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What days you are guessing the shnik. Divination on how the business will be resolved. Fugitive

Useful facts

"Things" for burning is the Vasiliev Evening (January 13) and the Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18). It is possible to guess on the narrowed in an ancient reference, not later than the night from January 13-14.

Message from the future is best to listen to an empty dark room, on the root forces or inviting your cat as an assistant.

In Russia, the fortune telling at the mirror was considered the most terrible. If the narrowed nail to himself appeared in it, the girl can fall to death if he does not have time to cross three times and say "Chur me!".

Going to burn, remove the belt, native Cross, unleash all the nodes and break the braids, and also do not cross your arms and legs.

On walnuts

In the pelvis with water, lower 2 halves of the shell walnut, stuck in them pre-small multicolored candles for the cake. At the side of the pelvis attach the paper with the inscriptions "Love", "wealth", "Career", "Travel", "Children" and any other. Release the boats in swimming and watch: what inscription the boat is session, then the girl is waiting for the girl next year.

By the name of the passage

The simplest but effective divination - Find out the name of the narrowed, asking how the name is the first counter-male-man at midnight.

On dog lady.

At midnight, throw a handful of snow and wait to lay the dog. If barking rough, the husband will be much older, the ringing is young, distant and intermittent - a foreigner or will arrive from afar, muted - widower or divorced, and clear and nearby - the groom most likely lives on the next street.


All girls must cut off one thread of the same length and simultaneously set fire to them. Whose faster Dogrite, the first will marry. If the flame has not reached half the segment, the wedding in the coming year can not be expected.

In wax

Pour into the saucer of milk and put at the threshold. Melt wax in the tablespoon. Say the words "the house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax" and pour wax into the milk (bowl with water is a simplified version).

If the frozen figure resembles a cross is a sign of illness, financial difficulties and other adversity. The flower of wax speaks about the ambulance or new novel, the beast - about the enemy, the human silhouette is about a friend, stripes - about a long road or crossing, asterisks - about luck in a career or study.

On paper

Light a candle and turn off the light in the room. Put a crumpled sheet of paper on a flat plate and set fire to the candle flame. Wait until he is fruit and peeled into the shadow on the wall from the charred paper. Shadow's outlines will tell about the future.

On a cat

Clean cherished desire, Call the cat in the room and carefully watch what a paw will cross the threshold. Right - will come true, left - you have to wait.

In the egg

In the fresh egg, do a small hole and pour the contents into a glass with water. The form of a curved protein will tell about the future: Looks like a church - Wedding is waiting for you, the ring is a proposal, cradle - children, the heart - a new novel this year, the gate - a career changes, a ship for a man - a business trip, for a woman - marriage and moving, Cube is a coffin and a threat to life.

By cards

Put the card under the pillow with the image of the kings. In the morning, get one of them. The King Peak promises that the husband will be jealous, the King of Tref - Widower, the worm king - the young and rich, and the tambourine - beloved and desirable.

On the mirror and water

One of the options for fortune telling on the mirror is to put on a table in a dark room a large transparent capacity with water, behind it is the mirror, and on the sides on three sides - to light the candles. Personantly peer into the mirror through the water, and you will see its future and narrowed in it.

By beans

In 3 bags, put the bean grain: peeled, purified half and crude. Hide over the night under the pillow, and the next morning, get one, without looking. The more the beans are cleared, the richer will be the groom. And if the uncleaned - to be his poor man.

On the cereal and rings

Hide in a container with a cereal different rings: gold, silver, with gemstone, jewelry. Crouch the grain handy. If an expensive ring is caught - the groom will be notable and rich, simple - poor, and if in the hands - only a cereal, the wedding will not be soon.

On needles

Take two needles, lubricate the molten wax or lar, lower it in a container with water and carefully observe how they are drowning: instantly - your cherished desire will come true, connected - to a quick marriage, the weddings will not be afraid, the girl should be afraid of family troubles, and Men - failure in work. If one point is scheduled opposite the other - this is a sign of obstacles in achieving the goal.

On the towel

White towel should be postned for the night over the window with the words "narrowed, rude, come and beware." If the next morning it will be wet, the girl this year will marry, dry - marriage is postponed.

