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True Russian names are male and female. Organ Russian Names: Are they left? Our new book "Energy Family"

Russian refers to the group of Slavic languages. However, many russian names According to its origin, the Russians are not original. They are borrowed from Greek tongue together with the Christian religion. Prior to that, the Russians had names, reflecting various characteristics and qualities of people, their physical disadvantages, names, reflecting the order of children in the family. There were widespread such names as a wolf, a cat, a sparrow, birch, the first, third, big, little, waiting. The reflection of these names is observed in modern Russian names of Tretyakov, Nezhdas, Menshov, and the like.

With the introduction of Christianity in Russia russian names were gradually ousted by the names of church, who came to Russia from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to the names of Greek, there were ancient Roman, Hebrew, Syrian, Egyptian names, each of which in their native language reflected a certain meaning, but when borrowing was used only as a name, and not as a word denoting anything.

By 18-19 centuries, ancient Russian names were already completely forgotten, and the names of Christians largely changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation. So, the name Diomide was transformed into the name Demid, Jeremiah - Eremey, etc.

After the October Socialist Revolution, the names associated with the new ideology were distributed: Remier (Revolution of the World), Diamar (dialectical materialism); Names reflecting the first stages of industrialization: electric, elevator, diesel, RAM, (revolution, electrification, mechanization); Names consolidated in foreign novels: Alfred, Rudolph, Arnold; Flower name names: Lily, Rosa, Astra.

From the 1930s, they get the distribution of such familiar to us again. russian names like Masha, Vladimir, Seryozha, i.e. The names of the closest Russian people are applied. But this return to the old names does not mean the return to all the names of the church calendar, the majority of which remained the uncomplicated Russian nation.

On this page not only old (Russian calendar, Old Russian and general Slavonic), but also new women's names.

Below are Russian women's names list:

Russian women's names for the letter A:

August / Augustine(old.) - Summer
Avdotea(Nar. from Evdokia) - famous
AVRELIA(new) - Golden
Aurora(new) - Goddess Morning Dawn
Agapia(Star.) - From Greek. Agapao - I love.
Agatha(New) / Agafia / Agaphia (Star.) - From Greek. Agatos is good, honest, kind.
Aglaida(Star.) - Sparkling / Daughter of Beauty, Charming
Agrya(new) - brilliant
Agnes / Agnes(old.) - Chaste
Agnia(old.) - Immaculate or fiery
Agrippina / Agropena(old) - from the Roman generic name Agrippus (Agrippa)
Ad(Star.) - Decoration
Adele / Adelia / Adelaide(Dr.-Germ.) - From Adal - noble and chade - condition, estate.
Aza.(Star.) - First
Azalea(new) - Blooming bush
Aida(new) - giving harvest
Akilin / Akulina(old.) - Eagle
Axinha(Nar.Od Ksenia) - hospitable or on the contrary, someone else's (xenos)
Alevtina(Star.) - Alien
Alexandra(Star.) - People's defender
Alyona(nar. from Elena) - Sunny
Alina(new) - Alien
Alice(new) - charming
Alla(old.) - myself
Albin(Star., Wed. New Alvin) - "White"
Anastasia(old.) - Resurrection
Anatoly(new) - Eastern
Angelina(old.) - Angelitz
Angela(new) - Angel
Animisa(old) - spiritual
Anisia / Anisaya(old.) - Sweet smelling
Anita(new) - Stropy
Anna(old.) - "grace"
Antonina / Antonida(old.) - Good
Anthony(Star.) - Entering
Anfisa / Avalfus(old) - blooming
Apollinary(old.) - Sun goddess
Ariadne(old.) - Sleeping
Arina(Nar. From Irina) - calm
Arcadia(new) - Cowgirl
Arsenia(new) - courageous
Artemy(old) - unharmed
Aster(new) - "Flower"
Astrid(Skand.) - Passionate
Athanasius(Star.) - Immortal
Aphrodite(Star.) - Arriving from Marine Foam
Aelita(New) - from Greek. Aer - Air and Lithos - Stone

Russian women's names for the letter B:

