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Little fairy tale for the new year on the roles. Old adult fairy tales on a new way

Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka
Lived, there were Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka. Alyonushka was smart and worker, and Ivanushka was an alcoholic. How many times the sister told him - "Do not drink, Ivanushka, you will become a goat!" But Ivanushka did not listen and drank. I somehow bought it in the stall of Paveny Vodka, drank and feels - it can not stand on two legs, I had to go down four points. And here the wolves are shameful and they say: "Well, what a goat predemed?" And so gave him horns that he threw the hooves. And sister Alyonushka got his apartment, because good always wins evil!

Arab folk fairy tale "Ilich and Alladin »
In some Sultanate, in some emirate there lived was Alladin. He found somehow an old lamp on a landfill and decided to extort her. Only started to rub, as the lamp came out, and let's do the desire to fulfill. Well, Alladin himself, understandable, the palace ordered, on the princess
marry, the carpet is a six hundred and all things. In short, since then they became allleadines to the light bulb. Slightly - fence and gin conditions dictates. And somehow it was like a cruise once, and left my wife at home. And then how the man goes down the street and shouts - "I change the old lamps to the new"! Well, the wife was delighted and replaced the alladin lamp to Ilyich's light bulb. And how much later, Alladian this light bulb, Ilyich, from there, did not get out and the desire did not fulfill. This is how technical progress defeated backward Asian superstitions.

Joint french-Russian fairy tale about patriotism
Dubashi Dubai has three sons: Senior Jacques, Middle Jul and Jr. Jean-Fool. It's time for them to marry. They came out on the Champs Elysees and began to shoot in different directions. Jacques came to the deputy of the National Assembly, but he was already married.
Jules got into Cure, but the religion does not allow him to marry. And Jean-fool got into the frog, and even in that, in fact, did not get, but missed. Tried to tell him the frog to explain to the Russian language that she is actually a princess, but a frog turned around to a visa in
The embassy is not standing - but Jean was French and Russian did not understand. He prepared a frog on an ancient recipe and became a chef in the Paris restaurant. Moral: Sit, girls, in your native swamp and do not pickle. There is nothing to do with the Champs Elysees. And the fools have enough of us and at home.

About tail
He stole somehow fox in a man's whole fisher. Sits-oversized. And from the forest is a hungry wolf. "Fox, give fish!" "Go yeah himself", "Lisa answers. "But as? I have no fishing rods, "says the wolf. "I also have no," Lisa said, - And I'm a tail in a hole
I snapped, here and caught it. " "That'sked for the idea!" - The wolf was delighted, pulled off the fox tail and went fishing.

Primorskaya folk tale of an old man and goldfish
He lived an old man with his old woman near the blue sea. I threw the old man in the sea, I came nemid, and there - pike. "What the heck? - an old man was surprised. - It seems the goldfish should be. I am not Emel, in the end. " "Everything is right," Pike replied. - My Golden Fish worked for a long time on one market sector. And recently, the Board of Directors reached an agreement on the absorption of one enterprise to others. " And the pike reigned ragged.

Moscow region Folk tale about incorrect personnel policy
He lived Pop - Tolfonic forehead. He had his own business, his clientele, and the assistant was only one, and he was the ballad. But nothing, Pop coped. Moreover, the assistant worked for a long time\u003e literally for that - well, well, what to say. However, even at the bald patience
ended. "Master," says, - when will you pay something? " A pop he answers: "Go to hell!". Well, the bald and went. And all commercial secrets of Popa sold the line. Damn then the ass of all customers lured, he broke. And the filed to him. Because it is necessary to pay the staff on time, and not wait until you click on the forehead.

Petersburg folk fairy tale about smart old woman
Walked soldiers from home. He knocked on the road to one house. "Let me," says, to spend the night, hosts. " And in the house there lived a greedy old woman. "Night overnight," she said, "just treat you with nothing." "It's not a misfortune," the soldier answered, "you only give me an ax, and I will welcome from him." "You're that, soldier," the old woman was indignant, "do you think I'm completely stupid?" What then I will cut the firewood? " So the soldier remained not Solono Bread. And called him, by the way, Rodion Raskolnikov.

Guy and bear. Moldavian folk tale.
I decided somehow a man joint venture with a bear to organize. "What we are going to do?" - asks the bear. "This year - grow wheat," the man answers.
"And sharing like?" "It is known as: My tops, your roots." "It goes," the bear agreed. They raised wheat, the man was taken away all the tops to themselves, sold, sits, rejoices, the money believes ... And then the bear came and had his own roots ...

Moscow folk fairy tale about money and whistle.
I wanted somehow the nightingale-robber of zlata-silver sec. He went to blasting immortal security services to offer. He was angry with blasphemous, the power of unclean - slightly alive the nightingale left. He went then to the snake of Gorynych the bite demand. Heaven snakes, slept fire - barely legs of the nightingale took. He goes sad, sees -
Towards Baba Yaga. I thought it was at least to get money from her, yes, he retired his Yag bone foot so that the white light became a nightingale not mil. He cried then bitterly, and regretted his Yaga. - Stay, - said, - on the passage path, but shone there in the green bushes. How to envy the person of the passage - whistle that there is urine, he will give you money. I listened to the Nightingale of the Council of the Wise, and since then, I did not know. That's how the traffic cops began in Russia.

Medical folk fairy tale about Koschery and a healthy lifestyle.
Married Ivan-Tsarevich on the fool-frog ... no, not so. Ivan-fool married a frog, and she escaped from him with a blazing. It was offended by Ivan and struck the wicked wrestling. How long whether Ivan went in short, he came to Baba Yaga. - Where do you hold the way, kind well done? - asks Yaga. - Well, you, grandma, did not drink, did not feed, but they ask? - says Ivan. "Fool you, a fool," Yaga replies. -What feed you if you did not wash your hands? Woven Ivan's hands, told Yag about his trouble. And Yaga answered him: - The death of Koshcheev in the needle, needle in the egg, the egg in the duck, and the duck in the hospital number 8 under the bed is worth it. Ivan went to the hospital # 8, found a duck, broke the egg and planted the Koshiy on the needle. This is where to blaspheme and the end. Drug addiction, she does not bring anyone to good.

Spanish folk tale of sleeping beauty.
There were a king with the queen, and her daughter was born. And they arranged the ball, and invited everyone there, except for the harmful fairies, because they knew that she would come.
The most harmful fairy came and said: "Rejoice? Oh well. But when the princess will be 18 years old, it will become a drug addict and adds such a dose that it will fall into the outboard and does not get enough. " The princess was 18 years old, she became a drug addict, roared and did not get across. And the king with the queen, courtiers and servants with grief staggering sedative and also turned off. And gradually all the roads to the castle thicket with a dense forest. A hundred years later, a wonderful prince was driving past and asked what it was here for the reserve.
They told him the good people the whole story and added that only the princess came out of the out of shutdown when she kisses her beautiful prince. The prince went boldly through the dense forest, entered the castle, took the key from the Treasury from the neck from the neck, I brought all the gold and diamonds on my horse and drove it back. And did not kiss the princess, no. In fact, why does he need a drug addict?

Frog marriage .
In some kingdom, in some state, the father had three sons - two stupid, and the third one at all. I decided to marry them. He brought into the courtyard and ordered to shoot who would go. The first son fired - got into the air. The second shot - fell into the police. The third shot - hit the grandmother. I spat my father in the hearts, I distributed to everyone along the frog and went to sleep. And what a frog floor, and did not check ... in general, it turned out not good.

