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Fortune telling on playing cards by the name of a loved one. Effective card reading for a guy

Young girls are often interested in their future and in those with whom it will be associated. The more they have clues about the betrothed than more information they have about him, the greater the chances that they will recognize him when they meet and their life will turn out, at least - as if in a fairy tale. And so it will be! The main thing is to believe. And it is necessary to believe not only in a bright future, but also in the fortune-telling itself, since you have decided to carry it out.

It has many variations. As situations, questions and people differ from each other, so are magical rituals. Thus, you can choose magic for girls, built on simple rituals. Or tell fortunes about an ex, as well as a beloved guy on wax, cards, a piece of paper. The main thing is to choose the most truthful and effective sacrament, action, spell. But what we are talking about, let's proceed directly to fortune-telling and their types, because you are interested in this information ...

Divination by name

Take a deck playing cards... Shuffle them and divide them into as many piles as there are letters in the name of the conceived young man. So, in the name Paul, there are five letters. By laying out the cards in piles one by one, you get four piles with seven cards and one with eight.

Now take the pile on the far right and spread the cards out of it into the remaining four decks, again one at a time, starting with the first deck. Take the field again and lay out the deck. Which one? The one on which the last card fell.

Repeat the steps until you have two stacks left. After that, completely transfer the pile on which the last card was laid to the second foot. Now, from the resulting deck, lay out four cards alternately, taking from above. If in the process you come across cards of the same value, they should be put aside - it is from them that you will learn that the object of your adoration noticed in you or what attracts him.

  • Sixes - young man your attitude towards life is impressed and your sincere smile warms up.
  • Sevens - the guy is conquered by your eyes and mind.
  • Eights - a man admires your ability to present himself, and also he could not help but notice your breasts.
  • Nines - legs and sense of taste - are what sets you apart from other women.
  • Dozens - arms and shoulders - your trump card.
  • Jacks - interests and character.
  • Ladies - gait and figure.
  • Kings are habits and facial features.
  • Aces - you conquered the heart of the betrothed to everyone and to the very depths of your soul.

Guess at the king

Make a choice for a king of a particular suit. If the subject of sighing is young, it is the king of diamonds, the unfree one is the heart of hearts, the senior or important is the club, the unfamiliar is the peak.

An easy way to predict the course of events

Mentally focus on your beloved, shuffle the deck, slowly lay out the cards one by one on the table, saying a phrase for each card:

  • "Such and such a king (name the chosen one)";
  • “Tell me, dear”;
  • "Do you love me?";
  • "I very love you";
  • "With all my heart";
  • "With all my soul";
  • "But there is better than you."

When you play the last image and the envisioned king does not fall out, repeat the action first with the same deck of cards, without shuffling or adding the dropped cards. You just need to repeat the action in a circle until the mysterious man falls out, even if he is the last card in the deck, because you need to find out what connects you with him and what to do with your feelings.

Those words that will fall on your king and will be a clue, as well as a prediction. The fact that your feelings are mutual can only be judged if the envisioned king falls out on the first phrase.

A spread for four guys

If you are looking for simple fortune-telling on a guy or a guy, then this is not. On the contrary, it can be classified as complex. But the situation is not easy either - to choose from four young people.

Four jacks will act as contenders for the hand and heart, each of which must be given the name of the designated person. In order not to forget who stands for whom - write down the information on paper, since in the process of the alignment you can forget about it and then it will be a pity for the time and effort spent, because as a result you will not be able to understand what and about whom the cards tell you.

Such fortune-telling perfectly puts thoughts in order.

Remove the jacks from the deck and shuffle them, then lay them face down in a horizontal row. Now you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck itself and lay out one card under each jack below so that you end up with eight rows.

The interpretation of the layout is not done horizontally, as usual, but vertically. Each file is responsible for a specific jack. It should be interpreted from top to bottom, putting on the jack a pair of cards of the same rank. After all the pairs have been selected, the deck is laid out three more times, while pairs are again selected, since they will have to be deciphered. As a result, the ritual is performed four times.