Bazhena(Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
BEATA(new) - blessing
Beatrice(old.) - Blessing
Bela.(Slav.) - Beautiful
Bella(new) - beautiful
Bertha(new) - great
Bogdana(Glory) - given by God
Boleslav(Glory) - more nice
Borislav(Glory) - struggling for glory
Bronislav(Glory) - Nice Defender

Russian women's names for the letter in:

Valentina(Star.) - Healthy
Valeria(old.) - Strong
Vanda(Glory) - hospitable
Varvara(old.) - Dick
Vasilina(new) - Tsarist
Vasilisa(old.) - royal
Vassa(old.) - Queen
Vaclav(Glory) - more nice
Venus(Star.) - "Love"
Vera(old.) - "Vera"
Veronica(old.) - Biblical name
Veselina(Glory) - Cheerful
Vesta(Star.) - Patron Nurse Home. focus
Vidnan(Glory) - prominent
Quiz(Star.) - Winner
Victoria(old.) - "Victory"
Vilen(new) - from V.I. Lenin
Viola / Violetta / Violanta(new) - "violet"
Virinia(Star.) - Green, Fresh
Vitaly / Vitalin(new) - life
Vlada(Glory) - own
Vladina(new) - the discharge from "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
Vladimir(new) - owning the world
Vladislav(Glory) - owning glory
Owner(new) - similar to Vladina
Vlasta(Glory) - Solver
Will(new) - free
Vslav(Glory.) - Unfortunately nice

Russian women's names in the letter G:

Gaia.(new) - spouse
Gali.(old.) - Bright
Galina(old.) - Calm
Ganna(Ukr. Nar. from Anna) - gracious
Gayana / Gayanya(Star.) - From Greek. GE - Earth
Gelena(new Polish. from Elena) - Light
Helium(new) - Sunny (Helios)
Gella(old.) - Falling in the water
Gertrude(new) - patroneal women
Glafira(old.) - sophisticated
Glycheria(old.) - Sweet
Gloria(old.) - "Glory"
Goluba(Dr.-Rus.) - Gentle
Gorislav(Slav.) - Glory incitement

Russian women's names on the letter D:

Dina(new) - other reading Diana
Dana(new) - Goddess Moon
Daria / Daria(Star.) - Winner
Darina(new) - giving
Daryan(new) - winner
Decembrina(new) - Winter
Dei / Dia.(new) - Divine
Juliet(Star.) - Analogue of Yulia
Diana(new) - Divine
Dina / Dini(Nar. from Star. Damn) - "Vera"
Diodorus(old.) - This God
Dionysius(old.) - Patrone of winemaking
Probula(Dr.-Rus.) - Good
Domn / Domina(Star.) - Mrs., hostess at home.
Domnica / Dominica(old.) - belong. God
Dorofeay / Dorothea(Star.) - From Greek. Doron - Gift, Dar and Teos - God.

Russian women's names for the letter E:

Eve(Star.) - Life Summer
Eugene.(old) - noble
Evdokia(old.) - Well glorified
Eugera(old.) - Making good deeds, virtuous
Catherine(Star.) - Immovable
Elena(old.) - Favorites
Elizabeth(old.) - Honor God
Efimia / Evfimia(old.) - Pious
Effrosionia / Evphrosinia(Star.) - From Greek. Euphrosine - joy, fun.

Russian women's names on the letter w:

Zhanna(new) - "Dar of God"
Zhdan(Dr.-Rus.) - Waiting

Russian women's names for the letter s:

Zarina / Zorin.(new) - bright
Zvenislav(Glory.) - Excellent Glory
Zinaida(old.) - Born by Zeus
Zinovia(Star.) - Zevsov Power
Zlata(Glory) - Golden
Zoya(Star.) - "Life"

Russian women's names for the letter and:

And bath(Nar. from John) - "God's gift"
Ida(new) - mountain, "descendant"
Ilaria(old.) - Merry
Inga(new) - from Dr. Skand. Ingvio - the name of God is abundance.
Inessa(new) - serene
Inna(Star.) - Rome name / Storm
John(old.) - "God's gift"
And she(old.) - "Pigeon"
Ipatia(new) - related to horses, horsepower (hipp)
Ippolita(new) - from "(d) IPPO" - horse and "lithos" - stone, stove
Iraida(Star.) - Goddess Rainbow
IROIDE(Star.) - Heroic, Hero daughter
Irina(old.) - "Peace"
Isidora(old.) - Patron fertility
Spark(new) - bright
Iphigenia(Star.) - Immortal
And I(Star.) - From Greek. IA - violet

