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Words equally sounding but different in meaning. Words are the same by writing, but absolutely different on lexical meaning

Omonies are words that are the same on sound composition, but not related by meaning: lezginka (dance) - Lezginka (woman); Rye (Figure in Chess) - Rye (ship); Ambassador (method of product harvesting) - ambassador (diplomat). The same external sound accounting and grammatical form of Omonimov makes it difficult to communicate, since the distinguisure of their meaning is possible only in context, in combination with other words. Omonimians, examples of which they show, cannot be understood without context: a favorable offer is an impersonal proposal; The kidneys bloom - cure the kidneys; Right hand - right (innocent).

Types and examples of homonyms in Russian

Complete lexical homonymy is a coincidence of words belonging to the same part of speech, in all forms: month (calendar) - month (luminous), assembly of the car (from the verb to collect) - assembly on fabric (fold), motive (musical) - Motive (behavior), read (book) - read (adults, parents), outfit (order) - outfit (clothing), note (diplomatic) - note (musical). Incomplete lexical homonymy involves a coincidence in writing and sounding from words related to the same part of speech, not in all forms: skate (wheel; inanimate) - skate (to the river; inanimate) - skate (fish; animated); Pump the pit (perfect view - to bury) - Put the medicine (perfect view - to roll); Cancer (river animal) - cancer (disease, has only the only number).

There are homonyms, examples of which can be seen further associated with the grammatical and sound change: the mouth is rod (pronounced as [mouth]); Three (from the verb rubbed) - three (digit); Couple (boot) - (clubs) steam; Furnace (pies) - (Russian) oven.

Omonyms: examples and types by structure

  1. Root. Have an unprove basis: marriage (factory) and marriage (happy), peace (reigns in the family and the state) and the world (universe).
  2. Omonium derivatives - the result of the word formation: the stroke (the song is under construction) and the string forest.

Phonetic, grammatical and graphic homonyms: examples of consumption

Omophones (Omonies phonetic) are words that are the same on sound composition, but different on writing (lettering): mushroom and influenza, code and cat, fort and "Ford", highlight and consecrate, people and lyut.

Omographs (alphabetic, graphic homonyms) are the words that have the same letter composition, but differ in pronunciation: shelves - shelves, horns - horns, atlas - atlas, soar - soar (accents in these words fall into different syllables).

Ocoforms - coincidence of grammatical forms of one word or different words: glass window (noun) - glass on the floor (verb in the times of riding - summer time; hunting (predators) and hunting (desire); ice cream popsicle - ice cream meat (noun and adjective) ; Back in the spring - enjoy the spring (adverb and noun); flowing on the floor - to close the flow (verb and noun).

Kalambur and Omonimi: examples of words and case-shaped statements

It is necessary to be careful in the use of homonyms, since in some situations, homonymy can distort the meaning of statements and lead to the Commission. For example, the commentator words of a football match: "In today's match, players left without heads," you can understand two. And from such speech incidents, even writers are not insured:

  • "Have you heard?"
  • "It is impossible to be indifferent to the evil."

Our language is multifaceted and rich. Sometimes, using this or that word, we do not think about the boundaries of its meaning. We know that the Earth is the name of our planet, and the Earth is part of its surface, drying, soil. Also, everyone knows that the world is the whole system around us and at the same time the world is the absence of hostility, life without war. We express some different in the semantic relationship of interpretation among the same words with several values. Let's find out why it happens.

Why do we exist in the language with several values?

Another Linguist A. A. Plebenz, who lived in the XIX century, in his monograph "Thought and language" wrote that the development of human speech goes towards greater abstraction.

When our distant ancestors have learned to express their desires and emotions with sounds, they still did not know what geometry and the Mendeleev table, did not distinguish the concepts of "bad" and "terrible", "well" and "excellent." The first words called items, phenomena and feelings, the ability to designate and express which was necessary in everyday life. Also, children who only learn to speak, first use simple words, such as "mother", "dad", "house", "table", and only then understand what is kindness, joy, hatred, anger.

During the development of an ancient person, the ability to figure and analytical thinking there was a need to come up with new designations for new concepts. Sometimes as such designations used already existing in the language of the word, which, however, a new meaning was attached. But at the same time the initial meaning of these words was preserved. So many words that have several values \u200b\u200bappeared.

How to correctly call lexemes with several values

In linguistics, a word having several values \u200b\u200bis called multivalued. This is the term of Russian linguistics, and in foreign science such words are the names of polismic (from Greek. Polis - "a lot", and Semanticos - "denoting").

