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What to do in the new moon to fulfill the desire: effective rites and rituals. How to make a desire for new moon

Last in 2018, the new moon will take place on December 7th. This day, according to the forecasts of astrologers, promises to be successful in many matters, and therefore you can not miss the chance to make life more favorable.

The new moon will be located in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius. This promising combination will allow many to change life without waiting for Monday, a new year or another sign over. You can create your fate right now, and the Astrologers advise on a new moon to engage in it closely, since the universe such opportunities opens up with us not so often.

Even at the very positive day, unfortunately, there is a reverse side. Therefore, on December 7, astrologers also prepared several caution. But first - about pleasant news and promising prospects.

Making a desire, you subconsciously send the energy signal of the universe. In order for this signal faster he heard, you need to choose the right time to ridd up desires, i.e. The day when the highest forces are most configured to receive signals - desires.

In fact, remember the favorable time to make desires for the lunar calendar is not so difficult. Astrologers argue that in the lunar month there are only three days when any thought can become material.

When it is better to make a desire for new moon

New Moon is a time when all growth forms are supported. This period is the most favorable for any new undertakings. Each new moon is a new opportunity to get something that you really need. Never miss this magical moment.

At the heart of any desire, there is a need to gain something that you do not have yet or what is not enough for you. The desire to find something - also in its kind, and therefore, - a favorable time for him is associated with the new moon.

The best time to make a desire for the new moon - this is the first eight hours of the new moon.

How to correct the desire for the new moon so that it come true

To get what you want, first of all, correctly formulate a desire.

At the heart of the fulfillment of desire lies the power of emotions and faith - the more you want than sincerely seek something, the more expensive for you, this is the higher the likelihood that the desire will be fulfilled.

How astrologists advise to make a desire for the moon:

  • Write a desire on a pure sheet of paper. Describe the desire as you feel and try to describe it as accurately as possible and concise;
  • Think what you need to do your desire to come true. After all, under a laying stone, as everyone knows - water does not flow;
  • Try to visualize the desire, to imagine that it has already been fulfilled and you enjoy what they got;
  • Formulate and write a desire always in the present time - as if it came true;
  • Persuate realistic goals, do not make a sorry.

Your desires should be connected, first of all, only with you. Do not wish for evil to other people, should not be made to even the good desire for others. Trying to influence other people's ways, we will not achieve the desired one. Remember: you have access only to your own destiny.

In total, you can make a new moon to 10 desires. Just do not forget to remove the sheet / sheets on which they are recorded in a secluded place - away from curious eyes. When your desires come true, first thank the universe, then rupt the sheet and throw it away. You can burn it and throw aside as a flow water.

When desires are not executed

  • When you have doubts, there is no faith;
  • When your desire is directed to another person.

List of favorable days to create a map of desires in 2018

If you like to create a map of desires, then you have the opportunity to choose the most favorable days for this.

The best days to create a collage of desires are a new moon. But also in the lunar calendar there is another day, the day of the second chance - 14 lunar days. On this day, you can also declare the world about your dreams.

Another important factor affecting the success of the map of desires is the zodiac sign in which the moon is located. It defines the character of the desires and sphere of life to which they should be directed.

Not everything is so simple - the map of desires must be made in a favorable day and for all the rules. For example, wanting material benefits during the moon in the fish, you will not make an effective card, and most likely, the desire will not come true.

But the moon in the Taurus is just suitable for landed material purposes.

During the moon, the twins are best aiming for communication and training. A card with travel you need to create during the moon in Sagittarius.

Family, house, comfort is a cancer sign. But fame and recognition, purpose and self-realization - lion.

The moon in the Aries is for purposeful leaders, and in the scales - for lovers of beauty and art. Scorpio - for risky and bold actions, Capricorn - for success in work.

Who is looking for novelty, communication, ideas, and in general would like to diversify their lives, wait for the map of desires during the Moon in Aquarius.