Russian women names for the letter to:

Capitolina(Star.) - Home
Caroline(new) - brave
Katerina(Nar. from Catherine) - Immaculate
Kira(old.) - "Madam"
Kirill(old.) - Lady
Claudia(old.) - Chrome or from the genus Claudius
Clara(new) - Clear
Clarisa / Clarissa(new) - bright
Cleopatra(old.) - Beauty
Concordia(old.) - consonant, agreeing
Constance(old.) - Resistant
Kristina(new) - baptized
Ksenia(old.) - Alien

Russian women's names on the letter l:

Lada(Dr.-Rus.) - Cute
Larisa(old.) - "Seagull"
Lenian(new) - from Lenin
Lenina(new) - from Lenin
Leonida(old.) - "Descendant of Leo"
Leonila(old.) - Lioness
Leonty(new) - lion
Lesya(new) - courageous
Libya(Star.) - Right from Libya
Lidia(Star.) - First
Lillian(new) - blooming
Lily(new) - "Flower"
Lina(new) - independent name or decreasing from Elina
Lyubava(Dr.-Rus.) - Beauty
Love(Star.) - "Love"
Lyubomir(Glory) - Favorite Peace
Lyudmila(Star., Slave) - Pretty People

Russian women's names for the letter M:

Moored(Star.) - Dark-skinned, darkness
Magda(new) - see Magdalene
Magdalene(old.) - sounding / coming from Magdala, in Palestine
Madelena(new) - see Magdalene
Maya / Maya(new) - the goddess of spring
Malvina(Dr. Germ.) - From Mal - Justice and Win - Friend ..
Margarita(old.) - "Pearl"
Marina(Star.) - Sea
Maria / Marya(old.) - bitter
Marie.(new) - option Mary
Martha(new) - Lady
Marfa(Star.) - Mentor
Matilda(Dr. Germ.) - From Maht - Strength and Hilda - Battle.
Matrones / Matrona(Star.) - Mrs., family mother, Mother
Melania / Melania(old.) - Dark, dark
Milada(Slav.) - Good
Milan / Milena /(Glory) - Cute
Militsa(old., Glory.) - Cute on face
Miloslava(Glory) - Glory Mila
Mira(Slav.) - Peaceful
Myrrh(Glory) - fragrant, fragrant
Miroslava(Glory) - Winner
Metrodora(gr.) - Dar of Mother.
Mlada(Slav.) - Young
Mstislav(Slav.) - Conqueror
Muse(Star.) - Goddess of Art / Inspirator


If you are just waiting for the baby, then do not forget to track your condition according to our. This will allow not to worry once again for a particular occasion. But, do not forget - there are no ideal calendars! Each situation is individual and only the doctor can say, it is worth worrying or not.

Russian women names for the letter H:

Hope(Star., Glory.) - "Hope"
Nadia(Nar., From hope) - "Hope"
Nana(old.) - Nymph
Nastasia(Nar., From Anastasia) - Resurrection
Natalia / Natalia(old.) - Native
Nellie(new) - young
Neonila(old.) - principled
Nika(Star.) - "Goddess of Victory". The name appeared from the goddess of Victory Niki Samofraki resident in ancient Greece.
Nina(old.) - Government
Ninel(new) - "Lenin" on the contrary
Novella(old.) - New
Nora(new) - Cold

Russian women's names on the letter Oh:

Oksana(Ukr. Nar., from Ksenia) - hospitable
Octavia(old.) - Eighth
Octobrine(new) - Autumn
Olesia(Ukr. Nar, from Alexander) - courageous
Olympiad(old.) - Saving calm
Olympia(new) - named after Zeus
Olga(Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Holy

Russian women's names on the letter P:

Paul(Star.) - Small
Peacina(old.) - Beauty
Plagonide(Star.) - Descendant Plato
Polyxena(old.) - Trojan Tsarevna
Pauline(new) - predictor
PRAIN(new) - honest
Praskovaya(Nar., from old. Paraskeva) - "Friday"

