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Fortune-telling on baptism on January 18 paper. Divination by the betrothed. Fulfillment of the most cherished desire

It so happened that during the Christmas time, fortune-telling has the greatest accuracy, since it is on these days that the doors to a world unknown to us are slightly opened. The exact date It is difficult to name the appearance of Epiphany fortune-telling in Russia, since this custom appeared a very long time ago. It is interesting how, after such a long period of time, this custom has not lost its interest and significance. Nowadays, girls are waiting with anticipation of some kind of magic Christmas divination, with the intention of opening the secret veil of the future. Many do not even imagine that such Epiphany celebrations did not come to us right away.

  • Divination for Baptism for love
  • Divination by children
  • Divination for the fulfillment of desires
  • Fortune telling
  • Fortune telling
  • Fortune telling by the book
  • Fortune telling on wax
  • Fortune telling with shoes
  • Divination by rings and grain
  • Fortune telling
  • Card reading
  • Fortune telling
  • Conclusion

Origin story. Why are they wondering about baptism?

The well-known methods of divination with mirrors were brought from foreign countries in the 15th century. At first glance, this innocent thing caused a terrible fear on believers, since it stored in itself the information of the past, present and future, therefore, not every family had such a household item. It was believed that with the onset of midnight it was impossible to look in the mirror for a long time, because by such an action the door to the other world was opened, and evil spirits could be seen there. People believed that on this day, evil forces descend to the earth and help predict the future, in addition, the people were wary of evil entities and were wary of fortune-telling.
Despite the disapproval of the church in relation to fortune-telling, people continue to conduct fortune-telling on the eve of Epiphany. The reason is that fortune-telling is a kind of magic, and in Christianity magic is forbidden. But for people, in honor of the holiday, it is allowed to look into their future, paying tribute to the old traditions of Russia, when Orthodoxy did not exist yet. The last day when such rituals can be performed is January 18 - the day before Epiphany. On the night of January 19, all sorts of fortune-telling is prohibited until the next Christmastide days.

Divination for Baptism for love

Using an ordinary bow, you can find out the name of your betrothed. To do this, you need to take several bulbs (you choose the quantity yourself), water and a container. Write the names of the men on pieces of paper or on the bulbs themselves, then place them in a container filled with water. With whose name the first bulb will sprout, this is the name the future husband will have.
Fortune telling with matches is suitable for a couple in love. Take two matches representing lovers. Place them around the edges of the box and set them on fire, if they lean towards each other, then you will be together. If the matches deviate, then you will part.

Divination by the betrothed or betrothed with the help of paper

We write the name of the planned person on paper, put it in a plate and set it on fire. If it does not burn out completely, therefore, the expectations associated with this person will come true.
For another fortune-telling, we take 12 sheets of paper, write different male (female) names, in the morning you need to pull out a leaf without looking at which leaf you pull out, so they will call your future husband (wife).
Prepare a hat, a spoon, a slice of bread, a purse with a coin, and a glove in advance. Put all the items on the table, the girl should be blindfolded. She must choose at random any one item with which to make a prediction:
hat - promises a wedding and a prosperous marriage this year;
bread - there will be no wedding this year, alas;
spoon - there will be a wedding, but the marriage will soon be dissolved due to the betrayal of the spouse;
wallet - such a marriage of convenience will not bring happiness;
glove - the husband will be rich, but the marriage will not work out.

Divination by children

Pour water into a glass of water. Then put the ring in there and place the glass on the windowsill. Watch the water freeze in the morning. If the water is not frozen bumps and pits, then there will be no children this year. Bumps indicate the birth of a son, and pits indicate a daughter. By the number of such depressions and bumps, you can also determine the number of children.

Divination for the fulfillment of desires

In the evening before going to bed, put on the balcony the buttons of orange, red, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple flowers... Take them home in the morning and throw them one at a time on the table. The button that remained the last in the hand and will indicate fate this year:
red - the wish will come true soon;
orange - what was planned will come true if no one interferes;
yellow - what was planned will also come true, but when it is not known;
green - the dream comes true, but enemies will interfere;
blue - the dream has already begun to materialize;
blue - do not talk about desire to anyone;
purple - a dream this year will not come true.

Fortune telling

Before falling asleep, ask a question aloud about your future, and at the end say: "Show me, Saint Samson, a holiday dream." After that, close your eyes and do not open them until you wake up in the morning. You can't get up either.

Fortune telling

For this fortune-telling, we take three deep plates and one non-small coin. Then we turn over all the plates and leave the room. Another person puts a coin under one of the plates. Then the person comes back and selects a plate. If there is a coin under it, it means that wealth will arrive in the coming year. If the plate is without a coin, then the fortune-telling can be repeated. If there is no coin again, then the year will be poor. If you managed to guess where it is hidden, then the money will be, albeit in a small amount.

Fortune telling by the book

This is the simplest and even accurate divination... Choose any book, ask a question, name the first numbers that come to mind, they will be the page number, and the second numbers, they will indicate the line number. What you read will come true this year.

Fortune telling on wax

For this fortune-telling, you need to take a plate with hot water, spoon and candle. Cut the candle into pieces and place in a spoon, then light it by melting the wax. Quickly pour the wax into hot water and you can safely determine what awaits you this year. If formed:
drops - promise well-being;
bumps - difficulties;
mushroom - promises health;
the bell is important news;
a wreath - a wedding and a successful marriage;
incomprehensible figure - the future is unknown;
flower - happiness in family and marriage;
star - great luck and long-awaited news;
stripes - long road, travel;
bridge - overcoming difficulties, achieving a goal;
glasses - you do not notice something or do not want to notice;
a person - a new interesting acquaintance;
horseshoe - happiness, joy, well-being;
basket - that all the bad things are behind you, luck awaits you;
egg - the birth of a new one (ideas, desires, goals, and maybe a long-awaited addition to the family);
bucket - success in work or business, and so on.

