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Tips from Elena Brelova: how to attract work. How to attract cash

A snapashka is a good symbol for career and growth, and it should be located upward.

My way was completely simple, two times did and it turned out, once I asked a new job, the second time was salary, try, when everything came true, it was so surprising, but nevertheless ... on the relationship, however, I did not work yet, I hope.

On the sheet of paper from the bottom up we write: "I want ..........."
Written wearing in the wallet, everything!

The first time I wrote that I want a new job that I would like to me and my family ... "I added some details. A month or two, I do not remember, I was offered another job, she absolutely suited me (Ordinary sheets of about a quarter of a notebook leaf. Wrote from the bottom to the top, for example6 "I want a new job that will like me and my family" Well, then everything in such a spirit you will write out what you want from this work. Salary, satisfaction and much more ...)

Conspiracy to find a job
Buy on the full moon handkerchief, spread in front of you and read a plot seven times:
"It will be me, the servant of God (name), success in the way-road. Where I go, I will find a job, I will not get a failure. "
Crafts fold and have with yourself when you go to get a job. With this handle, you can imperceptibly wipe the door handle in the office or applied handle to the palm and open the door. Just everyone!

It helps the icon of nine martyrs, it is necessary to read the trails to them, and put candles. . And ask about work .... helps

You can still: buy oil patchouli, and smear them wallet and palms, and make your job, wallet and palms lubricate more often, good luck !!!

Ritual "Arrangement to work"

Take a beautiful box, write on it the word "favorite job", then put your photo into the box. In what way you are arranged inside the box! (Share for your favorite job)

It is necessary to take a piece of paper and write: the work to me was stuck, no worries did not become. The work was just a raspberry called to himself and Manila. Easy, with career growth. Now I am easy and easy. Love, interesting, sweet, and not fresh. On 27 and it will be good at all. The work is super, just luxury! And I said it will be so! I give in materialization, and throw in the sewer. And wash off this leaf in the toilet.

this affirmation helped me: "The best work is looking for me, now the moment when we met!" I read it for the night. And through the 2nd items I called for a job that I myself and programmed .Antrrietary faces of the girlfriends were like from my fantasies.

We take potatoes and put cooking in the uniform. In the palm to take a pinch of salt and say: "In the salt, the magic inhale and I attract the work!" From all its strength to pour into the salt into the saucepan. We have a spoon and knock on the potatoes in boiling water, saying: "Potatoes In Mundire, the Universal Admiral, give me a job for good to me and you! Clear Potatoes Clean and eat, and cleaning washed into the toilet with words of gratitude.

Why in rituals is often used to a toilet, why should it be assigned such a big and honorable role? Think, by chance? Not at all! This is a completely logical explanation. After all, the toilet is also called "push", which means "stimulus", incentive to action. Synonyms are not just words. Each word concludes energy - they proved scientists around the world. They calculated the weight of the word, studied vibrations, generated by every word in the surrounding world and concluded that the addition of synonyms gives a powerful impetus-resonance in the energy engineering of the world. This means that the impetus, or toilet, gives you an incentive, increased ten times. You can imagine what power is in this modest faience subject! Every day we begin with communicating with him, with a push, with an incentive. It is necessary only in the morning, sitting on it, tune in and imagine the energy of all the skin, all the ass. To put water and, listening to her melodic noise, to imagine that it flows the net energy that it is necessary to imagine. Just think about the fact that the toilet solves all our morning problems, takes everything too much and unnecessary. Just imagine on the moment: you wake up, and it is not! Where to run, what to do? Terrible, isn't it? But he is here, our modest precious friend. So why not give him the rest of our problems? He will wash them all to one decisive and powerful jet! What a great start of the day: I give the toilet the problems, we receive a good stimulus from him, thank him for the help of a kiss (at least air), and - forward in a new day with a lightweight soul!

Unitaz - a universal means of transmitting information into the universe !!!

