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On the trinity of the rite signs of tradition. Holy Trinity Holiday - Signs and rites. Taboo on any hard work

In 2017, the Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated - June 4. The Day of the Holy Trinity, Trinity, Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit is one of the main Christian holidays, which is part of Orthodoxy in the number of the two-month holidays. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Trinity in the 50th day for Easter, on Sunday.

On the day of the Holy Trinity in orthodox churches One of the most solemn and beautiful services per year is performed. After liturgy serve great EveningOn which the stimites that glorify the descent of the Holy Spirit are solely, and the priest reads three special length prayers:
- about the church;
- On the salvation of all praying;
- On the rest of the shower of all the departed (including "in the hell of the keen").
While reading these prayers, all (including clergymen) stand on the knees - this completes the post-slip period, during which the knees of knees and earth bows are not performed in the temples.

According to the Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and the homes of believers on the day of the Holy Trinity will ride fresh grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the rusties is the green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a very beautiful and falsy holiday.

Rites on Trinity

Trinity day - one of the most important holidays eastern Slavs., especially loved by girls. In the traditional tradition of Trinity, the day is included in the Semitsky-Trinity festive complex, which included a seven (seventh Thursday after Easter two days before the Trinity), Trinity Saturday, Trinity Day. In general, holidays were called "Green Holie". The main components of the festivities of the seven-time trinity were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, the girl's walking, the virgin initiations, commemoration of drunkenness or all the dead.

The Slavic peoples of the Holy Trinity Holiday is also closely connected with the Wires of Spring and Summer Meetings:

  • On Troitskaya (Semitskaya) Girls for 7-12 years broke birch branches and decorated the house outside and inside.
  • On Thursday (the next day) children in the morning fed the scrambled eggswhich was then traditional dish: It symbolized a bright summer sun. Then Children went to the forest to curl birch: She was decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers; The branches were associated in pairs, stuck in the braid. The children drove around the dancer dance dance, sang songs, arranged a festive meal.
  • On Saturday the day before the Day of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs is one of the main memorial days. This day is often called "Started Saturday" or Parental Day.
  • On the Day of the Holy Trinity, everything went to church with flowers and branches of birch. Houses and temples on this day were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and colors. After the festive service in the Church, the youth went to develop birch. It was believed that if this was not done, then birch can be offended. After the Berezu is spinning - they repeated the meal, again drove rounds and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and with the songs wore around the village. Often, also a birch could put down the river, considering that the tree would give its strength to the first shoot in the field.

Traditions on Trinity

As Orthodox holidays behaved in Russia, the Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with folk traditions:

So, leaving the church, people tried to capture herb From under the feet to adopt to the Sene, boil with water and drink as healing. From the leaves of trees that stood in the church, some wreaths were wreaths and used both charms.

Fine tradition to Trinity Decorating at home and temples by branches, grass, flowers not the first century. The rite of jewelry on the trinity is unuschaued. Greens symbolize in folk tradition on the trinity - life. Decorating on the tradition of the house on the trinity branches, herbs and flowers, people express the joy and gratitude to God for reviving them through baptism in new life.

Historically, it happened to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. It can be said that the holiday of the Trinity without birch is the same as the celebration of Christmas without a Christmas tree. At the same time, in some localities, the tradition of decorating homes and temples on the trinity can be somewhat different and oak, maple, rowan can be used for decoration ...

The people of Trinity revered for a big holidayTo him carefully prepared: soaps and cleaned the house and courtyard, put the dough for the preparation of dishes for the festive table, greenery were harvested. On this day, cakes and caravas were baked, curly wreaths from Birch (in the south of Klena) and flowers were invited, the youth arranged a walk in the forests and meadows.

Girls put on their best outfitswho are often stitched specifically to these holidays. Everywhere heads decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Elegant girls usually walked with a general meeting of the people - the so-called "You are not enough. For a long time it was considered good to win the trinity. The wedding was playing in the fall, on the feast of the Pokrov Virgin Mary. Many still believe that it helps family life: sucking on the trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

On this day, Kozuli baked girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These kozuli together with scrambled eggs, cakes, kvass made up a ritual mealThat girls arranged in a grove after curling birch, that is, decorations with her ribbons, flowers, weaving wreaths from her thin branches.

