Repairs Design Furniture

The aging of the tree with their own hands. Different technology with step-by-step photos. Methods of artificial aging wood at home the effect of aging wood

How to form a tree at home? This wood finishing technique is popular among gardeners, designers and self-taught masters. With it, you can make a unique interior design and exterior.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

How to form a tree: Main points

To add a tree of age with your own hands, you need to be able to work with natural materials and stock tools. From the tools you need to have:

  • metal brush;
  • electric or handbank;
  • sandpaper;
  • bulgarian.

In addition to the listed tools, you need to have dust protection products. It can be a respirator or glasses. Since there will be a lot of dust in the process of creating a craft, then you should think about ventilation methods. It is desirable to carry out this work outdoors. If there is no such possibility, the tree is recommended slightly moistened before abrasive processing. But before opening the lacquer, it should be dried. You should also not forget that it is categorically impossible to fit your hands from the surface to prevent the appearance of the zoom. Hands also can not touch the surface to feel its relief. This can be done only after completely removal of dust.

In the interior, this technology is used very often. It successfully connects with stone, metal and ceramics. Without it, the style of the interior of Provence is unthinkable. But then the special painting of the boards is required.

A shaped tree is used inside the house for steps, shops, as well as to create a designer lamp or a chest finish. From it you can make furniture, such as table or chairs. Also, it turns out unique boxes. Methods of use in the interior of the old tree a lot, the choice depends on the style of registration and aesthetic tastes of the owner.

Artificially aged tree should be maximally reminding natural, which has been influenced by sunlight, wind, rain and other natural phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to use only manual tools and manual processing of the material. It is also important to choose to choose varnishes and paints for the external coating. Today there is a huge range of such, so it is important to make the right choice depending on the desired result.

In order to achieve an antique effect at home, it is recommended to take off on a piece of wood. This will allow you to evaluate the result and avoid mistakes. For training, you need to take the breed of wood, from which the whole design will be made in the future.

To make a beautiful and durable design of a tree with an antique effect, it is important to choose the right breed of wood. Coniferous trees are not suitable for this idea, as they contain a resin, which prevents the creation of effect. Also worth refuse to birch, cherries, maple, pears, juniper. It is better to pay attention to ash, larch, oak, wenge, Merbau, Dussia.

In order to correctly make the effect of aging wood, you need to take old boards. They are easiest to be machined and well absorbed paints and varnishes. It is desirable that they had the bitch. This will give even greater beauty to the craft. If there are no such boards in the house, you can ask for neighbors or acquaintances. Surely someone supposedly such, but I did not find applications. Often they can be free. The young forest does not have a lot of fibers, so poorly treatable, it is better to leave it to the right time.

The master class on creating aged tree can be easily found on the network. There are many videos and detailed process descriptions. Therefore, do not worry if you have no experience with natural materials. In just a few hours of study, you can understand the essence of the finishes and choose the easiest and most beautiful way for yourself.

Methods for creating an aging effect. Among them are the simplest, which occupy a few hours, as well as more complicated, for the manufacture of which takes several days. Everyone chooses itself, based on its reserve of tools and the expected result. There are already ready-made boards with an antique effect on sale, but the process of creating them in the home is caring and pleases much more.

How to form a paint tree?

Painting is a mandatory part of all ways to create aged tree. If the paint is not used, then the outer layer is covered with colorless or colored varnish. It is necessary to protect the outer layer and give the beautiful texture. Translucent glaze "Belinka" - the basis for which other paint layers can be applied. It covers the surface after machining. Before coating with varnish or white paint, the surface must be treated with a soft brush to give relief. A colorless lacquer is applied to a slightly dry paint. Thus, wood is obtained with a slight effect of antiquity. It comes out light color and without gross damage.

If you like aged aggressive Effect, then do not do without multi-layer painting. Also here should be subject to the boards with all sorts of damage: to beat iron rods, roll up, make holes with a seboard. If you want to completely achieve naturalness, you can make worms, but this option is suitable with the most brave and creative.

Wood, Painted several times, acquires a deep color. "Pinotex" is often used for priming, it unevenly covers the surface. It also serves to create thick color the lowest layers of the board. After its drying, it is necessary to make minor damage on the surface and proceed to further processing.

