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When and what days you can get married? Subtleties of church sacraments. How to hold a rite of wedding in the church - Rules

At all times, people to the Family Union treated with full responsibility. Even today, some couples seek help to numerology, others trust the teachings of Feng Shui or stars predictions. But there are also such people who want a spiritual connection in front of God and turn to the Orthodox wedding calendar. 2018 for church ritual is quite favorable. He is not a leap and there are 365 wonderful days in it, which will facilitate the restless love and quiet family happiness.

Wedding is a beautiful and touching rite that turns the fate of a man and a woman into a single whole not only before Most High, but also to society. This meaningful event means creating a durable and strong connection for life. That is why many couples who lived together for a long time, fully consciously make a decision to commit the rite of wedding.

By tradition, the church ceremony, the duration of which lasts no more than an hour is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Observing. The action is carried out on the threshold of the church. The clergyman issues a pair of burning candles, symbolizing their feelings, and rings. Under the sounds of prayers, marveling three times exchange rings. Then the young man can be called the bridegroom, and the girl is a bride. Next, the ceremony goes into the temple.
  2. Wedding. Holding hands, the couple goes to the center of the church. Young people get to the trench. Batyushka is aware of the voluntary decision of the marriage to tie their lives together, and is there any grounds for the obstacle of the marriage. Next are pronounced prayers, during which witnesses hold wedding crowns over the heads of newlyweds. At the end of the rite, the couple receives a blessing for the Union, three times makes a walk around the altar, kisses the cross and icons. Then a new-fold pair can congratulate the guests who came, and the young spouse is allowed to kiss his wife.

This spiritual ritual is of great strength. Thanks to him, the Union is preserved not only with small household detales, but even during difficult tests.

Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018

God's temple holds a rite of wedding 4 times a week:

  • monday;
  • wednesday;
  • friday;
  • sunday.

The best day for the sacred sacrament is the day of the red slide. He falls in the next Sunday, next to Easter. In the Orthodox calendar for 2018 this day will be April 15.

Other bodies for the wedding in 2018 falls in the following periods:

  • after baptism and to the carnival itself: from January 20 to February 12;
  • in the interval of Petrov and the Assumption post: from July 12 to August 13;
  • throughout the autumn: 14 days in September, 17 days in October and 15 days in November.

In addition, a favorable date for church marriage includes the feast of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God, who in 2018 falls on November 4th.

Favorable days for weddings in 2018:

The wedding calendar of 2018 makes it clear that spring and autumn months are suitable for a spiritual marriage. At this time, there are least forbidden dates and most of all the most favorive days.

The sacrament of marriage in the church is not held:

  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
  • the day before and in the days of the great and non-administration of church holidays;
  • during posts (Christmas, Great, Assumption, Petrov);
  • on the days of solid sadmits;
  • in the period of a sick week (January 7-18);
  • in the days of the throne temple holidays that each church has their own.

Wedding: Bans and Permissions

Spiritual mentors inform that the rite of wedding can go through all those who are in legal marriage and baptized in the Orthodox Church. For this, only the consent of two sides is necessary, and the age of the marriage must be within the framework of the above. It is impossible to conduct a church ceremony for the coercion of the groom or the bride.

For a spiritual marriage there is a restriction for the bride - the wedding day should not coincide with its natural cycle. This is due to the fact that the wedding process is the sacrament, and the woman in critical days cannot be involved in church rituals.

The ban on wedding is determined not only by church stations, but also by the considerations of morality. Not allowed to marry:

  • those who do not apply to the Orthodox Church: untreated people, atheists, representatives of other religions;
  • juvenile;
  • persons of old age: women after 60 and men after 70 years;
  • blood relatives;
  • people who are marked with another person;
  • those who are going to enter into legal relations in the 4th time;
  • persons having a spiritual san and gave a vow of celibacy.

But, even despite the strict church canons, there are cases in which the prohibitions can be circumvented. To obtain permission for the rite of wedding, it is necessary to consult with the ruling bike. Only his decision will prepare for the church ceremony.

Prejudice relative to the date of wedding

Unfortunately, from the past, we reached our various kinds of superstition, belonging to the spiritual rite of wedding. Believe it or not - each couple makes a decision independently.

