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How God God for your beloved. Alexander Pushkin - I loved you, love still, perhaps: verse. Analysis of the poem "I loved you" Pushkin

Poets - butthe second school programs often remain in our memory elders from portraits.Many poems, Voshessential In software classics, seem banal from the point of view of content.

However, not always everything is designed as simply as described in school. "Where to learn and work" together withtutor in the Russian language and literature Anna Glebova Disasses classic poems with a double bottom in the heading# non-patient_literature.

The Soviet tradition of teaching has always drawn the author as a person's ideal, seeking first to teach the reader to something good. Today we did not particularly move away from this trend. In fact, the authors were real people with genuine feelings and thoughts.

So, for example, the classic poem A.S. Pushkin "I loved you ..." It is usually read like an epilogue with the tenderness and bright sadness to the history of unrequited love. Little farewell with a beloved, the unwillingness to seal it by anywhere, the wish of happiness with another - all this creates for the reader (and for the very main, readers) the image of a generous person and highly disinterested

1. History of creation
The poem "I loved you ..." - this is a small story about unrequited love. It affects us the nobility and genuine humanity of feelings. Untreated poet love is deprived of any selfishness:

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

In my soul, I was not completely out;

But let her no longer be disturbed;

I do not want to peel you with nothing.

Two messages were written about sincere and deep feelings in 1829.

2. Theme, the main idea

The poem "I loved you ..." is written in the form of a message. It is small in its volume. The genre of lyric poems requires a poet of brevity, causes compactness and at the same time capacity in the methods of transmission of thought, special visual means, increased accuracy of the word.
To transfer the depth of his feeling, Pushkin uses such words as: silent, hopelessly, sincerely, gently.

3. Composition

The lyrical hero in this poem is a noble man, selfless, ready to leave a beloved woman. Therefore, the poem is permeated with a feeling of enormous love in the past and restrained, careful attitude towards his beloved woman in the present. He truly loves this woman, cares about her, does not want to disturb and peel it with his confessions, wants the love of her future chosen one sincere and gentle as the poet's love.

4. Expressive tools, size, rhyme
The poem is written by a double-dimensional size - yab, rhyme cross (1 - 3 string, 2 - 4 string). From the visual means in the poem, the Metaphor "Love Ugasla" is used.

5. My attitude to the poem
Lyrics, caught love for a woman, closely connected with the universal culture. Commissioning for a high culture of feelings through the work of our great poets, knowing the examples of their heart experiences, we learn spiritual subtlety and sensitivity, the ability to worry.

"I loved you ..." A.S. Pushkin (1829) - a sample of the author's love lyrics. This poem is a whole world where love reigns. She is limitless and clean.

All lines in poetic work are hampered by tenderness, bright sadness and awe. Untreated poet love is deprived of any egoism. ( The text "I loved you ..." A.S. Pushkin See at the end of the text).He truly loves a woman who is talking about the work, manifests care of her, does not want to worry her with his confessions. And only wishes her future chosen one to love her also gently and strongly, as he himself.

Conducting the analysis "I loved you ...", we can say that this lyrical poem is consonant with another poetic work of Pushkin - "on the hills of Georgia." The same volume, the same clarity of rhymes, some of which is simply repeated (in both works, for example, rhymes: "may" - "disturbing"); The same structural principle, simplicity of expression, compliance with the saturation of verbal repetitions. There: "To you, you, one you", here three times: "I loved you ...". All this attaches to both poetic works extraordinary lyrism, sparkling musicality.

Who is to whom the lines are drawn in "I loved you," is not entirely clear. It is possible that it is A.A. Whenin. But most likely, for us it will remain a mystery.

The development of lyrical theme in the poetic work does not occur. The poet talks about his love in the past time. All the thoughts of the poet are not about themselves, but about her. God forbid, he will disturb her with his perseverance, causing any concern, loving her. "I don't want to peel you with anything ..."