Using White paint is welcomed in some cases. It will help create a craft in the spirit of Provence and give a beautiful shade. Since it can give a glossy defill, it is recommended to dilute White Spirit.

How to form a tree in the style of Provence?

To create an interior in the style of Provence, do not do without old white boards. They have the most detailed purpose: used for shutters, for furniture or steps. After the main coating of the primer, the surface is covered with white paint. It is optional to apply a flat layer. After drying, you have to go through the brush to even more achieve the effect of antiquity.

Loft involves the use of gray-made boards, which reminiscent of concrete. They can be made gray using acrylic paints of the desired shade.

How to form a tree with your own hands in white?

If you need to paint the board in gray, you can do without paints. The chemical method of aging implies the use of alkaline or ammonia alcohol. Using this method, you need to take care of your safety: put on the mask and mittens. After using the alkali, the future product can be covered with a film to reduce drying rates. When the exercise dry, it is necessary to remove the alkali traces: for this it is necessary to rinse with acetic solution and handle the brush. The last stage is a plating with colorless varnish.

How to form a tree in a decoupage technique?

To make cracks on the product in the decoupage technique, the surface is stepdown by special colors. For the first layer, you must take the paint, which will be shifted through small cracks. Then it is necessary to apply the crustaceous varnish on the dried first layer. It should be applied with a thick layer. Having waited for almost complete drying or accelerating it with drying a hairdryer, you need to apply the top layer with confident strokes. For small cracks, it is recommended to produce acrylic paints. Crakellers on the cracker can be considered ready after paint drying (30-40 minutes).

How to quickly form a tree?

The fastest way is the heat treatment of wood and the subsequent coating of varnish. Soldering lamp or burner will help achieve the desired effect very quickly. The top layer of Gary is be sure to remove to facilitate staining.

How to form a tree with a patina?

The aging of the tree of the ammonia is a cheap way to get the effect of patina. You can also use special paints with gold, bronze or silver particles to reflect wood. Morilka can be achieved. It is used for complete or partial tension. Morid will protect the tree from moisture, fungus and mold. Of the cons of its use, it is possible to allocate only one - as a result, it turns out only dark color.

Effect of aged tree

Imitation of the sun damaged by the sun and rain is popular for the design of country houses and modern apartments. Without such wood, do not do when creating certain styles in the interior. It is successfully used for both facades.

Recently, the use of aged tree in the furniture and interiors has become fashionable. Even the most simple cheap wood furniture will look stylish and expensive after its artificial formation. This article will open a few simple and not very expensive ways to create a tree with their own hands for furniture and other wooden products.

In natural conditions, the tree becomes influenced by the sun, wind, rain and other phenomena. And this process takes place for a long time. We will make the process of making a tree artificial, which will significantly reduce the time and improve the final result. If all the work is briefly described, it will consist of two stages: mechanical processing of wood (easy damage, removal of soft fibers) and painting with varnishes and paint.

To form a tree, you will need:

  • rigid metal brush;
  • circular brush;
  • large and small skin;
  • meet;
  • several brushes;
  • antiseptic for wood;
  • white Spirit;
  • dark Pinotex or Dark Lazur Belinka;
  • white Lazur Belinka;
  • big sponge.

With the help of the set of these tools and materials, we will be able to form wood with five different ways. Consider more each of them.

The first way to form a tree - removal of soft fibers and painting

It is artificially creating a wooden surface with a rigid brush, which is removed by soft fibers of wood and, thus, a relief is created, the line of which will be emphasized by the painting tree.

The wooden surface is pre-skewed, then it is processed along the circular fibers (using a special nozzle for a grinder) or a metal hand brushed resulting from the surface of soft fibers of wood.

Speakers are removed with a special brush with a soft pile, but in no case with hand to avoid the title.

The tree instantly changes the appearance, acquires a beautiful relief and contrasting color, which is specially emphasized by staining in two layers.

For staining, a translucent Belink Azure is used, which is applied to the purified surface with a brush or roller.

The tree will have a rather attractive look.

