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Paints of feelings: Collection of cozy quote about autumn. Autumn holiday in the older multi-year group "Bright paints of autumn autumn paints

The world cools down, falls on top and poured on the ground Autumn sadness, frozen in bright colors of cooled nature. Autumn's breathing is still colder, and on top of the bright in the beginning of the paint, becoming a dense bugger and gold. Having absorbed the cold in itself, the leaves can not stop him, and because I spent all the forces, falling down the branches, the ascent land carpet ... Everything around changes from the touch of autumn, everything around becomes another. Change sounds and smells, colors and shades, our thoughts and sensations. The mustard of sadness appears from the changes that occur more and more after the day after day, separating us from what was so warm and gentle, and that we loved so much ... and it seems that the transformation of nature as the border between something past and something in the future. And falling the leaves falling on the courageous grass, growing more stronger us in the dance of the autumn. And the autumn is circling, circling in full, without giving us a sense, not letting us remember the past summer. Autumn plants the brightness of paints, sheeps off the rains our memory, steps winds and dries the weakening sounds of summer ... Caution autumn is getting stronger. Autumn everything brighter manifests its pictures, adding more paints, bringing color to dark, brown and black shades. And already darkened trees, choking and raw trunks, become such lonely, having lost their crown, and a heavy lead sky, clinging to the ground, is now clearly seen ... but not yet winter ... Watercolor autumn has become a sullen. The rains became protracted and unhurried. The wind played with fallen leaves at night ... Autumn became a full mistress. Beauty Autumn ... Autumn Copper Bagger Foliage
Autumn chop
Autumn landscape with birch
Autumn birch forest and pure river
Swimming birchs
Paints of autumn
Gold autumn
Autumn Alley
Autumn and water
Autumn in the forest
Autumn sunset
Autumn sunrise
Patterns of autumn
Autumn and river
Central Park
Autumn day
At the end of
Golden Clane
Autumn road
Autumn in the country
Forgotten leaves

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, which points out poets and writers to the magic works, and artists inspires the real beauty of nature. Autumn time plays different paints: yellow, green, red, brown, golden because it is not the end. Because over the course of three months, trees are changed into multicolored outfits. Children with their classmates go to the forest, collect multicolored maple leaves, weave wreaths, make bouquets.

Not only the color of the leaves is changing, the fruit trees give us apples, pears and other fruits that gives us a mother-nature, they also change their color, from green finishing red or yellow. Autumn paints not only vegetables, fruits, trees, and also the sky, in September, the sky is light, azure, and closer to the middle and the end of autumn it becomes darker, blue paints are mixed with dark gray tones, often it rains, sometimes it flies , Nature is immersed in deep sleep.

Full essay

The ability to see and distinguish between the colors is one of the most unique in the world, only human eye has similar characteristics. In order to see the beauty of nature, it is enough just to open your gaze and look around. Blue flowing jet streams, green foliage trees and bushes, blue heavenly arch - a variety of all paints do not list. The color perception can affect the mood (red), pacify (green), and even improve performance (yellow), and some colors have the ability to coal (violet).

Many people, including artists and poets, often describe the spring, like a natural phenomenon and a beauty crown. But there are those who identified it as the "CHAKHOTOCHER" (A.S. Pushkin), and their preference was given "dull pore". The natural cycle of the time of the year can be conditionally described as: spring - birth and autumn - wilting. The end of its life process is accompanied by incredible change. From the usual cessation of photosynthesis, with the help of which the fiber of a tree is powered, a fundamentally appearance of the usual flora varies.

Since September, the autumn trimester of amazing change begins. Already starting with school age by visiting the school, you begin to follow the shifts of the palette of the environment on the road to classes. Juicy green leaves become thin and housing, transparent, a little later, and at all dry and rolled by the edge. But the magic of this time lies in the palette of shades that burn around. One object can be simultaneously: yellow, salad, brown and even wanted red.

Just walking down the street at this time so nice to kick the fallen foliage, hear her soft rustling caused by friction about the legs and asphalt. On a sunny day, when the crowns completely painted autumn, the world seems gold. The rays of the sun penetrate the ground, reflecting the warm notes, once again reminding the extremely verses of this season. When the light wind blows in these moments and disrupts the foliage, a feeling of golden stonepad or meteorite rain is created.

A bright and unique time of transition from hot summer to a cold winter for everyone has its beauty. There is a story that I wrote a blind thread on the tablet: "Now autumn, and I do not see her paints." And for this day, the tramp earned more than ever. Because every person understood how much happiness lost this unfortunate is not able to see the beauty of nature.