Danish folk tale about mermaid.
He lived, was somewhere in the outback of a mermaid. And she wanted to become a pop star. She went to the witch. "You can arrange it," the witch says, "only you will give me your voice."
"No problem," Mermaid answers, "why do I need him?" You me, the main thing, the legs are genuine. "Oh" Kay, "the witch agreed," only taking into account, if you don't promote, you will become a marine foam. And what do you think it became foam? No matter what a month is the top lines in the hit parades. And this is no longer Tale, and the harsh truth of life ...

Administrative folk tale about a traveler frog.
There was a frog. She lived in his swamp and nothing but Tina did not see. And her neighbors-ducks every year dangled. Well, a frog, of course, also wanted, so she persuaded the ducks, so that she was taken with him. She clung to his mouth for a twist, and the ducks of his beaks picked up and flew. And at the bottom of the Heron looks and surprised: "We must, what are smart ducks! This way of transportation was invented! " "It's not a duck, that's me smart!" - shouted the frog and fell back into the swamp. This is her heron and ate her. Moral: we, of course, have freedom of speech, but if you want to take aim at high - keep your mouth on the castle. And they will not eaten.

Administrative folk tale "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all."
Appointed somehow Winnie the Pooh in the forest to manage the farm. He was in his deputy, IA-Ia and Piglet. And to work rabbit, because the smartest.
But as a rabbit tried neither, and under the guidance of Winnie the Pooh, the farm collapsed. Began to seek to blame. Munned to Winnie Puhu. He says "What am I? You look at what my deputies are one donkey, another pig! " Come to the EA and Patch. They say "What are we? You look at what the boss we have - he has a sawdust in his head! " In general, as a result, the rabbit was given on the ears. And everyone else was given by
Cap. From rabbit fur. About this another play wrote, "the grief from the mind is called.

He lived the king with his queen at the very blue sea. They lived yes, they lived, only they had no children. And he says King Queen: - Cook me, Queen, Kolobok!
- I completely ohrenel, or what? - Queen answers. - What am I to you, cook? "Oh, you," the king was offended, "and I took you a simple Cind of Cinderella, crazy, dressed in people ... And the fairy tale is not at all here. The fairy tale is on the second day after
Weddings ended ...

Fairy tales "Repka" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us since childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it "in an adult." Interesting scenes with all familiar characters will decorate any holiday and worshipe all guests.

Try these tales alterations for drunk company on the roles!

Cheerful fairy tale "Repka" for adults

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the scene. Need one leading.

Participants must learn their roles, but do not be upset - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Participation in the scene can guests of almost any age category.

The lead must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his words. In this competition, participants can sit at the table. The exception is repka, which should be located on the chair and constantly do something.

During the scene, the presenter should not be silent, and if possible, comment on what is happening.

Scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If desired, you can allocate prizes the best actors.

Repka - Hey, man, handles, then remove, I'm still a minor!
Grandfather - oh, my health has already become bad.
That will be a booze!
Baba - Something grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I am practically ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandmother, I'm late, my girlfriends are waiting!
Bug - again you call me a bug? I'm actually bug!
Not my work!

Cat - What makes a dog on the site? I will be bad now - I have an allergy!
Mouse - Or maybe let's drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a funny company

What are still fairy tales on the rhodes for drunk company? About seven participants should also participate in this fairy tale. Accordingly, you need to choose the actors who will play the roles of grandmother, tricks, hare, foxes, kolobka, wolf, as well as a bear.

Dedi and grandmothers did not have children. They completely disappointed, but all their lives changed a bun. He became their salvation and hope - the souls they did not have a champion.

For example:

Grandfather with a grandmother was already tired of waiting for a kolobkin and constantly watched the distance, hoping for his return, and it was never.
The moral of this fables is: you should not hope for the love of a kolobka, and it is better to have own children.

Funny fairy tale for celebrations

Choose five actors who will play the role of chicken, king, bunny, foxes and butterflies. The text must read the lead:

"The fabulous kingdom of rules is optimist. He decided to stroll through a beautiful park and jumped up all the way, waving his hands.

There was a king very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, and the butterfly only mocked him - and the words of indecent screamed, and the face of curvathed, and the language showed.

Well, and then tired butterfly mock the king, and flew into the forest. The king is not very offended, but only more cheated and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect a bunny to appear in front of him and frightened, standing in an ostrich pose. Bunny did not understand why this king is in such an inappropriate pose - and it myself was frightened. There is a bunny, the paws are trembling - and shouts in a inhuman voice, asks for help.

At this time, proud fox came back to work. Worked beautiful on the poultry farm and carried home the chicken. As soon as she saw a bunny and king - frightened. The chicken did not lose moment and jumped out, leaving the fox on the back of the head.

The chickey turned out to be very raw and the first thing was the king. The king from surprise straightened and became a normal pose. The bunny became scary even more, and she jumped on the handles to the fox, taking her for the ears. Lisa realized that the legs need to do - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue his journey with chicken. They took the handles, and went toward the castle. What will happen next with the church, no one knows, but the king of it will definitely treat delicious champagne, like all the rest of the celebration. "

The lead offers listeners pour wine glasses and drink king and chicken.

Fairy Tale for Adult People

First of all, it is necessary to choose heroes. In this fairy tale there will be as an animated and inanimate objects.

It is required to choose the heroes on the role of a kitten and Soroki. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must depict what their hero must do.

"The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and shone the sun, giving everyone with its rays. A cute kitten lay on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative Soroki sat down in front of him on the fence. They argued about something and led a very loud dialogue. The kitten became wondering, so he became gently crawled to the fence. Soroki did not pay any attention to the kid and continued to crack.

The kitten was already almost climbed to his goal and jumped, and birds flew away. Nothing came out of the baby, and he began to look around, hoping to find another passion.

A light breeze was blowing on the street - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to lose the moment and thrown into his goal. A little scratching her and cowing, he realized that he was uninteresting his simple paper sheet - and let him go. The paper flew further, and where the rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and highly raised his head. Bird stopped and projected. Here the chickens came running to the rooster and overturned it from all sides. The kitten understood that she finally found what could entertain himself.

Without thinking, he rushed to hebles and took one of them for the tail. The bird did not give himself offended and painfully pecked. The animal was very frightened and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - he was already waiting for a neighbor's puppy.

A small dog began to jump onto the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten understood that it was necessary to return home and hurts the dog's dog with his marigolds. The puppy was frightened and missed the kitten. The kitten understood that he was a winner, albeit wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound, which he left the chicken, and then stretched out. The kitten was dreaming strange dreams - and he drove his paws all the time in a dream. So the kitten first met the street. "

The scene ends with stormy applause guests. If desired, you can award the most artistic actor as a prize.

Interesting birthday scene and other adult holidays

I also knew that Kudryavtsev did not forget my shot and does not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night secret, he refers to me with caution. He could not trust the intelligent Yuntu, who did not mean anything in the war.

As long as I did not meet with Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even complete the ports normally and sometimes when the "left" command turned into the opposite direction. In addition, I was not very friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when he reads any news, I commented on it and let go of spatial comments. In those days, I have not yet consisted in the party - and Kudryavtsev already, for some reason, for some reason I was waiting for some trick from me.