And who is interested in psychology, self-development and spiritual part of life - pay attention to the periods of the moon in the fish.

When the moon in Virgin, you will have to send my desires for helping other people and the fulfillment of your debt.

Stages of work

  • Decide with your desires.
  • Pick the desired pictures.
  • Divide the sheet of paper into 9 equal parts.
  • Each sector has a certain color, decorate them.
  • Attach images to the desired sector. In each cell, you can put as many pictures as you want.
  • Next to the pictures to make an inscription.
  • Decorate work at your discretion.
  • Admire the received card daily.

You can make a map not only on paper, but also in electronic form. It also has magical power.

The beginning of a new moon growth cycle is perfect for the incarnation of dreams to reality. Knowing a few ways to make a desire to new moon, you can quickly achieve the goal and attract joy, happiness and well-being in your life.

The new moon carries special energy: on this day you can get out of the usual framework and see many possible ways of development. This feature concerns and the incarnation of the desired, after all, the more ways to perform a dream, the greater the likelihood that all the mandated will come true in the shortest possible time. Esoterics call the two most effective ways to attract the desired to their lives.

Rite with a mirror

This method was used by our ancestors, moving from generation to generation. Girls used a mirror for saccharges, but after a while noticed that some desires expressed in front of the mirror were performed on time from the new moon to the full moon.

The special energy of the new moon contributes to the formation of the intention, and the paths for which you can achieve your dreams for a rather small period of time are beginning to appear.

For the rite you will need:

  • new round mirror;
  • deep bowl with clean water;
  • thin wax candle.

It is necessary to stay alone and wait for midnight. Install the mirror on the table, and put the candle in front of it. Fill all the electric light and burn the wick, thinking about your desire removed, as if it does not belong to you. A good help in achieving the right state may be meditation to the flame candle, soothing mind and feelings.

When the right state is reached, take a bowl with water and, staring at the mirror via the candle, say your desire out loud. After detail, imagine that you already have the desired, and remember your feelings. Lower your hands into the water and spray the mirror, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

"Silver water, gold candles and silver mirrors! Three roads are woker, three rivers are spilled, my legs run, the mandated carry! I let go on the will three streams, three rivers, three oceans: come back by the mandated, executed, word tamed, poultry caught. May it be so!"

Say this plot three times, each time splashing with water on the mirror. Then wrap the mirror into the fabric and hide until the desire is fulfilled, water water into the ground, and leave the candle to get it.

Visualization of the desired

This method will suit self-program support. A vivid example of a dream visualization is to draw up a map of desires, but it will not suit people who are not able to see the fruit of their work every day.

Visualization occurs in a meditative condition, and once a built picture is constantly in your subconscious, the launch of the realization program of the intended.

Stay alone and stay comfortable. Close your eyes and think about changing the lunar cycles: Imagine how the moon decreases, every day becoming less and less, and after, reaching the limit, it grows again until it appears in the sky in all its beauty and greatness.

Imagine that you, like a new moon, are in the dark, seeing only a distant goal. Mentally build a staircase from 29 steps in front of you. The first step is your current state, and your desire is on the latter. Consider all the steps: they may differ from each other in height, width, size and even material. Remember these differences. Mentally climb to the end of the stairs and strengthen your desire at the last step, presenting your thoughts in detail, feeling and condition in which you will stay at this moment.

After descend back, first step, and imagine how 29 days you will climb every day a little higher. Secure this image in front of your inner eyes and slowly return to reality. Your subconscious will start working on the completion of the task, and the energy of the moon will feed the energy form of your dreams. In this way, you can achieve conceived with due diligence and luck.

Do not miss the moment when the dream will lead to your life will help folk signs of happiness. We wish you great joy and fulfillment of all your desires. More often smile and do not forget to press buttons and

28.03.2017 03:03

Dreaming is not harmful, but to carry out dreams of much more useful. Map of desires - a great way to attract help ...

How to make wishes in the new moon right? This topic is interesting to many readers, so decided to answer this question. Pleasant reading!

