Repairs Design Furniture

How to cover the roof of a professional flooring without assistance? How to cover the roof of the roof of a professional flooring? How to cover the roof profile

Metallic profiled sheet is quite popular both among professional builders and architects and among individual developers. The professional flooring, obtained from thin-sheet steel by the method of cold rolled, has a high bearing capacity and easily withstands even very large wind and snow loads. With the right installation, the cover of the roof with an anti-corrosion coating straw is very reliable - such a roof will last 20-25 years without any operating costs.

An important advantage of the professional flooring is the possibility of making sheets of long length. With the length of the roof of the roof to 12 m, the roof overlapping the roof can be made in one row without transverse joints. And any additional junction increases the likelihood of a roofing tightness.

Due to the low weight, the roof of the roof is often used when replacing older roofing coatings, since it is not necessary to strengthen the existing rafter system for a straightened. Among other things, thanks to modern colored decorative coatings, the metal profiled sheet looks very attractive.

The small weight of the professional leaf allows you to overlap the roof of the roof with your own hands without attracting builders. In addition, information on how to properly cover the roof of a professional owner, and the process itself does not require many years of experience, special education and skills.

Below we will focus on the main features of the installation of this roofing material, with which you need to get acquainted before the roof of the roof of the professional flooring.

What professional owner to choose for roofing?

Before you focus on how to block the roof of the roof, we will shortly focus on the policy of choosing a profiled sheet for a roof. Today, it is widespread as a wall brand's wall-based brand, intended for the manufacture of sandwich panels, facing facades of buildings and construction of various fences and a special professional in for the installation of roofing coatings.

Many are interested, whether it is possible to cover the roof of the brand with the brand with, which is at times cheaper by the carrier of the professionalist. This question, in general, can be answered positively. However, the height of the trapezoid or the profile wave should be at least 20 mm. For steep roofs of small buildings, you can even use C10 professional flooring, but under it you need to perform a solid crate.

However, the use of wall professional flooring, albeit economically, but not reliable enough. Because you are interested in exactly how to cover the roof with a straightener, and not the ability to save on reliability and quality of the roof, I strongly recommend using a roofing profiled sheet. Especially if the building is built in a region with plenty of precipitation and high snow cover.

It differs from the wall by the fact that the width of the profile shelves is greater than the width of its crest. This facilitates the approach of water and snow from roofing. In addition, roofing professional flooring often have additional ribs and capillary groove along the edge of the sheet.

These features of the design increase the longitudinal rigidity of the profile and contribute to the moisture dismissed between the roofing sheets.

By choosing a profiled sheet, you can start covering the roof of the corrugation.

How to start the roof of the roof of a professional flooring?

To prevent accidental damage to the material, transportation and lifting of professional flooring on the roof must be performed with maximum precautions. After all, in case of deformation, the initial geometry is almost impossible to return the profiled sheet. In addition, even the most minor damage to the protective coating can lead to premature corrosion of corrosive and reduce the service life of the roofing coating.

If you have acquired a professional in advance, you can remember that you can keep it in the factory packaging. At the same time, it should be horizontally on lining, no less than 100 mm high. If it is supposed to keep a professional flooring for more than a month, wooden rails are stacked between individual sheets.

Before covering the roof of a straightener, with the help of bars, the counter tests need to perform ventilation gaps under the surface of the roofing coating. It is correct that the ventilation prevents the condensate accumulation on the inner surface of the roofing coating. The size of the ventilation gap must be 40-50 mm. To protect the undercase space from droplets of condensate, the waterproofing membrane is stacked on the rafter, on top of which a counterclaim is mounted.

The roof prepared for the covering of the professional flooring: a doom is made, a frontal and cornice plank are installed

Strictly performing installation technology, two or three people can cover the roof with their own hands without special skills.

We start mounting from installing a device for lifting a professional flooring on the roof. From the ground on the roof, the professionalist raise on wooden lags, and only one sheet at a time.

The order of further work with the profile largely depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. Although, in the theory, the profiled sheet can be used even for roofs with slopes of 2-3 °, it is better that the roof slope exceeds 10-12 °. In this case, Crow the roof of a professional flooring with the allen in just one wave. If the installation of the proflift on the roof scap is performed in several rows, the nestling between the rows should be from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the angle of inclination of the roof.

Fit the sheets of the sheets before the roof overlapping

Before overlapping the roof of the house by professional flooring, you need to adjust the coverage sheets. To cut the sheets of professional flooring, the electronics on metal, which neatly, smoothly, without jar and extra effort, allow you to make the desired cut. However, since we cut the roof of the roof of our own hands, therefore, there is no specialized tool, you can use the electrolybiz, and hand-hacksaw with small teeth. To prevent the edge corrosion, the edges of the slices need to be treated with anti-corrosion mastic.

For cutting, professional flooring is strictly forbidden to use high-speed power tools with abrasive circles. Red abrasive particles can seriously damage the polymer protective coating of the profiled sheet.

How to cover the roof of the professional flooring - cutting a profiled sheet

In order to overlap the roof of a professional flooring with your own hands, you also need to follow several simple rules that will avoid injuries when performing work:

  • it is necessary to work in a soft shoe that does not damage the polymer coating and, at the same time, it will not slide along its surface;
  • it is not recommended to work in windy weather due to the high sailness of sheets of professional flooring;
  • it is also impossible to work in the rain, because the wet surface of the professional leaf is very slippery and to stay on it even with a small slope of the roof is very difficult;
  • you can not raise several sheets at the same time, because when one of them is slipping, you can get a serious injury.

After laying and fitting the proflist, they start fastening it. To how it is properly and securely fasten the professional flooring, you need to pay special attention.

How to cover the roof of a professional flooring?

Mounting profiled sheet with nails can not be fixed, because under the action of wind loads, such fasteners will gradually relax. Subsequently, this will lead to deformation of the professional leaf and disruption of the roof tightness. Therefore, before the roof of the roof is a straightener, you need to purchase special roofing screws.

Roofing screws are usually a hexagon head with press. The tip in the form of a boraine makes it possible to fasten the roofing screws with roofing screws not only to wooden, but also to a metal crate, and without pre-drilling holes.

The hex head allows you to firmly and reliably press the professionalist to the crate with the help of a screwdriver or an electric drift with an adjustable rotational speed. Special importance are sealing gaskets of roofing screws manufactured from special neoprene rubber.