  • Six - the guy is already on his way to you, an ambulance awaits him.
  • Seven - waiting for a meeting with you, languishing with longing.
  • Eight - wait for an important conversation.
  • Nine - loves you dearly and hopes for reciprocity.
  • Ten - shows a lively and genuine interest in your person.
  • Lady - he has a lady of the heart, you are not interesting to him.
  • The king is jealousy, jealousy and more jealousy. He is jealous of everyone and everything.
  • Ace - you evoke a storm of passion and emotions in him.

On the paper

We have already tried fortune-telling on playing cards, but on paper we did not guess on the guy. Let's try? Then let's get started.

Take a sheet of paper in a cage. Draw a heart on the sheet with your left hand, if left-handed - with your right. After going through the kennel of the drawing, you need to shade whole cells in the center of the drawing and cross them out four at a time. Now, having counted the number of remaining cells, find out how the object of adoration treats you.

If there are three cells left, the guy likes you, two is in love with another girl, one is indifferent. With all the cells crossed out, you can count on mutual love.

Guessing a guy is not just fun. You must take seriously the ritual performed and the advice and warnings you receive during it. You should also not take to heart the information that is not particularly pleasant to you. We ourselves decide our destiny, the main thing is to really decide it, and not go with the flow. Believe in yourself, your strength and fortune-telling, which will surely give you hope!

The central theme for all young girls has always been the theme of love and marriage. Who loves me? Who will I marry? Will I be happy with him? Here are the basic questions that almost every single girl wants to answer. And many, in order to somehow shed light on their future, turn to fortune-telling and fortune-telling. Moreover, by today, mankind has accumulated a huge number of different methods, both for determining the name of the betrothed and, and for clarifying the relationship of the beloved to the girl who is guessing at him. It is not always easy to choose from the whole abundance of layout techniques, so we suggest starting with the simplest and easiest. Fortune-telling on the cards for a guy proposed here is called “4 jacks” and it allows you to determine the attitude of four men to the lady at once.

For this fortune-telling, you will need a classic playing deck of cards for thirty-six cards. Before you start to lay out the cards, you need to “assign” each of the jacks in the deck the name of the person whom he will designate. This can be done both according to the rules (unmarried - diamonds, married - hearts, a man older than the rest - clubs), and in a random order. The main thing is then not to forget which jack denotes which guy, so it is better to immediately write down this information on paper.

The "four jacks" and their relationship to you

  1. This should start by choosing all jacks from the deck and shuffling them
  2. When the four cards in the fortuneteller's hands are well mixed, they need to be laid out in one horizontal row, face down
  3. Now you need to shuffle the rest of the deck and lay it out one card at a time under the jacks (however, this time face down)
  4. As a result, there will be 8 rows, each of which will have four cards
  5. the guy must be evaluated not horizontally (as is usually done), but vertically (from top to bottom), while removing pairs of cards of the same denomination that are under each other
  6. When such a pair is removed from the alignment, it is not thrown away, but, on the contrary, is placed on the jack in the row of which it was found
  7. When all pairs of cards are drawn, you need to unfold the remaining deck in the same way three more times, repeating the same procedures
  8. Finally, after the last, fourth layout of the deck, you can open jacks and see which pairs of cards are on them.

Attention! It is worth remembering that the very first and very last cards in a vertical row are considered to be adjacent!

We are looking for the values ​​of all paired cards:

  • Sixes is an ambulance, it's on its way to you
  • Sevens - he needs you, he is waiting for a meeting
  • Eights - an important conversation will take place soon
  • Nines - he loves you very much
  • Dozens - he shows an open interest in you
  • Aces - he probably has a great passion for you
  • Kings - jealous of everyone else
  • Ladies - he already has a lady, you are not interesting to him.

Fortune-telling is considered especially strong and truthful if on top of one of the jacks there are as many as four cards of the same value.

Fortune-telling in the name of a guy "likes or dislikes?"

One more uncomplicated fortune-telling on the cards, the name of the guy can be produced after the previous one, to make it more specific. And here, at least, you need to know full name the object of fortune-telling, and also imagine what it looks like. Among other things, during fortune-telling, it is necessary to think intensively about this person. For the layout, you need a deck of 36 cards.