Good afternoon dear friends. Remember the anecdote about how two owners of the company discusses their employees:

- "Did you extended the working day? Dinner and vacation removed? Salary reduced? "

"I did everything, but they still go to work."

"Well, I don't know, try to do a paid entrance."

Laugh laughter, but in the conditions of economic shocks in the country, the labor activity of many is more and more reminds of this joke. Therefore, today people, more than ever, cares about the question: how to attract good work and money. Take about it and talk.

In finding work, as in any start, it is important to clearly understand what result you want to get. It would seem that difficult? I want to work. But not everything is so simple. For someone, a good job is that that makes it possible to self-realization. Someone in priority puts a high salary. Another secret dreams that he was smaller "touched", and gave you to twit a couple of years before retirement or decree.

It is not surprising that work, good for one person, can be very bad for another, because it will not satisfy his expectations. Therefore, if you are sly with yourself when determining what vacancy you want to get, do not be surprised that the result will not please you.

I will not be wonder and suggest good to consider, first of all, a monetary vacancy. After all, according to the Pyramid, the butter, the dreams of self-realization do not come to those who have an empty stomach and who lives in a box from the TV.

Proper motivation - the key to success

You will not work if you do not determine the correct motivation. Note that money itself is not. Cash bills are valuable not by their number, but those capabilities that they can open. On them and concentrate.

What do you want to get from your new position in perspective? Social status, the ability to travel around the world, to acquire foreign real estate or give children prestigious education? It is the formulation of long-term goals will help you move forward and look for the work of your dreams.

By the way, the situation is not discharged when the motivation in human life changes is completely absent. It happens when, for example, the wife is used to sitting at home, and parents and friends convince her for the need to do not depend on her husband. The girl nods and agrees, but in fact does not want to join the ranks of workers. It is not surprising that it is unlikely to get a good vacancy that will arrange it.

Without an adequate assessment of your own opportunities can not do

Agree, it is quite stupid to count on a place in a large foreign corporation, while not knowing a foreign language. Nevertheless, often the applicant clearly overstens a plank expectations from the place of employment.

In order to avoid this, I recommend honestly to appreciate, first of all, the level of their professional knowledge and to reject the market for medium wages. You can safely look for work with a salary greater than the average level by 30-40%. But hope that you will immediately offer 5 times more, not very smart.

Another "misfortune" is underestimated self-esteem than women suffer. Often you can hear: "Oh, yes why they such as I" or "this position will still give away a man." As a result, you initially lose many opportunities, not even trying to use them. And, as you know, to win the lottery need at least buy billic. Therefore, do not be afraid to go to the interview if you like the vacancy. In the end, in case of failure, you only lose time, acquiring experience in return.

Help "Higher Forces"

If everything is in order with previous items: goals are determined in accordance with the abilities, motivation is present, resumes are sent out, and there is no result yet, you can help yourself with the help of various psychological or magical techniques.


This principle works not only in relation to any dream, and not just the search for monetary work.

On the paper sheet, you must describe the desired vacancy in detail. Indicate not only a specific amount of salary and premium, but also the frequency of their preparation, work schedule, the ratio of the authorities to the hospital sheets and even the time required for travel to the workplace.

The more diverse trifles you will consider, the better. This leaf is recommended to put under the pillow, and in the morning, rereading again, hide into the wallet, with whom you go to the interview.

Some advise you to take a box on which to write the word "work". The inner part can be enclosed by log cuttings that demonstrate the desired vacancy or workplace.

After that, put your photo inward, close the lid and remove the box in the closet.

It is possible to make an employment contract in which to register all the nuances you are interested in and sign it on both sides.

It is important that you are not just hoping for a position, but behaved as if we already work on it. Think about your working wardrobe, imagine the relationship in the team, read more literature related to your new vacancy. In this case, your thoughts released into the universe are necessarily materialized.

Strengthening cash energy on Feng Shui

Fans of this exercise argue that only the right energy balance can help in solving many vital problems, including in attracting highly paid work.

