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Palm Sunday Signs of conspiracy in the Slavic calendar. Fortune telling on fate and future. Fortune telling on the groom or the bride. Conspiracy on water

Palm Sunday is a great Orthodox holiday, symbolizing the Savior's entrance to Jerusalem. There is a holiday a week before Easter, so still falls on Great post. And although the lush festivities in connection with the post is not held, many girls spend rituals and conspiracies to bring love, wealth and happiness in their lives. In this article, you will consider various signs on Palm Sunday, conspiracies and other rituals.

There are conspiracies that can be performed on Palm Sunday. The main components of these conspiracies is holy water and a pre-convicted willow. Consider the main rituals and conspiracies used by our grandmothers.

If you are interested in what to do in Palm Sunday to get pregnant, you will need the kidneys of the willow. They are the best folk remedy from infertility. Therefore, if you have long dreamed of baby, go on this day to the temple and sanctify the willow. Add the kidneys to the food or eat them just like that. It is also recommended to put a candle in the church, and ask Mother God's baby.

If you have long dreamed of finding your soul mate or for a long time we are waiting for a hand and heart offer from your young man, You can spend a small ritual. In the morning, at Verbal Sunday, you need to think about your favorite person or mentally ask for this year your second half has been found. Energy of this holiday will allow you to fulfill your desire. Therefore, if you do not know what to do to Palm Sunday, to get married, try this simple conspiracy.

Among the ways, what to do on Palm Sunday for wealth, there is one simple and proven. It is necessary to put on the water before consecrated Verq.. If the twig eats, then wealth will come to the house. You can also stick to the roof of the house of the Willow Spray. It will bring happiness, good luck and prosperity to your home.

To wish a person of health and good luck, you should easily extend by His Hadel Willow. And in order to get rid of headaches, you should have a long hair. Hair that stayed on a comb, should be lowered into the water and pour her will. Pain will go to the ground, so the next day you will become easier.

Conspiracies in Palm Sunday

Basic signs

In Palm Sunday, sanctified branches are the main symbol and have a huge force. Signs on Palm Sunday from infertility are simple. It is enough to put a sanguage version from the head of the bed and wait for a long-awaited pregnancy. In this case, it is extremely important to believe the willow and not throw it away even if the pregnancy does not occur.

To find out if the year will be rich in the harvest, you should pay attention to the number of earrings on the willow. If almost blocked, you can wait for a rich harvest, as well as many pleasant and joyful events this year.

Signs on Palm Sunday for money can also help bring well-cost to the house. Alone will accept the landing on this day of the room plant. It will help to attract money to your home and good luck in business. However, if the planted plant starts up for a month, then you are awaiting a difficult year. In addition, it is necessary to plant plants that have large and fleshy sheets, for example, money Tree.

There are also signs on Palm Sunday to marry. To do this, you need to put a hurricane version under the pillow and ask you to send you a husband. If you dream of a proposal of hands and hearts from a certain young man, be sure to imagine his face before bedtime.

And it is worth remembering that Palm Sunday belongs to the Great Orthodox Holidays, so that all conspiracies and signs come true, you must also comply with the traditions of this day. The main one is going to the church to consecrate the willow. Also on this day it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor, sew, wash, clean the house and embroider. Also, it is not recommended to cook on this day. All festive dishes must be prepared in advance.

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In April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday - Signs, Traditions, Ritals Palm Sunday began to celebrate from the 10th century. In fact, in the last resurrection before Easter is celebrated.

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. When Jesus was part of the city, many residents went to the goal to meet him. All in the hands were palm branches. Since in Russia, palm trees are rare, and the willows and willows are a lot, and even this is the first tree, which in the spring dismisses amazing beautiful fluffy, took the sprigs of the willow. So threatened to celebrate the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem with Verba branches. People carried the twigs in the temple, the father sanctified them, and the satisfied flock carried out the value with him to the house.

Palm Sunday is a big bright holiday. Behind him follows the most strict week of the Great Post. Folk signs and rituals are connected with verbal.

Knock on the body of the Willow Spark - There will be health for a year. At first, the Willow Spray is sanctified on this day in the church, and then they tap the branch over the body and sentenced: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the Earth."

Parents are sure to joke "Stegaly" by the verbal branches of their children. Such preference is given to the Verba because it is perhaps the most lively tree, which is only in nature.

