Repairs Design Furniture

Large containers. The design of large-tonnant and medium-connected containers. The main characteristics of universal international containers

The cargo container is an element of transport equipment and is intended for the transportation and temporary storage of cargo cargo, repeated use in the carriage of goods on one or several types of transport, equipped with devices for mechanized installation and removal from vehicles.
Transportation of goods in containers allows you to fully mechanize the loading and unloading and storage operations, reduce their cost, significantly increase labor productivity, reduce the downtime of rolling stock under cargo operations, to fully ensure the safety of goods, eliminate the loss and damage in the process of transportation.
For appointment, containers are divided into two main groups:
- general purpose (universal);
- Special purpose.
Universal containers are intended to transport the extensive range of cargo and belong to transport organizations.
Specialized containers serve to deliver one cargo or cargo group, homogeneous in their properties and conditions of transportation (various types of raw materials, semi-finished products, ore concentrates, acids, etc.). These containers belong, as a rule, industrial enterprises.
Railway transport of Russia throughout the development of container transport has always placed a large number of universal containers weighing gross from several hundred kilograms up to 30 or more.
Universal containers are divided into three types: large-tonnable (gross mass 10-30 tons or more); Unified medium-room (gross 3-5 tons) and non-dopened low-tonnage (gross weight less than 3 tons).
Large containers are used in domestic and international messages. According to the design, they have a rectangular shape and mostly all-metal.
Universal containers are characterized by a number of parameters: gross mass, own mass, internal volume, floor area, overall dimensions and other indicators.
All containers are equipped with special devices for clutch. In large-tonnage containers, they are called fittings, and in mid-tuning - fish. Fittings are also used to attach containers between themselves and to rolling stock.
The general view of the large-tonnage container is shown in the picture:

The main elements of the design of the large-capacity container - in this picture:

In 1998, changes were made to the standard that defines the types and parameters of containers: the maximum gross mass of all large-tonnage containers with a length of 6058 and 9125 mm can be 30.5 tons, the overall height of the container is 2743 mm, the overall width is 2500 mm, as well as in Range from 2438 to 2500 mm.
A constructive feature of both universal and specialized large-tonnage containers are angular fittings (cast node with holes on each of the three outer sides) placed on all corners of the container. The upper corner fittings serve to capture the container with a sphered container, equipped with swivel pins with blowers, as well as for fastening containers on the deck of the vessel.
Specialized containers have constructive features related to the characteristics of transported goods. The following types of specialized containers are most common: refrigerated with autonomous refrigerated installation; Tank container (tank container); Container for bulk cargo; Container platform. At the same time, specialized large-tonnage containers should be equipped with standard corner fittings and have external dimensions are the same as universal containers.
To capture mid-tuning containers in all four corners of their roofs are niches with rods (fish). At all corners of large-tonnage containers, the gripping ones of special designs are installed - fittings. Both the upper and lower fittings serve to capture the container in the overload, and the lower, in addition, for fastening it on the rolling stock.
The technical requirements for the design of containers depend on the type of container, its purpose, operating conditions and other parameters. At the same time, there are a number of requirements common to all types of containers, namely: no detail of the container should be outside the installed external dimensions at 20 ° C; The design of containers intended for use in domestic and international communications should meet the requirements of the International Convention on Safe Containers 1972; The upper corner fittings of the container must perform above the upper frame and the roof of at least 6 mm; The supporting surfaces of the lower angular fittings must be 12 +5 mm below the longitudinal and transverse beams of the base of the container.
Large containers should be stacked in 9 tiers, medium-room - in 3 tiers, therefore the strength characteristics of the container are attached great importance. The estimated load on each upper angular fitting should be 3.6K G, to the lower - 4.5 K g, the longitudinal uniformly distributed load on the end wall - 0.4 (Kt) G, on the side wall - 0.6 ( -T) g, where k is the maximum mass of the gross container, t; g - acceleration of gravity, m / s²; T - own weight of the container, t.
Vertical concentrated load on the roof of the container anywhere - 3 kN, the vertical load on the floor from the front wheel of the loader at a distance between the vertical axes of the front wheels 760 mm - 27.3 kN.
Checking the strength characteristics is carried out by testing: receiving, periodic and typical (when making changes to the design and manufacturing technology).
The ISO series containers are characterized in that the elements of its design are fittings intended for lifting, mounting in vehicles and connections to containers with each other are located at the corners of the container. Another constructive feature of the 1 series containers 1 is that no part of the container can act as a plane conducted through the outer surfaces of the angular fittings on any side of the container. In other words, each corner fitting stands for the outer dimensions of the container, outlined by the outer planes of its end and side panels, roofs and the lower plane of the supporting structure.
Cargo containers 1 series have a frame construction consisting of a lower cargo platform, vertical angular racks, longitudinal (upper and lower) and transverse (upper and lower) beams. The carrier elements of the container are vertical racks and lower cargo platform.
Depending on the purpose of the container, the size of the cargo transported in it, the container is mounted in the inner volume of the frame, to accommodate the appropriate cargo in it.
For the carriage of the widespread nomenclature, the container frame is simply closed with flat or corrugated metal sheets, in the end of the container, the doorway is mounted. The doorway in a universal large-capacity container can be arranged in one or in two buttons, as well as on the side with one or both sides.
Containers for goods requiring special conditions for transportation, liquid, gaseous, requiring cooling or heating, bulk cargo are equipped with refrigeration or heating equipment, thermal insulation, tanks, bunkers, lattices, etc., so that no part of the built-in equipment does not exit the above Gabritary carcass container.
The choice of the main parameters of containers is determined by the requirements of ensuring the most efficient transportation of them on railway platforms and cars, properties of cargo transported in containers, also technological processes of enterprises producing and consuming transported goods.
The degree of use of container capacity is estimated by the coefficient φ:

