Repairs Design Furniture

Rating of the most popular products. Selection of goods for the online store: the most profitable and purchased positions

The frequency of purchases of Russians on the Internet suggests that the format has become familiar to the consumer, and offline and online shopping - complementary. According to the research company MIX Research., 44% of Russians buy goods over the Internet 1, of which 6% also acquire food. Even despite the rather skeptical to date, the consumer is mood in relation to the purchase of food on the Internet, you can still talk about the tendency of "gradual adaptation". What do Russians think about the prospects for the development of this segment?

Why the Internet is not an option?

For Russians who refuse to buy online, the main reasons are: no opportunity to evaluate the goods live, measure - in the case of clothes or shoes, as well as distrust of online services. The first reason is characteristic of both youth and older generation. For residents of cities with a number from 250 thousand to 1 million, another barrier on the way to online shopping, there is a lack of technical capabilities and skills for using various Internet services.

As the main reasons for refusing food purchases on the Internet, in addition to the above, the Russians called "the presence of retail stores within walking distance", where to make purchases, in their opinion, is more familiar, easier, faster.

Am I in the target group?

Buyers on the Internet are basically young people, as well as representatives of the middle age group, whose monthly income per family member is above 25 thousand rubles. As for the frequency of purchases online, then 48% of Internet buyers acquire goods in this way once a month and more often (Figure 1).

Picture 1. Shopping frequency online,

Separately, I would like to dwell on the inhabitants of the Northern Capital: for Petersburgers, it is most trained in the Internet for the Internet than for residents of other cities. Also, the share of Internet buyers here over the past five years has increased by as many as 15 percentage points, reaching a level of 61% (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The share of Internet buyers, % of the total number of respondents

Where and what are buying?

The most popular Internet sites for shopping - "Aliexpress" (23% of the interviewed Internet buyers), "Yulmart", "" and "Lamoda" (6% each) 2.

The most popular categories of purchases on the Internet are clothing (46% of respondents), household appliances (40%), aircraft and railway tickets (31%) and electronics (28%). Women are most often buying clothes over the Internet, as well as young people 18-24 years old, household appliances - respondents 25-34 years, electronics - men, as well as Russians aged from 35 to 44 years (Figure 3).

Food online acquire 6% of Internet buyers.

Figure 2. List of goods purchased via the Internet by floor, % of the interviewed Internet buyers

Figure 3. Plans for the purchase of food on the Internet, % of the interviewed Internet buyers

According to Russians, in the next few years there will be a noticeable leap in the development of online food stores. Even those who are not ready or ready, but did not have time to gain experience in purchasing online products, we are convinced that this direction is promising. Of course, it is worth paying attention to the category of the population that keeps up with the time, which is on "you" with modern technologies.

"In our country, this direction is definitely developing, there will be an increase in sales. There is a lot of advantages such as efficiency and a wide choice. If there is a quick and convenient delivery, then it will be the best alternative option to regular shops. This is characteristic, rather, for young people and middle-aged people. Senior Age Do not take the fact that not everyone knows how to work on the Internet, and that there is a habit of going to the store, the habit of already unchanged, developed for life "(Elena, 41, St. Petersburg)

"Next generation, children who have grown with an iPhone will buy products on the Internet. Generation of the 90s and older - not ready, because not everyone is ready to risk, that is, to make this first order. It's easier to come and buy on the spot. It seems "wild" for adults "(Sergey, 26, St. Petersburg)

Online trading demonstrates impressive development indicators in a variety of market segments. True, food uses special distrust among online buyers: 41% of respondents do not trust such a purchase format at all. At the same time, the results of the study demonstrate the openness and willingness of the inhabitants of large cities to buy food on the official websites of their usual offline stores. Such a variant consumers will find interesting to maintain the level of retail prices, assortment, product storage conditions.

It is especially important to note that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe transition to completely new purchasing strategies is still present in the consciousness of the consumer. It remains to understand what should happen so that this thought becoming a reality?