The fulfillment of desires is one of the most important components of human happiness. Each of us dreams of something. Dreams warm the soul, man feels at the moment. Someone dreams of a house by the sea, someone about a couple of hours of free time to fulfill an interesting book.

The problem of most of us is that we do not know how to dream right and make desires. And over the years, we have more and more desires, but we put them in a long box.

For those who have accumulated a couple of dozens or even hundreds of desires have a wonderful technique - recording desires for the new moon. The moon has a very powerful energy for the implementation of plans. Therefore, the beginning of work on the incarnation of his dreams should be started with the new moon.

How to make a desire to new moon right

Technique includes seven mandatory steps:

Step 1. Prepare a notebook or notebook. Be sure to clean, should not be extraneous records.

Step 2. To trace when the current month will be a new moon and mark the first, second and third lunar day in the calendar. These are those days when we will work on our desires.

Step 3. The first and second lunar days must be devoted to the purification of their life from the rubble. It does not have to be general cleaning in the apartment, it may be just getting rid of unnecessary things.

Leave comments and write the results of your desires to riddling. Share the article with friends and come to us yet

If there is a dream in your life, then to make a wish for a full moon for its incarnation - a good solution.

Phases of the moon affect people. This opinion is adhered to not only those who are engaged in magical practitioners, but also scientists skeptics.

In the period of the growing Moon, the energy industry is on the rise, and with a decreasing many notice the decline of the forces. The peak of this cycle is the full moon when the energy level is maximally high. Especially strongly affects people with a subtle perception. Therefore, in the nights of the full moon sometimes you can feel the alarm, anxiety and excessively bright and positive, and negative emotions.

Peak forces, which falls on the full moon - the perfect time for rites and rituals, designed to help in the performance of cherished desires.

Basic Rules for Magic Action

To carry out any magical rite, even the simplest, should not be treated carelessly. This may cause serious damage. In the best case, the rite will not have a positive result.

Rituals in full moon on the fulfillment of desire are carried out by following the following rules.

After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the rite.

Universal rites

The cherished desires of each of their own. Someone they are material, and somehow there is no. And each of them can be done. After all, the universe loves her children and wishes them to happiness. The main thing is to ask correctly.

Here are some ways how you can make a desire to the full moon so that it is fulfilled.

Letter with gratitude

This pretty simple way is suitable for those who know how well formulate their thoughts on paper and has a bright imagination.

  • In the evening you need to sit down and write a present paper letter, in which it is detailed to describe my desire in all parts, and so, as if it came true. When writing it is worth avoiding negative structures and future time (only present).
  • Every 2-3 offers is important to thank the moon for the desired desire, happiness and good luck.
  • At midnight, it is necessary to sit down at the window so as to see the lunar disk, light the candle and quietly, but picking up the letter as you can imagine everything described. Ultimately, the picture should literally stand before your eyes.
  • After reading the letter, it is necessary to burn dottel (only ashes should remain).

During this ritual, it is very important to experience sincere gratitude and faith in what everything will be as described. Only in this case will be able to fill the image with a sufficient amount of energy so that it is embodied in reality.

Lunar mirror

Another way that allows you to correctly make a wish for a full moon, requires the use of a small pocket mirror.

If the moon is not very well visible from the window, you may have to go outside, because in this rite a visual contact with the moon is absolutely necessary.

Exactly at midnight you need to stand back to the moon and catch its reflection in the mirror and pronounce a plot:

Like the moon is full and my life will be filled with that it is forgated, then it will be. Amen.

In the mirror, filled with lunar light can not be looked until the next full moon. Since during this time it will gradually give energy for the execution of the mandated.

Rite for love

Rituals for attracting love are traditionally held in the night of a growing moon or full moon, for this time contributes to beneficial changes in life.

It is important not to confuse rites designed to attract new love, with. The first only contribute to a favorable coincidence in which new interesting options may appear on the love front. But the love spells are directed to a particular person and serve to suppress his will. Therefore, it is often harmful to both the object of passion and the one who spends the ritual.