Through these wreaths girls shattered - They came in pairs, kissed each other, sometimes changed by jim and sentenced themselves: they will die, Kuma, die, do not bother to you with you, always be friends. For rite of idle curvated the vertices of two birchings, intertwined them between themselves. Then the girls were divided into pairs and passed under these birches, hugged and kissed. Summerly, they became one big dance and sang a tricious songs. After walked to the river. When came to the river, all throw their wreaths into the water and burned on them future fate . After that, the birch was cut down and with the songs carried to the village, put it in the center of the street, drove around the birch dances and sang special, Trinity, songs.

What can not be done on the trinity - folk beliefs

A whole cycle of believing and prohibitions were associated with the trinity days of the people, to violate which was strictly prohibited by the threat of misfortunes:

  • on the trinity it was impossible to make birch brooms;
  • during the week, it was forbidden to burn the fence or repairing the harrow, so that "pets of the ugly kind" did not born;
  • it is strictly forbidden to work in the first three days of the Trinity - however, it is possible to prepare a treat, as well as to invite guests to the festive meal;
  • it was impossible to walk during the week in the forest, swimming - to swim in Trinity day it is undesirable, because, as our ancestors believed that the day of the Trinity belongs to the mermaids - you swim, believed the ancient Slavs, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the "Green Sky" and to Petrova of the Day (July 12), mermaids overlook the Omutov, hiding in the forests, on the trees, with their laughter taking the trades.

Signs on Trinity

There are other beliefs and traditions on the Trinity. Let's now find out what time the Trinity there are signs.

  • If it rains on the trinity, it means that we are waiting for the crop of mushrooms.
  • Flowers I. healing herbsCollected on this day are considered healing and able to cure any ailment.
  • It is believed that from Monday - the Day of the Holy Spirit of Frosts will not be, warm days are coming.
  • On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the trifles with the poor, thereby fencing himself from adversity and disease.
  • There was such a belief, an honest person could find a treasure, as if hearing his call from the depths of the Earth.
  • There was a belief that plants on the Trinity are empowered magic power What was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on the night on the trinity.

Celebration of Trinity

The Trinity is noisy and fun. In the morning everyone is in a hurry to the temple on the festive service. And after her, folk fun with rounds, games, songs. Be sure to prepared Karavai. For a festive dinner, the guests were convened, made each other gifts. In some areas, fairs arranged. With the revival of faith in Russia, the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox holidays are reborn. And now in our time in the cities of the country, folk festivities on the trinity are arranged.

Every year, believers look forward to this bright holiday. Father's Day, Son and Holy Spirit celebrate the fiftieth day after Easter service. With this holiday, a lot of acceptance and interesting traditions are connected.

  • Customs and traditions
  • Signs and beliefs
  • What is better not to do

Customs and traditions

According to custom, this bright event is preparing in advance. A few days before the History, the hostess begins to bring housing in order. Planting work in the garden gardens. And on the eve of the holiday, the rooms are decorated with alive flowers, birch branches. IN ancient Russia It was believed that plants that serve the decoration of the house on this day, symbolize health, big crop and wealth. On Saturday, before the Trinity, it is customary to visit the cemetery to honor the memory of the ancestors.

Our ancestors in front of the trinity were thoroughly passed the garden, and several elbow weeds necessarily bought up roots near the beds. The peasants believed that so weeds would grow less on the site.

For the holiday, there are also many dishes, bake pies, and after a festive service there are friends with friends and relatives behind the covered tables. At the junction of paganism and Christianity, people assumed that the wakebed and mermaids were awakened on this day. And so that they do not indulge the spells on people, the residents gathered on the shores of the reservoirs lit fires, sang songs and drove away dances. Today, Christians on the festive Sunday are necessarily found in the temples, while it is customary to wear clothes and shawls of green shades.

The Holy Trinity Holiday is celebrated for three days. After the green resurrection there is Monday Monday, and then Bogodov Day.

Cork Monday also hosts festive worship services and lighting fields with sowing so that the Most High gave a big harvest. Children arrange games on fresh air. This day is not customary to work on Earth. In Bohudukh, the day was previously satisfied with youth festivities. On the village chose the most beautiful girl And they dressed it with green branches with flowers, colored ribbons.

The dressed girl was called "Topol", her noisy company was drove around the village, sang songs and danced. The girl decorated with a greenery was in the hut, and the owners generously treated her. It was believed that "Poplar" brings well-being and health.

Fact!The Christian Trinity Holiday for a few days later from the Orthodox date is also noted in Catholic cathedrals. But this year the Catholic Trinity coincided with the Orthodox celebration and is celebrated on Sunday the 16th.

