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Tarot cards - suit of pentacles. Lower right - air: influences

In the times of crusades and wars from the East to Europe, mighty innovants have come to Europe with secret knowledge. These were painted by magical card figures called tarot.

In the Taro deck seventy eight cards. Major Arcade contains twenty-two cards, each of which is decorated with an original pattern, which is usually associated with its interpretation. Minor Arkana (a deck of a low mystery) contains fifty-six cards, divided into four mysterious suit: swords, bowls, pentacles and rods.

Maste Pentacl

Pentacles or on another name of the coin initially corresponded to the merchants. It is this medieval estate that laid the foundations of the modern world economy, and money, as you know, have a huge impact on human destinies. Therefore, the pentacles personify the prestige, commercial principle, financial well-being. This is the suit of wealth affecting the status. Often these cards predict getting rid of debts, solving money problems, enrichment, successful transactions, general prosperity.

From the point of view of astrology, this suit corresponds to the female element, land, so represents people born under terry signs, Capricors, Virgo and Tales.

Symbol of suit

Most often it is a five-pointed star, inscribed in a gold disk and repeated in concentric circles, directed inside. The gold circle is not only associated with coins, but also concludes a magical force that gives man protection.

Two pentacles

On the map a person resembling a clown, he plays two coins, combined eight digits, and in the background the ship is visible on the waves. Two Pentacles Taro shows a man with a frivolous attitude towards life, perceiving her as a game, and therefore not thinking about tomorrow. It is as if surrounded by strong passions, but at the same time indifferent and occupies the position of the observer. The bustle, excitement, confusion, darkness accompany this card. Inverted, it bears the meaning of eye joy, weak self-confidence. Inverted 2 suggests that a person surrounds too many events, also means crashing plans and behave.

As for Finance, this card is a good sign, but warning that you need to economically relate to available opportunities.

Troika Pentacles

The map shows the construction of the building, the arch of which is decorated with three pentacles. Near the architect the jester and the priest.

The map says that it is impossible to cost life alone, there must be someone next to help in making a right decision. The priest symbolizes wisdom, and the jumper is a feeling of humor, so the troika indicates the need to combine efforts and exchange experience. The person who has fallen out this card has great abilities that can bring financial independence and success. Invertible value 3 means mediocre work and false hopes for receiving money for it.

This is a map of success, but depends on the skills in the craft, knowledge of your business. This ownership of art can bring a real income.

Four Taro Pentacles

The figure in the crown sitting on a small bench presses to the chest of the pentacle, two more pentacles lie at the feet, and the fourth crowned the cap.

This card shows a person concerned about money and property. The city, which can be seen away, symbolizes the distance from people, loneliness. Frequently four Pentacles Tarot is called "Zhada". Greed here should be understood not only in the material plan, but also in spiritual.

In the direct value, the map is interpreted as a refusal of material assistance, but the situation is corrected, if a person learn to share his experiences. It is also an attempt to maintain accumulated funds to be emotionally protected, although it is conjugate with the risk to turn into a hole and lose due to this.

In the inverted value 4 indicates hopelessness in solving any questions, large loss, irresistible obstacles. Border, verdict, monastery, fence, loss of goals, powerless keys to her understanding. The inner meaning of the map is the possession of the property associated with the desire to preserve what belongs to you rightfully.

Five Pentacles Taro

The map depicts beggars passing by a luxurious window, whose stained glass window is decorated with five pentacles. The picture on the map shows that the person has come to accept the position in which the beggars do not raise the eye to the window, therefore, do not try to find support. That good and bright, what is near, you need to be able to see, trying not to miss the opportunity.

An inverted card indicates that all chances are missed. The name of this card "Lord of Material Elections". With the scenario, it makes you think about the provision not only financial, but also physical, as well as spiritual.

Five of the Pentacles Taro denotes a man of a lost, lost. Direct value: luxury, pomp, abundance, sun, anxiety, financial difficulties, loss of love.

Fallen 5 When it is extremely undesirable, as it warns about the coming troubles associated with unemployment, with failure on the love front, in the emotional plan. An inverted card also foreshadows serious health problems. This card is a warning, so you should seriously review your plans and control actions.