In order to close the professional flooring tightly to the crate, the mount is performed through the bottom wave of the profile. But it is this way that all water from the rain and melting of snow flows from the roofing coating. Therefore, when we cut the roof by a straightened, it is very important to ensure the tightness of the assemblies of the professional sheet. Neoprene rubber of the protective gasket is self-incanted when tightening the roofing self-drawing, completely excluding the possibility of penetrating moisture under the roof. Through the top wave, the self-tapping screws screw only when installing the skate.

Horizontally professional flooring to the crate is fixed through one wave. Vertical Self-tapping screws are installed through one piece of crate in a checker order. On the front-line squeezing, the mount is performed for each shell board. On the cornese swelling, the self-tapping screw screws into each wave of the profile.

In each wave, the professional flooring is also fastened in the places of the allen between the neighboring rows of coverage. Sheets of coating in places of longitudinal adhesive are recommended to be additionally copped with special rivets.

When screwing the screws or drilling in roofing holes, a small metal chips is formed. Before the final tightening of the screws, it must be removed to avoid damage to the polymer protective coating. In addition, this chips can interfere with the dense fit of neoprene gasket.

The roof is an important element of construction, from the right installation and high-quality coating, which depends on the preservation and durability of the entire structure. The building materials market presents a huge selection of products for roofing works, among which the professional flooring occupies a leading position. The article will be told about how to properly cover the roof of your own handwritten. It is worth saying that the technology itself is simple, if you know the features of this material and comply with some installation rules.

Characteristics of professional flooring

In the manufacture of the metal sheet passes through special rolling equipment, which creates a profile of different heights from 8 mm to 75 mm. Due to the wave-like, rectangular and trapezoid profile, additional rigidity is achieved. Thanks to this, professional flooring easily withstands mechanical damage and high loads.

  • Galvanized coating makes this material reliable and durable. It is not terrible chemically aggressive substances, corrosion, atmospheric precipitation (weather conditions).
  • Professional flooring is one of the few materials, which is easy to install and convenient during transportation.
  • Roofing with the use of profiled sheet is performed faster than with other materials. What significantly saves not only time, but also money.
  • In the production process, the professionalist is covered with a color polymer, such a coating serves as an additional protective layer and attached an attractive appearance. This allows you to choose this roofing material of any color in accordance with the common type of structure.

The angle of inclination of the roof

Laying of professional knife depends on the inclination of the roof, the minimum bias is at least 12 °. Upon completion of the work, you should perform sealing of work seams using mastic or sealing tape.

  • tilt up to 15 ° - the adjacent sheets are mounted in the allen in 200 mm;
  • tilt up to 30 ° - the nasty in this case equals 150-200 mm;
  • the slope of more than 30 ° is a permissible backstage is 100-150 mm.

Calculation of roofing material

Before calculating the amount of the required material, the damage should be measured. Because, in the project implementation stages, roofing rods can undergo changes.

  • To do this, you need to measure the skates diagonally and compare these values, the discrepancy should not exceed 20 mm. It is also necessary to check the plane of the rods, this measurement is performed by the level with a cord, where no more than 5 mm is allowed for every 5 m. Otherwise, sheets do not dock.
  • The perfect option, if the length of the sheet corresponds to the length of the skate, it is necessary to add about 40 mm for the back of the cornice. Next, the number of professional flooring is calculated, where the length of the eaves is measured and is divided into the assembly (including the admission) sheet width.
  • Calculate the number of sheets can be both in another way, the length of the eaves is divided into an indicator useful (the leaf width is not taken into account), and roundate the resulting value in the most side.
  • If the roof has a complex configuration, then it should be visually divided into geometric shapes. Each form is calculated, and the final results are summed up. It is important to consider when calculating the material and such additional elements as: windows, pipes, ends, skates.

The structure of the roof of the corrugated

Roofing, except the coating itself consists of a whole complex of structural elements as: heat -, hydro -, vaporizolation and ventilation. Each of them performs its role, providing the right work of the whole roof. In order for the roof for a long time and performs its own direct function, it is necessary to ensure the competent location of all the cake layers.

Parosolation. Its task is to prevent moisture penetration into the insulation. Special films are used here, the laying of which is performed from the inside of the roof by a building stapler along the horizontal line. The seams formed during installation are sampled by a scotch tape or butyl ribbon.

Insulation . The next layer consists of a heater, which serves as a compensator of the air temperature difference, thus, it prevents the accumulation of moisture and condensate under the roof during the operation of the structure. Its thickness is selected depending on the region of living, it is recommended to use a heater with a thickness of at least 200 mm. The tile or rolled material is stacked in the space between the rafters.

Waterproofing . The final stage is the installation of the waterproofing membrane (windscreen). It acts as an additional insulation and due to its waterproof surface protects the entire design from condensate, thereby extending the service life of the roof.

The membrane is rolled in a horizontal direction from the cornice to the skate (bottom-up). Having it in such a way that rolls of rolls are on rafters, it is necessary to mount it with an allen in 150 mm.

The material for hydro and thermal insulation is calculated in the same way as the number of profiled sheets.

  • sheets on the roof rise using lag from one or two boards of the desired length;
  • it is not recommended to carry out work in windy weather, as there is a possibility to miss the sheet and damage it;
  • during the works, moving around the tradeists should be in soft shoes, coming only to the deflection between the waves in the fields of the crate;
  • it is possible to avoid corrosion formation on the material if all sections or other damage to the sheet are processed by repair enamel;
  • when working with a professional flooring, it is necessary to use dense protective gloves, as the edges of the sheets are rather sharp;
  • trash formed during the installation should be shifted with a brush or rinse with soap solution;
  • the protective film of the material is mandatory immediately after installation;

  • it is forbidden to use the grinder (grinding machine) to avoid the development of the corrosion process.

Required tools

  • lever scissors or electronics for cutting sheets;
  • screwdriver for fastening the material or hammer if the fasteners will be made using nails;
  • building stapler for fastening films and insulation;
  • drill and Drill No. 5, if the professionalist is attached to a metal structure with a thickness of over 2.5 mm;
  • and such auxiliary tools like: marker, knife, level, roulette, gun for sealant.

Material and challenges for the roof of the corrugated

Professional flooring.To cover the light roof with a slight inclination, you can use profiled sheets C35 or C44 sinusoidal or trapezoidal form.