Signs and beliefs

On the day of the Holy Trinity, rural residents grew plants for tea for the winter, because it was believed that Ivan-tea, currant leaves, raspberries and other plants have a healing force.

This holiday officially begins summer, it is believed that after the Trinity there will no longer be frosts and you can land the thermal-loving cultures in open beds.

There are signs on the weather for the day of the Holy Trinity. So if it rains, during the summer you can wait for warm calf days with short-term rains, which guarantees a large harvest, including mushrooms and berries.

Disadvantaged girls, collecting wildflowers on this day, listened to the cuckoo, asking her when waiting for the wedding, how many times the bird goes so many years and expect a joyful event.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, the girls were also going together on the banks of the rivers and the lakes whipped wreaths from herbs and flowers, then threw them into the water to check how the year would be. If the wreath is climbing, then you should not wait for pleasant events, and if the wreath is sailing on the water, then everything will be fine. However, it is worth reminding that orthodox Church Negatively applies to all fortune telling.

Rosa, who fell on the Trinity, is considered healing, it goes barefoot on it, and young women wash it away to preserve youth and beauty.

Green birch branches and flowers, which were decorated at home and temples are not thrown away, but burn, after which the ash is poured on the bed or under the trees.

On this day, it is customary to relax in a circle of loved ones and friends. The trinity does not bathe in rivers and lakes, because there was a belief that the mermaids arrange the games and can take it to the bottom of the person. The first name of Pentecost, this holiday was referred to as the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. At this time, the first universal apostolic church was created.

How is the celebration in the temples

On the eve of the holiday, parishioners decorate the temple with branches with green leaves and bouquets of flowers, it creates a special festive atmosphere. On Saturday, after dinner in the temples, a vigil vigil is performed before the holiday. The clergymen in this solemn day put on green vestments, this tint denotes the new life of people thanks to the descent of the Holy Spirit.

In this light orthodox holiday In churches there is a solemn and beautiful worship service. At the end of the liturgy, the Great Evening Service begins, in which the alignment of the Holy Spirit is glorified. Also, the father and the flocks make a special prayer, kneeling and committing bows. This service ends the post-slip stage.

What is better not to do

On this holiday, it is not customary to perform ordinary home affairs. And also it is impossible to darken, sew, knit, plant plants, so far and dig the soil. These cases themselves are not sinful. It is better to spend this day if possible, in the temple, in the temple, the great joy of opening the unity of God the Father, the God of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity Day In 2017, the whole Christian world will celebrate on June 4 - on the fiftieth day after the bright Resurrection of Christ, so the holiday is also called Pentecost.

This is one of the 12 main church holidays - He is dedicated to the Gospel event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

What is the essence of the holiday

The Zion Turnstone, in which the Holy Spirit in the form of fiery languages \u200b\u200bcame up on the apostles, became the first Christian temple.

Since sincerprove, the Trinity is considered a day the founding of the New Testament Church on Earth, since the Holy Spirit put the apostles with a special force so that they could preach the Gospels around the world and convey to everyone's news about Jesus, as the Savior of all mankind.

In honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the holiday and received such a name: this event marked the trinity of God. Three Holy Trinity Ipostasis - God Father, the God of the Son and the Holy Spirit - exist in unity, creating peace and sanctifying His Divine grace.

The holiday in honor of the Holy Trinity was installed by the apostles - they annually celebrated the Day of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit and drove it to all Christians. An indication of this is in the resolutions of the apostolic.

But officially the holiday was established at the end of the IV century after the adoption of the dogma on the divine trinity. Over time, the Day of the Holy Trinity became one of the most beloved and worshiped holidays.

The roots of the Troitsy Day will rise to times when Russia was still pagan. The week at the beginning of the summer marked the final victory of nature over the forces of darkness, the victory of spring over the winter and the beginning of a hot summer.

Therefore, in addition to church, many folk traditions and customs have appeared, which closely intertwined with the pagan, who have become an integral part of this day.


By the History of the Holy Trinity prepared ahead - hostesses per day or two before the holiday began general cleaning In the house and in the yard. They were released from unused things, especially those that can remind unpleasant moments in life.

People who have their own garden and garden, try to clear them from various kinds of weeds. They burst with the roots of weed plants and stick them to the top in the ground, then it is believed that these weeds will no longer clog their land plots.