Fortune telling with shoes

Thanks to this fortune-telling, our great-grandmothers predicted in the villages. They took off their shoes from their left foot and threw them through the gate (through the window). Next, you need to see how it lies. If the toe is towards the street, then this year there will be a marriage. If he lies with his toes to the house, then stay in the home.

Divination by rings and grain

Interesting and fun fortune telling on the rings. All the girls take off the ring and hide it in a bowl of grain, mix. It is advisable that the rings are made of different material... In turn, each girl takes out the ring and what material it is made of, you can find out the future fate.
If a copper ring comes across, then the girl will have a poor man, a silver one - she will marry a simple guy from a good family, a ring with a pebble - for a wealthy person, and a gold one - for a very rich one. If your ring hits, it means that your most cherished wish will come true.

Fortune telling

We write on paper male names, lay out the leaves in a circle. Thread the thread into the needle and lower it to the center of the circle. We hold the thread so that the tip of the needle is free to stand on the table. In the direction of the name where the needle swings, it will call the future spouse.
In the same way, you can guess by spreading out in a circle or by writing the alphabet. We ask carefully the question, for example, what will be the name of the betrothed, and watch the needle. She will show the letters, and you will make the name of the person in order.

Card reading

A deck of cards is a favorite divination item for girls. We take the deck, mix it thoroughly and remove it with the little finger towards the heart of the card. We ask the question, visualize it, and turn the cards over. If a red card fell out, it means that the wish will come true and everything will come true, if the black one, then no. If the card is shallow and black, then there will be minor troubles and disappointments. If it is large and black, then difficulties are possible. If it is small and red, the wish will come true, but not quite the way we would like. If it is large and red, then the dream will certainly come true.

Fortune telling

For this task, take threads of the same length and set them on fire. The first to marry will be the girl whose thread is the first to be completely burnt out. If the thread does not burn out or less than half, then the girl does not promise marriage at all.


Remember fortune-telling are just warnings, a person decides his fate only himself, be it good value or bad it can always be changed, since only a person has the right to change his life.

Epiphany eve- January 18 - the eve of the Epiphany is considered the main day of Christmas fortune-telling. Many are interested in what the future holds for us. To find out the unknown, people often resorted to fortune telling. Our ancestors often used to guess during Christmas time - until January 19. And on the morning of 19, on Epiphany, they washed themselves, doused themselves with holy water or bathed in an ice-hole to wash away this sin.

If you want to know your fate, in the period until January 19, you still have a chance to resort to such fortune-telling:

Divination by the groom

An unmarried girl needs to take the number of apples corresponding to the number of her boyfriends. They need to be designated by carving the initials of one boyfriend on each side on both sides. Then all the apples need to be put in some kind of dish and the light should be turned off. Stir the apples thoroughly, and then start nibbling off each one, choosing the most delicious. Look who is on the one that tasted the most - that guy has the most serious intentions.

Fortune telling on a prophetic dream

Before going to bed, you need to say "Saint Samson, show your holiday dream ..." and think about what you want to know. For example, how will it look like future husband when you get married or what awaits you this year. After that, you cannot talk to anyone.

Fortune telling

To find out how successful the next year will be in material terms, we did the following. You need to take three plates and one coin and ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates, it is better to leave the room yourself at this moment. Then you should choose a plate at random. If there is a coin under it, the year will be successful and a profit awaits you, if you guess where the coin is from the second time, there will be no monetary losses, but if not, then you should save your funds this year and refrain from spending big.

Divination on the rings

Several girls gather in one room. Each one brings with it a ring, they should all be different: copper, silver, gold and with a stone, you can borrow from someone especially for this occasion. There can be two more rings than the number of girls.

The rings are placed in a container with grain or cereals and mixed thoroughly. Then, in turn, each of the girls takes a handful of grain. If she came across a ring, it was the basis for judging the future. A copper ring - the husband will be from a poor family, a silver - from a middle-class family, with a stone - the husband will be a man from the upper class, a gold - the husband will be a rich and famous man. If the girl came across a ring that she brought or that she liked, this good sign- implementation of the plan. And if the ring did not come across, then this year you should not expect changes.

Divination for marriage

This fortune-telling allows you to find out what this year promises you. They took three things: a hat or other headdress, a piece of bread and a small board. All this was put into one large container and thoroughly mixed. Then they closed it, blindfolded it, made three turns and then pulled out whatever the first came to hand. If this is a headdress - marriage this year, bread - you will wear girls for another year, a tree - some unpleasant event in your family or your relatives will happen - illness or death.

Fortune telling

A basin is taken, water is poured into it and placed on the table. Events (engagement, travel, wedding, addition to the family, etc.) are written on paper strips of the same size and laid out around the pelvis at the same distance.

A small candle is placed in half of the walnut shell and lit, lowering it in the middle of the basin. Next, you need to wait until the shell approaches some edge and read the event near which it will be - then it will come true.

Divination by the betrothed

On Epiphany evening, the girls wondered about their future husband by wedges or fence slats. On modern way you can guess by the cars parked in the yard. Passing by, the girl counted the bars, saying: "Rich, poor, widower, bachelor." According to the last bar, on which the counting room stopped, they judged which husband would get caught.