Russian academician V. V. Vinogradov called the meaningfulness of one word to transmit various information about the subjects and phenomena of non-language reality. At the same time, it should be said that the meaning laid in the Word, its real-semantic shell is called a lexical value. The above examples of the interpretation of words, which have several lexical values. However, few people know that the word "world" has not two, but as many as seven values! You can check this in the sensible dictionary of Ozhegov.

Multivality and Omonimia

In linguistics, as in any other science, there are concepts that relate to the number of discussion. So, for example, A. A. Pothebnay and R. Jacobson believed that words with several values \u200b\u200bdo not exist, because if the lexeme is to sign another object or phenomenon, it completely changed its semantic core.

However, in traditional Polemia and Omonimia, they still differ, although they are often confused in Internet resources.

It is believed that words having several values \u200b\u200bstill retain their semantic center in each interpretation, some representation lying in the very root structure of the lexical unit. At the same time it is assumed that in the political words there are the continuity of the values, and there is no one with Omonyms. For example, a lifting crane and a faucet in the kitchen, a "salt" note and kitchen salt are homonyms, and not multivalued words, because there is no meaning between them.

How does the meaningfulness arise

It is believed that the Polemia arises three basic ways:

  • With the help of metaphorical transfer. Under the metaphor means displacement of the word value based on the similarity of several objects. For example: Wheat grain - truth grain.
  • With the help of metonimia. Under the metonymy understand the transfer of the value of one word to another on the principle of the presence of semantic links between two concepts. For example: Dish from expensive porcelain is a delicious dish of French cuisine.
  • With the help of synengo. Many linguists believe that Singinda is a special occasion of metonimia. Under this term understand the transfer of the name of the part to the whole. For example: "native hearth" instead of "native home" and "Returning home from America" \u200b\u200binstead of "Return to Russia" (if it is meant exactly the arrival in his country, and not specifically in your home from someone else's house).

Examples of multivalued words

It can be assumed that the name of our planet is the Earth - it appeared secondly from the name of the sushi, soil. After all, people and mammals exist on land, it is she who is their real habitat. And the name of our planet was formed using the metonymic transfer, that is, the designation of the surface of the surface was transferred to any integer. We also say, for example, that the class carefully listens to the teacher, implying this is not a room, but students in it.

Malina we call berries, as well as a bush, on which they grow. Multivality here developed on the principle of syneforous. But the integral meaning of the word "raspberry" - the "thievesk yield" is, rather, at once with the rest of two examples of its use.

What does the word "prefix" mean?

Can you immediately say - one or more values \u200b\u200bhas the word "prefix"? From the school year of the Russian language, everyone knows that this is so called part of the word preceding the root and serving to change the value of the lexical unit. This noun is formed from the verb to "pester" and actually calls everything that "attract", which stands next to something.

In the dictionary of the Russian language, two meanings of the word are marked:

  • tape prefix, reinforcing sound power;
  • morpheme, prefix;
  • also, a prefix 10-15 years ago called a special installation for virtual games.

Language calaburs based on multigid and homonymy

In each developed language, there are words that match the form, but various meanings. The combination of such lexical units in the same text is used to create a comic effect, the words of words - Kalasbura. Try to clarify what the comic effect of the following phrases is based:

  • Kosil oblique oblique oblique.
  • He drove oven all night. By morning she drowned.
  • Parrot of us, parrot.
  • He learned verse and verse.

In the listed phrases, the comic effect is based on the homonymicity of certain forms of words. But at the same time, the vocabulary forms of these lexical units differ. So, in the first example, the words "mow", "oblique", "braid" are used. "Oblique" as an adjective means "uneven", "curve", and "oblique" as a noun - this is a conversational name of the hare. In the second example, the meaningful of the word "torture" is used: to dry fire, immerse deep into the water. Omonies are used in the third example: a parrot as a noun - the name of the bird, parrot as an imperative from the verb "scare". Finally, in the fourth, it was based on the coincidence of the last time of the verb "to serve" and the noun in the nominal case "verse" (line in poetry).

It is not always easy to understand, one or more values \u200b\u200bhave words. The root of the lexeme and the analysis of consumption contexts can help determine the uniformed or homonymous are the units under consideration.

Exercise on the interpretation of meaningful words

Task: Look at the list below and try it yourself to determine one or more values \u200b\u200bhave selected words: wardrobe, fox, car, path, hand, core. Explain your choice. How many values \u200b\u200bdid you allocate for each word?