To the trinity of the house and temples are decorated with branches various trees, grass, flowers, since young plants symbolize prosperity, wealth and continuation of life.

On the day of the Trinity, the whole family in the morning went to church, where the holiday service was held on this day. On this day, nothing can be asked for the Holy Spirit, it is only important to thank it for being the Savior and the faithful defender of human souls.

After the temple, everyone was diverged home and arranged a festive lunch. The feast was rich and diverse: cereal, pancakes, all kinds of cakes, kisins and decoctions - the holiday was not a lean day, so everything was allowed.

On this day, the cemeteries also visited and remembered the dead, leaving the treats.

In the villages closer to the evening, the real walk began - they sat down dance, sang songs, danced, conducted ritual rites. Also, often sold the fairs for all week, where there were also many entertainment.

On the trinity and today it is customary to visit and give gifts.

Ritals and beliefs

The celebration of the Trinity in Russia lasts a few days, but on the first day, which is called Green Resurrection, people should be particularly attentive and careful.

Therefore, it is customary to decorate their dwellings with various fragrant herbs, and icons - birch branches to protect against various mythical creatures, such as mermaids, mallets, lines and other uncleans.

In Starina, believed that these days the mermaids went ashore and lured guys. To avoid this, on the banks of the rivers and the lakes a few nights in a row burned fires - it was believed that the hot fire was supposed to stop the evil.

The symbol of the Trinity was the wreaths on the river - so the girls were guessing on the narrowed and, according to some beliefs, bought off the mermaids and Mavel, who also want to unfold. Therefore, the wreaths were very by the way.

© Photo: Sputnik / S. Ivanov

Another rite of Trinity was associated with greens - the girl's love was to weave his boyfriend a wreath of meadow grass and birch branches. Give it - it means to confess to love or at least sympathy.

Such a wreath could be not only an decoration and a symbol of gentle feelings, but also the protection against mermaids, which in the night of the trinity acquired the greatest strength And they were able to lure any guy to themselves.

To turn the wreath in the guard should have been wormwops, especially blooming, which, according to believing, scares any evil, including water, mermaids, Mavel.

The Trinity was also noted in the forests, fields, gardens - sang songs, played in funny Games. Unmarried Maiden wondered on this day on his own wicker wreaths. Wreaths threw into the water and sang songs if the wreaths converged, then this year the girl is crouched.

People believed that the festive night would dream prophetic dreamswho is accepted to emphasize.

There was also belief that an honest person on this day could find a treasure, as if hearing his call from the depths of the Earth.


A good warming on the trinity was the woven - it was believed if the Trinity would be launched, and they would be married to the cover, it means that these spouses would be long, happy, in love and harmony.

Flowers and therapeutic herbs collected on such a day are considered healing and able to cure any ailment, and the collected dew has a special force that can heal and give forces.

The people believed that the rain on the Trinity was to the crop, to the fungi, to warm weather. Bad admission It was, if it was hot on this day - it means all summer will be arid.

People believed that after the Trinity, the weather stabilizes and walter, sunny days.

On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the trifles with the poor, thereby fencing himself from adversity and disease.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Faced with this very interesting topic, it is necessary first of all to plunge into the very essence of the Holy Trinity. After all, his story has biblical roots. Many this holiday are associated with large folk festivals and fun. There are even signs on the trinity, and they are different, but about it a little later.

history of the holiday

In general, the day is also called Pentecost, because Orthodox celebrates it for the fiftieth day after Easter.

Before answering questions about the questions on "Trinity, Signs and Customs, Conspiracies," come closer to the time of the holiday itself.

So, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples lived in the constant sensation of the holiday, since their teacher was to them for forty days - then to someone alone, then to another, then immediately to all. Saying goodbye to them until time, the Lord in his eyes rose to the ground. That is how he certified his disciples that when the last day of the world comes, he will appear on Earth just as he moved to his father. He said that he would send them a comforter - the Holy Spirit, who will come from the god-father. The apostles first did not understand that it could mean, but they believed that everything would be so for him.

The emergence of the first temple

After all these events, they supported their gracious state in the souls, like fire in the focus. From day to day, they gathered in a secluded hubby on in Jerusalem and they prayed diligently and read the Holy Scripture. Thus, another prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ came true: "The law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem will be treated from Zion. So for the first time the Christian temple appeared.

There was a house of one of the favorite students of the Lord - the Apostle in the same house on the will of Jesus Christ in the same house. mother of God - The Virgin Mary. Students always gathered around her. For all believers, she was salvation and consolation.

