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Prediction of Vanga about Syria and Third World War. Vanga predicted the fall of Syria, after which the Teaching of the White Brotherhood will come to the world from Russia

Syrian State Palo to the Winner's Feet - Russia

Many people around the world are intensely watching the situation in the Middle East. Something terrible and incomprehensible happens in the world, really on the threshold of the third world war? Everyone was expected when the Syrian state falls. However, on September 30, 2015, when Syria's leader Bashar Assad could no longer cope with his forces with Natioski ISIL, who seized more and more new state territories of Syria, wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a request to support and assist the Syrian people of military assistance in Fight against terrorists. At that time, almost eighty percent of the Syrian state was treacherously captured by ISIL. The military power of Syria does not withstand the onslaught of enemies, the military equipment is morally outdated, and the martial spirit of the soldiers is noticeable. People massively run from Syria, fearing for their lives. West countries and the United States expected when the Mode of Bashar Assad fell. In fact, after the war with Iraq, the United States and European countries artificially fed the militants, without understanding that they create a fundamentally new threat to the entire civilized world. Now, finally, it came to awareness that ISIL represents a real and terrible threat to the world community.

Great Wanta saw the future of our world for many centuries ahead. The predictor came a huge number of people from all over the world for advice. Both ordinary people and world celebrities and government representatives. And about the situation with Syria, the predictor knew in advance. At the same time, Vanga noted that Syria's problems are not just the problems of a separate Middle East state, but the problems of the whole world. In 1978, Wang said that an ancient teaching would come to the world. According to her, the "White Brotherhood" will radically change the life of society. The prunerator was often asked when this moment comes, to which Vanga said that it would happen to the fall of "Assyria", which collapses NIC before the winner. Global changes will occur in distant Russia, after the fall of Syria, which will influence literally to the entire planet.

At the same time, Vanga did not call a specific state of Syria, but was talking about Assyria. Assidia is an ancient state that is located on the territory of modern Iraq. Ancient and powerful Assyria ran in the north of the Babylonian kingdom on the top flow of a tiger, near the basins of the rivers Small and Big Zab. Modern Iraq, located north of Eufrat and there is a plot of ancient Assyria and Babylonia. Now this part of the historic territory is almost captured by the militants ISIS.

Vanga said that the destructive third World War would take its beginning from the fall of the Syrian state. Gradually, the process will go to European states. At the end of 2015, it became especially noticeable, as the number of Syrian refugees in European countries is increasing. But what to do if people have no home and homeland? Wanta believed that Syria would collapse to the legs of the wrong winner who had to be actually. If we consider the situation in more detail that a number of European countries, we won, Syria collapsed to whose feet. The price of victims and human lives gradually succeeds in purifying the Middle East from cruel and unjustified terrorism, which is hidden behind the black mask Igil.

Suddenly on September 30, 2015, Putin asked the Council of the Federation permission to use armed forces at the request of Bashar Assad. The Syrian state fell to the feet of Europe and the United States, but won the country to win the country failed to the end, because Russia intervened. Based on this, many prophetic words of Vanga become clear. Syria fell literally on his knees in front of the West, but the winner was still Russia. It was the Russian state led by the wise ruler who will be able to release Iraq and Syria along with Iraqis, Syrian citizens and Hezballa.

The world has long been firmly on the threshold of great changes, and very soon everything will change completely. American clairvoyant Veronika Luchen argued that she was Verva Maria. Lady mother looked at Veronica with sadness and longing, pointing at the map. On the map, the French Morocco, Arabia, Egypt, Jerusalem, was clearly seen on the map. All these countries in thick darkness.

Gradually, the war in the Middle East will increase by affecting new states and bringing pain and suffering increasing number of people. The suffering of mankind will reach apogee, and alive will envy the dead. All this foresaw Great Vanga. The Third World War coincides with military actions in the Middle East. The Syrian state will become a kind of key to all that is happening in the world. The world will cover the fire from the atonement ball. According to Veroniki Lucken, an unusual comet or an asteroid is considered to be this phenomenon, which the inhabitants of the planet will be observed in the stellar sky.

But why the fall of the ancient Syrian state is considered a point of reference in global world changes. Vanga did not explain anything about this. But if you look at the most important book of mankind Bible, you can find a lot of interesting information about this. The Syrian state is considered one of the oldest in the world. It was there that, on biblical legends, Cain killed Abel. There is a cave of first blood in Damascus, it was there that happened.