It is the opinion that if the church went out the candles of future spouses or fell a ring, then soon it is worth expecting a divorce or death of one of the spouses. Also a bad admission is considered to hold a rite in May, allegedly the spouses "all life will be launched."

During the ceremony, the young can not be turned around, otherwise the disorder and divorce is inevitable. It is impossible to allow someone to pass between the marriage people. This will lead to a short marriage. The ambulance of one of the spouses will lead the scarfing crushed into the church.

But, besides these sad superstitions, there are pleasant. So, if young in the church will look at each other as much as possible, then in family life they will pay a lot of attention to each other. And who the first of future spouses will rise to an unsettled towel, he will be the head of the family.

Supervironmenting superstitions, but the ceremony in the church is successful, and the marriage lasted for a long time and was happy, it is necessary for both a girl and a guy to come around in front of the rite and defend the service in the church. And after the end of the ceremony, thank the ministers of the Church with fresh punishable, wrapped in a white towel.

The rite of wedding is not only a beautiful and ancient tradition, but also a responsible step towards creating a strong and happy family. Sometimes to this important step, the couple comes years later, only when people finally served in their feelings and intention to live together the rest of his life.
There are certain days for the wedding in the church. The most successful day for the mystery of the wedding is considered to be the 1st Sunday after Easter, which in the people is referred to as a red slide, in 2017.this day falls on the 23rd of April, and in 2018. This day drops on the 15th of April. For the convenience of determining the date compiled wedding Calendar for 2017 - 2018. From the calendar of the wedding you will learn what days according to the canons of the Russian Orthodox church you can hold a rite of wedding, and what days there is no (calendar at the end of the article), and begin with kOM you can and who can not be marred in the church.

Who can be marred in church

1. Basic requirements for newlyweds - to be members of the Church (be baptized people, wearing a native cross);
An important condition for the recognition of the reality of church marriage is the unity of religion.

2. Have a certificate from the registry registry register. This item is explained very simply - the registry office will not solve people who are already married and have no official divorce. In addition, the registry office will not collapse people who are not capable of marriage (insane, patients), people who are in close relationship, people who have not reached the marriage age forcibly forced to marriage. From my own note, the presence of a registration certificate for the weddings is a forced measure. From part, this requirement is imposed by the Church by state bodies. In the days of our grandfathers, there are quite a few of the marked couples without official paper, and some couples manage to get married without state certificate and now (for example, if the father knows you very well, and you are planning the painting in the registry office after the wedding)

Who can not be marred in the church

1. People in marriage more than 3 times. The church is the norm for the first time. The second time they walked into the church disapprovingly and allow a second marriage to condescend to human nonsense (the rite itself changes somewhat, for example, the crowns are not dressed). The third time is crowned in exceptional cases, if the reason for the respectful and man repented. For the fourth time, no one will behave - even widowing after the third marriage does not give the right to make wedding for the fourth time. State registration in this case does not have a similar restriction - and can register at least the sixth or seventh marriage;
2. Spiritual persons, i.e. Taking the sacred san. The conclusion of marriage is possible only to dedication to the sacred san. The priest may have only one spouse if this is a married priest. The monk may not be a wife for the virtue of the vows. Violation of this rule - threatens the deprivation of the sacred san;
3. Monks and nuns after bringing vobs, it is also impossible to be marred in the church;
4. Guilty of termination of the previous marriage. For example, guilty of treason, because of which the first marriage will terminate, cannot enter into a new marriage;
5. Those who do not fall into certain age boundaries. At the moment, the lower age limit to commit the wedding should be considered the offensive of civil majority (age in which the conclusion of marriage in the registry office is allowed). In church marriage right, the upper limit is established for marriage: for men - 70 years, for women - 60 years;
6. An obstacle to marriage is the lack of consent on him from the parents of the bride and groom. This type of obstacle should be considered only if the parents of future spouses are Orthodox Christians. Children of Orthodox parents cannot be married to witnessly, without parental consent;
When receiving the blessing of the parents is impossible because of their disbelief, it is worth asking the blessings of the bishop at the conclusion of a church marriage without the permission of parents. The bishop has the right to bless the marriage and if parents do not agree to the marriage of children in illegal reasons.

