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Oh holy and glorious Great Martyr Most Holy Catherine. Vision of the Blessed Virgin. Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Icons

& NBSP & NBSP Holy Great Martyr Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSpowed On December 7, the Orthodox Church pleases the memory of the Holy Great Martyr of Christ Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP and Catherine, who originated from the royal family, suffered from the hand of the faith of the faith of Christ to the reign of the Roman emperor Meshimin in the city of Alexandria, literally for 10 to 15 years before the cessation of almost three hundred years of persecution on Christians from the Roman Empire. According to agiographs, i.e., the compilers of the saints of saints, it was amazingly beautiful and was famous for all Alexandria his wisdom. Already by eighteen, Catherine was perfectly studied the creation of all the famous pagan writers and ancient poems and philosophers: Homer, Vergil, Aristotle, Plato and others. Catherine not only knew the writings of the wise men of antiquity, but she also studied the writings and the most famous doctors of that time, such as Asclepius, Hippocrat and Galin. In addition, she knew several languages \u200b\u200band the shorter, so all their scholars and knowledge were divided.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPMN A rich and noble people wilt for her and for this purpose came to her mother, a secret Christian who hid her faith due to cruel persecution erected at the time on the Maximin's believing emperor. Relatives and mother often advised Catherine to marry her father's tsaric heritage to the hands of someone else. But, Virgo Catherine had a desire in his heart, the desire to preserve the cleanliness of the Normal for the rest of his life, and he really did not want marriage. When Native Catherine began to persuade her to marry her, she, to put an obstacle of their perseverance, offered them:

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP- If you certainly want me to get married, find me such a young man, who would be equal to me and the knowledge of the kind, and for wealth, and beauty, and on wisdom. Every young man who does not have at least one of these tanks is not worthy of me, and I do not want to be his wife.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Mesh Ekaterina, seeing that it is hardly possible to find such a young man, noticed her:
& NBSP & NBSp- Tsariy Sons and other noble seekers of her hands can only become noble and richer if they come to marriage, but for beauty and wisdom, no one can compare with her.
& NBSP & NBSPA Catherine spoke them to it:
& NBSP & NBSP- I want to have a fiancian myself only equal to me.
& NBSP & NBSbanding the inflexibility of his daughter, the mother decided to resort to the advice of his spiritual father, which, due to the persecution, lived in a hidden place outside the city. She took Catherine with her and went with her to this righteous husband. The elder, seeing the beauty and purity of Catherine, and having heard her wise answers, decided to show her that there is true nobility, and true wealth, and true beauty, and true wisdom, the source of which is the invisible Creator and the artist of this world, who showed us in My son is the only beggar - the Lord Jesus Christ.
"I know," he told her, "one wonderful young man who incomparably surpasses you in all your dating." Beauty his lighter sunlight; His wisdom manages all sensual and spiritual creatures; The wealth of his treasure is common worldwide and never decreases; And the height of his kind is inevitable and incomprehensible. All over the world there is no similar to him.
Attently, the words of the elder, Catherine thought that he was telling her about some terrestrial prince, and was doubted, - is it true that he says to her - and asked:
- Whose son, so praised you?
The elder answered her that he had no father on earth, but was born inenectly and supernaturally from one more honestly native of the Blessed and Most Music. And she had to give birth to such a son for their greatest cleanliness and holiness. When Ekaterina asked the elder if she could not see this young man, then the old man gave her to the icon of the Blessed Virgin, holding Christ's His arms, and said:
- Here is the image of the mother of the young men, about which I have now spoke. Take this image to my home, and, by the door of your room, the name of which is Mary, and the moths to show you your son.
Holy Catherine, taking the icon of the Blessed Virgin, returned home, and at night, retired in his room, began to pray to God's Mother of God. During the long prayer, Catherine fell asleep from fatigue and saw the Heavenly Queen in the form, as she was depicted on the icon, together with the Godhead, surrounded by radiant radiance. But Catherine could not see his face, for he was constantly distracted from her. Trying to see the face of the Lord, Catherine went on the other side, but Christ again turned away from her. It repeated three times. After that, Catherine heard the Most Holy Mother of God told her son:
- Review, Chado my, on the slave Your Catherine, as it is beautiful and good.
To which the God-owned objected to her:
- No, this Virgin is very fastened, and so the reality that I can't even look at her.
Then the Queen of Heaven again appealed to the Lord with these words:
- Is this maiden not wiser of all philosophers? Does she not exceed their wealth and the knowledge of many others?
To which the God-owned Jesus answered her:
"I'll tell you again, my mother, that this girl is crazy, poor and highness, and I will not look at her until she leaves her wickedness."
On this predicted Mother of Lord Jesus Christ told him:
"I pray for you, the sweetest Choot my, do not despose your creation, but by the teachings of her, and the teachi that she needs to do in order to enjoy your glory, and to see your leaf, to which the angels do not dare to dress up.
Then the Lord said his mother:
"Let it return to the old man who gave her to our icon, and will do the way he lands her." Only then can she see me and acquire grace my. Waking up from sleep, Catherine has long been divided into this vision. However, when the morning came, she, with a few her slaves, went to the Holy Starta, and told him about his vision, and asked him to point out that she had to do to see the face of the God of Christ.

& NBSP & NBSpodnoye Older, ranging from the creation of the world and to the second coming of Christ, taught it in detail to all the basics of the Christian faith, and also told her about the secrets of the kingdom of God and the future of Mzvozdaya. Catherine, as a maiden who threw the truth and all the best, very quickly learned the Christian dogma, and, having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, without postponing for the future, immediately accepted the holy baptism. After that, the elder commanded her again with diligence to pray for the Most Holy Virgin, so that she was once again to her, as the first night.

& Nbsp & nbsptat Catherine returned to her house, and held all night in prayer until he fell asleep. And now, she sees the king of Heaven with a divine baby in his arms. The baby now looked at Catherine with great goodness and meekness. Then, the Mother of God asked her son:
- Is this your maiden? The Lord answered the Major Mother of His:
"It's very pleading, for now she is beautiful, and Slavnya, and rich, and Promadra, and so it's pleasing to me that I want to get it into an imperishable bride.

& NBSP & NBSPot the radiance of Divine Glory, who emanated from the Lick of God, Catherine came to the thrill and lunizing, and answered humbly:
- I am unworthy, the Pressenger of Vladyka, to enter your kingdom, but the controversy of me to be at least with your slaves.

& NBSP & NBSp When she said it, the Most Holy Mother of God took her right hand, and told the Gogoblants:
- Give her, Choot my wedding ring as a sign of your collapse with her, carry it to himself, so that you will wait for her future kingdom of yours.
& NBSP & NBSThe The Lord gave Catherine the most beautiful ring and said:
- Here, now I choose you by the bride, the imperishable and eternal. So, I save with great care. This union is impatiently impossible and do not choose any earthly groom.

& NBSP & NBSp Savior Savior Savior Vision has ended. Catherine awakened, and clearly saw his wonderful ring on his right hand. She felt his fun in his heart and such a joy that, from that very day, her heart was completely betrayed by Divine Love. And such a great change occurred in it, that she no longer thought more than the earthly, but only incessantly, during the day and night, reflected on the Lord and the kingdom of the next century.

& NBSP & NBSPvscore, after Catherine appealed to Christianity, the wicked king Maximin arrived in Alexandria, who was a zealous idolatry. Wanting to arrange a solemn holiday in honor of the gods of the Roman Empire, he sent an invitation in the surrounding cities to gather to all subjects to bring victims to honor the gods of Nationally.

& NBSP & NBSp When the day of the pagan celebration came, the king began to sacrifice one hundred and thirty tits, the princes and Velmazby - less, and everyone sacrificed that he could. The whole city was filled with the cries of the challenged animals, there was a terrible tightness and confusion everywhere, and the air was impregnated by a rapid smoke.

