Repairs Design Furniture

What is the difference between thuja and juniper. Juniper Cossack - beauty and poison in one person. What is better to put - high juniper or thuy

Among the cypress trees there is a truly unique plant - microbiota cross-step. She represents the genus microbiota, is found only in the highlands of Sikhote-Alin in the Far East. This exclusivity and the reduction of the range has caused the rendering of Russia into the Red Book. Plant, open less than a century ago, in the center of attention of the gardeners. Microbiota grows on stony soils, the growth rate is slow, but sprinkled well. Forms a dense pillow on which you can lie down as an experiment. Microbiota is found in mountaineering, it is convenient as a soil plants. In winter, it darkens, acquiring shades of bronze and copper.

Lusitan or Mexican - famous for many shapes and color palette;

When to buy and plant seedlings?

In the front zone - a column-like, in the recreation area - juniper.

IMHO Tuya.

Billets for a new soap from Tui and Juniper ...

  • Well, what can be easier. In the Tui microstrobils oval. And Microsposrangians in her 4. And the juniper micro-tapes are round and microsposrans 2-6. And the cones from the Tui egg-shaped, and the juniper - round (call them more juniper). In general, they are the next relatives.

02:46 But if you need to fix the slope or the slope on your site, if you need to decorate the alpine slide, then better than raging forms or soil, better than juniper you, obviously, will not find anything.

How to choose to choose roses saplings?

"Thuja" in translation means "sacrifice" or "anonymous". It was called so because during the ancient rituals there was a pleasant smell when burning fragrant wood tree.

When buying seedlings, it is necessary to carefully inspect the proposed samples. A plant with dry wrinkled stalks and spotted leaves can not be called healthy. In addition, there should be no mold lesions and cracks on a high-quality sample. Normally, rose saplings have at least three escapes of uniform green coloring (grafted samples) or fairly developed white spores (cornesological). It is desirable that the kidneys on seedlings are at rest.

  • SeedardTuya
  • Cypress combined the evergreen beauty of conifers and enriched it with their manifold.Kiparis McNaba - a high wide-grade tree, has an unusual coniferous aroma.
  • And I am for juniper, it grows me, and the Tui dies.

We planted 10 years ago at the cemetery, once every 2 years cut only the secateur.

  • How they are like! ... I just recently began to distinguish that where it grows me

Tuya - evergreen plant


02:58 Now compare these plants under the conditions of their cultivation. That thuu perfectly tolerates smoke, ridden, dusty air of our city streets. Juniper on the contrary suffer from dusty gasized air. In this case, the juniper plants are frost-resistant, dringed and not demanding to soil conditions.

Tui are slow-growing coniferous trees with a very dense crown. The color of the crust depends on the age: the young plant is the Red Bark, with the age of gray-brown. Wood durable and at the same time mild, krona can take various forms. The needles of the thuuy tight, the scratched and closer is lying, (however, there are varieties that have a soft chew). All varieties have a characteristic pleasant fragrance. In the thui can form imperceptive cones and flowers. It contains 5 species that are located in North America and East Asia.

Split seedlings:

In order to quickly enjoy the beauty of a variety of colors on its plot, you should buy seedlings. After all, the cultivation of them from seeds is a long and time-consuming process. Such plants do not always have time to please the owners with flowers due to the insufficient amount of light, heat and inconsistencies of other climatic factors.

What is better: juniper or thuja?

Thuja ...
The company "PosticProject" offers landscaping and landscaping services - we have high quality and reasonable prices.
If you deepen in the story in search of the first coniferous, conquered the sections and gardens of Russians, then they will become juniper. The forest resident occurred to the heart of the gardeners not only by the company "PositiveProject": it is fantastically unassigned, more than 50 of his species are known. This outcome of the moderate zones of America and Europe is universal, distributed in the Caucasus, in Siberia, mixed forests of Russia.
Cypress vessels cause admiration, legends and poems were made about them. The plants of this family are thick shrubs and the trees ascended to the sky. They are called evergreen, although juniper and thuy and other colors have taken root in the gardens and parks: blue, silver and even yellow. The name of the whole family gave cypress - a slim tree of a pyramidal form. Do not inferior to the sacred and very expensive tree other largests. Among them are rather exotic for our sequoia latitudes, metausexual, ficroy, callitrix, cryptomeria, taxi.
And so herself rolled norms)))
... All evergreen plants in the courtyard landed Aleshenka (thanks! :) ... Dipped in the fishing racks, and landed in the courtyard :) ... sometime with us there was a juniper grove, but her barbarica cut down and built there Mansions ... But coniferous descendants of this grove are growing with us;)) ..
And thua looks like. Maybe it's just some kind of local name of the manner?
03:39 The fact is that the root juniper system leaves for tens of meters deep into the soil and extracts themselves with a great depth of nutrients and the necessary moisture. Thuja is considered an unpretentious and light-affiliated plant, but in contrast to juniper can grow even in the shade.
At the beginning of the XVI century, the king of France gave Tui title "Tree of Life". To this day it remained the second name.
There are many seedlings classifications. By the time of cultivation, it happens early, middle and late.
This is Tuya. Juniper "Munty".
This is thieves. Juniper has very spiny needles, there is no Tui.

What is the different thuja from juniper (or how to distinguish them)?

Oksana M.

Juniper shrubs are planted in the garden to fill the space with fresh green accents even in the offseason. The favorite reception of landscape designers is to plant these plants as a background of the walls, fences and abroad. Specite symmetric juniper at the entrance to the house or gazebo, along the tracks. Using juniper, repeating their groups, the garden composition is set by a binding rhythm.

Cypress - coniferous with their own characteristics. Needle needles are replaced by scales or leaf-lanceal leaves. Plants are mostly domestic, male and female cones diverse. There are species that breed hidden (juniper). Almost all cypress, adapted to the gardens easily carry a haircut, while retaining the specified form.


And I personally like the needle. It is her therapeutic effect. When the allergy takes out - I go to the coniferous forest, goes immediately.


On the first photo in my hands I have Thuja Eastern ..
Juniper grows in our strip, and the Thuja Yuzhanka (at least it will not meet it in our forests).

Miss Sicsta

03:59 Here to soil thuja is more demanding. It requires rich soils. If you grow it on poor sandy soils, it will be necessary, of course, regular feeding.


Tui also perfectly tolerate a haircut and a transplant, which is why they are very often used in the design of the landscape and create a variety of architectural forms. This plant has high gas resistance, which allows them to apply them in landscaping of modern cities, as well as various industrial facilities. Green construction uses it not only in group, but also single landings, as well as in the formation of alley, green walls and hedges. They are beneficial to the branch and thick crown density from the trees of our flora and can often be perceived as plants alien to her. And it adds even more mysteriousness and charm.


- represented by the root of rose robes with the leading of cultural roses. Equipped with a stronger root, thanks to which they are stable and very actively developing in the first years of life.

Thuja and juniper ..

Also allocate potted seedlings (it is grown in the organic pots, with which it can be immediately planted), as well as seedlings of carpet (low, denselysting), perennials (live 2 years or more) and annual (living year) plants.

This is thieves. Juniper is the berries round and with a ripening - blue.

Juniper in Central Asia worship another representative of the juniper - Arch (Turkestan, Zeravshanskaya). This is the name of almost all conifers, but it is the juniper who can stay on steep mountain slopes, fasten the sprinkled layer of fertile soil roots. The higher the mountain belt, the more prudential types of Archie become, they are making them on the ground.

Cypress was called the gods trees, in different nations he symbolized that life, then eternal grief and peace. At the Romans, he was planted when the child appears. Conquerors in ancient times were ordered to disassemble the buildings for the sake of valuable wood. And from the conquered countries brought home wealth and precious tree as trophies. Kiparisa landed at the temples and laid the alleys of them in the cities. This species can be easily worried in urban conditions. The strict and noble silhouette of the tree is associated with Greece, Italy and the embankments of the Crimea.

Caprician both. What to plant is a matter of taste.

The juniper of the needle, similar to the needles, and the thuu needle, as it should be flashed.

04:17 Similarly, it should also be borne in mind that the Thuya Plant is moisture and even can grow on the soils where the pioneered waters are high. Although in an adult, when the tree is growing for several years, it is also drought-resistant.

What is better to put a high juniper or thuy?


If you decide to buy a tax for landscape, you will not regret, growing up the original beautiful tree with oriental flavor on your site!

Jesper "S.

It is advisable to acquire seedlings immediately before landing in the ground. The most optimal periods are listed in the manuals for gardeners, and sometimes on the packaging with the plant. If you decide to buy a seedlings in advance, take care of the previously illuminated place for storage. Also do not forget to provide sufficient watering plants.
Incidentally thuja!
This is thieves.


Century trees serve as objects of worship, with them bind historical and religious events. These Olders have fancy twisted trunks, spreader crowns and a rich past. Archa for local residents is not just salvation from landslides, but also a guarantee of continued life, natural balance. Extensive Archie arrays (arched) are protected by law and are protected areas. Forest fires, burning trees and all chances of restoring the natural medium are considered the largest tragedy.
How to plant cypresses? Those who scare their cost, successfully germinate seeds from the cones. They have a good germination, follow the optimal moisturgencies of the earth coma. Some gardeners pick up pots for small seedlings, on the first winterings they put them in a greenhouse or home. Larger specimens root into the ground. The main rule while landscaping by cypress: Cypress should gradually get used to the sun, with unaccustomed it burns young shoots. The use of awnings and sun screens is justified during the succession period of a young plant. Cypress prefer privided sections, timely watering, sprinkling.


For health - juniper.