Why not wary in the post?

This is explained by the fact that during the post, the believers should attend worship, and not to arrange a marriage feast. Previously, marriage was called only the wedding, and the very word "marriage" comes from the Slavic word "Brasho", translating the "PIR" or "food". The post is the time of abstinence, including the spouse. Not allowed during the post to attend entertainment places - a person should morally cleanse during this time. If you look at the wedding calendar, then in a year more days, when they are not crowned than days when the wedding is allowed.
On the eve of weddings, Orthodox Christians should adhere to the post, the Liturgy should also be visited before the sacrament, confessing and coming.

Relegations of paganism make themselves to know to this day, manifesting themselves with all sorts of unprecedented and all sorts of superstitions. The word " superstition" (Educated from "Suge" - in vain and "faith", literally translated as "vain belief") - prejudice, which is a faith in any otherworldly. There is, for example, superstition that the randomly fallen ring during a wedding or an extinguished wedding candle foreshadows misfortune: divorce or early death of one of the spouses. The superstition is also common, that one of the newlyweds, who will be the first to enter the unfolded roaster will be the head of the family.
A superstition is common and about what can not be marred in May, and from the older generation, even about the fact that in Kiev (not to mention the villages or suburbs) often be heard "you will then have a whole life", etc.
In general, relative to the dates of the wedding superstitions are a lot. For example, the total number of weddings in a leap year is noticeably falling, and it is connected exclusively with superstitions. 2016 is a leap and many for some reason believe that it is not desirable to marry or get married in this year. A year that comes after the leap 2017 is considered in our people the Year of the Black Widow, which means again there is no prosperous for marriage. So, we have a crazy situation - in which in which two years out of four for incomprehensible reasons are considered unsuccessful. This is what the Church says on this topic: "The" leap year "is the calendar needed to calculate accurate astronomical dates. Therefore, people who consider a leap year unsuccessful for any affairs and undertakings (for example - marriage), fall into sin, because superstition is just that natural subjects are attributed to the supernatural meaning. "The devil, trying to reject us from the feats of virtue and suppress peaceful jealousy, taught people happiness and misfortune to attach days" "(St. John Zlatoust)
Such fictions and superstitions should not worry a believer. And if you go to such a step as a wedding - you must be believing people. To such accidents, how the rings drop or the fading of the candle should be treated exactly as chambers.

What you need to bring with you to wedding

So, you have chosen the day and you have been assigned time convenient for you. You will need to prepare in advance:

1. Bottle of red wine (koror);

2. Little loaf or bread (left in church), not in all temples is a mandatory point;

3. 2 candles, 5 towers (wedding set);

4. 4 nasal boards (two - witnesses to keep the wints and two - newlyweds to keep candles);

5. Couple icons: Savior and God's Mother

6. Rings (as a symbol of eternity of marriages)

Rings You will give a priest or his assistants, and they will be covered on the throne. Pushniks you also give to the wedding assistants. Of the 5-tanks - one must be big, it will spread it under your feet when making the sacrament. One is put on a loaf or bread, two more push on the icons with which you will come out of the temple, and the last roaster - will be used to bind your hands during the sacrament.

You must understand that not in every temple you can buy beautiful wedding candles and the towers for them. Take care in advance about it, they can be purchased in large temples or in Orthodox stores. Now they are selling ready-made, equipped wedding sets, although in fact, ordinary church candles are suitable for the sacrament. All visible beauty is needed only for you and does not affect the number of "grace" you will receive. The most important thing during the wedding is your prayer.

The magnificence of the temple decoration - painting on the walls, icons, professional choir and bell ringing on completion - all this is necessary to create a holiday, as actually and wedding photographer, At your request, all this is beautifully coming. From myself I will add - that in the photo or video filming of the wedding you need to take a blessing, asking in advance permission from the father, who will be wary. The shooting is not prohibited, but the photographer operator must be imperceptible during the wedding and should not interfere with anyone from those present. I, for example, in time the wedding shooting is not using flashes and remove only over the light lens and open diaphragms. Ordering wedding photo services - Remember that wedding is primarily the sacrament, and not a photo session - and your photographer should be a professional.