& NBSP & NBSpability The Catherine's Heart, at the sight of such a detrimental temptation, was cruelly vulnerable, and she, burning Divine Jealous, taking several slaves with him, entered the temple, where these victims were brought to idols. When she got up in the doorway, then everything, because of her extraordinary beauty, rushed to her eyes. She told to notify the king that he wanted to tell him a very important word. The king ordered her to approach him. Becoming before the king, Catherine first bowed to him, rewarding his honor, then said:
- Understand, the great king, that you are involved in demons in the temptation. You will honor the gods of insensible idols and serve them. Believe at least a impartial philosopher Diodorus Sicilian, who says that those whom you call the gods once were people, but for the sake of some acts committed by them during life, people arranged their monuments and statues. The next generations, not knowing the thoughts of their forefathers, who only put these monuments to them for the memories, began to worship these statues as gods. And the famous Plutarch Heronessic was bent with these gods and despised them.
& NBSP & NBSPurt the same, king, at least to his teachers, and turn away from this madness. Know the One and True God, the original and immortal. Which kings are reigning, countries are managed, and the whole world holds. This is all-in-and-to-god, God does not require sacrifice-like victims, and does not be aspired by the miscarriage of non-clear animals, but wants us to always do in truth, and lived in peace and love, observing his commandments.

& NBSP & NBSpouch These words, the king ignited anger, but, being unable to answer them right away, said:
- Leave us these days to make sacrifices, and then we will listen to your speeches.

& NBSP & NBSPO endowment of the days of a pagan celebration, Tsar Maximin ordered to bring Holy Catherine to his royal chambers to find out from her who she was, and what words she wanted to tell him.

& NBSP & NBSplowing her answers, the king was surprised at her extraordinary mind, but even more struck her wonderful beauty, and thought that she was not the death of her parents, but by those gods he honors. And he, looking at her shameless eyes, began to tell her seductive words. The holy, penetrating his thoughts, told him:
- Demons that you read for the gods, make up you, and fond of meaningless lust. I consider myself earth and rush. God created me in the image and like his likeness, and put me with beauty so that people would make the wisdom of the Creator, who could make beauty and wisdom to be done so insignificant and brenous creation. If you wish to achieve truth, I understand all the insignificance of your gods, and know the God of Truth. Only uttering his survival name, and the image of the cross him, drives and crushes your imaginary gods, and if you want, I will prove to you the truth of my words.

& NBSP & NBSP The king, seeing her free speech and, fearing to be defeated and disgraced by her words, referring to the unworthy of the dispute between the king and the woman, suggested that Catherine continue the conversation in the presence of philosophers. By ordering with all the rigorishness, Hazy Ekaterina, he immediately sent a message to the wise philosophers with the prescription to appear to him to the palace for the Palace of the Wisdom of St. Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSPIs are gathered in the quantity of fifty, the chosen and the wisest philosophers of His kingdom, distinguished by the sharpness of the mind and the strength of the word. The king turned to them with such words:
- Get ready with all thoroughness and attentiveness to a dispute about the gods with one girl, named Catherine, so that you can overcome it in dispute with your evidence. And do not neglect the fact that you will lead the philosophical conversation with a young girl, but attach all your efforts, and show your wisdom as if you had to confront the wise to the speaker. If you defeat it in the dispute, I will reward you with great gifts; If you are defeated, then you will take death with shame.

& NBSP & NBSPNA These royal words One of the most famous wise men replied:
- Do not fear, king. Even if this girl and so smart that even brought you surprisingly, but, yet, as a woman, she cannot be wise in full perfection and be quite skillful in eloquence. He took her only to appear to us and you will see that she, with many philosophers and speakers, will immediately be ashamed.

& NBSP & NBSuting these proud words, the king calmed down and even aggregated. He immediately commanded the Holy Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSP listen to the spore of the Christian maiden with the pagan sages many people gathered. But before the sent had time to come to Catherine, she was the phenomenon of ArchReart Mikhail, who encouraged her with the words that the Lord to her natural wisdom would add to the wisdom of heaven, and announced his holy that she would not only defeat the collection of pagan philosophers, but will lead them To faith in Christ, and not only they, but many others, having believed in the Lord, thanks to her, the martyrdom of the winners of the father of Lie - devil.

& NBSP & NbsPee thesen, Catherine led to the king, and put before the meeting of philosophers to the universal spectacle. And immediately, that eminent philosopher, who had previously pursued before the king, turned to St. Catherine with arrogance:
- Are you with such keenness and madness blame our gods?
"I," the holy replied to him, "but not with keenness, and not with madness, as you said, but with meekness, and in love for the truth, I say that your gods are nothing."

& NBSP & NBSPThen philosopher told her:
- Great poetmen call them the highest gods. How do you, with such a keenness, say Hulu on those from whom and the wisdom accepted and the sweetness of the gifts of which you tasted?
"I'm not from your gods," answered Catherine, "but from a common true God received wisdom, as well as their life. For he himself is wisdom and life, and if someone has fear of God and holy keeps his commandments, he will take true wisdom from him. Cases of your gods, as well as the legends about them, are worthy of laughter and censure, because the temptation is filled. Yes, and who of your great poets, as you say, calls them the gods?
"The wisest Homer - answered the sage, - referring to the prayer to Zeus, the first says:" Oh a sorry Zeus, great God, and you, other immortal gods. " And the Preslav Orpheus, referring to the gratitude to Apollo, says: "On the son of Laton, shooting from afar, a strong FEB, on everything looking, and reigning over mortal and immortal, the sun on the evil wings soaring".
& NBSP & NBSP What - said the pagan sage, ending his speech - the very first and most glorious poems honored the gods, and clearly called them immortal. Why and you should not be mistaken, and worship Crucified, like God, for none of the ancient wise men not only called him God, but did not even know about him.

& NBSP & NBSPNA That Holy Catherine encouragingly objected:
& nbsp & nbsp- but, after all, Homer itself, in other verses about Zeus says,
& nbsp & nbspato he was false, and crap, and a deceiver,
& NBSP & NBSPs What other gods - Gera, Poseidon, Athena
& nbsp & nbsphotos to tie it, but he managed to conceal from them.
& NBSP & NBSpitted cases inspireing contempt
& NBSP & NBSpow you call gods
& NBSP & NBSpiced a lot in your books
& nbsp & nbspno as you said that none of the ancients
& NBSP & Nbspne knew about God crucified
& NBSP & NBSPTO Listen to what they talk about the wise sivils,
& NBSP & NBSpurnants Your
& NBSP & NBSPCs are kept you like a shrine
& NBSP & NBSP in the Capitolian temple of Zeus,
& NBSP & NBSPI in the temple of Apollo on the Palatine Hill:
& NBSP & NBSP "in times later will come on this land some,
& NBSP & NBSPI will accept our flesh of sin,
& NBSP & NBSPO Impregnuous omnipotence of the Creator and God
& NBSP & NBSRevitates passions in his creation.
& NBSP & NBSPO, unbelieving people will envy him,
& NBSP & NBSPI will be hung at a high location
& NBSP & NBSPKAK Villain, among villains worthy death. "
& NBSP & NBSPA, Holy Catherine, inspired, Valiantly responded to the pagan sages in front of the whole people. And the word of the Lord came true on it, which the divine evangelist of Luke is transmitted: "When will lead you to the synagogues, to bosses and authorities, do not care, how or what to answer, or what to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time that talk "(Luk.12,11-12). "For I will give you the mouth and wisdom, which will not be able to contradict or confront all opposed to you" (bow.21,15).

& NBSP & NBSPI continued to talk to the assembly of pagan philosophers:
- Recall that your sage apollonium, whose sayings recorded in the book are kept in the holy place of his temple, so honoring you in our Grade Alexandria, in addition to his will, forced by God, confesses Christ, and says: "One He, Heavenly, It encourages me to confonse it. He - there is a light trisween, God affected, but not the deity itself suffered, - for in him, both, he is mute in the flesh, and together alien to the dead, and this husband, all "Cross, humiliation and burial," there is God. " This said Apollonius about the true God - the Lord Jesus Christ, who was gone and was familiar with her born. It is the beginning and the foundation and source of all goods created. He created the world from non-existence for being and manages them. Being is unique to the Father, he became a man for us, lived on earth, instructing and beneficialing people. Then he accepted the death for us, ungrateful, in order to release the human race from the ancient condemnation for the overweight of our progenitors in Paradians and give us the former bliss in the kingdom of the future century. Death could not accommodate the source of life, and he was resurrected, he left for heaven, from where he was nickel, and through him we all enriched with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who and me, unworthy of slave Christ, teaches you to answer. It would be necessary for you, who named themselves with philosophers and wise men, then at least those you call the gods, to know the source of the eternal truth and any wisdom that is exiting over.