Six pentacles tarot

The rich, generously putting the beggar with money, keeps the scales in his hands. Six pentacles, as a pattern, posted above his head. This card testifies to Gordin, the game in humans, vanity. The man depicted on her serves one poor man, but he wonders the other, he assigns himself the right to decide who to give up, and whom to leave in poverty. Six Pentacles Taro says not only about material benefits, but also about mental qualities. Where a good deal is committed, there can be no self-confidence.

Direct value of 6 - instant solving problems, charity, attention. Inverted - greed, zeal, fraud with money.

Seven Pentacle Taro

The map, called the "sower" depicts a young man, in meditation closing on the hoome. He cultivates grapes, and seven pentacles sparkle among the curly vines. Quite often his suit half light, and half the dark. This is a man waiting for the fruits of his works, but embraced false doubts, because until the harvest is still far away. Everything needs its time, everything is your hour, this map claims. Who gave good, will pay good. Any good deed will not pass for nothing. Also, this card is associated with the annual wait cycle, as the crops are expected exactly a year. In the inverted form, the seven denotes that expectations will be tightened.

Any 7 is a mark of profit, especially the seven of the pentacles. It prophesate to man a career growth, an increase in income, a generous remuneration for the work done, but not uniformly, but gradually.

Eight Pentacles Taro

The coin coinker, depicted on the map, has already made seven pentacles and worries over the eighth. His work is directed not to personal enrichment, he tries to distribute material and spiritual benefits to people. This is a person, honestly and worthy of performing his work, who knows that his skills need people. The eight symbolizes success, but only if a person does not seduce the search for personal gain. Any mercenary thoughts can destroy excellent endeavors. The award does not need to count on, then it will be worthy. If the card is inverted, then any work is in pain. This card is named "Lord of Prudence", because the conscious development of any skill, skill leads to freedom and independence.

When sampling 8 symbolizes the skill and knowledge that will be the key to success. Aspiration of man to the goal, which is very close.

Nine pentacles

A man in a rich attire stands in the garden, behind his grape vines wrap nine pentacles, his bird sits on his hand. The nine of the Tarot Pentacles means a man, who has fully followed his way and therefore has achieved everything. It is not only rich, but also spiritually developed. This man is alone, because it does not find a number of those who also worked on themselves. Often this is the designation of some difficult life stage. In the inverted form, the card is connected only with money, and the success is not adjacent to them, threats, betrayal are possible. Direct value: success, profit, wealth, growth, loneliness, common sense.

The number 9 is a sign of rigor, reliability and success in achievements.

Dozen pentacles

An old man admirement of a couple in love. Its image symbolizes peace, he knows a lot about life, and therefore with a mudy looks at those who only have to know the simple foundations of being. The value of the map is the success of a conceived case, a feeling of peace, peace, after a long journey. In an inverted form, a dozen Taro pentacles are also a precursor of success, but delayed.

The value of 10 in the defold is a solid position in any field of life.

Page pentacles

The young man is a Page, standing on the path of knowledge. It is gifted, but while his role is a student. All the paths on the way to perfection can be bypassed. In the usual position, the map of Paz Pentacles Taro denotes a chance to go to study and its successful completion. In the inverted, its value is a missed opportunity.

Knight pentacle

A person who is in the middle of a difficult path, he is preparing for an important cause, most likely associated with money. Knight generous and noble. In the literal position, the value of the Tarot Card Knight Pentacles is reliability in cases, the fulfillment of promises. In the inverted - bad luck, inertness, insane wraths.

Queen Pentacles

The card personifies external and internal wealth. She falls out to a person worthy of remuneration for the works. If the queen of pentacles is connected with the woman, then she speaks of the embodiment of motherhood and the ability to create a strong family. Direct value: Success and holiday, inverted: sad events.

King pentacle

Map King Pentacles Tarot depicts a man on the throne, satisfied with life and fate. He walked for a long time to spiritual and financial well-being, therefore was implemented in the family, in a personal life, in a business plan. The king of the pentacles is closed in armor, they are covered with richly embroidered mantle. For the fact that expensive, you need to fight, that is why it is always guarded. Direct card value: perseverance in achieving the goal, success in affairs. The inverted card is interpreted as stubbornness and excessive calculation.