The betrothed-mummer ...

There are a huge number of Epiphany fortune-telling. And one of the most common is with a boot. Leaving the house, the girl threw it in front of her. Where the sock pointed, from there to wait for the betrothed. If he pointed to the house, he would sit for a whole year wondering in girls.

Find out the name future husband is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough just to go out and ask the first man he meets his name. It happens that this fortune-telling really answers the innermost question correctly. Perhaps because, having heard the name, the girl remembers it even at the subconscious level, thereby laying down a program for what was said to come true. After all, every person, despite their age, wants to believe in a fairy tale, especially during the winter holidays.

Having learned from which side the betrothed will arrive, as well as his name, any unmarried beauty will want to see him. The most desperate girls decide on fortune telling with mirrors, for this you need to make a tunnel of two mirrors, with candles on both sides. At midnight, the figure of the betrothed should appear in the mirrored corridor. But since many creepy stories are associated with this fortune-telling, transmitted by fortune-tellers from mouth to mouth, it is better to use more harmless and no less effective methods... For example, you can make a dream.

When you go to bed in the evening, put a comb with Tangle Teezer under your pillow and ask your betrothed to come and comb your hair. Or, after eating something salty, ask him for water. Another kind of such fortune-telling: put four kings from a deck of cards under your pillow, and in the morning remember which one you dreamed about.

The king of spades symbolizes an older man in age or status. This card can also predict a greedy or jealous groom for a fortuneteller.

The cross king symbolizes action. That is future groom can be military or business man, or maybe just have such a character.

The King of Diamonds is a person who sympathizes with a fortune-telling girl, that is, she should already be familiar with him.
The King of Hearts is a rich but not free man.

There is also one old way to know, who will the future husband be- fortune-telling with a rooster. The girls took several plates, poured water into one, poured grain into the other, put a mirror in the third, and put a chicken figurine in the fourth. They let the rooster go and he told the fortune-telling girl who her betrothed would be: a drunkard, rich, handsome, or a womanizer.

Family well-being

It would be unfair to ignore married women, because they have questions that you want to find out the answer to as soon as possible, even more than unmarried girls... For example, will the first child be born this year? What gender? Will the salary be increased? Etc. Below are some methods of fortune telling that will help you find the answer to these and many other questions.

At midnight, pour water into a bowl, carefully pouring egg white into it, ask what awaits in the new year. It is desirable that the egg be homemade. Place the dishes in a secluded place for 3 hours so that there is no temptation to look into it every 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, see how the protein is curled up. Basically, the fortuneteller will be told by her fantasy. It is easy to guess that the heart is for love, the face of a child is for the appearance of a baby, a circle indicates that your life will be filled in all areas, a mountain for career success, etc. The main thing is to listen to your intuition.

In order not to wait 3 hours, you can use a similar method, but using wax. Melt the planed wax in a spoon over a burning candle and pour it into a bowl of water. The meaning should be deciphered in the same way as in the case of the egg.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the child cannot be done to pregnant women and future dads. It consists in the following: a woman asks before guessing what gender of her future child... The one who guesses, takes her ring, hangs it on a thread and lowers it for a while in the water. Then he brings the ring to the woman's hand. If it moves like a pendulum, then there will be a boy, if in a circle, a girl will be born. Does the ring not make any movements? Means, this year replenishment in the family is not expected.

Another way of fortune-telling will help you find the answer to any question of interest. Before going to bed, from Thursday to Friday, you need to ask the angels of sleep to answer the question. You can wait for seven days, not necessarily in a dream you will find out about what you were interested in.

It is very easy to guess on the grains: any cereal is poured into the jar, a question is asked, after which they take out a handful of cereals with their left hand and count the grains. An even number means a positive answer to the question posed, odd, respectively, negative.

Undoubtedly, fortune-telling should not be taken too seriously, but only as fun game... And the feeling of magic can be experienced by going to church and swimming at Epiphany. Every person comes out of the water, having been cleansed from previous sins, starting New Year from scratch. And then, without any fortune-telling, it will be possible to believe in a happy future.

Everyone wants to know their future, what to hope for and what to expect in the coming year. Fortune-telling for Epiphany was invented by our ancestors, who were also interested in the future and wanted to know as accurately as possible what to expect and what to fear in the near future. Epiphany Night is the last of the Yuletide, and in fact is the last day when you can spend Christmas fortune-telling. Thus, those who did not have time to tell fortunes before January 19 will remain in the dark until next year. So let's see what kind of rituals it makes sense to carry out during this period ...

A selection of Epiphany fortune-telling for every taste: future, love, betrothed, sleep and others ...

  • Time. Epiphany fortune-telling is carried out at night from 18 to 19 January strictly after sunset. Required condition- darkness, which creates a mysterious environment. However, some fortune-telling must be carried out exactly at 12 o'clock at night, others do not depend on the time of the conduct, as there is a corresponding indication in the description of the ritual.
  • A place. Different rituals suggest different places conducting: some are performed on the street: fortunetellers need to go either to the crossroads, or to the cemetery, or outside the gate, etc. Although most fortune-telling is suitable for being carried out at home.
  • Participants. Most fortune-telling can be done both in a group and independently.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Divination on Epiphany

In this section, we will consider a selection of universal Epiphany fortune-telling for all occasions. Check them out and you will surely find something suitable for you!

Fortune telling with two mirrors

It is very famous and extremely effective divination for Baptism for the betrothed. The attributes for the ritual will not be difficult to find and prepare as soon as possible:

  • Two colorless candles (medium-sized church candles are quite suitable);
  • Two mirrors (available in different sizes);
  • Matches;
  • Non-transparent white fabric.

