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Air humidifier for children: what to choose. A brief overview of the best air humidifiers for children health air purifier for children's room: characteristics of modern devices

"Take care of the health of the fruit, and a dream dress" - so the folk wisdom says. And the age-old truths are always confirmed on personal experience. No wonder the doctors argue that up to 20 years the body is gaining strength, health for the rest of his life, everything else, he or reasonably supports him in a healthy balance, or actively loses. From what air will be breathing your child from the first days of his life, its physical and mental health depends, and yours, by the way, too.

In the conditions of the metropolis, it is impossible to imagine clean air, flowing into the open windows of the apartment. The exhaust gases from the city streets, tobacco smoke from the staircase and the yard, and the household dust, invisible to the naked eye, are stronger in our homes, and household dust, which is invisible to the naked eye, becomes the cause of various allergic diseases.

How to clean the air indoors for children?

In order to maximize its baby from the harmful effects of polluted air and toxic substances contained in it, pathogenic microorganisms and household dust, it suffices to purchase air purifier with the ionizer.

Modern city apartments have an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 16-20 m 2, so it will be enough to get a small and inexpensive air cleaner, such as the ionizer aircraft "AIRTEC XJ-201", "AIRTEC XJ-888" or "ATM-VENT-1501".

The possibilities of ionizers for children

In addition to a multi-level cleansing function, they ionize air.

The primary filter cleans the air from large dust particles, animal wool.

The secondary filter is nehra - purifies from 91 to 99.9% of fine dust and microorganisms up to 0.3 micron.

The coal filter absorbs harmful volatile connections.

The photocatalytic filter is inactivating formaldehyde toxic compounds separated by furniture, finishing materials, plastic.

Ultraviolet lamp destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

Generator of negative oxygen ions saturates air in the children's room with negative oxygen ions, which is vital to maintain long health.

The path your child will be healthy and full of strength!

Surely everyone knows the situation when leaving for the city, the child hovers in nature full of strength and health. It was worth only to return to the city jungle, as he became a capricious, tired and began to sick often. Negative ions are very unstable and quickly neutralized, interacting with household and computer equipment at home. Air becomes electrically neutral, that is, "dead", and children feel ailment and more often sick.

Today, only 2% of children are born absolutely healthy, so it is necessary to expose the faster-child children's body to the destructive effect of polluted air, which settles forever in the lungs of the child. Therefore, it is hardly worth saying that the ionizers for the children's room are an inexpensive, but very effective investment in the health of their baby. Take care of your health and health of those who you dear!

Thank you with all my heart!

Electric air humidifier Armed HQ-2008A2

With concern about the most important family members

The feature of most apartments is dry air. Especially acute this problem is felt in the autumn-winter period when heating works at full capacity. The off-season in itself is enough "insidious" season and need to do everything to provide proper support to the body. Most often, similar climate change negatively affect the health of children and the responsibility of adults to take all possible measures to protect the growing organism.

Air humidifiers for children's room are modern installations that allow you to control and keep the level of air humidity at the proper level.

What can buy air humidifiers for baby room

The following varieties of devices are presented in the online store "Heart":

  • Traditional. Improving the level of moisture occurs due to the emission of a wet air flow. Such an apparatus is good because the system itself controls the need for such emissions. If the built-in hygrostat notes that the level of moisture is within the normal range - the device temporarily stops work.
  • Ultrasonic. Such a device by ultrasound exposure as it would "break up" liquid into small particles, transforming it into the smallest granules. Such models of devices for wetting the child's room are especially popular for the bedroom improvement in the bedroom, as they work almost silently. The second cause of popularity: Many manufacturers expand the functionality of the device by adding the air disinfection function to it.
  • Steam. The easiest and most unpretentious type of moisturizer. Liquid, heating and converting into pairs, goes through special compartments.

Please note that not every children's humidifier cleaner can work on plain water. Some models require the use of filtered fluid. This is due to the fact that the crude water has a number of impurities, which, passing through the cartridges or drums of the design, can remain and cause damage.

Health will not buy, but ...

Our online store offers a large selection of various models. The price of a children's humidifier depends on the selected model and, believe me, fully justifies itself.

Each order in the Heart is accompanied by delivery. If issues of organizational or technical nature occur, write to our consultants. They will professionally answer your questions and help you decide on the choice.

Create a comfortable atmosphere for a child, take care of his health - this is the main goal of any parent. One of the factors of this concern is to maintain the optimal microclimate in the children's room.