After a few minutes, a sponge is taken and with its help gently removed the layer of glaze, as a result of which the wooden surface acquires relief. You can leave the surface in this form and cover it with a transparent varnish, if such a color of the shaped tree is to taste.

But if you want to add the color of the style of A la Provence, then another autumn is applied on top of the first layer. Another thin layer of white Belinka Lazarinka.

After a few minutes, we clean the sponge with a fresh azure, with the result that we have a whitewayed aged tree, with the help of which the stylish interior of A la Provence is created. When the glaze is completely dry, the surface can be covered with lacquer having the same basis as the azure, or impose another layer of colorless lazuries.

This method of wood shaping is ideal for beams and other elements of wooden structures, when creating an old style.

The second way is the relief of the antiquity and the multi-layer painting of the tree

With this method, the tree is specifically attached to the form of an old, antique thing, a loss of time. This uses a multi-layer painting of the tree.

The surface of the tree should be specifically subjected to all sorts of small damage: it is beaten with a hammer, pierce a selection, fighting the saw, printed with screws or steel rods, do everything possible to give it the relief of the antiquity.

Then the surface is grounded with a layer of pinotex. After its drying, it is covered with a solid thick layer of tinted paint (antiseptic).

Since pinotex has a thick consistency, it may be uneven, as much thicker from Lazuri Belinka. It is used in cases if you need to create a thick bottom layer on a compounded tree.

Belinka is a more liquid azure, it is easily and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the tree, creating a smooth surface color.

When the first layer dries it to intentionally subjected to small damage: to lose the shallow or large skirt, go through the metal brush. The main thing is not to overdo it. Time raid here must be minimal. According to experts, the most reliable effect of antiquity gives the pinotex uneven layer.

After the procedure for intentional making the method of applying scratches with a skin or metal brush, a translucent layer of white lazuries is applied to the surface, so that the dark bottom layer is shouted through it. At all, it is not necessary to apply the paint to the uniform layer.

After drying the upper layer, with the help of a metal brush the longitudinal movements, the top layer of white glaze is scored, as a result of which the embossed pattern of the aged tree is created. Such a drawing has a very contrasting color, which is very far from the natural color of the shaped tree. To bring the color to a more perfect tone, it needs to be done a little muted. To do this, the white glaze is diluted with half-spirit and cover the wooden surface with this mixture.

Aged tree, created on the basis of Lazuri Belink, has a calm warm tone after final processing. Pinotex gives a more interesting decorative effect, with a deep dark color of the base. It is used in the creation of aged furniture, as well as in the decoration elements.

Third way - Processing with a brush and white icing

This way to form a tree is the easiest and rapid. The wooden surface is processed by a metal brush, then covered with a layer of white glaze.

After drying the glazes, the surface is again processed with a metal brush. As a result, we have a white wooden surface, a little aged embossed pattern from a metal brush.

Master class: "How to form a tree?"

Let's analyze another way how to form a tree with your own hands. The photo above shows the steps of work execution, and below I will describe them in detail.

1. You need to choose the right tree to make up. It is not necessary to choose young wood, because of small fibers it has no decorative value. It is difficult and smallest wood will be processed. The tree must have a pronounced structure and healthy knots.

3. The chisel needs to make shapeless serifs on the edges of the board, as if an ax.

4. To remove the soft fibers of wood, you can use the nozzle for a drill with rigid nylon vile. At the same time, it is not necessary to dilute too much and put pressure on the tool, pressing should be lungs so that the efficiency of work should not be reduced. For processing, you can use a metal brush - in this case there will be a coarse result.

5. You can add the Effect of Chervotocin, but it is an amateur. With the help of a core or a stupid nail, we make a hole with a depth of 1-2 mm.

6. Now you need to clean the surface and open it with paint-varnish Pinotex Uitra. This coating will be steadily even to atmospheric conditions. You can also use Sezheng Aquadecor.

7. After the paint dry surfaces need to sand shallow emery paper No. 80. As a result, there will be a very beautiful effect when the depressions on the wood remain dark, and the protrusions are light, that is, we will highlight the volume and structural structure of wood.

8. Enclosing stage - re-autopsy of a red tree.

Making a tree with fire

The tree can be gas burner.