Now everywhere the mystery of the wedding begins with the engagement. The engagement occurs closer to the entrance and only after it the pair enters the center of the temple. During the engagement, the priest gives into his hands the two lit candles engaged - a symbol of joy, heat and purity. After that, he puts on the rings, the first put on the bridegroom, then the second is the bride, and three times (in the image of the Holy Trinity) changes the rings on their hands.
After the young couple enters the temple - the priest asks for good whether a marriage is made in good defense and wishes. Next, three prayers are pronounced, they are requested by the blessing of God on the combined marriage. Then the crowns are taken out (which the people call the crowns, because they are always decorated like crowns) - and assigned to the heads of young. The crown is the image of the crown of the kingdom of heaven, and even this is a symbol of martyrdom. Life is not cloudless and simple and in order to live together to end to the end you need to have patience, comparable only with the patience of martyrs. In some temples, witnesses do not hold the crowns over their heads, they are put on their heads.

The main mortage of wedding occurs when the priest blesses the newlyweds three times with the words: "Lord God God, Gleva and Honor of Velchae," Then the Bowl with wine (red wine in it is the symbol of the blood of Christ, and the bowl itself is a symbol of the common everyday bowl of joys and sorrows, which Spouses must share until the end of their days). The priest in three techniques gives to drink from the bowl of the bride and the bridegroom. Then he binds their hands with the Rushnik and drives three times around the table with icons, under the singing of the wedding choir. The circle is a symbol of eternity and continuity, because the sacrament is forever. The move behind the priest is the image of the church ministry.
At the end - the priest gives a young kiss the cross, the icons, and then give them an icon in their hands and says a small sermon - instruction. After the instruction of young people can kiss, and relatives and relatives who came to approach and congratulate the young Christian family.

Only the ruling bishop of the diocese (area) can terminate the church marriage, where wedding was performed, and only in case of treason of one of the spouses or for another serious reason (for example, the death of one of the spouses). "That God combined, that person does not separate"

Wedding Calendar for 2017 (pink marked permitted days)

Wedding Calendar 2017 and 2018 Created for reference purposes and may contain unintentional inaccuracies, besides this calendar does not take into account the temple holidays of a particular church (in different temples are different dates), before choosing the date, it is definitely necessary, in advance - consult your priest!

Wedding Calendar for 2018 (Pink Cells - Allowed Days for Wedding)

Video: What days it is impossible to marry, Igor Silchenkov

Video: Wedding sacrament in the Russian Orthodox Church. Step-by-step instruction

General explanations: what days you can get married, and which

The mystery of the wedding is not performed:

Tuesday and Thursday - throughout the year;

On Saturday - throughout the year;

On the eve of the two-month, temple and great holidays;

During the Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas posts;

A week meat support, during the cheese week (Maslenitsa) and a week cheauceous; During Easter (light) sadders;

On the days (and on the eve) of the advisions of the head of John the Forerunner - September 11 and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 27;

Also, the mystery of the wedding is not performed on the eve of the prestial temple holidays (in every temple has its own prepar holidays).


Two-month, non-passing holidays:

The two-month passed holidays for 2017:

Boxed Overgoing Holidays for 2018:

Great Church Holidays:

Church multi-day posts in 2017:

Church multi-day posts in 2018:

Solid saddles in 2017:

Cheese (carnival) - a week before the great post (without meat) from February 20 to February 25, 2017;

Solid sadmits in 2018:

Sedmian - Week from Monday to Sunday. These days the lack of post on Wednesday and Friday. Solid weeks five:

Mytar and Pharisee - begins 2 weeks before the Great Post from January 29 to February 3, 2018;

Cheese (Carnival) - a week before the great post (without meat) from February 12 to February 17, 2018;

Church day posts, days in which they also do not behave:

Many couples prefer not only to legalize their relationship in the registry office, but also to confirm their wedding rite. This is not only one of the most beautiful Orthodox ceremonies, but also a very serious step. Someone may not know, but you can not get married at any time, there are days when this rite is not carried out according to Orthodox traditions. So let's figure it out, what days can be marred in 2018?

Wedding is a difficult step of married couples. It happens that they make it in many years of living together. But many young lovers who are confident in their feelings make a mysterious rite immediately after marriage.