It is believed that even if the Willow stick stick up in the ground up "legs", it will still be accepted, and will grow. It is for this reason that the willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong. For example, a sick person can take the ward branch consecrated in the church and led it on those points of the body, which are particularly worried, saying: "The Holy Spirit, through the willer, go away. Verba will come - the disease will take away. "

And if the insomnia suffered , then you need to put a twig of the Willow from the head of the bed and before bedtime, looking at her, sentence: "Holy angels, a dream of my bank, holy willow, undead driven out." In Russia, it was believed if you swallow nine verbal earrings (from a branch, consecrated in the temple), then you can protect yourself from fever, and in general to drive any illness.

If a woman could not get pregnant She was advised to eat the bid of sanctified Willow in food again - they were considered a faithful tool from infertility.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved. Consecrated Willow Spots was taken to keep a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important thing for you, and you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church.

Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidney from the twig and eat them, drinking with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

On Palm Sunday think about your loved one, he will come. Young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that the human thought is material. Everything we think about, sooner or later be sure to happen in real life. Perhaps the Verbal Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

Posadi indoor plant On Palm Sunday - you will be rich. It used to be believed that if it was this day to plant room flower, he will attract money to your life. In the cities, of course, kept indoor plants, but in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet. But this sign there are several features that few people know about. First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty. And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. Best for this suitable plant With the title "Money Tree". Rain, even small, on Palm Sunday - to a good crop.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday - consecration of branches Willow in the church. It is believed that these twigs throughout the year will protect home from fires and floods, and their owners are from poverty, diseases and adversity.

If you are not prepared in advance twigs And they did not sanite them in the church, but you really want to have a consecrated willow, do not despair. There are two ways: 1. Go in the morning in any temple, and buy twigs there. 2. If you all slept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fluffy on them. If you do not find with burgundy, and you will see a tree, with gray branches and yellow fluffs - it's Iva. Also good. Since it is not really important important: Verba or Iva, consider that this is the same.

Bring the branches into the house and let everything be safe for you! Signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with the magical properties that are attributed to the willow. It is believed that if a lot of "earring" will appeared before Verbal Sunday (kidneys broke), then the whole year will be a crop, fertile and rich in good events.

There are several simple rituals, which you can perform on Palm Sunday. First, "let Consecrated willow on the water. The twig will float - good and prosperity "sail" to the house.

The burning of the consecrated willow sprig protects the house from the fire. And the consecrated twig, stuck in the roof of the house (you can attach it and in the upper corner of the ceiling) will be a faithful of your health and peace of mind.

If you want to wish a person Good and good luck, gently whipped his willow branch. At this holiday, the best blessing is not found. On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also tan.

If you want to improve health and get rid of headaches, day before Holidays spread your hair, lower a couple of hair lines into the water and pour her will. Diseases will go to the ground with water.

Also using a conspiracy on the willow you can attract money. On the eve of the holiday (in Lazarev Saturday) Take left Willow Spray, and right cross and read ours "Father". Then ask the Most High to save you from financial problems and send wealth to your home. The conspiracy twig must be consecrated in the church on Sunday.

Family charm (on Palm Sunday) It is done once a year on Palm Sunday. To do this, you need so much verbal branches as people in the family. Early in the morning, on the dawn, cut the branches, then go to the morning service and sanctify them. Having come home and drinking the holy water, starting to weave the braid from the vines, mentally presenting at this time, as all the households took the hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the most senior family member, holding a wreath before icon God's Mother, read: " The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who was distilled off from us. As the truth that the Verbal Sunday is honored and the truth is that evil people Not head. Amen". 3 times. Wreath Store year from icons. Amen.

What can not be done in Palm Sunday? Palm Sunday is a great holiday. On this day it is impossible to work. Also do not prepare hot dishes (all the eats should be made in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated in the Great Post. The table should be very moderate: besides the eats permitted by the post, you can only eat fish. And even on Palm Sunday, it is impossible to comb your hair. Therefore, the ritual for the health, which was mentioned above, must be performed only on the eve of the holiday

And what signs on Palm Sunday still exist?

The wind blowing on such a day will accompany all summer.

If the weather is clear and warm, one of the following will, harvest fruits and cereals will be good.

There is a belief that the willow can pacify fire, hail and drive a storm. It is worth the twigs only to put on the windowsill or throw against the wind, or throw it into the fire.

Palm Sunday adopted biscuits or making nuts from the dough. On ready-made desserts, households and even animals are treated.