Counts and spells to attract love with the help of the moon fear should not be afraid, because its creative force always contributes to the occurrence of changes.

Red rose

The ritual is not complicated and helps not so much appearance in the life of a particular person, how much the emergence of a certain atmosphere and self-sustaining, which will later be able to send life to the right track.

For the rite you will need a beautiful red rose and a couple of candles. If you wish, you can add two wine glasses or champagne to create a romantic situation.

On the night of a full moon on the windowsill, you need to put a rose in a beautiful vase, two lit candles and wine glasses (if it was decided to use them). Include a slow tender melody and a few minutes just dream about the upcoming meeting, looking at the moon. Drinking wine in reasonable limits is not rebored.

It is important to feel like a dream is filled with strength, the face of reality is blurred, and the evening with candles becomes the beginning of a new stage in life.

Rituals to attract money

Full moon - a great time as well for monetary magic, since it is at this time that it is easiest to be easier to attract energy, which will make the beginning of changes leading to financial and material well-being.

Moon coin

It is a very simple way to make a desire for the full moon for money.

  • To carry out this rite, a glass of water filled with water is required and a silver color coin of any dignity.
  • When the moon goes around and smumes, it is necessary to put a glass so that the moonlight falls on it, and put on the bottom of the coin. The words of the conspiracy will be such:

The moon-sister, skyless light silver, lit up the water, was put on the coin of power, which would have flowed the money with the river and did not end.

  • A glass with a coin must be left on the windowsill until morning, and then the charged moon coin put in the wallet and not spend, as it will become a talisman that attracts wealth.

Piggy bank

In another way, this ritual is called the "Monetary Bank", since it is usually used. Apply the rite in the case when a certain amount is needed, and the sooner, the better.

You need to prepare a transparent glass jar in advance, 7 of any coins and leaflets with a handle. On a piece of paper, you need to write an amount that is necessary and put on the bottom of the banks. Then one by one to lower all 7 coins there, saying:

As the moon in the sky is full, so let my piggy bank filled, coin coin, and for her one more. May it be so.

All next month before the new full moon to the bank you need to put every day on one coin. As the piggy bank is filling, the amount required will accumulate.

Lunny Wallet

This ritual is able to attract stable wealth to your life, and not a single random earnings.

  • Wait for the full moon.
  • Take the wallet, remove all the money out of it and other foreign objects and put it on the windowsill.

It is important to keep two rules. The first is that you have to take exactly the wallet you use every day, and not some special wallet to attract money. The second is that the night of the full moon should be clear, and the lunar light must fall on the wallet .

  • The event described above should be performed three nights in a row. Start should be on the day of the full moon, and then repeat in the next two nights. And all nights should be clear. So, not so, just to push the moment.
  • With the arrival of the new moon you should repeat this ritual. You will also need three days. True, they do not have to be clear - the lunar light will not still be.

Attention! In the new moon wallet on the windowsill should be put already with money.

During all three days of the ritual, you can use your destination wallet. Free it from money and put on the windowsill it should only at night.

Another successful way to attract additional finances to his life is.

Conspiracy on health

If some disease does not give rest, you can try to get rid of it, spending a rite in full moon, for which a bowl with water and a handful of dry sand will be required.

A bowl is put on the window. In it gradually pour sand from the palm, uttering:

Moon-Mother, tomorrow you will go to the waning, but take my illness with you, let it, like you, every day decreases, will disappear completely and not returns back! Amen.

Dirty water from a bowl splash in opened window. And with it the cause of the disease is due.

Slimming ritual

At the Moon, time impertons are made to ask beauty and youth, because this celestial body is a symbol of revival and updates. You can buy desirable forms, getting naked at night in a full moon in a large mirror in full growth and asking the Moon for help:

Queen Night, I apologize about the mercy, give me beauty and harmony, that I would shine like the stars in the sky that they surround you, the views attracted and the hearts conquered. Yes, my words are heard. Amen.