All listed words have several lexical values:

  • The wardrobe is called clothing items, as well as the room where they are stored.
  • Fox is an animal and at the same time a tricky person. Multivality developed due to the fact that in ancient times (and in the villages - and now) foxes at night, when nobody sees them, penetrated the housing of people and barns to steal food.
  • The machine is a vehicle, and technical equipment.
  • The path is both the road on Earth, and air traffic, and metaphorically human life.
  • Hand is part of the body and handwriting.
  • The kernel is the central part of something, and the basis of any movement, for example, the army.

Several jobs on logic

Look at the phrases below. Can you guess what unites:

  1. the position of diplomat and salting;
  2. radiation of the Sun and the estor of aristocrats;
  3. married relationships and poorly made products;
  4. sushi strip in the sea and the pride of Russian beauty;
  5. river fish and brushes for washing dishes.

Answers: Ambassador; shine; marriage; braid; ruff.

As you believe, which of these examples relate to homonymy, and what - to ambiguity? Words with several values \u200b\u200bdiffer from homonyms by the presence of some logical-semantic communication between different concepts. In Example No. 2, the connection is based on metaphor: both the Sun illuminates the Earth and the aristocrats by virtue of their formation and development were the decoration of society. And in Example No. 5, the connection between the fish and the brush is based on metonimia, because the outer form brush resembles a fish. Examples under the numbers 1, 3, 4 are based on homonym.

Thus, we found out that the word having several values \u200b\u200bis called multivalued, or political. But at the same time, multivalism is desirable to be able to distinguish from homonymy. If there is no semantic connection between words with several values, then there is no one between homonyms.

Omonimi- These are different in value, but the same sounding or writing units of the language - words, morphemes.
Comes from Greek homos.- the same I. onyma. - Name.
There are several types of homonyms: full and partial, graphic and grammatome, phonetic and homonymous.

W. full / absolute homonyms The whole system of forms coincides. For example, key (for the castle) - key (spring), Gorn (blacksmith) - gorn (wind instrument).
W. partial There are not all forms on sound. For example, caress (animal) and caress (manifestation of tenderness) diverge in the form of a multiple case of a plural - lasok - Lask..

Graphic homonyms or omographs - Words that coincide in writing, but differ in pronunciation (in Russian due to differences in stress).
From Greek. homós. - the same I. Grápho. - writing.
Atlas - Atlas
news - news
whiskey - whiskey
roads - Roads
castle - Castle
smell - smell
great - great
goat - goats
lockers - Lesok.
little - little
flour - Flour.
peklo - Peklo
pier - Pier
forty - forty
Already - already

Grammatical homonyms or omoform- Words that sound the same only in some grammatical forms and at the same time most often belong to different parts of speech.
Ice aircraft I. ice The throat (in other forms - to fly and treat, flew and treated, etc.); acute saw and sawcompote (in other forms - drank and drink, saws and drink, etc.).

Omonymic morphemes or homomorphs - Morphem coinciding on their sound composition, but different in value.
Take place from Greek homos. - the same I. morphe.- the form.
For example, suffix Hotel in nouns teacher (value of the acting person) and switch (value of the existing subject); suffix - Net in words sage, male, cutter and brother; suffix -K (a) in words river, training, extras and graduate school.

And the most interesting Phonetic homonyms or ohmophones- Words that sound the same, but they are written differently and have a different meaning.
Comes from Greek ὀμόφωνο - "Soundopotus".
Examples in Russian:

threshold - Plok - Parks,
meadow - onions, fruit - raft,
carcass - mascara
falling - Fall,
ball - score
oblique - bone
beta - give
emitting - imitate.

In Russian, the two main sources of mistophony essence of the stunning of consonants at the end of words and before other consonant sound and the reduction of vowels in an unstressed position.

Obcomers also include cases of phonetic coincidence of the word and phrase or two phrases. The letters used can completely coincide and the difference in writing is only in the arrangement of spaces:

in place - together,
in everything - at all
from mint - unes,
from the hatch - and the evil
not mine is a dumb.

In English, the Omophones arose due to the historically established different designation on the letter of the same consonant or vowel sound, for example:

whole - Hole,

In French, there are whole ranges of Omophones, consisting of three-six words, one of the reasons for which is that many end letters are not read in French.

Sources: Wikipedia, Dictionaries, Directories



(Greek. Homonymos, from Homos - similar, and Onoma - Name). Words with the same pronunciation, but different meaning or differently writing, but the same pronounced. For example, the tube is a furnace and tube musical, flour, like suffering, and flour - ground bread grains.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[gr. Homonyma Homos is the same + onyma - name] - Lingv. Words having the same form, but different meaning (eg, " spit - for kosba "and" spit - From the hair ").