And if you put the kidneys from your willow in the dough, thereby adding health to everyone.

If you are a timid man and always afraid of something, then in Palm Sunday, coming from the church, take the consecrated Willow branches into the wall, thus will help you get rid of obsessive fears, cowards and timidity.

Signs to the Palm Resurrection to believe in them in them, solve you, but I believe, because miracles happen.

7 thoughts on "Signs, traditions, rites on Palm Sunday."

Now it is clear why mom in palm Sunday Longly whipped me with a brother of Verba. I thought it seemed that this is such a game. And it turned out to be a ritual for health.

I wonder if it is possible to buy a plant (for example, Tolstanka) and bring her home to the Palm Resurrection. Will it be considered a planted tree too?

An interesting idea with Tolstanka (money tree)! And if it is transplant to a beautiful pot, then exactly the ritual will be executed.

Hello! And if you need to comb your hair all-equally? Thank you)

Put your hands. If the length allows you to braid (the braid used to be twisted from the evening and did not break all day) or make a "tail". By people beliefs Today, "the bird nest does not exist, the maiden is not a braid." Live in reality, do not bring everything to the extreme point.

i put a twig of the curly decorative willow, you can leave them for the whole year or better to take out of the house? The girlfriend said that such branches could not be installed.

Palm Sunday is always observed exactly a week before the holiday of Light Easter. In 2017, it falls on April 9. On this day, the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is also noted.

Palm Sunday: Traditions

The chief attribute of the holiday is verbal sanctified sprigs, which should begged a whole year as a symbol of the adoption of Christ and his great sacrifice.

On the eve, on Saturday evening, Orthodox Christians with Yves or recreed branches go to the temples and churches for a vigil vigil. Immediately after reading the 50th Psalm of the Gospel, the priests sprinkle the branches of Willow Holy Water. After that, parishioners with burning candles are worth the end of the festive service in honor of the entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

The next day, people again go to the church and re-sanctify the verb branches. Also on this day, the church can come with branches and those who could not get on the Saturday evening service.

In Palm Sunday, Liturgy John Zlatoust is being held.

Palm Sunday is a quiet holiday that is better to spend in a family circle. This is a very pious celebration, because during this period there is still a great post, and ahead of Christians is waiting for the most strict week of fasting - passionate saddemic.

Palm Sunday: Signs and Conspiracies

In Palm Sunday it is impossible to work, swear and offended.

It is believed that the Verba branches that gathered to carry in the temple for sanctification, you need to cut off only with young trees, on which there are no dried branches and damage. At the same time, it is impossible to take branches from trees that have a hollow, as well as those that grow near the cemetery. It is not recommended to take branches from the trees that are leaning over the water: the old people believed that water and mermaids could relax at night on such branches.

Willow branches Our ancestors have long been attributed to the healing and magic properties. The consecrated willow was considered to be a faith for the whole family: her branch touched close people, wishing them to health and happiness.

On Palm Sunday, the characteristics did various chambers and powders from the most different diseases for the entire subsequent year. In those days, this is exactly what was treated from many diseases.

There is such a rite when after church service Having come home, they beat each other with verbal branches and sentenced: "I'm not banging, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich as the earth "or" Verba His - Bay to tears. Be healthy like the willow "and others. The meaning of the rite is to wish near man Health and well-being. Many people believe that after such rituals, health, strength and well-being will come to a person.

In Palm Sunday, it is customary to paint the little children with the bunches of willows, which were consecrated in the temple so that they did not hurt during the year and grew up healthy.

Ingestion of recreation kidney in Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where the children eaten the kidneys, "the throat did not bite."

Verbal branches decorate the icons standing in the house. This rite must bring happiness, well-being and health to every inhabitant at home.

It is also believed that healing properties The water in which the branches of the consecrated willow were stood. In such water, sick children were bathing, confident that the disease after that retreat.

Men on this day were wanking kidneys as a talisman to give physical strength, and the girls were for help in conception of the child.

If on this day there will be warm and clear weather, then the whole village was preparing to collect good harvest fruit. If "on the Verbny Frost - the Sneakers will be good."

In Palm Sunday, girls did a spell on the willow. To this end, the young reclosure was found early in the morning, broke a small twig on it and said probitive words: "Until the willow be on the icon to lie down, until then my husband is not blown away, will not forget. Amen". Verba stored this twig in the house for icons.