And here you can distinguish three main ways:

1. Equipment without preliminary machining of wood. That is, we just emphasize the texture of the wood burning it. After that, we pass in shallow sandpaper and open lacquer.

2. First, the mechanical processing of wood is carried out - we remove soft fibers, and then carry out the firing. This method will give the tree a relief and volumetric look, which will certainly look gorgeous.

3. Intensive wood roasting, which will freeze the soft fibers of the tree and the subsequent mechanical processing of a rigid brush.

Finally, I want to give a few tips:

  • More beautiful and more effectively, the aged products from old boards will look. If you do not have such a material, ask for neighbors or acquaintances, often such a material can be obtained completely free, and it will work much easier to work with it.
  • Different breeds of wood will be compiled and painted in different ways when using the same materials. This must be considered when collecting wooden structures.
  • Now in stores you can buy a ready-made board, without performing the described operations.

In this article, learn how to aging wood. For repair work in the apartment, not all wood - bars and boards are required smooth, straight, without bitch and dry. The last requirement can even be the main thing - the raw wood used for work, after drying, will give a shrinkage and can even lead to a change in the form - the bar can twist the screw, and make a trough from the board.

Therefore, for all repair work we use only dry wood. Recently, apart from all wider decks and beams, the blanks are glued in the form of joinery shields and boards glued under pressure from individual rails - lamellas. Such blanks are much more convenient (and more expensive), as less susceptible to various changes in shape and sizes.

Wooden beams and other wooden products and blanks can be used in pristine injustrial form, but more often all the wood is processed.

Wood sea

In addition to simple coloring and varnishing Large wooden parts most often exposed
special types of decorative processing - processing by veneer and artificial aging of the surface.
Both of these techniques allow you to change the appearance of the details, giving them the kind of darker and more expensive wood or create the illusion of the product made many years ago.
These techniques got such propagation in the repair work in the premises, which often these techniques are even confused - the processing of the veneer is considered to be aging wood, and the aging is adopted for the component of the filling process. For this, however, there are some reasons - the aging of the wood is almost always accompanied by a folio to give a "older" species.

How to mash wood

It should be noted that the waken of wood is a very old technique of changing the appearance of wooden products, and therefore there are many receptions for this process and
materials. But this does not change the creatures of the process and a little affects its technology.
Changing the color of wood in the process of burning occurs due to chemical reactions of fiber and introduced reagents, and hence the great multiple recipes and modes. Therefore, give a ready-made recipe is quite difficult, although you will find ready-made solutions on sale.
"Under the nut", "under the oak", "under the black tree" and even "under Karelian birch". But each chemical composition acts in its own way to various wood. Therefore, before you finish the product, try the process on the invisible side of the product and wait for the result.

In most cases, the process of changing the color of wood does not occur immediately, so when using the verses, we are patient.
In addition, in practice other materials are used to change the color of the wood surface in the form of a different kind of impregnation, creating staining of the surface layer without chemical interaction with the tissue. The impregnations are even more convenient than the veil, as they give a faster and predictable result.

For chemical changes in the color of the surface layers of wood, you can even use all familiar techniques: iodine, green, manganese. All these funds are in a home first aid kit, and everyone can try themselves as a decorator - at leisure and on an unnecessary piece of blackboard.

The resulting result strongly depends on the variety of wood, concentration of reagent and exposure time, so samples are inevitable.
All compounds are used in the form of diluted aqueous solutions, therefore, based on iodine or manganese sample, try to remember (write) the concentration of the solution. Highly diluted solutions are given (usually) weak staining, and more concentrated - more intense.

On the surface of the wood, the solution is applied with tassels. Depending on the degree of dilution, when applied to the surface, a colored layer of various intensity is formed - it strongly depends on the chemical activity of the reagent. The most gently works green (diamond greens), most aggressive - mangalling (mangartanized potassium). The iodine on various rocks of the tree behaves differently, but also enough aggressively, creating a dark color. For comparison, you can try not only different concentrations of reagents on one piece of wood on one piece of wood, but also compare the action of various substances.
A very large influence on the result obtained is the state of the treated surface. The more even this surface, the predictable result of the processing. If the surface of the part is smooth, polished, then you can get a uniform staining of the entire surface.