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Project passport

Autumn - beautiful season!

Project type : creative,information, practical oriented, research

Participants: Students 2a, teacher, teacher, parents

Officers: Pekhteva G.V., primary school teacher; Boronina T.V., tutor

Project tasks (Didactic, Competency Formation)

    Automate children's knowledge about the years, changes in nature.

    Relieve love for the nature of the native land.

    Develop a creative attitude to work performed, creative imagination and fantasy.

    Develop collective forms of work (game-dramatization, game dialogs, drawing drawings), the ability to evaluate your work and work classmates.

    Developing and written (miniature compositions on the topic) Connected speech, rules of behavior on stage, small and general motility.

Form of organization of work on the project

urban-extracurricular joint activities

Within the subject: The world surrounding, speech development, extracurricular activities, technology, visual art.

Planned learning results

After completion of the project, the pupils systematize the old and acquire new affordable knowledge of the world around, expand their horizons. Children have accessible ideas about changes in alive and inanimate nature in the autumn period. The project will facilitate:

    Development of visual-shaped and clear-effective thinking, all types of memory, perception, concentration of arbitrary attention.

    Activation of speech function (sound-proof, vocabulary, dictionary).

    Learning subject work and work.

    Further development of adaptation abilities in society, the development of communicative skills.

During the project activity, active cooperation with family is being carried out, strengthening friendly relations between children, children and parents. Children enhances the awareness of the work done, evaluation skills and self-examination appear.

Questions guiding project

The fundamental question

What is autumn?

Problem issues

    Why do I love autumn?

    Where does the autumn have such bright colors?

    Why in the autumn forest quiet?

    Why are autumn call the crumine of the year?


    Why is it getting colder in the fall, the sun often hides behind the clouds, it rains?

    Why with the autumn leaves on the trees yellow, blush and fall?

    What matures in the fall in the garden in the trees?

    What kind of green garden feeds us all year round?

    Why do birds fly to warm edges?

    How do animals prepare for winter?

    Where are insects hide?

Project plan

Preparatory stage

    Acquaintance with the time of the year "Autumn", signs of autumn.

    Introductory presentation of the project.

    Attracting parents to the topic and the content of the project by conversations.

The main stage

    Determination of research and equipment methods.

    Observations for autumn changes in alive and inanimate nature based on walks, games, excursions.

    Conversations about autumn with the inclusion of stories, poems, mysteries, tests.

    Acquaintance with illustrations and reproductions.

    Products of objective and practical activities (joint compilation of bouquets from autumn leaves, manufacture of herbarium, applique, modeling, coloring).

    Listening to musical works about autumn.

The final stage

    Exhibition of work.

    Evaluation of project participants.

    The protection of the project "Autumn is a wonderful season."

Terms of work on the project September-November

Applique "Autumn leaves"

Work with natural material

Protection of the project "Autumn - Wonderful time of the year!"

Dear Guys! It is said that autumn is sadness, solid rains, cloudy weather. Do not believe friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She carries his soul generosity, heart - warmth from human communication, contributes to our life a unique beauty!

Behind the windows are autumn now. In different ways we call it: cold, gold, generous, rainy, sad ... But, no matter how it was, autumn is a wonderful time of year, this is the time of harvesting, summing up of field work, this is the beginning of study at school, this is a preparation for Long and Cold Winter ... And no matter how it was on the street - it's cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom reads: "Autumn is sad, and live fun." So let this on this November day you will be a little warmer from our project.

We open our project.

During the i quarter, the classroom students 2A worked on the project "Autumn of the beautiful time of the year!", And now they will present the result of their research. The main goal of our project is to expand the ideas and knowledge of this time of the year as autumn. Over what questions we worked:

1. What do I love autumn?

2. Where does the autumn have such bright colors?

3. Why are autumn call the crumine of the year?

4. What kind of green garden feeds us all year round?

5. Why do birds fly to warm edges?

6. How do animals prepare for winter?

Each student of our class got the task that they performed together with their parents.

    And start from the autumn months

Children read poems:

Clear in the morning of September

Bread hammer sat down.

Rush birds for the sea,

And the school opened.

In October, in October

Fresh rain in the yard.

On the meadows dead grass,

Silent grasshopper.

Firewood harvested

For the winter for the stoves.