It is important to remember one: Everting a desire to spend this ritual, you should think well, be confident in each other's feelings. After all, this beautiful divine union of two loving hearts is once and for all. He will have power all his life. Even if one of the pair in the future will overtake disappointment, it is impossible to break this union. Rituals of debunking simply does not exist.

If everything has already been decided and, after the marriage of the marriage, the young decided to get married, and such an order should be, it should be fully weighing the decision and to choose the date of the date it is very competent. And then the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018 will help you.

It was just created for those who wish to get married. After all, it is well known that the church does this rite not every day. Namely in the Orthodox calendar weddings, the days in which, according to church canons, can be carried out, and which is prohibited.

What days you can get married

The church is a lot of prohibitions in themselves, and therefore it is necessary to choose a significant date, to bypass all the pitfalls and other unpleasant moments so that marriage is strong and long.

That is why the bride, even the most not superstitious, begin to remember everyone, even minor trifles. On the eve of the wedding, they tend to succumb to superstitions and carefully relate to all details, because in their opinion, their happiness depends not only on complete mutual understanding and trust relationships, but also from the date of the wedding.

A large number of rules and restrictions can introduce any bride into despair, but there will be several tips to help determine the choice.

The most appropriate day for the wedding ceremony is considered Sunday, but also rites are carried out on other days of the week, such as: Wednesday, Friday and Monday.

Mute all marriage becomes from those couples whose wedding falls on the first resurrection after Easter. This holiday is called a red hill. Of course, there are some difficulties, because this event has the same indefinite date as Easter, but in 2018 it falls on April 15, which is necessary to remember those who want to marry in this holiday.

Also, according to beliefs, the second right date is the day of the icons of the Kazan Mother of God, celebrating on November 4, as well as other holidays of the Virgin.

It is also worth remembering about the bottom of Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is also considered very good time for the wedding.

Of course, not many newlyweds will be able to hold their ritual on such days, you will have to look further, sort out various dates, carefully imparting them with a calendar. Many do it, pushing out of existing restrictions. It is quite easy to choose the right time, the exclusion method dropping the days when the wedding is prohibited.

Thanks to such uncomply actions, you can easily find the most suitable time intervals in which any church will agree to hold the ceremony.

You can see what days to suit you for wedding in this calendar:

When prohibited

Do not forget that the church has a rather impressive list of dates, in which the wedding ceremony is prohibited. This ban, primarily concerns long posts.

Wedding under the ban also on the days of solid sadmits, which are already five more.

In accordance with church rules, weddings are not held in the days of large Christian celebrations. Such days must be carried out with the Church, not paying attention to their personal, low-albeit desires, devoting all his time to prayers, in order not to detract from the importance of the holiday.

This is due to the fact that during the church festivities it is customary to pacify the desires of the flesh, as well as to take care of his spirit.

For an unprepared person, it will seem that the prohibitions are too much, and, therefore, days to spend your ceremony not to find, however, if you study everything thoroughly, you can choose a day that will satisfy and you, as well as it will be suitable for the church.

However, in order not to make a mistake in the choice and not overshadow the ceremony, be sure to consult with the priest who will definitely tell you the right dates and will help with the choice.

Why can refuse wedding?

The church reserves the right to refuse to hold the ceremony of those couples whose personal qualities are not consistent with the indices of the Church and with public standards. Therefore, you do not marry a couple if:

  • They are clergy;
  • If both partners are not baptized, or at least one of them, the baptism must be adopted;
  • They are atheists;
  • Consist in another marriage;
  • Adopted monastic vow;
  • Relatives like blood and spiritually;
  • They confess different religions;
  • People older than sixty;
  • Juvenile;
  • If they are brought to a divorce with the previous spouse or spouse;
  • If for one of them or both is the fourth marriage.

In very rare cases, the church can move away from strict principles and allow these people to get married, however, in order to carry out the ceremony need a weighty cause. The last word remains behind the ruling bishop, it is he decides to be such a pair of the appointed or not.

Is it possible to marry in May

According to the wedding calendar, this month is perfect for wedding, but the people are offered from such a step in this beautiful spring month.

The saying says:

You will marry in May or marry - you will get all my life.