Very often I caught my opinion on myself. What have I seen in his glance? Probably the fact that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgive me, but another mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to become better and gave myself a promise that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and teach everything that is necessary. I have introduced the case to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to the protection of the bridge, which was often fired. There was a lot of reinforcements constantly in place of work, as well as literature ...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. White often opened fire by post, where I was. Shells fell into the water and pushed me by splashes. Shells fell and near me, and the overlap of the bridge was already destroyed. Any minute could become the last for me, but I gave myself a condition that I still can't leave the bridge.

What did I feel? I did not feel the feelings of fear - I was already ready for death. I saw in the distance beautiful landscapes, but they did not please me. I felt that I would not leave from this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves my actions.

It seemed to me that in this post I've been standing for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as much as Kudryavtsev had to reach me. I did not understand what the Kudryavtsev had to from me. Then he pulled me for the belt with force, and I came to my senses.

- quickly left here! Said a man.

As soon as we left the bridge - a strong shell fell into it.

- See what happens? Why did you stand there? Because of you and I could kill me!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

"However, you are still well done, as I showed that you know the charter and was not the wrong. You should praise you. But let it and the matter of the past, I would like you to move the brains. The bridge has long been destroyed, why did you stand there? What was the point in this? Everything was ready to check? If you were smarter, and did not go to the post - I would not punish you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev's attitude towards me has changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked me. Despite the fact that he was not in the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This man helped me believe in myself, so I was very important for approval.

Until now, I remember one case. We talked about what we would do after the victory over white. I said that I dream to become a writer who will depict a peaceful fraternity of all nations. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

"You have a great goal," he said - you have a big way, Lebedinsky!

Merry fairy tales on rhodes for drunk company

5 (100%) 12 votes

New Year 2017.

"New Year's fairy tale for a new way"

New year comes

(on the melody of the song "Wonderful neighbor", music. B. Potemkin)

How not to have fun
From pleasant, from hassle,
Snow on the street will sparkle
New year comes!
Holidays have long been waiting
And guests full house,
He goes through MGLU and Dali,
The one from childhood is familiar to us!

From other longing and boredom,
We are sad for nothing
So much light, so much sound
How to be sad here, I do not understand!
Exactly at midnight it comes
A fairy tale, joy carries us,
All around the game turns out,
This glorious new year!

Those who holidays do not like
Resting, well, let
But we are this evening
Forever ride sadness!
I sing for you today
And believe me friends,
This evening is New Year,
You came here not in vain!

Lead 1. . Good evening to all those present in this room!
Lead 2. . Hello dear guests!
Lead 1. . Hello everyone who came to this room, and even those who are late for the ball. We can congratulate everyone, we invite everyone, let only laughter sounds in this hall!
Lead 2. . Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. Holiday cheerful and evening wonderful to us to start.
Lead 1. . Listen! As if in a magical dream, lights will be blocked at school today, the music here will sound and laugh, the evening is festive today for everyone.
Lead 2. . Who loves laughter, who knows how to joke let him please in this room. We invite everyone, we invite everyone to New Year's Carnival.
Lead 1. . Festive, cheerful, full of smiles on each face. Winter, joyful, exciting he does not repeat twice.
Lead 2. . Listen, listen to the highest order: it's time to have fun, rejoice, laugh. Who will fulfill all these prescriptions, all dreams will come true.
Lead 1. . Happy New Year We congratulate you, we wish you happiness to you to live you this year without sadness, and without worries, so that they worry, well, and they have fun on the holiday. And success in your affairs, smiles to all on the lips.
Lead 2. . Here is such an introductory word, we started everything perfectly, well, now we ask everyone to have noise and laughter in the hall, so that you met the artists and sincerely applauded it. We did not sleep one night and they prepared a fairy tale, do not blame me, somehow not in the way, for this story is on a new way.

New Year's song
(On the melody of the song "Conversation with happiness" from k / f "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession")

New Year's Eve Winter
Knocked on the door.
So we met, -
I believe and do not believe.
Recall the last year
Warm, kind word,
Let us come to us
Together with the year new.


Do not consider how old you are
You are given a ticket for childhood.
On this night, all - the children of the Earth,
Queen and kings.
In a fairy tale, the door is open yet
Torch, night short,
Your happiness is in your hands,
Only in your, people!

On New Year's Eve
Stars brighter shine
And dream of help
All on white light.
Contact heaven
With a request to be innermost
Repeal again in miracles,
In the magic of the Universe.

Music sounds, winter comes on stage.

Queen Winter.

In my winter palace you got today,

On holiday beautiful, New Year's Eve.

Guests are happy to meet you,

To give you your gifts.

There will be a Snow Maiden and Santa Claus,

He brought a lot of souvenirs.

Bird from the East, that happiness stores,

Give your all guests will give.

With the year, the cockerel coming to you will congratulate you

Wisdom will leave your gift to you.

Well, the queen of blizzards is winter,

Miracle I will fulfill today:

Holiday lovely you give

Warm day for you creating.

I propose to fill heart fun.

Good luck and happiness to you, friends!

New Year's dance

Leading: And let's play the game with you.

Game "Grandfather Frost"

The presenter says the quatrain, the last string of which the children finish with the words "Grandfather Frost".
Leading: I gave fluffy snow and shook a big skid long-awaited and loved by everyone ...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: In the warm fur coat of the New Year, rubbing the red nose, the defector carries a kind gifts ...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: There are chocolate Mandarin and Apricot chocolate - tried nice for the guys ...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: Loves songs, dance and laughs People to tears near the Christmas tree chicken ...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Host: After dancing, the deprivable drumming, as a locomotive, who, tell me together, children? It...

Children: Grandfather Frost!

Host: With a naughty hare at sunrise, a snowy trope holds a cross, well, of course, your sports, fast ...

Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: He walks with a staff across the forest among pines and birch, singing a quiet song. Who?
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: I will braid the in the morning a couple of snow-white braids, and then goes for a holiday to children ...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Host: On the holiday, the wondrous New Year walks without a bouquet of roses to visit a small and adult only ...

Children: Grandfather Frost!
Host: Who is the joy to you guys, the tree coniferous brought? Answer - this is ...

Children: Grandfather Frost!

Host: And let's call him a friendly: "Grandfather Frost!"

Under music is includedSanta Claus

Santa Claus (sings on the motive of the song "I Water").

I am Santa Claus, I'm Santa Claus,

Who wants to frozen the nose?

Touch music (spin),

Have fun with me.

Oh, where w my girlfriend,

Snow Maiden Girl.

We have fun and in Studu,

And no one and us nobody

And nobody needs us.

Oh-go, I go to you

In the forests and mountains.

That's where I found you,

My path was not easy,

But I found this room, and friends, and the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Hello, girls and boys, as well as their parents! Happy new year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden? It's time to start the holiday, get gifts, and it is not yet. And let's call it all together.

(Name is chorus: "Snow Maiden!")

Santa Claus: What organisms you have weak! Yes, is it a cry? Let's try again.(Everyone shouts even louder: "Snow Maiden!")

Santa Claus: Oh, what are you so yelling? I hear someone approaches, probably, Snow Maid goes.

Music sounds, Babuski -Yaguska appear.

Baba Yag. one

As a lot of people in the hall,

The nice holiday will be here.