  1. A well-shuffled deck is laid out on the table in as many piles as there are letters in the name of the person on whom the fortune-telling is performed.
  2. When the whole deck is laid out, the piles of cards are turned over and looked at the suit bottom card... If the object of fortune-telling is light-haired, then it is necessary that there be a red suit below, if it is dark, then a black suit. In case of hitting the “wrong” suit, you need to put this card aside until you get the right one.
  3. Then the piles of cards are carefully, without mixing, put into one and continue the alignment in the same way, only now, guessing not on the full name, but on its diminutive (more accepted in relationships) version of it.
  4. After the alignment is completed in the name in his diminutive, you should collect the remaining cards and lay them out two by two in the order in which they are in the deck.
  5. Then the results should be deciphered, based on how many and which paired cards turned out in the final layout.

We decipher the result of fortune-telling:

  • Sixes: two - marriage, four - fidelity
  • Sevens: two - meeting, four - dating
  • Eights: two - conversation, four - quarrel
  • Nines: two is love, four is the greatest love in life
  • Dozens: two - interest, four - calculation
  • Jacks: two - chores, four - a lot of empty chores
  • Ladies: two - hopes, four - gossip
  • Kings: two - strong friendship, four - brotherhood
  • Aces: two - physical intimacy, four - passion.

Both of the above layouts are good in that they are relatively easy to implement and do not require a lot of experience in fortune-telling, moreover, they can be practiced quite often, because the relationship of people is a changeable phenomenon. However, if you did not have a deck at hand, and you really need to know the fate, then this is not a reason to refuse, because you can always try the online ritual on yourself.

The video shows a variant of the layout for 4 jacks:

Every girl wants to know what someone she likes about her thinks. We offer several card fortune-telling on the guy. This fortune telling is absolutely free, you only need a deck regular cards of 36 pieces and a little desire to figure it out.

Love fortune telling on cards (method 1)

To carry out the ritual, you need to tune in: turn off all appliances in the house, remove pets from the room. It is desirable that no one else be in the house. As a last resort, ask loved ones not to bother you for a while.

Step 1. Find out what feelings and desires the envisioned guy has for the girl

To do this, mix the cards well and move part of the deck with your left hand. We lay out the cards, one at a time, on how many piles, how many letters are in the guy's name. For example, if a girl is guessing about a guy Alexander, then the deck needs to be decomposed into 9 piles, if for a guy named Ivan - into 4 piles, etc.

When all the cards are laid out, we take into our hand the pile of cards where the last card was put, remove one card from it and put them in order in the remaining piles. In this case, we put the first card on the pile that follows the laid out one.

Having laid out all the cards from the pile, we again take the pile in our hands, where this time the last card lay. We continue this way until two heaps remain.

Take the one where the last card was placed, and place the cards as follows. We put one card in the second untouched pile, the other in a new one, and so on. As a result, you will again get two piles, only one of them will become even thicker.

When the cards run out, we take a smaller pile and continue to lay out in the same way: one card in a thick pile, one in a new one. We continue this way until the cards are all in one pile.

After that, without moving anything, we begin to lay out the cards face up in a ruler, one next to the other. If cards of the same rank lie side by side, we put them aside. After the whole deck has been laid out in this way, we proceed to decipher the pairs set aside.


Two sixes - wants to come to her
Two sevens - wants to talk to her
Two eights - wants to meet her
Two nines - loves her
Two dozen - she interests him
Two jacks - wants to be friends with her
Two ladies - he has another
Two kings - jealous
Two aces - physically attracted to her
Moreover, the more red suits in the delayed pair, the stronger the feeling experienced by the guy.

Step 2. Find out what feelings and desires the girl herself has for this guy.

We repeat what was described above, only we lay out the remaining cards into how many heaps, how many letters are in the girl's name.

Step 3. Find out what awaits this pair in the future

To do this, we again perform what was described above, only, after completing both steps, we lay out the cards into how many stacks, how many letters in the name of the guy and the name of the girl together.

If at some step no pair of cards match, then there are no feelings (or will not be, if no pair of cards matched at step 3).