1 The study was carried out among residents of Russian cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people aged 18 to 64 years responsible for making a decision on the purchase of basic food products for the household (fully or equally with other family members). The survey was conducted in 52 cities of Russia, taking into account the size of the city, the federal district and the size of the age-wide groups by telephone interview. A total of 1022 people were interviewed, among them 453 people make purchases on the Internet.
At the second stage in August 2016, Mix Research companies conducted a qualitative marketing research on the topic "Rights of Russians for the purchase of food through the Internet". As part of the study, 28 deep telephone interviews were collected, whose participants were men and women, residents of Russian cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people aged 18 to 56 years, responsible for the purchase of food for households and having experience in food purchases via the Internet .

2 The list of online stores has not been read.


As you already guess, commodities are the most "traded" in the world. Below are 10 of the most common products for which major transactions are performed. It's top 10 The most popular and selling goods of the world.

No. 10. Cotton

Soft, fluffy plant that grows in the form of a box or capsules around the seed. Plant for more than 7000 years. Its use is not limited to the production of clothing, coffee filters and paper. It also produces fishing nets, fire hoses, oil, cosmetics, medicines. This is the most commonly used natural fiber in the world.

  • The largest manufacturers are China (26%), India (22%), USA, Pakistan, Brazil.
  • The largest exporters - USA, Australia, Brazil.
  • Delivery Day Futures - March, May, July, October and December

No. 9. Went

It is the main food product among grain crops. She is rich in squirrels. In addition, its role in the history of mankind is considered to be one of the first cultures that could be easily grown on a huge scale. This is the third scale of the production of grain culture in the world. And the ninth most.

  • The largest producers - China, India, USA
  • The largest exporters - USA, France, Canada

No. 8. Kukuruza

Corn (Mais) is one of the most adult cultures around the world due to the ability to survive in various climatic conditions. It is the largest grain crop in the world after rice. There are two main types: corn used for feed and chemical purposes, and sweet corn, which is used for human consumption.

  • Largest manufacturers - USA, China, Brazil
  • Largest exporters - USA, Argentina, China
  • Delivery month futures - January, April, July

№ 7. Sugar.

Basically removed from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is capable of printing not only the sweetness into our lives, but also sweet profits in the briefcases of brokers and players on the stock exchange.

  • The largest manufacturers - Brazil, India, China
  • The largest exporters - Brazil, India, China

№ 6. Silver

Silver - a metal chemical element that exists in its pure form in a natural environment. Mainly used for the manufacture of jewelry, dishes and currencies. But besides these household applications, silver is widely used in industry: electrical conductors, mirrors, chemical industries, film films, etc. It is valued as a precious metal and used ancient times.

  • The largest producers - Mexico, Peru, China
  • The largest exporters - Peru, China, India

№ 5. Copper

Copper is another chemical metal, widely used in trading purposes. In fact, one of the oldest used in the trade of all times and peoples. It was used for thousands of years in its pure form, as well as alloys. This is the third most widely used metal in the world after iron and aluminum. And the fifth most popular and sold goods.

  • The largest producers - Chile, USA, Peru
  • The largest exporters - Chile, USA, Peru

№ 4. GOLD

Metal, characterized by a soft shiny very plastic consistency. This is a pure corpus, rarity and disadvantage. Since ancient times, gold was used as a currency.

  • Largest manufacturers - China, Australia, USA
  • The largest exporters - China, Australia, USA

# 3. Natural gas

Natural gas is one of the most important energy sources, mainly used for heating and electrification purposes. 25% of energy consumed in the USA - natural gas. At the heart of the gas mixture of methane, CO 2 and nitrogen. Natural gas is usually in close proximity to crude oil, which is the most traded goods in the world.

  • The largest producers - Russia, USA, Canada
  • The largest exporters - Russia, Canada, Norway

# 2. Coffee

One of the most ancient cultures of humanity is a green grain. It is grown in more than 70 countries (the main part falls on Latin America, Southeast Asia).

  • The largest manufacturers - Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, India
  • The largest exporters - Brazil, Germany, Colombia
  • Delivery month futures - Mart, May, July, September, December

# 1. Crude oil

It is the fossil fuel and is considered one of the most expensive goods due to the high demand for the final products obtained from oil. Crude oil is the most traded and selling world goods.