Indeed, for marriage, this spring month is suitable most - warm, beautiful. But, if neither regrettable, marriages in this period lies a little.

From where this statement came to us, it's hard to say now. It is known, for example, that in a long Rome, Mai considered an inappropriate month for weddings because heavier work fell at that time, as they say, not before the celebration.

Maybe the assertions of astrologers played their role, that in May our shovel arrogantly approaches the star Algol - the spirit of evil, as in ancient times they called her Arabs. And he, negatively affecting the consciousness of a person, causes the scandalous states of it, which destroy the marriage unions.

But outside the twenty-first window and it's good that there are newlyweds who neglect this believe.

They, not paying attention to all predictions, are decided on the marriage in this very remarkable month of nature waking up from the winter sleep, with her pure, breathtaking air, green lawns, a foxy smell of rolled up trees, lilac, daffodils, tulips and other early colors.

Therefore, every couple who decided to bore his alliance should decide herself, to believe it with all this. Is it possible to accept assertion of astrologers for reality. And choose for marriage that day that is most appropriate for both.

If marriage is really like love, then, in spite of any prejudices, mutual understanding, mutual understanding and trust will be accompanied. And the bonds that link themselves is not a difficult duty, and happiness. Wedding day will be the best in your life!

Tips for those who have come to marry.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on the place and time of the mystery of the wedding. Now in many temples there is a pre-recording, which indicates not only the day, but also the wedding time.

Make it can any relative. In this case, the priest will be wencing on which the Priority of Reques In the same churches, where there is no such record, the newlyweds draw up a receipt for the commission of the sacrament on the day of the wedding, behind the candle drawer. However, it is impossible to call time here exactly, since weddings will begin only after the other requirement. But you can agree with a specific priest if there is a need for this.

In any case, the church will require a marriage certificate, so marriage registration in the registry office should be before the wedding. If there are obstacles listed above, you must personally contact the office of the ruling bishop. Vladyka will consider all the circumstances. With a positive solution, will put a resolution at which the wedding will make in any temple. In the first centuries of Christianity, the wedding was performed directly for Divine Liturgy. Now this does not happen, but the joint communion before the beginning of a marital life is extremely important. Therefore ... newlyweds need to come to the temple on the wedding day by the beginning of the service, there is nothing, not to drink and do not smoke on the day before - from twelve at night. And if the married life already has a place, refrain on the last night from the marriage relationship.

In the temple of the bride and groom they are confessed, pray for the liturgy and the saints of secrets are sesshed. After that, usually about an hour are prayer, memorial and funerals. During this time, you can change clothes into wedding clothes (if there is room for this in the temple). There are other points for which it is better to pay attention to: it is best if the bride puts comfortable shoes, and not high-heeled shoes, on which it is difficult to survive a few hours in a row; The presence of friends and relatives of the newlyweds behind the liturgy is preferably, but, in the extreme case, they can come to the beginning of the wedding; Making photos and remove the marriage of the camcorder is not allowed in all temples: it is better to do without it, making a memorable photo against the background of the temple after the sacrament commit; Wedding rings must be given in advance to the crowned priest so that he consecrates them with laying on the throne; Take a piece of white cloth or towel. On it young will stand; The bride will certainly have a headdress; cosmetics and decorations - or absent, or in minimal quantity; Mandatory crossbars for both spouses; In Russian tradition, every married couple has witnesses (chapheris), organizing a marriage feast.

They will be useful in the temple - keep the wints over the heads of newlyweds. Better, if it is two men, because the crowns are sufficiently heavy. Schaer must be baptized. The church charter prohibits a few couples at the same time, but, as practice shows, it happens. Of course, each pair would like to be marred separately. But in this case, the sacrament may be delayed for a long time (the duration of one wedding is -45-60 minutes). If the newlyweds are willing to wait until they render everyone else, they will not be denied in a separate sacrament. In large cathedrals, separately crowned for a double fee. On weekdays (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), the likelihood that several pairs will come are significantly less than on Sundays.