& NBSP & NBSPTs, and many other chicken words, Holy Catherine led to silence, the entire assembly of pagan philosophers so that when the king, ordered others from their number to join the dispute with the Saint Valva, they were all silent, not daring to oppose the truth. Then, the king in anger ordered a strong fire in the middle of the city, and burn in it the entire collection of philosophers and wise men. Those, having heard the orders of the king, soldered to the legs of Catherine, asking her to pray for them to the one true God, who gave her such wisdom and the power to forgive them all, committed them in the ignorance, andought them of their kingdom. The holy, performed by joy for them, encouraged them with similar words: "Truly blessed are you, that, leaving the darkness, know the world's true and, despicable the King of the earth, began to be immortal heaven. Firmly, hope for his divine mercy, and let the fire that you Easy, there will be a fastener of the baptism and the staircase on the sky. In this fire you will clean up from every bad flesh and spirit, and in front of the king of heavenly glory will be clean and bright, like stars, and make his beloved friends, in his suffering by having liked him suffering. "

& NBSP & NBSpouchs these words, Holy Catherine painted each of them with a sign of the sign, and they, strengthened by the angels, gladly went to torment. The warriors plunged them into the fire, and so they swore accepted the martyrdom per Christ. In the evening, some pious and Christ-loving people came to bury the remains of the Holy Martyrs, but they found their bodies of them completely so that the fire did not even touch them. It happened on November 17, according to old style Julian calendar, in 307, in the once majestic Grad Alexandria. Thanks to this miracle, many of the residents of Alexandria turned to the knowledge of the true God, and the power of the holy martyrs were buried with due honor.

& NBSP & NBSP averages without having achieved success through philosophical disputes, Tsar Maximin decided to seduce the Holy Catherine to the pagan dishonor through the secession of the royal power. Calling her, he suggested her, in case she worst His gods, divide his kingdom kingdom and power with her. But the Holy Virgin responded to him: "Leave, the king, his cunning and do not like the fox. I decisively, once and for all, told you that I'm a Christian, and I was born in Christ. His one I have a bridegroom and decoration of my news. Do not prett I am tsarist bugger, - I prefer her martyrs' clothes. "

& NBSP & NBSThe Tsar told her that she herself, his answer, forces him to betray her with dishonor and torment.

Do what you know, - answered Holy Ekaterina, - for this temporary dishonor and torment, for the sake of Christ and the Savior, you will only help me to join the eternal glory in his kingdom. And many of your royal chambers will gladly go with me in the heavenly monastery of the king of the future century.

& NBSP & NBSTened, strongly angry king ordered to remove Porphira from Catherine, and, naked, beat it with unimaceous violence. The executioners beat the martyr cruelly for two hours on the shoulders and the womb, so that her whole body was covered with wounds and disfigured. Blood flowed with her strengths and threw the earth. But all these torments holy tolerated with such courage that they looked at her were shocked. After that, the king ordered to conclude Ekaterina to the dungeon, and not give her either food, no drinking until he wonders new flour to destroy her.

& NBSP & NBSP Mon Topic Topic Tsar, August, he wanted to see Holy Catherine in the face. Having heard through the servants about the former tests with her, about the wisdom and courage, she, without seeing her loved her. After one vision in a dream, the heart of Augustus grew up such love for Catherine, that she could not even fall asleep. When the king on some kind of business left the city and several days slowed down with the return, the queen found a convenient time to fulfill his desire. It was then at the court one nobleman, - a military monitor, - by name Porfiry. Him Zaparitsa and told his secret desire.

& NBSP & NBSP- One of the past nights, "she said to him," I saw Catherine in a dream, which squeezed in the middle of a variety of beautiful young men and maids dressed in white clothes. From her face, it proceeds such radiance that I could not look at her. Looking at me with him, she laid a golden crown on my head and said: "Vladyka Christ sends you this crown." From that time, I have such a strong desire to see her that I do not find peace for my heart. I ask you, Porfiry, arranged so I secretly could see her. Then Porphyry under the cover of darkness, taking warriors and money for the dunking guards, went along with the queen to the dungeon. And when the queen saw the Holy Martyr, he was amazed by the Divine Light, who emanated from her face.

& NBSP & NBSP and Welcome, welcoming the queen Augustus, told her:
& NBSP & NBSP- Blessed You are, Queen, for I see the heavenly crown over your head. Three days later you will get it for the few torments that you will undergo the sake of Christ to achieve the kingdom of the future century through them.

& NBSP & NBSpzarian answered Catherine:
& NBSP & NBSP - I am afraid of the torment that you predict me, and even more than my spouse who is very cruel and inhuman.
& NBSP & NBSp- Do not fear, "the holy she said," the Lord himself and God himself will be an assistant here. " It will strengthen your heart, and the torment will not touch your soul.

& NBSP & NBSPTs and many similar words Holy Catherine strengthened the Queen Augustus in the upcoming feat, so that the Prafiro accompanied by the Tsaritsa, amazed by the view of the Holy Martyrs, and listening to her chicken words, believed along with their warriors in the Lord Jesus Christ and his coming kingdom of glory.

& NBSP & NBSPs That's when everything, bypassing immense joy, gone with St. Catherine, left her one, she was a wonderful phenomenon. The Lord himself and the meticuliarist Jesus Christ with many heavenly ranks of Angels and Archangelov entered the dungeon to her, and strengthened it in courage and the upcoming feat.

& NBSP & NBSPNAtro Tsar, Namsev, ordered to bring Holy Catherine. She entered the king, shining a spiritual light, and some special insight of heavenly bliss so that nearby, they were illuminated by these divine radiance. The king was very surprised by her view, and began to suspect that someone in the dungeon brought her food, and wanted to already betray the dunnumber of executions, but, Holy Catherine, he told him all the truth, saying:
& NBSP & NBSP- King, king, that no man's hand served me in a dungeon, but the Heavenly Father, who trampled and cares about all the creation, was invisible to fitter me.

& NBSP & NBSparty, having missed the extraordinary and heavenly beauty of St. Catherine, again began to seduce her to pagan dishonesty, and told her such flattering words:
& NBSP & NBSp- You - Virgo, shining like the Sun, and Beauty of His superior to Artemis itself. You are born to dominate, my daughter. So, come, worship, and bring the victim to our gods, and then you will reign with us, and in joy will spend your life. I ask you, not rubi with its solar beauty with torments prepared for recalcitable.
& NBSP & NBSP - I am Earth and dust, - answered the holy. - All of the beauty of this world, as a color, fades, and, like a dream, disappears. So, the king, not to take care of my beauty.

& NBSP & NBSPO The time of this conversation, one noble, named Hursaden, wanted to please His brutal Mr., suggested the king to arrange four wooden wheels equipped with various iron rally. At the same time, two wheels were to rotate in one direction, and two to another. In the midst of the same, between them, he suggested tie Holy Catherine, so that the rotating wheels thorough her body.

& NBSP & NBSpart liked this advice, and he ordered Hursaden to build such wheels. When the wheels were ready, they led Catherine to the place of torment, and began with big powers Rotate them in front of her eyes to frighten the holy martyr and force her to renunciation from Christ. However, Holy Catherine remained unshakable in his loyalty to the Lord.

& NBSP & NBSPMaximin, seeing that he could not get to Catherine and dismiss it from Christ, ordered it to tie her between the wheels and start moving them. But, only the executioners started this torment, as the suddenly appeared the Angel of the Lord, freed the holy from the Uz, and he himself began to crush the wheels with such a force that they were broken, flew to the sides and hit many of the treasurers to death. Seeing such a miracle, all the people exclaimed:
& NBSP & NBSP- Great Christian God!