And this is the juniper Cossack.


Thuja blooms, and there is no moistener.

Irina Vladimirovna


In this video, our expert will tell you about what plants are better: Juniper or Thuja? You can choose coniferous plants by reference http: // ...

Cypress plants in your garden - Tuya, Archa, Juniper. PositiveProject - Landscape Design

- Possess a personal root system. They are weaker than them, but over the years, such roses become much more productive than graft.

When choosing seedlings, do not be lazy to examine it carefully. Never agree to buy unhealthy externally damaged or faded plants. After all, such plants will hurt for a long time before normal sizes are achieved and bloom.

Kiparis - Tree of Eternity

The differences goes outdoor, "foliage", the structure of "foliage", forms, fruits.

This is thieves.

Archa Celex, which is typical for most juniper. Essential oils saturated with vitamin C, tanning substances and phytoncides are described in the recipes of ancient drugs. The strongest biostimulator should be applied solely on the recommendation of the doctor.

  • Kiparis has a lot of decorative and unpretentious varieties. Kiparis Kashmirsky is recognized as the most capricious: due to the intolerance of frosts, it is cultivated in closed rooms. In the open ground perfectly adapt and quickly rush up the following types of cypress:
  • I love me more juniper he smells like
  • The easiest way to distinguish them - juniper is ourselves, and there is no thuja :) .. Well, of course, they have different berries :)
  • Juniper is widely used in medicine, and there is no thieves, it is recommended for living ingredients.

Juniper - Northern Kiparisa

04:45 Especially if you have harsh winters so that they simply do not extinct. And some varieties are at the end of winter, the beginning of the spring is worth contacted. Because they have properties to burn.

00:54 And in the other plant you can find similar shapes. Let's say, the popular Thuja varieties of Column is rivant, really like a column. Just looks like Juniper Blue Arrow. The same smooth, clear silhouette.

Archa - wood saving life

What else should be known about rose saplings?

Optimal conditions for planting seedlings - cloudy weather (either evening), which allows the creation of sparing conditions necessary for the plants necessary for their high-quality adaptation.

Thus, cypress, cypressive, and juniper with a very short cheese - it is very difficult, but in the cones you can, with juniper in generally hitch.

Tuya - Favorite Gardeners


Another guest from America and East Asia, which has become a favorite of many landscape designers and connoisseurs of beautiful gardens. The scientific literature describes five types of Tui: Eastern, Western, folded (giant), Japanese, Korean. A variety of varieties with certain parameters is much larger. The most popular shrubs and average forms of Western and Eastern Tui with classic crowns in the form of a pyramid, columns, a ball or umbrella copies (aurea and its hybrids, Lyutszenz, Pyramidalis Doughasi, Fastigiat). The color of the Tui is not very intense, mainly it has yellowish tones in the color.

Microbiota is the only one of its kind

Evergreen (he is ordinary);

Thuja in my opinion is less pleasant, and can grow in a half ... and juniper need the sun. But of course the smell from the needles, especially in rainy or hot weather from him awesome)

Twigs and berries of the grinding in a blender with water ... it turned out a thick oil mass .. and I have already cooked soap ..

Please tell me this thuja or juniper?


The easiest way to distinguish to the touch is a spiny juniper.


05:02 Now let's talk about the benefits. Actually, like all coniferous plants and thuja, and juniper is definitely helpful. But Juniper is perhaps the champion in this area.


01:41 Now compare these plants on the color factor. In addition to natural green color and juniper and thuja, they can now pamper in literally in any color: green, blue, yellow.

Olga Beruckova

On the most favorable purchase time, irrigation and fertilizer, as well as the reproduction of roses saplings, read more.

Your Baby *

Saplings Rose.


Cypress and Tui, I have no juniper

Olga Usatova


Thuja is the perfect option for filling the living hedge or landscape design in general. It is customary to combine it in the group with a fir, yellow pine, a cypressive, throat. It is democratic in care, it is well tolerating trimming, pleases with freshness and a special coniferous aroma. The plant has a long-lived reputation, needs to water and protect against the sun in heat, in severe frosts - in shelter.

  • Description and distribution

    Juniper is an evergreen coniferous shrub of our forests, but it cannot be called a close relative of ate or pine, which is closer to it views from the cypress family - Thuja and cypress.

    Description and distribution

    It may have a form of both a small shrub, and a completely real tree height up to 5-6m, sometimes more.

    It grows in open places - forest glades, cutting, along the edges of the forests, here it is comfortable. With good lighting, the shrub grows into a full-fledged tree with a subtle barrel, narrow, thick and dense crown. In addition, it can be found in a pine forest and in deciduous forests, where not very strong shading, here it grows in height, as a rule, 1-3m. With spread in such forests ate, juniper quickly dies from lack of light. But even in a dry condition, its wood retains a long time, a specific pleasant smell very similar to the smell characteristic of pencils.

    Often, shrubs can be found around the edges of the high sandy coast of streams, rivers and ravines, sometimes falls on non-marshy overwhelming fields.

    The low shrub externally is a little similar to the young Christmas tree, but they are different in the structure.

    How to distinguish

    • First of all, we note the location of the chewings, they grow often and alternately, and the juniper rarely and depart from the branch at once three pieces.
    • The form of khuminok also has differences from spruce - they are flat, semi-shaped, pointed at the end. On their surfaces, two light strips can be distinguished from above, which are formed by a wax chain, their appointment is to protect the stomach from moisture.
    • Adult specimens have a relatively thin straight trunk with a thin gray-brown bark and reddish-brown shoots. Crown is an egg-shaped or cone-shaped form.

    Juniper berries

    The reproduction of juniper occurs as follows: in spring the shrub appears small small male and women's cones, and, unlike pine and spruce, they are located on different bushes. That is, one copy has only men's shishchers, another female only.

    Male develops at the foundation of cheops, the size of them is very small, the color is yellow. Their appointment is the ripening of pollen. After performing your function - dispersion of pollen, they fall.

    On women's bushes, black and blue berries are developing from polished cones, but they should be correctly called a shishko berry, because the coniferous trees there are no fruit. Such a berry is usually rounded the form, less often oval, its size is equal to the pea and averages 6-8mm, they are formed from three seeds collected together and covered with a total juicy flesh.

    "Berries" in the first year remain green, maturation occurs only for the second year - they acquire blue and become sweet to taste

    Ripe the peas willingly eaten by the Forest internity inhabitants, thereby contributing to its settlement.
    Abundant fruiting is not every year, and after 3-4 years. The exact lifespan is not installed, it can approximately reach 500-700 years.

    Use and application

    The shrub is often planted in cities and household sections as a beautiful element of landscape design. In addition, it highlights a large number of phytoncides, thereby cleansing the air, but at the same time it does not tolerate pollution and it quickly dies when it is redundant.

    For a long time, raw materials obtained from forest juniper is used in everyday life and traditional medicine. Branches with a mustache are used for disinfection, for this they are ignited and dying smoke - basements, cellar, glaciers, pickling barrels. They are also used when smoked meat and fish, and from "berries" receive a component necessary for the preparation of gin, on its basis makes kvass, beer and juice.

    Very useful are connected from young shoots juniper brooms in the Russian bath. What they are good and how they can be correctly used to read here in this article.

    "Berries" are a frequent component of various dishes in cooking, especially for the kitchen. They have a kind of pleasant spicy smell, which perfectly complements marinades, sauces and seasonings for game.

    From the roots of shrubs, there are brazers, which are treated with the diseases of the stomach and air-lung paths.
    Out of shoots are also prepared by decoction - treatment of diathesis, cings and prepare baths for the treatment of rheumatism.

    Shishko berries are valuable medicinal raw materials. Collect them in the fall, when they reach full maturity. Next, they are going through, removing immature "fruits" and forest trash.
    Of the fresh fruits make juice, which is treated with stomach diseases, urine withdrawing paths and liver.

    To preserve for a long time and use them in the future for the manufacture of drugs, they must be allowed.
    To do this, they need to put them. Drying is exercised outdoors under a canopy, in special dryers and furnaces, in the last two cases the temperature during drying should not exceed + 30gr.
    The term of storage of raw materials is 2-3 years.

    From the resulting raw materials, decoctions, tincture and essential oil are made.

    The tincture of the "berries" is used to treat the urine of the output system (diuretic and disinfecting effect), often they are part of the diuretic fees, the champs are treated with the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver. You can use chasters and externally - to remove pain in rheumatism, with inflammation of the ears and gums.

    A shrub in wildlife grows very slowly, so when collecting raw materials for treatment or for a bathhouse, it is worth it to it carefully.

  • Somehow very separately among other evergreen plants in the garden, juniper is valued, whose presence itself treats from many diseases. Friendly to people The plant is one of the favorite cultures that fills the air with the life-grooved resins and shakes the cute heart of beauty, perfectly combined with many green friends. Juniper is a fairly unpretentious coniferous plant. But in order to put it right and care for him, you need to know several basic rules.

    Types (types) and varieties of juniper

    Among juniper can be distinguished by their following forms and sizes:

    The most popular views and varieties of juniper are:

    • Ordinary (Depress Aurea, Meyer, Green Carpet, Horstman, Repanda, Arnold);
    • Virgin or North American (Gray Oul, Skyrock, Hetz, glaucoma);
    • Cossack (Blue End Goldtamariscifolia Variam, Rockier Jam, Glauca, Sabina);
    • Horizontal or prostrated (Lime Glow, Wiltony, Blue Chip, Prince Wales);
    • Chinese (Strict, Kurivao Gold, Spartan, Variagat);
    • Rocky (Blue Arroe, Blue Heven, Monglow);
    • Scaly (Dream Joy, Blue Star, Blue Carpet).