Where: V is a full useful or geometric volume of the container in m 3;
V n - Loading volume of the container in m 3.

Loading volume determines the use of container load capacity:

Where P is the load capacity of the container in T;
γ - volume weight of cargo in m 3 / t.

The specific volume of container V y (m 3 / t) is the number of cubic meters of a complete volume of the body, which occurs on 1 ton of its nominal lifting capacity:

V y \u003d V / p \u003d V n / (p φ)

The specific area of \u200b\u200bthe container F y - the attitude of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe container to its lifting capacity:

F y \u003d f / p \u003d v n / (p h φ)

Where F is the total floor area in m 2;
H - loading height in m.

The container container coefficient characterizes the ratio of its own weight of the container to its lifting capacity:

Where T k - container packaging in T;
P - container lifting capacity in t.

When comparing the profitability of cargo transportation without packaging in containers and carved in covered cars, the loading coefficient of the car of the car and the container to P, taking into account the cargo container by the formula:

K n \u003d (t k + t) / p to

Where T is the weight of the car of the carriage (platform) in T;
T to - the weight of the container set in T;
P to - lifting power of a set of containers in t.

In containers, cargo are transported without packaging, in the primary or lightweight packaging by rail. Loads are loaded into the sender containers and unload from the containers from the recipient. All overload and sorting operations with containers in warehouses are performed using appropriate means of mechanization, and the storage of valuable goods in containers does not require closed warehouses. The container system requires significant funds for the production of containers, special means of mechanization for their overload and transportation. In Russia, universal unified containers are used large-capacity gross 10; 20; 30 t, the average-room mass 5 ... 3 (2.5) T. Connectors should ensure reliability and stability in the stacking of medium-room in three tiers, and large-capacity at six; the possibility of production and safety of transport, loading and unloading and warehouse operations with the use of mechanization and automation; maintenance of cargo during transportation, storage and execution of freight operations; Eliminate the possibility of removing or developing composite elements or their individual parts without leaving visible traces of damage or destruction. Universal containers Weighing gross up to 5 tons are most effective when transporting goods with small shipments. Delivery in them of the sconged shipments leads to the artificial crushing of these sends and deterioration in the use of rolling stock. Large containers are more appropriate for such transport. Universal and specialized containers Weighing gross up to 5 tons on all types of main transport are transported on platforms. Large containers are transported both on universal railway platforms of ordinary destination equipped with devices for fastening containers for lower angular fittings and specialized. Containers are transported on separate platforms and integer specialized trains run between container points. For the transport of large-tonnage containers, road trains consisting of a saddle tractor and semi-trailer are used. For the transport of containers produced by road trains with specialized semi-trailers container friendlook. Container transportation-container carriers are equipped with overloaders. Semi-trailers are equipped with swivel clamps, which simultaneously play the role of guides when installing containers on the frame. On some semi-trailers instead of captures, limiters make. For servicing enterprises that do not have the appropriate lifting and transport equipment, a car self-loading vehicle is used to transport containers. For containers in the places of their overload from one type of transport to another, with short-term storage on cargo courtyards, driveways of industrial enterprises, logistics bases and agricultural equipment, portions are created by container points with specially open warehouse container sites. Railway container points are divided into freight, shipping and sorting. Local containers are loaded and unloaded on freight points, local and transit containers are overloaded on the shipping, and transit containers are sorting on sorting. On railways, container points are placed on the cargo courtyards of stations serving administrative and industrial centers and enterprises, as well as on support stations. Container points performing operations for overloading the container themselves are open areas. Railway tracks and vehicles should be located so that they ensure the smallest movement of containers. Container points with a significant amount of work that provide containers from senders, issuing them to recipients, as well as transmitting container stream from one type of transport to another, are called container terminals. The technological process of working container points provides for the means of integrated mechanization and the order of loading, unloading and using wagons and cars. To accelerate freight operations, container sites specialize in departure and arrival, and their individual sites are divided into sections in areas and destination stations. For the overload of the containers, gantry and bridge cranes and forklift trucks are mainly used. To capture mid-tuning containers during overloading, their cranes on containers are arranged compacted in the roof for which niches with rods are formed on both sides of the container in the upper part. All large-tonnage containers have gripping nagolniki special fittings design. In the overload of medium-tonnage containers, double-circuit taps K-05 and K-09 with telpher with a lifting capacity of five tons are used. These cranes are designed for light and medium operating modes. Under the conditions of heavy operation, gantry cranes with supporting trucks of the CCDK-10, special container cranes KK-5 (KK-5M) are used. Kklovy container cranes KK-5M and KK-6,3 have been developed. For climbing, removal and overloading of medium-tonnage containers, taps are equipped with motorways. For overloading of large-tonnage containers, special gantry cranes are used on the capture of 20.32 and 40. For overloading large-tonnage containers, a double-circuit gantry crane KK-20 is used. For your course work, I choose CC-20 for large-tonnage containers and KK-6 for medium-tonnage containers. In case of overloading of large-tonnage containers cranes, manipulators with a rigid frame for one sizes are used, with a sliding frame. For overloading large-capacity containers weighing gross 10,20 and 30t use automatic container grip, designed to equip a special gantry crane. When performing operations with large-tonnage containers, it is not allowed to transfer them above the car cabins.