Telegram sent us

That we are waiting here

Together: Well, here we came! And you meet the greyweight bausek geimes and clap loudly!

(Sing on the motive of the song "Baba Yaga" from the repertoire of the group "On on".)

Baba Yaga I'm not going to call,

Always joking and laugh.

I know the secret I, how fun to live:

Sing, dance, nothing to get rich!

I am Baba-grandmother Yaga,

The pop star.

Well, who is still like me,

Ridiculously sing and dug?

Yaga I, and for the belt I

Shipping all competitors,

So do not spare for me

His applause.

Santa Claus . And you, Yaguska, how did you get here, you want to spoil the holiday all?! Who called you?!

Baba Yaga 2. . Darkness! Almost fallen behind life, old, or do you have sclerosis? We are with your Snow Maiden's long girlfriends. She could not come, she had personal, cordious things there (winks Santa Claus), so she asked us to replace her. Or are you against it?! Do you need helpers or can you cope?

Santa Claus. Replace the Snow Maiden Baba Yaga? This is really ... I do not climb into any sleeves. Okay, stay, you will help me, but with the condition that you won't be enough. Deal?

Babuckers - Yaguska (together): Deal! (Hummble each other hands.) And how will we entertain the accurate public?

Santa Claus.

I'll show you focus,

All in order will decompose.

I went to the store

All the gifts bought.

Here. (Pulls out the dumbbell from the bag.)

Baba Yaga 1. So this is a dumbbell! Are there such gifts?

Santa Claus . All sorts are.

Baba Yaga 2. . Oh, you have some gifts ...

Santa Claus. The most normal. Now look at how many people will find. (Screaming.) Dumbbell New Year! The more you raise ...

Baba Yaga 1. The faster you will fall!

Santa Claus. Athlete will be. You, Yaguska, do not understand anything, and who understands that this is the best New Year's competition, he will fit and squeeze it. Hey, fly, not Roby, a dumbbell raise and get a gift!

( A contest is held on the strongest. Under the sounds of fanfare awards the winner.)

Baba Yaga 2. And now - the prize in the studio!

Santa Claus: You, granny, as the moon fell out. Did you read the script? It says white in black: "Santa Claus includes, congratulates, holds a competition," and about the fact that he gives the prizes, nothing is said. Understood?

Baba Yaga 1. Be this can not! You look more carefully in your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

(Santa Claus pulls out a script bag.)

Santa Claus (is reading). So, after congratulations to Santa Claus, children will lead a dance around the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga 2. . The same in the kindergarten scenario, children will drive round dance, and in our ...

Santa Claus. And where is ours?

Baba Yaga 1. . You had to be.

Santa Claus . I chose him somewhere. (Looking for scripts). What now to do what to do?

Baba Yaga 2. . Oh, you, the document lost! We have to improvise. Our children are not so small, and the dance they love to drive! Do you know songs? Sat!

New Year's dance

Santa Claus.

Oh ho-ho, as I'm tired,

Well danced.

And now I will rest

Here at the Christmas tree I sit.

Baba Yaga 1. You, Santa Claus, sit, and we will spend some fun contests with the guys! Assistant, in the studio!


Superconcourt "New Year's luck"

Four players are involved - two teams are two participants. Players give four boxes. Of these, three - with a surprise, giving the right to take further participation in the competition, and one is empty. After this "lottery" to the music of Baba Yaga, a consolation prize with a loser participant. The game is repeated.

The remaining two applicants are invited to solve New Year's riddles:

Dairy product supporting the temperature of the winter, but consumed in the summer.Answer: Ice cream.

Fashion model with blond oblique, always participating in winter holidays. It always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor.Answer: Snow Maiden.

The tree that was born in the forest and served as a shelter for a gray bunny.Answer: spruce

Nick men of an indefinite age. Special signs: a long gray beard, a red nose, winter Tulup, in his hands - a large heavy bag.Answer: Santa Claus.

The most guessed two participants continue the game, the third participant receives a consolation prize. Rather, he chooses him himself. Santa Claus lends his mittens to the player, and Baba Yaga ties his eyes and offers to pull out a gift from the "New Year" bag. I pull out, the player must guess what he got.

The remaining two participants of Baba Yaga gives the rope. The next game is "Talking a rope." Viewers Santa Claus offers betting.

Santa Claus. Yes, it is a pity that the winner is always alone! Well, oh well ... today is still not just a competition, but the most real New Year's superconcurs!Therefore, let the prizes play and receive our two finalists at once.

Baba Yaga 2. And now check what kind of smart disperses are you? Who will answer most of the quiz questions correctly, he will receive a prize.

New Year's quiz with answers

1. Where is the Pole of the Cold?(In Antarctica.)

2. What does New Year's Eve ends?(Soft sign.)

3. On what day the new year in Russia was celebrated until 1700?(September 1.)

4. Where is the new year celebrating in the summer? (In Australia.)

5. Why do winter clothes try to sew from wool or fur?(Fur and wool are bad heat conductors, so they best protect the body from the cold.)

(Under the sounds of Fanfar Award (Gold Medal with the inscription "The Motherland") is awarded to the one who has given the right answers to questions.)

Let's play another game: I will read the poem, and you voicate.

In the woods in the Christmas tree in the New Year there is a cheerful dance
Sitting hard on a bitch, shouts cock:
All: ka-ka-re-ku.
-And every time in response to him, mice cow:
All: Mu-y, mu-y, mu-y.
- to the singers wanted "Bravo", but only a cat came out:
All: Meow.

- Do not disassemble words, frogs are stitched:
All: Kva-kva-kva .
-And something whispering bullfinch funny pig:
All: Hrew-Hrew-Hrew.
-And smiling myself, dug a goat:
All: Be-BE-BE.

-What is who there on a bitch? The cuckoo shouted:
All: Ku-ku.

Santa Claus. And now I rested and I want to hold a music contest "Support a song". I start, and you continue.

1. Forest on the edge

Winter lived in the hut.

She is Solila snowballs

In Birch Kadushka.

She sued yarn,

She can be canvas,

Kovala icy

Yes, over the rivers bridges.


Ice ceiling,

Door creaking.

For the rough wall

Darkness barbed.

How to step for the threshold -

Everywhere else,

And from windows parks

Blue - blue ...

(Song "Winter" on S. S. Island.)


2. The rivers, and the land cooled,

And a little bit at home.

It is warm and raw in the city,

It is warm and raw in the city,

And outside the city, Winter, Winter.


And carry me and carry me

In ringing snowy distance

Three White Horse, Eh, Three White Kony -

December, and January, and February.

(Song "Three White Horse" on Sl. L. Derbanev from k / f "Wizard".)


3.Wh's on white light,

Where is always frost,

Get back the bears

About the earth's axis.

Clear the cenchers

Sleep the sea under the ice,

Rubbed the axis of bears -

Earth turns.

("Song about the bears", cl. Derbenev, from the K / F Caucasian Captive.)

And now for adults:

4. In this promotional, nonlaskaya evening,

When snowy moles along the roads,

You throw, dear, on the shoulders

Orenburg Pooh handkerchief.

(Song "Orenburg Pooh Shawl" for see V. Bokova.)

5. Along the street Metelitsa,

For the mealer, my nice goes.

You wait, wait, my beautiful,

Let me look, joy, on you!

(Russian folk song "Metelitsa".)

