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September 21 What holiday signs. Troper of the Nativity of the Virgin. Think about the morality of your own and universal. Most Majan Mary came to this world at a time when the human morality fell so low that they said that only God himself could

In the Orthodox Church on September 21, birth is celebrated Blessed Virgin Mary. But this is a significant day not only for visiting the temple. On September 21, they were associated with folk signs and rites, which were held annually at this date. Some of them have long been forgotten, but, nevertheless, certain observations can be very useful.

history of the holiday

Joacim and Anna, future parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, lived in Nazareth. Being righteous Christians, they prayed for a long time about the children. After a while, when Ioakim was in the desert, and his wife is alone in the house, an angel was at the same time. He told his spouses that Anne would be able to conceive a child, Mary Maria, through which the salvation comes to people, and learn about it all over the world. Immediately after that they met the Golden Gate in Jerusalem. Hugging, the spouses already knew that her daughter would be born.

Just 9 months after conception, on September 21, Virgo Mary was born. Only three years she lived in the house of parents, after which, according to the Vote, this God.was sent to the temple. On this day, Orthodox Christians around the world and celebrate the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What to pray to the Most Holy Mother of God?

Since a long time, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered the feast of all women and mothers. On this day, it was necessary to wear their best clothes and go to the temple to the service. Here, the virgin Mary thanks for the birth of the Son of God. At Christmas, the Blessed Virgin Mary will definitely come true, and prayers will be heard. Requests, anxiety, troubles - with which people turn to the Virgin Mary. Women always prayed for the well-being of their home, about the health of children. Applying to the Virgin not only for themselves and family, but also for other people.

In the temple, they necessarily fired a festive candle, noting on September 21, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Signs with this were associated with the following. By the end of the candle, a piece of candle was pregnant. When she completely burned, it meant that the Mother of God heard all the prayers.

On this day, women must necessarily give alms, food and money, so as not to become fruitless.

Folk rites and customs

In this September date, 21 numbers folk calendar The feast of the harvest or the second autumn is noted. They accounted for the Christmas Blessed Virgin. Signs and rites that have been held at this date are also preserved in some regions and to date. Until September 21, almost the entire harvest with the fields managed to collect. Beekeepers hid hiles, so as not to give bees to freeze. The onion week began. Removed from the fields not only onions, but also the remaining vegetables. The people existed the saying: "It will come to the mill, it will become purely clean." From this day, evening gatherings began in homes. On the an Orthodox xmas The Most Holy Theotokos signs mainly related to women. They got up on September 21 before sunrise. If women managed to wash before dawn, then it meant that they would be able to preserve beauty to the most captain. Young girls did it for the fast walling of the groom.

After that, in the early morning, women were sent to water bodies with oat bread and a kissel. There they sang songs and thanked the Most Holy Virgin Mary Maria for harvestWhen meeting at the same time aspen. The bread was blocked on a piece and distributed his livestock. After rites on the shore of the reservoirs, everyone went to visit newlyweds.

Holiday September 21. Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Family Signs

On this day, parents, the elders of the village and other relatives visited young. Since the holiday of the Blessed Mother of God occurred on this date, the signs on the loafs were necessarily taken into account. The hostess gave guests a cake. If he was tasty - she was praised. If the cake failed, the young mistress began to teach the mind. On the festive table There were other dishes that ranked guests. The owner showed his constructions and cattle visited relatives. He was praised or passed by him as his wife.

On September 21 (Christmas of the Blessed Virgin) Signs concerned of the future life spouses. In the evening they went to their parents. From the evil eye, his wife for his sleeves tied a braid with the embroidered letters "P", "B". If she was lost or untied, it meant that there are enviousings there.

From the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary began new life. The old candle in the house was made to extinguish, but a new to light.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs of folk weather forecasters. What will be winter?

It is known that people have always followed changes in the weather outside the window and already in the summer they knew what to wait for the winter. IN autumn holiday September 21, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs indicated the following:

if the day was clear, then such weather will continue until the end of October;

if in the morning fog - you should expect rainy weather;

if the fog funerals unexpectedly quickly - the weather will be changeable;

if it rained in the morning, it will pour it for another 40 days, and the winter will give it cold;

if the bright sun in the morning quickly dries dew on the grass - you should not wait a lot of snow in the winter.