The first blood cave is reminiscent of the human mouth opened in a frantic cry. The mountain as if shouted from horror, seeing a terrible act of fratricide. On one of the numerous rocky stones, there is even a handprint of the archangel of Gabriel. The Lord appointed Cain's punishment, he wore the body of Abel with him everywhere forty. Now in a long-suffering Syria, the blood of innocent people pour again. And the circle closed, the brother goes to his brother. Many politician representatives also believe that the aggravation of the Syrian conflict can serve as an impetus to the beginning of the third world war. Wang also believed that good wins, and the world would come to the world and the knowledge of the meaning of being. The graceful day will come when there will be no harm, murders and violence on the planet. Complete wars and armed conflicts. People finally recognize the price of human life. There will be enough will of the will and mind in the United States and Western countries to establish the world's long-awaited people. Is it really thirst for naughty eclipsed by the heads of the head. One Russia did so much for the world in Syria, no one could do anything over many years.

Vanga said that the ice would grow and only the great glory of Russia would remain. Everything will meet Russia in its path and will become the ruler of the world. It is in this state that there will be many people who will be able to change the world for the better. An old city will be excavated in the ground, and people learn about their past. And by 2019, oil production as an energy resource will stop and will be new methods and methods in order to receive energy.

The world community should rally and unite in the struggle against such a terrible phenomenon as terrorism in the Middle East. The fratricidal war should be discontinued for the sake of the universal benefit and the future of our planet. But as it will actually, will show only time.

Prediction of Bulgarian Predicter Vangawhere she mentions Syria: "When the field flower ceases to smell, when a person will lose his ability to compare when the river water becomes dangerous - then a general destructive war will break out"; "War will be everywhere, between all nations ..."; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; "What is written in the Bible will come true. The apocalypse is coming!Not you, but your children will then live! ";

"Humanity has many more cataclysms and turbulent events. Consciousness of people will change. Grave times are coming, people will divide them faith. The oldest teaching will come to the world. Ask me when it happens, is it soon? No, not soon. Syria still did not fall. Syria will collapse to the legs of the winner, but the winner will not be that! "

Rev. Bishop of Sissing and Satittsi Father Anthony About future times and Syria: "... Mount will begin with events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praining, it will be very praying. From there, everything will begin with Syria! Wait for grief and from us, hunger and grief.

The last days we were asked all the time - Vladyko, which will begin, how, tell us. He said that he would say, but so much, but all the time he repeated these words about Syria. Then we did not understand everything, now it became clear ... "

Famous American "Sleeping" ProphetEdgar Casey Predicted the beginning of the Third World War. He said that the distribution arising "... in Libya, in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria, in the sheds above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, will lead to the beginning of the World Conflict."

JewellerJoanna Sautkott (England), which predicted the beginning of the French revolution, the elevation and collapse of Napoleon, warned back in 1815: "When a war breaks up in the east, you know - the end is close."

The phenomenon of the Virgin Maryamerican clairvoyant Veronica Luchen: "Lady Mother now looks sad. I see she points out what looks like a map. Oh my God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! Currently these countries in very thick darkness. Oh my God! God's Mother says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They all burned ...

War must grow, the slaughter is intensifying. Live will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind. "

In the future, a great war will begin. She coincides with the war in the Middle East. "

"Syria will be the key to the conclusion of the world or the Third World War. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is in fire because of the redemption ball. "

Bowl of redemption - so Veronica Luchen calls an unusual Komet star, which will appear in the sky of our planet, already in the near future.

Siville Eritrea There is a progress about the further fate of Syria.

Now I am for you, unhappy Syria, crying.
The mind left you, the cuts; hung terrible sounds
Loudly writing flutes, the trumpet is a formidable fetter -
So see you are defeated in dust your land.
Song 7, 115-118.

Files, in this case, an ancient city in Upper Egypt, near the modern Luxor.

Prediction of the Prophet Isaiah about Syria.

17.1 - That's, Damascus is excluded from among the cities and will be breasts of ruins.

17.2 Cities Aroerse will be abandoned, "will remain for herds who will relax there, and no one will scare them.

17.3 will not be the stronghold of the Ephraim and the Kingdom of Damasky with the rest of Sirie; With them there will be the same as with the glorus of the sons of Israel, says the Lord Savaof.