6.Oh, frost frost,

Do not frost me

Do not frost me, my horse,

Do not frost me, my horse,

My horse is a belch.

Game "New Year's Bags"

2 players are obtained by an elegant bag and get up at the coffee table, in which the boxes are fragmented by tinsel, Christmas treeless toys, as well as small things that are not believed to the New Year holiday. Under the merry music, participants of the game with tied eyes fold the contents of the box in the bags. As soon as music appears, players unleash their eyes, and they look at the collected items. Wins the one who had more Christmas items. The game can be held 2 times with different players.

Queen Winter. Dear friends! Now the solemn moment of our holiday will come, soon the watches are trying twelve and the bird of happiness and the symbol of this year will appear - the rooster

A bird of happiness appears.

The Bird of Happiness.

I am a golden bird of happiness,

My glitter can not blind eyes.

I'll take the wing of bad weather,

And past you will pass a thunderstorm.

Song "Bird of Happiness (sing Babuski -Yaguska)

Bird of happiness tomorrow

Fit, wings of the link.

Choose me choose me

How many silver in the starry sky,

Better than yesterday, better than yesterday,

Tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

Somewhere guitar rings,

Reliable heart love will save.

Love heart will save

And good luck will fly away again.

There will be morning tomorrow,

Someone will be the first, and not me.

Someone, not me, someone, not me,

Fit a song of tomorrow.

No in the light of dancing without fire,

There is hope in my heart,

Choose me choose me

Bird of happiness tomorrow.

My song will sound,

Reliable heart love will save

Love heart will save

And the Bird of Good luck will arrive again.

Love heart will save

And the Bird of Good luck will arrive again.

Santa Claus. Again, you, Baba Yaga, ask everything for yourself. Others also want happiness in the new year. And what new year without my granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

Bird of happiness, help us find the Snow Maiden. She probably lost in the forest.

The Bird of Happiness. When I flew to you, I saw a girl in the forest. She was someone called, but I was in a hurry to you for a holiday.

Santa Claus. This is my granddaughter. It is you, grandmothers - the heels "threw it alone in the forest.

The Bird of Happiness. I will now come back not alone, but with the Snow Maiden and bring you the joy of meeting with her.

Santa Claus. In the meantime, the bird of happiness is looking for the Snow Maiden. We will help her to overcome all the obstacles of the New Year's song.

New Year's dance.

Bird of happiness and Snow Maiden appear.

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, and I was late? Something interesting missed?

Santa Claus: Yes, here today is a whole fairy tale played out, just under the new year!

Snow Maiden:

Grieves the earth, another turn

Next, and now

Without delays, exactly on time,

New year comes!

With a second of January,

Under the snow round

Hope new giving,

Brewells New Year!
New Year is a festive fairy tale!

New Year is joy and laughter!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, Children's Christmas tree, and on the Christmas tree, the New Year's lights are not lit!

Santa Claus. The lights on the Christmas tree are not simple, but the magicians, and they will light up when the guys recognize their mystery.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, speak soon, what a mystery?

Santa Claus. I have a key to this mystery.(Pulls out a chest with a shortcut, reads: "Open this ice chest will be able to

those who know how to guess the riddles ").

I will come to you, guys,

Very difficult riddles.

Guess - do not yawa

A friendly choir is answering.

All lights on the Christmas tree shine

Dorrectants dance dance,

We are all glad to meet very

Best holiday ...(New Year) .

White hats wear

Today, apple trees and ate,

And cars and houses -

This came to us ...(winter) .

In the air fly,

On the palm melt,

Lighter than empty

Asterisk -...(Snowflakes) .

Look, ka, guys

Everything around covered wool,

And in response, there was a laughter:

"It fell first... (snow )".

They are usually for sewing,

I saw them, I saw them,

Happen on the pine tree on the Christmas tree

And called... (needles) .

Well done boys!

Reads spell :

You can light the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus. Do not hear me a chest. Help me guys!

Children choir repeat words.

Chest, chest, gilded barrel,

Painted cover, copper valve,

One, two, three, four, five -

You can light the Christmas tree!

Opens the chest and pulls out a shiny wand out of it, makes him tightened and touches the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Burn fires hot

Green beauty

Guys joy give,

And everyone who is in the hall with us

Consider friendly:

Time! Two! Three!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Santa Claus . Where did you fight?

For work, be accepted

I will dictate an order.

In hencefight, do not lose me,

Strict me for you!

Snow Maiden. No torment, because you are kind,

What I decided to say.

Santa Claus. What I say, write in detail.

Leaf and handle here take!

Snow Maiden. Ai-yes grandfather, forgot that courses

I went with a computer

And I will tell you without force,

On the top five passed.

Santa Claus. Stop boasting, sit down

And the patience take

Listen, in the essence of all in

And write.

Snow Maiden. Do not write, but dial!

Santa Claus. Whether you think, come on!

The order of my order is dial.

Santa Claus dictates the Snow Maiden order.

Santa Claus.

Order. Paragraph 1.

Must all honest people

New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! He is eagerly awaiting not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles!

Give your colleagues a real cheerful winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only have the opportunity to relax your friends at work, but also to show all their talents and abilities! This funny scenario for a funny company, with musical accompanies, artistic transfigurations, with jokes will make it possible to turn the New Year's corporate in a present unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for the corporate party for the new year for adults, here you can download for free. Beautiful participation! You are waiting for an unforgettable feeling!

Tale for the new year "Teremok to a new way"

Props and scenery:

1. Designation "Teremka" It is necessary to make a square size: 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.

2. A large beach umbrella on the stand will depict the roof.

3. Additional props: Mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).

4. Recording easy tool music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Accident - New Year rushes to us).

5. Pouch with cards in which roles and mood are painted, emotions:

1 Card:

Who! - Mouse.

What? - Nervous, hysterical. Always loudly shouts his "Pi-Pi Pi!"!

What does in the teremke? - Washes the floors

2 Card:

Who! - Frog.

What? - harsh, persistent, leisurely. His "kva-kva!" Pronounces as an opera singer.

What does in the teremke? - feeds dinner.


3 Card:

Who! - Bunny.

What? - Cheerful, smart, mischievous. After each jump - wags the tail!

What does in the teremke? - Measures a centimeter of clothes.

4 Card:

Who! - chanterelle.

What? - sex * flax, flirty. Sexy * flax rich: "Urrr!"

What does in the teremke? - flirt, seduces.

5 Card:

Who! - Grey Wolf.

What? "Confident, daring, sort of" solved ", came to the" disassembly. " Coughs, as if dug: Khe-Khe! Khe-Khe!

What does in the teremke? - all the time on everyone runs, threatening!

6 Card:

Who! - Bear.

What? - Smile, kind, loves everyone very much! His "RRRRR" says as if he says "catch! Catch! "

What does in the teremke? - climbs to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with script);

To somehow designate all the heroes, so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing.

  • Mouse (rim with ears and tail, front);
  • Frog (green jab (collar) wear clothes, you can still green gloves, cook apron and cap);
  • Bunny (rim with long ears, little tail);
  • Chanterelle (coquette, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray Wolf (dressed in hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, golden chain on the neck of the pcsetpet (as in the 90s) on the side, cap, cigarette in the teeth);
  • Bear (on his head cap with round ears, vest, warm socks knitted, big calosh).

Scene №1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale "Teremok"?

Guests answer: long ago!

