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What does albin name with Arab mean? Characteristic and influence of the name. Reduce forms of the name

Brief form Albin named. Albinka, Bina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya, Alvinka, Bella, Bina, Albinigna, Binigna, Binka, Alba, Alba, Alba, Albuke.
Synonyms named Albina. Alvina, Albin, Albin, Albinnen, Albell.
The origin of the albin name. The name Albina is German, Catholic.

Albina's name has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name happened from the Latin cohnomene (personal or generic nickname) Albinus derived from "Albus" - "white". Albinus is also formed by the Albinius Roman Name.

According to another version, Albina's name is the alba form form, which is a related name for Albina. These names are used as diminishing and affectionate appeals to each other.

Albina has the name various options Pronunciations. The most often name Albina is used among Chekhov, Poles and Americans. In Russian, the albin name may be an analogous to some Slavic names, such as Belyan, Belan, Belyannica, Bela. Sometimes Albina is called Albell, Bella. In Russia and the CIS, this name is widespread from the Tatars and other Turkic peoples.

Some diminutive options for the name Albina - Alya, Alina, Bella, Lyalya are also independent names and are used independently.

Albina's name is not accepted from Orthodox. For the name Albina, Catholic names will be indicated.

The personal qualities of Albina contradict each other. On the one hand, it may seem cold and the girl with a solid will. On the other hand, it is manifested by charm and softness. She is sweet and calm only until her pride goes. At this point, it becomes arrogant and arrogant.

Albina really like her rare name. She is proud and proud. Some representatives of this name pronounced a sense of own uniqueness. This illusion may awaken in ale the arrogance and sense of excellence.

The girl does not like conflicts, but not rarely itself is their provocateur. Opponent Ali usually reacts violently and everything is cleaned negative emotions. Albina, in turn, usually shows contempt and indifference to such an interlocutor. As a result, such a quarrel is incorporated even more. At these moments, Alya feels his "elevation" over the rest. In the albine, unreasonable self-conceit is very easy. It is not always able to understand another person, which often leads her to the manifestation of the "Khamsky" character traits. Therefore, since childhood, the child with the same name should be cultivated with respect for others.

Albina B. conflict situation, the ability to keep calm and arrogance of behavior contribute to the promotion of albina career stairs. Her personal qualities make ally the leader in the team and provide it profitable position On the issue of dispute resolution. Albina Head is not only at work, but also in the family. She is doing everything perfectly. This woman does not shoot their emotions, but knows how to find the sick point of the interlocutor.

Albina is able to succeed almost on any field. She must not forget about the ability to compassion and take people as they really are. Only in this case Albina will be happy and seized with spiritual warmth.

To establish communication with Albina, you do not need to impose your society to her, insult her or try to prove anything. To withdraw an alut from an equilibrium condition can any mock at its address. Then she changes and becomes a vengeful, cold and arrogant. It is better to avoid such situations with it.

Albin's owner is inclined to choose a profession associated with direct communication with people. It will turn out a good teacher, an excellent sales representative. She will reveal their abilities and in the field of trade, catering or education. The prestige of the profession does not have an absolute value for the albina. She carries out the choice of profession, based mainly on his desires.

Name Day Albina

Famous people named Albina

  • Albina Derjugina ((Row.1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
  • Albina Ahatova ((Ry.1976) Russian biathlonist, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998))
  • Albina Dzhanabayeva ((Row.1979) Russian-Ukrainian singer of Kazakh origin, soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" ("Nu Virgos"))
  • Albina Schulgin (Mikhailova) ((1937 - 2009) Writer, poetess, playwright)
  • Albina Shishov ((Row.1966) Soviet gymnast, master of sports international class. World champion in the team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in all-around (1983). Champion of the USSR in the exercises on the log (1982), the silver medalist in all-around (1982).)
  • Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Eykegen ((1911 - 1964) American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion in 1928)
  • Albina Osterman ((1856 - 1936) Moldavian ethnographer)
  • Albina Apaneaeva ((Row.1981) Popular Tatar pop singer)

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female Albina, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Full name - Albina

Synonyms named - Albin, Alvina, Albinnen, Albin, Albell

Origin - Latin, "Light"

Zodiac - Deva.