Russian women's names on the letter R:

pleased(Star., Glory.) - Rady
Radmila(Slav.) - Joyful
Raisa(old.) - Poor
Remier(new) - revolutionary world
Regina(old.) - Queen
Renata(new) - newly born
Rimma(Star.) - Roman
Rogneda(Glory) - admitted to the Council of Equal / Council of Men
rose flower(new) - "Flower"
Rosalia(new) - blooming
Rosana(new) - Flower
Rostislav(Glory) - growing for glory
Ruslana(new) - Lioness
Rufin / Ruth(old.) - Red, redhead

Russian women's names for the letter with:

Sabina / Savina(Star.) - From the genus Sabinov, Sabineanka
Salome / Solwea(Star.) - Option named Solomonia, derived from Solomon - "prosperous"
Svetlana(Dr.-Rus.) - Light
Svetomara(Glory) - light dawn
LIGHTLAVA(new) - Glory light
freedom(new) - "Freedom"
Svyatoslav(Glory) - Slava Saint
Sevastian(old.) - "High, sacred", option of the male name Sevastyan
Severina(new) - North
Selena / Selina(new) - Moon
Serafima(old.) - Flame
Glory(Slav.) - "Glory"
Slavyan(Glory) - Slav
Snezhana(new) - Cold
Sophia / Sofia(Star.) - "Wisdom"
Stanislav(Glory) - become glorious
Stella(Star.) - Star
Stepanida / Stefanida(old.) - "Wreath"
Stephanie(old.) - "Wreath"
Susanna / Sosanna(old.) - Stubborn / from the Hebrew - "Shushans" - "White Lilia"
Susanna(new) - stubborn

Russian women's names for the letter T:

Tair(new) - persistent
Taisiya(Star.) - "Boguym" and "Lover of Children"
Tamara(Star.) - "Mennica"
Tamila / Tomila(Dr.-Rus.) - Typing
Tatyana(Star.) - Founder

Russian women's names for the letter:

Ulyana(Nar., From old. Julia, Wed. Juliana)
Uslada(new) - Sweet
Ustinia(Nar., From Star. Justina, Wed. Justina)

Russian women's names for the letter F:

Faina(Star.) - Shining
Felixana(new) - succeeding
Felitsa / Felicitata(old.) - Happy
Felice(old.) - "Happiness"
Fedor / Feodora(old.) - "God's gift"
Feodosia / Feodosya(old.) - Landowner
Philadelphia(New) - Loving Delphi
Flavia(old.) - From the genus Flaviev
Flora / Floria(new) - goddess flowers
Florentina(new) - blooming
Florence(new) - blooming
Florian(new) - young or blooming
Fotina(Star.) - in Svetlana's sacnesses

Russian women's names for the letter x:

Harita(old.) - Beauty goddess
Kharitin(old.) - Beauty
Hyonya(old.) - Nymph
Christine(Star., Wed. New. Christina) - Christ

Russian women's names for the letter H:

Chelava(Glory) - Honest Glory

Russian women's names for the letter E:

Euridica(new) - bustted snake
Eleanor(new) - complicated
Elvira(new) - balanced
Elmira(new) - calm
Elsa(new) - courageous
Emma(new) - self-critical
Erika(new) - the creator of the temple

Russian women's names for the letter Yu:

Juliana(Star., From Juliania) - Curly
Yulia(Star., from Julia) - Fluffy
Yumanita(new) - Human, human
Juno(Star.) - Patrone of Marriage

Russian women's names for the letter I:

Jadvig(new) - Rich Warrior
Yana.(new) - "The Goddess of the Sun"
Yanina(new) - bright
Yaromer(Glory) - "Sunny World"
Yaroslav(Glory) - "Burning Glory" or similar to the male name Yaroslav

In the following russian nameslors Posted russian names Slavish origin, which was used long before the baptism of Russia. By 18-19 centuries, ancient Russian names were almost completely forgotten, they were ousted by Christian names brought from Byzantia, but some of them were preserved and are currently used. They carry Slavic energy, Slavic roots.

In this russian nameslors There are no Jewish, Greek and Roman (Latin) names that are already adapted in Russia and are perceived as Russian. Jewish, Greek and Roman (Latin) names are the names of other egregors (the names of non-Slavic origin).