But these features are non-uniformity of color when processing a coarse surface - are used to create additional decorative effects, such as imitation of an old tree.

Examples from practice

Separe a wooden timber vehicle.
Cooking the surface.
Example 1.

Before using the veil, the wood surface is processed - we are planing and grinding. We carry out the planing with an electric margin - it allows you to get a fairly clean and smooth surface.
Sometimes this happens enough to use verses .
But more reliable results can be obtained after grinding the surface - removing all microelectrics, we get more uniform staining of the fibers. For grinding, sandpaper shallow grain paper is used, and the grain of the paper is very dependent on the hardness (from the breed) of wood. Like planing, grinding is produced only along the fibers, as it is possible that the maximum smooth surface with a minimum of villi is obtained. To perform the grinding process, you can use a bar wrapped with sandpaper and work manually (Fig. 2).
But it is better to use an electric grinding machine to obtain the most smooth surface.

It is very important after planing and grinding thoroughly remove wood dust from the surface prepared under the veil, dust particles can give faint stains. Therefore, it is not by chance next to the grinding bar with sandpaper is adjacent to a soft brush removing dust.

And only after that a softer brush is applied to the surface. A soft tampon made of cotton lobby tissue gives even the best results compared to the brushes.
The result of the process is highly dependent on the concentration of the simulatory, the presence of unevenness and layout of the composition, therefore, after the brush, a pure tampon or a rag is used with the sea, which remove excess.
Recently, verses that have thixotropic properties appeared on sale - the jelly-shaped composition is perfectly spread over the surface and does not form nose (and drops). The use of thixotropic verses simplifies work - after applying the composition, use a rag or tampon is not required.

Example 2.

To increase the expressiveness of wooden parts, especially when using light verses, apply the taking drawing of the wood pattern of the wood of the usual gouache paint.
The surface of the bar with a barred pattern is caused by a veil and immediately remove the excess composition with a tampon or cloth.
Morilka is treated by many interior details of the room and various design details: frames of 5 paintings, moldings, eaves, and so on.

Wood aging ways

The simulator makes it possible to give a conventional pine board the visibility of a "thoroughbred" tree to prevent it and even to some degree imitate the old tree, but for a more tangible result, the surface layer of wood is subject to special processing.

As a rule, the surface treatment of a round metal brush (lacc) is used. Such a brush is used in a fitting force for stripping the metal surface from rust before color.
The shag is fixed in the cartridge of the electric drill and, moving the rotating ham along the wood fiber, remove the least durable, soft fibers from the surface layer of wood, and more solid fibers remain.
Thus, it turns out imitation of the aging of wood.
The structure of the wood is detected due to the solid remaining fibers), but these fibers do not form a flat surface, and for its alignment, the surface of the PR is stiffed by sandpaper.
Grinding can be done manually, keeping sandpaper with your fingers is not recommended - and your fingers can be burned, and it is difficult to get a smooth surface.
Removing dust from the surface of the wood, it is possible to border the wood with a thixotropic veil, which does not require subsequent removal of excess.

Morilka preteste the color of wood and contributes to the additional detection of the pattern. The combination of artificial composition of the surface of the tree of lacquer and using the simulator gives a more tangible result compared to the use of the simplification without making.
Morilk and verses treated with mechanical composition, wooden billets are widely used when creating in the room "rural" motifs.

Wooden beams treated with verses or aged and wicked, are often used to finish the ceilings. But the wood with remote soft fibers after the shag is often used without aligning protruding residences - it is believed that such a coarse surface imitates the old wood.

The need to obtain the effect of old wood can be caused by several reasons. For example, the desire to issue (furnish, separate) the room in the original style, personal preferences of the owners, the lack of funds for the purchase of antiques or some other considerations. The tree can be completely used and with your own hands, if you understand the existing technologies. This article will open several secrets as appropriate wood processing to give it the type that is necessary for a particular interior.

Methods of artificial aging of sawn timber, so the author will not separately negotiate, which may be needed from tools and preparations when implementing one or another. After reading each of them, the reader will understand, confirming with its capabilities that it will be necessary to prepare before starting work.