    In more detail, you can get acquainted with the appearance of different juniper in the following videos or in the last paragraph "Something to plant - Juniper or Tyu?"

    Video: Types and varieties of juniper

    When and how to plant juniper in open ground

    Dates of landing

    Note! If you decide to plant a juniper in the summer, then a young seedling must be pronounced and for the whole summer to water more often (but not to overflow!).

    But still the optimal time for landing juniper is spring, approximately April-May, when the earth warms down a bit. But often it is planted in autumn in September-October.

    How to choose a seedling

    A warning!Never buy seedlings from random people. As a rule, they have a bare root system, and such juniper seedlings do not actually survive.

    Acquire cypress seedlings better in garden centers. In them, juniper are sold in special containers, in other words, their root system is closed and well developed.

    As for the age of a seedling, it is optimal to acquire a 3-4-year-old.

    Also when buying a sapling is worth paying special attention to the tips of the needles. They must be green and elastic (rush). If you will notice when insperting that the tips are dry and breaking, then such a plant should not buy. It is clear that it is a patient or was pushed, which means the likelihood that quite low is well attached.

    Place in the garden

    After you select and buy a seedling, you will need to find the right place to land in your summer garden. Juniper loves sunny and well-lit places. Growing under the sun, he will acquire all his best properties. If you put it in a deep shadow, the crown will begin to deform, it will become loose. However, such varieties, like Virgin and ordinary, can grow in a light half.

    Important! Juniper Chinese has a property strongly burning at the end of winter or in a strong wind, so it is better to put it in a quiet place or next to more tall conifers.

    If you want to put several seedlings nearby, then it is advisable to do this at a distance of 50 to 200 centimeters depending on the size (shape and form) of the juniper seedlings.

    Landing pit and soil

    The diameter of the landing pit for the juniper should exceed an earthen kom seedling by about 2-3 times, and in the depth it should be about 50-70 centimeters.

    Juniper do not tolerate the convergence, so it is necessary to put the drainage layer on the bottom of the landing pit. As a drainage, you can use broken bricks, stones, pebbles, crushed stone or gravel. Then you should pour a small layer of sand.

    This conifer cannot be called demanding to the soil by the plant, but still the landing jam is recommended to fill with fertile soil. For example, you can prepare such a soil: 2 pieces of peat, 1 part of the turf of the ground and 1 part of river sand. Or such: 2 pieces of the turf or leaf land, 1 part of the peat and 1 part of the sand.

    Clarification! Each variety of juniper has several different soil requirements. For example, if you plan virginiathen put more derdy clay land, if a siberian - Sand, cossack - add wood ash, dolomite flies or lime (In other words, it is necessary to reduce the level of soil acidity).

    Direct phased landing

    Step-by-step instruction landing juniper in open ground:

    Video: landing and care for juniper

    Care for juniper in open soil

    Recently planted seedlings require sufficient large amount of moisture, so they should be poured at least once a week.

    Adult and well-fitful plants watering Practically do not need. Is that the summer will be hot and arid, then 2-3 times for season watering still costs, pouring 1-3 buckets per 1 time depending on the size of the bush.

    Remember! Juniper peeps dry air very badly, so it will react well to periodic spraying with water, watering by sprinkling.

    Juniper not required Frequent and abundant subordinateMoreover, he does not need a organic. Except that young plants worth giving feeding spring - In April-May month. Take 30-40 grams of nitroammofoski, potassium nitrate or other similar in the composition of complex mineral fertilizer and scatter it along a rigorous circle, and then shed water well.

    As such trimming Juniper is not required (another thing - haircut and making the plant of a certain form), except in early spring need to carry out sanitation, in other words, to crop all the dried and broken twigs (although some gardeners do it and late autumn).

    If you notice that some twig dismissed, but still alive, then it is not necessary to cut it out, you can simply pull the rope. After a certain time, it will return to the original position again.

    Important! Essential oil in the resin juniper is enough caustic, so before pruning, it is definitely in order to dress the dense tarpaulin mittens and wrappers. Otherwise, long-term irritation may appear in the hands.

    In the care of juniper, his crucial role is played antifungal treatment. They must be performed regularly, and not wait until the fungus appears. It is especially important to spray it with fungicides (for example, a systemic fungicide Topxin - M) after warm and wet weather, as well as late autumn.

    By the way! At the end of winter and early spring, the juniper can get sunburn, in other words, maybe burn(So \u200b\u200boften happens in Siberia), so it should be pronounced. For example, sketching onto the plant burlap or installing the screens. Only in no way notfollow Use agrovolokBecause it is as if I miss ultraviolet.

    Video: Correct juniper care in open ground

    Important!Find all the detailed information about the preparation of juniper by winter (shelter, trimming) you can in this material.

    What is better to plant - Juniper or Tyu?

    Many gardeners, when they begin to think about, what kind of swable is better to plant in its plot, they cannot decide - juniper or still. Let's try to figure out the differences and advantages of landing each of them.

    And juniper, and thuja belong to the same family - cypressov, so in many respects they are similar.

    In shape and sizes

    For example, Tui Western Column is very similar to the rock juniper Blue Arrow, they have equally smooth and clear high silhouettes.

    Left - Juniper Blue Arrow, right - Tuya Column And Juniper Chinese Strickt with a skillful haircut can be made completely similar to the cone Western Tuyu Smaragd.

    Left - Western Thuja Smaragd, Right - Juniper Chinese Strict If the spherical juniper has not yet taken out, then the thuja is quite widely represented - it is a globo, and Woodward, and miniature Teddy.

    Tuya Teddy

    But the juniper has a huge range of sprawl and pop crowns. These include the following: Cossack, Virginian Hetz, scaly Blue Carpet.

    Scaly Blue Carpet

    Over coloring (color)

    In addition to natural (standard) green color, juniper and thuja today can be actual any color: both green and blue, and yellow.

    For example, Tuya Miriyami is a green thuja with yellow tips.

    Juniper Blue End Gold - a plant with blue and yellow tops.

    On use in landscape design

    Juniper, as a rule, plant either by single plants or "loose" groups of several bushes.

    The use of juniper as a living hedge is quite limited: the price is high and grows very slowly, so it is better for this thuja of such varieties like Column and Brabant.

    If you need to make a slope on your household plot, decorate the alpine hill or rocque, then the optimal choice will be peeling or soil varieties of juniper.

    Under the conditions of cultivation and care

    Tuya perfectly tolerates dusty and rolled air of urban streets, so it is very often used for landscaping large cities and industrial centers. On the contrary, juniper will suffer and gain from dusty and gas-free air, so they are usually planted only in country areas.

    Juniper is an exceptionally light-minded, frost-resistant, drought-resistant and non-demanding plant to soil conditions. This is explained by the fact that its root system leaves a few meters inside the soil and from there gets all the necessary meals.

    Thuya is a moisture and light-affiliated plant, which can relatively successfully grown into the shade, but it is noticeably more demanding to soil. If the earth is not good and poor, then for normal development, the plant will need to be additionally regularly faded.

    In general, the thuja, and juniper are considered enough unpretentious coniferous plants. However, young, newly planted seedlings for the winter should warm and strengthen, especially if you live in a cold climate.

    For useful properties

    Juniper is more useful than thuja. Because the phytoncides, highlighted by his cheese, kill almost all pathogenic microbes. Folk Medicine often use juniper chish-berries, which have diuretic and disinfectant properties. Useful during the flu epidemic to chew 1 yoke per day, it will significantly reduce the risk of the disease. These berries are also used in cooking: they make kvass, beer and gin, are used to smoke meat (6-8 pieces per 1 kg of meat), and also make juniper brooms for the bath.

    By the way!Juniper can live up to 1000 years, while Tui, as a rule, live up to a maximum of 100 years.

    Video: What is better to plant - Juniper or Tyu

    In compliance with all the rules for landing and care for juniper in the open ground, you will have in your summer cottage this is a beautiful plant that will delight you with your own kind and make an atmosphere in your garden healing and beneficial.

    Video: Current Secrets and Features of Juniper Care

    Beautiful juniper, landing and care in the open soil for which are not too complex at first glance, still require attention from the gardener to please the owners with a beautiful and healthy view and, you need to know how to do it right, at what time, in autumn or In the spring, than to feed the plant, how to transplant to a new place, how to spray from yellowing and rust, how pruning is done, etc.

    How to put juniper in open ground

    Landing into an open soil labor-intensive process with a multitude of nuances, which will allow you to enjoy a beautiful plant in the country or in the garden.

    The best time to plant juniper is the beginning of spring, when frosts are already over, but the weather is not too warm. An excellent option will be the period when snow melts. Of course, you can plant a plant and later, but then there is a danger of burning of needles. It should be said that in a later period you need to plant a young man.

    Many are interested in the question of how to plant juniper in the fall. In this case, the plant may not have time to take care, as a result will die. It is important to note if the juniper has a closed root system, it can be planted at any time of the year.

    When choosing a plot for juniper, take care of the constant sun. The sun rays should shine on the plant all day. Only on hot summer days, some varieties of juniper require shading.

    From how much light it hits the plant, its appearance depends. If a shadow prevails on the site, then the plant will feel bad. Pestro Painted Juniper will cease to have the original color of the needles.

    As for the choice of the soil, the specified view is played here. Thus, for the Cossack, ordinary and Central Asian varieties of juniper, the soil is required, which includes the dolomite flour or hated lime.

    Juniper Siberian loves sandy or sandy soil, for Virgin - a clay land with a compost is suitable.