Armageddon is the place of the last battle of good with evil (Antichrist), which will occur in the "last times" during the second coming of the Messiah.

In the texts of the prophecies about Armageddon, it is also said about people from the country "from the north" who will come along with Gogh. From the predictions of the seams it follows that an antichrist will be an American, respectively, Western Magog Country - North America.

In predictions about the "recent times", another northern people are mentioned, which will fight with the troops of Antichrist on the land of Israel. According to destination, it is the Union of Slavic peoples from the north. Since two people will take part in the battle of Armageddon, who will come from the north, it is necessary to distinguish their role in this battle. One northern people are the troops of Antichrist from North America, another people are Russians who will come from the north of Eurasia and destroy Satan.

Perhaps about the same period of time mentionedMichelle Nostradamus.

5 - 26
Slavic people thanks to military luck
Rises to the highest level.
Prince will change, the provincial will appear.
The army rising to the mountains will be held by the sea.

1-2. The victorious fighting of Russian armies in the war with an antichrist. The military-political elevation of Russia ("the highest level").
"And during the days of those kingdoms, the God of Heavenly will erect the kingdom, which will not be destroyed forever, and the kingdom will not be transferred to another people; It crushes and destroy all the kingdoms, and it will be forever ... ". (Dan. 2:44).
What kind of people will be given the "kingdom of eternal", the Prophet Danil does not report: "The kingdom and the power and the greatness of the agreed in all of the Middle Kingdom will be given to the people of the Holy Most High, whom the kingdom is the kingdom eternal, and all the rulers will serve and obey him (Dan. 7:27).
3. Changing the former Russian ruler and coming to power of the new head of state from the province.

4. Obviously, the campaign of Russian troops, through the Caucasian Mountains and the Black Sea to destroy the Antichrist.

from here

Vanga is known for his truthful predictions regarding the fate of powerful powers and their figures. Sleeping clearly described this every upcoming event that did not believe she did not have a reason. Recently, the whole world was struck by what Vang said about Syria. Clairvoyant predicted the fall of the Great Republic. However, about everything in more detail in our article.

Birth of provisions

Before viewing Syria, we briefly tell about the interesting and most striking facts from the life of a well-known clairvoyant.

The real name of the provisy - Wangelia Gushterova Pandeva. Wang was born in 1911, on October 3 in Yugoslavia (at the moment - Macedonia). It is known that the girl appeared unhealthy - with undeveloped fingers on her legs and hands. Wangelia was so weak that doctors doubted her recovery. Her parents believed in bad things, who did not even want to give the name her daughter, so as not to believe in unreserved hopes.

Childhood, Youth Wang

Mom Vanga died. The girl then was only 3 years old. Father loved her daughter very much and always worried about her future. From early childhood, Wangelia began to show interest in medicine. For all day, she treated her imaginary patients, speaking as a qualified doctor.

Wang's father went to the front, and after returning he married a good and economic woman. Later, the father selected a land plot. The family had to leave the country and go to a permanent residence in the native village of Father.


At 12, Wangelia, together with his comrades, went for a walk. Suddenly, the wind appeared, which increased his power every second. Gradually, bad weather turned into a huge funnel, which picked up a poor girl and began to turn her in his dark monastery. As the provincial itself argued later, something was touched by something that gave her strength to survive.


Girl woke up in 2 km from the house. The eyes were covered with dust, the body is covered with foliage and branches, and the head is terribly sick from a powerful fall. Later, the girl had a lot of eyes. The family decided to consult a doctor. The doctor advised immediately to start the operation. But, unfortunately, the father did not have time to collect. The girl finally blinded.

Further Fate Providian

In 1925, his father decided to send Wangeliya to the shelter for the blind to Serbia, to Zimun, where the girl received the main knowledge and skills. Here Vangelia has known love. Dimitra - the name of the girl's chosen one. Later, the young decided to get married, but fate ordered in a different way.

After the death of the stepmother, his father asked the girl to return home and help the farm. So Wangelia said goodbye to his beloved forever.

First predictions

Once the father lost one of the sheep. He was very worried, because he could drive him, thereby depriving the main earnings. But Wangelia said that Anastas animal. Then the parent was surprised by the words of his daughter, but later realized that the girl was right. On the question of where she learned about this, Wangelia told that he saw everything in her dream.