The main rule of Feng Shui - in the house there should always be purity and order, otherwise the energy of the Qi, responsible for wealth, will not hold here. It is important that the order is invisible not only in the "visible" zones, but also in all storage rooms, cabinets, on the balcony. Throw away and disperse unnecessary things and be sure to fix the plumbing and lighting devices.

Once a week spend wet cleaning with salt water, flushing the entire negative. Special attention is paid to the windows that are considered "eyes" at home. If they are dusty and dirty, do not wait for money.

If you prefer its "live" sources, for example, aquarium or a vase with flowers, take care that water is always fresh. If you choose the images of water elements in the form of pictures and photos, use only calm and peaceful landscapes.

An excellent option will be an image of a ship floating in a quiet water surface toward the center of the room.

Be sure to strengthen the energy of the room with the help of some talisman designed to attract a career and money:

  • black and white paintings depicting a bird or an animal with cash bills;
  • a stone or metal turtle (but they should not be somewhat);
  • goldfish;
  • toads with coins in the mouth or under the legs, etc.

In order not to reduce water energy, avoid placing fiery symbols in these zones, for example, triangular items with red color. Also, a bad idea will be the installation of a fireplace or oven here.

Cash plots

If you sincerely believe in the miraculous power of magical conspiracies, try to refer to their help.

In the evening, on Friday, put a spoonful honey spoon on a saucer, saying quietly: "Each bee always deduces his hive. Help and me, bee, money to find work. "

After that, it is necessary, without drinking with water, eat honey and go to bed, once again guessing getting a good vacancy.

On a growing moon, you need to pour out a teaspoon of sugar and salt into two identical cups. After that, spill salt and throw in the sink.

Add water to a cup with sugar, wait for it to complete dissolution and drink to the last drop, saying: "Sugar sweet, and my luck is sweet. Tomorrow the new work will become a reality. " The next day you can safely begin the search for a new place of employment.

Take a jar with raspberry jam and sign it "not work - and raspberry." Eat a spoon every day, clearly representing the vacancy of your dreams and saying: "My job will find me." Within three weeks you must be lucky.

And for those who do not want to wait, I recommend paying attention to the company, affilous marketing which can be used as the main or additional direction in earnings: cachek service Switips., whose advantage I wrote.

I hope that the technique you chose will definitely bring your positive fruits, and you will get what they want to. I say goodbye to you and thank my expensive readers who have become permanent subscribers of this blog.

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P.S. If you are tired of looking for a bank, which is guaranteed to issue a loan, you have a bad credit history, there is no reference 2-NDFL, there are overdue loan payments or other difficulties, I recommend trying to use this service Progress building .

For a comfortable, happy life, there is little love, the soul asks for sale - creative and professional. It is not easy to find a good job during the permanent economic global crises and jumps of various currencies, it's not easy, such a task is practically impossible. A person with higher education and zealous desire to work, earning a lot of money has to be interrupted by part-time or embracing invested their own abilities. How can you break the vicious, vicious circle? To take a well-deserved position, financially to provide the whole family, return from work in a good mood and with joy to return to the fulfillment of duties every morning. You will be helped by rituals and rites to receive good work.

Conspiracy to attract decent work not fiction and not a game of ordinary words

Magic to receive good work

The conspiracy to attract decent work is not fiction and not a game of ordinary words, it is a push, which allows you to end the strip of constant professional failures and failures. Get what you are worthy - this is not a whim and not luxury, but a condition for harmony and your peace of mind. Rituals for work: from the simplest, made at home, to more complex, performed practicing magicians will allow to use their own hidden potential for all 100% for many years.