& NBSP & NBSPA The king from rage was gloomy and ramped, Introducing new executions for St. Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSThe, Tsarina August, having heard about this miracle, came out of his chambers, and began to expose the king in the madness of his confrontation to the living God and the injustice of the torment of St. Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSp- Truly, you are bold and mad, "she said to him," because he dared to fight with the heavenly God himself and a lot torture his slave.

& NBSP & NBSpouching this glory, the king came in fury and, leaving Holy Catherine, drew all the rage on his spouse. Forgetting even the natural love for her, he ordered to bring a large box and fill his tin, so that it was immobile, to fill nails into the drawer cover, and, having silent her husbands between the drawer and the lid, squeeze them. And the tormentors, causing the queen Augustus, inexpressible suffering, squeezed her her neighbors until they broke away. When her nipples were broken off, and the blood flowed as a river, all surrounding pity for her carrying such a terrible and unbearable torment. But the merciful tormentor did not pierce his wife, and commanded to cut off her head with a sword. She, having heard the sentence with joy, asked Holy Catherine to pray for her, and was truncated outside the city on November 23, 307 from the Nativity of Christ.

& NBSP & NBSPNTuro Assistant Porphyra, together with those who believed in Christ, the warriors appeared before the king and boldly told him:
& NBSP & NBSpans, and we are Christians, the warriors of the Great God.

& nbsp & nbsphan having the strength to hear this, the king sighed from the depths of the heart and exclaimed:
"Alas, I died, because there was a wondrous porphyria.

& nbsp & nbspoty, contacting other soldiers, asked them, for which they left the gods of their fathers? They did not answer him a word. Then Porfiry said King:
& NBSP & NBSP- Why do you ask your legs and leave the chapter without attention? Talk with me.
& NBSP & NBSp- You're an evil head, the culprit of their death, "exclaimed Maximin in response and, without having a strength from a rage, he ordered the head of his head.

& NBSP & NBSPA Porphyry and his warriors suffered to Christ, and so turned the prophecy of St. Catherine, that many of the Tsar's subjects through torment will enter the heavenly monastery of Christ.

& NBSP & NBSpat the same Holy Martyrs Augusts and Martyrs Porphyria Prettylate and with him 200 warriors performed by the Orthodox Church annually, even until now, on November 24, the old Julian calendar, in one day with the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine.

& NBSP & NBSpide The same, on the day of his glorious victory over the enemies of Christ, Holy Catherine was again brought to the royal court, and the enemies of Truth last started her, in vain trying in many words to seduce with her earthly wealth, and tsarist glory. But, seeing the unsuccessfulness of his efforts, they did not have anything to do, how to crowind this heavenly bride to those crown, who God prepares with all his heart loving him, and seeking likeness to him.

& NBSP & NBSPThen warriors, by order of the king, taking the holy virgin, led it to the place of execution beyond the city. Many people from the city went behind her a large solemn process. Everyone was crying and regretted about her untimely death, but, Holy Catherine asked them to leave this cry, and rejoice about her outcome to God, whom she loved even to death, and all his heart seeks him.

& NBSP & NBSPWhen Holy Catherine led to the place of execution, she appealed to God with a prayer in which he tied up the Lord for her crown of Christ the Martyr and asked him after the execution to hide her body from the eye of the torch.

& NBSP & NBSpower Prayer, she herself, solemnly contacting the executor of the execution, commanded him:
& NBSP & NBSP-window ordered.

& NBSP & NBSPI When the warrior compartment is the honest chapter of Catherine, then milk has expired from the wound instead of blood. And it saw all the many people who accompanied her from the city to the place of execution. At the same time, her honest remains were immediately hidden by the angels from their face and were in the unknownness, and were open only after 200 years.

& NBSP & NBSPTO happened as follows. One day, approximately 30-40 years of the 6th century, in Christmas, the brethren of the Sinai monastery, located for many hundreds of kilometers from Alexandria, was wonderful to be notified over that the relics of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine are not very much revealing next to their abode. At the same time, brethren received the command to transfer them to the newly commercial temple of the Sinai Monastery. Pious elders gladly hurried to the mountain, indicated not far from the monastery. This mountain was very sublime; But the hermits, with the help of God, soon reached her vertices, where the holy relics of the Great Martyr Catherine have incredible and fragrant. Only angels could put them on the top of this mountain.

& NBSP & NBSPs Saint Catherine were not fully found, but only her honest chapter and left hand. These parts of the unwanted body of the vocabulary martyr of Christ were then solemnly postponed to the Sinai Resident, and the monastery in this is wonderful in their antiquity. In 1689, Russian Emperor Peter's great sacrificed to the Sinai Resident for the relics of St. Catherine Silver forged Cancer.

& NBSP & NBSp presents, as written in books, the holy relics of the Great Martyr Catherine are preserved in a small marble cancer in the altar of the main temple of the Sinai monastery in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on the right side of the throne. The holy chapter of the bride of Christ covers the Golden Crown, and on the finger of her hand wearing a precious ring, in the memory of the engagement of St. Catherine, its heavenly election of the Virgin and Martyrs of Christ. In cancer, the holy parts of its relics rest on a silver tray, under which there is a large layer of fragrant wool. The relics of Saint Catherine for a long-distance pilgrim open at any time, but for brethren and neighboring aliens - only at the end of the uterus in the Lord's holidays.

& NBSP & NBSpat Saint Great Martyr Catherine is honored in the whole Christian world with special reverence and solemnity. In honor of it, churches are constructed, many monasteries are called her name. Also, very many and many women all over the world are our illuminated, through the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, an ancient Greek name that is translated as "always clean."

Religious reading: the prayer of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in what helps to help our readers.

For spiritual assistance in everyday life And in various difficult circumstances, Orthodox Christians have celestial intercessors - saints. Many people who, with sincere faith and great hope, requested help, have necessarily received it.

So, the prayer of St. Catherine helped many believers in difficult circumstances and mourn.

In what cases are praying to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine is a revered landedness of God in many Christian countries.

She came to the Egyptian Alexandria, and lived there at the very beginning of the IV century. With an unprecedented external beauty and outstanding mind, Catherine decided to devote his life to God. Her mother belonged to secret Christians, and introduced her daughter with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The heart of the future martyrs caught fire to God, faithfully and clean love for God after exploring the Christian faith. Having rejected the walling of the best grooms, including the emperor himself, she decided to devote his whole life to the ministry of God. Being a tary of the pagan, the ruler did not bother the refusal, and God's fault was executed.

Since then, she has been to God's throne and attracts our prayers to the Lord.

Apply to it in a wide variety of life circumstances, such as:

Since Catherine herself was a very smart and educated girl, it is customary to handle problems in school. Many believers noted that they received effective assistance, if sincerely prayed the martyr in front of exams or tests.

However, it is considered a real intercession and assistant for young people who wanted to marry happily. Prayer from St. Catherine about the bridegroom - a truly effective tool to find his soul mate.

For the correct understanding of the essence of prayer, it should be noted that in fact there is no big difference, which devotee is praying in certain life circumstances.

So, if one or another martyr is especially revered in a family, you can contact him for any need. And if it is taken to pray to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine about marriage, it does not mean at all that with the same request it is impossible to turn to another God's desire.

This or that "specialization" is only a tradition that comes out of the legend of our church. It should not be erected in the frame of the canon, the main thing for any martyr to treat sincerely and with a clean faith.

How to pray to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

For those who wish to proceed with the prayer of the SV Great Martyr, you can contact the conference for the blessing. Of course, it is possible to pray and without a special blessing, but if you take it - prayer will be stronger.

As for the place to communicate with God and its asked, the Orthodox church is most suitable for these purposes.

It is incorrect to assume that you can "believe in the shower" and do not go to the temple, do not participate in the god established church sacraments. If a person considers himself orthodox Christian And he appeals for help to Orthodox devotees, it is unacceptable to reject the temple of God.