Crusheden Refers to mineral construction resources that make up the greatest mass among railways. Mineral and building materials are transported from gravel-pebble quarries, stone-chipped quarries and crushing and sorting plants, from warehouses of finished products on warehouses of reinforced concrete and concrete plants and enterprises of the construction industry. Warehouses of building materials are: variests with the flow of materials in railway rolling stock-semi-abnormals, dumkars, hopper and platforms. At the factories and enterprises of the construction industry, depending on the method of storage and technology of the main production, the warehouses are built closed, and on the device and method of laying and loading, pile, pillary-opcade, pile-tunnel, black-and-tunnel-tunnel, semi-cunning, pillars, bunker and silage. When transporting under conditions of low temperatures, crushed stone at a certain humidity is subject to squeezing .. Coal, crushed stone and other materials are added to the cargo courtyards of stations under unloading. In large administrative and industrial centers, specialized stations are built to unload such goods. Elevated paths are used to unload cargo from self-driving wagons. A significant amount of bulk cargo is discharged from the columns and platforms of gantry cranes, equipped with grabers, and they can also be equipped with boom cranes and auto-loaders .. when unloading small -coming bulk cargoes from digestons and platforms on a number of stations, TP-2A unloaders with conical coal stack of coal are used , and mineral-building materials, by the nature of the material and the granulometric composition. For your course work, I choose the form of PRM: KDE-252. In all options, the unloading of bulk cargo should be carried out using devices having safety devices that prevent damage to the floor and side of the semi-abnormal. The devices used to unload the cargo from the platforms must have a gap from the working edges of the scraper or knife to the floor of the platform of at least 300mm. It is not allowed to unload from the platforms of cargo transported by embankment, with a flight on the flooring of the floor by bulldozers, tractors on the tracked move, cracking the bucket of the excavator. With mechanized unloading of cargo transported by embankment, the platform board must be open (omitted).

Ore. Transportation is carried out by rail in open wagons. The genus and the type of open rolling stock is chosen by the shipper depending on the properties of the cargo, the species used for its loading, unloading structures, devices, mechanisms. Ore mined in a mine or in an open way is loaded directly into self-discharged guns with preliminary accumulation stored in bunkers, semi-ropuses or in special warehouses. The physico-mechanical properties of ore caused overload and storage methods. The modern technology of loading ore should provide for continuous reception of ore from the mine when shifting at the point of loading of wagons; the ability to load collures of various lifting capacity with any possible combinations in the composition; The complete use of rolling stock for carrying capacity and capacity. On the mines the main is the loading with preliminary accumulation of minerals, which allows you to load cars within the time frame, which is solved by the technological process.

When loading in the open mobile composition, the shipper is taken by measures to prevent the blowing of small particles of cargo when driving, as well as sweeping of the cargo in cases of loading it above the level of the boards of the wagons (with the "cap"). The use of recarmers on warehouse operations, including when overloading materials, susceptible to heelarms, is rational in the places of unloading of ore. Instead of tower rolls, which are more effective when unloading ore, are widely used to unload coal and ore rotary car pipelines, requiring smaller capital costs, energy consumption and they are less damaged for them. Four-, six-, and eight-axis digesons may be unloaded on new rotary car pipelines. With a stationary rotary vunogonokule to move coal and ore along the receiving trench, tape conveyors are used.

pDM types:

bulk goods (loading in the half-haul) is carried out using

KDE-525 and E-2505. For your course work, I choose E-2505.

The deadlines for the storage of ore are determined by the enterprise depending on the type of ore and its ability to change the properties from contact with the atmosphere and is established in regulatory documents.