In the conditions of the urban apartment, especially in winter, humidity can dramatically decline. The ventilation does not help here: it is necessary to install a humidifier in the room in the child's room.

Does the child need and why

The health of the child depends on maintaining the necessary climate in the apartment. The higher the temperature in the room, the higher the humidity. But in winter without venting, it is not necessary for the child. Fresh air is needed.

However, falling into the room, it quickly heats up, absorbs moisture located in the house. This leads to a sharp decrease in its level.

The main health condition of the baby is to maintain the temperature in the room within + 21-23 degrees and humidity of about 50-60%. It will only help the acquisition of the moisturizing device.

Signs that the child needs an increase in humidity:

  • baby with difficulty falls asleep, sleeps badly;
  • the kid is susceptible to frequent colds, infections;
  • no apparent reasons may appear allergic reactions;
  • the child disappears the appetite, immunity is reduced;
  • the skin blushes, peeling;
  • mounds may appear, nasal congestion.

In the dry atmosphere of the city apartment, bacteria are well multiplied, dust pliers, allergens and viruses feel perfectly.

Stay in such conditions can provoke appearance of asthma, allergies, bronchitis. Baby is very difficult to breathe in a dry room. This often leads to dizziness, nausea, headaches.

Recently, the devices for humidifying air simply did not exist. To maintain a comfortable climate in the nursery, wet diapers and rags saw, installed water containers.

Now there was a choice of different humidifiers, cleaners. How to navigate in this manifold and choose a humidifier for the children's room?

Varieties of devices, their advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of devices to increase the humidity level:

  • steam;
  • ultrasound;
  • traditional;
  • with air purification.

How all these humidifiers and air purifiers work, which is better suitable for children, we will figure it out further.


Steam humidifier works on the principle of electric kettle. Water in it boils, produced by the outward jet of hot steam moisturize and sterilize dry air in the room. Upon reaching the necessary humidity, this device turns off itself.


  • adjustment of moisture degree;
  • no need to buy, change filters;
  • can be used as an inhaler;
  • quickly moisturizes the room.


  • scale formation;
  • high power consumption;
  • big noise level;
  • trampling.

When using such an appliance, security measures must be observed: there is a risk of seriously burning hot steam.


Ultrasonic humidifier most suitable for use in children's. High-frequency oscillations ultrasound "break" water on microscopic particles that quickly eliminate dryness indoors.


  • safety;
  • silent;
  • economy;
  • adjusting the level of moisture.

Cons usage:

  • the need for frequent replacement of cartridges;
  • high price of device and consumables.

Often ultrasound installations can be complemented by antimicrobial filters.

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Air washers

"Sink air", except ionization, includes cleaning and humidification work. Such devices are well cleaning the air from dust, tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors, destroy bacteria and allergens.

Often in these devices install ultraviolet lampswhich serve for additional disinfection of the room, kill microbes and viruses. But this cleaning is carried out only in the absence of people indoors.

Pluses of devices:

  • high efficiency in comparison with conventional humidifiers;
  • multifunctionality;
  • safety;
  • high degree of cleaning.


  • high price;
  • the need to change the interchangeable cartridges;
  • it is required to regularly pour a lot of water.

For a small room, there is enough capacity of about 5 liters, but the larger the room, the more water you need.

Climatic complexes

Climate complex - this is a very multifunctional device.. It can be used for moisturizing and as an ozonomator, flavoring, heater, fan.

In the big city, when ventilating, the room often falls "fresh" air with a huge number of exhaust gases, smog, smoke, etc. to protect the child from these unwanted impurities such a complex is just perfect.

Proms of the device:

  • multistage cleaning of the atmosphere from all possible contaminants;
  • safety, efficiency;
  • simplicity;
  • silent work.

Minus only one - high price.

The devices are very good to use with pulmonary diseases, asthma, bronchitis, with allergies, heart disease.

How to choose the best

What air humidifier to choose for a child:

  1. The device must be safe for children and not be located within reach. To do this, you can use wall mounts.
  2. It is advisable to choose models that work silently or with a minimum level of noise.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of the performance of the apparatus with the size of the moistened room.
  4. The volume of the liquid reservoir must be at least 5 liters.
  5. It would be nice to find out how often it is necessary to change or clean the cartridges.
  6. You need to purchase proven devices of famous European manufacturers.

The children's room should not install the steam humidifier. First, it does not clean the air very well, requires the purchase of additional devices to determine the level of humidity (hygrostats). Secondly, a jet of hot steam is unsafe for a child.

Ideal for urban apartment will be accommodation in a children's climatic complex. It will guarantee children from viruses and microbes, effectively improve the microclimate.