In addition to the temple, you can pray the Great Martyr Catherine and at home. To do this, it is desirable to have a special place where the home iconostasis is installed. It is necessary to have the icons of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the Virgin and any of those revered in the family of worship. Of course, if a person starts a prayer for some kind of devotee, it is desirable to have his image in the home iconostasis.

What words to ask Holy Catherine

The text of the prayer itself can be taken in any Orthodox prayer.

In addition to the text of the most prayer, in the Orthodox prayer you can see words like a tropar or Kondak. These are small prayer texts, which contain a brief explanation of the holiday or the slook of the Holy.

Tropar and Kondak Velikomarter Catherine, as a rule, read on the day of its glorification - December 7 for a new style. However, if there is a desire, you can read these brief texts at home at any time.

Near the tropar and Kondakom, the word "voice" can stand - this is a special defined branch, which is used in the temple when singing. Houses liturgical texts are not necessarily gone if you do not know the practice of church glazers. Therefore, the Pathparies and Kondaki are usually simply read.

You can do this by Naraspov, slowly pronouncing words - it is important that there is no mechanical subtraction of text, and the appeal to the martyr went from the heart of the person.

Virtues, Yako Rays Sunny, enlightened the wrong wise men, and, Jacques, the bridal moon walking in Novachi, the disbelief of the darkness of the darkness and the queen assured them, whom and the tormentor was obsessed with Ekaterino, Blissful, Blessed Ekaterino, the desire to be easily The fiance of Christ, and from him the royal crown of vents: Jesh, the angels are coming, for us pray, creating the precessive memory of yours.

Face honest divine, martyrs, erect now, twisting Ekaterina, Catherine, Boy in the TRIZINSE of Christ, and Zmia Popra, Riotors of Minds of Ushrachi.

Oh Holy Catherine, Devo and Martyr, True Christ's Bride! Molima, Yako deliberate grace, Heruzh predicted your groom, the sweet Jesus, who has existed, Jacques, brightening to the extremeness of the Muisnomia, the fifty developers won the ESI, and drinking their heavenly teachings, to the light of the True Faith instructed them, Takso Skaring and We, Slave yours (names), you are wisdom, and we, all the goats of the adskago tormentor Dorshgsha, the world and flesh are despite the decent, deserve the divine Slavnya faith, and to the explosion of the Holy Orthodox Visority, we pretend to do, and with you in the skies of the Lord And the lord of our Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, praise and glorify the entire eyelids of centuries. Amen.

Many newcomer Christians and those who make their first steps in faith may be difficult to give ready-made ancient text. If he is incomprehensible and read it is difficult - it is quite acceptable to turn to the martyr in his own words.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayers of St. Catherine Great Martyr

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

Find a real, sincere love, get married, thoughts about the child and about creating your family. Each lonely female representative secretly dreams of this. And the Orthodox faith and the church fully support them in such desires. The thing is that on the canons of the Orthodox Church, a worldly person can adhere to a pious lifestyle, only being family. Family - Small Church.

That is why you never stand young girls to dream of a groom or read a prayer appeal to find a single satellite in life. In addition, there are special icons and strong prayersthat help it. For example, the prayer of Holy Catherine about marriage is considered one of the strongest and effective prayers that helped a multitude of believers to acquire their second half.

Prayer Saint Catherine

Why do Christians turn to her? Ekaterina's martyr was born IV century and was the daughter of the ruler. FROM early age It was possible to notice that the girl grows very smart and unusually beautiful. When she grew up, it became on the path to the faith of the Lord.

Once he saw her emperor and fell in love with a girl. But Catherine refused to ruler. For such audacity, Maximin captivated the martyr and tortured her for a very long time. But it did not break the Great Martyer. After the next refusal, the ruler gave an order to execute it on the central square of the city.

Prayer Catherine Great Martyr, what helps?

  • protects against errors that may be a person life;
  • protects against dangers;
  • women find the meaning of life and pacification;
  • contributes to preserving the family and well-being in the house;
  • those who strive to learn new or study something;
  • in legal affairs;
  • find a soul mate and marriage;
  • protects during pregnancy and for childbirth (help prayers for the health of a newborn baby).

Such prayer words you can refer to the holy for help:

"Virgo is the most beautiful, wise, stupid, Holy Great Martyr Catherine! All Hellenic wisdom is completely explored, oratory and philosophy, and medical science learning well, the enlightenment you have led you, believing in Christ, in the vision of an eloquent infant in the hands of his Major Mother, who gave you a ring of immortal engagement with him. But then the flour of underpirers, heavy blows and cruel wounds, and darkness dark, and the members of the fragmentation on the wheels, the power of Christ you were healed from all this.

On the execution of the same, you prayed, you prayed, the Great Martyr Solelava: "Lord, Jesus Christ! Those, Elitsa will call me all your name, I will fulfill the forgiveness of everything, hedgehog on the need for them, and your greatness is messed from everyone. "

Wives, tormented disease disease and to help you calling, the intercession is you, Ekaterina Holy; Therefore, others with the love and reverence of you praying to you, and with faithwhide, and tears from the bottom of my heart we spoke to your wives, do not quarrel, hurry to help them and free them from difficult births to give birth to children, he was brought up by their children, Thanks to you, Catherine Soplasova, for the help, revealed to them, and speak God for you, with all their home. Amen".

God bless you!

Erase also video prayer to St. Catherine:

Prayer Catherine Velikomarteres

Who is the Holy Martyr Catherine

Get spiritual assistance to a believer can from different saints. Often, people are treated with motives for help to Ekaterina Great Martyr.

Earth's life and wisdom of St. Catherine

Holy Catherine lived in the Alexandria of the Egyptian at the beginning of the 4th century. She was born in the family of the ruler of the city during the reign of Emperor Maximilian. The girl was distinguished not only by extraordinary beauty, but also possessed a sharp mind. Living in the center of the Ellinskaya scholarship, Catherine received a magnificent education. She gladly studied the works of the best ancient scientists and philosophers.

Despite a large number of Noble grooms Catherine could not decide on the choice. Therefore, announced to parents, which will marry only for a person who will surpass it for wealth, wisdom and knowledge. To resolve the current situation, she visited the elder who secretly lived in solitude in a natural cave near the city, where he made his prayer feat. Holy old man, having heard Catherine, said that he knows the young man who surpasses the girl in everything. Ekaterina walked to see this person. Then the elder opened her the secret of Jesus Christ, born by the Virgin Mary. For goodbye, the elder handed over to Ekaterina Icon, on which the Virgin Mary with a baby was depicted. He ordered her to pray to the Queen of Heaven with a request to give her son to see her son.

Catherine, returning home, diligently prayed all night. She saw a vision in which the Most Holy Deva asked his divine son to look at the crankshakescent Catherine. But Jesus Christ turned away and said that the girl does not attract his look, as it is imperative, like any other unresolved person, not captured by the seal of the Holy Spirit.

Sealed, Catherine the next day again went to the old man. He gladly accepted her and made her the sacrament of Holy Baptism over it. The sage commanded the girl incessantly praying and stored purity and chastity. In the evening of the same day, Catherine during the evening prayer again saw Most Holy Virgin with baby. Now Jesus looked at her and gave her a ring, thus waking her with him. The next morning, waking up, the girl really saw a beautiful sprout in his hand.

Death in flour in the name of Christ the Savior and Faith

Almost immediately after Catherine realized the strength of the Christian faith, a grand challenge celebration was celebrated in the city. The emperor Maximilian arrived at him. The holiday was filled with cruelty and orgies. Human victims were sacrificed to idols. The city began to persecute on the adherents of Christ. They were executed and burned on fire, but most of them were in themselves the power to resist the cruelty of the pagans and did not refuse faith.

Watching all what is happening, Catherine has experienced compassion and holy love for martyrs. In his soul, she had a desire to alleviate their fate. Therefore, she decided to go to the main pagan priest to the emperor-persecutor Maximina.

The ruler of the country accepted a girl who boldly called herself. Catherine admitted that he confesses to Christ the faith and eloquently impulses the pagans. She tried to open their eyes to the fact that they were committing a terrible sin, pursuing Christians, and for it would suffer severe punishment.