There is another option love conspiracy in Palm Sunday. Before sunrise, the girl should block the twigs from the willow and with all faith and love to speak them: "How Palm Sunday is the joy of the world Orthodox, so I would be the joy to my lovely, the slave of God (name). As the people of the peasant ringing of bell tower waiting for a festive lunch, so there would be a slave of God (name) waited for me, waiting for me, I searched for me in the human crowd, I looked out in the window, I looked out everywhere. And I would throw, and I would have rushed on the counter trail and drove my hands white to me. As will not be a verbal holiday, the church is forgotten, and I will never forget the slave of God (name). Amen". Corrected twigs The girl should keep in his bedroom until she wished.

A similar way of love spell on the willow exists in Roma. In Palm Sunday, it is customary to break down a few twigs of the Willow, bring home and tied up with a red braid, saying: "Verbal node my love will connect. While the knot is connected, no one will unleash my love. Until the willow be lying behind the icon, until then, I would not break the name of God for the icon (the name of the beloved) will not forget. Amen".

Willow twigs later put on the icon and never thrown away: it was believed that otherwise you could break my life and my loved one.

The holiday of Palm Sunday takes its beginning from 10th century. This is the day when the Lord is part of Jerusalem. People of the city met him with palm branches in her hands. In our areas there are no palms, so their branches were replaced on the branches of Willow and Willow. On this idle day there are many customs and rituals, and even effectively talk. What are the conspiracies for Palm Sunday?

Before you choose plots and rites on Palm Sunday, first read common rules Their holding:

  • If you wish that in your life something is added - health, money, love, then the conspiracy and rite need to be carried out during the growing moon.
  • If you want to get rid of something, and it is spelled out in the text, then a conspiracy on Palm Sunday needs to be carried out during a decreasing moon.
  • It is very important to believe in what you do is the most an important rule. The more your faith, the greater the effect of the conspiracy.
  • Do not tell people about the conspiracy if it does not have a direct relationship. Pouring tongue, you break the strength of the conspiracy. Do not tell and if good signs happened to you.

Conspiracies for health

If you want to strengthen health, then you need to squeeze the three or four kidneys of the Willow on an empty stomach and then drink the holy water, after reading such a text: "Saint Paul Verba wave yes from me all the disease distinguishes. After the recruitment Sunday, no birth will not stick to me. "

Does not bypass Palm Sunday and the topic of love. Here are conspiracies that will help keep warm in a pair or attract love in their lives in principle.

Of course, this holiday exists and rites that attract to the house large quantity money.

  1. Feeding alms on this day you can be signed:

    "You for good luck, I'm on wealth."

  2. To make money in the house you can make charms in Palm Sunday. What can it be subjects? It can be the usual coins to be screwed by the text:

    "Before Easter St. Marya walked the saints about the prosperity requested, and the holy that prosperity was sent to everyone and we will send us."

    The conspiracy coin hide into the wallet and do not waste, such charms will attract money to your home.

  3. A powerful ritual for wealth is to put the willow in the water, and when she stops the roots to plant it in the ground so that the tree has grown.
  4. And this conspiracy is aimed at bringing you all debts. For his execution you will need boxes of matches and church candle. Light a candle, in the hands, take the boxes of matches and tell me these words:

    "To make sulfur from these matches, you have a slave of God in our ears, so lit up so that

    1. i could not hear anything until I give me a debt. "

      Matchboxes hide in the cache and wait for the debtor will come back money.

    2. At this Sunday, you can hold a conspiracy for the money that Natalia Stepanova offers. Take the wax candle and pull the wick out of it. Fitil is set on fire from two sides at once, and at the same time the spewing words:

      "Eternal Flame and the Spirit of my eternal will bring me gold, silver, all kinds of good."

      How to tell these words and quit wick. This phytalek must be worn with me as a monetary charm.

    3. But the conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova on the water, it can also be held in Palm Sunday. If this holiday also coincides with the growing moon, the conspiracy force will increase even more. A glass of water must be put on the windowsill, so that the light of the young moon can get to him and say such words at the same time:

      "My Money grows together with the Moon, the Palm Sunday itself to help."

      1. At the end of this day, lying in bed Tell me:

        "Everything is done behind, tomorrow is ahead, and the profit is in the middle."

      2. Signs say that if you find a trifle on this day, then a large money will come to your home.

      Conspiracies for luck

Signs say that if you first meet a man from the church, then it is fortunately.