Host: Do you remember. What happened there?

All choir: Yes!

Host: And I would not be so sure of your place! Want, check? Or remember everything together?

All choir:

Host: I need six volunteers!

Chooses from the hall of the very colorful: the highest (s), the lowest (s), the worst (s), the most thick (s), etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants suggest.

Host: Well, it would be ideally, and we, on the New Year's fabulous corporate of miracles everywhere and everywhere. Even the most ordinary tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Try, from a bag who will be!

Participants pull out without looking, cards indicating whom and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the largest person will get, for example, the role of the mouse! Or the very sly, the role of a wolf or bear bandit!

They are dismissed, assistants dress up in elements. Award a participant who will play a mouse - mop, frog - a plate and a spoon, a bunny - a centimeter of the tailor.

Transferred artists overlook the lead that tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool converted fairy tale I speak only me! You are all famous and possible ways depict your hero. Bunny jumps to the teremka, frog jumps, etc. You can and even make the sounds of your hero, to demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotion and mood, which is registered in your card. And yet: hitting in teremok, if you suddenly hear such dance music (chorus songs "New Year" of the "Disco Accident" group), you must, subject to your specified mood to produce the actions that were specified in your cards!

Spectators are preferably taking a song. And the main condition - all actions are made only in cooperation with each other! Are you going to live together?

Participants agree. Go.

Scene №2.

The background sounds light instrumental music. As soon as the new hero appears in Teremka, the dance music is turned on for a while, which they will perform each of their own action.

Host: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see a completely new fairy tale called "Teremok".

In one of the very pretty cottage cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat such teremok!

(Assistants carry out a cardboard frame, denoting terems. In the middle instead of the roof put a large beach umbrella on the stand.)

Host: Mouse-Norushka runs on his important affairs ("Mouse" runs, hysterically Ore "Pi-Pi-Pi!").

The mouse was surprised that such a treasure costs, and no one lives there! She tried her teremok three times (the mouse is circling), and, making sure that there is definitely no owners, settled into it! (The mouse crosses and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The same way, the same expensive jumped and frog-cuckoo! (The participant is jumping, depicting a frog, connecting the opera "kva-kva!".)

As Seremok saw, it was not able to restrain! It came closer and asked the mouse, is it possible to live there with it?

- Come in! Two more fun! - answered she and let the girlfriend in teremok.

Turning on dance music and the frog begins to feed the mouse, and that shears the floors under her feet.

Host: from afar of a tasty lunch, heard bunny-jump! (Rides a bunny) And when I came to him - I saw the teremok and Oboml! Oh, how I wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - The bunny asked.

- Can! - They waved a zero mouse with a frog and launched a new tenant in teremok.

Dance music turns on: the mouse should wash the floors under the legs of their neighbors, the frog - to feed everyone in turn, and the bunny - to shoot the measurements and from the frog, and from the mouse.

Host: Fasher pulled up on fun! (Sex * lion gait, urcha, coming out the participant in this image) Well, who will not like this entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in a terchemaker! And the owners and against were not!

Dance music turns on: the mouse is washes under a frog, bunny, chanterelle, the frog of everyone in turn feeds from the spoon, the bunny measures everyone, and the chanterelle of sex * flax in front of everyone dancing.

Host: But, like in life, and in a fairy tale, nothing happens so simple: hearing the noise and gams, spoil the tasty smells, broadcasting the Teremochka, the wolf came to the house. (Vallant, passing, wolf comes out. Suitable for a teremochka). Well, and how it, again, in life it happens, he also did not ask himself! The door has opened the door and entered!

Dance music turns on: everyone is engaged in its own, and the wolf at all in turn "runs out."

Host: Frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right near gray and let's feed! And he is "running"! It is not known how it all ended, but there was a bear past.

(Smiling and playfully lean, the participant comes out that the bear playing).

Host: Bear came up to the Teremchochka, looked at how the beasts were having fun! How clean is clean, how to fed with spoons, as they measure joyfully, how sex dance * flax! Even a wolf with his departures, Bear immediately loved! Entered the teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

Under dance music, everyone is engaged in their affairs, and the bear, hugs and kisses in the cheek, all in a row!

Host: You ask why he permits to live at the tenants did not ask? What for? After all, it is his terems! He for himself and built! And as I saw such a funny company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music sounds. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

Copurative New Year's fairy tale "Kolobok on a new way"

Props and scenery:

  • To draw a fairy tale "Kolobok" you need from plywood or dense cardboard to make the facade of the Russian hut with the opening shutters.
  • The house must be painted beautifully in the old-Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative bushes, pencils, etc.
  • Recording "Minusings" of music of different peoples: For scenes in the house of grandfather and grandmother - the old Russian melody, for a scene with a hare - Bit Rap, for a scene with a wolf - Georgian jerseys, for scenes with a fox - Chinese, for scenes with a bear - Garmoshki's scene.


1. Fairy tale (dressed in Russian Sarafan and Kokoshnik);

2. Kolobok-Italian (on the head with a cap with a pompon and a long bright scarf);

3. Hare - American (Rapper Cap);

4. Wolf - Caucasian (thick mustache, cap-airfield);

5. Lisa - Chinese woman (kimono, fan, corresponding to Make-AP);

6. Bear - Russian (tip-Ushanka, harmonica).

Scene №1

In the middle scene frame of the hut on the backups. Rear stands chair. Starous music sounds. The window appears a fairy tale.

Fairy tale:

In the same house, on the edge
He lived, grandfather with her old woman.
Grandma with grandfather in that hut
Baked suddenly a bun.

Knobok beautiful
Round, round, and ruddy.
Jumped off the oven
In the forest, he was twisted in the night.

Ran away from her grandmother
Ran away from grandfather.
We cry both, here's a hint,
The beginning of our fairy tale.

Sit down, guests, more comfortable,
Listen to the story more.

Scene №2.

Install forest elements. It turns out a kolobok, tars. Sounds music in rap style.

Fairy tale:

Our bun is not simple,
He is not Russian, not native.
Look, dressed as a gloss!
Because Italian.
Singing independently
Something like there "Bravissimo!"

(A hare appears on the scene).

And towards him hare,
He seems to be an American.

Hare Itetes Rap:
Hello, Kolobok, where did you come?
Who was looking for and who found?
I know, you ran from grandfather with a grandmother.
You came to me, I waited so much!

(Music turns off)

Fairy tale:

Rolled kolobok,
On the track, through the fishing line!
And then on our fairy tale
Gray wolf comes out
Caucasian nationality!

(Georgian jerseys sound, wolf comes out)

Serious such a man
With gray, coarse, barbed bristle.

Gray ox:

Uh-er, buddy, where do you keep the way?
I do not let down, while the feast is not supported together!
Not accepted in our areas
Hungry stay visiting!

Fairy tale:

Table covered, sit guests,
Left, right sounds more beautiful toast!
"For the hare! For grandmother! For grandfather! "
And do not let you go to lunch.
Do not be offended, says you are on Manese!
Socks you will be on our table!

Our bangs thought.
And I slipped under the skeins!
(Music turns off)

Goes and sad little
Suddenly hears, harmonica sounds!
(Overflows of harmonica sound)
Sees there is not far or close
Leaves a cluster bear!
Playing music playing
And the kolobka is already eating his eyes.

(Entering the Bear).

