also the beloved, from which you lived together for a long time.

Prepare two candles from the church. With the onset of midnight, burn them away, and say three times the text, looking at the light:

"How burns, silent this flame,
So let my wife love and desire to me only breathe!
And be that every minute, every hour, every day.

Then go to bed without saying a word. If the spouse left you recently, in about a week, prayer will come into force. Plan on the seventh day a meeting so that for a woman she was random.

Conspiracy to cooled love

If you notice that the lady of the heart began to cool down to you, or even a lover started, but you do not leave hope for restoring relationships, you can apply this method.

Find the nest, mandatory with a bird, sitting chicks. Crossed hands in the castle, try three times:

"As a bird of the nest is attached to the nest,
So you, the slave of God (worldly name) from the gulyanov refused.
Be now from now and forever eternal and no otherwise.

Making a spell, a man should not relax, since it depends on his behavior and further actions, how strong and successful the relationship between him and the awesome woman will be.

Only a real strong feeling will help preserve the binding thread, which appeared between in love through witchcraft.

Light love spell

These types of love spellors are simple in fulfillment and do not work long, therefore, you need to have time to take advantage of the result and establish relationships with your beloved in a short time.

Option 1. You need to get the hair lover. The easiest way to do this with its calculation. Also take your hair, goss out them together and say words:

"How we walked our hair, so let our fate passive."

Then the hairs fasten with wax from the red candle and wear with them for 7 days. After this time, the hair ligament must be reduced to the favorite house.

Option 2. You need to take the hair of the chosen and dig it next to your home with the words:

"As a hair here, next to me, so you be next to me."

Option 3. This ritual will help attract the attention of the attention of the unfamiliar girl. Important condition - it is necessary to get her hair. Washed him on the ring finger of the left hand, the conspiracy is pronounced:

"How your hair (girl's name) with me, so you will be with me."

Conspiring hairs need to wind around the Golden Ring and always wear it on hand.

Strong love

This rite is carried out, turning to the world of the dead, so the consequences can be anyhow. Before proceeding to this strong ritual, it is necessary to think about how - should, do you need this girl to risk because of her well-being?

To fulfill the rite you will need:

  • black candle;
  • red candle;
  • two hair girls;
  • photo of a deceased relative.

At three o'clock in the morning, the full moon flashes the candles from the match, put a snapshot of the late relative in front of them, and his beloved hair is on it. Read a magic spell:

"The spirit of the deceased (her) (her name) urge you! Two and hear me! I will fulfill my will and do, since I want. Let my favorite (name) gets caught without me, as a wax candle melts. Let crying and suffer, longing and freezes. And the matter will not be in life, and the soul will be laughing! Let it be the way I said! "

One hairs burned on a red candle flame, and the other is black. The next day, you should visit the grave of the relative and put on it the sputum (coins, sweets, fruits, expensive alcohol, etc.) Thank you in your own words. Go to church and put a candle behind it.

How to tie a girl to yourself

You need to take strand of your hair and hair chosen. Binding from together, read spell:

"Lord, helping our hearts to connect, nothing will be able to divide us anymore. Let us be together as the moon with the stars, like smoke with fire, like grass with earth, like frost with ice. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Mopic from the hair wrap in a rag and hide so that no one finds.

Burning hair

Option 1. To fulfill the ritual, you need to get three hairs of chosen, which are intertwined with their hair with a lit candle, while visualizing the image of your favorite and happy collaborative life. Then the pigtail is burned in the flame of the candle, while it burns, in your own words, ask the highest strength to help you win the love of your beloved. Words should pronounce sincere and from a pure heart.

How to say your request, tell me the spell:

"Lord Most High, burn fire candles with holy hair beloved (girl's name) and mine (their name). And after that, I will link us to the sacred forever, connect our hearts forever, make us together with my narrowed. Amen!"

After the rite, you can not talk to anyone and immediately go to bed.

Option 2. To make a spell, you will need an odd amount of hair, your and beloved girls (3 and 3, 7 and 7, etc.) at midnight, the candle is lit, and the pigtail of their hair and hair beloved, it reads the spell:

"I am gossiping this hair, our destinies are intertwined. As the moon with a month go together, so we will now be inseparable and each other is loved. The love spell on my hair does not remove anyone, do not remake, do not betray. Candle is burning - you will be happy with me. Hair burning - you (girl's name) to yourself (your name) urge. Amen!"

The pigtail must be burned in the flame of the candle, and give the candle to extinguish. Such a spell will act within two weeks.

Ritual on the awakening of feelings

To awaken the love of the girl you like, you can spend such a rite for which you need:

  • hair girl;
  • thick white candle;
  • its photo;
  • small cardboard box.

The girl's hair is wound on the Unnamed finger of the right hand, if you decide to associate your life, if not, then the hairs are wound on the ring finger of the left hand. Put manipulations, repeating the name of the beloved. The ring from the hairs is put on their photo and eat candles with wax so that it attaches to a snapshot. Then they say a plot:

"Like smoke with fire, like frost with ice, like grass from the ground, and we are with you. Love in the hairs, hairs in the chest, a chest under the seven seals. No one can open it, my will not change my will. Amen!"

The photo is put in the box and fastens in her seven wax drops. The box is hiding so that no one finds.

Love spell on wax figure

Option 1. For the ritual it will take a candle whose wax soften and make a female figurine from it. Hair lover girl attach to it. Tykaya in the wax figure, pronounce spell:

"Let your love and passion for me light up in your heart. Let you feed sadness, longing and crash without me. May it be so!"

Option 2. On a growing moon you need to take two candles, soften them and make two figures, to which you need to attach your hair and choices. On the figures should write names, their own and girls. Then the figures are associated together with red thread and read a conspiracy three times over them:

"As I (my name) I can not live without a beloved (name of the chosen), so she will not see any night without me."

Ritual with blood and hair

For the ritual, hair is taken, their own and sweetheart. After midnight, they sit down for a round table, light the candle and glove their hair so that they cannot unlease. Pure needle pierce the little finger on the left hand and eat three drops of blood with the words:

"As this blood in me (name) was and you (name) with me forever!"

The hair wrap in a clean scarf and put under a pillow for seven days. After this time, the shawl with hair is buried near the house beloved so that it will definitely step over through this place.

Rite to return beloved

If a favorite for some reason left you, then you can try to return it with the help of magic. To do this, you will need to get at least one hair. In the morning, before sunrise, the open window, the candle is lit, three nodules are tied on the hair, and during this word pronounces these words:

"I (my name) nodule is not on the hair of my beloved (the name of the beloved) tie, but on her heart. It is not unleashed by anyone. Everything will be the way I want, and you will come back to me from any life pool. And after, you can not live without me. "

"Your hairs forever burns and the nodules will never untie the knot."

Men, remember, with the help of lovers, you will not reach the love of the chosen, whatever you say!

Method with 9 candles

It will take 9 church thin candles and a photo of the beloved. A circle is made before dawn from the candles, then the candles are lit and the center put face up a photo. The right heel is coming in the photo and plot is pronounced three times:

"How my heel presses you strongly, so let him pull to me. It is gratifying with me, hard without me. Sim say the castle, and the key is fish in the mouth. Amen".

The rite takes 3 nights in a row.