Planet - Mercury

Blue color

Animal - Lisa

Plant - Basil

Stone - Agat.

The name originates in Latin, where served as a nickname or generic name Albinus and meant "light or white". Later the name became the birth and in Ancient Romewhere he sounded like albinius. But there is another version where the female name happened from the male alba or alben. Applied to women's name It is believed that it means "white", "light".

Love named Albin

This girl in any society immediately becomes the center of attention, due to its beauty, female charm and high intelligence. It attracts representatives of the opposite sex with their ardentity and temperament, rich in the spiritual world, successfully connected with practicality. She is sociable and quickly converges with unfamiliar peopleBut also quickly and part with them, not experiencing especially about this. It can start at the same time not one novel, absolutely not counting it is abnormal. It's just necessary for her, and this nature wishes it.

Sexuality name Albin

A woman is characterized by supersensuality, which is preserved at her very old age. She does not hide his needs. Perhaps she is looking for something unusual in sex, because quite often changes partners. It is fascinated by only new impressions, the usual sexual process does not give her a complete sense of satisfaction. It can safely have several partners at the same time, not counting it treason. All this is done only to satisfy your flesh, to saturate which is extremely difficult. Love or any other high feelings here and does not smell. She knows how to get the highest pleasure and deliver the same partner.

Marriage and family named Albina

Despite their elevated sexy temperament Woman capable of high feelings. Footing, she will think about creating a family by 30 years, and love here will stand in second place after practicality and mercantility. However, when choosing a future spouse, an important value for a woman will be mutual understanding. In marriage with this woman, a man will have difficulty, and all because of her insatiable sexuality. The novels on the side will be the usual phenomenon. In addition, the lady wants to feel constant attention from the spouse, it is jealous, but the departure, the offense does not remember for a long time. She does not add up to her relationship and with mother-in-law. But as a hostess, there is nothing to prevent. Cleaner, prepares good, engaged in raising children, arranging them into all prestigious educational institutions, whether kindergarten, School or Mugs for Interests.

Business and Career

This woman can achieve heights in any direction labor activity. However, she chooses, above all, the profession that she likes, putting prestigious and material benefit on the second place. And she likes everything that is connected with the art, as a woman from nature creative personality. Its sociability, balance and the desire to leadership will help her to become a leader of the music team or be a successful producer, take the post of chief editor in the media. The main thing is that the woman listened to his own intuition, which is very developed.

Name of Albina in character

The girl is characterized by impulsiveness and impressionability, despite his strong character And almost iron will. Without restraining, she can show her emotions so much that after such a stormy explosion, a long depressive state finds it. But, mainly, on the part, it seems cold and impregnable, although within her nature a real volcano of passions and emotions, and this indicates its contradictory character. She is friendly, can sincerely enjoy the success of friends and loved ones, but the betrayal on their part never forgives. Albina is quite capable of revenge, and it happens that it is quite rigid. Pronounced to mental throwers and torments, to cope with whom she herself is not able to help here only a real and true friend.

Teen Albin

The girl with young age is overly principled and arrogant, which can negatively affect her relationship with others and to be the cause of many serious conflicts at school or at home. Parents should pay attention to these qualities and teach the girl to the ability to listen to others and more calmly perceive criticism in their address surrounding those that they are and do not strive to impose their principles. Alya's friends chooses for the most part of the peers. In the company with boys it is somehow better. At home she is the first assistant mom. Able to quickly establish contact with any audience, cheerful and moving.

Successful people and stars:

Albina Derjugina - Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach
Albina Akhatova - Russian biathlete, honored master of sports in Russia
Albina Dzhanabaeva - singer, soloist of the group "VIA Gra"
Albina Schulgin (Mikhailova) - screenwriter, poetess, playwright
Albina Apaneaeva - Popular Tatar Pop Singer
Ideal compatibility: Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Vladimir
Unsuccessful compatibility: Valery, Andrey, Daniel

Love Compatibility Zodiac Signs

The zodiac sign does not play a decisive role in compatibility issues, but for each sign there are features and not for all marks marriage is equally important. Marriages between representatives of the signs of one element can also be ...