Ace Pentacles

The hand shrouded with the clouds holds the pentacle, the garden, the road and the castle are visible behind it. In the maps of Tarot Ace Pentacle, this is the embodiment of the Earth's element. The mysters of the universe are hidden behind it. One who will be able to overlook, comes out of the paradise garden, for the highest knowledge is dissolved in the world. This is the happiest map of the younger Arcana, in the forward and in the inverted value symbolizing complete prosperity.

Denaris in Russian transcription can also be called pentacles (or coins). The designation of this suit is a five-pointed star depicted on a coin. The value of suit is associated with the elements of the Earth, and therefore, when leaving in the scenario of maps, this suit is meant, everything is sustainable, real, material. In terms of the characteristics of the human personality, the suit implies a physical beginning of a person. Sometimes the suit in the scenario is interpreted as the designation of any cash. In this case, the higher the denomination of the Denaris cards, the more about the greater amount in the scenario.

Description of Sarah Barlet

Pentacles (they are also called discs or coins) are associated with the elements of the Earth and, like earthly signs of the zodiac, symbolize our capabilities and the true essence of our life. They describe our talents or their absence, the ability to serve themselves and others, as well as the surrounding real world.

This suit also represents the conditions in which we form as a person.

It may be work, professional skills, creative talents, psychological abilities that determine confidence, determination and position in any relationship. In addition to our physical shell, there are also psychological and spiritual shells of our soul, which are associated with the perception of the outside world. Do you have an objective view of life? What do you want - material well-being or greater connection with nature?

This suit can generally associate with material benefits, wealth and success. But all the coins have two sides, so it should be remembered that there is always our own reality perception.

Alternative description

Topic: Money and Financial Features

The suit of pentacles is connected with the element of the Earth, which in turn corresponds to the world of form and matter. Any the most brilliant idea born by the imagination of the masters of the wands to be embodied in reality, must pass through the suit of the pentacles. The birth of an idea is a phenomenon in itself a wonderful, creative idea of \u200b\u200bcreating, for example, paintings or statues can be great, but any idea will remain the idea until it becomes a specific material form. The task of pentacles, if you want, and is the material embodiment of the idea. Consider the material world, understand its significance - and mentally tie it with an element of the Earth, that is, with a kind of pentacles.

As before, spread all the maps of this suit in front of them and try to draw up a general impression of her. Studying the symbolism of cards, remember that the pentacle, the suit is quite ultimate, are related to things practical, as well as to financial problems. Pay attention to the colors prevailing on the maps - these are the colors of the earth, brown and green. Do not miss the same sight that animals depicted on the maps of pentacles - mouse, rabbit and dog are also the creatures of "landed". Among the other characters depicted on the maps of this lasty, you will see the fruits and flowers given to us generous mother-nature, without which we could not exist.

Charming is the main symbol of pentacles. On it, similar to a gold coin, is depicted a magic sign - a five-pointed star, the personification of the mysterious force of the earth itself. Truly Magic is the very fact that the land is capable of reviving annually, and not only to feed us with its fruits, give us beauty, but also to give her shelter. At the same time, the magic does not happen from imagination, as in the masters of the wands, but from the earth itself. In other words, our physical bodies have a container of ideas represented by the Maste's Wands, the feelings marked by the Mashy of Cups, and thoughts whose symbol is to suit the swords.

Now go to the study of the values \u200b\u200bof each card of the table of pentacles. You will also get acquainted with the images of the archetypes of pentacles, and with their fortunetive values. As you carefully study the drawings of the cards, you will begin to recognize familiar to you the situations of a material and financial nature. As usual, the stronger you will connect your personal experience with images on the maps, the easier you will remember their values.

Symbolize:Money, matter, financial situation.

Other names: Pentacles, coins, discs, dinaria, money, diamonds, tambourines.

Element:Land. Fertile and life

Planets: Elements Earth: Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Proserpina.

Zodiac signs:Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Part of Nature: Stones.

Part of the plant: Roots.

Kabbalistic Start: Result.

Property of the World:Materiality.

Side of the world:South.

Continent: Africa.