We look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. A man takes a photo of his beloved photo, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the lability 7 times:

"As I love you, God's slave (the name of the girl), so you can't do without me, God's slave (your name). So be it. My words are the law. Amen".

After a conspiracy, the snapshot should be hidden in an unavailable place for others.

Midnight spell

The rite is carried out after midnight. The man needs to be comfortable to stay on the chair or chair, to put a photo of your loved one. Loop the candle, look through her flame on a picture of a girl and take a plot 7 times, looking at the candle light at the same time, and on the face of beloved. The conspiracy is better to memorize by heart, so as not to get back in the process of reading:

"Dusty and hot flame flames, longing for God's slave (the girl's name) imposes. As a golden wax, her heart melts. God's slave (his name) let your thoughts. As it does not happen without a wick of fire, so do not live without me. How soft wax from the fire candles, so you do not have urine without me. Heart moaning, shower thanks. Slave (girl's name) understands than her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without sun heat. Dress God's slave (girl's name) without body and caress of God's slave (your name). Amen".

After the ritual, it is necessary to try the next morning to see with the desired girl, so that the plot began to act. If this did not come out - repeat the rite next night.

Love spell with 12 candles

Below we describe simple and safe, but at the same time a strong love spell on a girl who will be able to read almost everyone.

This spell works in the case when your love with this girl is possible initially. That is, you are at least pretty her. Reflect the fate with such a technique will not work, but you will not provoke any unwanted effects.

In the event that your situation satisfies the above requirements can begin.

You will need:

  • 12 candles;
  • sheet of paper;
  • pencil;
  • mirror.

It is best to use natural wax candles. The table or purely washed floor is suitable as a place for the love spell.

  1. Candles should be put in a circular diameter of 60-70 cm;
  2. In the center, install the mirror and sit opposite the face to it;
  3. Put the leaflet in front of it on which you first write the name of your favorite and under it your name.

Now read the following plot:

I ask for the forces of good, the gods of love, cosmic energy, the light of all the universe to help me.

I love the true love of this girl and I want our names to join.

We will create good together, help each other and others.

I promise to love only (the girl's name), never offend her.

I swear to be faithful, caring, responsible.

I refuse my vices for the sake of real love.

I became better because of the love of (the name of the girl), I will get better next.

Universe, Universe and Universal Cosmos, help me to be with your beloved forever!

Connect the names (calling your name, girl's name) in the universe, space, the universe forever eternal! "

After that, close your eyes, sit in front of the photos for a while presenting something together for example, how you will meet the next time. Then put out the candles, wrap them in paper with names and hide away. After about 3-4 months you can bury or burn this bundle.

Strong white spell

White love spells are less effective than black, however, no one is harmful and also capable of bringing the desired effect.

You will need: Green fabric, preferably brilliant, three pink shade candles and two white, photo of a girl, bag, golden or pink, shiny ribbon.

  1. Fabric spread, put the photo into the center;
  2. Candles place around, ignite;
  3. Imagine that the candles are at the ends of a big five-pointed star;
  4. Look at the photo without breaking down, at the same time imagine that you are together with your girlfriend, gently hug her, kiss.

Speak like this:

I urge to help all the gods, the energy of light, the energy of the sun, the energy of all those who love the hearts of our universe.

Let all the forces merge into a single rapid flow and burst into the heart of my beloved girl (name).

I pray the gods of omigative, so that they challenge the heart of my beloved to my.

Let our love ever lives, under the stars and the sun, under the moon, under snow and rains.

I promise to love, defend, appreciate, protect my beloved, never evil to her and sacrificing for her to everyone. Just connect us into a single integer, in one vessel.

Alternatively, eternal let it be so! "

5 Photo turn over;

6 Drip on its edges wax with each candle three times. It should turn out 15 drops;

7 Wait for the wax dry, put a snapshot into the bag;

8 Do not forget to bandage it with a ribbon;

First night after holding a love spell. Keep your magic bag under the pillow, think about your beloved. If the girl also dreams of you on this momentous night, it will be great at all. Then the bag is hiding in your home, preferably in the bedroom. Keep, do not tell anyone about the burner.

Muslim guidors

By and large, the Muslim spell on the love of the girl is no special different from ordinary love spell. Below we will look at the highlights of which you need to adhere to Muslim when making a vote:

  1. Church candles change on wax candles of red color (they can be easily bought in any esoteric store);
  2. Be sure to translate all the texts of the conspiracies to your native language. Remember, the meaning is not the words themselves.
  3. If you want to shit a woman belonging to the Muslim religion, you will need to use methods that are characteristic of this culture. Privors and conspiracies where Orthodox prayers are used, you will not fit.
  4. The perfect spell for Muslims is reading certain seur from the Quran.
  5. If they do not belong to the supporters of Islam, but you wish to attach Muslim, the spell in any case will be not so strong. Ideal if you and the girl adheres to some principles, one faith.
  6. If you still decided to make such a spell, be sure to find out when Muslim posts come. In the days of the post, as well as a week before the post and a week after it graduated, it is strictly prohibited.

Spell on the photo card at midnight

You can spend such a rite on any day of the week, but it is necessary to do this at midnight. Conspiracy must be learned in advance by heart. All you need is only a photo. It needs to be held with both hands, while you will need to look straight into the eyes of the image, without breaking away from them for a second. Conspire words should be repeated exactly 7 times. Text:

"As I have strong feelings for you, the servant of God (the name of the woman), and in your soul, let them appear the same to the slave of God (own name). So be it. My word is firmly like a stone. Amen."

Then the photo card should be placed in such a place where no one except you will find. The result of such a love spell will be seen quite quickly. As a rule, the first positive changes will be noticeable after only 7 days. But in the event that the beloved with you is unfamiliar, then in order for her feelings to appear, more time will need.

Love spell on the red candle

To carry out such a ritual, you need to prepare 1 conventional red color candle, as well as 2 thin church candles. You still need a photocarter of the beloved woman of suitable quality.

It is necessary to spend the ritual at night for the full moon and best at midnight. With the help of ordinary matches, set fire to the red candle. Then take thin candles and support them above the tribe of a lit candle.

After they become soft and pivy, they will need to weave in the form of a spiral. After that, they should be lit them. Place the photo card on the table next to the red candle and drive above it burning church candles. When the wax becomes dripping on the photo card, start saying the words of the conspiracy (repeat 3 times):

"As this pair of candles are gossiping among themselves and the slave of God (own name), let it be tightly connected with the slave of God (the name of the woman). How these candles are melted together from the flame, so let both (their own name) with (the name of the woman) will melt from gentle feelings and passion to each other. My word is stronger than stone. Amen."

This rite should be completed only after the entire surface of the image is covered with wax. This photo card must be placed under its pillow, and it should go there until the moment the results of the attitude will not be seen.

Remember that how strong will the result of the ritual you spend, depends mostly from you. Believe that everyone will succeed, and this is how it will be!

With cake

Invite a girl home on tea and treat it a conspired cake or piece of cake. Conspiracy is read in advance. Buy desserts, choose the most juicy and sweet.

  • For the rite you will need a juicy and sweet peach
  • You will need three church candles. House burn candles, put in the center of the peach.

Tell me:

"It blooms in the edge of a distale tree paradise, on it ripe fruits. In each two halves. Together they are a golden fruit, they apart - the fruit is black. Amen".