  • 3.5. Isothermal containers
  • 3.6. Low-tonnage and medium-room containers
  • 3.7. Soft containers
  • 3.8. Container marking
  • 3.9. UGM on vehicles
  • 4. Forest loads
  • 4.1. Classification and properties of forest cargo
  • 4.2. Properties of forest cargo
  • 4.3. Sorting Forest Cargo Factors
  • 4.4. Round timber
  • 4.5. Lumber
  • 4.6. Wood products
  • 4.7. Technological chip
  • 4.8. Forest marking
  • 4.10. Reception and delivery of forest cargo. Units of forest measurement
  • 4.11. Features of transportation and storage of forest cargo
  • 5. Bulk loads
  • 5.1. Transport characteristics of bulk cargo
  • 5.2. Oil and petroleum products
  • 5.3. Liquid chemical goods
  • 5.4. Food bulk loads
  • 5.5. Fire and Sanitary Modes
  • 5.6. Liquefied gases
  • 5.7. Classification of SG
  • 6. Passenger goods
  • 6.1. Properties of bulk cargo
  • 6.2. Transport characteristics of some bulk goods
  • 6.3. Bulk loads
  • 6.4. Transport characteristics of some bulk cargo
  • 6.5. Storage of bulk goods in the port
  • 6.6. Features of the transportation of bulk goods
  • 7. Dangerous goods
  • 7.1. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 1
  • 7.2. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 2
  • 7.3. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 3
  • 7.4. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 4
  • 7.5. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 5
  • 7.6. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 6
  • 7.7. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 7
  • 7.8. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 8
  • 7.9. Transport characteristics of dangerous goods class 9
  • 8. Regular loads
  • 8.1. Definition and system Classification of regime goods
  • 8.2. Impact of composite air for regime loads
  • 8.3. Impact of temperature for regime loads
  • 8.4. Impact of humidity and air exchange for regime loads
  • 8.5. Impact of radiant energy on regime loads
  • 8.6. Perishable goods
  • 8.7. Perishable in refrigeration
  • 8.8. Live loads
  • 8.9. Features of the transportation of animals and birds
  • 8.10. Features of transportation of raw materials of animal origin
  • 9. Cargo properties
  • 9.1. Gigroscopic properties of cargo
  • 9.1. Thermophysical properties of cargo
  • 9.2. Fire hazard, ignition, self-ignition
  • 9.3. Concentration and temperature limits of ignition
  • 9.4. Characteristics of burning
  • 9.5. Danger of static electricity
  • 9.6. Explosion hazard and detonation
  • 9.7. Toxic and infectious danger
  • 9.8. Oxidative, corrosion and radioactive properties
  • 9.9. Concentration of hazards in cargo premises
  • 10. Missing cargo
  • 10.1. Types of freight of freight
  • 10.2. Causes of cargo damage during sea transportation
  • 10.3. Natural loss of goods and its rationing
  • 10.4. Causes of minor goods
  • 11. Biological properties and impacts on cargo
  • 11.1. Breathing of cargo
  • 11.2. Drowing cargo
  • 11.3. Germination of cargo
  • 11.4. Durability of cargo
  • 11.5. Cargo Pests and Fighting
  • 11.6. Rodents
  • 11.7. Insects
  • 11.8. Microorganisms
  • 11.9. Bacteria. Infection and impact
  • 11.10. Rinse and fermentation
  • 11.11. Mold
  • 11.12. Influence of enzymes
  • 12.2. Impact of air dust
  • 12.3. Instruments for measuring air parameters
  • 12.4. Waste Air Figures
  • 13. Activities to ensure the safety of goods
  • 13.2. Warehouses. Classification and security conditions
  • 13.3. Heat-humid modes in warehouses. Air exchange
  • 13.4. Sea vessel and security
  • 13.5. Temperature and humidity modes of transportation and safety of goods
  • 13.6. Trium microclimate in various operating conditions
  • 13.7. Features of heat and mass transfer during the transport of various goods
  • 13.9. Ventilation holds outdoor air
  • 13.10. Building transition graphs
  • 13.11. Technical air conditioning systems
  • 13.12. Microclimate of the trim of the refrigerated vessel
  • 13.13. Perspective methods of increasing the safety of goods
  • 13.14. Conditions and compatibility of goods
  • 13.15. Modes of transportation of goods
  • 13.16. Auxiliary materials and their use
  • Recommendations for the study of the rate of truck
  • List of recommended literature
  • For the transport of fruits and vegetables, isothermal containers are supplied with ventilation devices providing 2 ÷ 4-fold air exchange per day. The ventilation openings of the container must be a diameter of at least 254 mm and are equipped with covers closed outside.

    © Isothermal uncooled (thermally insulated) Container Designed for transportation for short distances and provides protection from minor and short temperature fluctuations

    © For refrigerated containers in some cases, a nitrogen cooling system is used. In the vessels coated with thermal insulation, the liquid nitrogen is contained, the boiling point of which at atmospheric pressure is equal to 196 ° C. With increasing air temperature in a container to a given upper limit, the temperature relay opens the solenoid valve and the evaporating nitrogen cools the chamber.

    When transporting low-tonnage refrigeration containers, cooling is sometimes used with dry ice. This cooling method is the easiest, but ineconomic.