    The remaining species are good, if in the soil add peat, sand, protective layer with peat and wood chips to create an acidic reaction.

    The plant is sold in various tanks. The most suitable for landing is the plant in the tars, the volume of pots of 5 liters with a closed root system. If you buy a seedling with an open root system, be sure to check the roots, they have white and strong enough. Do not buy juniper, if you noticed damage on it.

    When you plan to disembark the plants of large size, you will use certain skills or help from a specialist. These plants are pre-grown in the ground, and to sell them, you need to dig.

    True, experts do not recommend landing grown adult plants. This is due to the fact that during the growth of roots go far into the ground, when digging, the main root is often damaged, which leads to the fact that the juniper dies after a transplant. Therefore, adult juniper need to plant in winter with a frozen soil apartment. The landing at such a time allows you to increase the chances of good survival and healthy development in the future.

    Remember, before landing, it is necessary to richly moisten with water, somewhere 2 hours before the start of planning.

    Prepare a place in advance. Drop the pit in it, the size of which directly depends on the dimensions of the plant. For example, a hole of 1m × 1m is suitable for a young plant, 50 cm deep. Experts recommend to make a pit 2 times more soil coma.

    At the very bottom of the pit, where it is planned to plant a plant, drainage is added, a layer of about 20 cm (it is better to use a broken brick, a pebble of large sizes and sand). Free space is filled with an alocated soil. Such soil is suitable for any kind.

    When placed, be very neat, do not damage the root system and the earthen com. Watch that young plants have a root neck in the surface of the Earth, and in adult copies - towered somewhere by 10 cm.

    Then we abundantly water water. The area near the barrel is covered with a protective layer (mulch), which can be peat, pine bark, siner, sawdust, crushed bumps or cedar shells. Mulch in thickness should be 10 cm.

    Transplanting juniper from the forest is not of great difficulty, the main thing is to follow the rules:

    1. Only young and small plants are suitable for transplant, because they have not yet formed a large root system
    2. After you choose a plant, be sure to mark it with a sunny side (so as not to get confused, before digging), and plan the exact same side
    3. Digging the plant with the land of the earth, place it in a film or burlap, wrap and tie
    4. Landing perfect as well as in the case of a plant purchased in the nursery

    Juniper, garden care and dacha

    Sades appreciate juniper for its beauty and for ease of care. Adhering to some rules of care, you can grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

    Juniper has been without water for a long time, but in the summer period it should be carried out at least 1 time in 30 days. As practice shows, it happens much more often, especially in hot sultry weather you need to water the plants every day.

    Sometimes it should be sprayed with ordinary water from the spray. Spraying is better to spend weekly in the morning or in the evening, so as not to burn the green part of the shrub.

    In the spring, the soil fertilize nitroammophos in proportion of 45 grams per 1 sq.m. In summer, organic fertilizers and minerals can be used if the plant requires. Fertilize the soil if the juniper grows poorly.

    As for transplantation, the juniper is very bad, therefore it is carried out only if necessary. For this, be sure to prepare the soil - in equal proportions, mix the sand, coniferous ground and peat. After the transplant is a pretty water with water.

    Trimming Juniper does not require, you only need to remove dry branches. If you want to create a beautiful crown, then you can not cut too much, the plant will get sick.

    In winter, a young juniper is covered with Loutrastil, an adult plant is simply tied up so that the branches do not crumble under the weight of snow. If there are a lot of snow, then sometimes shaking the plant.

    Spring's offensive is a dangerous period, the sun can burn hive. To avoid this, sample juniper with cloth or burlap. When the snow is completely coming down, the burlap can be removed. Clean the rolling circle, clean the protective layer so that no root is dropping. Redoins and brand land. After drying the soil, you can pour a new protective layer.

    Now you know dear readers that juniper, landing and care for which is not difficult, can please you with a beautiful view of many years.

    • View: conifer
    • Flowering period: May
    • Height: 1.5-30m
    • Green colour
    • Perennial
    • Winter
    • Teoteluby
    • Resistant to drought

    Unlike the southern and tropical regions, in the northern latitudes of coniferous rocks, a special place is given in the garden landscape - in the offseason and winter only they can revive the garden with their paints. Evergreen conifers are usually the "garden soloists" due to the rich color of the needles, varying from dark emerald to silver-gray and golden. No exception - juniper, with a wide range of shades of crown and successfully complementing the "all-season" garden - a garden, designed to be attractive at any time of the year. Landing and care for juniper - the processes are not easy - knowledge of the nuances allows you to grow a swift of high decorativeness, which is profitable inscribed in the landscape design.

    Spherical, pyramidal, cone-shaped, molding or flocking - the shape of the juniper crown can be any, which expands the possibilities of landscape design in the formation of compositions expressive in its geometry. Combining only conifers, you can comply with the original garden, bright in identity and stylistics: landscape or regular, avant-garde or classical, ethnic or modernist.

    Alpinarium, created with the combination of juniper with other types of conifers, will win at any time of the year

    Coniferous plants adversely decorate the garden, creating a calm and elegant landscape. Large conesoid or columnary juniper will be good in a single or group landing, speaking as a center for landscape composition. Soon the single juniper in the form of Topiaria. A single overall plant is always a dominant in garden design, which is desirable to surround smaller plants.

    Group landing of the scaly juniper variety of boats with its conesoid crown will benefitly complement the rocarium composition

    Juniper with a crown geometric shape looks well in the garden with a regular layout, creating species points and emphasizing the correctness of the abbris. In the landscape gardens, cone-shaped and spherical juniper are well adjacent to the less "official" perennial plants, and the spread-shaped varieties will give a border, mountaineering or expressive water.

    They are often used in planting livestocks (molded, freely growing) and mixboraders, the design of the foreground of the alpine slides and chains, to outline lawns or flower borders.

    Combining molded and unformed juniper with an exotic crown you can create a spectacular roccage

    Dwarf juniper in the form of compact bonsai and Topiari are indispensable when bookmarking the garden in oriental style - they will benefitly decorate the rocky composition and branching tracks, winning with soil and low-spirited plants: stimples, cramps, cramps, cloves, flocks and cereals.

    Juniper with beautiful color crowns:

    • blue-silver rock juniper Blue Arrow variety,
    • sIZO-Gray Skyrocket Skyrocket
    • horizontal juniper some kinds (Andorra Compact, Blue Chip) in winter becomes purple,
    • the sprawling juniper golden tone Pfitzeriana aurea looks advantaged on the background of lawn.

    The spectacular crown of juniper does not require frequent trimming, but varieties growing in the form of a living hedge are cut regularly: in the middle of summer and in the spring, removing dry and some side branches, knocking out the crown formable. If the juniper grows in the garden as bonsai, then the haircut is performed in April-May and in October-November.

    Selection of Juniper Sort for Landing

    When choosing a type of juniper for landing in the garden, it is necessary to have complete information about its characteristics: winter hardiness, the size of the plant in adult form, form and color of the crown, conditions of cultivation and care. Juniper, who bring to us from Western European nurseries, can be both sufficiently resistant to the harsh winters characteristic of the middle strip, and non-lustful, successfully growing without shelter only in the southern regions.

    After purchasing a new conifer plant (even frost-resistant), experienced gardeners are recommended to cover it on the first wintering of a spruce vegetable or burlap, tumming the branch to avoid sunburns of the needles and damage the crown of snow.

    Juniper medium variety Gold Coast, having a golden cheese, expressively contrasts with more emerald greens

    Employees of the Botanical Gardens of Russia allocated suitable and unsuitable for growing in domestic latitudes of juniper varieties.

    Winter-resistant juniper (Juniperus):

    • ordinary (J. Communis),
    • cossack (J. Sabina),
    • scaly (J. Squmata),
    • horizontal (J. horizontalis),
    • siberian (J. Sibirica),
    • chinese (J. Chinensis),
    • solid (J. Rigida),
    • virgin (J. Virginiana).

    Unim-resistant juniper:

    • turkestan (J. Turkestanica),
    • inclined (J. Procumbens),
    • zeravshanica (J. Seravshanica),
    • red (J. oxycedrus).

    Successful rooting and growth of juniper largely depends on the quality of purchased seedlings. When purchasing planting material, pay attention to such moments:

    1. Plants with an open root system is better not to buy.
    2. It is advisable to purchase juniper in a container or with an earthen room wrapped in burlap.
    3. The root system and branches must be visible to the current year.
    4. On the trunk of the plant should not be cracks.
    5. Fresh shoots should be flexible and harmful.
    6. The color of the crown should be uniform, without browning enclosures and white flakes at the base of the needles.
    7. It is recommended to choose the plants that were grown in the container, and not in the open soil, and then simply shifted into the container.

    Juniper with an open root system are planted in early spring or autumn, and seedlings with an earthen room - throughout the entire period from spring to autumn. For the northern regions, the planting in the spring is optimal - so the seedman will have time to take care to move the winter more successfully.

    Combining juniper with various coloring needles, you can form an unusual for color and the shape of a live fence

    Seducted landing technology

    Due to its decorativeness, juniper is a good choice for a young garden, when a group of several conifers can immediately fill the emptiness in the landscape and form an attractive composition. For landing of light-loving juniper, pick up an open, well-lit garden zone, with a sublinous or soup light soil - nutritious and sufficiently moistened.

    Live molded hedge from a silver-blue juniper will be a catchy element of the landscape design of the garden

    If the soil is clay and heavy, then a mixture of garden land, peat, sand and coniferous land is added to the planting hole (loose soils with needles collected under fir or pines in the forest). At the same time, the soil is pre-drained, falling asleep on the bottom of the landing pit a broken brick or sand. Juniper grow well and on skinny soils, can easily carry drought, but moisture stagnation in the soil is destroyed for them.