The second way of divining a guy's love

This is an easier way. We make a guess on one of the kings of a specific guy, and on one of the ladies - who wants to know the fate (the suits of the king and the lady must be different). Shuffle the cards, move them with the left hand. We lay out the cards in a row. If there are cards of the same suit lying nearby, we throw them aside, we will no longer need them. In this case, neither the envisioned king, nor the envisioned lady can be thrown away.

As soon as there are 9 cards in a row, we begin to lay out the next row below. Again, we throw out the cards of the same suit lying next to each other. If it turns out that the suits coincide for cards that are in contact vertically (that is, one is in the top row, and the other is right below it in the bottom row), then we discard them too, after which we move the rest of the cards from right to left, making the first card of the bottom row the last top card. If the suits match both vertically and horizontally, discard all three cards.

When there are 9 cards in the second row, we begin to lay out the third.

After all the cards are laid out, we look to see if the hidden king and the hidden queen are next to each other. If so, then the girl will be friends. If not, by the cards in between, you can find out what will hinder them.

In the same case, when the envisioned king and queen are next to each other in the left corner of the first row (that is, the very first), it will be possible to conclude that they will get married. If they are ahead of other cards, we look at the value of these cards, which will interfere with the wedding.

The value of the cards for decoding interference:

6 - road
7 - conversation
8 - meeting
9 - love
10 - interest
B - chores
D - woman
K - man

T - a big event (if red, then pleasant, if black - unpleasant).

At the same time, if the suit of the card denoting a hindrance coincides with the suit of the king or queen, then it has to do with them (to the one with whose suit it coincided), otherwise it has to do with strangers. For example, if an 8 is a hindrance, which matches the suit of the king, then the friendship (or wedding) will not take place for the reason that the guy will meet someone who will interfere with this friendship (or wedding).

Fortune telling is a fascinating and interesting activity. And you don't have to have a special deck for that. Ordinary playing cards are ideal for fortune telling. All you need to do this is to know the layouts and be able to interpret them. In this article, we will find out what kind of fortune-telling on the cards exist for guys.

General information

In fact, guess at playing deck very simple. Let's remember that it includes 36 cards, which are divided into 4 suits (spades, crosses, diamonds and hearts). It should be noted that the full deck is never used for fortune telling. So, each suit includes 9 cards: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven and six. In fortune-telling, each of them has its own designation. Moreover, it can be very different, depending on the alignment. For fortune-telling on the guys, you should buy a new deck, and never use it for the game. Before each fortune-telling, a special conspiracy is read on her:

36 sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and companions.

Serve me faithful service, unchanging friendship.

36 cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth,

what should I wait, expect, what to fear, what business not to take on.

I urge you all and call and pronounce:

The word is strong and the cards are good.

This conspiracy is read so that the cards do not lie. But in any case, you need to get used to the deck, you need to feel it and become one with it.

Fortune-telling rules

For any type of prediction, there are certain principles of fortune-telling. You should never lie in front of divination cards, otherwise you can get the same thing in return. They cannot be thrown, thrown and, in principle, disrespectful to them. If you want help and advice from them, treat them like your best friends.

There is one more rule around which in Lately a lot of controversy arose. Some fortune-tellers argue that for each layout you need to have a separate deck, while others - that one is enough. In fact, there is no right answer in this debate. Each fortune teller does as she pleases. If she sees that her deck of cards shows the correct results only in one kind of scenario, then there is a need to buy several more and check them on other fortune-telling. back side- if you succeed, there is no point in changing anything.

So, on fortune-telling cards you can guess and play solitaire. The second option is easier and shows only the attitude of a man to a lady. Fortune-telling on the cards for a guy reveals the essence of the whole situation (past, present, future and the result of events).

This is one of the most popular and oldest fortune-telling. This alignment allows you to find out the development of relations in a couple. It is very important to mentally think about a certain period (several days, a week, a month) before starting a fortune-telling on a guy.

Before laying out, you need to shuffle the cards well. Then, having clearly formulated the question and the time period, you should expand them as shown in the picture, face down.

  1. So, the first card means the personality of the fortuneteller and what worries her the most.
  2. The personality of the guy, his thoughts in relation to the girl.
  3. What will happen in the relationship in a given period of time or what should be paid special attention to.
  4. For what reason is this happening.
  5. The end result.
  6. Board of cards.