How to appear Holiday Holy Trinity

And so it happened that for the tenth day for the Ascension of the Lord, on the day of the first Jewish harvest, when the apostles and the Virgin Mary were in the Huber, at three in the afternoon he suddenly rang out a strong roar, as if the storm began. The lights of fire appeared in the air, which were not real, and one nature with the gracious fire that emanates every time in Jerusalem on Easter and does not burn.

Flying over the heads of the apostles, the flame languages \u200b\u200bdropped into them and overtake. And then the external phenomenon immediately occurred and the inner, which was accomplished in their souls: "Executive VSI Holy Spirit." All the apostles and the Virgin felt the extraordinary power that came to life. That is how the students of the Lord received the graceful gift of verb and began to understand the languages \u200b\u200bon which they had never spoke. All this was necessary in order to preach the gospel around the world.

Saint Dar

Gifted generously sainted uniform spirit and feeling that this is not the last spiritual gifts of the Lord, they began to keep each other by their hands, while forming a new bright church, in which God himself, reflected and acting in their souls, became invisible.

Beloved children came out of the mountains of Zion Mountains. United with the Lord of the Holy Spirit, they went to preach around the world of Christ the doctrine of love.

And now in memory of this wonderful event, the feast of Pentecost can still be called the afternoon of the Holy Spirit, who has emerged from the Father's God, as God-Son promised the Apostles. So the sacrament of the unity of the Holy Trinity appeared.

Trinity: Signs and customs in Russia

For some time, the Holy Trinity Holiday has become loved by the Russian people. Therefore, a lot of people will be associated with him, customs and rites, which people adheres to, in addition to church celebrations.

Signs on the Trinity went from ancient pagan times in Russia. With Troitskaya, or "Semitskaya", "Semika", a few of different superstitions associated the week.

This week was devoted to the goddess of spring, which became the winner over the demon demons. On this occasion, noisy nationwide players and festivities took place. Normal time For the Holy Trinity, this is the end of May or beginning of June, and it was especially suitable for the spring holiday of the Renaissance of the Earth, when fresh and lush greens still did not lose their beauty. The pagan monthly, coincided with Christian holidays, contributed to their unification between him.

Folk Sights on Trinity

Over time, the ancient custom of worshiping the goddess of spring frets was forgotten, and the old rites merged with new ones, creating an unusually beautiful and vivid situation around the first summer holiday.

And now the seventh (Semitskaya) week, the seventh after Easter, ending on the Day of the Holy Trinity, began to be called "green shines", and she was also called "Russal", "strangal commemorations", "Grozara". And all this, of course, became a remnant of Russian paganism.

That's what meant earlier for the Russian people of Trinity. Signs and customs at that time were the most different, but at the heart of their own, they constituted large folk Gulyanya. As stated in the folk boom: "Honest carnival to visit a semit called, for what her honor and praise!" Semis is Thursday at the seventh week after the Holy Easter in front of Pentecost.


What do you do on the trinity? Signs and customs of the spring holiday have similarities with carnival. Only one holiday takes place at the end of winter, and the other in the late spring, and both are celebrated in honor of the Red Sun.

Semis - First of all, the girl's celebration, passing three days before the Trinity. Girls with whole villages with all sorts of delicacies gathered on the shore of the river and whipped wreaths, which were more used not as decorations, but as carved from unclean strength. Some girls were guessing on wreaths and threw them into the water: if the wreath takes the wreath, not to marry the girl this year, but even the abyss (die). If the wreath pops up and go against the flow. Then the girls sang and drove away the dances around the curly birch branch, which was cut into the ground and decorated with ribbons.

What can not be done on the trinity

Many are not in vain interest to the trinity, which cannot be done on this day and how to celebrate it. The very first sign is that this holiday can not work. On the day of the Trinity, it is not recommended to hold rites of wedding and wedding. Any land work is prohibited. However, it is very good to harvest on the day of the Holy Trinity various healing herbs for a whole year, as it is believed that they will have a triple force for healing.

In general, there are different, quite amazing signs on the trinity. What can not do yet? it frequent questionAnd with him it is necessary to understand more carefully, because something irreparable can happen.

Again, since the time of paganism, it was impossible to swim in the time of paganism, because from the next day the rule of the week. It was believed that all the aqueous extinct of the type of mermaids and water was believed at this time lured into their networks of careless people. Therefore, it was desirable to stay away from the water. It was also impossible to go to the forest to one.