  • The largest producers - Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA
  • The largest exporters - Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran
  • Largest consumers - USA, China, Japan.

Now let's continue with this business. After all, shops shops, but what goods to buy. Many people are interested in such a question as most Popular Products on the Internet. What, in fact, is the best and most sought-after people. This will be discussed in this top. The experts were surveyed by people, read a lot of reviews, consulted with many online stores. Of all this, this list came out. So this is a rating the best selling and popular products on the Internet 2018. By the way for each product, we give below below the description of the link where you can buy it at the lowest prices.

Glasses adlens.

Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters can replace three pairs of ordinary points. They use the patented ClearGlass technology invented in Stanford. It allows you to adjust each diopter separately. Now you do not need to carry a bunch of glasses.
Adlens are completely safe and suited to everyone. Points have a unique lens from two parts. Case and Ribrava emphasize their uniqueness! Now you are my own Okulist! Customize diopters for yourself, and rejoice in life.

Corsets Waist Training

Waist Training is a special corset to reduce the waist. The use of this corset instantly gives you a sex figure and waist. Long-term use of Waist Training together with a healthy diet and sports work will make your waist more attractive and sophisticated. This is not an ordinary corset from the store! Waist Training is made of rare latex material, which "finds and destroys" excess fat and eliminates other lack of female figures.

Cerebro Slim.

This drug will allow you to reset the excess weight, using the previously unused sections of the brain. This wonderful drug is called cerebro Slim. He creates miracles with your body and can normalize healthy sleep, improve appetite, accelerate brain activity, intensify fat burning. Scientists investigated the drug and concluded that its composition would not harm the human body. Cerebro Slim will allow you to reset for about twenty-four kilograms in four weeks. Be healthy!

Armani purse and watches

Spacious and stylish man's Armani purse will emphasize your status! Many things can fit in this wallet: a mobile phone, up to 12 plastic cards, money, coins, keys to an apartment or machine, certificate and passport. You must buy this purse if:
You want to be stylish and always stay in trend. You want to look more attractive. You appreciate quality and practicality. You love comfortable things. You want to look in the eyes of others at 100%. With honor takes his place in the list the best selling goods on the Internet 2018 Among the CIS countries.

Electric Hair Styling Comb

The device carefully lays your hair of any length. An excellent choice for women who value their time. Electric brush will help make a stylish hairstyle without harm to hair. There are two built-in temperature modes. Comb will create stacking your dreams. It will help make sexy curls and curls. The coating of the device will save the hair from any damage, and also save them from static electricity. Let all girls around you envy your hairstyle. Feel your queen!

Orthopedic plasters

"ZB PAIN RELIEF" is healing orthopedic patches for the spine! They save you from the pain in the vertebra. The effect of their use can last several days.
A little about the pockets:
Perfectly attached to the skin. Do not harm the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
It is inexpensive. The plaster is enough for seventy-two hours, as they provide a long-term impact due to the continuous admission of medicinal substances. There are GMP and ISO certificates. Do not interfere with moving and do not harm the human body. Side effects are missing. And they rightfully occupy a place in the ranking the most popular goods on the Internet 2016.

DVR HD Smart.

This DVR records everything that happens in front of your car and can serve as evidence in car substairs and road traffic accidents. Video surveillance will help you insure yourself and a car from scammers, quickly resolve the issue with fans to cut cars or to reach the work of police officers. With the help of rotary attachment, you can freely rotate the device in the desired direction. Confine yourself with this device!


CAR DVR Mirror is a car video recorder mounted on the rearview mirror. Its front camera records high resolution video. A high-quality matrix does not distort the image. The motion sensor saves a place, since in the absence of movement nothing is written. Automatically adjustable monitor brightness will save you from its constant setting. The anti-glare function saves from glare.
Attach and connect even a housewife! Since the recorder is fastened over the mirror, it will be unnecessary to hide constantly from thieves.