Forecast for the year on subjects

In six small glass pour some water and put the coin, ring, pinch of salt, sugar, a piece of bread and a match. With tied eyes, choose one of the cups and find out your forecast for the coming year: Salt - Tears and Sadness, Sugar - Good luck, Coin - Money, Bread - full life, Ring - Wedding, and match - baby.

The profession is narrowed

To learn the profession of a future husband, on the table spread different items: a piece of bread (farmer), pebbles (builder), coin (merchant), pen (official), USB flash drive (programmer), credit card (banker), any other items associated with various professions, and also bend wedding ring. The girl with tied eyes makes 3 attempts to experience fate. If she pulls one thing at least twice, in the profession of her husband, you can not doubt. And if the ring falls in the hands - it is waiting for marriage this year.

The shints (January 6-18) - the best time for fortunes. During this period, the atmosphere of magic reigns on Earth and urged the highest strength. Magic rituals and rituals help people look into their fate.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Divination on the narrowed - the favorite entertainment of young unmarried girls during the shiny. They guess alone or gather big fun companies. The girls are gaining support for unclean forces to find out the name of the groom or the date of the future wedding.

Fortune telling on the linen.Divination allows you to find out what your husband and family life will be. Pull out at the lung of atmosphere, one is full and carefully consider it. If the tree is smooth and smooth, then the husband will be slim and beautiful, with a good character. Tolstoy severely foreshadows a wealthy spouse. The trunk with a lot of bitch marks a large-scale family life. The curved is the crushing of the ugly husband with physical disabilities.

Fortune telling on the bulbs. The fortune telling is held in the company of girls. Place the Lukovitsa in the ground. Whose bulb will quickly let the sprost - she will get married.

Dream prediction. Before bedtime, think about your favorite guy, write his name on a piece of paper and kiss the raised lips to stay next. Then put a piece of pillow along with a small mirror. Night will dream prophetic dream.

Ritual with salt pellet.A close relative of the unmarried girl, secretly from her, must bake from flour salty cake and put her under the pillow. In a dream, it will come narrowed and will give her water to quench thirst.

Divination for family life. Comic fortune telling. Held in the company of girls. Prepare items characters by the number of gadgets. The gold ring symbolizes wealth, a glass - fun, bulb - tears, sugar - happiness, ash - disappointment. Fold objects into a deep bowl or bag. Take turns Choose at random on one subject. He will predict future family life.

Dog fortune telling. Midnight go out and listen to the dog lady. The ringing of Lai Psa predicts the young groom, and the hoarse is old.

Ritual with the Bubnov King. In the evening, before bedtime, smear, spread your hair, remove the decorations and place them on the pillow. Under it, put the map with the image of the Bubnoy King. In a dream, the image of the narrowed appears.

Fortune telling with a frying pan.Late in the evening in secret from the mother, put the pan under her bed and say: "Durable-rude, come to visit to the mother-in-law eating pancakes." In the morning ask my mother who she was in a dream. The young man who will dream of mothers will become a fiance of his daughter.

Ritual with a mirror. Sit in an empty dark room. Side light a candle, but in front of you, put the mirror and two canteen instruments. Then say: "Daughty-dressed, come to me dinner." The mirror will appear the image of the future husband. After considering it, say: "Chur." If you wait a bit, then the narrowed can stretch some item that will disappear from the future groom.

Fortune telling for the future

People make people on the shirt magic ritesConspiracies and rituals to learn future events. Good signs They give them strength and instill faith in a happy future, and they try not bad symbols not to attach importance.

Elevation of neighbors. In the evening, go to the neighbor door and overheard the conversations behind it. If laughter and a fun conversation hear, then the year will be full of happiness and adventure. Rugan, beat the dishes foreshadow difficulties, and silence is a quiet life.

Divination on the candle wax. Prepare a candle and a bowl with cold water. Light a candle and wait until the wax is melted. Pour the liquid wax into the water. Spend such a ritual several times. Through the frozen wax figures, interpret future events. Little round drops symbolize money. The bunch of grape marks love and good luck. Figure in the form of a mushroom foreshadows Promotion career stairs. The bell is promoting good news. The wood leaf marks the presence of envious and ill-wishers.