A variety of conspiracies for the attraction of a worthy post

Job search, which will satisfy ambitions and wishes of a person, the labor-intensive business, which takes a lot of time and takes away vitality. If there are a lot of vacancies, really worthy offers are not enough. How to get out of such situations? Delivered and lowering hands, sailing for the flow or fight to the last breath for the implementation of your own professional goals, solve only you. But no one else, nor native nor loved ones, do not solve the problem for you. The ritual for a good job There are dozens of years, from time to time, when the training was considered a privilege, people sought to find their place under the sun, to provide children with a bright future and give them what they themselves were deprived. Over time, new professions appeared, the services of the Services went up to unprecedented sizes, but there were no less difficulties in the device to work at work. People who can produce a good impression much easier, they are the soul of the company, and after interviews, only a positive impression remains from them, but what to do those who are not so good in the presentation of their own abilities? Help yourself, resorting not only to the strength of thought, but also asking for help from the highest magical forces. To find a good job - you need to make a lot of strength, It is important to show unprecedented patience and exposure.

Rites helping to get a worthy post are triggered by completely different ways. So, you can take advantage of one of the rituals:

  • conspiracies to attract the desired vacancy;
  • to pass the interview;
  • spell to increase;
  • conspiracy to attract work revealing all your potential;
  • to increase wages.

You do not have to change the place of work at all if the office is held in everything, with the exception of wages or position on the career ladder. Then, magic rituals strengthen your position, allowing you to put your positive parties in a new light. Find a new job a little more complicated, for this, a whole range of various rituals that complement the goals you have. In any case, the magic programs will change their life for the better.

Fast plot to a new job

Rituals on the search for work that satisfies your ambitions is blown unquestionably, but they are not responsible for the further result, so before starting the rite of attracting, analyze your own desires. What brings you joy and will not become a daily responsibility in the future? Fast conspiracy to attract a position thanks to which you gain real professional success, acts in days. That is, from the moment of the rite in your life, a sufficient number of opportunities contributing to obtaining a new position will appear.

Rituals to attract work involve obtaining a certain benefit in the form of increasing income or unscheduled premiums, therefore special attributes are used in such magical manipulations. To such auxiliary things, in a quick conspiracy to a new position, refer:

  • handkerchief;
  • coins of any nominal;
  • the presence of a secluded corner.

A quick conspiracy to get a new job will not take a lot of your time, but literally immediately solve the problems that encourage you concerning the search for a new position.

For a rapid conspiracy to a new position, you will need a handkerchief

How to spend ritual

Rituals for good work are strict. Policy in such a dangerous occurrence of unwanted consequences. If you decide on a quick conspiracy for decent work, then stick to the plan:

  1. When the sun is sitting, the coin coin itself as follows:

    "Like the moon eternal satellite stars, so success will become my fellow traveler. I am a well done and master-sterlets, I find an approach to any complicated case, always come to the rescue. With the sunrise of an early thing to me, the new occupation will arrive. Amen".

  2. Conspiring trifle should be wrapped in a new handkerchief. The coin is put so that the "eagle" turned out to be open to you.
  3. Tie a handkerchief and hide into a secluded corner, away from prying eyes.
  4. In the morning, take care of the selection of suitable work.

The presence of lunar light outside the window will be a prerequisite for the rite, therefore, in the afternoon, such conspiracies are ineffective and useless.

Conspiracy on a successful interview

Interview is always a test for the one who desperately seeks a worthy job. Get on the desired position and not worry about passing preliminary surveys with an employer, much easier, if you do a secret magic ritual on the eve of the day before. It follows the ritual at night, immediately before receiving the future bosses. Thus, you will strengthen your own energy background.

What will be needed for the ritual

Conspiracies and rituals to work are carried out in strict secrecy. No one, including your loved ones, should not guessed about magical protection or conspiracies. To commit the ritual to the coming interview you will need:

  • sheet of pure paper;
  • capacity;
  • water;
  • a pen;
  • quiet room.

Set the time so that the house is empty. Unnecessary sounds will prevent the integrity of the rite, and someone else's presence will reduce the effect of conspiracy.

How to spend ritual

The device of the entire rite is simple and not costly. All that you will need half an hour of free time and things that will be in any house.