In 1942, the news that the real provisian lives in one of the villages, struck all Bulgaria. Many people came to her to learn about their fate and recover from terrible diseases.

It is also known that Vangu visited politicians and famous people. Hitler Providian predicted defeat in the war, and Stalin is an accurate date of death. For that, she was even put in prison, but later released when the prediction came true.

Wang has foreseen that, finally, there is a cure for cancer, in 2018 there will be progress in energy, scientists will open the mystery of life and will restore the Soviet Union. Providian also claimed confidence that the Russian power would acquire great power and support. This great event will have to take America.

But at the moment many are interested in the question of what Vang said about Syria. Here are many of your nuances. Take it on this and talk further.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

As the provincial itself said: "This republic always seemed to me a mysterious and magical territory." A few decades ago, the great clairvoyant 20 centuries mentioned Syria in his prophecies. Then it was surprised by many people, because at that time in the country everything was calm and could not go about the war.

Later, Vanga about Syria wrote a note: "In this state, the fate of the world will be solved."

Before his death, the provincial left the prophecy, which became the true key to the rays of the bloody events taking place in this country today. She also pointed out that the war would solve the fate of many powers and put everything into its place, secret conspiracies and true thoughts of many political leaders will open.

In the mid-1990s, Vanga about Syria said that this country would be in the center of events that would bring a new war and the world crisis to the whole world. Clairvoyant noted that it was this territory that would divide interests and collice to face a few super-pile states.

NATO members and the United States, distributing the rebels money and weapons, will try to overthrow from the post of President Bashar Assad. Russia and China will try to preserve peace and peace in this state, with all their might have opposition to the uprisings and the emergence of chaos.

So happens. Now there are shipments of weapons to Syrian opponents, the terrorist forces are transferred to the occupied territory from it is easy to guess who is behind all what is happening.

Vanga about Syria said: "To put on your knees, this state will not work so easily, as in the case of Libya. This war will drag out in his abode of all without exception. And from this bloody slaughter the world will come out completely different. Soon the new teaching will come to Syria. "

Wisdom also told that many asked her the question of whether the republic falls soon and will fall in general? Wanga always spoke in a mysterious key. "It will not happen soon, but it will turn out and falls to the legs of the wrong winner." These words became concluding in prophecy.

Why the world is waiting for global changes after this war, Wang never answered. He referred to the provincial only on the Bible, noting that the sacred Scripture says that Syria will become a place that has changed the fate of all mankind, because the very first murder occurred here (Cain killed his brother Abel).

But Wanga about Syria spoke in a positive way. Providian argued that the result of the war will the victory of good over evil. Wars, finally, will stop, lies will eat from the face of the earth, theft and lies exhausted themselves.

Vanga about Syria and Russia

The Bulgarian healer and the predictor argued that Russia would lose his position, and then restore strength to further victories and achievements. At the same time, there will be an experienced and good-natured country. Europe will remain the old, conservative territory, and will never be able to raise.
Prediction of Vanga about Syria and Russia was voiced only in the new century. So she wanted the provincial herself, saying his successor before his death.

As for America, there was a firm sounding here. The United States will win the war, but this once mighty state will have many enemies who will burn with the desire to take revenge on invasion. America will not be able to eradicate Islamic fundamentalism until the end. On this soil, the United States will move back to the background and will never interfere in conflicts of other states.

Here in the first place is the Russian power, which will be fixed with each day and hold leading positions in world politics and economics. "Finally, good and justice will be reigning," says Wang about Syria and Russia.

Death provisy

Vanga's predictions about the war in Syria are slowly coming. It is difficult to say why precisely before the death of this mysterious woman appeared visions regarding the upcoming war.

It should be noted that Wang about Syria and other countries mentioned too often. Perhaps the provincial saw in his dreams the terrible events from which they suffered, above all, ordinary people.

Predicted clairvoyant and their own death. It should be said that Wang has suffered an oncological disease, but the doctors refused to be treated. She spent the last days in the hospital ward. The day before the death asked to give her water and bread, and also to wash her body. After that, the provincial said that it was ready to leave.

On the morning of August 11, 1996, Vanga died. So ended the path of the most famous appearance of the 20th century.

Oddly enough, Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia comes true. We hope that this war will be the last in the world.


Rating 5.