Their length is from 2 to 6 m, but some manufacturers offer the manufacture of sheets according to individual sizes from 0.5 to 12 m and over.

The adjustment of the pitched roof is recommended to perform from the brand of the CH35 brand, such a model is suitable for these purposes. Professional sheet brand N is used for the equipment of the supporting structures. The height of its profile can be from 57 to 114 mm.

Saws.This fastening element with a polymer coating is selected under the color of the sheet. Thus, it is as simple as possible in the architectural ensemble. They are chosen depending on the material: wood and metal. Its tip-drill allows fastening to a metal structure, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm. When buying screws, it is necessary to check the availability of a sealing washer (neoprene tires).

Sealer. Perform sealing of gaps, for example, between the skate and roofing coating, you can use a special seal. It prevents garbage and moisture to enter the underpants space, thanks to the repetition of all bends of the profiled sheet.

Horse semicircular or rectangular.Performs both functional (protects the joints between tradelands) and a decorative role. The ends of the semicircular skate are covered with special plugs.

Wind strap.It does not allow the rain to fall on the walls of the building and gives the roof a finished look.

Depending on the complexity of the roof structure itself, the following additional elements will be needed:

  • Upper and lower staks. The bottom planka prevents rainwater from entering the underpants. Upper endow - serves as the final detail, giving the finished roof type.
  • Corner external and internal.With the help of them there is a connection of sheets on external and internal angles.

How to cover the roof of the corrugation

  • The lattice under the installation of a professional flooring can be solid or stepping. The smaller the roof slope, the smaller the shade of the crate, for example, if the slope is less than 15 °, then wooden or metal strips are mounted at a distance of 300-400 mm, when the roof is biased above 15 ° - a step can be 500-600 mm and more.

  • Mounting profile sheets are always starting upwards, with moisture (rain or formed by melting of snow) will not fall into the space between the sheets. Such a wavy material is stacked against the direction of the wind prevailing in the area. If the wind is often blowing on the right side, it means that the installation of the professional leaf should be placed from left to right, and vice versa. In which sequence to cover the roof of the roof, shown in the photo.

  • If the length of the skate allows you to use a solid sheet, then the laying begins with the roof end. It is necessary to align it in the eaves, not forgetting about an additional 40 mm (Svet Karnis), it is not allowed to align the professional flooring along the edge of the end.
  • The first roofing sheet is installed in place and is fixed with one self-tapping screw in about the center. The second - stacked with the allen on the previous sheet and is attached in the same way. Securing the required number of sheets along the entire length of the roof, they are aligned along the horizontal line of the cornice. Next, it is necessary to connect the professional flooring among themselves from the skate to each second breakbib of the wave.

After that, the final fasteners are performed:

  • vertical line screws screws through the shaft step;
  • horizontally - in each second deflection of the profile sheet;
  • from the end of the roof, the sheet is preferably strengthened in terms of the crate;
  • the top edge of the sheet (in the skate) and the lower (on the eaves) - in each breakbib of the wave;
  • the joint between sheets is recommended to strengthen with hardware, both on the wave and on the deflection of the sheet.

  • Surplusing material is cut off using electronics or electropulovers. Similar manipulations are performed from the ends of the structure and on the other side of the skate, if it comes to a double roof.
  • At the next stage, an end plank is installed and fixed into the crest of the wave with the help of the same screws. Its styling begins at the bottom towards the roof of the roof. When increasing the length of the slats, the backrest should be equal to no less than 50 mm, the mounting step is up to 1 m.
  • At the end, the skate fastener is performed. Between it and profiled sheet it is recommended to pave a self-adhesive seal. The skate slats are increasing with an overlap equal to 100 mm, the mounting step is at least 300 mm.

Installation of complex roof designs

Complex structures often have internal angles (endands), on the roofs there are ventilation or chimneys, parapets, and so on. The formed joints need to be carefully sealing, as moisture into the undercase can enter such places.

Enda. At these points, a solid doomer is needed on both sides of the suspension. The lower (bottom) bar is attached to the edges of self-draws or nails, when it is lengthening, a total of 200 mm is needed. From the top end, the bar is bend (flap) in the rod of the roof.

The top bar is installed on top of the proflist, carrying a decorative role rather, closing the joint between the edges. Its installation is desirable to also accomplish with the use of sealing materials that protect mounting joints from possible leaks.

Trumpet. The drying around the pipe should be solid, where the plane of the adjoint (apron) is attached to the chimney with a dowel (step 200 mm), and to the crate - self-drawing.

Installing the lower apron can be performed and pre-wetted the groove on the brick tube, with the mandatory sealing of this joint. The roofing coating with the seal is mounted on top of it. The top bar is installed without a stick, after completing the installation of the coating around the pipe. In the same way, installation and both longitudinal and transverse adjustment of the pitched surfaces to the wall is performed.

Many manufacturers are ready to perform the challenges of non-standard forms, so the difficulties associated with the installation of roofing materials on complex roofs will not arise.

More clearly how to cover the roof of a professional flooring, demonstrated on the video presented.

Cove the roof of the roof of the work price

  • installation of professional flooring will cost about 200 rubles per m²;
  • performing a step cage - 120 rubles per m²;
  • installation of the skate, wind and cornice strip, the plank of the adjoining - 100 rubles for the temporon meter;
  • bypassing the pipe costs 2000 rubles per element.

The roof of profiled sheets is harmoniously fits into modern architecture. And the available cost and easy installation makes this material popular among consumers. The roof of the proflists has high strength and has aesthetic qualities.

Each error made during the roof overlapping is inevitable in the future will give himself felt.Sampleslemia may beinsignificant, eliminatethem notwill be labor but suchmeet rarely. More oftentotalarise medium, and sometimes criticaldamage Roofing system.Developers shouldunderstandWhat to preventerrorsloses farless time than forliquidation themconsequences. This is not to mention the material side of the case. The price of repairs in some cases can exceed the cost of building a new roof, and this is not given possibleelimination of damage internalpremises.