    © The highest propagation for cooling in isothermal containers, refrigeration units were obtained, including a power drive. Power supply is supplied to the power drive on the vessel or terminal, and when transported by terrestrial modes, fuel is supplied.

    The enable and turning off the compressor is provided automatically using a temperature relay. The refrigeration setting of the container must be calculated for continuous operation and have a performance that maintains the minimum temperature inside the container at a maximum outdoor temperature during operation of no more than 18 hours per day. In addition to automatic control, the remote thermometer and lamps are used, signaling the deviation of the air temperature from ± 2 ° C given by ± 2 ° C. The thermograph registers the air temperature during the week.

    In addition, the refrigeration unit should be fully automated, including thawing, and the elements of automatic control and control are protected from freezing. Additionally, the installation is equipped with manual control, which is located in an easily accessible place.

    3.6. Low-tonnage and medium-room containers

    TO malotonnant include containers of gross gross less than 2.5 tons and soft rubber-coated containers for bulk cargoes, as well as special containers for non-ferrous metal concentrates. The medium-room containers include containers of gross more than 0.5 tons and less than 10 tons and processed containers weighing gross3 and 5 tons. All of these containers in significant quantities are transported in the coastal messages.

    Characteristic technological features of low-tonnage and medium-tonnage containers: a variety of forms

    and sizes, relatively small mass, poor fitness for automatic and controlled sloping and removing with unified captures when cranes overload.

    Conventions consisting of alphabetic indexes and digital values \u200b\u200bare adopted for low-tonnage and medium-connected containers. Letter indexes indicate the type and view of the containers. The following conditional lettering designations of types and types of containers were adopted: Closed - KZ containers, open containers - ko and containers platforms - KP.

    The numbers behind the initial letter indexes indicate the nominal mass of the gross containerization tools, expressed in tons with an accuracy of 0.01 tons, with rounding to a smaller side. The alphabetic indexes behind the numbers indicate the scope for the main goods delivered (y - universal; G - group; and - individual).

    The numbers in the end of the designation indicate the modification of the design of the container or the package.

    In addition, other notation is applied:

    ü Universal unified containers (Westers), the figure denotes a gross container mass in tons: ü Specialized group containers (SC) for transportation of industrial cargoes are divided by N5 groups

    (SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, SK-4, SK-5), gross mass is indicated in tons of digit through a dash; The nomenclature of industrial piece goods is very diverse and includes materials produced and

    claimed metallurgy, mechanical engineering, construction industry and other industries. A significant proportion of piece goods make up a building brick, refractory products, slate, anendian and small steel steel, cold-rolled sheet steel and white tin, non-ferrous metals ingots.

    © Containers such as a gross mass of gross up to 10 tons are equipped with furnaces or eyeles, and gross weight 15 and 20 tons - angular fittings; The containers weighing gross up to 5 tons inclusive must have grooves for a forking capture, and the gross mass of 10 tons and above are the same grooves, but by order of the consumer. The strength of the containers allows you to install them in four tiers

    © SC-1 type containers are designed for uncomfortable or weakly flattered bulk cargo, requiring protection against atmospheric precipitation. Constructive design of containers for transportation of both piece and bulk cargo without packaging is allowed. In the SC-1 type containers, bootable, unloading and observation hatches with a lid and seal are provided. Container locking devices must be a clamping type. Containers can have devices for pneumatic boot and unloading. The location of the loading hatches in containers should ensure a uniform distribution of cargo inside the container.

    © SC-2 type containers are used for strongly flattened and fatty bulk cargo, as well as for uncomfortable or weakly flattened volume with a bulk mass of more than1.8 t / m3. They must be calculated for the carriage of packages in the empty state.

    © CC-3 type containers are designed for piece goods, finished engineering products and bulk cargo in Tara.

    © SC-4 type containers - for the transport of bulk and fluid cargo. Containers - cylindrical or mixed shape, closed, with hatches in the roof, bottom or side walls having a parallelepiped frame.

    © CK-5 type containers are designed for food, requiring transport and storage in thermoconstant conditions (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Containers have the form of parallelepiped, closed and can be isothermal and refrigerated.

    Some group containers for the transport of industrial cargo depending on their parameters correspond to the CE containers, ID, IC, etc.

    Widely used for the transport of sheet glass. Specialized pyramidal containers. There is a large nomenclature of specialized group and individual containers used

    during construction and intended for: small finishing materials; electrical, sanitary materials and products; hardware; refractory products; glass blocks; construction glass; bulk binders (cement, gypsum); cargo packed in paper bags; rolled roofing materials; overhead details, materials and materials for installation and finishing; thermal insulation materials; small-sized reinforced concrete products; metal products; Preparations of sanitary systems I.TD. A wide range of containers is also used to deliver the appropriate materials and products from the building materials industry to the central warehouses, the warehouses of the subsidiary enterprises of construction organizations and the base of the configuration, as well as from the central warehouses and the databases of the configuration to the construction facilities with the submission to the workplace (overlapping, floor) .

    3.7. Soft containers

    Soft specialized containers from various elastic materials are also intended for transporting bulk cargoes from various elastic materials. Soft containers moistureproof and can be transported in open rolling stock. Operating temperature from -60 to +60 ° C.