To improve air quality you can additionally use ionizers and ozonizers.

Each parent chooses a moisturizer, based on his preferences, takes into account availability and ease of maintenance. All devices have both pros and cons. The main thing is that the device is reliable, is effective, safe. And which one to buy is a matter of personal choice.

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The ionizer is called an instrument for oxygen saturation by ions. As a result of ionization, the air indoors becomes fresh, such as, for example, by the sea or in the forest. In the urban environment there is a pretty low generation of ions, but you can fill their number of home using this device, which will benefit on the state of the baby.

The purpose and use of the device

The main task of the apparatus is the development of negative and positively charged ions. This improves health and well-being in general. Also periodic use of ionizer at home promotes:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving performance;
  • normalization of sleep.

The main function of the instruments is considered to withdraw the fatigue, the tone of the body, stimulating the work of the brain and the improvement of the activities of all organs.

In nature around a person there is a natural air ionizer, that is, the movement of ozone invisible eye. The most favorable for the body are negatively charged ions, it is them in most part there are capable of producing household ionizers.

In more detail about the purpose and work of ionizers, you can learn from the next video.

Principle of operation and specifications

In the natural medium, the ions are produced due to radiation and lightning discharges. The beneficial properties of these particles were noticed by the Soviet scientist A.L. Chizhevsky.

The effect of purification of oxygen in the room is achieved by developing the device of both types of particles - both positive and adversely charged. Operating principle The device can be described as follows:

  1. High voltage is supplied to special electrodes.
  2. There is current, as a result of which the discharge occurs.
  3. Aeroions begin to be produced.
  4. Particles fill the airspace, saturating it with purified oxygen.
  5. The ions are settled on dust, thereby lowering it down.

This household appliance has several main technical characteristicswhich is worth paying attention to when buying, especially in the house where there is a newborn baby:

  1. One of the main parameters of the device is concentration of negative ions. This characteristic has its own unit of measurement and is indicated as Ion / cube. See good ionizers have an indicator of at least 1,000 ion / cube. See household appliances stores today, models with indicators of 5,000 ion / cube prevail. See the larger the concentration of negative ions from the device, the less hours per day it must be kept on.
  2. Another equally important indicator is the voltage on the emitter of the device. For the apparatus used at home, this parameter should not exceed 30 kV. If this indicator is not specified on the ionizer or much less than the specified, then use the device is inappropriate. This is due to the fact that the sustainable formation of particles is carried out with 10-16 square meters. And so that the device worked properly, the voltage is 20 square meters.
  3. Also when buying an air ionizer for newborn attention should be paid to ionization area. This indicator is measured in square meters. In the passport of the device, it should be indicated not only the area, but also other parameters. In addition, it should be brought into an example of a graph or table, in which the dependence of the concentration of negative ions from the distance from the device is indicated.
  4. The fourth parameter of the ionizer is effective ionization area. This indicator describes the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment on which the concentration of negatively charged ions is distributed.
  5. An important indicator is electrical power consumption instrument. Most devices this parameter is not more than 10 W.
  6. Another important characteristic of air ionizer for newborns is possible operation mode. This indicator, as a rule, includes the maximum functioning of the device, the minimum pause time in operation, etc.
  7. Many people when buying this apparatus pay attention to his dimensions. It is very important to rationally estimate the distance from the device emitter to the output of the network wire - it must be more than 25 cm.
  8. In the ionizer passport, such technical specifications should also be indicated as life time (general) and warranty service life. It is worth noting that the latter must be at least six months.

Types of devices

Ionizers are several species:

  • radioactive;
  • photoelectric;
  • thermoelectronic;
  • radioisotope;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • crown.

Despite the fact that all devices have the same function - the production of aerials - only corona are used in everyday life. The fact is that all these ionizers have different power, and for the prevention at home there is enough apparatus less powerful. In hospitals, for example, use, on the contrary, more powerful devices.

Bipolar ionizers are used in apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any other instrument, the air ionizer for the baby has its own features and negative. To unconditional pluses The device can be attributed to the following:

  1. Air purification and improvement of its composition.
  2. Destruction of microbes.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.
  4. Toning the body.
  5. Deposition of dust in airspace.
  6. A shorter time of recovery in certain diseases.

The main positive qualities of the ionizer for the apartment, where there is a newborn baby, are that the negatively charged particles produced by the device increase the protective functions of the child's rapid organism, improve the quality of his sleep.