    The most successful ground mixture for the landing of juniper: 2 pieces of the turf, 2 parts of humus, 2 peat parts, 1 part of the sand. It is also desirable to add 150 g of Kemira-Universal to the mixture and 300 g of nitroposki, as well as epin after landing (for optimal survival) for each seedling.

    Horizontal juniper with a splashing crown successfully fit into the design of the zone at the pond

    The dimensions of the landing well depend on the size of the root system of juniper, for example, for large species dig a pit of about 60 × 80 cm. Plant plant quickly, so that the root system does not have to dry, but carefully, so as not to damage the earthen com or young roots. After disembarking into the open soil, juniper is abundantly watered and covered with direct sunlight.

    The detection of juniper on the site depends on the landscape composition - whether it will be a live fence, solitary or group landing. For juniper, the distance between planting seedlings is selected in the range from 0.5 to 2 m. For a small garden, it is better to stay on compact views of juniper.

    Growing juniper from seeds

    When collecting juniper seeds for sowing, it is important to observe the time intervals - it is better to prepare not completely eliminated seeds at the end of summer than finally breathing - in autumn. So the probability of germination will be more. The assembled planting material must be immediately sulky, but you need to be ready for the fact that due to the solid shell, the juniper seeds will take place only 2-3 years after sowing.

    The group landing of the Chinese juniper will revive the garden in the off-season and winter

    You can plant on the juniper area, dug in the forest, pre-denoted on its trunk orientation in parts of the world in order to simulate as much as possible when the features of its growth in the natural medium are changed. The native land should be large, with a preserved overhead layer.

    How to apply fertilizers

    Subject to the choice of juniper varieties, resistant to domestic climatic conditions, care for young plants is minimal - juniper almost do not hurt and are not amazed by pests, do not require intensive feeding and spraying. In the future, it is enough just to provide watering juniper in dry years and 2-3 times for the season to support it with nitric or complex fertilizers.

    Different varieties of juniper have a different dyed cheese, but it looks particularly beautiful to the needle of a syszo-blue shade

    In no case cannot fertilize the coniferous rocks of bird or cow water - from this juniper root is burning, and the plant dies. Also can also be loosened the soil around juniper - due to the fact that the root system of conifers belongs to the surface type, the feeding of the barrel will deteriorate, and the plant will begin to wake. For juniper, it is enough to mulch the soil of coniferous ground, harvested in the forest.

    Care in winter

    In the winter season, the formed crowns of juniper under the weight of snow can be filled with some branches - break. In order to avoid such troubles, the crowns of formed juniper in the fall in advance are tied up. Separate types of juniper are sensitive to day and night temperatures in early spring, active winter and spring sun and require shelter in February-March. The needles burns lead to a change in the green crown of conifers on a brown-yellow shade and, therefore, to the loss of decorative juniper.

    Horizontal juniper Velose variety acts as a soil plate for alpinaria

    If the kidneys of a conifer with a sunrobe remains alive, then young shoots gradually cover the burnt places, but if the kidneys died, then the branches affected by frosts need to be cut off to healthy wood and treat garden worship.

    So that the juniper's needle retains the brightness in winter, the plant must be regularly water, fertilized in the spring and at the end of the summer with granulated baits, and chew to spray with microfertres.

    Gardeners practice such types of juniper shelter for the winter:

    1. Snow. An excellent option for miniature and peeling forms - snow is simply pounce on the branch of the conifer. But with abundant snowfall, it is recommended to make a protective framework.
    2. Napnik. Fasten on the branches of tiers, moving from below to the top of the juniper.
    3. Nonwoven and woven materials. Roughs are wrapped with spunbond, burlap, craft paper (in two layers), bright cotton cloth and tied with a rope, leaving the bottom of the crown open. It is impossible to use the film - the plant will chant.
    4. Screen. It is installed with the maximum lit side of the plant.

    For the shelter of the juniper, Loutrasil will not fit - it misses the sun's rays, not entirely successful shelter and from cardboard boxes. According to the experience of gardeners, the metallized insulation used for laying laminate is perfectly suitable as shelter for conifers. To do this, in October (so far, the Earth is not yet frowning) around juniper drive pegs, and the plant is wrapped in November.

    Horizontal juniper bar Harbor with rounded crown effectively added solitary landing of the deciduous breed

    Frost-resistant sorts of juniper, non-burning in the sun: Cossack, medium varieties (Hettsi, Old Gold, Mint Julep), Chinese Gold Star, Print Pendula and Pfitzerian. Heavily burning in the winter and spring sun of the subspecies of the ordinary juniper.

    Location on flowerbed: 8 beautiful schemes

    Cossack juniper - one of the most frost-resistant varieties, ideal for landing in the middle lane of Russia

    Colonid Juniper Hiburic acts as a focal point on the flower bed

    On the Klumba, you can combine several types of juniper: rock, horizontal, Chinese - any combination will be successful

    1. Thuja Western "Holmstrup". 2. Barbaris Tunberg "Red Chief". 3. Pine mountain "MOPS". 4. Juniper Middle OLD GOLD. 5. Juniper Cossack "Tamariscifolia". 6. Soil Perennials (Msanka, Clamp)

    1. Juniper rock "Blue Arrow". 2. Juniper rock molded "SkyRocket". 3. Juniper scaly molded "Meyeri". 4. Pine mountain "MOPS". 5. Juniper horizontal "Blue Chip". 6. Juniper leaning "Nana"

    1. Juniper Chinese "Blaauw" or "Blue Alps". 2. Thuja western "stolwijk" or "rheingold". 3. Thuja eastern Aurea Nana. 4. Spruce Canadian "Conica". 5. Tuya Western "Tiny Tim" or "Little Champion". 6. Pine mountain "GNOM". 7. Fir spiny "Glauca Globosa" or European "Nidiformis". 8. Juniper horizontal "Blue Chip" or "Prince of Wales". 9. Juniper horizontal "Wiltonii". 10. Dammer's Kiznameser. 11. Soil roses. 12. Flowers: Petunia, Flox Shilovoid, Own, Timyan, Verbena. 13. Spiray "Snowmound"

    Juniper with the original crown plays the role of an accent on the alpine slide

    1. Juniper Cossack molded. 2. Sybold cleans. 3. Cancer caustic. 4. Iris dwarf. 5. Iris garden (bearded, average). 6. Primula ORC. 7. Iberis evergreen. 8. Lugovik Folder. 9. Hybrid mounted. 10. Furious stone. 11. Muscari Khokholkova. 12. Bell spooncase

    Species and varieties of juniper

    The decorativeness of landing from juniper substantially depends on the correctly selected variety - its dimensions, taking into account the growing, the shape of the crown, color and invoic textures. Varieties belonging to one type of juniper can vary significantly in their external characteristics - it is also worth considering.

    Juniper scaly:

    • Maeii. Height 1 m, growth rate of 10 cm per year. Needle silver blue. Mixborons and bonsai.
    • Blue Carpet. Height 0.6 m, diameter 2-2.5 m. Pretty branched crown. Necklot-blue needles. Unpretentious, rapidly growing. Lower tier landscape compositions.

    Juniper Middle:

    • Old Gold. Height 0.4 m, diameter 1 m. Wide round crown of yellow-gold color. Single landing on the lawn, in the mountaineers.
    • Mint Julele. Height of 1.5 m, diameter 2-3 m. Spicy crown with curved branches and scaly green cheese. Group landings, alpine slides, a shotgling of tall shrubs.
    • Gold Star. Height is 1 m, a diameter of 2.5 m. A low-spirited shrub with an empty crown and a golden-green tone cheese. Low shredded or unformed living hedges, decoration of waste canal and drainage wells.
    • Pfitzerian compact. The height is 0.8 m, the diameter of 1.5-2 m. Spanish crown, a mental green needle. Racely grows, it moves well with a haircut. Borders, curtains from evergreen plants with different color of needles, molded and unformed alive hedges, organization of the lower tier in large-scale landscape compositions.

    Red cedar:

    • Hetz. Height 1 m, diameter 2-2.5 m. Grocery 30 cm per year. Rasky rounded crown rounded with scaly silver-blue cheese. It takes a haircut well. Single and group landing.
    • Canheracy. Height 5-7 m, diameter 2-3 m. Annual increase of 30 cm. Columnious crown with dark green housing. Soliter, groups, alive hedges.
    • Gray Oul. Height 1M, diameter 2.5 m. Groost 20 cm per year. Crawn with scaly silver-blue cheese and purple escapes. Molded compositions.

    Juniper horizontal:

    • Blue chip. Height 0.4 m, diameter 2 m. The low-speed dwarf shrub with a need-shaped cheese of a sisovato-blue tone. Alpinariums, heather gardens, retaining walls.
    • Blue Forest. Height 0.3 m, diameter 1.5. Pulling soil crown with blue cheese. Strengthening the slopes, lower alpinarium tiers, container landing.
    • Andorra Compact. Height 0.4 m, diameter 1.5 m. Plate-core pillow-shaped crown with blue-gray scaly cheese. Low borders, decoration of the slopes and tiers of the garden.
    • Andorra Compact verries. Height 0.4 m, diameter 1.5 m. Pillow-shaped crown with radiant shoots and bright green cheese with whiten splashes on the tips of the branches. Mixed groups, stony gardens.
    • Wiltony. Height 0.1 m, diameter 2 m. Branched twisted crown with silver-emerald cheese. Large groups, mountaineering, juniper lawns.