Long on the leaves lies

Night frost, and through the forest

Cold somehow looks

Clarity of transparent skies ...

On the autumn months prepared the material of Makhovkov Alexey.

And now I want to ask questions to our audience:

"Answer correctly."

For some notes, we learn that autumn has come? (I got cold, yellow and fall out leaves, birds fly into warm edges, the day became shorter, they rains, people put warm clothes).

How does autumn differ from spring? (Spring day long, birds arrive, kidneys appear on the trees, snow melts, warmer, green grass).

What time of year comes next in the fall? (winter).

    The clouds are going low - expect the jewelry. Tell me what I called now. (children's responses)

About folk autumn signs will tell us Gurova Sonya.

Game "Say Other"

In the fall of the sky gray - dark, gloomy, cloudy.

In the autumn trees Nagi - naked, naked.

In the fall, the flowers were dried - they called.

In the fall of birds fly away - a jamb, flocks.

In the fall, birds lack food, food, feed, food.

In the fall, the path to the south is long - long, long, long.

    And how many interesting riddles gave us autumn. Autumn riddles from the family of Korolev Margarita.

    Forest exactly led by painting, lilac, gold, crumbry ... ..

"Why in summer the leaves are green, and the autumn leaves on the trees of multicolored" Abdulin Maxim will tell us about it.

V. The session of the gray family was to prepare games associated with the fall.

"Guess the taste"

Now we play the game "Find out the taste."

You have to learn with closed eyes to learn the taste of the autumn (cabbage, carrots. Beets, seeds, onions, garlic, pumpkin).

    Nikulina, Alexander and Athenogenov, Vladimir was given a task to learn a poem by heart on the autumn.

Autumn on the edge of paint raised

By the foliage, quietly brushed.

Yelling hazel, and married kleons,

In Purple Oheshnik, only oak green.

Complete autumn: "Do not regret the summer!

Look the grove of gold dressed! " (Z. Fedorovskaya)

About autumn ... (T.Propisnova)

Autumn knocked to us with golden rain,

And, alas, with a nonlaska sunlight.

Tightened the sad song of leaffall,

And the garden falls asleep under this song.

A rowan-berry, like a light,

Heats, pleases a cloudy day.

In the puddles, like boats leaves are circling.

Gray, cold clouds are rushing.

Birds of songs are no longer singing.

The flocks are going and fly south.

Evenings, quiet rain drizzles,

The song straining on the glass knocks ... ..

The beauty of the generous you, the fall of gold, and is still rich in generous harvest!

The exhibition "Daras of the Autumn" prepared a family of Lisky.

Next Competition "Harvest" ( who will call vegetables anymore)

"Guess the autumn gifts."

1. Yellow chicken under the tone (pumpkin).

2. Sits grandfather at a hundred fur coats, who undresses it that tears sheds (onions).

3. The golden skewer of black houses is full of how many black houses are so many white tenants. (Sunflower).

4. Red boots. In the land lie (beet).

5. The girl is sitting in the dungeon, and Spit on the street (carrots).

6. Seventy clothes, and everything without fasteners (cabbage).

7. Boron on the Yar is an old man's cap (mushroom).

VII. With the attention of the board, it presents the works of our students.

What trees drop the leaves for winter? (deciduous).

What trees do not change the color in winter and do not fall out? (Conifers: pines, cedar, fir)

What berries are sleeping in autumn? (rowan, cranberries, lingonberry, viburnum, sea buckthorn).

Do you know the trees? "

    What changes occur in animal life, you will learn by listening to the message, Popova Artemum.

Reflection. The music of Tchaikovsky sounds.

Summer, of course, a wonderful time of the year, but with the onset of autumn the whole world is changing. It becomes brighter and colorful. Colors intertwined among themselves, creating gold paints withdraws the summer and it is importantly starting to walk along the forests and fields, decorating all the expanses to his way.


Trees are submorted before its powerful greatness and everywhere they begin to retain their gold foliage. In numerous gardens and urban parks, you can clearly hear the rustling of fallen leaves. Every morning, snow-white fog covers the road.

Everything suggests that the warm time has long passed and the time of magical autumn begins. The sky is recently surrendered before the authority of the autumn. It remains gentle-blue until the last minute, although sometimes frowning clouds sailed on it, which carry raindrops.

Autumn outfits

Autumn significantly transforms all trees. They begin to move very quickly into golden outfits. Males are dressing in autumn with a reddish sweat, and gentle birchings gradually wove in their long braids. Yellow ribbons. Only old oaks lose their green colors and become gray and gloomy. Kalina, as if fashionable girl, begins to try on beautiful outfits and wear an orange necklace.