Maximilian carefully listened to the girl, beauty and eloquence of which he really liked him. In his soul, his love feelings were woken up to beauty. Therefore, he set the goal to convince her and make the refuse of Christ voluntarily. For this, he called 50 wise from the whole empire and forced them to join the discussion with Catherine. But after hearing all the arguments of an eloquent girl, the wise men themselves believed in Christ.

The victims defeat, the emperor Maximilian tried to independently convince Catherine, promising a large wealth and glory for the renunciation of faith. But in response he heard an angry refusal. It raised the ruler and his patience ended. The emperor decided to conclude Catherine into the dungeon and subjected to bodily torture.

The next day, the girl brought to a crowded place and continued to torture in the eyes of the residents of Alexandria. But Catherine showed unprecedented resistance. After that, Maximilian threatened to her with the clouds, in case the girl does not give up faith. But it was not afraid of Catherine, she manually went to the wheels. But at that moment the angel came down from heaven and crushed the terrible instrument of execution. Her slices scattered around and killed many pagans.

At that moment, Catherine, whipping the prayer Jesus Christ himself put her head on the plate, and the executioner cut off her head. And again, the angels descended from heaven and took them to the Sinai mountain.

What helps Catherine Great Martyr Believers

With a prayer for Catherine, the Great Martyr can be referred to in different reasons. But, first of all, the prayer appeal can protect a person from dangers and mistakes threatening life.

This holy believers are requested about helping in a wide variety of situations:

  • In moments of grief;
  • In case of difficulties in studies;
  • With unhappy love;
  • To cure from terrible ailments.

Prayer for women is very useful. It contributes to the preservation of peace and well-being in the family. With it, you can find peace of mind and find the meaning of life. Girls can contact the Holy Catherine Great Martyr with a prayer for a happy marriage. Also, this prayer protects women during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Patrone of women's fate holy Katerina

Before praying to St. Catherine, the Great Martyr is recommended to ask for a blessing from his spiritual mentor. You can pray and without it, but in this case the effectiveness of prayer appeal will slightly decrease.

Strong prayer for marriage

Happy getting married dreams any girl. And the church is the intention entirely supports. From the standpoint of a Christian faith only family man may lead a pious lifestyle. In the Bible, it is argued that it is not good for a person to live one. Therefore, the requests of girls about finding a reliable life satellite are quite natural.

It is important that the prayer of St. Catherine the Velomarter does not sound like a requirement. Words should sound sincere and go from the heart itself. It is important, during prayer is in a humble condition, and be ready to take any outcome. St. Catherine's Day is celebrated on December 7th. It is on this day that prayers aimed at it are considered particularly effective.

The words of prayer handling sound like this:

Prayer before the icon of St. Catherine helps in childbirth

Treat prayer to St. Catherine the Great Martyr with a request for prosperous births.

The words of prayers are heard as follows:

What helps the Holy Martyr Catherine?

Holy Catherine deserved the favor of God while Life. Today, every person in prayer can contact her with her problems and get help. Before finding out what the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine helps, we learn the history of the life of this saint.

Catherine was a very beautiful and smart girl, and the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria. A huge number of men asked her hands, but she believed that she should have the best fiance. Catherine's mother was a secret Christian, and she took her daughter to the Holy Starta, who said that the groom, suitable for its requirements, is Jesus. God's son refused the girl because she was unworthy of him. Since that time, Catherine has changed his life: she kept chastity, he pissed and constantly prayed. One night she came the vision in which the Lord gave her a ring, having wrapped it. In those days, Maximilian came to Alexandria, who decided to conquer Catherine, but she refused him because of what was thrown into the dungeon and there it was subjected to different torments. As a result, Catherine executed, and she died with a prayer Jesus. The celebration of the Great Martyr Catherine is considered to celebrate the seventh of December. Liturgy is held in the temples on this day.

The day of Catherine, the saintswelicomarters, is widely celebrated worldwide. Catherine is legendary among the Christians of the Holy. It loves and worship all Christians: Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, supporters of Armenian-Gregorian and Coptic directions. Especially idle and respect Catherine in our country.

Brief description of the life path of the Great Martyr Catherine

The Day of the Holy Great Martyr Cateribery 2 December (November 24 by the Old Style). On this holiday, all Christians worship the feat of the Great Holy in the name of faith.

Right is holy from Alexandria. In case of life, glory went about it as a very smart, beautiful and wealthy woman. Accepting Christianity in 304 was a preacher of the faith and the teachings of Christ.

An eagle of Christianity tried different ways Make Catherine to renounce faith and go to paganism. She was kept in prison without water and food, beat until the body was as a solid wound, tormented, tied to wheels with sharp teeth, the sword cut off his head.

The suffering and persistent belief of the girl in the teachings of Jesus Christ were the fact that many pagans of that time renounced their faith and became pious Christians.

The remains of Catherine are considered a great shrine for all Christians, they can be bowed to the monastery, which wears her name.

The place where Catherine was executed, tourists and now can see when visiting Alexandria. Many churches and temples are erected on the honor of the Great Martyr all over the world, in particular in Russia.

The meaning of Ekaterina

It is the name that is the key to the act of Catherine. "Catarina" from the walnut "clean", the "E" particle carries the semantic meaning - "always". In other words, this name means "clean always".

Holy Catherine has become a symbol of the purity of faith, integrity and truth. Even in prayer, Christians call the holy clean, immaculate Virgin, who took martyrdom due to the unshakable faith in God.

sounds Kaerg. Christians appeal to a clean, immaculate maiden making martyrdom because of love for God, with a request to help in solving many vital issues.

What praying to St. Catherine

December 7 - the day of St. Catherine - is significant in that he gives the hope of everyone unmarried girls Find your happiness. Holy pray with a request to get a good, pious groom, go to successfully marry and live a happy family life.

Holy helps during difficult labor, therefore it is resorted to prayer for the help of feminine.

Ekaterina's Day, the Holy Great Martyr, consider philosophers and preachers by their holiday. They believe that the Holy is their heavenly patroness, pray to her about the enlightenment of the mind and acquiring new knowledge. They ask for support from her students and teachers, because the knowledge and new teachings are patronized by Ekaterina.

Praying from the soul, believers hope for the speedy fulfillment of conceived. And often faith really creates wonders.

Ekaterina's Day, Holy Great Martyr - Holiday Signs

This day is really festive, there are signs that predict what will be cropped for the next year. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the bad harvest should be expected if a lot of snow falls on dry earth.

Among the weather predictions, the prediction was popular before the holiday of Varvara (December 17). If on the day of Catherine, fog and thaw, you should expect the same weather to Barbara, the frost will not.

Walking on Catherine

This is a winter holiday. Usually on this day, winter is in full swing: the earth is covered with snow, the frost is born and cold.

On December 7, the Day of St. Catherine, in the old days was famous for folk festivals, they were called and called Ekaterininsky. It is strictly forbidden to sit at home and bored on this day. People have fun, because the obligatory rite of this holiday was riding a slide on sledding or on carts. Guys who were going to marry, it was on this day, among the walking crowd, brides were looking for themselves, so that during the winter meat pool to play wedding. So that the wife came across good, guys on the eve of the holiday fasted.

Festive fortune telling on the narrowed

Unmarried Maiden on the issuance in this day in one of the houses. After congratulations on the day of Catherine, the convolves, the villages were arranged, on which, together from general products, they prepared porridge or soup.

Exactly at midnight, guessing and dreaming of finding their future took prepared food and, leaving her to the gate, they called their destiny. It was believed that if on the prizes somewhere loops, it means that a girl awaits a good marriage and good family life. Silence, on the contrary, did not foretell anything good.

December 7, the day of St. Catherine, is considered best holidayTo find out the future. Before the sun rises, on this day, the girls tried to cut off the cherry branch. At home, the cut sprig was put into the water to make the forecast - waited for the old new year. Dry branch - a sign of "happily" happiness, unhappy fate. The cherry bloomed - wait for the girl the woven next year.