The most important signs

Here are the most memorable folk signs on the Trinity. The day before the Trinity (it was taken to go to the cemetery to remember the dead relatives. If anyone forgot it, it was believed that the dead, angry, could pick up someone from relatives with them. Therefore, a memorial dinner was arranged before the trinity Dead to drive death.

Old women went to the trinity on the graves and wounded their birch brooms to retreated evil forces, and at the same time the dead rejoice and promote calmness, peace and harmony of the whole village.

As for the topic "Trinity, Signs, Conspiracy", then many woven the trinity, and it was very good. They said that if the wedding is on the trinity, then the wedding is - the wedding, and therefore, the lives of the newlyweds will be in love and harmony.

Rain on the Trinity - to the Good Harvest year, to mushrooms and warm weather.

And the next day after the Trinity was considered the day of the name of the Earth, when no one worked, and who wanted to get rich, walked behind the store. Good man Earth from his subsoil could open something very valuable.

Chief Obereg

Signs on the trinity can be the most different, and if you stick to them, you can protect yourself from many troubles. However, the main guard from unclean forces was always native Crosswhich always needs to be on yourself, especially in the trinity.

Now in the topic "Signs on the Trinity, which is impossible and what can be" Much must be understandable. This holiday should be covered on the table and collect guests to relax and have plenty of cheating with relatives and loved ones.

Holiday Trinity

In the topic "Trinity, Signs, Conspiracies" it is necessary to note a very important thing: all the characteristics and sorcerers know that on this day all herbs have triple strength, but even more importantly to know that at all times the Christians were prescribed to spend this day in remirement prayer To the Holy Apostles and ask them about condescension and protection. Prayer always acts on unclean power Much stronger than any witch plot.

Continuing the topic "Trinity: Signs and customs, conspiracies," it should be noted that today the customs have changed a little. Now it's enough to make an evening or and then spend time in the family, throwing away all the troubles, not to be offended and not swear to celebrate a worthy Trinity, then the Lord will give everything that the family of this person will need.


Signs on the Trinity suggest that the culture of the Russian people is so rich that this holiday right hand In the church he prays to God, and the left holds a bouquet of herbs. After the service, the believer will come out of the church and bow all four sides of the world. And then comes home, falls out of herbs a wreath with cherished words for good luck and health and put him for the icon until the next holiday of the Trinity.

This is how gradually Christian and pagan views and traditions merged into a single whole. And there was no contradiction here, everything is very nice and harmonious.

Russian culture, its traditions and customs are a separate phenomenon of world heritage. Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with the roots of Russian customs, which are transmitted from generation to generation. And the signs on the trinity are always maintained and transferred by inheritance.

Descent of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost, Trinity, Descent of the Holy Spirit or the Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated by a particularly solemn service. Trinity falls on the 50th day after Easter on Sunday. In the people, this day is especially read. Orthodox are waiting for him with impatience, they are preparing for the holiday and waiting for a miracle.

Four a trinity was revered by ancestors. It was believed that this holiday comes an end to grave works and a generous harvest time comes. It is not surprising that from those old times they reached the current generation of folk signs on the Trinity. Directly all rites were considered particularly important - in no case could not be neglected or ignored.

So what was the sacrament of the celebration? What was the amazing dues for a simple Russian person? It is time to get acquainted with several unique customs, traditions and signs associated with the Great Orthodox Holiday.

Briefly about the holiday

Holy Trinity Day or Green Sky honors in each orthodox family. One of the most important Christian holidays is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, so sometimes it is also called Pentecost. The Day of the Holy Trinity is usually in the last few days or beginning of June. With the first summer days, the end of heavy labor everydays and the beginning of the collection of a rich harvest is associated.

Trinity has as many as three big festive - This is the parent Saturday (day, when the deceased ancestors are coming), Trinity Sunday (directly the most important day of the holiday) and perfumes of the day (the name speaks for itself - the day of the Holy Spirit).

Church interpretation of the holiday

Where did the signs and customs from the Trinity come from? This is, first of all, with folk observations and the interpretation of the holiday. To understand the whole essence of each sign and phenomena, it is worth paying attention to the religious significance of this day.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he believed those who believed directly in the very Lord God. And by virtue of the Spirit, only when on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus, the 12 apostles and Virgin Mary were heard the loud sounds that came from heaven. After that, each student embraced the flame that penetrated inside and filled all the creature - so in each of them he entered the Holy Spirit himself, who gave the apostles great knowledge and the opportunity to preach the Word of God in different languages.