The poem "I loved you ..." is performed in a complex, clear rhythm. He has a thin "syntactic, intonational and sound structure". The size of this lyrical work is a five-stranded yamb. With the exception of two cases, emphasis in each row falls on the second, fourth, sixth and tenth syllables. The clarity and orderliness of the rhythm is even more increasing from the fact that in each row after the fourth syllable, there is a distinct pause. The ability of Pushkin with the uniqueness and rhythm's limiting and organizations, create text is absolutely natural.

The words "silent - hopelessly", "timidity - jealousy" are rhymes, but so organically fit that it is completely imperceptible.

Symmetrical and ordered rhyme system. "All odd rhymes are instrumental to the sound" F ":" Perhaps, disturbing, hopelessly, gently ", and all those who are on" M ":" At all, nothing, Tomm, others" Clever and clearly built.

The poem "I loved you ..." - a poetic job in the "Love Heritage program" of the poet. It is unusual because all the emotions of the lyrical hero are transmitted directly - by directly name. The work ends conciliatively: the internal stress of the lyrical hero was sleeping at a time when he put all the points over "I" for himself.

Poem "I loved you ..." Pushkin A.S. Sends the finest shades of tender, all-consuming love. The exciting emotionality of the content, language musicality, composite completion is all the great verse of the great poet.

I loved you: love still, perhaps

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
In my soul, I was not completely out;
But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you nothing.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Then timidity, Tom's jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,
How God God for your beloved to be different.

"I loved you: love still, perhaps ..." Alexander Pushkin

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
In my soul, I was not completely out;
But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you nothing.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Then timidity, Tom's jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,
How God God for your beloved to be different.

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "I loved you: Love is still, perhaps ..."

Pushkin's love lyrics has several dozen poems written in different periods and dedicated to several women. The feelings that the poet experienced to their elects are striking with their power and tenderness, the author admits, admiring her beauty, mind, grace and a wide variety of talents.

In 1829, Alexander Pushkin wrote, perhaps, one of the most famous his poems "I loved you: love still, perhaps ...", which later became talent. Historians to this day argue about who it was addressed to this messageSince neither in drafts, nor in the piston version, the poet left a single hint of who is the mysterious stranger, which inspired him to create this work. According to one of the versions of literary critches, the poem "I loved you: love still, perhaps ...", written in the form of a farewell letter, devoted to the Polish beauty Carolina Saban, with which the poet met in 1821 during the southern link. After the suffering inflammation of the lungs Pushkin visited the Caucasus and on the way to Chisinau stopped for several days in Kiev, where he was represented by the princess. Despite the fact that she was older than the poet for 6 years, her amazing beauty, grace and arrogance made an indelible impression on Pushkin. Two years later, they were again destined to see, but already in Odessa, where the feelings of the poet broke out with a new force, but were not met with reciprocity. In 1829, Pushkin last sees Carolina Sabansku in St. Petersburg and is amazed how old she has come and drove. From the past passion, which the poet experienced to Princess, there was no trace, but in memory of the old feelings, he creates a poem "I loved you: love still, perhaps ..."

According to another version, this work is addressed to Anna Alekseevna Andro-Olenina, in marriage - Countess de Langeron, with which the poet met in St. Petersburg. The poet was captivated not so much of her beauty and grace, as an acute and inquisitive mind, as well as the resourcefulness with which she parried the humorous replicas of Pushkin, as if his teasing his temptation. Many people from the stroke of the poet were convinced that he had a stormy romance with his beautiful countess. However, according to Peter Vyazemsky, Pushkin only created the visibility of intimate relationships with a well-known aristocratic, since it could not count on retaliatory feelings. An explanation has soon happened between young people, and the Countess admitted that he sees in the poet only a friend and an entertaining interlocutor. As a result, the poem was born "I loved you: love still, perhaps ...", in which he says goodbye to his chosen, assumed her that let his love "you are no longer disturbing."