Fairy tale:

Went closer, smiled.
Swallowed saliva and lied.


Well, all, bun, rolled!
And in my dinner turned.
Silent, I will not listen!
How do you want to eat!

Fairy tale:

The bunker was afraid of a joke!
Wrapped, tried and rushed!
Rated from all his legs, if they were!
So branches on the face beat, beat!

(Music turns off)

And then he ended up
And terrible moments ended.
Smiled Kolobok, smoked.
Through the ruddy side turned around.
Here it goes next to slower
And meets suddenly beautiful - fox!

(Chinese melody sounds, fox comes under it)

Our kalobok from beauty Oboml!
The gift of speech lost, I sat on the ground.
This could only happen to him
Only he could fall in love with a fox!

A fox:

Come to me closer
You do not be afraid, I will not hurt!
I want to consider my friend,
Your rosy, bread barrel.
I want to know you!
Or rather rather, devour!

Fairy tale:

Fox jumped on a kolobka,
Clung to claws in the sides!
And let's torment him,
And at the same time to hum.

A fox:

Stupid, stupid bun,
Round your head

New Year's feast is always very generous and cheerful. And we wonderfully raise the mood at the beginning of the holiday various drinking fun: horoscopes, toasts, guessing and which help "join" into the entertainment program and get acquainted a little or, if you are familiar, then relax and feel comfortable, as it happens among loved ones.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's feast role fairy tales - imprompt who are tired of the program of any New Year holiday. For such a packaging entertainment, only cards are needed with words for heroes, text for the lead and, if desired, a small props for participants.

New Year's Drinking Role Tale "Hi, New Year!"

Before the start of the replica, it is possible to propose, explaining to all participants that they need to be pronounced when it comes to congratulations to their hero, and when it will be clear on the text and emotional accents that will give the leading (you can even agree on signs). Although, if you read expressively, then everyone understands when to join.

Active persons, replicas:


Tamada- "To the new year, another hour!"

Plot - "So, maybe, today I will and me?"

Santa Claus- "And I brought gifts to you!"

Guests - "Hi, New Year!"

Neighbors - "Congratulations to all of you!"

The choice of "artists", which will pronounce those or other pipes leaders spend in the game form:

Select artists

Leading: So that our scene is played out,
Roles should be distributed!
(Someone from guests) You, I see, do not silent
And speak all the time.
The announcer needs us now
You come just! (Hands the leaflet with the phrase for the role of the speaker.)
(Another guest) And to tell you to speak -
Tamada you, it became! (Hands words for the role of the Tamada)
(One more of the guests) Man for all not new -
All well-known district! (Hands words for the role of precinct)
(Men - Guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He is late for something! (Hands words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) Be the neighbors ask
You always have been glad! (Hands words for neighbors)
(Another group of guests) You have guests
And play with us! (Hands words for guests)

Next, the lead reads the text, and guests after the corresponding words say their replicas.
Tales text
The people are going to celebrate
And, as it should be relying, a new year to meet.
Filled with glasses already to the edges,
AND Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)
But in TV Speaker not in a hurry
Papers different shorts
And informs, it seems like, us ...

Rises Tamada at the table in full growth
And pronounces a completely fresh toast
Frequently swinging with a glass in hand ...
And in TV music playing loudly
And Basque, famous Hit executes.
And wine glasses are pouring again to the edges.
Everything Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)

Here Santa Claus The late knocking.
Seeing pain familiar face,
Tert from embarrassment red nose
And whispers ... (And I brought gifts to you!)
BUT Guests We decided to raise Tamatu.
He is not climbing himself!
And it utters a toast, as in a dream ... (So \u200b\u200bdrink for those who are now on horse!)
BUT Speaker It says especially for us ... (Until the new year for another hour!)
Probably afraid that we're "score"
And the new year will not wait!
The door was called. Paved Neighbors,
Wines dragged and everybody.
From the threshold shouting ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(Until the new year for another hour!)
Slightly breathing, sat down at the table.
Nearby at all Ploti went
Seeing our company in the window ... (So \u200b\u200bmaybe today I will install and me?)
Neighbors shout ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(Until the new year for another hour!)
Here pulls your bag Santa Claus
And whispers ... (And I brought gifts to you!)
How great to meet the new year together!
And, barely breathe Tamada Our gets up ... (So \u200b\u200bdrink for those who are now on horse!)
He does not wait for gifts already.
Pouring glasses for the main toast,
In a single impulse, all Guests
Scand together ... (Hello, New Year!)
And the clock arrows hurry everything forward!
Our Tamada broke into one moment
And again his toast he stubbornly stubborn ... (so let's drink for those who are now on horse!)
Well, that, we pour and lose a glass of everything!

New Year's fairy tale for a close company "Well, you give!"
(Author of the idea of \u200b\u200bArapova I.Yu.)

This petition entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played by the same rules, but with a more cool text designed for an adult company. This will especially benefit, if the characters, except for cards with words, distribute a small props: Funny hats, noses, rims that emphasize the comicness of the image.

Actors and replicas :

New Year- "Well, you give!"

Santa Claus - "Without me, or drink?"

Snow Maiden - "Both on!"

Old women (Baba Yagi) - "Well, no fig, yourself!"

Led - "Well, for good luck!"

Waitress - "Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people) - "Happy New Year!"

Leading - reads text

Tales text

On the eve of the new year
Tradition to celebrate the people
People to the bulb crisis, adversity
Satisfied loudly shout ... ("Happy New Year!")

But in front of us sits New Year,
He would only be born here,
Looks at people: on uncle and aunt
And loud surprised: ... ("Well, you give!")

BUT Guests Merry, dressed fashionable
On joy, shout loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Congratulate rushed (everywhere the nose)
We are tired of matinee who? Santa Claus!
Studying barely connected: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

And what outside the window, there are nature whims,
But Guests Anyway - shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

It got up Snow Maiden theatrical
And it seems very sexy.
She can see, not alone,
And mysteriously said ... ("Both on!")

Santa Claus Coulder: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
BUT Guestsagain, not honey and gather,
Loud and louder shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Mary, forebodies are full,
Savor, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Frost All groatstit: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Two frills baboons, two Baba Yagi.,
As if we got up from the right leg
Verify under a glass about the jagishi fate,
And out loud indignant: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")

Snow Maiden passion, the desire is full,
With the temptation and languidly regards: ... ("Both on!")
Frostand screams: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
And after New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Goes all the way goes with its own way
AND Guestsscream again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but briefly and briefly
Made his lepts Waitress.
She shouted the arrow on the table,
Asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguska Having mad, as if in the hut,
Choir shouted her: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")
Snow Mary gets up, oxane slightly,
Laughs, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

BUT Grandfather, Already, shouts: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
AND Guests, feeling, thoughts freedom
Scand together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Led, from joy, almost crying,
Rises with the words: ... ("Well, for good luck!")
BUT Waitress, bumby burners,
Asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Babushki, more on one cins
Shout for a couple: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")
Snow Maiden Also swallowed wine
And exclaimed out loud again: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Santa Claus, Lukavo whisper, ("Without me, or drink?")

And drink New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And led, he with a glass for a long time already jumps
Calling inspired: ... ("Well, for good luck!")

And glasses, as if filled with honey,
W. Guests What they drink and smoke together: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year's festival expression "Forest Fairy Tale"

Acting faces and replicas:

Hare - "Lives the hares not easy"

Elk - "Everything broke in me!"