The quality, durability and reliability of the roof of the corrugated floor depends on several factors:

  • accuracy of compliance with recommended technologies, construction standards and rules.Only experienced roofers can make changes to generally accepted technologies and only to increase the stability of the rafter system;

  • experience and responsibility of roofers.It is impossible to take place for complex work, if in practice even the simplest roofs did not cover the general recommendation - inexperienced developers can only be covered with a professional flooring of the roofs of household attacks and economic buildings. Residents are better not to do, these works must perform professionals. No need to take an example from the heroes of numerous videos, which describe the successful first experience of covering the roof. None of them publishes the results of their work in 3-5 years, and they mostly very sad;

  • quality and completeness of roofing materials. Very important factor, requires attentive approach. The fact is that you can spoil the roof from the most expensive metal profile for the roof, and you can make a very high-quality coating of cheap professional finishing of the walls. There are several construction secrets how to save financial costs and at the same time increase the tightness and durability of the roof, we will tell about them slightly lower.

    Independent factors - quality and completeness of roofing materials

The technology of coating should take into account the features of the roof: the type of the rafting system, the appointment of the building, the type of attic room.

Prices for professional flooring


To make a right decision, you need to have objective information on profiled sheets and the effect of each characteristic of operational properties. All profiled sheets are conditionally divided into three large groups: for vertical structures (walls), universal (for walls and roofs) and roofing. This is a very conditional classification, if there are certain knowledge, then each type of professional flooring can be applied in any of the above objectives.

Parameter sheetsImpact on performance characteristics

Linear parameters of sheets are regulated by the provisions of the GOST 24045-94. For sheets of roofing coatings (H) and universal (ns), the length of 3-12m is a multiple of 250mm. For wall (C) length 2.4-12 m multiple 300 mm. Width 800-900 mm. The larger the length of the sheet, the less the alternate, the amounts of the roof. But it is necessary to keep in mind that it is quite difficult to work with very long profiled sheets because of their large sailiness. In addition, the risks of sharp bends and fractures appear, and in these places anti-corrosion coatings are disturbed and oxidative processes are significantly accelerated. For the roof of the house it is recommended to buy sheets of no more than three meters long. Another advantage of long sheets is minimizing material loss by reducing the number of adhesive.

The thickness of the sheets for roofing coatings (H) is 0.6-1.0mm, universal use (NA) 0.6-0.8 mm, and wall (C) 0.6-0.7mm. The physical parameters of bending resistance at the same thickness are adjusted due to various types of profiles in height and width, the presence of additional elements of the increase in mechanical strength. Please note that standard sheet metal thicknesses cannot be less than 0.6 mm. In fact, modern manufacturers produce proflists with a thickness of 0.45mm. In order to avoid problems, they write down the special specifications under their substandard products, claim them in higher organizations and implement customers non-standard products are quite officially on legal grounds.

The height of the roofing sheets of 57-114mm, universal 35-44mm and walls 10-21mm. You can immediately see the difference between the requirements of the standard and the actual technical parameters of the professionalists. Some manufacturers have a profile height begins with a few millimeters. Why do the manufacturers do this? The lower the height of the profile, the less the metal is deformed. This means that it is possible to worsen the quality of the metal (use cheap alloys), the thickness of the galvanizing and paints and varnish. A small metal thickness and the height of the profile should be compensated for by the rafting system - reduce the step of the rail or to make it solid. Experienced builders argue that such a roof will cost much cheaper than buying thick and very high-quality roofing sheets in all parameters.

The highest quality sheets have modern aluminum anti-corrosion coatings, the presence of electrolytic zinc protection is allowed. The mass of zinc on both sides should be at least 414g, aluminum is at least 170 grams. Each on one square meter. Take the most important attention to this parameter. It is from it that is 80% depends on the operation of the roof.

The type and thickness of the paintwork is regulated by the provisions of GOST 30246, in some cases the parameters may vary after coordination with consumers. From the quality of the paint coating, the duration of operation depends by about 15%. We do not advise you to choose matte and rough paints. The fact is that dust accumulates faster on such surfaces, its rainwater is not completely wash off. As a result, after a few years the mossi begin to grow on the roof, their roots penetrate the colors and destroy it. Water with all negative consequences fall into micreelines.

Unfortunately, theseimportant Data can not learn frommarking Sheets.It indicates only an alphabet classorification of the destination (C, NS or N), profile height, useful width and metal thickness.For instance,C15-800-0.6.Information Ras.encrypts as follows - fromtEN leaf S. 15mm profile high, 800 mm useful width and thickness Metal 0,6mm.

Professional flooring C-15 roofing wall (useful width 1120 mm)

The rest of the very important technical parameters haveon certificates of conformityandx alwaysneed to demandseller.

An experimental roofer can touch to approximately determine the sheet thickness, sometimes micrometers are used for this.But so you can learnbto the common valuen.i, and measure separately the thickness of the metalc.inca coati and the layer of paint canonly in specialized Laboratoriesix.As we already mentioned above, it is these parameters that I havet. The main impact on the qualitymaterialroofs, no need to be shy to demand documents. If sellers for some reason do not show the technical passport of sheets, taboutbetter byandfromkat others the shops.

Preparatory activities

The roofing process will be rapid and successful if it is pre-prepared. What should I do for this?

  1. Calculate the number of sheets.If the roof is ordinary duple, then the calculation is simple. Learn the length and width of the skates. Length need to be increased by about 30 cm - the amount of the sheets of sheets. Calculate the roof area. The resulting value is divided into an efficient width and length of the sheet, they are indicated in the designation of the material. The complex walm roof is broken into separate rods, calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach, taking into account its geometry. Such roofs require an increased margin of sheets, in most cases it is 10% of the summable area. The harder the roof, the greater the amount of waste.
    Important. If the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is made in meters, then the leaf area should be translated into the same units.

  2. Learn the amount of metal end (wind), cornice and skate slats. It must be remembered that each joint should overlap for about 10 cm and buy elements with a reserve in length. For a complex roof, you need to have a plank for funds (internal and external).

  3. If there are square or round chimneys on the roof, then you should buy special Elements for sealing joints in places of adjoining.

    Prices for roofing Master Flash

    Roofing Master Flash.

  4. Calculate the number of items and decide on the nomenclature of the water-feling system. Some elements need to be recorded before installing sheets, it is very difficult to do this after covering the roof, in some cases there will have to dismiss already fixed sheets. Any dismantling has negative consequences, this should be remembered and planned for several steps forward.

  5. When arranging a warm roof you need to buy Thermal insulation materials, steam and windproof.

Of course, you need to prepare the tools and make a revision of their technical condition.

List of necessary tools and devices

Measuring instruments and devices, scissors for metal, screwdriver, hammer, marker, stapler is needed. If you need to cut a large footage of sheets, then many roofers use grinders with metal discs.