Rite with a mirror. At midnight, take a small mirror, take it with water and rendered on the frost. When patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, bring it to the house and carefully consider. Circles foreshadow financial welfare, Triangles are success, squares - difficulties, fir branches - promotion.

Fortune telling on water. Put a transparent vessel with water in front of the mirror and burn candles from three sides. At midnight, carefully look through the water in the mirror. What will be able to consider - then come in the coming year.

Fortune telling

In the period of the holy, it is customary to make desires. Higher power These days listened to the messages of people and are ready to help realize the conceived. Magic rituals help learn whether a dream will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with water. Prepare paper stripes. Write to them desires. Then place them in a deep bowl and fill with water. Stir water and wait until the first paper pops up. Wish written on it will be in the near future.

Walnut boats. Write the cherished dreams on the shreds. Then place the leaflets in the halves of the shell of nuts. Run the received boats into the water in deep pelvis. On the middle of the pelvis, lower one more shell with a burning candle. The desire, which will burn first, will be fulfilled in the coming year.

Fortune telling on paper balls. Prepare three identical paper leaves. Write a desire on one of them. Datty pieces in balls, put in the bag and mix. Three times rapidly pull out the ball. At the same time, expand the leaves, look, whether there is an inscription on it, then somewhat again and return to the pouch. If at the first attempt to get a leaf with a desire, it will come true in the near future. If with the second or third attempt, then the chances of execution decrease. If an empty sheet is falling three times, then the desire will not come true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire. At midnight, write a cherished dream on a sheet of paper, put it on a plate with text down and burning. If the sheet grows completely, the desire will be fulfilled. If only part of the paper burns, then something will prevent the mandated.

The prophetic dreams have not yet fully studied. Many consider them magic and mystical. There are special practices that allow you to find out the answers to questions or future events with dreams. These can also be ranked and coded fortune telling, special rites and conspiracies, allowing to see the image of the narrowed and even talk to him in a dream. You can also use complex rituals held at night that will help look at the future husband in a mirror or water.

Ghost rules on the narrowed

Saty fortune telling Always were very popular, because they were considered the most faithful. There is a fortuneful time from the 7th to 19th. At that time unmarried girl Breed on the narrowed every day, wanting to know the features of his appearance, character, profession, wealth, etc.

Rites on the sagnes, as a rule, do at night or late in the evening.

Despite the high reliability of predictions received during this period, so that the responses to the innermost issues were the most truthful, it is necessary to observe several simple conditions:

  1. 1. It is impossible to relate to fortune it, otherwise the result will be incorrect.
  2. 2. Special attention should be paid to the choice of places where the ritual will occur. In Russia, for them was used so-called "unclean" places - bath, attic, basement, abandoned an old house, Any other room, where bellands can dwell the other forces.
  3. 3. Lighting the room is possible only with the help of candles.
  4. 4. In the breakdown room, remove all the icons.
  5. 5. Strust must be completely longer. From the process should not distract neither people nor animals nor foreign sounds and noise.
  6. 6. It is necessary to fully focus and concentrate on your question. It is necessary to formulate it briefly and clearly so that it was easy to answer it.
  7. 7. It is necessary to remove the Cross, rings, bracelets and other decorations.
  8. 8. Hair is preferably dissolved.
  9. 9. It is impossible to fold the cross and legs and legs.
  10. 10. No one should talk about what the predictions come true.

Self truthful fortune telling For sleep - how to see the narrowed?

What do you need to do to dream of the narrowed?

Marriage is considered an important point In the life of any woman. There is a lot of simple and affordable rituals and methods of burning, to dream of a prophetic dream about the future spouse.

It is worth considering the following points:

  • gadgetting should sleep in the room absolutely alone;
  • after pronouncing the magical words before bedtime, no one else should be talking;
  • to obtain an accurate prediction, it is necessary to go to bed in the opposite of the usual side;
  • sheet and pillow flip upside down;
  • night shirt put on inside out.