This date was not allowed to work, and was to dedicate the day with spiritual reflections and prayers.

How to protect children from troubles and diseases?

Family and children are the main thing that women treated with prayers to the Virgin Mary. For their well-being committed folk traditions At Christmas, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Signs confirmed that in order to clear the children from damage, they removed the old torn clothes and shoes and burned on this day. All adversity and failures were to leave together with fire. After that, when the children crossed the threshold, they were poured with water from the legs to the head. Our ancestors glorified the Mother of God and prayed to her, they believed in the signs and honored the customs of their people. It helped them to protect their family, children and house from the troubles and collect good harvest. Do not forget about the customs and rites of ancestors and today.

Since ancient times, people have known that there are strong days in energy days in which all sorts of rites and rituals can be held. These are many days orthodox holidays. Not exception has become the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is celebrated on September 21 annually. There are many related days. The article describes really effective rituals for all occasions.

Charm for family and home with your own hands

Festival September 21 (Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary) falls for a while, when all field work is suitable for an end. Our ancestors of a sheaf with the last spikelets of wheat necessarily brought home, he served as a faithful of family happiness from everything bad.

In this bright day, you too can make a charm for home with your own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • several wheat spikelets;
  • on the twigs of rowan, viburnum and ate;
  • church candle;
  • red thread;
  • a little holy water.

Collect a beautiful bouquet of the above twigs. In the center of the composition there must be a candle. Tie the resulting bouquet with a red thread. Read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkled with holy water three times. Attach it over entrance door.

During the year, this charm will defend your home from all bad.

Foreign rite

Follow your cherished desire This ritual will help. To do you need:

  • capacity with holy water;
  • ribbon green;
  • there are three twigs from different apple trees, nuts and birches (all should turn out nine twigs).

Make a bunch of plates collected and reincut it with a green ribbon. Sprink it with the holy water and tell me:

"I am a slave of God (name) in the morning got up, twigs with different trees Collected. Tied them into one bouquet. I want to ask the Lord to the Council: how best I am better to do your dreams to implement? Give me the Almighty answer, I will be grateful to you for many years. Let my desire turn, and my life will be filled. Amen"

Clean the most cherished desire. Now you need to find a fruitful apple tree and drip a bouquet under it. You will be surprised, but very soon your dreams will start come true.

Protection against damage and evil

To protect against damage and the evil eye, as well as the Human Hate and the envy will help Rowan. On September 21, it is necessary to rip off the twigs from the tree, asking himself necessarily with his own words forgiveness for being worn out.

Bring the branches of Ryabin to home. Spread 3 things on each windowsill. Make a small bouquet and attach it above the entrance door. Ryanka all next year will protect you from negative influence from outside.

With the help of this tree, you can find out who injured you. If you suspect someone from acquaintances, then the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the time to check it. Narvit a few twigs from the tree. LEAVE PART AND PLAY IN WATER, WITH OTHERS, COMMUNICE TO BUET with other plants and give a suspect. If the berries in his border will scream and started before yours, then suspicions are true. To return the person to the negative, throw my twigs to his house, saying:

"Let the evil that makes it will return."

Rite of rapid marriage

If you have long been dreaming of marrying, but the cavallers under the crown are not called, or the only one did not meet, then try to hold such a rite of a quick marriage for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin.

To hold it, you need to rip the branch of the hazel and tie it with a red thread so that it turns out a circle. This circle needs to be put in the metal container and set fire, saying until the twist will burn:

"How fast the fire goes in a circle,

So quickly I meet my future spouse.

Will make me an offer finally

And I will go with him under the crown.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the branch of the fruit, the remaining ash should be taken out and dispel in the wind, saying:

"Sust in the wind let

Love in your life I attract.

It was idle, but soon I will become a legitimate wife. "

It is believed that within 12 months after this ritual, the girl will necessarily marry.

Love spell for christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

The rite described is designed to attract the groom. If you already have a lover, but his feelings are not so strong, no matter how you wanted it, then try to spend this ritual of love magic.