Prices for popular models of corner grinders (Bulgarians)

Corner grinders

You should not pay attention to the warnings about the appearance of rust in the location of the cut, so they write incompetent "specialists" who have never done anything themselves. Why?

  1. First, the cut is never located in the open space, it always hides under whole sheets or good elements of the roof. It is dry and very slowly oxidized.
  2. Secondly, the grinder work is much faster and easier than manual scissors. This is very important, especially if in connection with the peculiarities of the roof you have to cut a lot of sheets.
  3. Thirdly, cut with scissors very uncomfortable - hands and handles rest about metal, it bends, the fingers hurt. It is especially difficult to work across or at an angle to the waves of a metal profile.
  4. Fourth, overlapping sections of at least 10 cm, even if it starts rust, then for damage to such an area, several decades are required. It is much larger than the guarantee of coverage.
  5. Fifth, if the concerns remained, the location of the cut can be covered with paint.

Step-by-step instructionpreparation for mounting Proflists

Consider the most complex version of the roof improvement - warm.

If the width of the rafter feet is insufficient for the insulation, then to the rafters it is necessary to navigate the rails with such a calculation so that the insulation layer is not only placed, but there was a minimum of 4-5 cm between it for production.

Otherwise, the natural processes of getting rid of excess moisture will violate, the Minvata will answer, will lose its initial heat-saving properties. But this is not all negative consequences. Wet wool extremely negatively affects all nearby wooden structures of the rafter system. If the lumber is not processed by antiseptics before the construction of the rafter system, then this error needs to be corrected.

Practical advice. The quality of impregnation is much improved, if you add a keler into the solution. It allows you to detect pass and eliminate the shortcomings.

Initially, a thermal cake should be made, it consists of several layers.

Step 1.Come on the stapler from the inside of vapor barrier, do not forget to make a total of about 10 cm. The joints are defined with bilateral scotch. You can use expensive modern materials or an ordinary cheap polyethylene film as vaporizolation. The physical effect is the same, and the cost savings are tangible. The film has another advantage - large sizes. There are 3 m wide sleeves, if you cut them, then it turns out 6m. Such a wide material accelerates the installation process and minimizes the number of joints. The smaller the joints, the more effective the protection of mineral wool from steam.

Step 2.Surfing horizontal rails to rafylines. They will keep mineral wool and provide natural ventilation between the roof and the finishing finish of the attic walls.

Step 3. Place Mineral Watu. You can use both rolled and pressed views. Everyone has its own characteristics of the styling, but this does not affect the operational indicators.

Step 4.Load windproof. You can meet the various names of this layer: hydraulic protection, hydrotherapist, membrane protection, etc. But the correct name is windproof.

It performs two tasks.

The first - does not allow the weathered of warm air from the wool, otherwise the effectiveness of the roof insulation decreases sharply. Minvat has a lot of positive characteristics. There are, unfortunately, and three negative. The first is the cost, there is nothing to do here. The second is purity. Minvat easily passes air and almost does not interfere with natural ventilation. And she takes warm air into the atmosphere and serves fresh cold. The third is a negative reaction to increasing relative humidity.

The second task of windscreens - not to increase wool humidity, with increasing humidity, thermal conductivity increases sharply. A modern membrane that transmits pairs is used, but does not allow the wind to remove warm air, and the condensate leaving back to mineral wool.

Tip! To make it easier to mount the boards, it is worth using a pattern - a segment of the rail. The template put between two horizontal boards before fixing the top of them.

On this, the insulation is made, you can nourish the frontal boards and begin to lay the roof.

Prices for windproof membranes

Hydro-windproof membrane

IN.fromt.arctic on layingproflists

The main thing here is to put the first row. In the future, all sheets are aligned on it. We have already said that the presence of markup significantly facilitates the process, do not be lazy to do it.

Step 1. Attach the gutter fixing brackets. Before it should be installed a metal bar, and already fasten the brackets.

Single can be made of sheet steel. Steel strip bend hammer blows

Finished Planck (Sweeping)

Metal planet fixed

Blowing approximately centimeter on the temporon meter. No longer recommended. Why? If you make a slope of 2 cm, then on a 6m straight, the difference in altitude will be 20 cm. It is very bad - too low from the edge of the sheets will be a chute, rainwater will flock past him. How to prepare the fastening? Place all the details on the flat site, between the first and last, mark the difference of 10 cm (for our example), spend a line at an angle through all brackets.

Now it remains neatly on this line to bend a metal bar. In order to confuse the brackets during the installation, number the items.

Step 2.Screw the cornice strips. These are not only decorative elements, they protect the underfloor space from the hit of oblique rain and snow. Do not forget to make a total of about 10 cm.

Important. The minimum sizes for the overlap should be strictly withstanding, due to this board, they are protected from moisture. If the allen are insufficient, the water will fall into the gap and wet the board. And it dries under the plank for a very long time, which increases the risks of the appearance of fungal diseases and rot.

Step 3. Raise the first sheet to the crate and set it to the labels.

Practical advice. In order to facilitate the process of installing profiled sheets and make it safe, it is recommended to make a special staircase. It is fixed with two legs to the skit and allows you to move along the slope without fears to screw the screws.

Sagitt the center in the center so that the leaf can be slightly turned. The position is chosen - put a few more screws, but do not forget to leave the free space for overlapping the waves of the profiled sheet. You can start installation from either side, the alignment is done on the eaves. To ensure the warranty it is recommended to tighten the thread along the future of the chute installation.

Step 4.Raise the second sheet of professional flooring, put in place and check the position. If everything is normal, you can fix both. Self-tapping screws should be screwed in a chess order at the rate of 10 pcs. on 1m2.

Important. The second row is recommended to start with half of the sheet, due to this at one point there will not be four corners. This rule is mandatory for thick sheets, thin can not be shifted. The decision is made by a master in place.

Self-tapping screws across the wave, if the thickness is about 0.8-1.0 m, then it is possible through two. But these thick proflists are very rarely covered with roofs, they are too expensive. At the skate and the karnis is fixed every deflection.

Practical advice. Works are much eased, ate wind strap fixed immediately after the fastening of the first row of sheets, and to separate the horse as the workshop is promoted. Move on the already installed profiled sheets is difficult and unsafe. In addition, there is a high probability of their mechanical damage.

Each chimney is frozen, the sheets are cut. Special metal strips are used to seal joints and decorative design.