Cut peach in half, so that it turned out 2 the same parts. Take both parts in your hands and drip at the same time on a cupcake or cake with juice of two peach halves. Do not throw off the bone from peach until the girl will eat a cake or a piece of cake.

With handkerchief

Buy a handkerchief. Write directly on the fabric your confession in love, all the words you would like to tell the girl when she will be near. Roll into the shape of "sausages" and put it on a porcelain plate. Faith fabric and watch it burns, and repeat this plot:

"Crawling in the desert of the snake-rapida to the girl (full name), horrid her in the heart with a scorching sting. Heart will overtake, burn fire. Only I, kind well done (full name) I can put the flame to zagu off. Wola my strong and modeling. "

Magic rite with wine

This rite is considered very strong and suitable for use and at home and visiting. An important condition is the presence of a sweetheart. Make this spell can be and during a feast or holiday. To do this, it is necessary to cast a little in her glass with words:

"Pei-Doppening and do not forget me!

It is desirable to do it with wine. In extreme case, champagne or beer is suitable. Strong drinks are best not to use, since the effect on a favorite girl may not be.

On colors and threads

This rite is easy to spend, you just need to know where your favorite girl lives. It will be not bad if a young man himself robs a bouquet, let it be even simple wildflowers. But you can buy them in a flower shop. It is necessary to carry out a ritual of the attitude to midnight, preparing the white silk threads in advance that the bouquet should be wounded, saying:

"Love slave (...) is durable, like a thread of silk, Love slave (...) Clea, like a light thread. I will start tightly, to myself a slave (...) I will give for a whole life. Amen".

Wipe the flowers as hard as possible, then the feelings will be durable and long. Pronounce a conspiracy on the spell, until 12 laps are wrapped around the bouquet. After that, you need to break the petals from the colors and scatter them in front of the yard, the porch or the door of the apartment where the beloved lives. It is necessary to choose such a time so that it be sure to cross through the petals. Stems that are bandaged to the thread should be hung in a secret place. After they are dry - hide away from strangers.

On the pin

If a man loved the girl, and she ignores his courtship, it's easy to get it out without consequences at home, taking simple pins (they need 7 pieces), a church candle and a snapshot of the infection object (even more options for the attitude of the pin in this article). Full moon closes in a dark room. On the table is placed a lit candle, put pins and photos of your beloved. It is desirable to introduce her image as much as possible, remember the moments of joint walks, kisses, hugs or touches. Then take the pin and fasten to the image, pronouncing the words:

"Fasten and durable first castle. The slave (...) does not recognize the draw, only a slave (...) will give his love. Forever on infinitely. Amen".

Then take the second pin and do similar actions, changing the numbering of the pins in the text: "Second Castle", "Third Castle", etc.

Snapshot with fastened pins Place on the window sill, so that the image of the moon fall, saying words:

"The thread of the lunar is connected, forever tied. Amen".

Waking up in the morning, to disappear the last pin and raise your girlfriend when a date. It is even better if it is possible to leave it in the room where the elect, placing it under the mattress or attaching to the curtains. The remaining pins remain in place in a closed form; The photo is hiding in a secret corner. The impact is manifested by about 1-2 weeks.

For a gift

Love often happens unrequited. And not everyone knows that it is not so difficult to achieve a response feelings from his beloved person, just making her a gift. It is important if the victim will be held with a gift, the fact that a man is donated after counting a conspiracy, a lot of time. You can choose anything anything, if only like a girl liked. The words are as follows:

"Like a dove without his pigeon, not to live, without a crow, do not live Voronich, and the slave (...) will not be able without love of slave (...). Amen".

Slap a plot three times, and in the morning you will give your beloved or put at the door of her house. This is a white spell, he is harmless and does not bear bad energy. If love leaves, it can be easily removed without causing any of the sides.

On saliva

This conspiracy is best suited if you need to shiminate the desired person as soon as possible. With the help of saliva, a love longing is spawned. To do this, spit on the floor of the apartment, at home, entrance, where the girl is and pronounce:

"Oh, no terrestrial creature will live without saliva, so the slave (...) does not live and not be without a slave (...). Saliva dries out, loved about the slave (...) remembers without him misses it. From this hour to love it, to do, without a slave (...) Joy not to know. Amen".

After the saliva begins to push, a person appears a strong desire to see and talk to those who kept him. Over time, feelings are increasingly strengthened, the girl even more encouraging and change nothing else.

On chocolate

Young girls and women love sweet, so attracting them using chocolate, it will be easy. For a ritual, you should take a red candle, you will need a chocolate, dried flower, leaf or dry blade. The witchcraft are started at midnight. In front of them are chocolate and dried set, the candle is lit, the probentary text is pronounced three times (you need to look at the candle flames):

"Salt blood, sweet chocolate, let the slave (...) will love the slave (...), in his heart it will stop and always be near. As a flower without water dries, it will dry without (...). As dried flower devours flames and slave (...) Passion seizes. Amen".

After reading the plant is burned, the ashes of the window is dispelled in the wind. The next morning the young man goes to the girl and treats her chocolate. It is advisable to do it right out of the hands so that no one has tried a treat except. The result should manifest itself within a week.

Via phone

If the girl does not want to take gifts from a young man, go with him in a cafe or to visit, then you have to look for another option to attract the desired person. In this way, there may be communication on the phone. Energy communication with the object of love spell through the phone is also a fairly effective method. Just call better from another number or turn on the anti-Priodological.

Words are such:

"From now on, you will love only (...) and no longer love anyone."

It is necessary to utter a whisper by changing the voice as possible to find out who calls it was impossible. Even if the subscriber does not hear words, the energy promise of one who loves the girl is postponed in his subconscious.

Magic is valid, and if you send an SMS that can be any content. If your favorite woman is an employee, it will be logical to ask her a question relating to a common cause. Calm interests can be found in the home task. But before sending a message, you should read the spell:

"God's word you read, any letter your letter. When this message will read, the white light will take care of. Love slaves (...), as the Lord God and his word love. May it be so. Amen".

Make it so that the girl opens. To do this, a small bell is bought in an esoteric or other store, take the right hand, call him and read a plot:

"The slave (...) in the bell is calling, slave (...) to himself manit. Let her soul wake up, to slave (...) turns. Amen".

Previously, for these purposes, a church bell was used; Subsequently, it began to replace a small bubber or bell.


A lightweight and effective spell on the name of the girl will help in a short time to get her heart. Conspiracy on the arriving lunar phase or full moon:

"I will stand in the morning without blessing, I will go into the courtyard, without crossing, not in the gate, not in the window, but in the needle of the eye. Zvnya, needle of acute, if, in the heart, blood and body, enter, soul at the slaves (...) by slave (...) of slaughter. Amen".

The strength of such rituals is in a repeated redistribution name. In most cases, repeated every time three times:

"Rab (name 3 times), you scream with you, I want to be. You, (name 3 times), you fly with white, about slave (...) do not remember. (Name three times), enough to raise without love, but one fly. (Name three times), I am your clear falcon, your narrowed, your love. Do not oppose fate, fly to slave (...). Amen".

From Natalia Stepanova

Fall in love with the girl will help the strongest conspiracies that the healer from Siberia Natalia Stepanova offers. For example, such a simple and short spell on a small pin, which is 3 days to wear, jokes it on your clothes. After that, to attach at an invisible place on the clothes of the girl, previously saying:

"Wash - do not lose, slave (...) Do not forget. Amen".