Connected to the full moon of rituals for the fulfillment of desires there is a great set. It is only the simplest of them, which can be without much difficulty on their own at home. The magic and the forces of nature are not afraid of afraid, the main thing is to wish the good not only to yourself and your loved ones, but also to all others, as well as sincerely believe that the desired result will be achieved.

We are watching the birth of the moon every month. And this time we feel the emergence of the strongest energy flows, which give humanity the opportunity to send the most intimate dream to the world.

Rituals for the new moon to fulfill the desire varied. There is no unambiguously verified clear schemes of their holding, but there are several arising approaches how to do it right.

How to make it right?

  1. The biggest opportunities provide the first lunar day. The entire moon cycle includes 4 stages: birth, growing, aging and dying. The first day is a fresh energy flow, which is appropriate to use.
  2. Forget about the particle "not." The phrase "I don't want to be poor" will lead to the opposite result.
  3. Specify. Not "I want a lot of money," and "I want to get 200 thousand rubles in three months."
  4. The desire for the new moon should be sincere. It is your, and not imposed from the outside. Honestly answer yourself a question, do you want it? What happens if your desire comes true, and what - if it does not come true? Can you find applying the result?
  5. . Close your eyes, calm your breath, listen to yourself and imagine your dream before your inner eyes. The more bright picture you draw in the imagination, the simpler the universe will embody it into life.
  6. Head to let go. Think about your dream of days and nights is not the best option. Yes, it is dangerous. Desire so you can just burn. Therefore, it is aiming to make it up or for the new moon, or on the full moon. , look here.
  7. Wishlist must only be madded. The promise, thrown over another person, will not work. For example, the desire "I want to marry my neighbor on the staircase Dima" implies the imposition of his will to another person, and may not correspond to his intentions.

Remember the law of equilibrium: if something is given, then the same is closed. And it is better to be ready for voluntary payment. Do not require too much from the universe - suddenly you can not pay.

Universal methods


At the hour of noving, imagine your desire in the form of a balloon. After visualization, fill it with your energy "under the string" and release. Common. Everything. Do not peer more in the sky - the universe took your dream to yourself. Like.

Ritual with a candle

This is a famous rite for the new moon to fulfill desires. With it, it is possible to execute not one, but three of the dreams!

  1. Put on a tray of 3 candles: Aluu - for love, white - for good luck and green - causing cash flow.
  2. Lose sugar sand around them.
  3. First lit a green candle and contact Archangel Rafail with my request for financial supply. Speak out loud, clearly and intelligible.
  4. The next appeal should be to Archangel Mikhail - about love and family.
  5. The latter is lit up a white candle of good luck. And requests are ascended to Archangel Gabriel.
  6. Collect sugar from a tray into white silk flap and at dawn of the same day, jump under the nearest tree with fruits.

Scroll of desires

With this rite, you can make an absolutely any desire.

  1. Take a clean sheet of paper and write your Wishlist on it. Be sure to specify what they appeal to the generous universe, and that the fulfillment of dreams will benefit not only to you, but also to the world (so it should be).
  2. Tie the sheet with a red wool thread and hide into a secluded place. When your dream come true, get a scroll and cross your text.
  3. Paper can be used a couple more times. After the third time, burn it, and the ashes to entertain.

Rite "Triangles"

This method is to make that desires, made on the new moon, will definitely come true, requires the use of red.

  • Write all what you want, on a red paper sheet with a red handle. Be sure to in the present time and as if this desired you already have. For example: "I live in a three-bedroom apartment" or "I drink coffee on Everest." At the very end of the list, they write out: "I get it through Divine Love! Everything is possible with her! " Date is better not to put.
  • Roll the sheet into a triangle (red face out) and hide it in a secluded place.

Dreams will be fulfilled - everyone who used this technique - but not immediately, but gradually.