  1. Formulate your desire about the future interview. Briefly describe the expectations from the meeting with the leader.
  2. Fold twice the sheet of paper and hide the bundle in a secluded corner, where none of the households will detect it.
  3. Take a water container and say:

    "I'm not an old man, I'm not a young, I go to a meeting with boyars. The hosts are happy, my words are pleased. They will not be able to drive, they will not be able to offend. Amen".

  4. Repeat the phrases three times.
  5. Drink the contents of a glass of salvo.
  6. Go to bed, and the outflow with clean soul and thoughts go to the interview.

With the help of the rite spent on the eve, the future authorities will meet you with joy and huge enthusiasm. The interview will pass smoothly and without a championship.

Plot for rapid career growth

In order to work for a job, some rites will be created, but to keep the conquered position will have to be completely different methods. The increase is the proof of your vocational consistency and qualifications, moreover, your total income increases with the advancement staircase. How to achieve stable success? The most efficient method to move his career with a dead point is a plot of cream. For the ritual, only homemade, high-quality products will be suitable, but shopping shopping will only spoil the whole result.

What will be needed for the ritual

Cream are the best dairy product. A lot of people's sayings read about success - "swim in cream." For a rite, promising rapid increase, will need:

  • fat cream;
  • glass;
  • hot drink;
  • pillow.

A distinctive feature of such a rite is that his holding should not be kept secret from households (characteristic of most rituals). But, participation in the conspiracy of people who wish you success will only strengthen the positive impact on your career.

For a rite, promising rapid increase, you will need fat cream

How to spend ritual

Actions that include ritual for raising are carried out at any time of the day.

If you are conveniently pronounced spells in the afternoon, then boldly proceed to a simple task. All you should do:

  1. Pour high fat cream into a glass, sentencing:

    "I will select from my house, outside the door, for the gates, through the roads are long, Couschers are not steppe. I will ask for my fate, my first way is to find my coin, the second is Chervonets, and the latter will fool me. I eat cream, rich me. To live prosperity for many years and trouble do not see. "

  2. After reading all the words of the conspiracy, you need to drink three large sketches of cream (no less).
  3. The remaining product is drunk with tea or other hot drinks, they are treated by households and devotees.
  4. Before you go to bed, shake the pillows strongly, on which you sleep with the words "The Mother's Cow-Mother first dried me, now it is a good help to find me."
  5. Read

    "Our" Father "several times and calmly go to bed.

A similar multi-step plot acts not immediately, but over time, every day approaching your future success. Best patience, tranquility and confidence in the coming positive change.

Job search for soul

Find a job, yes, so that the soul would be pleased, what could be better? A good mood from the fact that you are just engaged in a useful and pleasant thing, with payment for done painstaking work. It is always scary to get on a new place, but what if you are ahead of you are waiting for the most exciting occupancy in life? Throwing doubts to the side, attract a real, decent, founded response in your soul, work. The search plot of this type will take no more than an hour, and will pay off a hundredfold in the near future.

What will be needed for the ritual

To prepare a search conspiracy will need a working week. From the girlfriend, you will be useful to:

  • 30-40 coins of a small nominal;
  • homemade tissue bag;
  • quiet corner.

The bag for the little things is sewn personally from the first day of the week to the last. It is best to use a red fabric.

How to spend ritual

  1. Rituals and rites for good work for the soul are performed in the following order:
  2. In the period of an increasing moon, the little thing rushes into the bag, clamped between the palms, and says:

    "All coins are charging, hurry, work new to me. I will get good luck in my path. Where to go, there is a good exercise. "

  3. Spell is repeated 7 times.
  4. Squeeze 10 coins and save them in the bag, the remaining trifle pour sand in the backyard at home.
  5. Wear a fabric bag with you until there is a worthy job.
  6. Soon, after committing a ritual, advantageous offers for new vacancies will begin to come. Consider all the options and take a weighted solution.