Weave two candles

This ritual is considered one of the most effective. To perform it, it is necessary to prepare:

  • two wax church candles;
  • red candle;
  • picture of your beloved girl.

At midnight, on the full moon, the red candle is lit and church candles softened over its flame. As soon as they become completely soft, they are intertwined, they are lit and waxed on the photo of the elect, with the words:

"As two candles are connected, intertwined with each other and (name) with (name) will be fastened with each other. How two candles are simultaneously melted from fire, so (name) with (name) will melt from love to each other. Key. Lock. Language! Amen!"

Such actions are carried out until the photo of the girl is completely covered with wax. The photo is put under the pillow and is located there until the spell does not work.

Sexy binding beloved

The ritual must be prepared in advance. You need to cook a new soap that no one except you and your chosen needs to use. In addition, for the rite will need:

  • candles;
  • chopping red pepper;
  • a bit of your sweat;
  • plate with water.

In the evening they burn candles. A little pepper and a drop of sweat add to the water, then a piece of soap is placed there and spell say:

"I will cool down, impoverish, burning! In the hands of my mock you will be so that both the Father, and Mother, and God forget. Key and castle! "

When pronouncing the spell, imagine the moment of sexual proximity to your lover. As a girl comes to your house, let her wash his hands with a conspiracted soap.

Love spell on the moon

The probimum conspiracy is read in the open window on the full moon. For the rite you will need:

  • stock Foto Girls;
  • red candle.

The candle is lit. On the reverse side of the snapshot they write a short appeal to the beloved in tender form. Then, standing by the window, seek help to the moon with the following words:

"The moon, give my love and again the heart of the joint. As long as the blood is pouring in the veins, you will save our feelings! "

Now, the photo burn over the flame of the candles, and the ashes to breed in the wind. On the window, leave some silver coins to drop the moon.

To return the girl, you should not resort to the represented. Young people, be attentive to their loved ones, take care of them, then you can't try anyone!

Love Love Love

This spell is made on the Love Lodge. If there was no intimate relationship between you, then the spell can be created at the moment when you kiss your beloved. As soon as it happens, you need to quickly utterly pronounce about yourself:

"It is, it will always be!
I will not forget me!
You will only be mine, and more a draw.

Ritual with cloth and candle

Estate white cloth on the table and put on one church candle on the table. Put a photo of the girl in the center and concentrate on her look - this is a very important point. After you feel that you have reached the desired concentration, you will need to pronounce a spell.

"As a stone sinks in the river, like the moon hides in the sky, and you are a slave (the name of the girl) will be drown in my eyes. As the grass needs water, so you are in me. Esight, hide, castle! "

After you pronounced three times the spell take and drop with wax from each candle along the edges of the photo. Candles hide, and wrap in white fabric. Remove the overtakes in the "long box", and you wear the photo as close as possible to the heart and try to not show it anyone.

Black spell "On blood and photos"

In order to make a black spell on the love of the girl you will need a photo of the chosen and a few hair from her head. If there are no photos on hand, print it out of social networks. The only limitation: the photo should be the most "fresh", for ordinary pictures not older than a year, for printed from the Internet no older than a month.

  • Light a pre-purchased candle of red;
  • Now you have to tune in to a very serious ritual, focus on your actions, do not leave the thoughts far, be extremely attentive and if you feel some kind of inexplicable danger, stop the spell immediately.
  • Put her hair on the photo of the girl, pour the ring finger of the right hand and drip three drops of blood over the hair.

At the same time, they say at least three times the following plot:

I urge the forces of the dark to be witnessed!

Connect your blood with your body (name)!

Penetrating your thoughts and feelings (name),

We command the answer reciprocity! May it be so!

After the proceeds done:

  1. In this ritual, the previously needed visualization of the desired girl is required, but in this case you must represent your intimate proximity in all sorts of paints.
  2. Then, order a red candle wax that the place where the hair is arranged with blood drops;
  3. When the wax dries, hide the photo in the most secret place and keep until the girl (or woman) does not begin to take interest to you. After that, you can burn everything.

Black love spell "On Hair"

As it has already been previously said, black rituals require serious configuring and strict compliance with all requirements. This ritual is no exception, as it is associated with the appeal to the spirits of the world of the dead. This spell on the hair is made on two candles, and with the right execution, you will find the result very soon, literally within a week after his commit.

  • In full moon at 3 o'clock in the morning he burn two candles: black and red;
  • You will need a photo of your deceased relative or acquaintance;
  • Place it between two candles;
  • Put a few lover hair on the photo and read the following words:

The spirit of the deceased (her) (her name) urge you!

Two and hear me! I will fulfill my will and do, since I want.

Let the slave of God (name) cares without me as a wax candle melts.

Let crying and suffer, longing and freezes.

And her affairs will not go and the soul will be laughing!

Let it be the way I said!

1 Then burn one hair over the fire of a red candle, and the second over the fire is black.

2 The next day, visit the grave of the relative, to which you treated. Leave on it some coins and candies and thank your words for your help.

3 On the same day, put a candle for the rest of his soul.

Conspiracy into four elements with photos

There is a magical way to return the love of the girl. You can do it with the help of the forces of four elements.
For free magic ritual, you will need:

  • incense;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • photo of a beloved girl.

Make a magic conspiracy in an open place. You need to register a fire. Stand in front of the flame, while behind the back should be incense, salt on the left, and the water on the right. Keep your beloved photo before your eyes and 3 times a conspiracy on the love of women in the photo:

"Fire, water, air and earth! I spell you, bring me to me (name), inspire a fiery passion for me (name), let her burning love rivers her blood, let her flesh be saturated with an insurmountable burden to me, and her breath would only be free when she I will be. Element forces! Donate my will to (name) by the sun, rain, wind and earth. May it be so".

Throw a photo into the fire, behind it - incense, salt, pour water from the bowl. Go home, observing the rules of witchcraft. Can be a strong magical ritual to shim the girl in the photo in the phone. The phone, of course, does not need to throw in the flame, no one requires such victims.


Soul will make the girl wander to you. This rite is also called damage, so it is not worth using it if your feelings are serious and you think about her well-being. Those who exactly want to inherent in the girl, despite the consequences, can choose one of these rituals.

With a bouquet of roses

Girls tasked with flowers. But instead of a simple bouquet, give a conspiracy. To inherent the girl, buy a bouquet of roses. Before bedtime, choose any skelter and wrap it with your hair, repeating 3 times conspiracy:

A conspiracted bouquet of roses will return the girl

"As a dove there is no life without a pigeon, the squorter without a digital, and in the slaves of God (name) let not be a life without me, well-well (such something). I lock the mouth on the lock, throwing a key. "

It remains to bring her a bouquet to her house or simply put it under the door.

With photo

Buy 2 candles and Aluu Ribe in advance, prepare a photo of the girls you want to inherent. Night lit candles and sit at the table. Turn the photo and write your name on the back side, and the name of your beloved. Circle your name frames in the form of a heart. Take a photo with a ribbon, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

"Let our fate will vote like this related tape. Let Love Light and Clean Does Never leave us, but always in us. As a nodule, this meant that I will not confuse, too, also a favorite with me will always be. Amen".