Main ways of aging wood do it yourself


This technique is called texturing, although it is better known as brashing (from the English Brush - brush). It is she who is the tool with which the tree is successfully styled under the old days. The essence of this method is that the "pulp" is made. As a result, the embossed surface of the sample. Almost the same thing happens with wood over time - in the process of its drying, under the influence of temperature, ultraviolet, humidity and a number of other factors.

For mechanical wood processing with their own hands, the winning is one of the simplest options. But not every breed is suitable for this method of imitation of old wood. The method is because it is called texturing that the main task is to achieve a pronounced material relief.

What is brought by:

  • larch, pine (and almost all other conifers);
  • nut;
  • ash.

Breeds that are not measurable aging:

  • maple;
  • fruit trees (for example, cherry) and a number of other (expensive, exotic), less used when finishing apartments and houses.


For the mechanical method of aging wood will need. The work is simple, only free time and patience is necessary. But this technique is suitable in cases when it comes to a small volume of sawn timol.

If it is required to be a tree on an extensive area, it is more expedient to use EL / drill or an ush ("Bulgarian") with. Since the turnover is already playing here, you should work in protective equipment and comply with limit accuracy. The slightest awkward movement - and the tree may be hopelessly spoiled. It is especially important if the processing is subjected to the finished product - the table, stool, wardrobe and so on.

Chemical aging of wood

Pre-treatment is made by sandpaper with abrasive large fractions.

Option 1

Applying over the entire area of \u200b\u200bammonia solution. It is quite suitable and the finished ammonia alcohol, which is inexpensive. He causes a darkening of a lumber, giving him noble and originality. As a result, wood acquires an antique look.

Feature - This aging technology is suitable only for deciduous breeds. The structure contains substances called tanning. It is they who cause darkening of wood.

Option 2.

Using a polymer brush, a "light" surface stripping is performed. The task is to achieve a clearer manifestation of annual rings. After finishing wood, wood is covered with a mourn and varnish of the appropriate shade.

Option 3.

The tree is processed by a mourn. But not any, but necessarily based on water. After it was possible to achieve the necessary wood color, the composition is partially washed off (preferably a damp soft sponge). It is done not throughout the surface, but in its middle part. As a result, the edges remain darker, which is characteristic of the old wood.

Option 4.

Patch. More complex in the implementation of the type of chemical aging, but the wood looks much luxurious, simply imitating antiques. The essence of the methodology is to reject the pores discovered during the mechanical processing against the rest of the surface.


After stripping the workpiece (concrete segment of the base), the compositions are applied on it under the overall interior. The simplest of them is, although there are special preparations used to patting wood. As a result, they fill the pores that differ from the rest of the structure with a darker shade and contrast. Such work is carried out in several stages and requires a lot of time, since each layer is applied after the final misfortune of the previous one.

When aging a tree, we can simplify technology with your own hands. For this, the material is covered selected in color paint. Without waiting for it when she "grab", you need to remove its top layer. The brush here is useless - it is enough to produce the surface treatment of a "doll" tree of soft tissue or sponge.

Option 5.

Staining. The purpose of this technique is to create on the surface of the wood "propellas", imitating scuffs, which is one of the evidence of the solid age of the lumber.


It is necessary to pick up two enamels that differ in color and consistency. After the primary staining of the tree it is dried. The second layer is further applied, but it takes more liquid paint. When this layer is strengthened, the sawn timber in separate areas is undergoing eye-grain skurt. As a result, a shapper surface due to the fact that in these places the darkest paint begins to come.

A better effect can be achieved with such an artificial aging technique. For example, identify "false cracks", which will further emphasize the age of the tree. Here you will need the so-called crust lacquer. It should be applied to the primary surface coloring.

Any work with your own hands implies the presence of at least minimal experience. Therefore, it is often not necessary to achieve due results. How to be?

  • Collect aged wood.
  • If its surface is bends, depressions, then for these places it is additionally coated with a verse. And in 2 layers. For the first - "water" composition, for the second - on any other basis (gasoline, ligrine, alcohol). After drying the wood is treated with a wax-containing drug and polished.