    Juniper Chinese:

    • Strict. The height is 2.5 m, the diameter of 1.5 m. Cone-shaped crown with a greenish blue cheese. Single and group landings, cultivation in vases.
    • Obelisk. Height 3 m, diameter 1.2-1.5 m. Column-like Crown with a sisovo-green housing.
    • Monarch. Height 2 m, diameter 1.5 m. Asymmetric column-like crown. Single and group landing.
    • Kurivao Gold. Height 2 m, diameter 2 m. Spanish openwork crown of rounded shape with green cheese and young shoots of a golden shade. Single landing, mixed and conifer groups, mountaineering.

    Juniper rock Skyrocket. Height 3 m, diameter 0.7 m. Annual increase of 10-20 cm. Pyramidal crown with a short bluish-green cheese. Vertical focus in alpinearia, allery landings, on lawns, in contrast compositions and alive hedges.

    Juniper ordinary Hisberry. Height 3-5 m, diameter 1-1.2 m. Column-like crown with bluish-steel barbed cheese. Soliter on lawns, group landings and compositions with deciduous rocks.

    Juniper Cossack. Height 1 m, diameter 2 m. Spicy crown with herbal-green cheese. Live hedges, single and group landings.

    A variety of paints and molds of juniper allows you to create spectacular landscape compositions, combining them with other coniferous and leafy types of shrubs or trees, as well as flowers and other garden plants.

    Such a plant as juniper (Juniperus) is still called Archa or Vesses. It is related to the nature of evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of a family of cypress. In nature, they can be met in the northern hemisphere from the Arctic to the subtropical mountain areas. In the classification, the StarioThine name of this plant "Juniper" retained Karl Linney, it was mentioned in the writings of the poet Vergil, who lived in ancient Rome. This genus is currently united by about 70 species of various plants. Most species are preferred to grow only in mountain areas, but the tree belonging to this family has a height of about 15 meters and is found in the forests of Central Asia and America, as well as in the Mediterranean. Externally, this plant is similar to cypress, and it can live 600-3 thousand years. In places where juniper grows, the air is incredibly clean. In antiquity it was believed that juniper is a number one tool from the bite of a snake, it was used in Russia for the manufacture of dishes, the milk in which did not dislike even in the heat. Different funds from diseases have long been made from the root, binding and essential oil of the plant. The juniper fractures are widely used in cooking, as seasoning to meat dishes, as well as in the preparation of sauces, marinades, soups, pates and liqueurs. Wood defined species of this plant is used in the manufacture of pencils, canes and various crafts.

    Features of juniper (shrub)

    Juniper shrub is more popular with gardeners, its height can reach 1-3 meters. But sometimes tree forms are found in the gardens, the height of such a plant is 4-8 meters, but in some cases it happens about 12 meters. A straight stem is branched. In young copies, the bark has a brown-red color, and in the old plant she brings. The need-shaped or scratched leaflets are collected several pieces in a muve. Such a shrub is two-one. Fragrant with pleasant spicy taste Women's oval cones in diameter reach 0.5-0.9 centimeters, they are painted in green. Men's cones are similar to the elongated spikelets of oval shape, having a saturated yellow color and placed in leafy sinuses. The ripening of data is hidden occurs in the second year. Inside, they have a dozen seeds, while on the surface there are tightly closed fleshy scales.

    Many different types of such a plant are cultivated, while it is grown on the street and in the house. So, for example, bonsai from juniper use very popular.

    Landing juniper

    What time to plant

    Planting a seedling in the garden is recommended to produce in spring time (April or May). And such a shrub can be planted at the autumn time (October). This plant loves the light very much, but the Juniper ordinary can grow in a slightly shaded place. There are no special requirements for the soil. However, it is recommended to choose a loose, wet, lime or sandy land for it. The acidity of the soil must be within the pH of 4.5-7 (depending on the type and variety of juniper).

    Saplings juniper

    For the landing in the garden, seedlings were suitable for 3-4 years. It is recommended to buy them in garden centers or nurseries who have proven themselves well. In the event that the seedlock is in the container, the volume of which ranges from 3 to 5 liters, it is good to take root and quickly begins to grow. If you use quite large seedlings, you will need a certain experience for their landing, and they will be much slower. Carefully inspect the seedling before buying. In the event that there are any signs of the disease, then such an instance is better not to acquire. Having planting a plant, try to keep the earth on its roots as much. The fact is that if the soil falls around, it will lead to injury to the tips of the roots, as a result of a seedling will be hurting for a long time and as a result is capable of perishing. If the seedlock is planted in a container, then its landing in the garden can be made at any time during the season, but good days are better excluded. Before planting a plant, its root system should be loaded into the water for a couple of hours. Young seedlings with open roots are recommended to plant in spring time or in the last summer days in wet weather. If desired, the roots of the shrub can be treated with a means that stimulates the growth of the roots, (corneser) immediately before planting.

    How to land

    If the plant is grown large enough, then between the bushes should be left 150-200 centimeters. If compact bushes, then the distance between them should be about 50 centimeters. The shoe depth directly depends on the value of the land of the seedling, and its size should exceed the root system in 2 or 3 times. If the seedlock is not very big, then it is enough for a hole 50x50x50 centimeters. For a half months before disembarking at the bottom of the landing pitch, lay a layer of broken brick and sand for drainage, while its height should be from 15 to 20 centimeters. After that, on 2/3, the hole is filled with zmlesmain, saturated with nutrients consisting of sand, delicate clay land and peat (1: 1: 2), in which you need to pour from 200 to 300 grams of nitroammofoski and mix well. If you land Juniper Verginsky, then in the soil you need to pour ½ part of the compost bucket. At the same time, if his disembarkation is produced into the poor sandy ground, then you still need to pour and half ancara clay. When landing the juniper Cossacks in the soil, you need to pour from 200 to 300 grams of dolomite flour. After a half months, the soil sediment will occur and it is necessary to plant a seedling. In the hole should be placed and fill it with a soil of similar composition, but without fertilizer. After planting a large seedling, its root neck should rise above the level of soil by 5-10 centimeters. In the case when the plant is not very large, after disembarking, its root neck must be on the same level with the surface of the soil. The planted juniper should be pouring, and when the liquid is absorbed, you need to float the surface of the priority circle to float the layer of mulch (sawdust, peat or pinch), its thickness should be from 5 to 8 centimeters.

    How to care for the garden


    It's easy to grow a juniper. During the season, watering should be made only in long heat, and 1-2 water buckets are taken to 1 adult copy. Juniper favorably responds to moisturizing foliage, which is recommended to produce 1 time per week, especially this procedure is required by Juniper Chinese and ordinary. Periodically, the surface of the soil of the priority circle should be loosened and it is necessary to pull the weed grass. It is recommended to feed juniper, recommended in spring time, for this, on the surface of the priority circle, it is necessary to distribute from 30 to 40 grams of nitroammophos. Fertilizer is close in the soil, and then necessarily watered. In the event that the plant is planted into a very poor soil, it should be fertilized by this way throughout the growing season, but at the same time a break in the feeding should be at least 4 weeks.


    Crunching juniper, as a rule, is produced in the case when they want to make a live fence from this shrub. In other cases, pruning should not be performed. However, in the event that you want to form a bush, then you need to be extremely careful. The fact is that if you doomed something more superfluous, then a lot of time will go to the restoration, as this is a slow-growing plant. Experienced specialists are recommended to carry out sanitary and thinning trimming, and you can also fill those branches that are too long either look slightly.

    Features Transplant

    It happens that an adult plant has to transplant to another place. It should be remembered that the adult transplant plant is a big stress, and even more so for juniper. Is it possible to transplant shrub so to harm him as little as possible? On how to prepare the landing pit for a given plant, and what kind of value it should be described above. The bush itself is also necessary to prepare for transplant. In the spring time, it is necessary to retreat from the trunk either a bush from 30 to 40 centimeters, then take a sharp shovel and with it, it is sad to the depth of the bayonet. Thus, you can separate the peripheral young roots from the juniper root system. Then you need to wait until the autumn or next spring period is on. During this time inside the Coma of the Earth, which was cut off, will have time to grow young roots. As a result, the plant will be able to transplant almost painlessly.

    Harmful insects and diseases

    Often, this shrub is amazed by such a fungal disease as rust. In contaminated bushes on shoots, cones, coarse and skeletal branches, thickening of the spindle-shaped form appear. The root neck appears bloating and influx, while they dry on their surface, crept on, as a result, not very deep wounds are exposed. Infected branches dry and die, while the needles are painted in a brown color and falls. In the event that the plant is not treated, it will die. In order to prevent this as soon as the disease is noticed, it is necessary to cut the infected branches, while the wounds and sections are disinfected using a solution of copper sulphate (1%), and after that they need to smear the garden ward or rubbish. Those branches that were cut, must be destroyed. In prophylactic purposes, the juniper is recommended to spray in spring and autumn time with a burglar mixture (1%) or a means of similar effect. Also, the shrub may suffer from alternaria, spit, netrion of branches, biatherell cancer and drying of branches. All these diseases can be cured just like rust. It should be remembered that if you care for a shrub, he does not get infected with any diseases and pests.

    On juniper can live insects such as:

    1. Mining mole. From it you can get rid of the decisions of the decis (on the water bucket of 2.5 grams of matter). Processing should be carried out 2 times with a break in a half months.
    2. Aphid. In this case, the processing should be carried out just 2 times with a break in 2 weeks with a solution of phytodeterm (on 1 water bucket 2 grams of substance).
    3. Cobbled tick. An infected plant should be treated with karate solution (on 1 water bucket 50 grams of matter).
    4. Shields. To destroy, the carbofos solution should be used (on 1 water bucket of 70 grams).