Hide a photo with a ribbon where no one will find them.

With a thing

Bring home the thing that belongs to your girlfriend. You need a love spell for love to read about all 4 sides of the world.

Restore relationship with a girl will help any item

During the utility of cherished words, imagine your favorite. At the end, do not forget 3 times to say "Amen".

"As on the Basurman and Russian Plain, the lord of the flame drained all the water sources, so let the slave of God dry ... By slave God (name). Let her not live without me and is not health in all veins and joints. Now I turn to the black-prepande falcon. Fly, black bird, in a clean field, in the forest dense, between steep mountains, over the blue sea. Recommend the prince to give you help to find a maiden (name) and sit down on her chest and liver. Let her without me, the slave of God (such something) does not eat, does not drink and does not live. "

Love spell overnight

Option I.

Take two pictures, your own girls. Looking at them, pronounce words:

"Will (the name of the girl) and (their name) forever together, like two hands, like two wings. Like the sky and land are inseparable. So and the water will not fall out, the wind does not scatter, and our love is only coming. The forces of heavenly ripened us, the Angels of the Saints were blessed and in other people would not. Amen"

Wax from the candle to leave 4 drops at the corners of the photo and connect the pictures by turning the image to each other. Put under the pillow, keep it until the ritual works.

Option II.

A picture of your beloved and spread slightly honey, repeating the words several times:

"How sweet honey, so let you, (girl's name), will be sweet with me. Like butterflies and bees fly on honey, so you, (the name of the girl), love me with all my heart. May it be so for my word! "

Connect both snapshot by turning their face to each other. Wrap in red fabric, put under the pillow on 7 nights. After removing in a secluded place.

Wake feelings of legitimate spouses

Not all husbands run from the cooled and indifferent wives into warm hugs of mistresses. The most faithful of them go to a more serious step - a love spell. If you are tormented from the fact that the spouse ceased to show delicate feelings to you, take one of the tricky way to melt her heart. The consequences will be only positive.

The procedure is carried out at home. It will take a feather pigeon or crows. Wrap a feather into any fabric to which the wife touched the last time. Hide the bundle on three days, let the pen charge the energy of a brought out of a woman.

After the specified period, proceed to the next magical stage. Early in the morning, when sunrise, take your wedding ring and thread it through the charged bird feather exactly 9 times. And, without distracting, a calm and even voice, read the spell on the spell of my wife:

Opinion expert


In rites facing dark forces, there is no smallest things.

Make love spells only on the growing moon, this is a standard principle, since it is the growing moon that programms the future. If you want your actions to have a good perspective, perform them when the moon grows. Excellent if the first phase has already passed. The closer to the full moon, the better.

Want to give a magical rite with tremendous power? Make it 2-3 days before the full moon!

The day of the week also plays a role. The most energy-active days are located in the middle of the week: this is the environment, Thursday, Friday. Black spell is better to do on Friday. If you can choose a moment on Friday thirteen, that is, a great chance to use a huge energy charge. True, to fit the number of the week and the moon phase is quite difficult. However, if such a day is foreseen in the near future, do not miss the moment! It will just be your starry hour.

When the spell does notice

If the spell of the girl was committed independently, the result may manifest a little later than if the ritual was carried out by an experienced magician. It depends on this and the degree of sacrifice binding. To precisely predict and specify the timing in which the spell will act, even a professional sorcerer cannot. In most cases, the lunar cycle acts during which the spell is triggered.

Why are men hit women

There is a commodity opinion in society that only women are interested in all kinds of magical things, but it is not quite true. The opposite sex also does not happen to appeal to the occult sciences in the hope of solving problems that have arisen in life with the help of a witch-exposure - in particular, problems of a love nature.

Life without a beloved puts in the brutal framework of any man, ready to fight for his happiness at any cost. How many people know the living stories associated with probimal magic, in which the role of the artist (or customer) was the young man played.

So what can push a strong floor to guide the witchcraft char and search for ways, how to shit a favorite girl?

Causes are common and typical:

  1. When a family breaks up and a woman becomes the initiator, and all her husband's attempts to save marriage fail.
  2. When the lady flatly rejects the cavalier courtship.
  3. When the feelings from the side were cooled, and a man understands that it will immediately go.
  4. If the chosen is married, and can not break the bonds of marriage. However, a man must understand that attempts to destroy someone else's family are not able to lead to a good result in the case when this marriage is based on mutual love.

Of course, the idea and the very idea, how to shook a beloved woman, whether the ex-wife, a mistress or just the dear to the heart of the maiden, comes to the head of a loved guy far from the first. It begins to figure out plans and demand to implement, only when all reasonable, the standard mechanisms for the exit from the current deadlock are exhausted and unsuccessful. You can find out on the signs of the lability of a woman.

Are unpredictable results possible?

Opinion expert

PRACTICE Magic and Occult Rituals


In theory, any love spell or guy carries some consequences. From how difficult the procedure was, if the personal photo or blood was used, the result of the result and seriousness of the consequences depends. The rites conducted at home, with the unquestioning fulfillment of all necessary rules and the most serious attitude to the process, bring the same strong (if no more) results, as in specialized magic salons.

About the consequences need to think in advance, because their strength depends on how powerful the spell itself was and what attributes were used in the process. For example, a photograph or personal thing is carrying a person's energy, which by default increases the significance of the process. In order to have a small magic impact (for the awakening of sympathy, for example), it is enough to make a light rite at home without the use of photos or other personal items of the girl.

The consequences of love spell

You need to try your favorite girl in the photo only in case of acute necessity. Love spell is a magical impact that imposes an unplanned scenario of life to its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally suffered.

The consequences of it can be different - disease, loss of appetite, vital interest, and so on. It is necessary to think about it before performing the ritual and take the right decision.

Consider in detail how to shock your favorite woman without consequences at home - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual did not have negative consequences.

How to shit a woman independently

We will teach how to shock your favorite woman alone if she sobbed and went to another. If you are not able to return it to yourself to yourself, you need to read a spell of women after independent reading of which, love for the rest of my life will love only you and never change. A person to shimmer easily and in the practice of magicians there are several love spells capable of having a woman at home. The most powerful and rapid effect is considered an independent spell of women in a photo, after which, literally the next day, the person on whom they did a love spell would feel a strong attraction and craving to be together. We will tell about it today and teach you how to plan a woman on their own while at any distance.

to delete a woman on their own independently, it will be necessary:

  • Photo of a woman who needs to be awesome;
  • Candle bought in the church;
  • Holy water in the amount of floor glass;
  • To learn by heart the text of the love spell.

If all of the above items for independent love spells are already prepared by you can begin to carry out a guidance ritual.

how to shock a woman alone: \u200b\u200britual

  • Before you start reading a spell, it is necessary to prepare:
  • Put the photo of the one you want to shy on the floor face up;
  • Pour the floor of the glass (50 grams is enough) holy water and put it in the head of the photo;
  • Light a church candle and taking it into the right hand and coming the right barefoot to the photo of the involved woman, three times a loud memory of the memory of the word.

how to shock a woman alone: \u200b\u200bwords of love spell

So your heart let it be hard

So that it pulls you to me, the slave of God (name).