Light fortune telling for sleep

Saty fortune telling on the rest of the future, the spouse is distinguished by a huge variety. Most of them are very simple and held at home for the night before falling asleep. Among them can be allocated as:

  1. 1. Put the mirror and scallop under the pillow with the words: "Come, come. Taken, tag. I look at it, show yourself. "
  2. 2. Fold a well made of matches and pronounce loud: "Daughty-rude, you come to drink a lot."
  3. 3. Make a bridge from the twigs, remove under the pillow and sentenced: "Who is my rich, who is my narrowed, will translate me across the bridge."
  4. 4. Arrange the head of the bed a decanter with water and a cup. Before going to say such words to sleep: "You get tired with the path-road, my narrowed, I have a lot, come, let's get drunk." Call yourself with a cross and lie to rest.
  5. 5. Before you lie down to sleep, pre-not combing your hair, you must put a clean comb or comb or combing pillow under the pillow and say: "Durable-rude, come combing me."
  6. 6. Mix on the night to mix the salt with the same amount of water, swallow the mixture, without drinking with water, and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzha, that way of me."
  7. 7. Before you go to bed, remove the twist from the new broom, hide it under the bed, and put the horseshoe or a ultimate horse under the pillow. After that, to whisper: "Dailed, sir my, go to my house, pitch a horse, put me on him, take a rod, chase a horse, kiss me."
  8. 8. Shortly before sleeping to slaughter a braid, to turn into it a small new attachment lock, lock it into the key and say magical words: "Daughty-rude, come to me the key to ask, to spill the castle." Key remove under the pillow. In a dream, the bridegroom will ask him to give.
  9. 9. Put a saucer with jam near the headboard, which should be welded in advance. Before going to bed: "I have all the sweetness." In addition to the bridegroom appeared in a dream, after this simple ritual, a lot of workers will appear at the girl.
  10. 10. Read on the night three times: "Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday-widow, what dream will I dream? Give me, God, to see, with whom I have a century to do. "
  11. 11. Look to bed, put on new stockings, then remove the left stocking and hide under the pillow. To say the conspiracy: "Daughty-rude, come to break me."
  12. 12. Soap and comb lay down under the pillow, while the girl should say: "My sick, muddy, come, mind and taking me."
  13. 13. For the mother-in-law could see the future son-in-law in a dream, such a rite is suitable: it is necessary to put a pan with pancakes under the bed under bed. Slap: "Daughty-dressed, come to the mother-in-law on pancakes."
  14. 14. If you guessing first sleeping in someone else's house, it's necessary to sleep on a new place. You need to whisper: "In a new place, dream of the bride.
  15. 15. On the night under the pillow put from playing card deer Four kings and pronounce: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, dream of me." A dreaming king of peak will show that the spouse will be older, Tref is a widower, the Chervoy King is promoting a beautiful and rich man, and the tambourine is a loved one.
  16. 16. From the festive Christmas feast it is necessary to leave a crust of bread, put it under the pillow and say: "My squeezed, come to me dinner."

Complex rituals held at night

To find out, what is the name of the future husband, you can use this proven way:

  • take a few sheets of paper;
  • cut them into small pieces;
  • write on each different male names;
  • remove for the night under the pillow;
  • get in the morning, without looking, the first piece of paper.

What a name on it will be written and the name is narrowed.

Another method of divination for the future spouse with candles, which is held at night:

  • put three candles in a row in each other in such a way that they merge into one;
  • light them and take off opposite;
  • reading a conspiracy, gradually move the candles in touch with each other so that all three immediately can be seen;
  • pronounce magic words: "Flames of candles, show me narrowed! Javi my image! Give at least in a dream to see our fate ";
  • give candles completely ruin;
  • go to bed.

In a dream, awesome will see her future husband.

Stoor to sleep coming:

  • in advance to dial a bunch of twelve different dry herbs;
  • at the same time, to make perdition of each specified value, for example, get married, get a proposal for marriage, etc.;
  • bouquet put in the headboard bed before bedtime and whisper a plot;
  • at night, you will dream of the groom, and in the morning you should get any twig and get prediction about relationships with him.

On the twigs:

  • break down one branch from poplar, birch and aspen;
  • to bandage them with a thread withdrawing from its own clothes;
  • put a bouquet of branches before bedtime under the pillow;
  • pronounce three times: "Balideff, Asamalby, Abumaleff."

Who will dream - that narrowed.

Rituals with a mirror and ring

The fortune telling with the mirror is carried out strictly at midnight alone:

  • take two identical on the size of the mirror;
  • install their face side parallel to each other;
  • load a couple of candles and put them on the sides;
  • intently look into the resulting mirror corridor;
  • after the evil spirits appear in the image of the narrowed, quickly say: "Chur me."