The work is not only a means for making money, but also the opportunity for growth, both professional and creative. You do not have to endure daily flour, sit from call to call in the hope of changes. Be such changes, let yourself find a business for the soul, work that will not create an unpleasant mood. Be brave, and otherwise find reliable assistants. Mages, practicing for many years, healers and magicians, choose only to you. In any case, it will take perseverance and an increase in the goal. Burn for what you believe, especially if this is an income occupation. Conspuses to work only push to which you need to use correctly.

Why are you lucky with one people with work, they constantly have money, and others all their lives complain about lack of money, injustice of the bosses, the lack of career prospects? The exact causes of life failures can be found with the help of a good psychologist or the present psychic. But a person may well help himself - you just need to choose a way to attract good luck in your work.

We change the energy frequency

Before being taken for practical work on changing the situation, you need to understand: the money loves those who love them, and do not go to the sad pessimists.

So success depends on several factors:

  • the intention to get a good job (or change its conditions);
  • confidence in your abilities, that is, in what to deal with the problem will succeed, and in the fact that the selected method works;
  • refusal of negative installations and their replacement for positive statements.

The fact is that when a person lives on a wave of positive, the frequency of its energy vibrations is radically different from the one that is characteristic of a negatively thoughtful person.

In other words, he radiates the energy of a positive in the space, thereby attracting even more good luck to him. And vice versa. This is the law of the universe, which our ancestors knew about. It is not by chance that so many sayings is associated with the topic of trouble (" Came trouble - Call the gate», « Trouble misfortune stickers" and etc.).

We choose how to attract good luck in the work

Seriously overlooking how to attract work and money, you need to choose your way to agree with the universe. There are several methods that work for different people in different ways. Someone perceives the world through vision, someone through the rumor, and someone is important to touch and in general the material side of life.

That is why there are several ways to attract work and money:

  • visualization;
  • feng Shui;
  • conspiracies and mantras;
  • rituals and symbolic actions.

Any of these methods is quite a worker, but without the appropriate attitude, it is unlikely to work.

Visualization method

This method is based on the fact that our subconsciously can perceive bright clear images and affirmative thinking. That is, in order to change something in your life, you need to create a specific image of the desired in the material world, constantly have it before your eyes or with you and behave as if you already have the desired.

For example, if you dream about working in a major insurance company, for example, in

Rosgosstrakh, in high position with good wages, you can do the following:

  • analyze which directions of work you are attracted to Rosgosstrakh and what advantages will give you a position;
  • write a resume as if you received a preliminary invitation;
  • think over the smallest nuances of future work, enter them into an employment contract, indicating, for example, not only the amount of wages, but also the amount of social package, the amount of bonuses, etc.;
  • imagine that luck smiled, you took on this job, try to feel that you are experiencing (joy, satisfaction, calm, happiness). It is necessary to try so that the body also responds to your feelings, such as warm, spilled in the chest, or pleasant sensations in the abdomen, hearts.

It remains to sign a contract, roll it and wear constantly with you (a pocket, bag) or keep in a prominent place. The visualization method is one of the most efficient. It really helps to understand how to attract good work and money, and therefore it is worth spending time on the writing part of the work.

Additionally, you can create a map of desires by sticking your photo, pictures, image of money and even small objects, symbolizing the desired place of work. It will stay to hang a map and consider it more often. The rest will make the subconscious together with the positive energy of the universe.

How to make a job more monetary

Suppose a person already has a person, it is quite suitable. But here is the money ...

I would like to get more. Do not think where the authorities will find money to raise the salary. This is not your problem.

Do not convince the boss that pregnant women can be attracted to work and pay a worthy remuneration for it. Just act.

Feng Shui

The eastern doctrine of the harmonization of space of a house or public space is considered one of the most powerful ways to attract money, health, good luck in your life.