Electric bicycles

The most popular and selling goods on the Internet 2018
. The electric libid is no longer surprised by anyone. This is not just a toy, but tested by many years of experience reliability and quality. A classic electric bike with an electric drive great combines an ordinary bike and fast motorcycle ride. On such a device, you can freely move around the city at a speed of 30-45 km / h along any surface and under any circumstances. Forget about prices for gasoline and gas, public transport, insurance, technical inspections! Feel free!

Today in the top of popularity among entrepreneurial projects for beginners - online store. The scheme that seems ideal for wanting to earn where the free template found in the best selling goods and cash flow from grateful buyers, pursuing a businessman, advertised and discussed everywhere. They are trying to start working many. However, with all its visible profitability, it does not give that effect that promises.

But trading through the virtual platform has a lot of advantages:

  • you can do the minimum starting capital;
  • there is no need to solve problems with the "real" trading point, that is, to look for and remove the room, to receive a variety of permits, repair it and execute;
  • for the online store it is not required to hire numerous qualified personnel;
  • here you can apply an approach to the independent embodiment of the idea where it will give the start to the whole project and save funds;
  • when using the Internet platform, there is no need to purchase goods and store it in stock;
  • the market coverage is not limited to a certain area and a specific number of consumers who can physically visit the store, the format allows you to expand the boundaries and time framework.

Statistics also confirms the prospects of this direction.

Online trade in numbers: development dynamics

Many studies conducted by both international analytical organizations and domestic, show a sharp increase in the share of Internet commerce. This surge began to be observed in 2009, and its catalyst was the global economic crisis of 2008. It has contributed to this not only that the reduction in income level caused people to look for saving options for shopping (as you know, online stores offer lower prices in comparison with "real" shops), but also the fact that many companies have moved fully or partially retailers In a virtual space, and this allowed them to save on the expenditure part. The latter, in turn, made it possible to offer competitive prices to the final consumer. That is, the online store is a profitable "closed circle", where the benefits are also from the buyer, and the seller. Statistical data only confirm this:

  • over the past five years, the development paces of online trade significantly exceeded the growth rates of global trade;
  • the volume of product implementation using remote access, according to forecasts, in 2017, reached 2.36 trillion. dollars;
  • the number of people using the Internet to make purchases is growing steadily, and in 2016 exceeded a number of 1.321 million.

There are also similar trends in Russia. Despite the fact that the share of the total retail in the Russian Federation with the / m is very small (they account for only about 5% of all retail sales), it is constantly increasing. And this growth is very noticeable, annually it is almost 25%. That is, according to forecasts, by 2025 it can range almost 10% of the entire market, and this is an incredible progress. Several factors contributes to popularization of e-commerce:

  • competitive prices;
  • convenience of use;
  • expanding the possibilities of the buyer in terms of applying various payment systems;
  • related service and its improvement.

However, if everything is so rosy, why not each of us "raises millions" on e-commerce? On the question, possibly with the help of and / m, it is possible to give only a unambiguous answer - no. And not because there is a serious starting capital for launching and / m, and due to the fact that this concept is perceived at once. Without investigations and efforts, no project can be implemented.

On the other hand, with a competent approach and investments of their own time, effort, and, even if there is a small, but still a significant amount of money, is a promising direction in the retail.

Brief overview of online trading in Russia

Patriotic statistics confirms the high pace of e-commerce development. Only in 2013 (in comparison with 2012), the number and / m increased by 20%. Unfortunately, there are no statistics to date, but the predictions of past years have assumed a sharp positive dynamics. On the other hand, there are no information about those projects that were closed or "quietly died."

Today, almost a third of the population of our country already has experience shopping on the Internet, more than half use the network and do not mind "to use" it for the purchase of goods.

In the form of payment in RuNet, cash settlements are leading, then cards are followed, then offline pay and the use of electronic payment systems such as Yandex.Money.

According to the commodity structure, the Russian online market is significantly different from the global. Carefully - in the position of e-books, disks, music, films and other products with copyright. If in other countries it is seriously protected by legislation and the consumer is forced to pay for this kind of goods, then we can get it for free. Copyright control in the Russian Federation is not sufficiently reliable, so much is in free access.