On the ring should also be guess at 12 o'clock at night:

  • prepare an ordinary glass glass without faces and drawing;
  • fill it with water for one third;
  • lower the wedding ring to it, which must be pre-clenned;
  • look to the water through the ring to see the future husband.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to give a good accurate answer. Do not worry if the result is not favorable for a gadget girl. It can always be changed for the better.

It was guessing people from the deepest antiquity, the chaldean priests were engaged in this, the ancient Greek Pythies and August, Slavic Magi ... Well, who just didn't try to look into the future! The word "divination" of the origin of unclear, can be traced him on behalf of the ancient goddess of happiness of the reptile, or from Sanskrit "GAD" - "explore", or from "Gadam" - "test". Gadels in antiquity were based on random, but natural phenomena or signs, opened the veil of the mystery over the "messages" of gods or other powerful forces.

It was possible to guess at any time, although some days or periods were considered particularly favorable. The most faithful was considered Vorozhba on the sagnes - At the "Holy Days", they are 12, from 7 to 19 January for a new style, especially in the most "prophest" days - "Vasilyev Evening" (January 13) and the Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 6). There are other divisions: the first week, the shin called the "holy evenings", the second - "terrible", that was the most correct and faithful fortune telling.

Why exactly the silent period was considered the most favorable for fortunes? Everything is quite simple. We and now it becomes uncomfortable when the day is all shorter, and the night is longer. So it seems that everything will be all gloomy and gloomy and spring - incredibly far away. What to talk about antiquity, when the information field was very small, and who knows it, it shouted, - what if he will change his mind at all and not return to the world?!

In general, this period is full of uncertainty, this is the time when the fights of chaos and light are fighting, the nodes of the next year are tied, the foundations of the forthcoming events are being published. On the fracture of the old and new year, the person is particularly acutely interested in the future, their own and loved ones. Especially since another world is close at that time, more than ever. All kinds of devils, loose, houses, kimikors, banners and other evil spirits climb into the "Upper" world almost from all the cracks and are easier to come to contact, especially according to some, in "terrible evenings." Just have time to ask, because it is from unclean power Get answers during divination. It is important not to save, do not get frightened and follow the rules of behavior - during the conspiracies wait for the singing of the rooster, cross and so on. Otherwise, you can lose your abyss - or to lose weight, or die at all. Unquided fate! What did you ask about? Yes, everything. About life and death, illness and health, weather and harvest, wealth and well-being of the family. But of course, the theme itself was a narrowed and marriage.

Distribution Rules

It is best to guess after sunset. During the communication process with otherworldly forces, there should be no cats, dogs and other pets, they may interfere with the spirits to give truthful answers to questions.

If you are going to guess with the use of candles, it is better to stock up with church consecrated in advance - it is believed that such candles will protect the demanding from other forces, they will not be able to harm or swing, giving false answers.

For complete confidence in the truthfulness of predictions, it is necessary to read a special conspiracy before the start of divination. He is long long, you will find on the Internet.

If the fortune telling is not so successful, as expected people They advise you to take trouble with a special plot that you need to learn by heart and read 12 times, turning the face east. So, when you comprehensively prepare for fortune, do not forget not only to find all the texts of conspiracies, but also to get a compass.

Saty fortune telling for love

Fortune telling with shoes (Valensk, Shoe, Laptg, crystal shoe) "To the side" was the most common type of fortune telling. The girls alternately threw the shoes (necessarily from the left leg!) On the road and in the direction of the shoe sock, they learned the side, which married. And if the sock turned out to be turned to the side, from where it was thrown - to sit Device for another year at home, no family life!

Even at the intersection went: each maiden made himself on his future groom, outlined the circle and, standing in him, "listened to the district." Hear laughter and singing - soon married will come out, and if you hear the crying, swearing or inhibit - sit in girls and tears to pour. It was possible to listen under the neighbor window.

The severity of the release could be recognized by fortune telling on threads. The girls cut a thread of the same length and ignited, whose thread of the fruit earlier, the one and married earlier. And if the thread was extinct, not even up to half - to be the maiden of the old Virgin.