After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the ritual:

  • During the ritual, there should be no people in the room (or better in the whole house);
  • At approximately 23:55, we put the first mirror in front of us, for example, on a table, and the second behind our back;
  • The mirrors should be placed in such a way that a mirrored “corridor” extending into infinity is obtained.
  • Next to the first mirror, to which we face, we place two candles;
  • When performing the ritual, it is forbidden to look back, or rather into the mirror, which is located behind the back, all manipulations are performed only with the first mirror;
  • Exactly at midnight we set fire to candles, and we begin to gaze intently into the "mirror corridor" and say the words:

"My betrothed mummer, come to me dressed up"

The purpose of divination : see the silhouette, and better face the husband-to-be at the end of this corridor. If you see them, try to remember it instantly. Then immediately extinguish the candles and throw the prepared cloth over the mirror.

It is believed that if this is not done, then misfortune will happen to you. They say that the devil himself appears in the image of a man, therefore many professional magicians consider this fortune-telling dangerous. However, there is a safer one: which you can try.

Divination with wax and water

Fortune telling with a candle and water

Finding out your future for the next year will help a lot interesting fortune telling with a candle and water. We have already described this ritual in detail in, but now we will analyze the features of its implementation specifically for Baptism.

  • To get started, you need two wax candles, a wide container (bowl or bowl), a large spoon or small ladle for melting wax;
  • Then collect snow on the street and melt it in such a way that at least half of the capacity is accumulated;
  • It is most convenient to conduct fortune-telling at the table, arrange all the attributes so that it is convenient to use them at the right time;
  • For Epiphany, exactly at twelve o'clock in the morning, pour water into a container and set it in front of you;
  • Light the first candle, and put the wax from the second candle in a spoon or ladle;
  • Heat the wax on a candle, and when it is completely melted, pour it into a container of water.

The result of fortune-telling will be the resulting casting, which should be interpreted. Read the full alphabetical list of figures and their meaning.

Divination on the rings

First option:

This ceremony should be performed in a company. As a result of fortune-telling, you can find out whether you will get married this year or remain in girls. Start fortune-telling using this algorithm:

  • Sit around the table with your friends at midnight;
  • Lay a black or burgundy cloth on the table, turn off the lights and light a candle in the center of the table.
  • All participants in fortune-telling must remove the rings from their fingers and roll them in turn on the fabric.
  • Which girl has a ring that rolls farther than all the others, she will be the last to marry.
  • Which ring remains closer - the first to marry

Second option:

This rite is carried out in order to find out how many years the girl will get married, it is better to carry it out alone, for a group of more than three people it is definitely not suitable. For the ritual you will need:

  • A glass filled with water about 2/3;
  • Wedding ring (can be borrowed from a married friend or mother);
  • Hair from your head at least 20 cm long;
  • Then the ring must be carefully tied and hung by a thread;
  • Then we lower the ring on the hair into a glass of water and gently raise it out of the water.

During the ascent, the ring will begin to swing. How many times it hits the walls of the glass, after so many years the girl will get married.

Fortune telling on felt boots

This is a very famous fortune-telling that is familiar to almost every girl. It only needs a pair of boots.

  • By tradition, fortune-telling is carried out by all means noisy and fun company girlfriends.
  • The girls take turns throwing their boots over their backs, over the fence.
  • Then they look where the felt boot's sock points. Where he points there and the betrothed lives;
  • If a felt boot points to your own gate, there is no need to wait for the suitors this year;

Advice: nowadays, instead of felt boots, you can take ordinary winter boots.

You can try comic online fortune telling:

Fortune telling for a year on glasses

There is one very funny and quite accurate fortune-telling for Epiphany with the help of ordinary glasses, or small glasses. With its help, you can find out your fate for the next year, for the ceremony you will need:

  • Glasses or cups - 6 pieces;
  • A handful of salt;
  • Matches;
  • A piece of sugar;
  • Ring (gold or silver);
  • A small piece of bread;
  • A coin (of any denomination but yellow).

This fortune-telling is carried out at night as follows. One of the above items must be placed in each glass. A blindfolded fortuneteller chooses any glass, if the ritual is carried out by a company - everyone blindfolded and at the same time took one glass at a time.

What's in the glass is waiting for him for the next year:

  • If you come across a glass of bread, it means that a person will live well all year;
  • If a coin falls out, prosperity will surround him;
  • If there is a match, the appearance of a child is expected;
  • Ring - promises marriage in the coming year;
  • Salt - symbolizes hard times;
  • And if you got a glass of sugar, it will be a good year for you.

Divination by the Orthodox Church

There is another option for those who want to tell fortunes about marriage for the next year. At midnight for Epiphany, go to the closed doors church, cross yourself, and start listening for at least 5 minutes.

Most likely you will hear something, and the interpretation of fortune-telling will depend on these sounds:

  • If you have heard: the noise of a wedding, songs, laughter, a cheerful conversation - it means that this year you will get married;
  • If you hear crying, moaning, screaming or thudding, it means that soon you don’t have to wait for a wedding, perhaps the situation will improve next year!

Fortune telling at someone else's window

This is a fairly simple relationship fortune-telling, which must be carried out alone. Choosing a house where the happiest family you know lives. On Epiphany night we quietly approach the window of the chosen house and eavesdrop.