That's what you can do:

  • open in the northern sector of apartment items, symbolizing success, career, money. As a rule, it is a turtle (heavenly defense, wisdom, support), toad, holding coins in the mouth, mirror surfaces, crystal spheres;
  • strengthen the positive energy of metal or glass figures. You can, for example, put a glass pyramid on the desktop, and put money under it - one bill or coin. IMPORTANT: The form of items should be rounded, without coarse, sharp faces, so as not to move good luck;
  • water is considered a powerful symbol of monetary well-being, as it is associated with an endless flow of money. Therefore, you can strengthen the career sector fountain, aquarium with a goldfish or just hang pictures with the image of the aquatic element.

How to attract success in work if you are best reacting to sounds? If conditions allow, then in the zone of glory and careers you can use wind music. It will attract positive energy, good luck. Another option is to listen to the mantra.

Conspiracy and mantras

Speech formulas are one of their most understandable ways to transmit and perceive information. When we clearly formulating some kind of thought, our subconscious takes it as a direct guide to action, a mood for good luck. That is why so strong faith due to popular conspiracy. They actually work, and anyone interested person can use this knowledge today.

How to attract good work and money in this way? Everything is simple: take any source of information (books, specialized Internet resources, etc.), find the right plot, read it daily for several days in a row. As a rule, changes begin immediately: money comes, proposals are received.

Similarly, you can work with mantras - that is, phrases taken from the sacred Hindu texts. It is believed that the set of sounds in the mantra is an appeal to a specific deity. To attract money, you need Krsna Gaitatri mantras, Lakshmi Gayatri. It is not necessary to read them yourself. Today you can easily find mantra records, and then listen to them 3-4 times a day.

Rituals and symbolic actions

An understandable ritual made at the right time, also relates to effective ways to work with the subconscious. How to attract good cash, good luck, the success in this way, psychics perfectly know. It is necessary to activate the human life energy, clean the surrounding space from negative information, create a new behavior model.

Hello, dear readers. Often in our life there is a need to search for new work. At the same time, some seize a lot of resumes are grabbed for any vacancy, but it cannot be adequate.

And others, and so working on a decent position, constantly get even more tempting proposals. What is the secret and how to attract work and money?

I suggest today to talk about all sorts of ways to attract monetary work: from psychological plants to magical rituals.

According to my observations, most often the difficulty of finding work is experienced by people who:

  • You do not really know what they want. Agree, there is a huge difference, do you look for a temporary job to get rapid income or your life vocation, let it be time to the detriment of high salary.
  • Not enough motivated. It often happens that a person is looking for work not from personal convictions, but, for example, because the wife or parents "washed". And at the subconscious level, he does not want to change anything at all. It is not surprising that in this case no profitable proposals will follow, and luck will not smile.
  • Inadequately evaluate their abilities. If you underestimate yourself, you miss a lot of vacancies, initially programming yourself on the fact that you cannot cope with the task. Overestimating your knowledge and skills, you risk not finding work due to the constant discontent of the proposed salary that does not correspond to your overestimated expectations.

It is the internal uncertainty in the plans, goals and evaluation of oneself prevents the desired result.

Principle of visualization

Therefore, starting to find the work, it is necessary to honestly admit, you need it to you or your loved ones and clearly determine what you want to get.

Will you work with a specialty or do you need a cardinal change of activity? What is priority for you: high salary or good relationship in the team?

Treat everything, up to the number of income, size and frequency of the award and the availability of social suites. After all, even such a trifle as the presence of a dress of code, maybe someone can drive someone into a serious depression.

It will notice that it will be not easy to mentally answer all the questions, but to record your wishes on paper in detail. So you streamline your thoughts and focus on all the details.

It is also recommended to make a collage of magazine clippings, clearly illustrating your new job place. Hang it, for example, on the inside door of the cabinet. Then every morning, dressing, you will visualize your dream in thoughts. And our thoughts, as you know, material.

Attraction of cash flow on Fen Shui

Fans of this Chinese teaching accurately know how to help you quickly get a highly paid vacancy.

For this in response, the energy of qi, living only in a clean house. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the room from the rubble, dirt and dust. Ruthlessly get rid of all unnecessary things and clothing that you do not use.