Each flower bed pleases the gaze of the people with their violence of flowers and paints, which brings autumn with them. Georgina pull heavy and bright heads to the outgoing sun, as if they want to enjoy his warm rays for the last time. Asters, as if small asterisks in the sky, shine with their beauty on flower beds. Gentle velets try to show all their beauty for the last time.

The lack of lack of standing on the ground lush and dense carpet. His small leaves are tightly pumped to each other. As if autumn frosts do not allow them to warm up, and they begin to look for heat among themselves. She carefully retains every drop of morning dew on his leaves. The leaves of the sip behind the sip absorb delicate dew to rolling back and absorbed multicolored paints of autumn.

Quiet music of nature

Only autumn sometimes can clearly hear her music in the middle of the field. It may be crying cranes that fly into the warm edges to overweight. Whea wind, which is important raised between bare trees, fully complements the autumn melodies. But the subtle threads of the web, who picked up the wind, are practically not heard.

Of course, the paints of autumn perfectly complement the autumn music. If there were no golden flowers and paints of this magic pore, then it would be the most dull time in the year. But autumn is trying in every possible way to surprise us with his own people every year.

These paints can fully convey all the mood of nature in their shades, which long months waited for the onset of this pore. Now you can throw the foliage and get ready for winter cold. It is for this reason that it is necessary to have a maximum of time to remember all the colors of the fall, until cold came to shift with their soulless and pale flowers.

Poets and autumn

Autumn - so beautiful it is time for the year that almost every famous poet and the writer repeatedly tried to mention this time in his works. Even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself wrote about the unique paints of autumn in his poems. Nekrasov very often mentioned her in works. But not each of the poets was able to convey the individual nature of the autumn, which is so much different from other times of the year.

Talented artist: Theme "Autumn Paint"

Autumn is a kind of talented artist who can mostly convey the idea. It can quickly paint in golden and orange colors all trees and plants. Despite the fact that the summer like everyone, the leaves on the trees at this time are exclusively green.

At such a time like autumn, they acquire a variety of shades that can delight eyes for hours. No wonder most people collect herbaria. This opportunity to capture bright colors of autumn in its memory for many years. This is the time of year, when the whole world begins to radically change.

All autumn paints in bright vegetables

At this time, the collection of vegetables and fruits begins. Especially you can consider all the colors and paints of autumn when harvesting. Pumpkin becomes bright orange, and just dug potatoes - brown and pink. Tomatoes are distinguished by a bright red chip, and cabbage dilutes all these paints with green shades. This is perhaps the only vegetable that resembles summer days.

However, most people love autumn for the fact that at this time of the year they begin to rapidly get out of the thickness of the leaf and odorous mushrooms. In the autumn forest it is impossible to compare anything. After all, the smells of mushrooms and forests are closely intertwined with bright colors of fallen leaves.

But it is worth noting that autumn can radically change not only the environment, but also many people. After all, it is at this time of the year in the soul of creative people the period comes when they find inspiration. They are ready to write poems and glorify the bright colors of autumn in them, which you need to have time to enjoy plenty, while the winter has not covered with a snow-white blanket.

Memories of childhood

Falls in autumn too. After all, at this time of the year, the parents put on them multicolored rubber boots, in which you can run through the puddles and rejoice in your carefree life. Only in these moments of Mom will not be able to scold his baby for scoring his legs or stained clothes.

After all, in his memoirs, Mom is again small and also comes up with girlfriends in the rain, hiding from large drops under a colored umbrella. I immediately want to return to carefree childhood when I did not need to go to work and worry about various matters. You could simply run through the puddles and soad the things that caring mom will certainly comprehend, although she scribbles for prevention.

Autumn and we

Each person has special memories for each person. Someone this is the first kiss with a loved one who both have been waiting for, but no one decided to take the first step. And someone has a baby's birth. When you stand under the fallen leaves under the windows of the maternity branch and wait for you while you show your favorite son or daughter in the window.

But be that as it may, without autumn, life on the planet would be boring and monotonous. This time excellent allows you to forget about hot summer and prepare for the onset of cold weather. But the bright paints of the autumn, which she brings with his offensive, live in the memoirs of people all the time. These are precisely those memories that can warm the soul by long winter evenings when outside the frost window, and you with your family drink hot tea near the burning fireplace.