The so-called celebration of the Holy Trinity was held - God-Father, the God-Son and the God-Holy Spirit were gathered together - whose witnesses were simple Christians.

How is the trinity in the people?

There are quite familiar signs and customs on the trinity that worship in every family. For this you do not need to walk at midnight somewhere, search for healing herbs and look at the stars. Household rituals are also part of the spiritual celebration of the Grand Christian holiday.

So, for example, in Parent Saturday It is worth visiting the graves of the deceased relatives, go to the church to the service and put candles "for the rest of the soul." On this day, it is impossible to be sad - the dead ancestors are made to remember a good word, only joyful moments.

In the evening, on the eve of Trinity Sunday, parishioners go to church with large bouquets of birch branches, freshly skipped grass and wildflowers. It is believed that consecrated bouquets have healing properties, so plants are carefully stored throughout the year. When diseases from dried flowers and branches, you can brew teas and healing infusions.

During the Sunday service, parishioners pray to God and ask him to give Holy Spirit to the departed ancestors.

Monday - The Day of the Holy Spirit - symbolizes the victory of the Holy Spirit over the evil forces. On this day, it is customary to pray for the departed relatives, remember them only good words. On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to ask God for the rest of the shower. After serving parishioners, leaving the church, handed out a trifle and treats the poor, fencing themselves from diseases and misfortunes.

There are special folk signs on the trinity. Weather on this day can tell what will be harvest and what to wait from the near winter. So, for example, it was believed that the Earth before the celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit could reveal its secrets. Therefore, many diligently sought treasures hidden deeply in the bowels of the Earth.

Signals for the Trinity for Unmarried Girls

Pentecostal for young girls is one of the most important holidays that can suggest their further fate. On this day, there were beautiful wreaths, lowered them into the water and watched how they would behave. If the necklace of colors floated on the water - the sign is favorable, if sprouting in place - to idle life in the near future. An unfavorable sign, if a wreath drowned - it symbolized the death of close relatives or even a narrowed.

Young girls traditionally celebrated this holiday in the forest near the birch. Troitsyna Week is "Rus Merch" playing. At that time, it was not necessary to enter the water - it was believed that the mermaid could be tightened into his outer. It was possible to protect themselves from them only with the help of wormwood.

Among other people will take a trinity to celebrate the traditional symbolism of this holiday. Birch is a symbol of rebirth and youth. This tree on the shiny became especially revered. Birch branches were decorated with housing and fences, entrance to the house and to the courtyard, as well as corners in the sheds, where pets lived. The branches were taken out in the field to pour rich harvest from the ancestors.

Among traditions and take a trinity for unmarried girls It is worth noting the custom of weaving wreaths from birch branches. It was believed that so the girl gossip his thoughts with the thinks of a young man.

But the grandmothers went to the graves to their ancestors, so that the "goal" to her parents and other relatives - birch branches were acquired by the graves of the deceased.

Traditions and customs

The Day of the Holy Trinity is a special holiday, in which people are accustomed to committing a mass of rites. At the same time, they are interpreted and perceived as customs, and not as superstition. This is exactly the case when all the signs and beliefs have an exceptionally reasonable meaning. Therefore, it can be argued that the folk signs on the trinity are distinguished by a deep meaning.

There are things that you just need to make this holiday. And there are cases that are extremely undesirable in the first summer days. It is worth noting that the very celebration of the Trinity itself has pagan roots. Of course, the church against such beliefs, however, people are difficult to convince that they were transmitted to them with Mother's Milk.

Signs for idle girls and guys

Children still from early age Thought to read Christian holidays and folk traditions. The younger generation closely monitors what they are doing on the trinity. Signs help to predict the future on the eve of the Great Holiday. Over time, young girls and boys themselves begin to take part in the rituals.

About wreaths have already been said. It remains only to repeat the symbolism:

  • If the wreath is floating on the water - there will be happiness.
  • If you have come to the shore - new love.
  • If it is in place - the coming year will be held unchanged.
  • If drowned - to be trouble.

Signs and superstitions on the trinity are transmitted from generation to generation. So, grandmothers often stood on a new tablecloth for a holiday - it was believed that the fabric absorbs the great strength that helps to attract enviable grooms. All sorts of baking were baked to the holy holiday - her residues were not thrown away, but they kept the future family on happiness.