At the same time, it is not enough just to take them to the balcony. To make money to find the way to your home, it should be free from negative energy of unnecessary items. Therefore, throw out and crushed.

According to the career corresponds to the northern zone, which should be activated. This can be done with the help of black and blue colors, metal and water. The easiest way to hang in this sector is a black and white picture in a metal frame with an image of an animal or bird.

You also need to put here a glass filled with nine coins laid up an eagle. At the same time, eight coins should be white, and one is yellow.

To attract monetary work, it is necessary to rub this "wealth" daily, and water change. After the desired employment, the glass must be immediately removed.

Additional talismans that help get a good vacancy, are:

  • Metal or stone turtle, which is responsible for the emergence of money and the necessary business connections.
  • Model or pattern of a sailboat floating with her nose to the entrance door. Make sure your boat is not a copy of any famous vessel that has come to the bottom. If this is a model, then put a handful of coins in the bag.
  • Spherical metal vase.

Do not place in the career zone no fire symbols, such as red or triangular items.

Since our task is to receive precisely paid job, it is necessary to strengthen both the southeastern area of \u200b\u200bthe premises responsible for wealth simultaneously with the career sector.

You can do this with the help of all the same water by placing a fountain or aquarium here. Optimally, if nine goldfish will float in it, one of which should be black.

Also, place one of the talismans in this area: a three-year-old toad with coins, goldfish ARACE, HOTE with a cash bag or the image of Chinese hieroglyphs, symbolizing the influx of money.

Folk signs helping to attract financial success

There is a lot of acceptable to preserve and maximize money. Many went to us from observation ancestors, some were invented already in modern times.

In order for monetary signs to always find the way to your home, you need:

  • Do not spend the first earned ruble, but leave it in a wallet for good luck.
  • Hide coins and bills in all rooms except the bathroom and bedrooms. Do not forget to "don" the storage room and the refrigerator to never be starved. Leave several coins and under the entrance rug.
  • Do not take the delivery directly from the hands of the cashier, in order not to get someone else's negative energy. A saucer for money is not in vain. Paying for purchases, bills only in folded form.
  • Do not lift a trifle on the street. If you do this, use the glove or handkerchief, and at home to dock the coins three days in salt water to wash off the negative.
  • Do not bother yourself on Monday and do not take a debt on Tuesday. On other days, take money with your left hand, and give debts - right.
  • Do not put an empty container on the table and not put the keys, monetary signs and hats.
  • More often to sacrifice money in need, especially near the church.

Conspiracies to attract money and work

Some prefer such a way to get the desired employment as a plot. There are a great many, one simple, others are accompanied by a complex ritual.

The general rule of all magical rites conducted to attract financial well-being are their implementation on a growing moon.

So, for the young month you need to rub the wallet with money above your head and say: "Clear month - to the moon, and money to me." Then you should get three bills from the wallet and three coins and put them in a box that put on the windowsill so that it is covered by the light of the month. In this state, leave money to the full moon, after which they can be spent.

Distribute the new handkerchief and read the following words seven times: "There will be me a slave of God, such, successful in the path-road. Where I go - I will find a job, I will not get a failure. "]]

When walking on the interview, always carry this handkerchief with you and try to wipe them input handles into the cabinets of your potential employers.

If you with skepticism include all sorts of conspiracies, you can confine ourselves to pronounced daily positive affirmations that contribute to the involvement of cash energy, for example: "I, as a magnet, attract goodness and money" or "Money love me."

The main thing, while not sitting, folded up, but in practice it is to make efforts to find work and multiplying your wealth.

For example, you can pay attention to, such as:

  • - Also a decent resource for earnings on polls. Each task is about 10 minutes. Payments are carried out on Vabmani wallet or PayPal, the minimum amount is 300 rubles.

Several options for the output of funds, charity and very generous prizes and gifts are available.

This is forgiven and I wish finances always tend to you a confident river. I will be grateful for the recommendation of my article in social networks.