    The container is a closed container, as a rule, a rectangular cross section with straight corners, with loading and unloading devices (hatches, sleeves, etc.) and carriages, containers are made of two types: P - with cargo elements in the form of carrier peasins (rice . 19, a); L - with cargo elements in the form of cargo tapes with rings (Fig. 19, b).

    Soft specialized containers are designed for transportation by all types of transport and short-term storage of bulk products. Containers can be both reusable and one-time use. Reusable containers are made of materials of the following marks: RK-2 - a rubbing two-layer viscose; RK-3 - rubbing three-layer viscose; RT-1B - rubber-free single-layer

    goat RT-1K - rubber-free single-layer categorous; RT-1A -

    rubber-smeared single-layer anid. Single containers used

    the following materials are made of the following materials: polyolefin

    fabrics laminated film; nonwovens, laminated

    polymer film or with polymer film liner.

    These containers are intended for temporary storage and trans

    porting bulk chemical materials that do not enter into

    moderation with container material (mineral fertilizers, oxide

    zinc, Surik iron dry, granulated polyethylene, press


    MK-P volume0.1 and 0.25 m3 are designed for

    © Containers

    Fig. 19. Constructive Schemes Soft

    transportation of piece goods, as well as goods packed in

    lenatylene or paper bags. Carriers of the eyes of these containers

    containers: A - with supporting eyeles;

    nerkov are equipped

    metal rings. Containers MK-P (L)

    b - with cargo ribbons and rings

    volume 0.5; 0.7; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 and 3.0 m3, gross mass from 0.5 to 4 tons

    designed for the carriage of bulk products in bulk.

    © The MKV-L container is designed for transportation and short-term storage of fibrous materials subspeted during the loading of the container. It is a construction of a rectangular cross section of 1.5 m3, a gross weight of 1 t, with a covering lid. Cargo elements are made in the form of four cargo tapes,

    footed on two sides and supplied top and bottom with metal rings.

    © Container MKR-M (Fig.20) Designed for transportation and short-term storage

    bumping products. It is a closed design of 1 m3, weighing gross 1

    t, in the form of a bag with a square bottom. The cargo element is a rope that tightens

    the neck and tie it with a special node.

    © Soft containers include soft tanks MR-4, which are designed

    for transportation of petroleum products on onboard vehicles at the outdoor temperature

    air from -30 to + 50 ° C. Reservoirs have a four-layer shell, which consists of

    an inner oil-resistant rubber layer, polyamide anti-infusion film,

    kapron power layer and outdoor atmospheric rubber layer. The total thickness of

    lockers 1.5 ÷ 1.9 mm fill the soft tanks through the cylinder-drain fittings, mounted

    bathroom in the end. After emptying the tank is cooled into a roll that occupies little space.

    Fig. 20. Container

    Lifetime of soft tanks - 5 years.

    Ø in world practice Soft specialized containers with a carrying capacity from 0.5 to

    MKR-M: 1 - body;

    12 t have such alphabetics:

    2 - Cargo Element

    MK-L - soft container of reusable use of rubber-textile materials with

    carriage of cargo elements in the form of tapes; MKO-C - a soft container of reusable use from nonwovens and woven materials with carriage carriers

    elements in the form of a sling; MKR-C - soft disposable container from nonwovens and woven materials with carrier elements

    in the form of a sling; MKR-M - soft disposable container from polyethylene materials without carrier freight

    Ø elements should not be taken to transport polluted and submissive containers, with a blind cargo, not

    having freight accompanying documents and qualitative certificates, as well as having the following defects:

    ü Through punctures, cuts and discrepancies of seams; ü Non-cut cuts, abrasion and rubber coating jackets with damage to the textile base; ü detachment of sealing elements; ü breaking the face or bundle of cargo carrier elements;

    ü with stains that differ in color from the rest of the surface, and with a flourished coating on them. The chickens of containers must be sealed.

    3.8. Container marking

    All containers used as an element of transport equipment must be labeled. In international messages in accordance with ISO standard (ISO), such containers must have the main and

    belt marking.




    iSO containers developed a standard system

    marking theme - Code

    called "BIC

    code. " All the necessary information about the para-

    meters of container is applied to his side

    walls, doors and roof in the form of marking

    code (BIC-Code). The structure of the BIC-Code consists

    as a rule, of two lines, although the form of

    the setting can be different. Places of application

    Bic-Code are shown in Fig. 21.

    Fig. 21. Marking of ISO Standard Containers, Series I: 1 - Code

    Ø BIC-CODE structure is presented in Fig.

    22 and contains 17 characters: 6 letters


    owner, serial number and control digit; 2 - Designation

    alphabet and 11 Arab numbers.

    countries, size and type of container; 3 - the maximum mass of gross and

    © First Row - This is a code designation.

    tara mass. 4 - safety plate; 5 - Customs Plate

    container owner (Prefix + Serial Number +

    check Digit) which consists

    of the four letters of the Latin alphabet

    (Fig. 22, i), the last of which (Fig. 22, 2) - the letter U is denoted

    sign of transport equipment called "Container of the Grub

    zova. " The first three letters (Fig. 22, 1) - respectively, alphabet

    owner code officially included in the international register

    Fig. 22. BIC-CODE

    container owners.