  • If you hear swearing, then next year you will quarrel with your boyfriend or man;
  • If silence, then the coming year promises peace and tranquility in relationships;

Divination on the grains

This is a simple village Epiphany fortune-telling which is carried out with the help of a domestic rooster, as a result it will be possible to understand what year is waiting for you. The owners of the bird scatter grain on the floor in the entryway and let the rooster into the house. Then the owners watch how the rooster pecks up the grains:

  • If the rooster eats everything: there will be good luck in the family all year;
  • If the bird eats half of the grains: things will go the same way as in the previous year;
  • If the rooster does not touch any grain: it means that a difficult year awaits the family;

Divination in a dream on the groom

The first method: "On the mirror"

This is a very interesting divination for Baptism on the mirror. For him you will naturally need ordinary mirror... He needs to be taken out into the street in the evening and left there. Then, slice fir branches, and before you go to bed, bring the mirror home.

Then write your wish on the foggy mirror with your finger and put it under the bed, with the mirror surface up and on top of it put fir branches.

After waking up - look at the mirror:

  • If the inscription can still be read, then the wish will come true!
  • If you can see at least half of the letters, the desire will be fulfilled - but with difficulty;
  • If you can see only a couple of letters or nothing is visible, the desire will not come true.

Method two: "On playing cards"

We take from the deck of ordinary playing cards- all four kings and on the night of January 19 we put them under the pillow.

  • If you dreamed in a dream, this means that your husband will be much older than you;
  • If you dreamed, then your husband will be a business or military man;
  • If you dreamed, then you will marry a person you know;
  • Well, if you dreamed, a successful marriage awaits you.

But it may be that you will not dream of any of them. Then, in the morning, just take out any card from under your pillow and see who you come across.

The third method: "On the comb"

Before going to bed, do not comb your hair, but put a comb next to the pillow and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Come to me betrothed, comb my hair."

After that, go to bed, and in a dream your future betrothed must appear to you. Read more about it in this article.

Epiphany conspiracies for wealth and prosperity

Epiphany conspiracy for a loved one

The first conspiracy: "On the water"

You will need a can made of unpainted material, a cross made of sticks, Epiphany water, three coins (one should be yellow and two should be white).

Pour water into the can and throw coins there, hang the cross on the side of the can. On the night before Epiphany, read the words of the conspiracy for money:

I get up at night and get church water.

Dark night, holy water, purify body and soul.

Fly angels, overshadow me with wings, call God to me.

I put God at the table, I treat you with various dishes,

John the Baptist and Blessed Virgin I pray to Mary.

May the saints not leave me, may they free me from spiritual filth,

From the sins I have committed. Clean will I enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Amen!"

By folk beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, the evening of January 18, the famous " Epiphany evening ok ", - binge time evil spirits... She strives to enter the house as a werewolf - in any guise. To protect the dwelling from the penetration of evil spirits into the house, they put chalk on all doors and window frames signs of the cross, which is considered reliable protection from everything demonic. Do not put a cross on the door on Epiphany Christmas Eve - there will be trouble, they believed in the old days.

If you do not protect your home in time and "let in" evil spirits, you can get rid of its leprosy as follows. A knot is found in the floor of the house, which does not necessarily have to protrude above the floor, but can simply be indicated in parquet board... With the ring finger of the right hand, they circle the mote with a triangle, then step on it with their left foot and say: “Christ is risen, not you, devil. Amen".

The werewolf "Fire Serpent", which appears to girls in the form of a beautiful youth, is especially dangerous on Epiphany night. They say that if the "Fire Serpent" falls in love with a girl, this love is incurable forever. “Without loving, you will fall in love, without praise, you will praise,” the old ladies warn young girls about the appearance of a handsome man. “He, the villain, knows how to spoil the soul, he knows how to speak speeches, he will play, ruthless, with a girl's heart, he will overwhelm the girl in warm embraces. From his kisses, the girl burns with a rosy dawn. Without him, the girl sits in anguish, without him she dries herself. " You can protect yourself from visiting a handsome werewolf by drawing a cross on the doors or pouring snow collected on Epiphany evening onto the stove.

But in the absence of stove bends in modern apartments, you can wash your face in snowy water in the morning on the day of Epiphany: according to omen, from this "without whitewash are white, without blush ruddy". You can not limit yourself to washing, but try to swim in the ice hole. It has long been a custom in Russia to swim in an ice-hole for Epiphany, despite the fact that Epiphany frosts were considered the most severe.

Those who divined on New Year's Eve, on Christmastide and on Epiphany, bathed or doused themselves with water: thereby they washed away sin, because fortune-telling was always considered a conspiracy with evil spirits.

In Russia, many beliefs about the fate of a person are associated with the holiday of Epiphany. If someone is baptized on this day - to be him the happiest person for life. It is also considered a good omen if on this day they agree on a future wedding. “Epiphany arm-wrestling - to a happy family,” - said the people.

Those girls who had not yet waited for their fiancé went out in the evening for Epiphany and called out to their betrothed. If a girl comes across a young guy - a good omen, if an old man - an unkind omen.

There was a custom that both boys and girls followed with pleasure: asking the name of passers-by - male for women, female for men. By popular acceptance, this will be the name of the future groom and, accordingly, the bride.

On a clear moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls walked to the doors of the locked church and listened to the silence: some of them fancied either a wedding choir or a funeral service - what the new year promised them. The sound of a bell (marriage) and a dull knock (early death) had the same symbolism.

There was a custom, described by V.A.Zhukovsky, - throwing a shoe. The girls went out of the outskirts and threw a slipper in front of them with their left foot. We looked in which direction the toe of the shoe points - from there the groom will come and in that direction the girl will leave her home. If the toe of the shoe pointed back to the village, it meant that the girl would not get married this year.