In this scenario, you can draw out two more additional ones, if necessary. So, for example, if the ace of spades falls out in the fourth position, with the tip down, then this means a conflict. But why it may arise is not clear to you. Then, to the fourth position from the deck, you can get an additional card that will explain the essence of the main one.


As a rule, girls pick up cards when something bothers them. So, fortune telling on the guy on the playing cards "Relationship" should be done when you feel that there is a problem.

The layout is performed without aces, they must be removed from the deck. Also, you should think about what card your young man is designated by. As a rule, this is one of the kings:

  • Worms is a fair-haired man (over 35 years old).
  • Peaks - dark-haired (over 35 years old).
  • Tambourines - blonde, young.
  • Kresty - dark-haired, young.

After you have guessed the card, shuffle the deck well and lay it out in front of you according to the scheme (8 x 4). Find among them the card of your beloved. What is on the sides of her will indicate what is happening in your relationship now.

The layout for the guy's name

Fortune-telling on the cards in the name of the guy is interesting and exciting. To do this, you need to carefully shuffle the deck. Determine how many letters are in the man's full name. Let's use the name Andrey as an example. So, it contains 6 letters. Divide the entire deck into 6 stacks. It is very important to take the cards from the top and put one at a time in “each letter”. The quantity may turn out to be unequal, but that's okay.

The next step: you need to take the last pile (the letter "d") and in the same way, spread these cards into the remaining five. So, it should be done until the first two letters remain. Now, place the second stack on top of the first. You will get a whole deck of cards again, but you cannot shuffle it. Place two cards on the table. The meanings for fortune telling on the guy's name on playing cards are as follows:

  • A pair of aces is reciprocity.
  • Kings - he considers you a friend.
  • Ladies - you have a rival.
  • Jacks - he worries about you.
  • Dozens - feels sympathy for you.
  • Nines - strong love.
  • Eights - quarrel, conflicts.
  • Sevens - romantic relationship.
  • Sixes - a walk together, but sometimes it can mean separation (especially if the peak and cross falls).

The simplest layout

This fortune telling is one of the most common. It is called “What was, what is, what will be.” Three cards are laid out for each time. If the alignment is performed on relations between people, then first you need to choose a king and a queen from the deck, respectively, which will designate them. Now, you should shuffle the deck well and lay out the cards in this order: bottom - past, middle - present, top - future.


Solitaire games are no less addicting and interesting way find out how this or that guy treats you. One of them is called "Four Kings". It allows you to determine how 4 different young people treat you at once. To do this, select 4 kings from the deck. For each suit, guess a separate guy. If that number is not found, then one can be called a "secret admirer". Turn the kings face down and mix well. Arrange them in a row. Shuffle the deck of the remaining 32 cards. Now you need to decompose it into 4 piles under each king. After there are no cards left in your hand, you need to take the first "pile".

The point is to collect all the cards in order, starting from the six and ending with the ace, in 6 times. So, in the pile we find everything that comes in order. Let's say it contains six, seven and eight, but no nine. On top of the king we put three cards in order, and put the rest aside and move on to the next. This must be done with all four. We shuffle the postponed cards again and place them under the kings. The procedure is repeated 6 times. The first full stack is a guy who is crazy about you, the second is that he likes you, the third is that you will be great friends, and the fourth is that you are not right for each other. Sometimes for all 6 times it is not possible to collect a single king, and sometimes - all four at once.

Interpretation of the cards

Of course, laying out 36 cards for fortune-telling on cards on a guy is not very difficult. The difficulty lies in interpreting them correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the predominance of a particular suit. So, worms promise love and a good relationship, tambourines - always show the financial side, crosses - negotiations, business, spades - a warlike suit, which most often portends trouble.

The meaning of the cards themselves is as follows:

  • Aces are home, important events. Peak (point down) - blow, up - unexpected events. Ace of hearts - home, love, warm relationships. Cross can mean work or business relationship
  • Kings and ladies are primarily personalities: guys and girlfriends in your environment. If they are of spades, then most likely they are enemies or envious people.
  • Jacks always show troubles or some important business.
  • Dozens represent desires.
  • Nines are feelings. If the peak, then the disease, if the diamonds - money, with kings - love.
  • Eights - conversations and conversations, the suit of the drawn card indicates what topic.
  • Sevens - meeting, date. Peak - parting, tears.
  • Sixes - travel, road.