    For example, all the containers of the former MPS of the USSR had the code

    delta SzDU, now the containers of Ukraine and Russia are marked by Uzuu and RZDU codes.

    Registration of container codes of owners is made by official appeal of an authorized person, with relevant payment of services, in the International Des Contereurs - BIC) in Paris.

    With its branches, the International Bureau of Containers appoints national registration organizations on the basis of consultation with the National Representation in ISO. In addition to BIC, there are branches of the International Bureau of Containers.

    After the code designation of the owner, the container serial number (Fig. 22, ii) is followed from six digits (Fig. 22, 3). The seventh digit (Fig. 22, 4), the so-called control number, serves to verify the correct information about the code of the owner and the serial number of the container. This number is calculated by the established rule. When districted, any letter or numbers from the code and the container numbers will take place the failure of the control number. When applying marking the control number (Fig. 22, 4) is often placed in the frame.

    The calculation of the control number is made in such a sequence:

    ü, each letter of the owner's code is assigned digital equivalent, starting with Numbers 10; ü Each digital code equivalent and each digit number is multiplied by the weight coefficient that

    it is the degree of number 2 from 0 to 9 (by the number of signs in the code of the owner and container numbers), i.e. the first sign is multiplied by 20, the second is 21, the last, tenth, - by 2 in the 9th;

    ü multiplication results are folded and divided into a module equal to 11; ü The residue obtained as a result of division is a control number.

    © The second line Bic-Code also consists of two parts (Country Code + ISO CODE) - letter (Fig. 22, III) and digital (Fig. 22, IV). The letter part contains two capital (in some cases - three) letters of the Latin alphabet (Fig. 22, 5), which constitute the code designation of the country of the container owner (coded in the first line

    code). Three letters of the country's code have a release container until 1984. At the same time, the Latin letter "X" could be used as a third letter.

    The identification of the country code designation is contained in the international standard ISO3166-88 "Codes for the representations of the names of countries." In addition, each state has digital three-digit codes that are not reflected on the container. At the same time, alpha-2 letter code is applied to the containers.

    Digital information The second line Bic-Code consists of four digits (Fig. 22, IV) and contain designations of size and type of container (two digits for each position).

    © The first two digits (Fig. 22, 6) indicate the size of the container both in length and height. The first denotation

    it is a length: 1 - 10 feet (2991 mm, IDX), 2 - 20 feet (6058 mm), 3 - 30 feet (9125 mm), 4 - 40 feet (12192 mm). The second denotes height: 0 and 1 - 2438 mm; 2 and 3 - 2591 mm; 4 and 5 - more than 2591 mm, and the presence of a groove for g-shaped trailers

    type "Goose Neck": 0 and 2 - without such a groove; 1 and 3 - with a groove.

    © Second two digits (Fig. 22, 7) indicate the type of container: universal, specialized,

    with different

    constructive features.

    Ø As an additional labeling on the container is also applied:

    ü on the doors - the maximum gross mass (MGW);

    ü Own weight (TARE) in kilograms (KG) and pounds (LB).

    ü Container designation sign with a covered lid (Fig. 23, 1);

    ü warning sign about the danger of lesion electrical

    skinking from the power grid for containers equipped with

    stairs (Fig. 23, 2);

    ü sign indicating a container height2591 mm

    (Fig. 23, 3);

    Fig. 23. Additional container marking

    ü plate admission container for operation by condition

    safety (Fig. 24, a);

    ü plate admission container

    nera to the transportation of goods under

    customs seals and a platoon

    bumi (Fig. 24, b).

    according to


    secure Containers

    (CBC) and the Customs Convention,

    concerning containers (CTC),

    in the USSR since 1972, respectively

    and amendments to the CBC, in 1981,

    all containers

    must respond

    read the requirements of these conventions

    Fig. 24. Safety plate and customs plate





    sTI and customs sign).

    Safety plate (Fig. 24, a) contains inscriptions in English: ü A tolerable country and assumption number; ü Production date; ü identification number;

    ü Maximum gross mass .... kg, .... pounds;

    ü permissible mass at stacking at 1.8 g ... kg, .... pounds; ü Load when testing for skew ... kg, .... pounds; ü Torch wall strength .... kg, .... pounds; ü Side wall strength .... kg, .... pounds; ü Dates of inspections.

    Customs plate (Fig. 24, b) - metal rectangular plate at least 200x100 mm containing inscriptions in English: allowed to transport goods under customs seals and seals (1); Type (2); Factory container number (3).

    On the side walls of the container also indicates the period (month and year) of the next major repairs.

    3.9. UGM on vehicles

    The main types of UGM on vehicles are: lighter, wagons, cars.