Ancient fortune-telling for Baptism

From time immemorial, people want to know their fate. According to popular belief, the evening of January 18 is the time of rampant evil spirits. This is the last day of Christmas divination, and they were considered the most truthful. And after Epiphany, “torturing fate” was forbidden.

Fortune-telling has always been considered a conspiracy with evil spirits and a lot of beliefs are associated with it. Fortunetellers had to take off from themselves pectoral crosses and belts, to untie knots on clothes, to loosen braids. And then pour water or bathe in order to wash away this sin.

For the older generation, fortune-telling is rather a festive fun game that allows you to get a little distraction from everyday worries. Therefore, in general, fortune-telling was considered the prerogative of young people - boys and girls. They were always interested in looking into the future, to find out something about their betrothed or betrothed. The old books describe many ways. Here is some of them:

Fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed.

Finding out the name of your betrothed is very easy. You need to go outside and ask the first man or woman you meet (depending on who you need) how to call and dignify.

If you don't feel like going anywhere, take several sheets of paper, write on each of them one male or female name and put it in your hat, for example. Shake several times and pull out one piece of paper at random. The name that will be written on the sheet will be the name of your future husband or wife. Similarly, you can find out the age, the sign of the zodiac.

Divination by the betrothed.

You can see and find out about who will be narrowed in prophetic dream in several ways:

Method number 1.

Before going to bed, comb your hair with a clean comb, then place it under the pillow and say: "The bridegroom-mum, come to me, comb my hair."

Method number 2.

Eat something salty at night and do not drink afterwards. And when you go to bed, say: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me and give me some water to drink."

Method number 3.

Put four card kings under your pillow before going to bed, saying: "My betrothed, disguised, dream me in a dream."

It is better to say the phrases in the first, second, and third methods several times so that the subconscious mind remembers your request to see the groom.

If in the third method you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be much older than you, either in age, or higher in social status, or multifaceted in its internal personal development; he can also be very jealous or simply mean. If you dream of a king of the cross, the future husband will be a military man or a business man or simply having such a character. But the king of diamonds is a person desired by you, most likely, already familiar to you, beloved. The king of hearts prophesies a rich groom, but it may happen that he is already married or has a passion, that is, you will have to fight for him in earnest.

Nobody dreamed? Then just pull out from under the pillow at random, without hesitation for a long time, one of the cards and interpret your female share on your own.

Divination for marriage.

To find out who is the first of the friends to marry, there are also several ways:

Method number 1.

Cut the threads to the same length and light them. Whoever's thread burns out in front, he will be the first to be married. If the thread went out immediately and less than half burned out, then you will not get married.

Method number 2.

Take gold ring and a large patch of black velvet. Roll the ring in turn, saying: "I will swing the ring around the city, and after that ring I myself will go, I will reach the dear one." Mark where the ring stops. Whose ring stops earlier, that girl will marry earlier than others, and if the ring rolls away further than the others, she will marry later than everyone else.

Method number 3.

Take a piece of bread and a ribbon. Place in an empty, clean pot or drawer. Then blindfold and take the first thing you come across. If you took the ribbon, then wait for the matchmakers, if there is bread, then you will remain a girl for now.

For those who are no longer interested in the issue of marriage, you can tell fortunes for the distant future, for the birth of children, etc.

You can still, how old will you marry. You need to pour two-thirds of water into a glass, hang on a string wedding ring... And taking the end of the thread, lower the ring into the water, to the bottom. Then gently lift the ring above the water and follow its movement. It will begin to swing (the hand should be motionless). How many times the ring hits the walls of the glass - in so many years you will get married. Owners long hair instead of a thread, you can use your own hair. When the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or circle, many feel the presence of something supernatural.

Fortune telling about the fate of the shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity, is very common in the modern girlish environment. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper she has crumpled, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, places it on a platter or large flat plate, and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns out or almost burns out, with the help of a candle, it is displayed on the wall. Carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out the future.

Fortune telling on wax

There are several ways to find out what the future holds for you. For example, one of them. Melt the wax in a mug, pour the milk into a saucer and put it on the doorstep of your apartment or house. Say: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." WITH last words pour the melted wax into the milk. Now watch carefully. If you see a frozen cross, some diseases await you in the new year. If wax "blooms" with a flower, then marriage awaits you or will appear in your life new friend... If the beast appears, you will have transfers, flights and long-distance roads. If the wax lies with asterisks, expect good luck in the service, in your studies.

Fortune telling with a boat

For this fortune-telling, they take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, they hang or attach bent strips with the names of fortunetellers or write possible events on them: wedding, hobby, kidnapping, passionate love, failure, illness, etc. take the shell walnut(half of it) and in the middle of it set a small candle stub (you can use a Christmas tree). They start the boat in the middle of the basin, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is guessing.

Fortune telling with a cat

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true. If right - not destined.))

Forecast for the year

Take six small glasses, pour some water into them. Put in turns in the glasses (so that there is something in each glass) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a coin (coin), a ring, a match.

* Salt - to tears, to be sad ...

* Sugar - sweet life, successful in the year

* Bread - bread, well-fed life in the year

* Money - to money per year

* Ring - marriage / marriage in the year

* Match - to the child.

Then they take turns blindfold and come up and choose a glass. What they pull with is a forecast for coming year! The most truthful thing is that for the first time, you can draw it out for the second time - this is, as it were, the background of the year.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) on the sex of the unborn child

Method number 1.