On the day of the Holy Trinity it is impossible to play weddings - it is believed that the life of newlyweds will not be enviable. But the walling on this day will be favorable - the life of a new family will be long and happy. After walling, it was customary to marry the cover.

Signals for the Trinity: What can not be done?

There are some things that are extremely recommended to do on this day. Failure to comply with the prohibitions can annoy the spirits of dead relatives who wandered among living people on this day. On the day of the Holy Trinity, in no case can you work, do the needlework and homework. Karavai, bread and buns baked on the eve of the holiday. On the trinity it was impossible to dig in the garden and put the beds. Also on this day it was categorically forbidden to swim - it is enough to remember the story about the mermaids. By the way, about them. It is believed that the mermaid is the soul of a baby girl who died before baptism. The inhabitant of Waters could also become a young drowning girl who did not have time to marry.

What are the challenges on the trinity? What can not be done in this holiday? By tradition, on Sunday should go to the graves of the ancestors. If you break this ban, the deceased relatives can get angry and pick up someone from the living.

Traditions of festive lunch

As already mentioned a little higher, bread and all kinds of pastries were manufactured on the eve of the holiday. Folk signs The trinity suggests that on this day only the closest people should be gather at the table. Do not invite enemies and unwanted persons - this holiday should remain pure and joyful.

Traditionally, the table was covered with a festive tablecloth of a green color, which was then carefully stored to attract enviable grooms. Among the variety of dishes on the table must be attended by bread and any other baking. own manufacture. What it is tastier and diverse, the brighter and happy will be life in the coming year.

Young families should pay attention to this tradition. The karavai and bread furnace on Saturday, on the eve of the Great Orthodox holiday can be a good family tradition in which everyone can take part. Folk signs on Trinity say that festive table should not do without chicken Yaitz. In principle, the festive table on this day should be distinguished by abundance - various vegetables and fruits, sweet pastries, caravas and bread, fish and meat dishes, as well as sweets and drinks - everything should indicate well-being and wealth.

Holy holiday in the current times

Signs and traditions on the trinity are well known residents of villages and small settlements. Unfortunately, with the growth of urbanization, the citizens simply began to forget the bright holiday and everything connected with him. And in vain - even directly itself, the accomplication of rites carries a large emotional force, which will allow the charge of positive energy.

The villagers on the trinity are harvested brooms for a bath. You can not break the young trees and tear up the upper twigs - only the side shoots can not destroy the tree. It is believed that on this day all plants strengthen their healing properties. That's why people Collect the on the eve of therapeutic herbs, leaves and shoots. Among the set and superstitions on Trinity should be noted another, which will be interesting to young girls - if you collect the day before the celebration of the chamber, weaves a small broom and put it in the pillow, life will be long and happy, and the long-awaited one is about to appear on the horizon .

Fortune telling on Trinity

The church means such events every way, but so I want to know your fate and at least one eye look into the near future. That is why among the whole variety, there will be some kind of rites, which help to open the veil of secrets.

What do you do on the trinity? Signs suggest how to know your chosen one and make life with him long and happy. First of all, it should be understood that all divination should be made only with clean and bright thoughts. On this day, nature opens its secrets, divided by mystical knowledge and helps people. Grandmothers and Moms put the birch branches under the pillow with young girls. It was believed that the image of a man in a dream is that there is a future chosen one.

What else noteworthy Trinity? Signs for wealth - this is what interested in many villagers and residents of the villages. There was such a custom - a woman (maybe even married) approached birch and, without looking, disrupted the branch. If it was smooth and smooth - the year will be successful and yield. Otherwise, wait for trouble and trouble.

Weather for the whole year

During the entire celebration of Trinity, the elderly followed the weather closely - it is believed that green shints were a kind of barometer for the whole year. Signals for Trinity and Weather:

  • It was impossible to harvest brooms from birch if it rains.
  • For best harvest Cabbage should put her leaves into birch twists brought from the temple after the service.
  • A good harvest of mushrooms promises a rain in a ternary Sunday.

Trinity is a great and bright Orthodox holiday, which has a great mystical force. If you behave correctly on this day, comply with all traditions and rites, and also carefully follow the signs - you can feel like happiness in the literal sense knocks on the house. Light thoughts and good thoughts, thanks for every day and generosity - here is the pledge of this holiday, which will remain in every family.