Top best selling goods on the Internet in Russia

Between experts and statistical calculations obtained by surveying consumers, positions on the issue of building a rating disagree. It is worth analyzing several positions of the best selling goods through the online mode and find out who is still right.

Electronics and machinery

Immediately it is worth noting that inside this niche exist great distinctions. You can select large and small household appliances, as well as electronic devices. In general, this group takes almost half of all sales (44%) on the Internet. Because both the advantages and disadvantages are similar, you can combine several subsidies of goods. In different studies, they give them a few first rating positions.

In small household appliances, where you can include kitchen devices, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, electric shavers and similar, very high popularity. The share of this product in the total number of purchases through and / m is almost 15%.

There is a lot of demand online and in small electronics, to which smartphones include mobile phones, players, cameras. Also here are computers and components for them.

Large household appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, hoods, etc. Also in demand. In total, they occupy almost 8% of purchases.

Demand is due to several factors:

  • the price on the Internet is always cheaper than in stationary outlets;
  • the possibility of quiet shopping without effort;
  • you can choose a better model according to the presented descriptions, specifications, photos, reviews.

Commodity niche for the seller and its advantages:

  • high margin allows you to make work and / m more efficiently, that is, on one operation you can earn more money, spending less effort on it;
  • the justification of the ratio of the cost of delivery to the purchase price - the consumer makes it easier to acquire.

Cons Niche for and / m:

  • high competition, often too big, which simply will not allow a newcomer in it;
  • massive currency risks - even with a time difference in a few days from the date of purchase and payment, the end buyer can lose a significant amount on the difference in courses;
  • potential hazards of modeling models and a sharp reduction in demand for them;
  • the need to keep low prices, which is often problematic for small and / m;
  • the need for deep knowledge of the theme, peculiar "advancement" when you can highlight any technical detail in details for the client;
  • risk of return of goods, the need to deal with service and similar issues;
  • cooperation with delivery services guaranteeing the safety and integrity of goods on the way.

Clothes and shoes

According to statistics, this commercial niche in online trading takes about 13% in the sales structure. The main contingent of buyers - women of different ages. And / m, offering such character products, you need to adhere to several rules to attract the client:

  • high quality goods and a well-known brand manufacturer;
  • convenient store navigation;
  • excellent photos with correct color reproduction and detailed descriptions of each model;
  • services for the delivery of several models, fitting "on site".

Many today offer their partners such conditions of cooperation. This is not only expanding their sales markets, but also help I /ve in the development and increase in sales.

Council: If you decide to engage in the sale of goods from this group, create not just a beautiful showcase, but also give your customers maximum opportunities. Only by providing a customer with a guarantee that he can try on the model you like, find out whether it is convenient for him, whether she is well sitting on a figure or leg, and return the unclear, you will get a chance to re-return. That is what will be your essential competitive advantage in the market.

Cons Niche:

  • seasonality of goods;
  • figure effect of fashion trends;
  • the need to get high-quality photos from the manufacturer or supplier;
  • the complexity of organizational moments in the activities of the and / m (synchronous work is required with professional delivery services, additional agreements with suppliers to return non-bounced models when sending a multiple buyer for fitting);
  • it is often necessary to buy goods for a certain minimum amount, and this can lead to "deposits" in stock, if the products are weakly in demand;
  • it is necessary to have a taste, understanding of fashion trends, feel the market.

Council: If you decide to focus on this commodity niche, then pay attention to the high demand that exists in small towns and rural areas, deprived of large shopping center and trading networks offering good and fashionable clothing. Here is good "go" expensive things, winter boots and jackets, coats, demi-season shoes and outerwear. Since there are few sentences "in real life", buyers involve the Internet, especially since in recent years, confidence in the format has increased.

Auto parts

This product takes almost 10% of the total electronic sales. By the way, over the past few years, the group has shown a positive growth dynamics, sweating children's goods. Features Niche:

  • There is a long number of positions that are difficult to get. Here it is not even about "native" details for imported or rare cars, for which demand is not very high, but about those things that are used everywhere, for example, sunscreen on the rear window. Motorist is much easier to find such goods in the Internet and do not ride all the autoclates and markets of the city.
  • Narrow specialization. Applying this approach in the formation of the range, you can count not only on the constant stream of interested customers, but also to optimize promotional costs.
  • Small dimensions and weight of many auto parts, which makes it easier and cheapens delivery.
  • The absence in most cases the need for service. If it is required, then many manufacturers have a branched network of centers, where the warranty card will be adopted in your and / m.