How to shock the girl in the photo and the consequences of the attitude at home. How to wander to your favorite girl himself and fall in love with her in itself, ask us in letters. I have a hurry to please, there is such a spell that you can read at home and the affiliate action of it to a girl will be rendered on any distance from you. By staging in this way

The conspiracy for winning the lottery was used to know only units to disrupt the Jack sweat. Conspiracy must be read on a lottery ticket and then awakening his luck you can get the largest win in any lottery. Win money in the lottery dreams everyone who buys a ticket, but how to make a ticket to become happy and brought the owner of the winnings in the form of a large amount of money? Until recently

Want to make a strong spell on your own and forever wander your beloved husband? There is one proven magical way, namely, to make a spell on home that will continue to work constantly until the end of the life of a husband and he will never look left, but there is one condition, it is necessary to read it only if you know that you know that feelings

Very vintage conspiracy for money to attract a huge monetary state really helped many of them become richer, reading conspiracies people received a lot of money from a wide variety of sources, choose a conspiracy suitable for holding at home that you need to read on our own and spending a ritual. Tired of learning to read a plot

To live without sides, you need to read a conspiracy for money helping to quickly attract and attract big money into your life in bringing your finance and well-being of the rest of your life. The money was never superfluous, but so that they always wanted to lure them, will help in this magic of money and a very strong monetary spell who makes a person rich and influential. Today we

Those who spent this monetary love spell no longer have problems with money and do not think how to quickly attract money to themselves and all their lives live in wealth they have all read a conspiracy to attract money. To live in full taste and not know the needs of a monetary spell, but to make this magical ritual rite you need to keep yourself in full secret from what your finance

This guidance conspiracy so that the girl meets the rich bridegroom will help her having met her love very quickly and successfully go out for his soul mate and live together for a long time and happily. To fulfill the rite you need to take the ball of dark woolen thread and unwind it at home all over the house where you live, but so that the threads do not confuse therefore hurry and

When should I read a conspiracy for good luck? If luck in life suddenly left you, troubles and failures go one after another mean it it's time to use the help of the magic of ancient and independently read the conspiracy of good luck. In the old days, if the black bad luck began, they made one of the protective rites reading spells for luck who came to our days and helped

Monetary love spells are among the oldest who contain the magic of wealth contains a lot of strong and fast acting conspiracies and love spells for money that instantly makes a rich of any person, but there is another - the dark side of monetary magic on the consequences of which cannot be silent. If something is given by the magic plot or spell on attracting money to its

The conspiracy to loyalty and preventing the treason given further is very strong and independently done only once on a beloved guy or husband so that he does not walk on the left. A plot of the burden of loyalty to the loyalty of a person is read, if you are very worried about the safety of loyalty to you and protect a person from all sorts of life temptations (change). In this situation, you can help

Love love prayer. How to shock your favorite prayer reading this text of the love spell and praying the highest strength Your favorite loves you very much and nothing and no one can prevent your love, so if you have decided on your love feelings and are sure that you never fade away your loved one, which you need to read

How to shock a woman without consequences?

Men should not be ashamed that sometimes their heart breaks away from unrequited love. After all, despite their physical strength and emotional pressure, human feelings are not alien. Therefore, there is nothing crazy in thoughts on how to shock your favorite woman. That's just not everyone knows how to do it.

We note that this process does not tolerate frivolity and requires a thorough approach. Consequently, if the guy really wants to get the heart of his chosen by magic, he is obliged to do everything as the age-old rituals require. Otherwise, he will have to face the serious consequences that are permanently to squeeze his life.


Walking a woman without consequences for himself can only if the man sincerely loves her. That is, it is impossible to use magic in order to get a girl for the night or use it in other unclean purposes. This is the main proportion rule, since imperative feelings are needed for their success.

It should also be understood that such a connection will act forever, and therefore a man should be ready to be responsible for his actions. Therefore, before planning a woman, all weigh all. And if there is at least a drop of doubt in the heart - stop, and otherwise you risk spoil both your and someone else's fate.

Help sorcerers and witches

The most reasonable to contact your experienced specialists. For example, to offacarious sorcerers, witches or shamans. This is due to the fact that they are well versed in all possible love rituals, and are able to easily wander a woman. The consequences are also not scary, as they know how to remove them from themselves.

However, such a method has the negative sides. First, you will have to properly pay all the efforts of the sorcerer that sometimes it costs extremely expensive. Secondly, there is a certain probability that the caster will be simple charlatan. And thirdly, even the strongest love spells do not allow one hundred percent warranty, which means that money spent on the ritual can be wondering.

How to shock a woman at home?

If the option with a search for a sorcerer or witches for some reason is not suitable for a person, he can try to make a ceremony of the attitude alone. True, for this you will have to immerse yourself in the world of magic and carefully prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Also, before proceeding to the Presentations yourself, we recall that magic is an extremely dangerous way. Even knowing how to shock a woman, a man should not abuse his authority over it. The correct all will consider this union as a kind of magic contract, which will not be disrupted subsequently.

Therefore, it is possible to resort to the help of the otherworldly forces in the case when the guy is ready for such obligations. The main thing is to accurately carry out all the instructions that are written below. Any deviation or improvisation will lead to failure of the entire ritual, and in the worst case - will turn around the urging disease.

As items are needed for ritual

So, despite the huge number of love rituals, almost all of them require the presence of the following three ingredients: photos of a girl, her hair and any personal subject. At the same time, the main photo is, since it is precisely it will absorb and transmit the infection with the energy.

As for hair and beloved things, their presence is optional. However, mining them, the man will significantly strengthen the effect of the attitude. Therefore, many sorcerers recommend spending love rites only after a person is thoroughly prepared for them.

In addition, it is necessary to get a set of white candles, new clothes and a lunar calendar. You should also take care of the place of the ritual. It should be quiet and calm, so that no one was able to disturb the caster during the sacrament.

A few words about choosing photos

For love storks, you need to have a picture of a girl's maximum freshness. Moreover, photos that more than one year are not suitable for these purposes. It is also very important that there is only one woman in the picture. At the same time, the photo initially must be not cropped or lured.

It is also desirable to photograph to be printed on paper. This is due to the fact that natural materials are well carried out magic energy, and therefore is often used in various kinds of sacraments and rites.

Preparation for ritual

Before you hate a woman, a man must have a break from all worldly worldly one day. This will help to accumulate energy that will go to the feeding of the ritual. You should also pick up a suitable lunar cycle. In particular, all love conspiracies are read only on a growing moon, otherwise all the power comes to no.

Immediately before the start of the rite, it is necessary to take a shower to clean your body from dirt. And only then get into new clothes, which should be prepared in advance. By the way, things are better to buy stylish, since in the future they can become a powerful tool to attract their chosen.

Conducting a ritual and a conspiracy word

It is necessary to carry out the sacrament at midnight, in a quiet and secluded place. First of all, you need to create a circle of candles and light them counterclockwise. Inside the circle, women should put things (if any), but to get up so that face look at the north.

Photo girls need to keep in their hands, if possible, it is necessary to attach strand of hair - this will help strengthen the ritual. After that, it is necessary to focus on your favorite, representing how your feelings are seeping through the paper and flow straight to it.

The ritual itself should last at least 10-15 minutes, in order to fully convey the power of the love spell. You should also repeat a special spell, trying not to confuse lines in places.