Congratulations on the day of Catherine, concerters, are widely used believers and in our time. Be sure to congratulate women who wear the same name as the holy. You can just do it with words, in a poetic form by writing a congratulatory letter, but the best manifestation of love and care about close person will be coming from the heart of prayer.

This holiday is known and read. Believers visit the church and temples on this day, to putting a candle to contact the saint, believing that sincere prayer is able to work wonders.

December 7. (November 24 by old style) Chtit Church the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. This is one of the most famous and revered Christian saints, both in the eastern and in the Western Church. Catherine - " always clean"(Translation from Greek), in life - Selected Bride of Christ, whom the Heavenly Groom himself handed her wedding ring.

West by the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The first mention of the celebration of the memory of St. MPC. Catherine belongs to the VIII century. The honoring of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine is closely connected with the history of the Sinai Monastery, that is, with the earliest history of Christianity, and in Russia it goes back to times Kievan Rus. So, already in one of the oldest November mines (XI century) contains her service. The life and martyrdom of Saint became part of the great mines of Mind of St. Saint Makaria and Prolodov (collections of the saints of saints). Particles of the relics of St. Catherine were kept in 2 reliquaries from the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - in the dark cross-laying of the 70s. XV century And in the carved icon-folding "Praise of Our Lady" with the chosen saints on the turn (3rd of the 3rd XV century).

Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Tropean and Kondak

The Holy Great Martyr service Catherine is not marked with a special festive sign and comes in jointly with the company of the Poppribrem and St. MCH. Mercury.


Virtues are sunny sunny, enlightened the wrong wise men. And the Jacques of the Embreneous Moon walking in Novachi, the disbelief of TMU honorated the ESI, and the queen assured the disaccier, whom and the tormentor was a bias, Boganodnoye, Blessed Catherine. By the desire to retract the heavenly pane, to the beautiful fiancé Christ, and from him the royal crown was walked. Jeshu from the angels to the right, you are praying for your progressive memory.


Mortar of Catherine Martyr, and the vitations of the appearance of the umual heresy. Angel Bo with heaven to that pripe, strength from Vynyago brought. The souther of the enlightenment of men's rummer, Christ is a martyr praise.


Library of Russian faith

Folk traditions on the day of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine was very popular among other female names, especially in our time, therefore the day of the aochimenitia is a very noticeable event in church calendar, rightfully decorating a modest lean meal rich, festive cakes.

Previously, the people were very popular were the so-called Catherine festivities. On this day it was impossible to sit at home, you needed to have all the villages and rejoice. In Russia, young people rode sleds from a slide and on the harnessed equestrian sleighs. The grooms tried to look after the wagons of themselves a good bride to arrange a wedding for winter meatonead. The girls, in turn, asked the Holy, so that they were good and worthy of the bridegroom.

The Holy Great Migrations also also apply for help during pregnancy and with severe childbirth. In the West, it is considered the patroness of students and all students, as in Russia, Holy Tatyana.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Icons

"The icon-painted script", compiled at the beginning of the XX century S.T. Bolshakov based on the original of the 17th century original, reports that the Holy Catherine is depicted as follows: "On the head of the crown of the royal, Vlasi is simple, like the girl, the rimea is Lazzore, the yard kinovar (red clothes), Barma Tsarist (precious ornaments on clothes) to hem, And on the shoulders and on the sleeves, the sleeves are wide, in the right hand, the cross, and in the left scroll, and it writes in it: "Lord God, hear me, giving the name of the Catherine's abuse of sins, and at the expense of the exodus it is he It's late for him. "

Thus, only without a scroll, it is depicted on the icon of the beginning of the XIII century from the monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai. Perhaps it was this icon that served the main temple way and was located near the crayfish with the relics of Holy.

Sometimes holy Catherine is depicted in the Red Cloak - the traditional robe of martyrs and blue chiton. The head of the saint can be covered with a white board, symbolizing chastity, spiritual and bodily cleanliness.

In the XVI century, a new iconographic option appears in Russian art - "the mission of the Great Martyr Catherine about the People", not found in Byzantine or Balkan art. The Holy is depicted with the Scrimon in the hand containing the text of its death prayer, behind Catherine depicts a pall with a sword; Sometimes there is a wheel and fortress facilities Alexandria.

Probably, this iconography arose thanks to the reverity of St. Catherine as the intercession "at the end of the soul": before the execution, she prayed to the Lord to forgive all the sins to those who would remember her before death. Sometimes at the feet of Holy depicts the knee-free believes, resorting to its prayer intercession.

Temples in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

Currently there are up to 300 temples in the name of the Holy Great Martyr CatherineAs in Russia itself and beyond: in Finland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, in Cyprus, in Turkey and in Egypt.

Among the most ancient buildings in Russia, the Novgorod Church is known in honor of the Great Martyr, it is mentioned in the list of wooden churches burned down in 1310, later (from the turn of the XIV and XV centuries), it appears as a stone attack of the Church of Assumption to trade.

The history of the first Moscow church of the Great Martyr Catherine begins at the end of the XVI century, when the craft Sloboda appears (st. Large Ordina), a handicrafts of Anastasia Romanovna appears, the first spouse of Tsar John Grozny. It was also built here and a wooden temple, known for chronicle sources of 1612.

Monastery of the century Catherine is one of the most ancient continuously existing Christian monasteries in the world, founded in the IV century in the center of the Sinai Peninsula. Among the igumens of the monastery are the most famous St. John the Distrownger. Originally was called the Monastery of Transfiguration or Neanalius bunk. After finding the relics of the Holy Catherine and the spread of its worship, the monastery for the XI century acquired its real name - the monastery of St. Catherine.

The temple in the name of the birth of Christ in Yekaterinburg on this day notes as if the second throne. Because of the inability to go to Yekaterinburg on the day of the prestial holiday, for the Christmas of Christ, here for several years a day gambling here for a month earlier here, on the day of memory of St. Catherine, who gave the name of the city.

The city was founded in 1723, as the capital of the Gornozavodsky region. The name is given in honor of Catherine first. During the reign of Catherine II through the city, the main road was laid Russian Empire - Siberian tract. Ekaterinburg became the key to the key to the endless and rich Siberia, the "Window in Asia", just as Petersburg was the Russian "window to Europe."

Today, Ekaterinburg - the fourth population (after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk) city in Russia.

Despite the fact that the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine can be seen in almost every Orthodox church, the information about her earthly life has been preserved extremely few. Their most complete and reliable source are the memories of servants and personal stenograph - Afanasia. In addition, the landedness of God is mentioned in the composition of the Byzantine religious leader and writer Simeon Metaffrasta, as well as in the works of several medieval authors whose names are not installed. Nevertheless, due to the significance and pedagogical edge of its example, it is among the most revered Christian saints.

Young Egyptian Dorothea

Nowadays, the prayers in front of the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine and perceiving it as an integral part of Russian Orthodoxy, we sometimes forget that the Holy Holy Heritage of the Ancient Christian Egypt is a legacy of the Old Christian Egypt, and more precisely, the period in the history of this state, when all confesses Subjected to severe persecution. However, this is exactly the case.

The city of Alexandria was the birthplace of the future saint, and its emergence coincided with the period of the reign of the Roman emperor Maximin, which was ruled from 235 to 238. More accurate date False failed. It is known that at birth, she was informed by Dorothea, the name, meaning on the icon of the Great Martyr, - Catherine - it was given only after the adoption of Holy Baptism.

Failure to be bride

It is known that the childhood of a young dullness that grew up in the family of rich and respected pagans was happy and truly cloudless. Parents tried in anything to do not deny and indulge in the slightest caprises. When the girl has grown, and it's time to study, the best teachers who have noted the surplus mind and the ability to absorb their completed material were invited to her.

The sharp mind and excellent memory were combined in a girl with an extraordinary beauty that sometimes you can notice on the icons of the Great Martyr Catherine, such familiar to most believers. This feature, very beneficially combined with the wealth of parents, and consequently, the future attached, attracted the most enviable grooms to Dorothe. The bride, who knew the price, denied everyone under the simple pretext that he did not see the worthy chosen one among them.