It is also worth noting that in 1829 Pushkin first meets his future wife Natalia Goncharova, which made an indelible impression on him. The poet seeks her hands, and against the background of a new passion, lines are born that the love "in my heart was not quite not at all." But this is only the echo of the past passion, which delivered a lot of elevated and painful minutes to the poet. The author of the poem is recognized as a mysterious stranger that he "loved silently, hopelessly," which unequivocally points to the marriage of Anna Alekseevna Andro-Olenina. However, in the light of the new love passion, the poet decides to leave attempts to conquer the Countess, but at the same time still experiences very gentle and warm feelings. It is this that you can explain the last storm of the poem, in which Pushkin wishes his chosen one: "So give you God to be a beloved to others." Thus, the poet leads a line under his ardent novel, hoping for marriage with Natalia Goncharova and wanting to be addressed to this poem, and was also happy.

Ugly. Fantastically charming. Unlucky. Beloved. Hatered. Great. Unwanted. Man, half of whose lives in the wanders. He knew French, owned Italian, Spanish, Latin, English and German. He translated into Russian Oda Anacreon and Horace, Drama Shakespeare. And all this is he - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ...

In the spring of 1820 he was sent from St. Petersburg to the southern province for "outrageous poems that flooded the whole of Russia." In the late 1820s, the poet was allowed to return to the capital. He breathes with wet air of St. Petersburg, air of freedom. There is no 30th poet, but his youth ended in December 25th. Youth is hanged, the youth is exiled to the mines. In the fields of manuscripts, he still draws the gallows ...

Seven years was not a poet in St. Petersburg. Upon arrival, he visits Alexei Nikolaevich Olenina, President of the Academy of Arts, Sanovnik, Velject, but a cute, good man and a welcoming owner.

In this house, young Pushkin, just fluttering out of the lyceum, once found those people who became relatives and close to life. Here the poet got acquainted with Zhukovsky and Karamzin, with Mitskevich and Glinka ...

Having come to the house to the deer, Pushkin saw a twenty-year-old beauty, smart, brilliant, in whose album the best poets were in a hurry to write their enthusiasm. Then, seven years ago, it was something small, bright, gentle. The girl was called her Anya, annet was the daughter of the owners. Pushkin immediately fell in love with annet.

Was May. Northern Nature slowly waking up. Flower and Pushkin. He called the girl with "Dragunchik", persistently courted, wrote poems. What is annet? In the diary she writes that the famous Pushkin is the most interesting person of his time that God gave him a genius, but did not reward an attractive appearance. In the eyes of the girl - "his face was expressive, but some malice and mockedness were overshadowed by the mind that was visible in blue or, it is better to say, glass eyes. Arab profile did not decorate his faces. Yes, and add terrible bundlebards, rash hair, Nails, like claws, a little height, a bold gaze on women, whom he was distinguished by love, the oddity of the natural natural ... Among the characteristics of the poet was the one that he had a passion for small legs. "

Yes, the poet passionately fell in love, and the girl just stolen that the genius fell asleep to her legs. But the unprecedented hotness of Pushkin was partly passed by annet: she had not yet loved, but was no longer indifferent.

In the fields of manuscripts, the poet, by passing the mind of the mind, wrote the heart - "Aneta Pushkin." Finally, he decided and made a proposal, but received a refusal ... Mother of the girl. Yesterday, the Poet, today, which is part of the glory and fashion is one, but relative, but the husband of his daughter, the Freillans of the Empress are quite another!

Pushkin suffered very much. With it - then temperament, pride - refusal to get! He hurts that the girl hid behind his mother's skirt. But, most likely, she did not like him enough that they can do ...

The poet stopped to be from the deer, and wrote the lines that today we know by heart, and which you do not get tired of admiring:

I loved you, love still, perhaps,
In my soul, my fugasle is not quite
But let her no longer disturb you,
I do not want to peel you nothing.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Then timidity, then Tom's jealousy,
I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,
How God God for your beloved to be different.

In these verses, all Pushkin: the soul, looked in my senses, managed to recover from the blow, and did not revenge in unrequitable, but the wish of happiness. Only love could produce it. Nothing that did not happen ... Love is unrequited, but not unhappy ...