Origin and value: The name Albina has a Latin roots and means "bright", "white", "blonde", "clean"
Church form: The name Albina has no church form
Symptomasic forms name: Albinka, Bina, Ala, Alechka, Bomb, Lyalya, Alvinka, Alba, Albut, Albushka
Synonyms name: Alvina, Albell, Albina
Albina in English: Albina.

As the name Albina affects fate and character

Name Albin

The girl named Albina is a very thin and sensual person. She has a strong will, gentle, sociable and hospitable, can decorate any company with its presence. Albina easily converges with people, but also simply stops communication with them. The owner of this name is emotional and quick-tempered, which is not enough equilibrium. The nature of the lady directly depends on the time of the year in which she was born.

  • Winter Albina is very quick-tempered and aggressive, it often happens an unfortunate mood difference. It can be cheerful and sociable, and after a few hours it is closed in yourself and go into a long depression. Men in Albin attracts passionality and determination. Thoughtful and attentive partner will help the girl with this name to gain a more balanced character.
  • Albina, born in autumnIt has a more restrained character. She pays a lot of time career, but never forgets about the family, spends his free time with his parents. Autumn Albina is demanding demanding to representatives of the opposite sex, it is very scrupulous to choose a partner.
  • Summer Albina is active, cheerful, moderately capricious and emotional nature. The girl with ease trusts people is hard to transfer betrayal, very susceptible to criticism of others. The surrounding Albin attracts to itself with the help of irrepressible optimism and a positive look at life. Romantic, reliable and attentive guy will give her confidence and will help to achieve their goals.
  • Born in spring Albina behaves arrogant with unfamiliar person. Thus, it hides its own vulnerability. With relatives Albina good, affectionate and gentle, at work reaches heights due to intellect. Instruction in building a career girl with this name may be indecision, laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility for making decisions, so she needs a reliable and successful young man.

Positive sides of character

The advantages of the nature of the albina - softness, calm temper, natural charm, polyhedral, determination and ability to show cold-blooded in time. If you do not touch the person's pride with the same name, it shows calm, good nature and equilibrium.

Negative sides of character

The main disadvantages in the nature of the albina are pride, ulcer, arrogance and excessive pride. If the conceived does not go according to her plan, it ceases to be kind and shows contempt for people, ceases to take into account their opinion. Covers Albina remembers forever - such a balloon is sometimes caused by the deterioration of relationship with the beloved.

Characteristic named Albin

For a child

From the small years, Albina is happy to help her mother and grandmother in domestic affairs, quickly learns to cook. In character, it looks more like a father, often demonstrates stubbornness, principle and lines.
Albina is trying to draw the attention of peers, otherwise, removed from the environment and spends time alone.

For girl

In adolescence, Albina often conflicts with parents and teachers, can take offense over trifle. The girl does not come to concessions, even if he knows that it is not right. As a friend Albina chooses representatives of the opposite sex, with girls it is harder to find a common language.
Young young lady with the same name is too emotional, has a strong and volitional character, may fall into depression due to trifles.

Character of adult woman

In the adulthood, albin is characterized by quick temper and emotionality, it uses anger outbreaks as protection against others. Woman is often with his head plunges in inner worldthat can negatively affect her work.

Albina has an outstanding mind and pleasant appearance than the easily fascinating representatives of strong sex.

The influence of Albina's influence on further fate


Since childhood, Albina has good healthThere is a tendency to completeness and the risk of respiratory diseases. In adulthood, a woman may have violations in the work of the urogenital system and kidneys. To reduce the risk of deterioration of well-being, albine should be balanced and regularly play sports, giving preference to visits to the pool. Perhaps the transfer of diseases from parents by inheritance.

Relationships in the family

Boys pay attention to Albin, despite its stubborn and hot-tempered. Girl chooses a man for a long time to create a family. Most often it is happy in marriage, but only with such a man who is ready to give up and is not trying to change the nature of the spouse.

In everyday life, Albina shows himself as a beautiful mistress, a faithful wife and a loving mother. The lady with this name is perfectly preparing, monitors the cleanliness and comfort of the house.

Career growth and business

In building a career, Albin helps the ability to keep calm in conflict situations. Lady can get guideline Thanks to support influential peopleWith which it easily finds a common language.

Albina is often fond of art and achieves success in this area and in the work built on communicating with people. She can reveal its potential as a doctor or teacher.