For the rite you will need a shirt of your beloved and a bowl with spring water. On the night of September 21, read the conspiracy on the water:

After that, I will smear the water and wrap your face with a shirt of your loved one. Put on the night the object of the wardrobe to yourself under the pillow, and in the morning, return the man.

Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary: What you can not do on this day

As in other large church holidays on this day it is undesirable to work. If possible, all your homework do on the eve of the holiday or set aside for later.

On this day, meat dishes are impossible, and drink alcoholic beverages. You should give preference to lean food.

Do not swear and do not condemn anyone, give up physical exertion.

On September 21, relatives are going to sit in a relaxed home environment and communicate.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Video

Among numerous church holidays Not the last place occupies the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All Orthodox Christians celebrate this first two-month holiday of the new church year on September 21. On this day, God fulfills his promise to save humanity from curse and death. Therefore, this is a celebration of world joy.

There was a time when Family Chet lived in Nazareth - Joamakh and Anna. Spouses lived on conscience and justice, but they did not have children. The childlessness was then considered a great sin, and when Joachim wanted to bring gifts to the Lord in the Jerusalem Temple, he was driven. Having learned about this, Anna was very upset, but an angel came to her with news that she would soon be having a daughter, which all nations on Earth would call Virgin Mary.

The church calls Anna and Jacob's Bogottsy, as their daughter gave birth to the light of Jesus Christ.

September 21 is a holiday when all Orthodox Christians celebrate the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And he marks the birth of the only woman worthy of the birth of the Savior of the whole world of Human. Therefore, everyone loves and honor this holiday and want to find out which signs are associated with the Merry Christmas Merry Mary.

According to the ancient folk signs and superstitions for Christmas, it was customary to pray for everything that man worried. It was believed that no prayer would remain unrelated into this great day.

But you should remember that no matter when you contact the prayer to the nice maiden, it will always help you. Such folk signs for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary indicate that the Virgin is rejoicing when Orthodox Christians raise her prayers.

This day also wore the name of the Harvest holiday, and the better the harvest will be released in this 2019, the longer the holiday will last. By the time he could take from three days to two weeks. On the days of the holiday, it was customary to make visits to relatives and relatives, treat each other with dishes prepared from what gave a crop. Depending on the hospitality of the table, they were judged about what kind of harvest is expected next year.

If for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin in 2019 to update the fire, then according to folk signs and superstitions, life will be prosperous.

According to an old legend, it is for Christmas Blessed Virgin Human life starts a new circle. And the Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary is a kind of new year 2019 for Christians. In every house on the village then the candle was burning. It could not be exhausted, since at that time there were no matches, and other candles were lit in the house from this rauchin. But on the day of Christmas, it was customary to extinguish this rauchin and to light it again. Doing it, people got rid of all diseases and troubles, leaving them far behind.

Which winter promises the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Basic all folk admission And the superstitions associated with the Merry Christmas Merry Mother of God is put by many years of experience and observation of people. Depending on what weather was on the day of the holiday, people judged about changes in weather in winter:

  • if on September 21, 2019, the day was clear, then you can enjoy this weather until the end of October;
  • if at Christmas in 2019 the morning of the sky was extremely clean and clear, expect the emergent cold ones;
  • if in the morning for Christmas you noticed fog, expect rainy weather;
  • if the fog for a holiday will quickly dispel, the weather will be unpredictable and changeable;
  • if the morning of the holiday went raining, winter will be cold, and rains will last forty days;
  • if the sun on the day of the holiday quickly dries the dew on the grass, winter will be low.

What does not learn to do in the days of the holiday?

Few people at least once thought about the fact that the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls for a time, which in the people called "Indian Summer". Closer to the holiday, all field work is suitable for the end.

Therefore, on the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2019, there are limitations, which cannot be done:

  • you can not use meat and alcohol on the days of the holiday, the post should be strictly observed;
  • it is impossible to do any physical work, it is best to dedicate this day to prayers and spiritual reflections;
  • also on the days of the holiday can not swear, spend it surrounded by friends and relatives.