Symbolic animals: White bull, snake, mole, bee.

Patroneous Spirits:DRIADA.

Type of character: Melancholic.

Sign:Flowering plants.

Masty symbol:

IV quadrant:

  • Capricorn controlled by Saturn / Uranium;
  • Aquarius, controlled by uranium / Saturn;
  • Neptune / Jupiter fish.

Tetragrammaton letter: Wow.

Occult desire: Silence.

Part of Nature: Stones.

Part of the plant: Roots.


Property of the World: Inertness.

Alchemical element: Salt.

Home Kabbalah:Perfect.

Ippost Sphinx: Bull.

People by hair type:Brunettes.

In the gospel traditionthe suit of pentacles is associated with an angel, symbol of St. Matthew;

In the East (China)- with the kingdom of south, with a red bird;

In the West - with the north, as part of the light, but with Europe.

Master's main figure - Page.

Sign: Flowering plants.

Masty symbol:Coin with the image of a five-pointed star of Solomon.

Senior Arcans:

  • Empress
  • Hermit
  • Tower

Master hold on, behavior:confident hard gait, people stand firmly on earth, in a chair or chair sit down as a monument.

Temperament: phlegmatic person.

Characters: The people of earthly elements are hardworking, disciplined, honest, they strictly adhere to the established rules and norms of behavior, conservative. What often moves all imaginable limits and others consider such a person picky, greedy, grinding, and boring. These people are calm, balanced, make the impression of tubes, but even if they slowly make decisions, plus the scandalies and they also rarely swell. It can be reached on this person, it will not let it down, it's like an ox, pronounced in the harrow. Unlike Sword Springs and Wands, this is a marathon. Also, such people are distinguished by a material look at the world and strong attachment to what they have. Summary plush and boxes. Roll into some kind of death for them is like. Very appreciate comfort, wealth, luxury. Very love to surround yourself with beautiful things. Often tied to Earth, cultivate it - even if it is not related to professional activities. That will be like a hobby, a small grodge in the country or even a flower garden on the balcony.

Pentacles are not malicious power and in the situation designate a person who can help with money, most likely the querman refers to him with respect due to the state and public status. Pentacles give social status, worldly prestige, which is based on financial condition.

Professions: First of all, these are smart, calculating, consistency, people, smeared and business, so the most appropriate profession: financier, businessman, accountant, entrepreneur, prominency, headlamp, cook, seamstress, agriculture, real estate agent, combined with rods - Exchange Player And with swords - an auditor, an auditor, with cups - the seller Consultant, a successful psychologist, good luck on the field of cosmetics and linen.


The word pentacle itself denotes the magic image that is captured in matter. The pentacle is often identified with a talisman or amulet. Another common name of the dinarium, which immediately sends us to monetary issues. Which are under the control of Mercury, Hermes, or Tota-Anubis in Egyptian mythology. Mercury Deity - Encouraging Trade, Commerce, Speculation, Scam, Fraud. He symbolizes cunning and resourcefulness. He is an intermediary between gods and people.

In the Tarot maps, this suit talks about practical and material - money, work, resources, bodily health. Pentacles cover a wide range of spheres of life: family, children, luxury, poverty, physical love, contentment with their material position, perseverance and intention to seek a worthy standard of living, keep and multiplying wealth, desire to keep themselves about herself, and not only in an ephemeral plan, But in the form of a good inheritance. These are material needs, and sensual carnal pleasures, also practicality in any sphere of life, starting from work and ending with love. Also under this fault there are practical skills, applied skills - this is a mirror of our natural talents, physical trials, body, material lifestyle, furnishings, business contacts. Trips. This is the world - facts, achievements, products. Dinarias are expressed in relation to work. Money, in unity with land, self-confidence and reliability. Continuous rotation between what we create and what creates us.

Element Earth is a feminine start, feeding, permanent, giving, is the energy of design, creating form, materialization. Element sets up on physical sensations and interaction with the world in mode here and now. There is only earthly. Real fruits, what can be seen, touch or try. Being under the rule of Venus and other terrestrial planets, pentacles symbolize everything that falls under the definition of personal benefit.