Cat - "I'm a champagne a little"

Piggy - "I am beautiful as a snowflake!"

Hedgehog- "Without head and legs"

Tales text

In the new year, everything, without a doubt,
Beliefs believe in the fairy tale!
In our hall turning

And a brilliant acting game!

Tales text
In the forest, under the old Christmas tree
Lives Zhenosok timid.
He always says one thing: (Living the hares is not easy)
Once, under the New Year,
Collected forest people.
To visit to oblique go
There and drink, eat.
An old uncle came Elk (In me everything broke out)
The maiden came with him Cat (I'm a little champagne)
Taped aunt Piggy (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I am without head and legs),
Appeared, all from the cold trembling.
Hare All says to everyone: (Living the hares is not easy)
Here I said uncle Elk:(In me everything broke out)
"So that it easily lived in the morning,

Helps 100 gram brandy. "
But Tetya intervened Cat: (I'm a little champagne)
"Oblique will be easier to live,

Kohl will learn to the sick. "
"No, let me, - pall Piggy, - (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To make it easier to live,

We need to marry him! "
In the conversation joined here Hedgehog (I am without head and legs),

"To live easily in the world,
You need to extract courage. "

Hareknow, one thing says: (Living the hares is not easy)
Nothing, told everyone Elk:(In me everything broke out)
{!LANG-d203799829483df1d5313a0f9dba1ff7!} Cat: (I'm a little champagne)
{!LANG-04d85b013ad3026fdf38d4d45abf6f82!} Piggy(I am beautiful as a snowflake).
{!LANG-b38b0586c9d86b6d72d8d4538b27484f!} Hedgehog(I am without head and legs),



Acting faces and replicas:

{!LANG-cb745990200a8cdcb09dd5035a3419c1!} {!LANG-5a947fc76b061ab8f8e042ddb90944e7!}

Tales text

{!LANG-6f9d201579e2fd363ba2958543d29054!} {!LANG-f55a8ef03d4fd77cd5c3d22c229dcb74!}
{!LANG-ae744cc485e37ce9940bf6498d10534f!} {!LANG-4d93a3166889012a5da412e68a9cad94!}
{!LANG-08732c0fb5706cc7196805d2b9e6b92e!} {!LANG-6f6855f59c086758d3d19699166630b9!}
{!LANG-4d73cf8b4b30bebb9afaa93192eb3a34!} {!LANG-09d707d116e0dfd02f4fdecd766c148d!}
{!LANG-8437d94e45940d00ec36693fcf432efd!} {!LANG-af527ec14f9ec51c936a9357e5e17fb8!}
{!LANG-fc620bdbfe9b8119f7f1d0b8a800474f!} {!LANG-aa3e085461ce2a80d465e95eb4a81b45!}
{!LANG-2eb44b479c75e58801d066ca2f4b9ec1!} {!LANG-eeabc1e0fa2d3ca3e56e44fdf6d13ebd!}
{!LANG-b91cd591d19bacf85ceff9737abbfc9b!} {!LANG-b164366054782fc932c885dc4bd8ee7b!}
{!LANG-31a707eb72344e9990c784457a6a4c87!} {!LANG-aca5745273eedc2b88297c3ea7abe6c6!}
{!LANG-7b521c245ad109f7f06f6dde1c26d1cd!} {!LANG-d51be1715b8f3d4d156000c9701741e1!}
{!LANG-3c6e8cf1efa2e549c1a725a57600a658!} {!LANG-0350f8df3f04b5ee35ac15a6e6ca66c8!}
{!LANG-58c027035434b12af3b79613a551a876!} {!LANG-388d729320e7badb249e86abbe9df74f!}
{!LANG-04bd325a515bef1e572878e190784d87!} {!LANG-d51be1715b8f3d4d156000c9701741e1!}
{!LANG-1f516d47b3291a01c7a65a020f6c3420!} {!LANG-0350f8df3f04b5ee35ac15a6e6ca66c8!}
{!LANG-c845827a5a47aec5f23b8731d6772288!} {!LANG-af527ec14f9ec51c936a9357e5e17fb8!}
{!LANG-241a8b84e3eca09550bc255377afd395!} {!LANG-09d707d116e0dfd02f4fdecd766c148d!}
{!LANG-6c7ef7fd23862bad3f3b82faf1995f9a!} {!LANG-48e5bd859d1ee15dd502ff698f44f51b!}
{!LANG-682a77307148c4f7146d6d8bf08c3a03!} {!LANG-4d93a3166889012a5da412e68a9cad94!}
{!LANG-135e5c05c92c7e4339c61e07c909b648!} {!LANG-631622cd8a53baf4e6d97f34ae2a716f!}
{!LANG-37a40b616affeeab9e7a1247ae0fc58a!} {!LANG-6f6855f59c086758d3d19699166630b9!}
{!LANG-a632ee9d627009faa19e0af71e0f694b!} {!LANG-b164366054782fc932c885dc4bd8ee7b!}
{!LANG-ddfa2467d6a542aedfba2bef9d34388c!} {!LANG-aa3e085461ce2a80d465e95eb4a81b45!}
{!LANG-3e7705496a2f3c76de6f8a01092e02dd!} {!LANG-eeabc1e0fa2d3ca3e56e44fdf6d13ebd!}
{!LANG-c643b52e6b28ca2dbd36f1d73651c154!} {!LANG-ce0fb491a960696d55b6e332560f332c!}

{!LANG-160e99f877131adc0af088fbd8eec610!} {!LANG-cd4d8d604210f61ac4850965962447cd!}
{!LANG-3ac51d84cbce2580db9ede270986e171!} {!LANG-4d93a3166889012a5da412e68a9cad94!}
{!LANG-a81f1ec73ca2f5825999f6703ce655fc!} {!LANG-aa3e085461ce2a80d465e95eb4a81b45!}
{!LANG-31976f01103814d1d8b08afc8fed5f24!} {!LANG-b164366054782fc932c885dc4bd8ee7b!}
{!LANG-bdc254d6ebf7313c9136b109d4c07e94!} {!LANG-631622cd8a53baf4e6d97f34ae2a716f!}
{!LANG-4f789e96926b8f144fca7e43cbb34bc7!} {!LANG-48e5bd859d1ee15dd502ff698f44f51b!}
{!LANG-cb75846af67091a18070e7427583896d!} {!LANG-f55a8ef03d4fd77cd5c3d22c229dcb74!}
{!LANG-9b396f1c0abfdb837c05e8085301847a!} {!LANG-af527ec14f9ec51c936a9357e5e17fb8!}
{!LANG-dc8b1dbcdddab3f5a0bd874381384488!} {!LANG-0350f8df3f04b5ee35ac15a6e6ca66c8!}
{!LANG-c69d7c909b5431bfede112a99d470c0a!} {!LANG-09d707d116e0dfd02f4fdecd766c148d!}
{!LANG-465947a1816ad6395a76a0a69c381682!} {!LANG-eeabc1e0fa2d3ca3e56e44fdf6d13ebd!}
{!LANG-79cbf4b66bd949b33bb502c4a356e32c!} {!LANG-d51be1715b8f3d4d156000c9701741e1!}
{!LANG-27f9a4444f82c3872c0a7be3fa90212f!} {!LANG-ce0fb491a960696d55b6e332560f332c!}