IN orthodox church September 21, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. But this is a significant day not only for visiting the temple. On September 21, they were associated with folk signs and rites, which were held annually at this date. Some of them have long been forgotten, but, nevertheless, certain observations can be very useful.

Joacim and Anna, future parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, lived in Nazareth. Being righteous Christians, they prayed for a long time about the children. After a while, when Ioakim was in the desert, and his wife is alone in the house, an angel was at the same time. He told his spouses that Anne would be able to conceive a child, Mary Maria, through which the salvation comes to people, and learn about it all over the world. Immediately after that they met the Golden Gate in Jerusalem. Hugging, the spouses already knew that her daughter would be born.

Just 9 months after conception, on September 21, Virgo Mary was born. Only three years she lived in the house of parents, after which, according to the vow, this God, was sent to the temple. On this day, Orthodox Christians around the world and celebrate the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What to pray to the Most Holy Mother of God?

Since a long time, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered the feast of all women and mothers. On this day, it was necessary to wear their best clothes and go to the temple to the service. Here, the virgin Mary thanks for the birth of the Son of God.

At Christmas, the Blessed Virgin Mary will definitely come true, and prayers will be heard. Requests, anxiety, troubles - with which people turn to the Virgin Mary. Women always prayed for the well-being of their home, about the health of children. Applying to the Virgin not only for themselves and family, but also for other people.

In the temple, they necessarily fired a festive candle, noting on September 21, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Signs with this were associated with the following. By the end of the candle, a piece of candle was pregnant. When she completely burned, it meant that the Mother of God heard all the prayers. On this day, women must necessarily give alms, food and money, so as not to become fruitless.

Folk rites and customs

In this September date, 21 numbers, the eccentric holiday is celebrated or the second autumn. They accounted for the Christmas Blessed Virgin. Signs and rites that have been held at this date are also preserved in some regions and to date.

Until September 21, almost the entire harvest with the fields managed to collect. Beekeepers hid hiles, so as not to give bees to freeze. The onion week began. Removed from the fields not only onions, but also the remaining vegetables. The people existed the saying: "It will come to the mill, it will become purely clean." From this day, evening gatherings began in homes.

At the Orthodox Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs were mainly related to women. They got up on September 21 before sunrise. If women managed to wash before dawn, then it meant that they would be able to preserve beauty to the most captain. Young girls did it for the fast walling of the groom.

After that, in the early morning, women were sent to water bodies with oat bread and a kissel. There, they sang songs and thanked the Mazey Mary Mary Mary for the assembled harvest, meeting at the same time aspen. The bread was blocked on a piece and distributed his livestock.

After rites on the shore of the reservoirs, everyone went to visit newlyweds.

Holiday September 21. Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Family Signs

On this day, parents, the elders of the village and other relatives visited young. Since the holiday of the Blessed Mother of God occurred on this date, the signs on the loafs were necessarily taken into account. The hostess gave guests a cake. If he was tasty - she was praised. If the cake failed, the young mistress began to teach the mind. On the festive table there were other dishes that ranked guests. The owner showed his constructions and cattle visited relatives. He was praised or passed by him as his wife.

On September 21 (Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary), signs concerned the future life of spouses. In the evening they went to their parents. From the evil eye, his wife for his sleeves tied a braid with the embroidered letters "P", "B". If she was lost or untied, it meant that there are enviousings there.

From the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary began a new life. The old candle in the house was made to extinguish, but a new to light.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs of folk weather forecasters. What will be winter?

It is known that people have always followed changes in the weather outside the window and already in the summer they knew what to wait for the winter. In the autumn holiday on September 21, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs indicated the following:

  • if the day was clear, then such weather will continue until the end of October;
  • if in the morning fog - you should expect rainy weather;
  • if the fog funerals unexpectedly quickly - the weather will be changeable;
  • if it rained in the morning, it will pour it for another 40 days, and the winter will give it cold;
  • if the bright sun in the morning quickly dries dew on the grass - you should not wait a lot of snow in the winter.

This date was not allowed to work, and was to dedicate the day with spiritual reflections and prayers.

How to protect children from troubles and diseases?