The Syrian conflict is a terrible civil war, which began in 2011 and continues to today. News from Syria is constantly illuminated in publications and on TV channels. This topic is worried about many, because the terrible tragedy does not cause emotions, which caused millions of deaths and destroyed lives. People also worry about the fact that the Islamists can deliver ..

Summary 5.0 Excellent

The Syrian conflict is a terrible civil war, which began in 2011 and continues to today. News from Syria is constantly illuminated in publications and on TV channels. This topic is worried about many, because the terrible tragedy does not cause emotions, which caused millions of deaths and destroyed lives. People also worry about the fact that the Islamists can jeopardize their personal security, as well as the life and freedom of their loved ones. Many were predicted for the completion of this war: political scientists, journalists, experts in various fields. However, all this is an empty theory. Surely find out what happens, you can only look into the future. That can make clairvoyant and psychics. What is their opinion?

Conflict in Syria: What happened?

This war, like most of all wars on the planet, broke out primarily due to power. Religion also played a big role. The fact is that Syria has long been a hectic territory. She was considered "the key to the East", so wishing to seize these lands was quite a few.

Hafez Al-Assad ruled this country for long 19 years (from 1971 to 2000) and he tried to create and support peace and order. The succession was the son of Basharasad, who also wanted to continue his ancestor. However, he failed. The situation in the country was not easy: after a long period of drought, which led to the mass death of agricultural plants and animals, and, as a result, to the elementary lack of food. Numerous protest actions, called the Arab Spring, broke out. They touched not only Syria, but also other countries of the Middle East, such as Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and more than 15 others. From this list, only Tunisia and Egypt were able to avoid the destructive consequences of the revolution.

Ramzan Kadyrov will do everything in order for the Syrian military to win the terrorists of ISIL

The beginning of this complex process was laid out protests in Tunisia, in particular the self-immolation of Mohammed Buaazzyology as a sign of disagreement with a corruption regime and inhumanity. A huge number of people supported such a move of thoughts. They went out on demonstrations, processions and rallies to achieve democratization of their states, as well as more acceptable living conditions. The opposition has advanced its demands, including the resignation of the President and the abolition of the emergency that existed in the country has long and strongly complicated the life of ordinary citizens. It was not without sacrifices, but this is not the worst. It is terrible that the civil war began - the most terrible type of war, when his kill their own. It is worth noting that a few months after the start of disconuncience, the president fulfilled one of the requirements of the rebels - canceled the state of emergency, but this step was called late and left ignorance.

Conflict side:

  1. First of all, government troops supporting the regime of the applicable president.
  2. "Free Syrian Army", CSA. Representatives of the opposition are dissatisfied with the existing order.
  3. Initially the opposing parties were two, however, due to the split and instability in the ranks of displeased, numerous Islamist organizations entered into the game, simply speaking, terrorists. They advocate the introduction of Islamic orders across the country, life exclusively according to the laws of Sharia. Groupings are ready to fight for the brutal methods and the price of thousands of lives, others and their own. The names of "Dawulyaslamy Iraq and Sham", "Livaat-Towhid" and "Al-Nusra Front" are known.

Undoubtedly, the conflict would not be worried so much if it would not sponsoring and supporting the most powerful countries. Basharasad asked for help from the President of Russia, and he could not refuse him. The opposition was supported by the United States and a number of other countries. This happened not only because of human people and the desire for democracy, it was assumed that proper financing would help to remove uncomfortable politicians. Thus, Syria has turned into a bloody world arena to clarify the relations of the strengths of this world.

Actual news about war in Syria

As you know, intense bloody collisions are conducted in Syria right now. The position of the forces is constantly changing, new terrifying details pop up.

One of the latest news from Syria simply can not be horrified: the terrorists were shining the city of Damascus, the capital, and specifically the Christian quarters. It happened in christmas morning. People, without fear of nothing, went out in the church, to press the services. However, terrorists decided to punish Inoverts for the fact that those are not followers of the "true religion", Islam. Near the churches there were at least three explosions. There is no information about the victims, but it is known that many buildings were destroyed.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Syria is often subjected to shelling. The last time it happened at the end of December. Fortunately, the bombs did not fall into the building and exploded nearby. Shortly before that incident, December 19, the Russian ambassador Andrei Charles was killed. He was killed by a policeman named Mertaltyntash, the tragic events took place in Ankara at the opening of the exhibition. The policeman entered the premises of the certificate, was dressed in a business suit. Next, he took out the weapon and repeatedly shot the ambassador. Injured were incompatible with life. The attacker was also killed in place. The public agreed on the thought that the incident was a terrorist act.