"The will of Heaven I find a slave to God (the name of the girl). The moon, become the witness of my oath, capable of changing the heart of my beloved. Let it love me, like anyone else, and can no longer live without me. Let the body and the mind be obeying the will of mine, as if she wanted himself. As I love her, and (the girl's name), let me dry. And as long as it does not come to me, there will be no peace of rest on earth, nor on the water, nor in any other place. "

When to wait for the result?

No one can exactly predict the effectiveness of the love spell. In general, it all depends on how precisely the rite was held, and those feelings that the man is experiencing to the woman. That is, the stronger love, the faster the magic will affect.

That's just one "but". If another man lives in the heart of the elect, the spell will not work. The thing is that love can only be sown on an empty field. However, if someone has already planted the seeds of feelings to you, then new, alas, will not be able to.

How to shock a girl in a photo without consequences

It is common that all sorts of love spells are truly feminine. Meanwhile, among men, there are quite often those who do not mind sometimes take advantage of magical rites to achieve their goals.

Most often, representatives of strong sex turn to the spell of their favorite girls in the photo. To resort to such a way of influencing the consciousness and the heart of the girl they may die for certain reasons.

The most popular causes of the girl's incidence is:

  • unrequited love, causing a desire to achieve the location of his beloved, change her anger to mercy;
  • parting with a girl and, as a result, the desire to return the former lover or wife.

Today, I will tell you the most popular and effective ways to wander the girls in the photo and what the consequences of these rituals can be.

How to avoid the consequences when the girl's cap

One of the most sought-after love spellors is a magic rite using a photo of a beloved. There are quite a few varieties of this type of burning. However, it is possible to allocate among them a few simpler, but no less effective ways that beginners will also be cope with (after all, it is unlikely that one of the young people can boast of great experience in handling, unless he is a professional magician).

The commission of any love ritual, as in photography and without, requires compliance with certain conditions, without which one should not count on the positive outcome of the attitude.

Moreover, the incorrectly fulfilled rite can turn into negative consequences for both the most susceptible, and for the awesome. So that the love plot turned out to be effective do not:

  • Resort to rituals from curiosity, if there is no confidence in your feelings to the victim of the love spell;
  • Use love spells of black magic - They are dangerous and fraught with a negative, can lead to tragedy.
  • Spell if the welcome girl loves another. The spell may be ineffective, and it is unlikely to be able to build its happiness at the cost of misfortune of other people.
  • Take a girl if more than a year has passed since parting. Large duration of separation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the love ritual.
  • Either (even the closest) about their intentions. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

The safest ways to shit a favorite girl are methods of rustic magic and energy magic. They will not require any special knowledge, inventory and magical gift.

Love rituals better spend on a growing moon - her growth will lead to an increase in feelings from the beloved. It is very desirable to refrain from the cemetery rites - one minor error can stick a big trouble on both participants in the love spell.

After a love spell on your favorite girl is made, it is not necessary to inactivate and rely only on magic. It is necessary as often as possible to try to get a welcome girl on the eyes, try to be with her next to wakes her interest and feelings, make her see her potentially narrowed.

Three ways of perching girl in the photo

What photo to choose?

For the love spell of the girl in the photo you need to choose a suitable photo. Criterias of choice:

  • high quality photos;
  • in the photo, the girl is only one, without unauthorized persons;
  • only the printed photo is suitable;
  • the snapshot should be made close-up (face or to the belt), while the eyes should be clearly visible;
  • the snapshot should be solid - cropped photos of magic does not tolerate;
  • the image of the girl should be emotionally neutral (something like pictures of documents);
  • the photo should be fresh (no more than a year ago).

Method first - for candles

It will take 9 church thin candles and a photo of the beloved. A circle is made before dawn from the candles, then the candles are lit and the center put face up a photo. The right heel is coming in the photo and plot is pronounced three times:

"How my heel presses you strongly, so let him pull to me. It is gratifying with me, hard without me. Sim say the castle, and the key is fish in the mouth. Amen".

The rite takes 3 nights in a row.

The second way - we look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. A man takes a photo of his beloved photo, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the lability 7 times:

"As I love you, God's slave (the name of the girl), so you can't do without me, God's slave (your name). So be it. My words are the law. Amen".

After a conspiracy, the snapshot should be hidden in an unavailable place for others.

The third way is at midnight

The rite is carried out after midnight. The man needs to be comfortable to stay on the chair or chair, to put a photo of your loved one. Loop the candle, look through her flame on a picture of a girl and take a plot 7 times, looking at the candle light at the same time, and on the face of beloved. The conspiracy is better to memorize by heart, so as not to get back in the process of reading:

"Dusty and hot flame flames, longing for God's slave (the girl's name) imposes. As a golden wax, her heart melts. God's slave (his name) let your thoughts. As it does not happen without a wick of fire, so do not live without me. How soft wax from the fire candles, so you do not have urine without me. Heart moaning, shower thanks. Slave (girl's name) understands than her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without sun heat. Dress God's slave (girl's name) without body and caress of God's slave (your name). Amen".

After the ritual, it is necessary to try the next morning to see with the desired girl, so that the plot began to act. If this did not come out - repeat the rite next night.

Another strong way is considered in the video:

The consequences of love spell

You need to try your favorite girl in the photo only in case of acute necessity. Love spell is a magical impact that imposes an unplanned scenario of life to its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally suffered.

The consequences of it can be different - disease, loss of appetite, vital interest, and so on. It is necessary to think about it before performing the ritual and take the right decision.

Love spell on your favorite woman - a selection of effective conspiracy

Not only girls resort to the help of magical rituals for the attitude of a loved one. Representatives of the strong floor also turn to white magic to learn how to shock a woman. Most of these plots for love can be read independently at home.

Love spell helps to awaken a response feeling

Features of conspiracy for men

The conspiracy on the love spell is a kind of energy promise directed towards the object of desire, and may cause an interest in the performer of the ritual. Almost all love spells are carried out at a distance using elementary attributes.

A man who wants to chase a girl should know several rules of this rite:

  1. His chosen must be free.
  2. If this is a former girl, then parting, which lasted more than a year, will prevent the desired result.
  3. It is necessary to contact the woman more often, to know it personally.
  4. We must sincerely relate to the girl.
  5. It is impossible to make a spell for the sake of entertainment.
  6. It depends on the force of the will of the object. Energy of some women can withstand imposed desires. In this case, the positive result will have to wait a long time, or it will not be followed at all.
  7. You need to read words clearly without distracting anything.
  8. The text is better to know by heart. You can rewrite it onto a white sheet, but not print.

Experienced magicians are advised to hold a rite on Friday. On this day, the result will be more effective. All the actions of rituals need to be carried out strictly according to the rules in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.

Old ritual

This strong spell is used since ancient times. It is necessary to pronounce a plot of love in 12 nights, for each side of the world. Total will be 4 reading. The ritual is carried out in clean clothing, after taking the soul.

Ritual must be carried out after the soul

The spell will work stronger if there is some kind of beloved thing. A little bowing, I should say on it:

"On the lands of the Basurman and Russian, the flame prince dried rivers, the sea and small sources, so would dry in the slave of God (name), the servant of God (name), on the pussy and constantly, so as not to live, not be without me, in seventy Sustaines, in 77 veins and in secret core. In the pure field black-black falcon. I will fly to him to fly into a purely field, in the dark forest, in blue the sea, in the steep mountains, and ask the prince, to give him help to go to a slave, the girl in Terem, sit on the white chest, on the Retivo Heart, on the hot liver and invested Would a maiden (name), so that she could not live without a slave (name) not to live, do not eat.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy in the photo

Photography is a frequent attribute in carrying out such rituals that are carried out at home. You need to take a fresh picture of a girl, two candles and a red ribbon. Waiting for the growing moon, close one night in the room and light the candle.