Thermal aging

In essence, this is a complex treatment of wood.

Stages of work

First - firing over the entire surface or in a separate area. It is necessary to remove the entire "pulp" and a clearer manifestation of the structure, annual rings, bitch, cracks.

Second - mechanical restoration. With the help of a metal brush removes the nagar. In addition, it allows you to achieve the most pronounced tree relief.

The third (not mandatory) - the impregnation of the tree by the verse. Depending on the breed, this often allows you to get a greater effect of texturing. Single-layer coating is quite enough.

Fourth - Applying varnish. If the shaped tree looks great, it is better to use a colorless varnish. His task is to protect the material from the negative impact of the atmosphere. In some cases, the lacquer is made additional tinting of wood, but already color.

  • The author in practice used different sources of open fire and in the process of training came to the conclusion that the best option is a gas burner. If you work with a soldering lamp, it is difficult to achieve uniformity of the flame. As a result, during aging, the tree appears are puzzled, which are rather difficult to level, and sometimes it is impossible.
  • Before proceeding to surface treatment, you need to "fill the hand." Therefore, first it is advisable to get at least the minimum experience, training on a throwing lumber. Some wood waste in the farm will always be found.

Restoration of the appearance of wood

With such a necessity, it is necessary to deal with everywhere. If the furnishing site served for a while, and defects appeared on a separate site or throughout the area, the initial decor was lost, it is eliminated relatively easily, with their own hands. In principle, this technology is one of the varieties of aging of the tree.

Operating procedure:

  • Removal of applied layers (wood stripping to the base). A skin is used. The grain size is selected based on the complexity of processing.
  • The bare tree is covered (in 2 layers) acrylic paint (black).
  • Any furniture has a kind of configuration. Consequently, all protruding places (corners, squeaks, segments around the handles and so on) over time they are abrained. After determining these areas, they are rubbed as paraffin. The candle in the house is easy to find.
  • Wood staining in the desired color.
  • After graveling the composition, the paraffin is washed away (believed), and dark paint will appear on the sections treated.
  • Finish.

The author reminds that the article indicates only the most simple in the realizations with their own hands the methods of artificiallying wood. Them, as well as used tools, preparations, quite a lot. But if the meaning of all technological operations is understandable, it is easy to develop and its own methodology. Specificity of work and local conditions will tell themselves what and how it is more expedient to do.

Beautiful aged furniture can make an atmosphere of sophistication and harmony in your home. In vivo, the tree is aged under the influence of various natural factors - wind, rain, sun rays, etc.

But it is not at all necessary to wait a couple of dozen years so that the bought headsets acquire such a unique view. You can use special wood composition technologies.

Benefits of aged tree

The resulting furniture looks elegant and stylish in any interior

The shaped tree is beautiful, durable and functional material, from which various furniture items are produced: tables, chairs, beds, dressers, etc.

The advantages of the composition of the wood are as follows:

  • The surface does not require special processing, if desired, it is enough to simply cover it with varnish.
  • The effect effect allows you to give any object of furniture an antique look.
  • Natural woody drawing looks unique and unique.
  • Furniture made of aged tree will look harmonious in any interior.
  • This material is environmentally friendly and anti-allergenic.
  • Aged wood is reliable and durable.
  • Finally, furniture from this material will never come out of fashion.

What kind of wood is better to make?

Soft wood or medium hardness is suitable for the formation. It has a brighter texture. This requirement is satisfied with spruce, larch and pine. Presented rocks are distinguished by the fact that they have soft fibers. In the spring and summer, the commercial rings are faster formed on them, which makes the fibers become "loose". Such rocks like beech and male are not suitable for the formation, since their texture is poorly expressed and almost uniform.


Before making a tree, its surface must be prepared

Before starting to store wooden furniture with your own hands, you need to make high-quality surface preparations that you plan to process. To do this, delete all defects and pollution. It can be traces of fat and other stains. If this is not done, obsolete pollution will be shown after applying a toning coating on the tree. Also remove the old paint or varnish and dismantle excess fittings, which will hinder the processing under the antique.