Celebration of Palm Sunday is tied to the holiday of Light Easter: On this day, the broken windows of the Willow act as a symbol of palm branches at the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, writes Dailyhoro. By tradition, people on this day break the willow and sanctify the branches in the temple: it is believed that a bouquet of a consecrated plant can protect the house from the fire, and its inhabitants - from evil and witchcraft.

People have long been on this day noticed weather phenomena and judged on them how the whole year would pass. The most faithful of them is unchanged reached our days.

  • If the snow melted on the roofs - may be warm and sunny.
  • Want a health for the whole year - they say on the body by a recruit bouquet.
  • Eat the consecrated kidney willow - for good luck in business.
  • Birds to feed in Palm Sunday - to wealth.
  • Plant a new flower in the morning of Palm Sunday - to attract money in the house.
  • Verq in hair pads - get rid of headaches.
  • The odd number of windows of the Willow break - to health, and even - to the misfortune.
  • Rain on this day - to the dummy fly, and the sun is to dry and hot.
  • To feed the barbed dog - to lure happiness to the house.
  • Hide the willow entrance door - Protect the house from thunderstorms and troubles.
  • Throw torn branches of the Willow - call to yourself fail. Since last year, the willow must be burned or put into flow water.
  • If birds sing at dawn on Palm Sunday - the year will be successful.
  • Find on the road an abandoned version and take it into hand to disease.

Ritals in Palm Sunday

Orthodox Christians celebrate this day by visiting the festive service. But in addition to the canonical celebration, there are still existed folk rites and believing, and now having considerable power. Our ancestors believed that Palm Sunday - good time For rites for happiness, love Vostormotov and rituals for well-being.

Love spell on the narrowed

It is believed to attract the love of a person destined to you, with the help of untroveed willow. For the rite you will need:

  • red wax candle;
  • two twigs of willow with an odd number of kidney;
  • red thread;
  • matches;
  • thin needle.

First you need to stay alone after sunset. Spread everything you need on a clean tablecloth and make sure that in the room you are completely loneling. Think about the person you would like to see next to you. It should be understood that we are not talking about a particular man or a concrete woman: the rite is aimed at attracting a person prepared by the fate. Think about what you can give your future partner and what you want in response. Imagine that the person you need is already near, and remember the emotions caused by this image.

When the desired state is reached, burn the candle, pronouncing these words: "Fire in a candle, fire in the eyes, fire in the shower. As a candle, I'm burning, so love call! "

After taking the will and twist the twigs among themselves with the words: "As the willp in the morning I am broken, so fate is turned to me how the branches are wooped and fate will be brazed as Verq."

Twisted twigs wrap red thread, reliably tying them together. After it is necessary to pour your finger with a needle and drop on the twig three drops of your blood, uttering words: "My name, I come to know, my blood, the fate of my call you, fate, I want to know your name, To see your kind, take your blood! May it be so!"

Swipe the candle on the flame, completing the rite. The twigs must be put under the mattress or bed, and give a candle to burn.

Rite for happiness and wealth

Verbal Sunday Day is also perfect for changing his life in best side. The rite of well-being can help make it happy every day and get rid of problems.

For the rite you will need:

  • bouquet of sanctified willow;
  • three church candles;
  • paper and pen.

To begin with, think about three things that you lack for happiness, and write them down on paper as much as possible. After you need to divide the Bouquet of the Willow into three parts, saying for each: "As the willow grew, the branches stretched to the Sun, and after - in my hands it turned out to be, and my happiness is growing, stretches, it will be in my hands!"

After putting the conspiracy parts of the willows for three candles and burn them with the words: "As a candle burns, and my luck flies! Like a candle fruit - good luck will fall near the shoulder. "

Next, you need to give candles to burn out, watching their flames: what a candle burns faster, then desire and should be fulfilled first. When the candles are ground, you need to connect the spars in one and collect the willow in one bouquet. Willow twigs and candle spars must be stored before the desired execution.

To begin happy life You can perform . We wish you joy and only a good mood.

Folk superstitions are part of many years of Slavic history. Signs for Palm Sunday predict speedless changes and fateful events.

The rite of the workpiece of the verb branches is in itself a lot of useful adoption. With their help, you can get rich, stock luck for the whole year and get drunk. Palm Sunday and folk signs came to us from antiquity and keep in themselves the experience of many generations.