All the good items need to be bought simultaneously with sheets and from one manufacturer. This ensures that lobes, wind and cornice bar will have the same appearance.

If you do not rush to do everything, responsibly, and taking into account the recommendations, the roof of the profiled sheets will serve for a long time and reliably.

Video - Installation of Profile

High-quality and durable roofing from the professional flooring is easy enough to build yourself. It is just important to know which materials you need to take how to properly mount the sheets to the crate and how to protect the inner manner space from dampness.

And we will pay special attention to the challenges that need to be fully compliance with technology. So, the roof from the professional flooring with your own hands - step by step!

Preparation of material: avoid the first errors

Once you have made accurate calculations of your roof, you can order profiled sheets. But, if you purchased a professional flooring, but its installation for some reason will have to postpone (for example, the drains), then the sheets keep without removing the factory packaging, on a flat surface and indoors. Additionally, under the sheets you need to put the bars in 50 cm increments.

Shoot and move such roofing material neatly, keeping the edges in length and especially avoiding chances and sheets of sheets. Still move the sheets you need carefully, because Modern polymer coating is particularly sensitive to mechanical damage.

As we cut this material with abrasive cutting tools: shards from the circle scratched, and a significant heating will occur at the place of the cut. But, if you had to work this way, then cover all damage to the repair paint at once.

Fortunately, the technology of the roofing device from modern professional flooring will allow all work in the warm season, from April to September, and for a long time they do not have to store sheets.

Installation of professional flooring: step-by-step master classes

Let's first deal with the construction terms immediately, so that you do not have to look for the meaning of each new word on the Internet:

You will be surprised, but the one and the same (at first glance) material needs to be laid differently. It's all about manufacturers - everyone gives their recommendations on laying, and they are really important. Because professional flooring from different firms is demanding on its conditions, let the differences and small. Therefore, carefully examine the instructions attached to the roofing material and do not trust the fully hired workers that "the dog ate on such roofs" and try to do everything in their own way.

Here is a simple example, as the installation of a professional flooring is less than 0.7 cm thick and more durable:

And when working with such a material, a wooden frame is no longer needed:

Imagine that the hired brigade will be lit by legs on a thin professional flooring, because before that they "exactly the same roof put your neighbor" and "nothing got lost?" And now it will break, and as what Mount-workers will be marching that "so it was."

But, in general, then the main indicator of high-quality installation of the roof is a tightness. After all, the roof is just to also serve that all internal structures be protected from moisture and cold. And even a small-faceted gap can become a serious problem: dampness, lower, quickly deteriorating materials and fungus. That is why we will now analyze all the subtle moments in detail.

A little about safety technician

The sheltered metal technology is not as complicated, as it is important not to damage the roofing coating during its installation. After all, although this material looks durable and tough, caution is still needed in working with it:

  1. On the finished flooring from the metal turns, move in a soft shoe.
  2. Try to come only on concave sheets of sheets and better directly on the self-tapping screw.
  3. So, it is possible to step on the roof only on socks.
  4. Put the leg always parallel to the skate.
  5. In one recession there should be only one leg.

Construction of crates for professional flooring

The crate for mounting the roof is made either solid if the slope is small or sparse, in a step of up to 5 meters. But with what step, the roof is needed depends on which thickness there will be sheets of professional flooring:

Waterproofing and windscreen

Next, we think about how to make roofing roofing roofing pie. Waterproofing materials The modern market produces many, of various types and properties. We even have a whole separate article about this. But in general, focus on such a program of action:

  • Step 1. So, fasten the selected waterproofing material on the rafters. To do this, take the most ordinary building stapler, but before the stack itself, be sure to check whether you face the film or the membrane. And the closets together glue with a special ribbon.
  • Step 2. After that, we break through the rack rafyles (take the thickness of at least 2 cm) and form, thus, the ventilation clearance required for airing.
  • Step 3. Here is a roofing material on this top crate and put it.

That's how it all looks in life:

We select high-quality screws

Consumption of self-fasteners when attaching a professional flooring is usually about 6 pieces per square meter. Self-sufficiency 4.8 per 28-35 mm, as for wood, and for volunteers - 4.8 per 50 or 60 mm. As a tool for the same manufacturers of roofing materials, purchase a screwdriver with a special nozzle or battery electric drill.

Special self-feeding for fastening proflists is indispensable, because Only so can provide:

  • Full waterproof of the roof.
  • High compound strength.
  • The minimum risk of injury to the coating during attachment, and, it means, the lack of corrosion in the future.

The most high-quality and reliable self-tapping screws for professional flooring are selling the same suppliers that they are engaged in sheets. Take, if possible, screws from carbon or stainless steel with zinc coating is the perfect option. But when buying, it's still thoroughly inspect all sealing washers.

How to fix the professional flooring?

Understand that you have secured the screw right, you can on a metal washer - she will perform about 1 mm rubber gasket.

Muffle the screws into the roofing material need strictly perpendicularly, right in the deflection of the vertical wave at the corrugated floor. Although on this occasion in the construction brethth, there are many disputes, and each method has its advantages. So, the self-tapping screw in the lower wave creates a more reliable fastening, and in the upper rainwater has much less chance to get into the underpants space.

On the cornily and the ridge you need to screw the screws into the deflection through the wave, and in the middle of the sheet - in each piece of the crate. In total, you will leave about 5-8 pieces per square meter.

What instruments will be needed for installation?

Note that the device of the roof itself from the professional flooring is truly under the power even by the person in the construction of a person. Of course, there are such materials for the roof, which is correctly stated that only experienced professionals can. But in the case of modern professional flooring we can calm you: you will handle yourself!

Fortunately, nothing complicated here. Due to the large length of the sheets of the roof rods overlap without additional transverse joints, and the material itself is easily cutting and adjusting forms. Tools for this business will need a minimum:

So, you can put the professional flooring on the rods of almost any angles of inclination, it is important only to correctly calculate the magnitude of the transverse adhesion:

  • 150-200 mm for roofs from 15-30 °.
  • 200 mm for slope from 14 °.
  • 100-150 ° at large corners.

For attachment you will need self-tapping screws with special sealing washers:

What order to lay sheets?