When the preparatory stage of robots is done, proceed to the formation. To begin with, decide on the technology that you would like to form furniture. There are the following options:

  • Staining;
  • Craquelure;
  • Surface brash;
  • Morilka treatment;
  • Treatment of wood with special chemical compositions (technologies of ownership);
  • Application of gilding;
  • Achievement of the lime effect (Lyigning technology).

Let's consider each of these ways to make a tree in more detail.


Wood, aged using coloring techniques

If you want wooden furniture to look dotted, you can use the coloring technique. Select the main tone that will be viewed through the top layer of paint.

For the base, you can use any color, the main thing is that it is more saturated than the auxiliary.

You can also use a kel mixed with white paint and water base. For the second layer it is better to use bright shades. Such a combination of colors will make it possible to make the effect of burnt paint. After paint dries, treat it with a high grain sandpaper. This will remove excess paint. It is necessary to bulk until the effect of the onset paint appears. Through it fits the main layer. The final stage of treatment is varnish coating.


You can paint the tree of cracker technique. Simply put, create the effect of cracks on wooden furniture. You will need a special varnish varnish. After applying it the main color of the varnish crackles. The color of cracks depends on the chosen base. To add originality, you can use several colors at once. Craquelur is a good way to quickly give your wooden furniture an antique look.

Braching of the surface

Wood, aged using brash technique

Braching technology is a simple method of making wooden furniture using a metal brush, sandpaper paper with fine graininess, chisels and drills. Before proceeding with the main process, you need to remove the top layer of wood. Braching can be combined with surface staining. Entry paper and brush use to remove the upper layer, and the chisel and drill is for the creation of furrows and wormochin. Braching technique is most often used to build floor and boards. After completing the main stage of the work, cover the surface of the oil, varnish or the same verse.

When decorating wooden furniture, it is important not to overdo it, because the luxurious furniture can be turned into a rhylad.

Useful information: Braching is perfectly suitable for furniture made of hardwood wood, such as nut, ash, oak and larch. This technique is contraindicated for clans, cherries, beech and teak.

Processing Morilka

Tree, aged when processing a verse

This technique is used in combination with others. Furniture coating with paint and varnish material will make it possible to achieve a filling effect. At first it is necessary to treat the surface, and then wash off part of the simulatory with a wet sponge. It is important to leave the edges, bends and cracks are more dark than the bulk of the surface to emphasize the effect of the composition.

If after the first time you could not achieve the desired result, simply thoroughly pass the surface. Some areas can be repeatedly painted with a brush dipped in the mourner. To make the color more saturated, after completing the main stage of the work, cover the wood surface with the primer or the desired color. At the very end, walk along the surface with antique wax using a soft cloth.

Aldric technology (special composition processing)

Wood, aged with the technique of alding

Aldarine is a very interesting technique for making a tree. With its help, you can recreate the effects of fading, swamp cocery, burnout, etc. Special chemical reagents will help achieve a stunning result. This technique is suitable only for solid wood (oak, ram, etc.).

It is interesting: if you finish the mild wood, it will be trite to be disretened after processing with strong chemicals.

The shut-off stage will be the surface coating with varnish. It will serve to protect the surface.

Applying gilding

To qualitatively, the furniture and achieve an antique look, you can use the Golden Platinum. Applying gilding is one of the simplest procedures that does not take much time. Just completely paint furniture in the selected color and wait for drying.

Useful information: Gold paint must be applied with a thin layer. Only then the furniture after dyeing will look flawless.


Wood, aged using the Laming technique

Laming is called the process of making furniture using a lime effect. First prepare the surface, degrease it. Treat the tree with a special pigment or paint. Paintwork materials will help achieve any shade and texture. Apply paint along the fibers. So you will emphasize the natural structure of the tree, and add the effect of "scoring dust" the corners. For a better result, the linen makeup is desirable to make a brush or gauze tampon.

Useful information: When choosing the primary color, do not forget that after drying it will look a little lighter.

Video. How to artificially be a tree with your own hands at home

A shaped tree is one of the fashion trends of the present season. Taking advantage of any of the technician described above, you can easily give surfaces such an effect at home. Artificially aged furniture will look harmoniously in the apartment and fill it with comfort.