But in addition to positive characteristics, the ionizer has limitationswhich are as follows:

  1. The device cannot be used for oncology.
  2. The device does not include during diseases occurring with inflammatory processes.
  3. The ionizer is not recommended to include in the house where asthmatics live.
  4. You can not breathe air charged by ions after operations.
  5. Some people have increased sensitivity to charged air.

Overview of popular models

Most often in household appliances stores there are models of devices intended to perform two functions at once, that is, purification and humidification of airspace in the apartment. The cost of such multifunctional devices is higher. One of the most sought-after ionizers today is Panasonic F-VXD50R-S. This technique has only positive feedback from buyers. The device is designed for an area of \u200b\u200bup to 40 square meters. m, cleans, moisturizes and ionizes the air indoors. There is a device about 28,000 rubles.

Another famous and popular model is Sharp KC-850E. The device is cheaper than the above described, as it has a smaller exposure area, but the remaining characteristics are not worse than its characteristics.

Also popular today is a model AIC GH-2156 From the Italian manufacturer. The device has a stylish design, multifunctional, consumes a small amount of electricity, there is a control panel.

In apartments where there are small children, a very important criterion is the purity and absence of microbes. To purify air from viruses and other harmful microorganisms, such models of ionizers are well suited as: Maxion LTK288., AIC XJ-2100, Shivaki Shap-3010. Also, these devices are distinguished by stylish and ergonomic design, very simple in control. The main minus data of ionizing devices may seem high level of noise.

For the room in which small children live, the following devices can be used: Boneco H680., Ozonball Minilan., Humiplus Advanced. These devices are not only saturated with air by ions, but also moisturize it. The processed area is about one hundred square meters. The devices have a low noise level, it is easy to operate, it is possible to install any particular mode, for example, ionization or only air humidification.

In addition to the above models of ionizers for home use, the following devices are suitable: Maxion DL-140, Winia AWX-70, AIC GH-2172, Yantar-5A, Termica AP-300, Fanline Hippocrat "Office" IV-2.

The cost of ionizing funds depends on the manufacturer, functional, technical characteristics and capabilities, design. For example, simple unipolar devices will cost up to 4,500 rubles. Bipolar devices - from 7,000 to 35,000 rubles. The most expensive devices produce ATM and Daikin firms. Cheap, but functional devices can be purchased from manufacturers Vitek, Neo-Tec, Maxion, Boneco.

The ionizer is a fairly useful acquisition. So that the device brings as much benefit as possible to the child, it is very important to apply it correctly. To do this, carefully examine the instructions for the instrument. If there are serious illnesses in the family, then before buying the device you need to consult with your doctor.

In contact with

To the appearance in the house of the baby, new-minted parents are always prepared thoroughly: make repairs in an apartment or at least in the children's room, buy new furniture, children's things, toys. Parents are unfortunately trying to create sterile conditions for a newborn, because in the womb, the child is in full security, but immediately after birth, the aggressive environment is influenced. The adaptation of the child to the unfavorable conditions of the external environment will pass faster and less painfully, if you create an optimal microclimate indoors. To do this, purchase and install a household air cleaner.

When choosing an air purifier in a children's room, special attention must be paid to the cleansing capabilities of the device, the level of noise created by them and additional functions. There are models that, in addition to the main air purification function, possess others. It may be

Cleaner Air humidifier or ionizer cleaner. What is the benefit of these additional functions? Air Moisturizing with Air Easwger - Baby Health Pledge. The moisturized air does not allow the nasopharynx mucous membrane, which in turn prevents the development of viral and respiratory diseases in the baby, and also facilitates the process of feeding the newborn breast. Ionization enriches the air of the room by Aerioons, which beneficially affect the body of both adult and the child.
However, it is worth considering this function with great attention, since in the process of ionization, ozone gas is released into the air, the excess of the maximum permissible concentration of which is extremely dangerous for the human body. Not only for children, but also parents will be comfortable to stay in the room where the air purifier is running. Having come home from a walk with a child, you fall into a pleasant atmosphere with clean air - no dust and unpleasant smell of wired air. Air cleaning is extremely necessary if you have animals at home. Air cleaners are effectively removed from the air the smallest particles of dandruff and animal wool, which can provoke allergies from the kid. And remember, the air medium within our apartments is not formed by itself. Air flows come from outside, from the street.
This is a mixture of various toddler foods of substances - dust, exhaust gases, pollen plants, building materials, and allergens of plant and animal origin, all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Air purifiers help cope with this city "cocktail". Installing the room for cleaning room air, you show care of the health of your children.