Also, the suit of pentacles shows the conditions in which a person is formed as a person. Most of the cards are drawn by people who do something, they actively interact with the world around. Pentacles also show human financial opportunities, his attitude to material issues. Achievements in this area and ways to welfare. Will a person can keep earned earned or runs away any amount that falls to him in hand. Other cards will indicate the sphere, thanks to which you can fix your financial position. It is much better to invest money will help determine what should be watched and how to avoid bankruptcy. Also, Pentacles warn about the loss of money through dishonest companions, risky transactions. They will help to identify the reasons why people cannot reach a decent standard of living: commitment to gambling, laziness, financial dependence on others, habit of living for someone else's account, misunderstanding the material situation, excessive credul.

Also, the suit of pentacles speaks of the paths that the person received money: inheritance, his personal efforts and work. Honestly by man earns or financial success is associated with dubious fraud, violation of the law and the norms of morality.

In the scenario, the Pentakley speaks about property, financial transactions, investment, the conclusion of contracts, transactions - in combination with swords. Fallen in the scenario of Pentakli say that querrant questions can be solved by money. But it's good or poorly depends on whether the querrant has the desired amount.

In the hierarchy of the medieval society, Pentakli occupied the third steps and personified the trade estate. Its representatives produced goods and traded both within the country and abroad. It was the merchant who laid the foundations of world trade, the exchange of goods and services existed and without them, but it was the merchants that were introduced into the turnover of the coin. This estate also contributed to the creation of a banking system, accounting, and trade law.

The merchants did not belong to the generic nobility and were not tied to the ground as the fortress peasants. Initially, it was a certain middle class, but they began to unite in the guild, to protect their interests and safe business. Later, these guilds have become a huge influence, yesterday's merchants began to actively participate in politics, supporting those or other clans who agreed with their interests. Possessing a monopoly in trade + large amounts of money gave them power to influence the affairs of the government. In modern society, Pentakli denote banks, large, small and medium-sized businesses, international and local trade.

In most decks, gold coins with a five-pointed star are depicted, sometimes the pentacle is a pentagram in a circle, if there is no pentacle, then it is definitely in the image there is a pentagonal image. The symbolism of this is not only in the power of money in the form of gold coins, but also in force, which gives protection.

Pentagram - This is a five-pointed star, sacred for many people in the pagan community, and within this magic symbol you will find many different values. Think about the concept of the star - this is a source of light, burning in darkness. This is something physically very distant from us, and yet, how many of us were made to the desires when we saw her in the sky? The star of the magic itself.

Inside the pentagram, each of five points makes sense. They symbolize four classic elements - land, air, fire and water - as well as spirit, which is sometimes called the fifth element. Each of these aspects is included in the Pentagram.

Before you start reading, make sure the cards are shuffled and removed with your left hand.

Center - Signifier

In many sobs, the reader selects a chaginger map to represent the client for which reading is performed. The ingunifier is selected based on the identity of the client. However, for this reading, you must choose a map from senior arcanes based on problems in the life of the client. For example, someone who is trying to impose drugs or bad habits, can be represented as the Devil, and the client with questions about the spiritual journey can be symbolized as a "hermit". which reflects best, and place it in the center of the scenario.

Upper Right Angle - Earth: Stability

The second card in this scenario, located in the upper right corner, is an earthly card. Earth element is associated with stability and security, and therefore this card indicates general problems related to the client's question. What holds them in place? There are forces that prevent them from moving forward? In other words, what made the situation stagnate?

Lower right - air: influences

The third position in the lower right corner is an air aspect. Traditionally, air is associated with inspiration and communication. In this scenario, this position means that other people inform the client positive or negative aspects of life and what external forces affect life right now?

Lower Left - Fire: Destruction

The fourth card in this reading, turning into the lower left part, is an element of fire that personifies a strong will and energy. Fire can create and destroy - does the client sabotage its own goals? What internal conflicts are present here? This card shows doubts and misunderstanding the client.

Upper Left - Water: Intuition

Moving back on the left, clockwise, the position is the fifth - water map. Water is usually associated with the forces of the goddess. This is an element of wisdom and intuition, and ultimately it is here that the client will find what his intuition tells him. What can he learn from this situation? How can he adapt his current circumstances to meet his future needs and goals?