Days when not going to wedding

1. Tuesday
2. Thursday
3. Saturday
4. Great post (seven weeks before Easter)
5. Petrov post (second Monday after the Trinity)
6. Assumption post (August 14-27)
7. Christmas post (November 28 - January 7)
8. Sky (January 7-20)
9. Cheese saddemic (one week before the beginning of the Great Post)
10. Easter Week (Light Saddimitsa)
11. February 14 (Eve of the Festival of the Lord)
12. April 6 (Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
13. Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter)
14. Eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity (49th day after Easter)
15. Day of the Holy Trinity
16. 10.11 September (Eve and Day of the Adoption of the Head of John the Forerunner)
17. September 20 (Christmas Eve of the Blessed Virgin)
18. September 26, 17 (Eve and Day of the Cross of the Lord)
19. October 13 (Eve of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin)

Dates are given on a new style.

Tips for those who have come to marry.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on the place and time of the mystery of the wedding. Now in many temples there is a pre-recording, which indicates not only the day, but also the wedding time.

Make it can any relative. In this case, the priest will be wencing on which the Priority of Reques In the same churches, where there is no such record, the newlyweds draw up a receipt for the commission of the sacrament on the day of the wedding, behind the candle drawer. However, it is impossible to call time here exactly, since weddings will begin only after the other requirement. But you can agree with a specific priest if there is a need for this.

In any case, the church will require a marriage certificate, so marriage registration in the registry office should be before the wedding. If there are obstacles listed above, you must personally contact the office of the ruling bishop. Vladyka will consider all the circumstances. With a positive solution, will put a resolution at which the wedding will make in any temple. In the first centuries of Christianity, the wedding was performed directly for Divine Liturgy. Now this does not happen, but the joint communion before the beginning of a marital life is extremely important. Therefore ... newlyweds need to come to the temple on the wedding day by the beginning of the service, there is nothing, not to drink and do not smoke on the day before - from twelve at night. And if the married life already has a place, refrain on the last night from the marriage relationship.

In the temple of the bride and groom they are confessed, pray for the liturgy and the saints of secrets are sesshed. After that, usually about an hour are prayer, memorial and funerals. During this time, you can change clothes into wedding clothes (if there is room for this in the temple). There are other points for which it is better to pay attention to: it is best if the bride puts comfortable shoes, and not high-heeled shoes, on which it is difficult to survive a few hours in a row; The presence of friends and relatives of the newlyweds behind the liturgy is preferably, but, in the extreme case, they can come to the beginning of the wedding; Making photos and remove the marriage of the camcorder is not allowed in all temples: it is better to do without it, making a memorable photo against the background of the temple after the sacrament commit; Wedding rings must be given in advance to the crowned priest so that he consecrates them with laying on the throne; Take a piece of white cloth or towel. On it young will stand; The bride will certainly have a headdress; cosmetics and decorations - or absent, or in minimal quantity; Mandatory crossbars for both spouses; In Russian tradition, every married couple has witnesses (chapheris), organizing a marriage feast.

They will be useful in the temple - keep the wints over the heads of newlyweds. Better, if it is two men, because the crowns are sufficiently heavy. Schaer must be baptized. The church charter prohibits a few couples at the same time, but, as practice shows, it happens. Of course, each pair would like to be marred separately. But in this case, the sacrament may be delayed for a long time (the duration of one wedding is -45-60 minutes). If the newlyweds are willing to wait until they render everyone else, they will not be denied in a separate sacrament. In large cathedrals, separately crowned for a double fee. On weekdays (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), the likelihood that several pairs will come are significantly less than on Sundays.

Days when not going to wedding

1. Tuesday
2. Thursday
3. Saturday
4. Great post (seven weeks before Easter)
5. Petrov post (second Monday after the Trinity)
6. Assumption post (August 14-27)
7. Christmas post (November 28 - January 7)
8. Sky (January 7-20)
9. Cheese saddemic (one week before the beginning of the Great Post)
10. Easter Week (Light Saddimitsa)
11. February 14 (Eve of the Festival of the Lord)
12. April 6 (Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
13. Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter)
14. Eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity (49th day after Easter)
15. Day of the Holy Trinity
16. 10.11 September (Eve and Day of the Adoption of the Head of John the Forerunner)
17. September 20 (Christmas Eve of the Blessed Virgin)
18. September 26, 17 (Eve and Day of the Cross of the Lord)
19. October 13 (Eve of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin)

Dates are given on a new style.