Another news is that the UN officially called for the renewal of negotiations on Syria. The Security Council believes that the war must be stopped, and the faster, the better. In his statement, the Security Council requested both the Syrian government and dissatisfied as soon as possible to return to the negotiations in Geneva and treat them very seriously, to participate only by goodwill and not to engage in prior arrangements. It sounds great, but everyone knows that such statements most often remain empty words.

Meanwhile, President Basharasad is now in the hospital. No, he was not injured by terrorists, an ischemic stroke happened. The president is only 51, but a severe situation in the country has certainly led to its deterioration. It is reported that the ruler did not fell into someone, but at the moment completely chained to bed. What events preceded stroke - no information. Government organizations refute this information, but most likely it is a lie, designed to help avoid attack on helpless Assad.

The following news refer to the actions of other states in Syria. It became known that the United States, in which the power has recently happened, and the president became Donald Trump going to organize the so-called "safety zones" for refugees. Thus, he hopes to stop the influx of immigrants to the countries of the West. Russia acted more radically, offering its version of the Constitution to Syrians, which excluded Sharia as the main source of law. Of course, such a proposal did not have support. Syrians replied that only their people could write the Constitution of their country. Soon after that, the Kurdi confirmed their words and presented their own draft constitution, where the federal structure of the state is proposed. Russia carefully considered their proposal, but still continued to insist in its version, turning attention to dissatisfied that there are points about the use of Kurdish language as state and on the autonomy of the Kurds.

Psychics about the Syrian conflict

A special gift over it allows you to feel the future that is clairvoyant in a supernatural way. They are often divided by their secret knowledge with those who want. In general, many psychics have made predictions about this war, and some of them contradict each other. Messages from another world can be incorrectly interpreted, besides, in our time, too much charlatans give themselves for real provibles. Nevertheless, it is worth listening to what they say about the Syrian conflict predictors with experience. Those who have already lived enough and managed to foresee a lot of weighty events that changed the world definitely deserve confidence.

One of the most famous provisions in the world is, of course, Wang. Her words about instability in the East are most likely among Syria and the Civil War. Wanga believes that Syria falls, but who will come out of this opposition to the winner, she did not say. Not everything is so simple - clairvoyant believes that this terrible war will start the beginning of a huge bedding, which overlaps the whole world and lead to the "end of time". Perhaps this is the prediction of the beginning of the Third World War. If humanity threw the settling and began to live according to commandments, it would be possible to avoid. But the propheted was not listened.

Not only Wanta expressed his opinion on Syria, but many other psychics. Among them is Nostradamus, the Prophet, who lived in the 16th century. Nostradamus pre weeks that the terrible trouble comes from the east. The conflict will last very long until everyone kill everyone, then Syria will become a big deserted territory, on which no one wants to settle. His forecasts about the third world are also disappointing. According to him, not to give the Syrian war to grow up and spread to other countries possible, but for this will have to stop financially sponsoring this hell. Does the heads of state decide on this?

What do modern psychics talk about civil war? Vladimir Muranov, the winner of the eighth season of the Russian battle of psychics is confident that Russia herself put himself at risk, supporting the Syrian government. The best for this situation would be a policy of non-interference, because we should not be forgotten against whom the state army warbles. Terrorists from dangerous Islamic groupings lead their activities not only in Syria, so our citizens are in danger. It is not excluded that Russia will be the first country that will officially join the third world. Vladimir predicts that if the Syrian civil war is completed in the near future, it will happen in 2023. If this does not happen, other powers will also come to the conflict, and then there will be what all civilians are afraid.

The opposite point of view is adhered to Ukrainian Elena Stetsenko, who became the best in the battle of psychics of 2014 (Ukrainian version). Her opinion - the negative consequences of the war will affect the first place of the United States and other countries of the West, since they precisely unleashed the conflict and contributed to the organization of protests. She thinks that the danger will proceed from the side of Islamist groups who remember and know who stood after all this. They will want to impose their lifestyles and the laws of Sharia not only in their own country, but also beyond it, as they believe that it is such a life with their God and is right. Elena also gives a forecast for the date of the end of the war. In her opinion, this will happen not earlier than in the 30s of this century, and until then, the bloodshed will not stop. The level of danger will be how to fall, and increase again, but in general everything will remain as before.