Cosmetics and Perfumes

According to different studies, this group is put on the 6th and 8th place in the top 10 best-selling goods via the Internet. However, there is a nuance here - every unknown brand of products causes suspicion of a potential buyer. It is better to form your showcase from brand products that are familiar to consumers, as well as widely represented on the market. That is, offering a lower price than stationary outlets and boutiques, you give the opportunity to get a perfume or a cosmetic to your customer with a benefit. The scheme acts approximately as follows:

  • the consumer has already tried cream, lipstick, hair mask, wants to buy it again and you get an interesting price;
  • or he found a position attractive for him to him, went to the store, sniffed / took advantage of the probe and acquired online, saving on the purchase.

Under the necessary conditions and / m working in this niche:

  • excellent design showcase, photo, competent descriptions;
  • compliance with the terms of the sale of products;
  • proper storage of cosmetics, if it passes through the warehouse and / m;
  • mandatory renewal of the range, continuous replenishment of innovations and trend goods.

Household goods and furniture

In this position, there are also some discrepancies in the opinions of experts. Some of it put on the 4th place and give almost 6% of the online market. Some believe that the furniture is not included at all in the top 10 due to the fact that buyers prefer a personal tactful acquaintance with the subject that they are going to purchase. The perfect combination for this kind of sales is the presence of an exhibition center and I / M, in which you can make an order cheaper.

With a subgroup of home goods, everything is a bit simpler. Their choice is not necessarily associated with the need to visually and "live" to evaluate the dimensions. That is why small furniture items, many products for the home and household plot are ordered via the Internet.

It is especially worth noting the interior items from the category of exclusive. Handmade picture frame, wall mosaic panel, vintage dressing table - all these things are very expensive, but almost always will find their buyer. Even during the crisis, no one cancels anniversaries and celebrations, gifts. And such exclusive things are the best present, and choose them, as a rule, on the Internet. In addition, competition in this segment is low.

Council: If you attract a niche of exclusive interior items, then you should initially search for suppliers of such products. It is from this point that you need to start your project.

Goods for children and toys

This group gives 4% of the online market and the 5th place in the top, although, most likely, such an assessment is subjective. The numbers are given on the basis of interviews of Internet users, where the Cax Cax is not fully taken into account. Young parents engaged in homemade hassle and care for the baby will prefer to order the necessary goods on the Internet and will not spend precious time on shopping. Online shopping saves not only time and money, but also efforts. Therefore, goods for children are increasingly buying in and / m, and the market share of this niche is only growing. Especially since the age of parents is just in the areas that coincide with the indicator of the most active Internet users.

Nuances, important for niche and / m:

  • high quality of goods;
  • mandatory certification of each unit of products;
  • compliance with the established sanitary standards of the goods themselves, the conditions for their storage and delivery, packaging, etc.;
  • the ability to return some positions for various reasons;
  • convenience and multivariate payment, as well as receiving goods.

Disks and books

Just 2% give experts to this commodity niche. Insufficiency of copyright protection in our country makes a lot of this category available without payment. Although the situation is slowly changing, and free services for downloading music and books is getting smaller. Perhaps in the future such goods will begin to buy more active.

It is also worth considering that in the regions and distant areas there are "Book Hunger" and still steady demand for paper media.

In addition, special literature of scientific and technical nature, training materials, children's books are actively bought. By choosing for your own / m direction of this nature, you can get a steady flow of buyers.

It is still worth noting here that "Navar" on book products is quite high, and all difficulties in the organization of delivery are missing. This product is small-sized, easy by weight, does not require special packaging (a sufficiently dense cardboard box suitable in size), service. Yes, and the refund in this category is extremely rare, the only reason is damage during transportation, which is easy to avoid.