Traditions of the holiday

Folk Sights on Palm Sundays modern person: Traditions and superstitions are transmitted from generation to generation as useful knowledge. Ancient customs help to avoid trouble and get rid of all unnecessary, which accumulated for the year. The people say: "How to sanctify the willow, you live for 12 months." Believe in tradition young girls who want to find woman's happiness - If the consecrated will leave in the house, it will attract potential grooms.

Useful predictions by married women and men who want to get rich. In a special day, conspiracies for money and wealth are read. Rites on Palm Sunday are held in secret so that no alive soul did not violate magic. They use the traditions of Slavic peoples to treat terrible ailments - customs on this day allow you to release an adult and a child from induced damage or the evil eye.

Folk signs

Signs for Palm Sunday are talking about the wonderful properties of the plants in the church. Orthodox customs Forbidding the use of chew or other everlasting green branches - they are suitable for the burial of the dead, and they will only harm alive.

Folk beliefs about branches:

  • if the holiday is to make an amulet from the kidneys of the willow, there will be a good long road or a trip;
  • find on the threshold a branch of a fruitless woman - to a rapid replenishment in the family;
  • collect branches with unprofitted kidneys - to fast promotion in service;
  • if you consecrate animals by Verba - Cattle will give good healthy offspring.

The rites under the cover of the night were carried out: while the twigs were collected dark in the yard and a small bonfire was broken from them. On it burn paper with cherished desires, senoming: "Bed let go, I'll give good luck, let him come true what I wish." Verba is eager in all rituals, it commemorates that the festive week came to an end - all the power and power of the holiday are collected on Sunday.

If you finish begin to celebrate you need after sunset: the hosted twigs are settled near the table, and there are always treats on the table. Whoever looked to visit, it must be called to celebrate with the family: superstitions say that good on this day will return a hundredfold. For a holiday, the new tablecloths are covered and dressed festive clothes - it is accepted to meet good luck.

How to interpret

Signs for a holiday predicts events in professional and personal life.

If you believe superstitions as soon as the festive week is over - it is necessary to sum up. Ritals on these days are the last chance to attract good luck or their own life. How to understand? People's healers advise to listen to their own intuition.

Positive signs if a new animal appears in the house - a cat or a dog. Adjustment in the family good sign. If the week passed unsuccessfully, but on Sunday at dawn, it was raining - troubles will wash out how the water washes off the dirt from the roads.

Bad signs if things broke into the dwelling or beats dishes. Such superstitions talk about the misfortune that stands on the threshold at home. Bad signWhen the relatives are sick during the week, believes talking about the evil eye, which works on the whole family.

Household superstition

Domestic signs on Palm Sunday will be prompted when waiting for a harvest: it will rain, a good harvest will be able to collect at the end of August, in early September.

Warm day will predict a long harvest, which will bring a lot of trouble. Before the holiday, the table sprinkle wheat, and then feed her livestock - such a ritual will help to escape from the loss of money. If you believe the superstition, the poverty does not have to be afraid.

Before the dawn of the hostess bake a small field: the whole family should try a treat. So a caring wife saves households from diseases and problems in the future. The state of the house depends on how things will go from the head of the family. If the house is clean before the holiday, and the garbage is made - it is not necessary to fear problems.

Prediction of wealth

All family members are cleaned in the house, even the smallest. So that there were money, in the corners they scatter salt and sentenced: "There will be a bad thing here." Recalculate all the money in the house (bills and coins).

Folk superstitions that will help to get rich:

  • eat the kidney of the willow - get rich in the near future;
  • put the dried holy twig on the desktop to promotion through the career ladder;
  • eat three kidneys and put them with water to rapid decision monetary problems;
  • plant indoor plant - to be rich and successful.

Old things are thrown out of the house, the place is released for new money revenues. Folk signs say that they need to land for money perennial tree And thoroughly cultivate it. The more the village will be, the easier the money will go.

Take a money tree to prosperity. The color should be young and healthy. Than more leaves We will grow up at the tree, the more the good the person will attract.


The holiday was used to return debts: Ritual Distribution cuts poverty for a long time. If the on the eve of the house was removed from dirt and old garbage, already to the dinner, the debtor appears to the threshold. As soon as the week will start - it's time to return debts. Put cash obligations to a bright holiday can not.

Money folk signs warn from the extra wretched: if the money was wasting on Palm Sunday, they will not come back soon. Require the debt to the holiday can not - evil and insult on this day returns evil.