Hobbies and interests

Most of the free time Albina pays to the arrangement of the house, loves to pamper relatives with new, original dishes. The girl with such a name with adolescence follows fashion trends, likes to visit clothing stores to update the wardrobe and create unique images.

Horoscope named Albin


Albina-Aries is an ambitious and purposeful nature that does not retreat before difficulties and always communicates to the end. Able to stand up for itself and avoids negative emotions. The girl with this name rarely asks for the help of friends or relatives, always relies on own forces. Thoughtful and attentive man will help to find a lady with this name full harmony in life.


Albina, born under the constellation of the Taurus - very active person, which cannot for a long time To be without. It achieves success in that business that is truly interested in it. Often manifests itself with the leader than the dissatisfaction of some individuals from the environment causes. Albina-Taurus will be happy with a reliable and faithful partner who can go for her beloved for concessions.


Albina, born under the sign of the twins - a cheerful and cheerful person, which avoids boredom and monotony in life. Free time spends with friends, the company delivers all the charm and a sense of humor. For happy relationship Albina needs confident, cheerful and romantic guy.


Albina-Cancer is an emotional and wounded person, which tries to hide the true feelings from the environment. In order to increase self-confidence, you need to choose for a relationship of attentive, romantic and caring person. Especially with this name dreams of universal recognition and glory, but due to indecision can retreat from the goals set.

a lion

Albina Lev - has congenital talent in building a business, tries to cope with cases without assistance. A woman rarely listens to someone's advice, does not allow themselves to manipulate. For relationship she needs a person who can admit her leadership skills and freedom.


Albina, born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, is distinguished by acute intelligence, erudition and extensive horizons. Free time tries to spend alone, reading a book or watching an interesting film, avoids noisy companies. For marriage, chooses a reliable, attentive and faithful partner.


Balanced and congenital charm - character traits inherent in albine born under the constellation of weights. In the life of the lady, with this name, avoid conflict situations, but if they are still taking place in her life, she is confidently taken for their decision. Much time pays for his beloved husband and children, requires instead of the same relationship.


The complex character of albina-scorpion prevents it from treating people with confidence. The girl with such a name is the overwhelmed requirements not only to themselves, but also to others, which leads to excessive sharpness and rectinence. A loved one can forgive almost everything except cheating.


Albina-Sagittarius is a cheerful and sociable person who loves noisy parties. It easily makes new acquaintances, but often behaves naive with unfamiliar people. Due to regular fun, Albina may have problems at work and with the beloved. To avoid a similar girl, you should learn to place life priorities.


Diligence, responsibility and purposefulness are the main features of Albina-Capricorn. She loves her work and is given to her without a rest, forgetting about a personal life, because of what one can remain. In addition, the girl does not know how to rest, which often leads to a deterioration of health. Albin-Capricorn needs a cheerful, romantic and unpredictable guy who will help her to distract from routine everyday life and teach to enjoy life.


Albina Aquarius can find an approach to almost any person that helps it to advance through the career staircase and achieve a positive result for personal purposes. In men, appreciates individuality, independence and mind. Resting prefers alone or in the circle of relatives.


Albina, born under the sign of the zodiac fish, has a calm and balanced character. Woman tries to be independent, but in many workers and life questions Rely on someone else's opinion. Albina with trust refers to men, which often leads to an unsuccessful marriage.

Albin name compatibility with male names

Name Day Albina

The girls with the same name are not celebrating named after it is not included in the Catholic and Orthodox calendar.

Astrology named Albin

Season Spring
Metal Iron
Favorable day of the week Wednesday
Totem animal Stork
Wood Silver walnut
Plant White Astra, Basil
A rock White Agat.
Planet Proserpina, Mars, Jupiter
Astrological sign Virgo, Gemini
Element Air
Color White

Numerology named

The lucky number of Albina - 7.

The name of Albina is quite interesting - this strong and decisive woman can be both "white and fluffy" and "White Voronene", depending on which properties of the character will prevail.

A girl with such a rare and unusual name will definitely be in the center of universal attention. And therefore, from childhood, preferring the society of boys and surrounded by a crowd of fans, Albin gets used to what they worship and put on a pedestal.

A rattling mixture of pride and power, embellished by charm and mysteriousness - that's what the name Albina means.