Family and children are the main thing that women treated with prayers to the Virgin Mary. For their well-being, folk traditions were held for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Signs confirmed that in order to clear the children from damage, they removed the old torn clothes and shoes and burned on this day. All adversity and failures were to leave together with fire. After that, when the children crossed the threshold, they were poured with water from the legs to the head.

Our ancestors glorified the Mother of God and prayed to her, they believed in the signs and honored the customs of their people. It helped them to protect their family, children and a house from the troubles and collect a good harvest. Do not forget about the customs and rites of ancestors and today.

On September 21, Orthodox celebrates one of the main Christian holidays - the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin, who is also called the second one. (The first preching or Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28 and is dedicated to the memory of death God's Mother. The third - December 4, referred to as the introduction of the temple, it was on this day that the parents of the Virgin Mary took a three-year-old Maria to the temple and left God for the ministry). They say about these holidays in the people: "The first preching rye falls, the second - the rain watering, and the third - the snow covers."

The Event of the Nativity of the Mother of God is not mentioned in Sacred ScriptureBut not to celebrate the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox, obviously considered omission. Mark this day believers began in the V century.

The Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated by the Church as the Day of World Joy. Our ancestors on this day tried not to engage in severe physical labor, and was still banned spring-cleaning in the House. On this day, the post is recommended, and not only in food. It is important not to quarrel with loved ones, not to conflict, not to raise the voice. Thoughts should be clean: it is impossible to desire someone evil or think about someone bad.

But what the holiday needs to be done, it pray and go to church. On the birthday of the Most Holy Virgin Orthodox women who cannot become pregnant, asking the Virgin Mary about the gift of the offspring, about the soon conception, about light and happy pregnancy.

Since Virgo Maria personifies fertility, well-being and family harmony, our ancestors tried to complete the main work on the field. The Mother of God thanked the harvest and already collected autumn wealth.

With the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, many people are also connected. According to one of them, it is believed that a woman who washed on this day before sunrise, will be able to keep his beauty until the oldest, and unmarried girl Smile happiness to be wicked. You can use such a chance in our days, but it should be noted that water water Beauty and Swatanu hardly helps. It is necessary to wash the river water.

Signals on the second prech

On this day, they also defined what will be autumn and winter:

If this holiday is a clear day - the same weather will be until the end of October.

If the morning the sky is clear, clean and visible stars - wait for cold cold, but without rains.

If on this day fog - rains will begin.

If on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, it is raining, then he can last another 40 days, and winter will be very early.

History of the question

Mary's parents were righteous Ioacim and Anna. Until deep old age, the couple had no children, but they continued to pray to God and ask him to give them a child, promising him to serve him. Once the righteous Joachim, Archangel Gabriel was the righteous Joachim in the desert, and he said that his daughter would be born, which Mary would be called, and that the world will be given through it. Soon, Ioacima and Anna had a daughter born. Up to three years, Maria lived in the parents' house. For three years, the girl, according to the Valet of Parents, was given to the Jerusalem Temple on Education. In the temple, she was engaged in reading giving books, a diligent prayer and needlework (extended Reese). Differed humility, subordination, devotion to the execution of the Wolley of God.

At the age of fourteen aged, Virgin Mary decided to undelivered himself to devote himself to the Lord God and gave a vow all his life to be in Novory. From the fourteen years of age, it was engaged in the elder of Joseph, which took place from the royal genus David through Solomon. Joseph becomes her keeper and feeder, fully concerned about it. Virgo Maria lived with Joseph - a wrap in the small Galilean Town of Nazareth. It was in Nazareth Archangel Gabriel, an evaluator told the Virgin Mary joyful news that she would give birth to the Savior of the world.

Having learned from the angel about pregnancy of his relatives, Elizabeth, Virgo Maria went to visit her. Having stayed there for three months, returned to Nazareth, and after returning Joseph The wrap was in a big embarrassment about the noticeable pregnancy. Noticing signs of pregnancy, he decided to secretly let go of Mary. However, as soon as Joseph thought, an angel appeared to him in a dream, who confirmed that Virgo Maria Chista and Nevinna and the originating child was from the Holy Spirit. And then Joseph took the behavior of the angel to take his wife her pregnant as the command of God. So, it was Mary who became a link between the world of the earth and the world of heaven.