What will be the groom, it was possible to know with the help of a variety of fortunes. For subject: in a bowl, saucer or felt booth (yes, again, the boots!) Miscellaneous items. That the girl pulls out, he will receive in the future. For example, ash - to bad Life, sugar - to the sweet, ring - marry will go, there will be a bulb - the tears will pour, a glass will pull out - to a fun life, golden ring - To rich.

And it was possible to guess with a rooster (how to adapt this fortune telling to urban conditions - it is unclear, but let it be here, in cognitive purposes). Cut the rooster. In one may, the grain is poured (you can coins), to another - water is poured, a mirror is melted nearby, especially inventive can be dragged and chicken. A rooster is suitable for grain or coins - the groom will be rich, to the mirror - beautiful and gentle, to the water - drunking, and if the chicken is a womanizer.

Called too useful subject in fortunening on her husband. In the dark, you need to take from the barn. And at home with the light as it should consider it. Smooth Fully - Husband will be a good, drowned - bad, with cracks - angry. And the guys of the lamps without attention did not leave. They walked around the bitching, as a chamomile: the knots recalculated and sentenced the "Widden girl". On what word the bitches are running out, Tu and in his wife take.

But since the firewood went, you can go to the bathhouse. Fortune telling in a bath It was considered the most risky. The girls reebled the door of the bath, joined the skirts, exposing the ass, and invited a banner (or the most unclean), touch the nobody. The girl will feel a shaggy hand - there will be a husband rich, naked - the poor, and the rough - with character. Invitation phrases were - for maidens - not quite decent. For example: "The man is rich, hit by .. oh hand shaggy." By the way, the rustic guys about this fortune telling well and sometimes hid in advance in the bathhouse, assigning themselves the functions of the "paws of happiness." Hullies.

Fortune telling from corruses It was also suitable for guys, and for girls. On the lunar night went to the river and looked into the hole. If the wedding was coming this year, they saw the narrowed or narrowed in reflection.

"The terrible fortune telling" was that each of the girls hid a small little thing - a ring, an earring, cross, etc. for a dish (napkin). Then the chorus sang songs, each - with a certain predictive meaning, and in turn pulled the thing. What was sanging related to the hostess of the subject.

Essence fortune telling with wax, tin and egg It is clear, this fortune telling is now very popular - pour into the water and see what form the egg whites, molten wax or tin will be taken. And then to interpret due to its imagination.

Popular I. divination by shadows - Smint paper sheet, put on a flat dish, set fire. When burns, with the help of a candle "Reflect" the shadow of the remnants of the sheet on the wall. And trying to guess the future in it.

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed

The narrowed, rich ... With such a datcher, a lot of fortunes begins, which the girl creates alone, and not a cheerful maiden Vatagoy. For example, a girl can hang at night in front of a white towel window, saying: "Durable, rich, come, ferment!". If the towel quickly becomes raw - in the same year, the girl is married to be. It wets only for the morning - a long groom will have to wait. It will remain dry - and not at all wait.

To find out what the groom will be, the girl sprinkles the floor as night and calls to visit the narrowed-rude. In the morning looks at the traces left on ashes. Trail boots promises rich husband, laptaya trail is poor.

Invitation for dinner - fortune telling for the girls of bold. The girl covers B. empty room Table tablecloth, puts the device, except for a knife and forks, and says: "Daughty-dressed, come to me dinner." Locks the windows and the door and waits. How the wind will win, strikes will begin in the windows and the door - it means that the narrowed approaches. And it appears ... The girl should sit in his place, not to answer questions, notice the features of the face and clothing. The narrowed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her conversation. The girl should suddenly attach and emphasize: "How to call?". The narrowed name calls the name and takes out something out of his pocket. In this moment, the girl must say: "Chur me!" - And the narrowed disappears. If she is autobes and does not say the cherished "Chur me," may be all sorts of problems. And in no case should things leave the things that the ghostly narrowed left. At best, the husband is already real - then cool down.