Sitting at the table, you need to write on the back of the snapshot of your name and the name of your beloved. Around the names to draw a heart, how would bring them there. Then the photo is tied up with a ribbon crosswise, forming a node. After these actions, we need to speak:

"Like me, the slave of God (own name) this red ribbon totals firmly, and the fate of his beloved servant of God (chosen name) is forever tie. Love will be with us and nothing will destroy a strong mental connection. As a node does not unleash ever, so my beloved will be with me forever. Amen!".

After that, the photograph is cleaned in a secret place. While another person does not take him, the spell will act. Already soon the results will appear. A photo should be taken such that the girl is on it is depicted alone. If there is her girlfriends in the picture, it may cause unexpected consequences.

Sweet Love

The following conspiracy is pronounced by any sweets. Usually use candy.

With a sweet spell, candy is usually stipulated

Need to pronounce words:

"This sweet and tasty sweetie, it is pleasant to you my chosen (chosen name). So I (my own name) will become pleasant to you and you like you very much. Amen".

Then you should treat a woman with this sweetness. Conspiracy on love will affect the candy will be eaten by the chosen.

Another conspiracy is pronounced over the products and drinks. After you treat the object of desire for food or drink. The words are as follows:

"I will become, the slave of God (his name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, and go out into the clean field. Sits in this clean field Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God. As it creaks and hurts on their own son, and the slave of God (the name of the beloved) creaked and sick, and burned on fire, could neither be nor live, nor there or drink. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with candles

This love spell is one of the effective rites. Its effectiveness is due to the presence of a unique power of church candles and their fire. Thanks to this, a man can attract a lady at a distance for a rather short term at home.

It is necessary to buy three church candles in the temple. One of them needs to be put on health to reduce the number of negative consequences. Then at 12 nights on the growing moon, you need to stay alone in the room, light the remaining candles and sit a little in silence, thinking about your beloved girl, presenting it. This should take about 10 minutes. Then you should clearly say the words:

"I, the slave of God (own name) Candles of church inland. Fire holy burning and brightly flares. How the flame flared up, so let the love of God's slaves (chosen name) flare up in the heart. Let her feelings do not eat her, let her thank about me and misses me. So that the servant of God (the name of the chosen) could not eat without me, and did not dare, and without me without me. The flames of candles are bright, and my words are strong. It will only be that otherwise, I spell. Amen".

After the ritual it is necessary to go to bed

Candles to put out and go to bed. In the morning, the flashes wrapped in a white sheet and cleaned into a secluded place to nobody ever found them.

Simple conspiracies

There are attributes that act at a distance and does not require complex manipulations. They are carried out independently at home. To return your favorite girl, you need to talk during the week every day before bedtime:

"Michael, Gabrielle, Rafael! Make so that (the girl's name) loved me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Walking a girl at a distance can help a strong conspiracy to love. It is necessary to read the following text:

"At sea, on the opaire, on the island on Buyan, there is a longing, beats melancholy, longing to the longing. From the shore to the water, from the water to the floor, Satanina ran out of the hollow and shouted loudly:

"Poavushka Romana, run as soon as possible, in the ears, in the eyes, in the white body, in Aluu Blood, in the heart of the robust, in the liver and in a slightly, so that she, slave (name), sozing and grief Any minute, and during the day and night, I would eat - did not leave, I would have drank - I would not drink, I would not sleep - I did not sleep, but I would have gone about me, good well done (my name); So that I was for her any better than any other well done, closer to his native father, the sweeter of his mother, better than the genus of the tribe. "

I close your conspiracy with seven-day seven strong castles, seven-day family of rattles chains, throwing keys to the ocean-sea, under Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr. Who is begging me too much, who drags sand from all over the sea, he will teach me. "

Conspiracy on clothes

To return the love of his wife or girl, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy on her favorite thing from clothes.

Ritual can be held on any beloved thing beloved

It can be a dress, jacket and even slippers. Beloved should not know about the ritual. It is necessary to put a thing in front of yourself and say:

"As this thing is loved and my way (girl, wife) (name) So let me love for my wife (the name of the girl) I will love forever, infinitely, as a child without maternal milk can not, crying, and my wife (girl's name ) Without me, it will not be able to suffer from me without me, I missed, I didn't know the white light, I loved, wanted, hugged, kissed. As it will be this dress (or the thing you are speaking a plot) to wear, so it will be immediately remembering me. From now on forever. May I want, since I want. "

Then the clothes are tightly pressed and pronounce:

"Maybe it will be so, so it will be so!".

The thing will need to imperceptibly put back.


For this, the rite will need to get hair from the head of the beloved woman.

To hold the rite you will need to take the hair of your beloved

It is checked on a comb and say:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (the name of the girl's beloved) with the hair of the slave (his name) will go firmly, but they are not confused and love slaves (the name of the beloved girl) to the slave (his name) stretches, wounds and grows. "

When reading, you need to focus on the desired goal, and after combing this comb your hair. The ritual is carried out at home, regardless of time.

Powerful spell

To fall in love with a woman or return the old feelings in a short time, a young man can take advantage of a strong conspiracy for love. At 12 nights on a decreasing moon should be turned to face to the side where the beloved girl lives, and pronounce:

"There was an evening dawn through the dark gate, led me, the slave of God (his name), to the bank of the river is wide and deep. In the midst of that river there is a white stone, the slave of God sits on it (the name of the girl's beloved) and tears is poured. On the shore of that river there is a father, but does not see his daughter. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of the beloved girl) decreases to parents. And to me, the slave of God (his name), let her love griest and arrive. As with the stone, the girl will take off and I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn back to me. Amen".

The consequences of the attitude of a woman

Any spell on a woman has its own consequences for both the performer and the object, be it helping the mage or conspiracy to love at home.

This is due to the fact that the ritual is committed against the will of the victim. If the rite was carried out through the magician, then the customer will suffer. The artist may have the following consequences:

  • problems with potency (the most common phenomenon);
  • deterioration of the physical condition;
  • psyche disorders.

The object of the attitude also arises negative consequences:

Subsequently, the love of the health of women can significantly deteriorate

  • bad state of health;
  • psyche violation;
  • change of consciousness;
  • social degradation;
  • dusty aggression.

There are cases when a wary woman begins to behave immoral. This is due to the suppression of its will. It can find a way out in alcohol or drugs to drown out what is happening in the shower. Woman stops controlling himself. The use of black magic leads to even more serious consequences:

  • psychical deviations;
  • serious diseases;
  • violation of social connections.

The effect of strong attractiveness can spread to children and close customers, as well as those who were stuck. If suddenly want to remove it, then it will be almost impossible to do it.

The artist and the victim of the love spell will not be able to meet a real love anymore. After all, both will depend on each other and will not be able to sincerely love a worthy person. Therefore, before you make a spell, you need to think about what consequences may be, what price will have to pay for a person's love.

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