    Features of growing in Moscow

    Growing juniper in Moscow and Moscow region, where the climate is quite cool, it does not differ especially. Wintering this plant tolerates well, but young plants are still recommended for the winter.

    Reproduction of juniper

    How can you propagate

    Saplings of this plant can be purchased quite easily, and therefore there is no particular need to use various methods of breeding juniper. But if you still want to grow juniper with your own hands, then you need to remember that it is possible to propagate the sharpening forms can be laid, and woody and bushes are green cuttings and seeds.

    Reproduction of juniper seeds

    Before heating the seeds of this plant, they must be prepared. To do this, stratification should be subjected to them, and it will take cold. In the box filled with land, you need to sink seeds, then this container is carried out on the street and placed under the snowy snowdrobe. There, seeds should stay 4-5 months. Prepared seeds sowed in an open ground in May. If you wish, in May, you can make seeds of unprepared seeds, but in this case you need to know that the first shoots will appear only the next year. Some types of such plants have seeds have a rather dense shell in connection with this before planting, they must be said. Thus, to accelerate germination on seeds, they affect acid or mechanically damaged the shell. So, the most often used method when the seeds are put between two boards, upholstered from the inside of the sandpaper. Then they need to be lost. After the seeds subjected to stratification, they are sown in the ground, while the depth of the sealing should be from 2 to 3 centimeters. It is easy to care for the sinky seeds. It is necessary to pour the surface of the bed of a layer of mulch, watering if necessary, during the first 14 days it is necessary to protect the bed from the direct rays of the sun. It is also necessary to systematically loose the surface of the garden and pull the weed grass. At a three years of age, it will be possible to transplant the seedling for a permanent place, moved it along with the earthlings.

    The reproduction of juniper cuttings

    The decorative forms of seeds do not multiply, for this use cuttings. They should be prepared in spring time, while cutting cuttings from young shoots, which managed to weave. The length of the cutting should be from 5 to 7 centimeters, while it should necessarily present 1 or 2 interstices, as well as the heel. For this cutlets should not be cut off, and it is dried with his hands in such a way that a piece of cortion from the parent plant remains at its end. Immediately the cuttings need to be processed by means of stimulating the growth of the roots. The prepared material for the landing is planted according to the 7x7 scheme in the landfill, consisting of sand and peat (humoring) taken into the ratio of 1: 1, while the surface should be sprinkled with coarse-grained sand (layer thickness from 3 to 4 centimeters). After landing, each cutlets separately need to be covered with a jar of glass. It is necessary to plunge cuttings by 15-20 mm, in connection with this, the rooting will occur in the sandy layer. To the occurrence of the autumn period, the cuttings are rooted, but a transplantation on a permanent place can be carried out only after 2 years.

    Reproduction with chains

    If the juniper is fluttering, then it is quite possible to use gods for its reproduction. At the same time, the plant is propagated by this method during the entire period of active growth. For melting, you need to choose young, barely ripe branches, as they give roots very quickly. First you need to explode the surface of the soil around the plant, mix it with loose peat and river sand, and then moisturize. To the height of 20 centimeters, from the base of the tank, it is necessary to free it from the needles, then this part should be burned to the surface of the soil and secure with spills. After 6-12 months, the grooves will give the root, but during this time it should be systematically watering, as well as dip. After young shoots grow on a tap, they will need to be disconnected from the parent plant and land at a permanent place.

    Wintering juniper in the country


    In autumn, this plant should be started to prepare for wintering. For this, pruning juniper under health purposes is made, while the injured, dried and growing branches and shoots are cut. Then the plant and the surface of the priority circle of the burglar solution (1%) is carried out in order to prevent various diseases and harmful insects.


    Juniper has stability to frost. In areas with mild winters it is not necessary to cover it, but the branches should be shy with a twine. Young plants for the winter are recommended to cover the nest.

    The main types and varieties of juniper with photos

    In landscape design, the juniper is very popular, so specialists try to bring new more interesting varieties and forms. Many natural types of gardeners are also quite successfully grown on their garden sites. Below will be the most popular species, varieties and forms of this plant, as well as their brief description.

    Juniperus Communis

    This shrub either tree whose height can vary from 5 to 10 meters. The barrel in diameter reaches 20 centimeters. The tree has a dense cone-shaped crown, and the shrub is egg-shaped. The fibrous bark is painted in a brownish gray color, while shooting a brown-red. Green, pointed, needle needle is trigger. The needle length can reach 15 mm, and they are kept on the branches for 4 years. Flowering is observed in May. Women's flowers are painted in green, and men's - in yellow. The life expectancy of this plant is about 200 years. The cones of a rounded shape in diameter reaches 10 mm, while immature they have a green color, and mature - iscin-black, there is a plaque from wax on their surface. Varieties of this plant:

    1. Depress (pressed) - This is a flourishing shape in height can reach 100 centimeters. Shells do not have such long and thin, like the main species.
    2. Montana - Such a fluttering form in height reaches 20 centimeters. Three-edged branches thick and unintended.
    3. Green Carpet. - This dwarf flipping shrub has a flat shape crown. Its soft needles painted in pale green. For 10 years, the plant can grow only 10 centimeters in height. In this case, the crown in diameter can reach 150 centimeters.
    4. Columnaris - This is a colonum shape. The plant has a stupid vertex, 150 centimeters reaches high, and in width - 30 centimeters. On ascending shoots there is a short needle, below it is greenish-blue, and at the top has a whitish blue strip.

    There is also a very large number of varieties and forms are a species, for example: Horstmann, ehreta, Nana Aurea, Meyer, Pyramidalis, Repanda, Santinel, and others.

    Juniperus Virginiana (Juniperus Virginiana), or "Pencil Tree"

    Such an evergreen tree in height can reach about 30 meters. In young copies, Krone has a narrow-shaped shape, then gradually it becomes spread due to widely distinguished branches. The barrel in diameter can reach 1.5 meters. The peeling bark is painted into a brown-red or dark brown color, and young shoots are in green. Melden, scratch-shaped or needle-shaped needles has a dark green color. In diameter, spherical berries can reach 0.6 centimeters, they have a dark blue color and a sizogue colors. Cultivated from 1664

    This type of Cultivar like Blue Herrow is most popular. It has several forms: keglet, colonum and shrub. Among them, Gray Oul, glaucop and boscope perf, having a basay of blue color, Robust Green and Festiyathi-needles greenish-blue, Canaeria - a dark green needle, Silver Sprider - greenish-silver needles.

    Juniper horizontal or prostrated (Juniperus Horizontalis)

    In natural conditions, this plant can be met in Canada and the United States. It prefers to grow in the mountains, on the sandy coasts of rivers and lakes, as well as on the slopes of the hills. This fluttering form in height can reach about 100 centimeters. It has long branches with densely located four-gone shoots painted in greenish-blue color. The needles can be green or blue, but in winter she appears a browned hue. In diameter, fruits can reach 0.9 centimeters, they have a black and blue color and light blue color. This species has been cultivated since 1840. The most popular forms:

    1. Andorra Compact - This cultivar in height can reach from 30 to 40 centimeters. The crown diameter is about 100 centimeters, and it has a pillow-shaped form. The branches are rising up. Mine, scaly needle painted in a greenish gray color, but in winter it becomes purple.
    2. Plumose (Andorra Jupiter) - To the height, such a flutter shrub can reach a half-meter, and in width - about 2.5 meters. The bumps lie on the surface of the soil. The first-shaped branches are the needles of a host-shaped form. The needles are painted in a light greenish-gray color, but in winter they acquire a purple shade.
    3. Prince of Wales - The height of this fluttering shrub can reach 30 centimeters, while the crown has a diameter of up to 250 centimeters. The bark has a brown color. A thick blue needles in winter acquires a light redhead.

    Juniperus Cossack (Juniperus Sabina)

    In the height, this flutter shrub can reach 150 centimeters. It quickly grows into the width, as a result of which dense thickets are formed. It is less randed by tree forms, their curved trunks in height can reach 4 meters. This species has 2 types of greenish-blue needles, namely: young specimens are a need-shaped, adults - scratched. Such a shrub has a characteristic feature, if you confront him with a chew or escape, then you can feel a sharp smell. This is due to the fact that the plant contains Sabinth (poisonous essential oil). Cultivated from 1584 the most popular forms:

    1. Capressifolia - In the height, this low-length shrub can reach half a meter. It has a wide crown. Spreaded shoots, depart from the base of the plant and climb up. The scaly needle has a bluish-green color. At the bottom of the crown sometimes gets across needle needles.
    2. Femina - In the height, this shrub reaches 150 centimeters, and its crown has a diameter of about 500 centimeters. The color of the bark of the boring red, while on the shoots it is dark green. The scaly needle is unpleasant smelling and is a poisonous, painted in dark green color.
    3. MAS - Coustics in height can reach from 150 to 200 centimeters, while the crown has a diameter of about 8 meters. Corn color grayish red. At the bottom of the crown needle a pointed needle of the green color, and in the upper - nasoy.