This Russian nameslines include the original Russian and general Slavonic names, as well as some names whose origin is controversial.

Russian refers to the group of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof Indo-European language family.

Accordion - Surveyor, the keeper of the old

Beloyar - light, sunny

Belogor - Sacred Mountain, exalted

Bogdan - This God

Bogolep - Pleasant gods

Boris (Borai, Boryl) - Framing

Borislav. - Nice in the struggle fighting for glory

Borim - fighting for peace

Borimir - fighting for the world (light)

Boyan. - courageous fighter

Branebor. - Grozny Fighter

Branislav. - mining fame in battles, strict, demanding

Bronislav - Nice weapon

Budimimer - Vigilant

Budislav - Prudantive

Buyan - violent, courageous

Vadimir - leader of the world

Valdai. - Vladyka.

Vasilko - Tsarsky. This name was overwhelmed by several Old Russian princes. The same root Title of the flower - Vasilek

Velimir - peaceful, peace-loving, healthy, good physique

Veligor - Great, exalted

Velislav.- attentive, soulful

Vitoslav. - Cheerful

Vlad. - own, rude

Vladimir - independent, independent

Vladislav. - dominant, main

Vlas- Owning

Volodar - the ruler who owns

Vsevolod - rich, wealthy, the lord of everything

Vslav - Great

Rotislav - famous, popular, glorious

Vyacheslav - prudent

Gleb - severe, powerful

GORDES. - Proud, proud

Gordian - courageous having a sense of self-esteem

Gorimir - Gorgeous

Gorislav. - sincere living for the world

Gradimir - confident, persistent, creator

Gradislav- Promotud

Grantlav. - persistent, persistent

Bladogor - Walking well

Droinum - Making good

Dobromil - good-natured, kind

Dobromir - noble

Dobroslav - sensible, reasonable

Dobrynya (Dobryn) - kind

Dragomil - Precious

Dragomir - Favorite all

Dragoslav. - Odar

Zvenimir - famous, famous

Zvenislav - nice, glorious

Ivan. - militant.

According to other sources, Ivan is the name of Jewish origin, means the grace of God. Observing the sound pronunciation is very far from the original source, it became in Russia and Europe a popular name, turning from Iocanan (Heb.), John (gr) to Russian Ivan, French Jean, English John.

Igor- Gordy

According to other sources, Igor is the name of Scandinavian origin, the value is militant.

Izbor - Lucky Warrior

Izyaslav - intelligent, smart

Ladimim - carrying peace of mind (world)

Radiant - carrier light

Lyubomir - Peace-loving

Lyut - Stern, lynny

Lutobor - Stern Fighter (Warrior)

Lutomir - strong, principled

Martyn - waterfowl from breed of chap

Miloslav - Friendly, kind

Miroslav - wise, light head

Young - Always young, younger

Mstislav - demanding, demanding

Oeons - favorite

Oleg - Amazing, from the kind of Magi, high origin.

According to other sources, Oleg is the name of Scandinavian origin, the value is sacred.

Ostrich - strong, powerful

Ostrose - cheerful, witty

Pereslav - the very nice

Polel - Lovy

Prov - Ruler

Radomir - joyful, sunny, light

Radoslav.- Wise

Ozumnik - reasonable

Ratibor. - Fair, famous warrior

Ratimim - Notable, Rooded

Rostislav. - capable, gifted, talented

RUS. - Russian

Svetogor - light, sublime

Svezar - Bright, Morning

Svyazbor. - Light, strong warrior

Svyatopolk - strong, resistant, light

Svyatoslav. - Fair, wise

Slaviy (Slavuta, Slavs) - Nice

Dyanka - Cheerful

Stavr - experienced

Stanimir - Static, decent, honest

Stanislav - practical, rational

Sudislav - balanced, reasonable

Trorger (Treversor) - Clearway

Tverdirmy- devotee, steady, reliable

Tverdislav - strong, decisive

Delle - Delob

Shemyak - Military

Yar. - Yareny

Yarbor - fierce, strong warrior

Yaromir - Active, active, enterprising

Yaropolk - persistent, strong, decisive

Yaroslav - persistent

Russian women's names

Bogdana - This God

Bleslav - Forest, brought up

Branislav - strict, demanding

Budimira - Victim

Budyslava- Prudantive

Varvara - Military

According to other sources, Barbara is the name of Greek origin, the value of Dickard, Barbarka.