Many roofers are installed on the installation of the proflists: since the lower row, 4-5 sheets are placed first, and each of them fix only one self-tapping screw in the center. After that, they combine the sheets with self-assembly of 4.8x19 mm, which are installed in 500 mm increments. Now they check how the sheets turned out to be aligned in the sink, and finally fix the roofing material. Here for such a scheme:

But, if you work on a roof for the first time to avoid skew, fasten the professional clothes on the same scheme, but in this order:

  • Step 1. We set the first sheet to the crate, and freamed by one screw at the very skate.
  • Step 2. The second sheet is placed so that the lower edges of both sheets below constitute one perfectly smooth line.
  • Step 3. Fix in the top of the wave under the very first transverse fold.
  • Step 4. We appreciate the eye, how correctly the sheets rushed. Unevenly? Then lift one sheet from the other, slightly tilt its movement from the bottom up, and again dock the fold for the fold. Secure all the self-drawing at the top of the waves.
  • Step 5. So work with 3-4 sheets, carefully align them on the eaves and then install the remaining sheets.

To the bottom of the roof, professional flooring is necessary so that the leading of the edge was 40 mm from the cornice. This is necessary in order to leave at the skate of the optimal size and the roof ventilation was not broken. By the way, if the proflists have a drainage groove, then each next must overlap the groove of the previous one.

Remember: when laying, it is impossible to step on the sheet of sheets - you will be afraid. In general, for such works, installers dress up soft shoes. So all the subtleties!

Work with good elements

But now go to our numerous challenges. All, as a rule, are manufactured standard length: for a roof with a polymer coating - 2 meters, for a galvanized roof - 2.5 meters. They conclude the roofing works themselves. The seal, which traditionally places between the roofing material and the challenges, allows them to more tightly lay down to the sheets, additionally prevent moisture from entering the roof and allowing that "breathing".

But for the design of skates, eaves and other complex designs you need to buy special elements that offers the same manufacturer whose roofing material you purchased:

Fastening enough elements need to be the same roofing screws 4.8, as well as the main material. The only difference is that the metal is fastened with self-draws with a length of 28-35 mm, and elements - with self-draws with a length of 50-60 mm.

UNDOVA and ending

But now let's figure it out with such a mysterious name as Endov. UNDOVA and ending of endanders - duplicate Doblyen elements that are mounted in places of internal convergence of two multidirectional skates. Bashed endanda needed under the professional flooring.

Therefore, if the roof has a complex shape, with the inner joints of the surface, then take the end element of the endand and the end of the endand. So you give your roof a more accurate and aesthetic look, additionally defending the complex transitions from moisture ingress.

Aprons for pipes

The most responsible phase of the roof is the withdrawal of pipes. Such pipes consist of two conventional parts - the bottom, which goes on the profile of the roof, and the top, actually pipes. And, if the through passage of the pipe falls on the lower part of the roof, it makes sense on the passage to establish a snowmofor.

For the sewer ventilation system through the roof, an insulated tube is carried out about 10 cm in diameter, without a ledge. And for Radon take the same pipe, but already with the headband. Remember that these pipes can be connected to conventional ventilation, because For those are already used insulated elements of 125 mm diameter.

The pipe itself can be put as before the installation of the roof and at the end. If you have chosen the second option, then in the finished roof you will need to cut a hole for the pipe and to close it with any material. In the course of finishing works, the pipe cutting will need to be made from the aprons from galvanized steel or more modern materials by the type of vacaflex.

Here is a good master class, how to do it:

Hearing window

Now we work with the auditory window. So, the sheet of professional flooring is cut into two parts at the lower end of the suspension, we put the bottom sheet, then the bottom plank of the suspension, and only then the upper roofing sheet.


The speaker is mounted in those places where there is a risk of snowing snow. Professional flooring is usually the second line at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eaves. For installation, use the screws of 4.8x50 through 1-2 profile waves.

Outdoor and inner corner

If the slope changes its direction, then additionally such final items are applied, as an internal and outer angle and transition. Their main task is to create maximum tightness and gives the shelter to the aesthetic appearance.


The adjoining is a distant element that serves as a chimney or protection of the roof adjustment to the wall:

Eaves, end plank and jock plank

And here is your instruction:

  1. Installation of end slats Start from the side of the roof, directing to the skate.
  2. He has an extra part of the end plank just cut.
  3. Secure the bar to the end board and the proflists into the shares crest with screws with increments of up to 1 meter. If you are all done correctly, the end plank will cover at least one wave of roofing profile.
  4. The end bar secure 4.8x60 or 4.8x50 wood screws, straight to the wooden base. Step Leave from 30 to 50 cm and make sure that the end plank is completely covered the end of the extreme wave of professional flooring.

Now go to the installation of the junction connective plank. Its length - 2 m, and the backstage of the slats cannot be less than 1 meter. The joint of the junction takes 2 meters long, and the two stripes are attached to each other with a mustache at least 1 meter. Fasten a diverse element to the wall follows in the shock, or hide everything under the walls of the wall.

The main purpose of the cornisic strip is the protection of the underproductive space from rainfall, especially in the rain with a strong wind. And the lower the angle of inclination of the roof - the more you need this reservoir. But it is necessary to mount the carnisic bar before the sheets of professional flooring. Fall - 100 mm.

Setting the skate

Already after all the roofing material is laid, Krepim Konk. In advance, we swell the place of docking the skate and the roof of the seal. The skate elements for trapezoid roofing sheets are usually smooth. Between them and professional sheets, seals are desirable to put the ventilated, and for a small corrugation - special skates.

Breeping bumps with self-sides on both sides at a distance of 2-3 waves. It is important that the Konk himself covered all the first screws, which hold the sheets of roofing material. The skate planks should be over with each other with a capture of at least 1 meter, and the fastening of the elements to the roofing sheets make self-drilling screws in a step of up to 3 meters.

Important moment: the angle of inclination of the roof is less, the wider there should be a horse himself. So, the most standard dimensions are 140x140 mm or 200x200 mm.

But today it is more fashionable and rationally to order a curly horse, which is two parameters: 110x30x110 mm and 145x50x145 mm. There are also special types of skate for a complex roof, when multidirectional skates converge together.

Care for roofs from corrugated

Snow on the roof from the professional knots is delayed quite a bit, and therefore it is not necessary to clean it. But if you need to carry out certain repairs, then arm with small plastic blades that will not leave scratches.

It is easy to care for the roof of the corrugated floor: the rain will mute all dirt and dust, and you just have time to clean the rash and drain systems from the clogged leaves.