Summing up, we can say that fortune-telling on the cards for a guy (what he thinks, how he feels, what he feels) is not difficult to perform. Knowing some of the rules, layouts and, most importantly, the interpretation of the cards, you can find out what awaits your pair in the future. Despite all the results of fortune-telling, always remember that it is you who control your destiny, and not cards or other people.

I am glad to welcome everyone.

I want to offer everyone a very interesting way of fortune telling - fortune telling on cards for a man. For the fair sex, this is just a godsend. So, fortune-telling on the cards for a man.

How often do men appear in your life about whom you really want to know more than he tells us? Do you agree, often? And now I will tell you how this can be done.

But keep in mind that this fortune-telling can be done for one person, only once. This fortune-telling is as simple as it is. So, let's begin.

You can buy gorgeous tarot cards for fortune-telling

Where to begin?

We take a deck of 36 cards and divide it into two parts. One of two parts contains: all aces, all kings, all queens and all jacks, and the second part contains the remaining cards.

We take each deck of cards and shuffle each one separately, we do it well. Then you remember the full name of your new friend and count how many letters there are in the name.

Let's say his name is Sasha, which means completely Alexander, and the letters in the full name are 9.

We take a part of the cards in which we have high cards (aces, kings, queens and jacks) and lay out, face down, for each letter of the name on the card and so on in a circle, i.e. small piles are formed on each letter.

Then, we take another part of the deck, with lower cards and we begin to lay out all the cards from where the card of the previous part of the deck ended (that is, we put it on the next pile, where the higher cards did not report)

And the same for each letter. Then, where the last card was laid, we take this pile and begin to lay it out on all the others, sequentially. On which pile you stopped, we take it and lay it out on all the others, and so on until, in the end, you have the last two piles of cards.

Take the second pile (i.e. the one to the right) and put it on the first (on the left pile). And now you have one single deck of cards.

Take in your hands and lay out two cards on the table.

Completion of divination

When laying out cards, be careful, if two cards with the same value (for example, two kings, two sevens) are caught in one pair - put it aside.

The first doubled pair of cards will help us determine how your new friend feels about you. The second pair of cards with the same values ​​will determine what awaits you with a new acquaintance.

Twin pair

Further doubled pairs of cards are no longer of great importance, except when two pairs of cards in a row with the same value fell out.

The first 4 cards of the same rank are deciphered through the interpreter, and the last 4 formations are no longer interpreted.

If, when unfolding, not a single combination and not a single pair comes out, this means that the information is closed to you and further fortune-telling should not be carried out on this person.


The attitude of the new partner towards you:

2 jacks - misunderstanding of a new acquaintance, who you are and who is for him.
2 ladies - And you were interested in whether he has a wife or maybe a permanent girlfriend?
2 kings - he likes you very much and he is ready for a lot, but he is afraid to frighten you off with his pressure. Therefore, help him, make it clear that you like him too ..
2 aces - you are incredibly sexually attractive and snatched from him the desire for only a carnal connection, if you agree to such actions, then feel free to call him.

What awaits you with him

2 sixes - marriage.
2 sevens - Date, if there is a peak card, the date will be with a drink.
2 eights - disagreements, quarrel, if there is a peak card, then a very serious conversation.
2 nines beautiful love but if there is a peak card, then love is rather unhappy.
2 tens - interest aroused in you.
2 jacks - care, vanity, but if there is a peak card, then useless vanity.
2 ladies - dreams, hopes, the presence of the peak card speaks of grief.
2 kings - friendship, the presence of the peak card confirms the official relationship.
2 acesintimacy, the peak card is disappointing.
4 sixes - fidelity in marriage.
4 eights - good conversation, communication.
4 nines - an important love, from the one on whom they are guessing.
4 tens - solid calculation in the relationship.
4 ladies - knots of gossip and rumors.
4 kings - for men it is a community of like-minded people, and for women it is a success with men.
4 aces - the flame of passion, from which disappointment and grief remain.