Other and its features

Almost 4% of the online market occupies the category "Other", under which many products have been successfully sold and in constant demand. For many novice entrepreneurs looking for their niche, it is she who represents great interest, because the originality of the goods can attract a potential consumer, and competition will be extremely low.

If you do not really attract the opportunity, but I want to try yourself in online trading, then pay attention to the following commodity groups:

  • Author jewelry and jewelry. By concluding a cooperation agreement with masters, you can sell their products. Conditions for generating income can be different - either a trade markup, or redemption at wholesale price, or format.
  • Souvenir products and gifts. There are also interesting things for copyright, handmade, folk crafts, artisans. They are unique and always have demand. These are not widespread products, so the approach to their implementation should be original, as well as advertising campaigns. It takes a lot of time to search for such goods in reality, so the potential buyers prefer to search on the net.
  • Stylish leather, belts, wallets, bags, handmade purse. Find them in the "walking distance" problematic, buying convenient on the Internet. It is not necessary to fit fittings, you can choose a thing in a photo. The popularity of goods is at a high level, and / m with such products only need a competently built advertising campaign.
  • Goods for pets. Fillers for toilets, feed, leashes, clothes for dogs, collars and much more. Internet for buyers of this kind of products is more convenient for several criteria: lower prices, delivery to doors for free (you don't have to "pull heavy bags on yourself", because it is often necessary to purchase several kilograms at once), there is always a specialized store with the right goods , and ride for the necessary feed through the Polgorod uncomfortable.
  • Products for collectibles and hobbies. A huge separate topic with an incredibly large number of possible positions. Here it is necessary to understand that the trade of this product group requires the owner of the and / m and his personnel of passionateness by the subject of sale, deep knowledge of the subject and all-escaped returns. From the shortcomings of the niche - a limited number of buyers, but it can grow up in an advantage if I / M proven itself from a positive side and will have constant repeated appeals. From undisputed advantages - a passionate person will pay for his hobby in a crisis situation, that is, this factor will not significantly affect the profitability of the online store.
  • Goods for tourism and recreation. This niche is slightly echoes from the previous one, the passion for people is also placed here, although many products in the market - imported production, that is, there are currency risks. On the other hand, rest in nature is increasingly gaining popularity, and the demand for commodity niche increases.
  • Intimate products and products from sex shops. In this category, anonymity is highly appreciated. Agree, the client is much easier to hide behind the e-mail and nickname than to enter the real boutique and choose something "strawberry". Such a product will always find its buyer, because sex toys and sex products - an already essential attribute of our life. And for the pleasure of paying will always be. And this is a significant prospect for development.
  • Choosing a commodity assortment, rely on your knowledge. It is impossible to successfully sell tablets or auto parts, absolutely not understanding what is written in a technical passport, or not presenting than one router model differs from the other.
  • Determining with the niche, consider your preferences. Any failure, routine work, fatigue can only be overcome if you really love the goods that offer customers. Otherwise, your project will know how to fail.
  • Focus on creating a concomitant service capable of making any purchase in your and / m as convenient for the buyer. Only then can you count on positive feedback and refund.
  • The future of e-commerce is not only behind the capitals and megalopolis. The format is slowly moving to the regions, captures small towns and rural areas. Give the buyer from there what he needed that he cannot buy it in nearby stores. So you can conquer this market.

Personally, I still remember the time when the owner of his own store was considered a kind of "capitalist", a man standing on the step is higher than the rest. Currently, the opinion on this account, in my opinion, has changed a little. Now the owner is more that man who has taken great responsibility, and heavy wear. Although there is still one very promising Niche of trade, which is rapidly developing, in the future promises to become fundamental in trading relations. This is a business scope in the worldwide network - online stores, the owners of which, by the way, may be anyone, regardless of gender, age, or some other factors.

On how to open, for example, an online store in classmates, how to choose the form of Internet business, and even how to trade online, without having your own online store, I have already written earlier, so I will not repeat. Those who are interested can go through the links and read publications. Today I want to touch another topic: And what exactly to sell on the Internet. Which products enjoy the greatest demand, and how to determine using the largest search engines.