It is impossible to shit money in the church, the sign warns, this behavior will call the misfortune for the entire genus. Rituals for enrichment are carried out only alone if someone sees a rite, poverty in the house will knock.

Love superstition

Customs on holiday and folk signs help to know the future in personal life. On the eve of the bannyan day, the female gather recreation twigs and will holy them the next morning: it has long been believed that the hostess should worry about the presence in the house of the Sacred twigs. If a woman has not collected a new recruite bundle - they are waiting for her jacks and quarrels.

Harmonious love foreshadow the treats that the woman has prepared the day before: the richer the table, the faster it will find family happiness. Before the dawn, a lonely person needs to wake up at dawn and washing the dew - so it will be cleaned of negative. Superstitions on Palm Sunday foreshadow the problems in personal life, if a person is not preparing for the holiday.

For young girls

Girls always worries the question when they marry and find happiness in family life. Turning to large Orthodox holidays foreshadow:

  • for girls who fed the poor - a generous husband;
  • sat trees on this day - a big luck sign in love;
  • embroidered pillow for a holiday will attract the grooms - the girl shows what kind of mistress and needlewoman will be for a spouse;
  • the grass assembled on this day is dried and serve to overstate from the quarrel with the beloved.

Believers associated with the Orthodox holiday, a lot of tests of young individual, who did not prepare dowry for the holiday. The people say that such a girl is not ready for marriage and the whole year of the matchmaker on her threshold is not seen.

Superstitions associated with marriage relate to rituals. If a girl bursts in the afternoon - loses fate. Secret rituals are carried out only at night and in full solitude. If you guess at dawn, the prediction will not come true.

For married women

Love Signs on Palm Sunday will be helpful and married ladies. If the husband will do the whole day around the house, as the spouse wants - there will be harmony in the family. It is impossible to erase the underwear of the spouses for the holiday, otherwise foreign people will intervene in family affairs. You can not make repairs in the house directly on the eve of the holiday: if the family did not have time to decorate the dwelling, you need to wait until Easter days go.

If there is a sick person in the house, the wife is preparing food with finely chopped kidneys of the Holy Willow. Such a treat will help cure the patient and attract well-being in the family. You can not make lush feast, if the family wears mourning. Such behavior of households accounted for trouble to the house. Married women You should worry about the children: the younger family members are bathed in the Holy Water brought from the morning holiday service.

For men

There are love superstitions for men: if a young guy wants to find a spouse, he should visit the church. The girl, gathered the most beautiful and magnificent Verboua Bouquet, will become a respectable wife and hostess. It is useful to go fishing on this day. A good catch foreshadows profit next year.

By the holiday in the House of Men should not be broken items - if there is such an opportunity broken furniture and things throw away, and new ones are bought. It is impossible to kill cattle or bird on a festive day. It is better to prepare meat in advance, to a large orthodox holidayotherwise there are no problems in personal life.

Signals about health

On the Verbno Sunday, the signs of health are the most popular and well-known. On this day, the hindered slogans save from the most terrible ailments: the Verba is treated by the birth of children, old people, save from infertility and unknown diseases. Immediately after serving in the church, it is necessary to sanctify the house with water brought from the temple.

Verbal branches bypass the whole house, every corner and pronounce: "Cleans the willow, I cleanse, I missed, good in her place came."

Breaks beat by the sick body, pronouncing: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats." A simple ritual saves from diseases induced through damage or evil eye. The people of Palm Sunday are waiting for fruitless couples that dream of replenishment in the family.

Healing is waiting for everyone who sincerely believes and honor orthodox traditions. On this day, you can clean the soul from sins and regrets. If the twig that healed the patient is stored all year in the house, as charm. Children bathe in a decoction with a convieted willow: folk sign Promises baby protection for the entire subsequent year.

Folk signs, which magic possess spoons in the house.

What trees can not be planted near the house.

Clean Thursday, Signs and Traditions.

Avoid troubles will help simple signs on Palm Sunday. The day before is carried out spring-cleaning in the House. Old trash is made, and the floors are washed with water with salt: the saline solution drives the accumulated negative. At dawn unmarried girl Wash in water and clean their energy.

The whole family needs to visit the morning service and devote verbal twigs. Used twigs to protect the house and sick people. In the evening you need to collect the whole family at the table and celebrate the banner day. On these days, it is impossible to keep offenses or offend weak people.