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


the words of the same writing and pronunciation, but of different meanings, NPR., nose, floor, leaf, key, etc.

A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian.- Popov M., 1907 .


words that have different meanings, but equally pronounced (spit, floor, kidney, key, etc.).

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(c. Homonyma Homos Same + Onyma, Onoma Name) Words having the same sound, but different meanings, for example, braid (braid tool) - Spit (hair).

New dictionary of foreign words.- by edwart,, 2009 .

Watch what is "Omonimi" in other dictionaries:

    - (from Greek. ὁμός the same and ονομα) are different from the value, but the same to write and sound a single unit (words, morphemes, etc.). The term is introduced by Aristotle. Do not confuse with mistifones. Contents 1 Classification 2 Examples 2.1 words ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek) words coinciding with each other in their sound with complete inconsistency of values. An example of "Onions" (weapon) "Onions" (plant). Usually the appearance in the language of O. is explained by the random coincidence of the once distinguished bases as a result of a series ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Omonimi - Omonies of words having the same sound, but different in value. Eg, "swords" (from the word "sword") and "swords" (from the word "throw"); "Three" (number) and "three" (from the word "rubbish"), etc. The punishment game is built on homonyms (see Calambar), and already with ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (from the Greek Homos the same and onyma name), different by meaning, but the same sounding and writing units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example, a risk and learn animal ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (from Greek. Homos is the same and onyma name) different, but the same sounding and writing units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example. Lynx Running and Lynx Animal ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Omonimi - (from Greek. Homos is the same + onyma - name). Words belonging to the same part of speech and equally sounding, but different by meaning. Distinguish O. Full (which coincides the entire system of forms), partial (who coincide on the sound ... ... New dictionary of methodical terms and concepts (theory and practice of learning languages)

    Omonimi - (from Greek. Homos is the same + onyma, onoma name) words with different meanings that, however, are equally written and pronounced. For example, in the English. Language O. are words Pupil (student and pupil), as well as Iris (eye iris and rainbow); in rus. Language ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    omonimi - Identical terms denoting different entities. [GOST 34.320 96] EN HOMONYMS database topics ... Technical translator directory

    Omonimi - (from the Greek Homos of the same and Onyma name), different ones, but the same sounding and writing units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example, "Lynx" running and "Lynx" Animal. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    omonimi - (Dr. Greek. ομος homos is the same + onyma, ονυμά name) words having the same sound, but different meanings: spit1 (maiden hairstyle), spit2 (instrument), space3 (river braid, peninsula in the form of narrow shames). Interlayal Omonyms are found ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Jerebilo


  • Omonyms of the Russian dialective speech, M. Alekseenko, O. Litvinnikova. This is the first experience of the dictionary of homonyms of the Russian dialective speech. Includes words of different grammatical classes. Refers to a quasten intelligent-explanatory type of dictionaries. Called up…

S.I.Ogov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I.zhhegov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language shaft-1, -a, mn. -Y, -On, m. 1. Long earthy mound. Fastener in. 2. Very high wave. Foam shafts. Ninth century (the strongest and stormy wave, according to old ideas, rock for navigators). Shaft-2, -a, mm. -, -On, m. In the mechanisms: the rod rotating on the supports and the transmitting movement by other parts of the mechanism. Shaft-3, -A, m. In the economy: the total volume of products in the value expression produced for any certain period. Run the shaft plan.

Task 2. Record offers. Determine if there are homonyms in them. Orange is a citrus tree fruit. On the river sailed raft. I love oven pies. In the house shifted oven. You do not need to turn the ship. The stove is needed. I'm flying my throat. I'm flying on the plane.

Task check 2 Checking Task 2 Orange - Citrus tree fruit. On the river sailed raft. I love oven pies. In the house shifted oven. You do not need to turn the ship. The stove is needed. I'm flying my throat. I'm flying on the plane. Conclusion: In Russian, there are complete homonyms and partial (oomophones, omophorms, omographs)

Omonies are complete homonyms - the words of one part of the speech are the same on writing and pronunciation, but absolutely different in lexical meaning. Partial homonyms: - Omophones - words that sound the same, but are written differently and have a different meaning. - Omographs - words that coincide in writing, but differ in pronunciation (in Russian most often due to differences in the stress). - Omeforms - words that are equally sound only in some grammatical forms and at the same time most often belong to different parts of speech.