Velimira - Peaceful, Peaceful, Healthy, Good Physics

Velislav - attentive, spiritual

Vera - loyal

Vitoslav - Healthy, cheerful

Vlada - owning, swollen

Vladislav - dominant, main

Vlasta- Vlaminaya

Vslav- generous

Vyacheslav - prudent

Goluba - Gentle

Gordy - Gordaya

Gormy - Gorgeous

Gorislav - sincere, living for the world

Gradimira - confident, persistent, creator

Gradislav - Premone

Granborse - persistent, stubborn

Darien - Dovned

Darina - generous

Probula - kind, beautiful

Doggy - Making good

Dobromila - good-natured, kind

Dobromir - noble

Dobroslava- sensible, reasonable

Dollana - Lucky

Dragomila - precious

Dragomir - Favorite all

Dragoslav - Odar

Fun - Funny, fun

Zarina - Morning, bright

Knimiri. - famous, famous

Zvenislav - nice, glorified

Zlata - Golden. Zlata - Slavic goddess Dawn.

According to other sources, Zlata is the name of Slavic Greek origin, the value is gold.

Izaslava - intelligent, smart

Krasava - Beautiful

Kupava - rich, wealthy

Lada - Flood, slender, dying. Lada - Slavic goddess Moon, patroness of love and family happiness

Lelia - affectionate, tender, spring, young. Lelia - Slavic goddess youth

Radlezar - carrier light

Lyubava - Favorite

Love - Love, Favorite

Lyubomir - Peace-loving

Lyudmila - Pretty people

According to other sources, Lyudmila is the name of Western Slavic origin, the meaning is cute people.

Marya - Charming (possibly on behalf of Mara - the Old Slavic Goddess of Black Magic, the Spirit of Death).

According to other sources, Marya comes from the Jewish name Mary, the value is bitter or excellent.

Miloslava - Welding, kind

Miroslava - wise, bright head

Mlada - Always young, younger

Mstislav - demanding, demanding

Hope - Reliable

Oleel - Favorite

Olga - Amazing

According to other sources, Olga is the name of Scandinavian origin, the value is sacred.

Ostomira - Strong, powerful

Ostrose - Merry, witty

Otrada - desirable, responsive, bringing joy

Disconnect - Beautiful, beautiful

pleased - carrier joy, sun

Radomir - joyful, sunny, light

Radoslav - Muda

Ratimir - Notable, Born

Rostislav - capable, gifted, talented

Rusya - Russian

Svetlana - Light, shining

Slavia. - Muda

Najana - Laughing, cheerful

Stanimira - Static, decent, honest

Stanislav - practical, rational

Sudislava - balanced, judgment

Tverdimir - devotee, stable, reliable

Tverdislav - Strong, decisive

Yar (Yarina) - solar, fierce, stubborn

Yaromer - active, active, enterprising

Yaroslav - persistent

With this page watching:

Our new book "Energy Family"

Our book "Energy name"

Oleg and Valentina Lights

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At the time of writing and publishing each of our article, there is nothing like that in free internet. Any our information product is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and the publication of them on the Internet or in other media without specifying our name is a violation of copyright and is prosecuted by the Law of the Russian Federation.

On our sites we do not give links to magical forums or on the websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give advice on the phone, we do not have time for it.

Note! We do not deal with healing and magic, do not and do not sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, did not offer and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is a correspondence consultation in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites have seen information that we supposedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that it is slander, not true. In all his life, we never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the club materials we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, honest name is not an empty sound.

People who write about us slander are guided by the lowest motifs - envy, greed, they have black souls. There were times when the slander is paid well. Now many home is ready to sell for three kopecks, and to engage in squeezing for decent people is even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Talking with such people about conscience, about faith in God is meaningless. They do not believe in God, because the believer will never go to a deal with conscience, will never do a deception, slander, fraud.

Scammers, pseudomags, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, thirsting money, a lot. Police and other controls still do not cope with the increasing influx of madness "deception for the sake of profit."

So please be attentive!