    Juniper Chinese (Juniperus Chinensis)

    This is a tree with a pyramid-shaped crown, which in height reaches from 8 to 10 meters. However, sometimes a shrub is found, pressed to the soil or prostrate. The peeling bark has a grayish-red color, and the shoots are painted into dark green. The foliage of the scaly, but at the bottom of the crown or young copies have a barbed needle needle. Varieties using popularity:

    1. Strickt - A narrow-skinned plant is strongly branched. The branches are uniformly and are raised. Straight shoots are short enough. Needle needles, in the upper part it has a bluish-green color, and in the lower - as if it is used in the end. In winter, the needles are painted in yellow-gray.
    2. Olympia - It is a narrow-color shape. Berbside raised, branches are short. There are 2 types of needles: scaly light blue and needle bluish-green.
    3. Japan. - Dwarf shape, it is becoming a grimaceous, as well as a keglet, in height reaching 200 centimeters. Short branches are quite dense. Barbed scaled acute foliage painted in pale green.
    4. Gold Kost. - In the height, such a shrub can reach 100 centimeters, while the diameter of the crown is 300 centimeters. The needles are yellowish-golden, it becomes darker after autumn occurs.

    Juniper Scopulorum (Juniperus Scopulorum)

    The birthplace of such a plant is North America. The form is represented by shrub either by a tree that reaches 18 meters in height. Croon begins with almost the foundation and has a spheroid form. Young shoots have a thickness of 15 mm, they are painted in pale green or bluish-green. In most cases, scaly needles are found, but there are also a needy leaflets. On the surface of dark blue fruits there is a sizogue colors. Popular varieties:

    1. Repense - This is a crawling shrub. At low-resistant bans are featured branches that rushed up. The length of the needle leaves is about 0.5 centimeters, at the top they are blue, and the bottom is bluish-green.
    2. Springbank - The height of such a narrow-skeleton juniper is about 200 centimeters. His upper branches are flexible and destroyed from each other, and the tips of the shoots are almost filamentous. The scaly needle has a bluish-silver color.
    3. Skyrocket - Dutch tall cultivar with a narrow Habius. When the age of the plant reaches 3 years, its height will be equal to 10 meters. There are straight shoots and greenish-gray needles.

    Juniperus Scaly (Juniperus Squamata)

    This species is quite changed, and it is represented by an evergreen shrub, which height can reach 150 centimeters. Corn color dark brown. Rigid, acute, lanceal needles from below painted into a dark green color, and on top it has a whitish shade due to the nutritional strips. Fruits black color. Cultivated from 1824. Popular varieties:

    1. Blue Star. - The height dwarf Dutch Cultivar reaches 100 centimeters. The diameter of the dense crown of the semicircular form is about 200 centimeters. White-blue needles, it looks bigger at the end of the spring early summer period.
    2. Maei. - Decorative shape of the shrub. While the plant is young, it is very branched, and the height of the adult instance varies from 2 to 5 meters. The needles are very beautiful bluish-white.
    3. Rodie. - A reprehensive shrub has a kegletal dense form. Its height is about 150 centimeters. Needle short sheets are sharp enough, they are blue on top, and below - green.

    Juniper Middle (Juniperus X Media)

    This hybrid turned out as a result of crossing the Chinese and Cossack juniper. This shrub has a shutdown shooting ends. There are two types of needles: it is needle-needed inside the crown, and the rest is scratched. During growth, it has a pale green color, but with time it darkens. The height of adult plants is 300 centimeters, while the width is 500 centimeters.

    The most popular variety is Mint Julele. This is a sprawle shrub, characterized by rapid growth. Form crown wave. In the ten-year-old age, the height of the plant is equal to 150 centimeters, and the width is 300 centimeters. Since the magnitude of the shrub is quite large, it is often planted in large gardens and parks.

    Also cultivated such species as: Daurgy, lying or inclined, false-coat, oblong, sargen, Siberian, solid, Turkestan. And other types of varieties and forms.

    Properties of Juniper

    Medical properties

    For a long time, such a plant is considered a medicine from any diseases. Drugs are considered young shoots, roots, but often used to treat it is hitch. The roots will help heal tuberculosis, bronchitis, skin diseases, stomach ulcers. The plant eliminates the dental pain, swelling, normalizes the work of the heart, removes inflammatory processes in the pulmonary and bronchial tissue, normalizes blood pressure and blood circulation, eliminates constipation. The decoction of the branches is treated diathesis. The needle has a powerful antibacterial effect that is stronger than other plants. The composition of the fruits includes carbohydrates, wax, sugar, coloring and tanning substances, organic acids, vitamins, iron, manganese, copper, aluminum and essential oil, which has a choleretic, antimicrobial, diuretic and expectorant effect. Compresses on inflamed joints make fruits from the beam, and it is added to the bath with rheumatism and gout. The decoction adopted inward contributes to the improvement of appetite and digestive processes, enhance the bile separation and improve the intestinal peristalsis.

    Refrigerated fruit recipe: crush 1 large spoonful of fruits and add them to 200 grams just soaked water. Let leave 10 min. The decoction must be broken within 30 minutes, strain.


    Means from juniper can not be taken during pregnancy, severe form of hypertension, acute inflammation of the kidneys and individual intolerance.

    In the ancient Slavs, the juniper was a symbol of eternal life. The spicy smell of burning branches in the village was a sad sign. This meant that someone in the village escorted on the last path given eternal life.

    The shamans were used by the juniper smoke in ritual fuzzles and rites, giving a shrub magic force.

    In the Belarusian folklore, there was a legend of evil spirit named "Kaduk", inhabitants in the juniper barrel. In this region, the shrub went by the party.

    At the same time, other peoples juniper - a symbol of holiness, the abode of the gods.

    In Christianity, the juniper earned a special mention. Many priests still retain the tradition to sanctify the branch of juniper and hide her behind the icon. It is believed that this measure will prevent the temple and icons from misfortunes.

    names juniper

    In different regions of Russia, there were many names in the old juniper.

    In some edges, he was called Versere, in others - Yaloviec, Morzha, a bruncher.

    The most common name "Juniper" on one of the versions occurred from the phrase "between the firs". Often, this shrub is found precisely as underbris in fir splashes.

    According to another version, the name happened from the ancient Vine Slavic word "Mozhzh", which means the node. With a quick look at the winding trunks of old trees, you can find similarities with real cable knots.

    What a juniper looks like

    Juniper is a shrub or a small tree with a subtle barrel and a pointed top of up to 5 - 6 meters high.

    The needles of the plant with a length of 1 - 2 cm is very tough and prickly.

    There are female and male copies. The male crown representatives are denser, narrow and pointed.

    The bark has a gray-brown color and a fibrous texture.

    The trunk of a tree is often bent fancy patterns with branches smoothly overgoing vertically.

    Juniper grows very slowly, so centenary instances barely reach large sizes. Even the oldest representatives of the shrub have a height of about 5 meters and the thickness of the barrel 10 - 15 cm.

    The maximum age of juniper is 200 years, although there are many older representatives.

    Where the juniper grows

    Shrub is considered a relict plant, witnessing ancient times. After all, the juniper grows on Earth for more than 50 million years.

    Shrub has 71 views. 20 of them grows in our country.

    Juniper is widespread in the Urals, in the Caucasus, in Primorye and Siberia. Different types of shrubs are found in Southeast Asia, in America and the areas of the Mediterranean.

    In the forests of Russia, the most common appearance is an ordinary juniper.

    The shrub grows in the undergrowth and in the place of cutting. Cultivated in gardens and parks. Separate plant types are found in the mountains in the most inaccessible points.

    When the juniper blooms

    Juniper blooms in May, forming yellow flowers on male plants, and green on female.

    Fruit starts in autumn. On the bushes you can meet at the same time green and black and purple berries. Juniper fruits ripen only for the second year and are intolerable for humans.

    Therapeutic properties of juniper

    Juniper berries contain copper, iron, manganese, aluminum, a huge amount of vitamins and essential oils.

    A decoction of versa fruits successfully struggles with the problems of the urinary system, so it was used in the treatment of edema, inflammation, and even when removing stones in the kidneys.

    The decoction of berries improves bortoid and enhances the intestinal peristalsis.

    It is also used in the treatment of respiratory tract. This tool is an excellent expectorant medicine and dilutes the sputum.

    The needles contain a huge number of phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

    A pillow with juniper sawdresses can cure headaches and lightweight, remove stress and calm the nervous excitement.

    In modern medicine from juniper, diuretic, cooil, painful and other drugs are made.

    Application of juniper

    Green juniper berries go on the manufacture of natural colors golden yellow. Black - on the manufacture of brown and black paint.

    The fruits of juniper are not edible and are used as one of the ingredients in the food industry in the manufacture of candies, bars, hiking, gingerbread.

    The dried juniper is a wonderful material for carpets and cutters. Wood is perfectly dried and never cracks. Without having large resin moves, wood is perfectly blocked and polished. Having high density, this material allows you to apply fine threads.

    From juniper produce a valuable resin, which goes to the manufacture of high-quality natural white varnish.

    Versere wood is widely used for the manufacture of pencils.


    Drugs and drugs whose juniper includes, are contraindicated to people with kidney problems.

    Juniper - inedible berry. With extreme caution, you should treat the juniper Cossacks, as it is poisonous and can cause vomiting, damage to the kidneys and nervous system. In some cases, death is possible.

    Juniper - Interesting Facts

    Juniper thickets are formed near coal layers. This property uses geologists during searches of coal deposits. Thus, the coal pool near Moscow was opened.

    Before salting mushrooms in the old days, the peasants were treated with boiling water kegs with a juniper broom, killing putrefactive microbes.

    The oldest juniper grows in the Crimea. According to one of the versions, its age is about 400 years. On the other - 2 thousand years. It is extremely difficult to determine the accurate age of living juniper.

    In cabinets made from juniper, never start mole.

    Photos were used in the material: Sereja.serjio2015, Zekkadrb Angruzinov. , Valerius66 , FL1983 (Yandex.Photos)