What you need to consider before choosing the sphere of trade

I think that any beginner Internet entrepreneur understands that the success of the entire enterprise, which means the size of the income received directly depends on what kind of choice you will do at the beginning which products you will offer to your customers. Very many successful owners of online stores advise work with a commodity, which is well known to not have problems with consultations, and other nuances of this business.

I agree with this, and I will add from myself that you need not just to determine which product to sell in the online store, and which product is profitable to sell in the online store. Because if you are perfectly understanding in the clock, and, say, in the Kurgan region, their sales go not very, and the sale of clothing is used in great demand, then your store will initially encounter difficulties already at the promotion stage. By the way, how to promote an online store can be read.

Of course, many may argue that the online store covers its activities the whole country, but believe me, from my own experience I will say that the greatest part of buyers is from your region. Therefore, first of all, focus on "native edges" until "grow up" to the level of "ozone", or any other online hypermarket. And do not attempt to "cover" at once a large number of goods - guaranteed to fail. It is better to concentrate for a start on one, maximum two sentences.

Determine the trading niche with the help of search engines

Since the main tool for finding the consumer goods on the Internet is search engines, then it is their services and need to use when determining the most promising niche. I will consider the two largest search engines: Yandex and Google.


Yandex has excellent service - With it, it is possible to determine how many times the buyers in a particular region and in the country as a whole are sought. For example, when entering a request to "buy a sofa", the service shows that in Russia for a month this phrase in various forms introduced 166,915 times, and from them 73,688 times in Moscow and the region. There is one nuance here: if you enter this phrase in quotes, then the service will show how many times they were recruited in such a form - "buy a sofa", (here is less than 4833 in Moscow and the region), and if you put after the first speaking quotes Before the word itself also an exclamation mark, the service will determine the exact number of you (4710) for you. Thus, by "busting" of goods in Yandex. Wordstat can determine the most popular product, or check the popularity of the products you are going to trade.


There is a similar service in Google - The principle of work is about the same. But! Do not be surprised if you see that the numbers that are issued by both sets differ from each other. Just Yandex in our country enjoys a greater number of people.

What is the most demanding

It's time to tell about what goods now enjoy the greatest demand in Russia, regardless of geographic location. Most of these products are practically win-win options that can provide some income. But it does not mean at all that once they are in demand, you need to do it. Do not forget that there are already thousands of online stores in the network, and it will be quite difficult to withstand competition. Therefore, look for your unique offer, create conditions that will feature your goods from hundreds of other similar proposals.

First place: books

Apparently, the truth says that the Russians are the most reading nation in the world. Books are the most chassis item today. With the sale of books, almost all the largest online stores in the country began, and abroad. The main advantages of Internet trading books, this is:

  • Easy and low cost of delivery. Few buyers agree to pay large sums for the delivery of the ordered goods. And the size of books makes their delivery available to any category of consumers.
  • Lack of warranty obligations. Many owners of online stores can say that this is one of the most "patients" questions. In trade in books, such obligations are practically absent, for the exception of of course, the frank flow of the commodity type.
  • No state. If for trade, let's say, the electronics requires a consultant, then the sale of books can be carried out independently, not even dealing with the subtleties of literary issues.

Second place: household appliances and electronics

Trade in various electronics, appliances for kitchen, houses, audio, video equipment, telephones, tablets, and other similar products occupies a huge part of all Internet sales. However, choosing this sphere to create an online store, it is necessary to take into account that it will be easy to get into the first lines of search results. Stores offering such an assortment so much that this market is oversaturated for several years.

In order to get your first order, you need more than one month of stubborn, painstaking work on the creation of the site and its promotion. In addition, it will require several consultants who are versed in the intricacies of all related to issues of issues. But, nevertheless, in demand, this is the second product on the online market. To the same category of goods, computers and related software can also be attributed.

Third place: perfume and cosmetic products

This sphere is good because, despite the demand of this type of goods, there is still a place where you can "squeeze" a novice Internet entrepreneur. Of course, such a direction is more women's lesson, but for some reason fifty percent of the owners of online stores of cosmetics - men.