Center - Spirit: You yourself

Finally, the sixth map, which is in the very center over the signifier, is a spirit card. This is all "you", the climax of travel and all other cards. Look at the previous four cards representing four elements, see what they tell you. They are chapters in the book, but this card is the last page - how will everything be allowed if the client remains on his current path? What ultimately will be the result of all internal and external influences on the client's problem?

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Pentacles, also called coins or dinars, are under the rule of the elements of the Earth and the Women's Beginning. They personify the material side of being. They reveal problems with finance, material needs, serve as an indication of business qualities, welfare, financial situation, harmony in domestic life issues or its absence.

Fast passage

Material success, wealth, fame. Win, the beginning of a successful enterprise.

An inverted card - wealth is good, but it will not bring satisfaction.

Association - Gold.

Make the choice of playing. Do not doubt, both options are the same place to be. To choose correctly do not think about anything, just follow the targeted intuition. Map a pleasant fuss when you need to choose what to grab on the road.

An inverted card - none of the paths is truly good and important.

Association - Traveler.

The map differs from traditional images. Reflects the flour of creativity - the potential of your case is certainly there, but to implement it, you will need to make efforts. Perhaps you should rely on someone, search support in your business. Can you need experience or approval of society?

Inverted position - despite all the flour, the great creation cannot be created (at least now).

Association - Flour of Creativity.

Reliable sustainable position in society, in material and spiritual terms. But the unwillingness to share its achievements, feelings, emotions with others. Be more friendly and open, but do not dilute your good to left and right. Remember - money does not make sense by themselves, but only as long as they can do pleasant and others.

Inverted Map - Money subordinate to yourself. Do not give them too much power. Not everything in this world can be bought.

Association - Powiets.

Map of material losses, spiritual devastation and pity for yourself. Makes to be afraid to lose everything, so the first step can remain nullified. Do not indulge disdain, do not complain about fate. Instead, look for a way to change the situation for the better.

Inverted value - change has already begun. For the better or worse depends on whether you will be passive.

Association is a poor, rejecting assistance.

Help, generous gifts of fate. You may have already reached financial or spiritual well-being. Help others steadily stand up on the life path. And perhaps you will soon be assisted, which will be important in achieving your goal.

Inverted Map - Do you have a bear service, helping others. Taking someone else's help. Think, whether they will not have to pay on accounts. Lack of inner harmony, fears of the past.

Association - Humanitarian aid.

The garden is planted, the field is sown. But what will be the fruits of your work? No one knows about it and, most likely, it will not be known soon. Get ready for your expectation. You are too disturbing for the result, and this anxiety poisons joy. Enjoy the process of movement towards the goal.

The inverted position is a lot of chances that the result will not please you, or when you get it, he will no longer mean for you.

Association - incomprehensible plant. (Unlike the ace of wands, a lot of labor is already attached, and the result is not clear)

Mastery, humble actions, leisureness, work in pleasure. Do not be impatient, systemally develop activities, increase the skill, not enough for what you do not know. In the deck of Dugan explicitly referring to the possession of secret mystical knowledge.

Inverted value - work through force, you work for money, and not to do something good, bring to benefit yourself and others.

Association is a beginner master.

Financial success, profit, but getting it may not be good. The map is clearly traced the concept of sin, validation, which arises when a person has so many opportunities. In the outlines for money, career, a sign favorable. In a relationship - not very.

Do not make a fear, do not relax, getting a profit.

Association - Rock Beauty.

Success, material and family well-being. Good completion. Do not put on this point. A person should always be what to strive for.

Inverted value - you are too striking to material good. But your success is postponed for a long time. And if you are inattentive, you can lose everything.

Association: Family Idyll.

Earth land. Strengthens the element of suit.

Student. Skillful and talented, he still does not know that talent is only part of success, and he has a lot and hard to work. Naivety. Maybe the sprouts of something new - the fruits, harvest, the appearance of a child. Do not be afraid to work on improving your skills. Without it there will be no achievement.

The inverted value is the lack of discipline, the fascination of momentary benefits, egoism, poor sociability, laziness.

Association is a naive student.