    Ø auto-trailers (trailers) - highly low frame trailed platforms, having axes in front and rear,

    used for transportation of goods by

    main roads (Fig. 25, 1).

    © Auto-pilpetsers (sevenTreilers) -

    soft platforms having only ass

    nude axis (axis), with the front of the front

    delicious device connected to him

    Fig. 25. UGM on vehicles

    skvorem used for transportation

    cargo on main roads (Fig. 25, 2).


    1. Features of the design of large-tonnage and medium-connected containers


    1. Interpress V.P. "Organization of cargo transportation." Route 2003 (p. 285, 286)

    The design of the container must provide:

    · Transportation of products and products without scuffs and other damage;

    · Convenience and safety of operations for loading and unloading, including using forklifts;

    · Convenience and safety of the production of overload operations with cranes;

    · Protection of goods from rain and snow.

    The sizes of unified universal large-tonnage containers are selected taking into account the possibility of delivering cargoes in direct and mixed messages, including in the intercontinental message (on container personnel courts and specialized rolling stock of other types of transport).

    The introduction of large-tonnage containers has a positive effect on the development of cargo transportation in international messages. Creating container overload items at border stations provided the possibility of developing transit container transportation through the territory of Russia.

    With simultaneous maintenance of goods, the design of the door frame, door sash, sealing and locking devices is important.

    To reliably closing the door, the right sash in the closed position should overlap the left. Shut-off devices must ensure a dense fit of the door sash, including with a rubber seal to each other and to the door frame around the perimeter. Protection of locking devices and door leafs from damage necessary to ensure cargo preservation are carried out in two ways: the first of them provides for the location of the locking devices between the corrugations of the door sash cladding, and their arms with sealing brackets - in the coating niches, the second provides for the protection of the shutdowns protruding Beams and door frame racks.

    The end door sash should be freely open at an angle of 270 °, and the side double double door is an angle of 180 °.

    Modern rod constipation with stretch cams in a closed position, along with door sashs are carrier design elements. The constipation device should provide the possibility of applying a mechanical spin of wire and seal sealing containers with one seal. In this case, access inside the container without disturbing seals should be excluded.

    The design of the large-tonnage container is the "stitched" corrugated or sheet metal with a hard frame, which includes angular racks, longitudinal and end and lower beams, side walls, flooring, door flaps and door constipation mechanisms.

    In the corners of the upper and lower longitudinal and ending beams there are upper and lower fittings, which are details of a special design that ensure the attachment of containers to the captures of loading and unloading machines, rolling stock, as well as the fastening of containers when storing them on sites.

    Fig. Devices for fastening the container on the semi-trailer of the road train: but -a stopper with a swivel head; b -locking cone with a false finger; in- corner guide limiter with a locking finger; 1 - swivel head; 2 - Finger

    Each door sash in containers of large-tonnant on four hinges. Their design and fastening should eliminate the removal of door sash in a closed position without explicit traces of damage. Rubber for sealing door sash should be an elastic, oil-resistant and maintain its elasticity at a temperature of from - 60 to + 70 ° C in any weather and in conditions of transportation by sea.

    The design of the door frame provides the ability to install the door barrier without additional means of its attachment. The lower crossing of the door frame is carried out taking into account the possibility of fixing the bridges for the passage of forklift. Large containers are necessarily equipped with fixtures for fixing doors in the open position and to protect the seals from damage.

    Special sockets can be mounted for fastening cargo to the floor of the container, and on the walls - brackets. The sockets should not perform above the floor, and the staples over the inner surface of the walls. For fastening of goods it is possible to use also a reinforcing strip welded to the walls of the container. The presence of such a strip is allowed if it does not cause cargo losses.

    The design of the medium-digit container is all-metal welded, consists of the lower, door, top and end frames, trimmed along the walls of corrugated, and on the roof of smooth sheets, a two-dimensional doors and wooden flooring.

    For the mechanization of loading operations, medium-screw containers are equipped in the upper part of the fish, at the base - forklifting. To mount on cars on corner racks of containers, eyelashes are provided.

    Fig. Construction of a medium-room container with a carrying capacity of 3 t. 1- base (lower frame); 2 - side wall; 3 - end wall; 4 - a device for fastening a container on a rolling stock; 5 - Door frame; 6 - Left door sash; 7 - right door sash; 8 - locking device

    Fig. Schematic representation of fish

    Universal containers are equipped with ventilation devices with a barrier system.

    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recommends applying containers in accordance with ISO - 668, establishing the main dimensions and areas of application of containers. The length of the largest container is taken by 40 feet (12192 mm), and the remaining containers are multiple the main module - 5 feet (1524 mm).

    Medium-digit universal containers (WES) are with a mass of gross 3 and 5 tone, large-capacity (1D, 1C, 1C, 1B, 1VV, 1A, 1AA) - with a mass of gross 10, 20, 24, 30 tons.

    As a lifting device for medium-tonnage containers, automatic capture is mainly used - the auto-line of the design of the CNII HIIT, as well as the hand-made quadruple sling.