If for some reason you have to do more serious cleaning, then take advantage of conventional water and hose with a pressure of up to 50 bar. Detergents can only be used by those that are intended for painted surfaces, and the "White Spirit" will help to cope with difficult-known spots.

As you can see, nothing complicated!

The modern market presents a huge range of building and finishing materials, including to arrange the roof. Primitive decoration type slate and bitumen gradually goes down in history, replacing more presentable and high-quality materials, fully relevant to the requirements of modern housing construction.

Control was also related to the number of high-quality and aesthetic materials. With the roof coating, you can cope with your own hands. Your attention is invited to guide arrangement of flat roofs. Such roofing structures are very often erected on various economic buildings such as sheds and arbors, and sometimes over residential buildings.

An inexperienced person can decide that the professional flooring is not the best way to arrange the roof and it can be used except for the plating the gates and fences. However, this opinion is absolutely wrong. Modern profiled sheets have excellent protective properties, excellent external data and are available in the widest color scheme.

Add to all the advantages of ease of installation and fastening sheets, as well as the available cost, and you will receive almost perfect material for roof roofs.

It is for the simplicity of installation of private and leaning developers so love profiled metal sheets. However, it is not necessary to think that the roof of the material under consideration is very easy to cover. Here, as in any other work there are a number of important nuances that need to be taken into account, especially when working with flat roofing structures.

Nuances of using professional flooring when working with flat roof

Flat roof is mainly used to cover various kinds of economic buildings. In the process of installing the proflist on such a roof, a number of features should be taken into account, first of all - a low slope of roofing skate.

For coating a flat roof, use a solid sheet, without joints. Any jokes increase the risk of moisture penetration into the space under the roof. In the case, if you have a roof with one sheet, there is no possibility, the place of the junctions should be used to seal with special silicone means.

It is precisely because of the features mentioned above, professional flooring is very rarely used for the roof of flat roofs. For such designs, rolled materials are better suited for such designs, however, with a large desire, it is possible to successfully put a professional flooring.

Features of technology

In accordance with technology, profiled sheets should be laid under some angle necessary to obtain the highest possible and reliable coverage. If you still have to mount the roofing coating with your own hands, you already know that the angle of attachment of the finishing material is determined by the angle of inclination of the roofing slope.

In the case of a flat roof, some difficulties may occur at this moment. The profiled sheets are stacked under the ten-degree angle. With a smaller slope, the atmospheric moisture can not normally drain from the roof and will penetrate the roofing material, especially if the sheets are laid. Solve the task of creating the desired slope in the case of a flat roof in most cases a doomer helps.

In addition to the slope of the skate, it is necessary to take into account its length. As a rule, profiled sheets have a standard length of 12 m. This size of the sheets is very convenient - in most cases, all the roofing scat can be covered with one sheet, avoiding seams and any kind of joints.

If necessary, the professionalist is easily cut with ordinary scissors for metal. To use for cutting roofing sheets, the grinder is urgently not recommended. In the process of operation of this tool, a large amount of heat generates, under the influence of which the protective coating of the professional flooring is destroyed, due to which the performance properties of the material deteriorate significantly.

Roofing Guidelines

With the device of the professional leaf on the flat roof of the shed, the arbors and any other construction you can cope with your own hands. Technology performing work remains almost the same for most cases.

First Stage - Tools

Prepare the following devices for work:

  • electric drill. If possible, use a drill with a low frequency of rotation of the cartridge. This will allow you to maximally establish an angle of entry of each fastener in the roofing surface;
  • electrolzik. Instead, you can use scissors to work with metal or hacksaw. Cutting the shelves of roofing with a grinder is categorically not recommended. In extreme cases, when no other tools are not available, cut the grinder using a special nozzle for processing professional flooring;
  • brushes;
  • boards for the crate;
  • a hammer.

Second Stage - Obsek

Start assembling the crate. For the arrangement of this element it is more convenient to use the boards. Place the boards on rafters and secure them with galvanized screws or nails every 50-100 cm.

Pick the concrete shaft step according to the features of the professional sheet used. For example, for the installation of profiled sheets C35, the optimal pitch of the cage will be a value of 0.5 m, and for the C44 sheets, the boards of the boards must be increased up to 70-75 cm.

If the length of the roofing slope exceeds the length of the profiled sheet, in the place of future sheets of sheets, put additional boards.

Finished crate to handle the antiseptic. You can perform such processing and before the start of the boards - as you are more convenient.

Third stage - moisture insulation

The basis of profiled sheets is metal. Condensate will inevitably settle on metal surfaces. Moisture sooner or later leads to an irreversible damage to any building materials, so it must be neutralized. There are 2 main options for neutralizing the indulgence of moisture, namely:

After completion of moisture insulation, you can begin to prepare directly to the installation of the roof. For a more convenient lift of sheets on the roof, you can make a simple device in the form of two long rails laid from the soil to the roof under a minor angle.

It is more convenient if you have three helpers so that the two leaves the sheets from the bottom, and the two took the material at the top and carried out its installation.

Fourth stage - laying sheets

First of all, select the appropriate installation option of profiled sheets. There are two main options for fastening, namely:

Professional flooring can be fixed exclusively with special galvanized self-tapping screws with seals. The sealer must be made of neoprene rubber. Such material is well tolerates contacts with moisture and temperature differences. The optimal diameter of the self-assembly for fastening the proflist is 4.8 mm.

It is impossible to use for fixing professional flooring nails. With constant gusts of wind, the nails simply will not be able to normally hold the sheets, as a result of which they will die from the crate.

Self-tapping screws are screwed into the wpads of sheets, where the material is adjacent to the crate. The square meter of the coating is consumed about 6-8 screws. Try to place fasteners at the same distance. To the extreme obsessatin sheets must be attached to all waves, because These places will be subject to the strongest wind load. To the rest of the elements of the shelves, sheets can be fixed through one wave.

Fastening holes are better prepared in sheets in advance. When working with a subtle strawlist, the holes can be done using a self-press, if the sheets have a rather large thickness, do the holes of the drill.

Self-timers with multi-colored hats are currently on sale. You can find fasteners without any problems, exactly coinciding in color with your roofing profiled sheets.

Neighboring sheets of coating are placed with the allen in 1 wave.

Cover the entire main surface with the entire main surface, and then install additional accessories if necessary.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the independent coating of the roof. Just follow the instructions and observe precautions, relevant for any roofing work.

Good luck!

Video - cover the roof with your own handwritten