In any case, war is always painful, scary, and cruel. It does not happen so that it has passed without consequences, this is especially true of civil war. The states are crumbling, millions of soldiers and civilians die, remain without parents. And all for some illusory power! Did people who leaving the protests in 2011 know what horror it will turn out? Surely, if they could only imagine, they would have decided that it was not worth it. Indeed, according to the UN, about 300 thousand Syrians died during the conflict. But everything that happened - it has already happened, so it remains only to hope for the speedy permit of this difficult situation, and pray that the most terrible predictions of psychics were not true, and devastation did not touch us and our loved ones.

The Vatican warns: "The Third World War will begin in Syria." Some of the many Christian communities existing in the world make the most terrible predictions. On the eve of the announced attack on the regime of Bashar Assad, evangelical Christians of the conservative sense from the United States foresee a terrible court or apocalypse.

The new apocalyptic blog in connection with the destruction of Damascus writes about the close end of the world, about the use of atomic and chemical weapons. President Barack Obama is a new antichrist who has come to the world to fulfill the prediction of the great biblical prophet Isaiah.

Biblical curse

"Here, Damascus is excluded from among the cities and will be sophisticated Razvalin," wrote the great prophet in the Old Testament. "And he will remain, as it happens when the Maslin is up to the upside, two or three berries on the top of the top, or four or five on the fruitful branches, says the Lord, the God of Israel."

"That day the man turns his eyes to his creature, and his eyes will be directed to St. Israel (..) On that day, the fortified cities will be, as ruins in the forests and on the tops of the mountains, left before the sons of Israel - and will be empty "Isaiah wrote so wrote in his book in the VIII century BC.

Isaiah: "Noise of peoples" and "Emptiness after horror"

Usually, in church sermons, there are always a benevolent and blinding light of Damascus. In this city, the persecutor Christian Paul was sent. He was blinded, after which he appealed to Christianity. This story is told in the New Testament. Much less often mentioned more ancient and mysterious biblical stories relating to the Syrian capital.

In the prophecy of Isaiah, preceding the Epistle of Christ, the "noise of the peoples of many. They noise, like sea noise. "

"Roaring tribes"

How not to tie a prior exclamation of the prophet with the discords of the "coalition of benevolers", whose members are going to lose bombs and missiles in Syria in the fight against the Assad regime? "Peoples are roar, as strong waters are roar," the prophecy of the end of Damascus continues. - Evening - And here is horror! And before morning there is no longer it. " Such prophecies are able to influence even the imagination of atheists.

Day of ancient prophecies

But ultra-conservative American evangelicals and without Internet sites see what is happening the accomplishment of biblical curse for those (Syrian President Assad and the former President of Iran Anti-Semite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad), who hated the people of Israel and his God. The day of the day is close and, according to Pastor Karl Gallips (Carl Gallups), the author of the book "Rabbino, found a Messiah" (Il Messia IL Rabbino Che Trovò). "We belong to the first generation present at these dramatic and amazing events," he said to Christian radio WND. - Ancient prophecies are accomplished in our eyes. "

Apocalypse and the destruction of Damascus, the coming of God and the Eternal World

Evangelical Christians in the fall of Damascus see a part of the devastating process accompanied by wars, persecution, hunger, epidemics, inevitable misfortunes (aspiration of the Antichrist), which will end with the second coming of Christ, as John theologian writes in his revelation.

Eternal good wins eternal evil. Humanity will be revived. Almighty God will come in glory to judge the living and the dead and will give them salvation or condemn forever.

Believers who are preparing for the destructive coming of Satan, skeptics answer that over the past centuries, Damascus was subjected to fire and a sword, at least seven times (Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Turks-Osmans). Almost every time the ruins remained on the site.


In the theological plan of Obama (the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World) appears as an embodiment of the Antichrist. Jesus about the time of his second coming said: "No one knows when this day comes and this hour." Consequently, you should not make a metering prophecy.

During the Second World War, an attempt was made to finalize the issue when the Nazis wanted to destroy the Jews when an atomic bomb on Japan was reset. But then no one was waiting for the eternal world. True, then it was not about Damascus.