This name is east, although it is not at all eastern Origin. Albina really appreciates himself and his individuality, she never wants to be for someone one of several, the most important thing its desire is to be the only and unique.

Moreover, it is both works and personal life or relationships with friends.

Would you call the child with this name?

Her story begins with male nip Albion. The origin of the name Albina Latin and is associated with the word "Albus", which means "white".

At one time, the male version of this name was widespread, it was worn by famous commander, scientists and philosophers. However, in the female version, this name was unknown for a long time.

On the one hand, it is completely uninfusing, and on the other, it is still quite usual, Russian. After all, his ending is similar to names as: Marina or Galina. Although itifies from Albina some southern exotic.

In Russia, it appeared in everyday life not so long ago, only in the 20th century, due to the emergence of many rare items and the popularity of the novel by Alexander Duma "Albina Von Schwalbach".

And so far it is a sonorous and unusual name choose for their daughters quite often, despite the complex, but very strong character of its owner.

Forms name

Simple: AlbinFull: Albin Old: AlbinAffectionate: Scarlet

The main secret of the albin is that with all its attractiveness and quick-temperedness, it still has more men's character. It is from here that take root its authority and a tendency to dominate. Alya is always on its own, very rarely inferior.

An exception can be Albina Alekseevna or Dmitrievna - for the sake of loved ones, she will be happy to come with his interests.

A description of what Albina means is inextricably linked with emotionality and secrecy.

In an effort to show an external coldness, Alya hides its true feelings.

What can not not affect the psychological condition: if it, because of the circumstances, he has long to keep himself in his hands, it may even lead to depression.

It is worth noting that Albina perfectly benefits not only from all of its advantages, but also disadvantages. Such a woman always knows what he wants, how to achieve this and who can help her.

Characteristic named Albina - energetic, decisive, power, but at the same time very feminine. Quick and explosive if you managed to hurt her pride, wait for a worthy answer - instead of screaming and hysterical pound of contempt, zero attention and full indifference for the future.

When choosing a profession, a decisive role will play only the interest of Albina to her, prestigiousness or profitability does not matter.

But if Alla found herself, he will be able to show himself in all its glory and will definitely achieve success, in this case the excerpts and restraint she does not occupy. Although Albina Andreevna or Evgenievna may be too principled - and then the career takeoff will not be so serene.

Another characteristic for the albina has an important meaning - its sensitivity, even sentimentality. This woman is far from always so strong as it wants to seem. And sometimes the vital failures can ring it out for a long time from the state of mental balance.






Hot temper





The most important thing for Albina is attention. With youth, accustomed to universal worship, in her chosen one will appreciate, first of all, loyalty and devotion. It is vital to feel that she is welcome and loved.

At the same time, Albina - a terrible owner and jeep, can maniakally control all the female environment of his spouse, especially if it suffers attention.

She herself is a faithful wife and the perfect mistress, without difficulty and by himself, and with her home. Only with her husband, she is ready to enjoy his interests, provided that he is ready to give up leadership positions in something and, of course, he loves her very much.

For the sake of the children of Ala is ready on a lot, no matter what happens and no matter how it creates financial positionShe will definitely achieve the best for his children - be it clothing, school or some special sections.

Value name Albina for girl

For the girl named Albina, the most important importance will always have it, her thoughts and desires. Very charming, independent, attractive, Alya can be removed and even cruel with others.

This child is definitely achieved thanks to his self-confidence and perseverance.

Albina is hotbed, impulsive, sometimes too emotional. She looks like a cloth with a watchmaking, and this means that if the "hour has come" and the girl's pride was bother, then the offender is clearly not lucky. Do not even arrange scandals, this child will make you regret your words or actions.

What did Albina succeed?

The girl who got the name Albina will only be engaged in what is interesting for her. And if it does not "hooked", it will be very difficult to achieve good results. She likes to communicate with people, she knows how to manage them, to organize them correctly, and therefore can associate their lives with the public, in a narrow or broad sense.

The owner of this name is necessary to teach compassion and patience, the ability to not notice other people's flaws or at least not to specify openly on them. Sensitive Albina must need to teach calmly towards life failures, the ease of perception of failed projects will very help her in the future.