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is dipped into a glass of water, a woolen cloth is pierced with a needle), then, suspended by a thread or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one who is being guessed at. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often - a boy), if pendulum-like - a boy (less often - a girl), if the object does not move - there will be no children.

Method number 2.

Put the gold ring in a glass of water and put it overnight in the frost (or in the freezer, if thaw). Observe the result in the morning. Frozen water without bumps means a childless life. How many bumps there are, so many sons will be born, and if there are only pits on the frozen surface, expect daughters. Remember, whatever happens to you in fortune-telling, the good will come true, but do not believe in the bad, the main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

On the evening before Epiphany, write on the pieces of paper twelve of your wishes and put them under your pillow before going to bed. Waking up in the morning, take out three pieces of paper at random, those desires that will be indicated on these pieces of paper and must be fulfilled.

Before going to bed on Epiphany evening, put a mirror brought from the street under the bed and spread fir branches around it. Write your wish on the mirror with your hand. If the inscription disappears in the morning, the wish will come true.

Spread a handful of small items on the table, such as nuts, seeds, etc. Make a wish and count the number of items. If their number is even - the wish will come true, respectively, the number of objects is odd - the wish will not come true.

Divination for love

You need to guess at love, of course, by candlelight, from evening to morning, the most romantic time. Everybody heard about fortune-telling in front of mirrors, peeping out of the betrothed, some even did it, but for some reason few talk about what they saw. Let's not guess what is there - something scary or something uninteresting, we'd better talk about funny or original ways find out the future:

- Run out into the street and ask the name of random passers-by. That is how the groom will be called. If fortune-telling takes place in a heterosexual company, the guys can thus recognize the name of the future bride. The main thing is not to scare the girls passing by.

- Put two matches on the sides of the box and set them on fire. The matches burned out and bent to each other - the hidden couple will be together. If not, then they will disperse. It is advisable to put out matches on time, without waiting for the whole matchbox to light up and flare up.

- Fortune telling by hairs in a bowl of water. At night you need to put a pinch of salt, sugar and ash in water, mix everything and let the water calm down. Then lower your hair and your betrothed. If the hair is intertwined in the morning, there will be a wedding. If not, then it's not destiny. For the next Epiphany, boldly pull out the hair of the next guy.

Baptism money conspiracy

It is done on the night of Epiphany, or Epiphany (January 18-19). Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, you need to collect a can of water for a conspiracy for Epiphany on the river, in a well or in an ordinary water tap. The can must be made of unpainted metal (aluminum or steel).

At the edge of the can, you need to strengthen a wooden cross made of coniferous tree- Christmas tree, pine, cypress or juniper. You can make a cross yourself by cutting out with a knife or tying two branches crosswise. Also, three church candles must be strengthened along the edges of the can. Throw three coins of different denominations into the water and, preferably, different metals... In the old days, they threw copper, silver and gold. To modern man it is difficult to get them, especially gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one). Over this water, read the Baptismal conspiracy twelve times:

In the night I get up, I take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify soul and body, come on, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring God's peace, bring God to my house. I greet God, I sit God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Baptist: the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first martyr, the fasting and hermit-dwellers, the mentor, the purity of the teacher and the close friend of Christ! I pray to you, and running to you do not take me away from your intercession, do not forsake me who have fallen in many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled one, and compel me to bring in, and perhaps nothing badly enters the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

After that, the prayer to the Theophany of the Lord is read over the water and coins.

In fact, there are a great many Epiphany fortune-telling, from scary to ridiculous, and the point is, first of all, how you treat them. If with healthy humor, then this is an opportunity to pass several winter evenings with girlfriends beautifully and cheerfully. Just do not take seriously the results of fortune-telling, whatever they may be. Although no, let's put it differently. Believe only in rosy predictions!

There are different divinations for Epiphany on January 19, which have been used since ancient times. It is believed that this day has tremendous power, so all predictions will be as truthful as possible. You can guess for love, money, future, and so on.

The tradition of divination for Epiphany on January 19

There are a number of rules, rules and traditions associated with this day. Since ancient times, it is believed that fortune-telling carried out on January 19 under Epiphany will be as truthful as possible, therefore many people like to predict their future on this holiday. There are other traditions associated with this day:

  1. The main dish on Christmas Eve is sochivo, the remains of which are poured out to the chickens after the meal.
  2. In the evening, it is customary to consecrate the water in the temple, which can be used for washing and drinking.
  3. Swimming in the ice-hole is an ancient tradition. It is believed that on Epiphany, water has tremendous power that can protect against diseases, give strength and get rid of possible negativity. It is worth noting that there are no rules regarding swimming in the ice hole.

Fortune telling from January 18 to January 19 Baptism

If there is a desire to conduct a ritual to predict the future, then it is important to know a number of rules necessary to obtain the most accurate results.

  1. The ideal place for divination for Epiphany on January 18 - non-residential premises, for example, a bathhouse or an attic. In extreme cases, a room with a balcony is suitable.
  2. No one should know about such magical rituals being performed.
  3. There should be no cats and no distractions in the room, such as a ticking clock.
  4. It is important to take off your belt, crosses, loose your hair and untie the knots on your clothes.
  5. If fortune-telling is carried out before bedtime, then a candle should be placed at the head of the bed.

Divination for Epiphany on January 19 for fate

To find out what fate has prepared in the future, you can carry out a very simple fortune-telling, which is called "7 glasses". Prepare seven identical vessels in which to put items that have different meaning... After that, you need to close your eyes and swap the vessels so that it is impossible to understand where which object lies. To finish the fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 19, mentally ask the question: "What has fate prepared for me?" and choose one of the glasses at random. Its content will be the interpretation:

  • salt -, sadness;
  • sugar is a sweet and fun life;
  • bread is satiety;
  • coin - financial well-being;
  • ring - a marriage proposal;
  • matches - the birth of a baby;
  • grain is a difficult working day.