Comprehension of Azov Christianity

The icons of the Saint Great Martyr Catherine, the photos of which are presented in the article, are the image of an adamant sequence of Christ the exercise, but a certain period was preceded by such a high spiritual increase in the young Virgin. His start was the visit of the Syrian-Developer Syrian Monk, hiding from his pagan persecutors in one of the remote caves.

His mother was crucial to him, secretly confessed by Christ the doctrine. Because on the icons of St. The Great Martyr Catherine is usually depicted against the background of a hilly and lifeless landscape of the desert, it can be assumed that it was exactly that the terrain looked, surrounded by its spiritual increase. Such an example is given above.

The hermit taught the young Virgin of true teachings and told that there is only one bridegroom in the world - Jesus Christ, who is approved to open his heart. Saying goodbye, he gave his student to the icon with the image of the Queen of Heaven and taught prayerfully to ask the intercession from her eternal Son.

Holy Baptism

In one of the nearest nights, Dottya was pregnant to see the wonderful vision: barely thin sleep bold the eyes of a young Virgin, how her gentle gaze of the queen heavenly was warmed, but the baby Jesus, who was on his mother's hands, turned away from her and refused to reveal her her prechiy face until While she does not sound her sins in the baptized font.

The next morning Virgo hurried to see his teacher again and, having told him about the night vision, asked to immediately make a rite of baptism over it. He willingly agreed and in the holy sacrament gave her the name of Catherine. The icon of the Holy Great Martyr shows us already washed in the font and entered the Lono of the Christ Church.

Gift of heavenly groom

Returning home and feeling fatigue from a long-distance transition, Catherine fell on the bed and barely closed the eyes, as the Queen of Heavenly appeared again with her boring son. But this time, turning his face to her, Jesus with a tender smile extended the Virgin Ring, or rather, the wedding ring, symbolizing that henceforth she is his bride. What were her amazement and joy when, waking out his sleep, Catherine saw the tangible gift of the heavenly groom.

Pious design

In those long-standing pagan times, preceding the establishment of Christianity as a state religion of the Roman Empire, Egypt was part of its composition on the rights of one of the numerous provinces. According to the existing tradition, annually in his the largest cities, among whom were Alexandria, religious festivals were held with the participation of the emperor himself.

In anticipation of one of them, a convertible Christian was a desire to speak with the Wentsenus and, discovering the true Christ's teaching, to convince him of the harm of pagan delusions. On most icons, the Great Martyr Catherine is depicted in the hands of palm branches or flowers, and this is not by chance - both the same and the other is a symbol of love and the world, on which the Savior's teachings are based. They intended to bring to the emperor-pagan, a young Christian as a gift.

Wise tea

When Catherine tried to fulfill the conceived and turned to the emperor, he was somewhat puzzled by the high-philosophical meaning of her words and, without having to discuss on such topics, he was resorted to the help of the priests accompanying him. However, as they tried to refute the statements of their opponents, they were defeated by the weight of the arguments given to it. It is characteristic that on some icons of the Great Martyr Catherine (photo presented in the article) is depicted in the hands of a detached scroll, traditionally being a symbol of wisdom.

Newlyracted christian martyrs

After becoming a witness to Fiasco, which the wise men suffered, the emperor was very angry and immediately commanded send them to the fire (in those days, although they did not dismiss on the article on an incomplete service compliance, but the work among the "personnel" was carried out very serious). By the way, from the records of the servant Catherine - Afanasia, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is known that, standing on the threshold of death, the skewed priests are spiritually acquired and, declaring in all that they are convinced of the truth of Christ's teachings, expressed the desire to die for him. Of course, the executioners did not have to persuade long.

It is noted, in particular, such detail: when the fires were faded, then all those present were amazed by the fact that the dead bodies of converts of the Christians were not touched by fire, and the faces expressed unearthly bliss. In the future, their burial places became the centers of universal pilgrimage, on which many miracles were accomplished.

Dunnor as the last argument in the dispute

As you know, at all times the rulers, not finding verbal arguments, resorted to the help of rough strength. It happened this time. The emperor commanded to send a fearless virgin to the dungeon and with the help of the experienced executioner to force to renounce his beliefs. The meaning of the Icons of the Great Martyr Catherine, on which it is represented next to the gear, which became one of the guns of its torment, is just in the chanting of her spiritual hardness and readiness to suffer from the sake of Heavenly Groom, which relentously supported it in those tragic days.

Under the cover of the heavenly groom

Literary monuments and first of all, the living, compiled after the canonization of the Holy, is narrating that, wanting to break the strength of Catherine, the jailers for 25 days did not give her food, but every night the pigeon - the messenger of the Lord, brought Uznice food. He did not leave her heavenly bridegroom and in days when executioners tried to resort to other techniques of their gloomy art. Falling from fatigue and replacing each other, they were unable to shake the will of the fragile girl stored from the torment of Divine grace. Even when it was summed up to the very wheel, which is depicted on the icon, it suddenly overturned and crumbled in dust, defeated by unknown force.

Having lost hope to force Catherine to renounce Christianity, the emperor ordered to cut off her his head, but also bending over the fickle, the Great Mobility remained hard. When the executioner fulfilled the order, then universal amazement and fear, no blood flowed from the rejected wound, and milk. And at the same moment, two angels descended from heaven and everyone had a lifeless body on the top of the Mount Sinai.

Miracle, manifested on top of a blue

The acquisition of the unchecked relics of the Great Martyr Catherine was accomplished after 300 years. The abbot of the monastery, who was at the foot of the mountain, on which the angels once brought the body of God's arms, the unknown voice commanded together with Britia to climb to the top, where the shrine is resting. Not a bag, the monks went on the road and, rising to the top among the clouds, discovered the body of the Great Martyr, not touched by the drain over the entire period of the execution. Introducing it did not make up the rings, preserved on the hand.

Going down, the buildings moved their power acquired in their abode. Today they rest in the marble cancer of the Sinai Monastery, based and named in her honor (photo is given above). In the same place, pilgrims may also bowl and the main icon of the Great Martyr Catherine Alexandria, which is mounted by the Power (special capsule for storing the saints of saints) with her finger.

Miraculous icon from the Moscow Temple

When the Light of Christianity was asked in Russia, the custom of worshiping all the saints inherited from the Byzantine Church was established. Among them was the Great Martyr Catherine. In Moscow, the icon of this desired of God, revered the miraculous, traditionally kept in the church of Christ the Savior, although its faiths are other samples made in accordance with the installed canon, it was possible to meet quite often. And today they can be seen not only in churches, but also in home iconostasses most believers.

Holy Prograti before God

In 2009, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, once destroyed and restored in the 90s of the past century, was brought from the Sinai Monastery to universal worship of the power of the Holy. This undoubtedly served her further popularization among the people, barely overcoming the wise band, imposed during the Communist Board. And today millions of believers raise prayers in front of the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine. What to ask for this holy, and in what cases does its help be most effective?

It is known that the saints themselves cannot affect the lives of people, but the Lord bestowed them the right to apply to him about those who still make their earthly path. Especially sensibly he brings his rumor to the requests relating to those areas of life in which one or another Holy himself had once performed. Thus, in the life of any holy, you can get an answer to the question of whether the execution of our past prayers is most likely to.

What helps the icon of the Great Martyr Catherine?

So, given the extraordinary ability of the Great Martyr Catherine to the absorption of knowledge, believers have the right to expect a successful petition from her before God for help in studying. In addition, wisdom inherent in her days of earthly life serves as a convincing reason for prayers in cases where you need to take any important decision.

Next, it should be noted that the Holy Catherine is considered one of the patrons of marriage, since its bride elected the best in the light of the bridegroom - the Lord Our Jesus Christ. Therefore, before it is customary to take prayers about the upcoming marriage, and those who have already gained this happiness are asking for its conservation for many years. And, finally, it was that the mediation of this Great Martyr Catherine resorted, asking the power of the power and courage to overcome the everyday and adversity, since she herself was abundantly filled with these virtues.