Lunny notebook

Get a beautiful notebook or a diary in which you will enter your desires. Put for these records a separate handle. Make not only large and material wishes in the notebook, but also small Wishlists for the soul: a trip to the forest, visit the theater, vacation, and the like. The list can be changed every new moon.

Rite with laurel leaves

For this simple, but such an effective, ritual, you need to prepare 3 laurel leaves. Mandatory whole, without cracks and holes, fresh or dried.

  1. On the night of New Moon, write down your desire on paper and spend loud out loud aloud 3 times.
  2. Fold the sheet three times, put inside the laurel leaves, say again, say the desire and fold the sheet three times. The main thing is not to break the leaves, so you can not be labeled the paper in half, but just beatened the tips.
  3. Type paper in a box or bag, and put in the northwest bedroom sector or office.
  4. Pronounce your Wishlik three times every morning, until it turns out.

Covenate paper should not fall in other people's hands. Therefore, it is impossible to leave it in a prominent place, just hide the box for storing into a dark secluded place.

Rite with a mirror

Conspiracies for the new mirror to fulfill desires often use mirrors. It is said that such rites were held still ingenious Leonardo da Vinci and an incomparable Nostradamus.

You can use both old and new mirror. You can spend a ritual with a pocket mirror. But does not fit the mirror with a broken rim or from the old powder.

  1. Light a few candles in the new moon. Turn on the pleasant music for you.
  2. Bear in front of the mirror more comfortable. Relax. Hands and legs do not cross.
  3. Peer in your reflection with all the love and tenderness that you can experience.
  4. Think of your desire, imagine that it has already been fulfilled. And feel you happy from it.
  5. Write your desire for a lipstick or cosmetic pencil on the surface of the mirror - in the present time, without the word "I want" and "not" particles.
  6. Remember these positive emotions and more often call them in the usual setting.

The embodiment of a dream will not wait long for a long time. Wear a mirror with you in a handbag or pocket and reread the written one from time to time.

Monetary wishes

One of the most popular desires for the new moon, which have all the chances to come true are the money of the Wishlist.

Financial pillow

For the new moon, collect all the money that is in the house (right up to the small coin). Recalculate.

  1. Lubricate with cinnamon butter or patchouli, and hide under the pillow. On this cushion you need to sleep the night.
  2. In the morning, recalculate all the money anew 3 times, uttering any conspiracy for wealth, for example, such:
  3. My wallet is pure sky. Stars - wealth inconceivable. How many stars in the sky I see, I will have so much happiness and money. May it be so.
  4. All cash can be spent, not afraid: bypolyting the energy of the moon, it will definitely return in double, and even in a triple size.

You can try another similar ritual. In it, money is not under the pillow, but on the windowsill in the light of the moon. Then one bill, which passed the "lighting", be sure to leave in the wallet. Do not spend. She loves cash energy.

Rite with bills and coins

For the performance of financial desire for the new moon, a bowler (or a saucepan) will be required, 2 fabric bag (red and brown), 3 coins and 3 bills, cinnamon, pine or cedar needles.

  1. Put cinnamon and needles in the saucer. Put it in the bowler. Put coins and bills on the windowsill.
  2. Let's knock on each subject with an index finger of the right hand, saying the universe about his dream. Formulate the financial dream clearly and specifically.
  3. Put money in a saucer. Make over them seven circular movements with your hands (clockwise), calling for help to help yourself the Earth's energy.
  4. After expand the contents of the saucer on the bags. One store at home, we carry with you to the next new moon.

"Cash receipt"

Funny, but very effective ritual. It is that the petitioner itself discharges the so-called "monetary receipt", in which it also indicates the desired amount, and personal data, and the timing to which this money should appear.

Be sure to place the current date and lay down.

"Receipt" should be put in a red envelope and hide away. Usually you do not have to wait long: after 1-2 weeks, the desire is executed.

Be realist! Write a non-existent amount of the amount, and approximate to your wallet - so the highest forces will be easier to process the application.