Divination at Epiphany on January 19 for love

More often than ordinary girls use different ways predictions to sort out issues related to personal life. Fortune-telling on the betrothed for Epiphany on January 19 with needles is considered interesting. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare two needles and rub them with any fat, for example, butter or lard. It is important that the entire surface of the needles is slippery. Type in a regular glass of water, put it on the table and dip the needles into it. After that, you can ask a question about the relationship with a specific person. Interpretations are carried out focusing on the behavior of the needles:

  1. If the needles have gone to the bottom - this is bad sign, foreshadowing trouble. This behavior may also be due to the fact that the needles were poorly lubricated with grease.
  2. If the needles come together, then this indicates a warm relationship and sincere feelings.
  3. If the needles are "frozen" and no convergence is observed, then this indicates a cool relationship. Fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 19 indicates that the fortuneteller leaves the room, and the other person turns the containers upside down and puts under one coin, under another - a crumpled bill, and leaves the third empty.
  4. If the needles are parted, then the relationship will end, so do not waste time and hope that everything will work out.

Divination for money for Epiphany January 19

There are different ways of predicting that will help you learn about the situation in the financial sector. A simple fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 19 for wealth is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take containers that should not be transparent, a handful of coins and one bill that should be crumpled. An assistant is needed to predict.
  2. The fortuneteller leaves the room, and the other person turns the containers upside down and places them under one coin, under the other - a crumpled bill, and the third leaves empty.
  3. The fortuneteller, without looking, selects any cup and looks at the contents. If coins were found, then this promises a good, empty cup indicates that there will be no changes in the financial sector, but a crumpled note means that losses and losses should be expected.

Divination for Baptism on January 19 for the future

Many seek to know about their future in order to know about possible problems and tests. There are simple fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 19, thanks to which you can learn about the events of the future and understand whether a wish will come true soon or not.

  1. Before going to bed on the eve of the holiday, you need to write your wishes on 12 sheets of paper and put them under your pillow. It is important to leave one piece of paper blank. Lying in bed in the morning, take out one note at random and see what desire comes true. If the piece of paper is clean, then this indicates that nothing will change in the near future.
  2. To conduct fortune-telling before Epiphany on January 19, you need to prepare a mirror on which you need to write your dream with your finger. Place a reflective surface under your bed, spreading small spruce branches around it. If the inscription disappeared the next morning, then the desire will become real.

Divination for Baptism on January 19 for children

On Epiphany night, you can conduct a simple ceremony to find out how many children there will be in the future and what gender.

  1. It is necessary to thread a red thread into the wedding ring to make a pendulum. Keep it over right hand and take a few deep breaths. The fingers should be spread out.
  2. First, the ring should be passed between the index and thumb, and then already place it over the center of the palm.
  3. To find out the meaning of divination on Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18, look at the movement of the ring. If it began to rotate in a circle, then expect the first girl, and if in the opposite direction - the boy.
  4. After that, lower the jewelry between your fingers three times and repeat the steps. Carry out such manipulations before the ring stops moving at all. The number of repetitions will show the number of children.

Divination methods for Epiphany on January 19

There are many divinations, for which different available items are used. It is important to take into account that such magic rituals attract not only good, but also bad spirits, so protection of the house is needed. For this purpose, draw crosses with chalk on the window frames and doors. After the fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 18, before going to bed, it is recommended to wash with holy water or at least take a shower.

Fortune telling on Epiphany cards on January 19

For fortune telling, cards are often used that give detailed answers to various questions. You can do different layouts, and here are the simplest divination for Epiphany on January 18 on the cards:

  1. Take simple deck, which was not previously used for the game. First, make a guess, and then carry out the alignment. Shuffle the deck and arrange it into four piles. In the first, and then in the others, you need to find aces. The interpretation shows that the more aces in the first pile, the higher the likelihood that the desire will become real, and so on.
  2. If there is gypsy cards, the meaning of which can be understood from the picture, then distribute them into four rows of nine cards. Find the card "Unexpected Joy", which is the personification of the fortuneteller. The card on the left side is the past, and on the right is the future, the row on the top is thoughts, and the bottom is obstacles.
  3. Describing what fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 19 can be carried out with cards, it is worth mentioning the option with the Tarot. Lay out the nine cards in three rows: the first is what was, the middle is what is, and the bottom is what will be. The meaning of the Tarot can be found here.

Divination for Baptism on January 19 on paper

To learn about the events of the near future, you can use a simple ritual. It is necessary to spend it alone so that nothing interferes. For fortune-telling on the night of Epiphany, January 19, crumple a blank sheet of paper, put it in a saucer and set it on fire. If all the paper has burned out, and only ashes remain, all problems will soon end, and a white streak of life will come. When there are pieces of paper left, then expect trouble.

Divination for Epiphany on January 19 on wax

The most popular baptismal divination is rituals using candles. To predict the future on wax, you need to take a bowl of water, and also prepare a spoon and a couple of candles. Divination for Epiphany on January 18 on wax is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. One candle needs to be broken or rubbed to make shavings for easy melting. Put it in a spoon and start heating over the second lit candle.
  2. When the wax is liquid, pour it abruptly into the water to form a shape. She will be the interpretation of fortune-telling, for which you need to turn it on.