What games will love Albin?

This child is very active, besides, not deprived of talents. Albina loves to dance, sing, and just run down the street with other guys. She likes to be the center of attention, and therefore she can even start the courtyard concert and speak the main "star".

Meaning (description):

Name of Albina - detailed description Origin and features named, date name, famous people.
Brief form of Albina. Albinka, Bina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya, Alvinka, Bella, Bina, Albinigna, Binigna, Binka, Alba, Alba, Alba, Albuke.
Synonyms named Albina. Alvina, Albin, Albin, Albinnen, Albell.
The origin of the albin name. The name Albina is German, Catholic.

Albina's name has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name happened from the Latin cohnomene (personal or generic nickname) Albinus derived from "Albus" - "white". Albinus is also formed by the Albinius Roman Name.

According to another version, Albina's name is the alba form form, which is a related name for Albina. These names are used as diminishing and affectionate appeals to each other.

Albina's name has various pronunciation options. The most often name Albina is used among Chekhov, Poles and Americans. In Russian, the albin name may be an analogous to some Slavic names, such as Belyan, Belan, Belyannica, Bela. Sometimes Albina is called Albell, Bella. In Russia and the CIS, this name is widespread from the Tatars and other Turkic peoples.

Some diminutive options for the name Albina - Alya, Alina, Bella, Lyalya are also independent names and are used independently.

Albina's name is not accepted from Orthodox. For the name Albina, Catholic names will be indicated.

The personal qualities of Albina contradict each other. On the one hand, it may seem cold and the girl with a solid will. On the other hand, it is manifested by charm and softness. She is sweet and calm only until her pride goes. At this point, it becomes arrogant and arrogant.

Albina very much like its rare name. She is proud and proud. Some representatives of this name pronounced a sense of own uniqueness. This illusion may awaken in ale the arrogance and sense of excellence.

The girl does not like conflicts, but not rarely itself is their provocateur. Opponent Ali usually reacts violently and all negative emotions are cleaned. Albina, in turn, usually shows contempt and indifference to such an interlocutor. As a result, such a quarrel is incorporated even more. At these moments, Alya feels his "elevation" over the rest. In the albine, unreasonable self-conceit is very easy. It is not always able to understand another person, which often leads her to the manifestation of the "Khamsky" character traits. Therefore, since childhood, the child with the same name should be cultivated with respect for others.

Albina's equilibrium in a conflict situation, the ability to keep calm and arrogance of behavior contribute to the advancement of albina through the career ladder. Her personal qualities make Ally the leader in the team and provide her favorable position in the issue of dispute resolution. Albina Head is not only at work, but also in the family. She is doing everything perfectly. This woman does not shoot their emotions, but knows how to find the sick point of the interlocutor.

Albina is able to succeed almost on any field. She must not forget about the ability to compassion and take people as they really are. Only in this case Albina will be happy and seized with spiritual warmth.

To establish communication with Albina, you do not need to impose your society to her, insult her or try to prove anything. To withdraw an alut from an equilibrium condition can any mock at its address. Then she changes and becomes a vengeful, cold and arrogant. It is better to avoid such situations with it.

Albin's owner is inclined to choose a profession associated with direct communication with people. It will turn out a good teacher, an excellent sales representative. She will reveal their abilities and in the field of trade, catering or education. The prestige of the profession does not have an absolute value for the albina. She carries out the choice of profession, based mainly on his desires.

Famous people named Albina

  • Albina Derjugina ((Row.1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
  • Albina Ahatova ((Ry.1976) Russian biathlonist, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998))
  • Albina Dzhanabayeva ((Row.1979) Russian-Ukrainian singer of Kazakh origin, soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" ("Nu Virgos"))
  • Albina Schulgin (Mikhailova) ((1937 - 2009) Writer, poetess, playwright)
  • Albina Shishov ((Ry.1966) Soviet gymnast, a master of sports of international class. World champion in the team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in Multi-around (1983). Champion of the USSR in the exercises on the log (1982), Silver medalist 1982).)
  • Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Eykegen ((1911 - 1964) American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion in 1928)
  • Albina Osterman ((1856 - 1936) Moldavian ethnographer)
  • Albina Apaneaeva ((Row.1981) Popular Tatar pop singer)