Divination on the mirror - Classic of the Saccine Gudania. The girl in the same porch with flowing hair went on the porch and said: "Daughty-rude, come to the mirror look, show yourself and see me." Then it came to the house, the door left a partition. Sitted at the table on which the mirror was standing, and lit a candle. In the mirror you needed to look without blinking. Some, however, recommend two mirrors to get a gallery of reflections. Requirements to appearance Girls are not accidental: the absence of a belt and in general, the minimum of clothing allows "magic energy" to ripple on the body freely. And dissolved, that is, not braided hair, according to ancient ideas, radiated magical power. How much will you have to sit, not blinking, in a mirror stroit - do not guess in advance. Five minutes before the advent of the groom, the flame of the candle will begin to tremble, and the mirror will sweep. Then you need to immediately wipe it in a pre-semicircled towel. And then the "narrowed-rude" and look in the mirror. As soon as you saw, you just need to shout a cherished "Chur me!" Or "Chur of this place" and the vision will disappear.

Especially impressionable this fortune telling is still not recommended - remember the nightmares with a cute in the coffin, who were having sacred by Svetlana from Zhukovsky's ballads? However, as it turned out after awakening, it was alive in her bridegroom, so the girl immediately comforted.

Well, when the girl is pleasing to a diverse fortune, you can go to sleep. But before bedtime, it makes sense to make another small rite to see a dream of a future husband. For a variety We give an example of not Slavic, but the Scandinavian "conspiracy".

Before climbing into bed, it is necessary to say: "I pray you, the three saints of the king. Send a dream to me on this night, to whom I have to hold the bed. To whom to wash the shirts. Whose name to wear me. Whose bride to be? "

Hence, the suitability for divination is actually anything. And believe in the result or not - everyone's personal matter.

It is believed that it is in the days of the shields that you can find out whether the next year married, who will be narrowed whether the whole year will accompany the luck. Of course, the night on the old New Year - This is the best time to learn your future. But if it did not work out at the right moment, do not worry - Christmas shints will continue until Epiphany Christmas treeAnd you can commit the sacrament until January 18.

So that the fortune telling was successful should be observed whole line important rules. Before holding the ritual, it is necessary to dismiss the hair and untie the knots on the clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are charms, closing our energy and preventing it with unity with the energy of perfume. During divination, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can burn alone or in the company girlfriends, but in the room where the ritual happens, must be as quiet as possible. The mood is important and the correctly selected way to look into the future. Best time For the commitment of the sinic sacraments - midnight or hours before sunrise.

Fortune telling for the narrowed and marriage

Divination by mirrors

The most famous and mystical fortune telling on the narrowed - on the mirrors. In the dark room opposite herself a mirror, and the side of it is a candle, they say the spell "narrowed-rude, come to me dinner" and pepper in the mirror. The appearance of the groom will foresee the vibration of the candle flame and the mirror mirror. As soon as it happens, the glass must be wiped with a towel. The groom should come from behind, and its reflection should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling

It is necessary to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it is melting, and look at the litter in the water. If hair shows - the narrowed will be rich, a wand or pinch - with a private housing, a sheet - will be associated with science, a piece of paper.

Pullen into a glass with water warmed wax or protein from the egg. If they fall to the bottom and spread like damn, then marriage to wait long. If you take a candle shape, rings - a wedding soon.

They burn three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

The transparent glass without faces and patterns for two thirds fill with water, carefully lower the engagement ring into the glass. They burn three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Fortune telling with threades

You need to cut off the threads of the same length by the number of gadgets and set fire to them from one candle. That girl, who has a thread of the fruit faster than everyone, the first. If the thread, not dogores and up to half, will go out by anyone, it means that this girl will not marry never.

Fortune telling on matches

In Boca match box You need to insert two matches, identified with any guy and a girl, then set fire to them. If the match turns into each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Fortune telling on the field

In the dark, you need to find a thick stick and carefully consider it. If the tree turns out to be smooth - the husband will be good, with bitch - bad, with cracks and slits - angry.

Fortune telling on the stairs

Make up a set of words characterizing a man. For example: Widower - Well done - delets - Sagittarius - Poor - Rich - Old - married. Going along the steps, say to read. What word will fall on the last step - such and there will be a husband.

Fortune telling on boogle

The girl needs to go out into the street, turn the face to the house and throw her boot over his shoulder. If he falls aside away from the house, it means that this year she will marry and leave his native shelter. If the toe to the house - will remain with the parents yet.

Divination in the name

Go out at night to the street and the first oncoming man ask a name. As his name is, they will call the narrowed.

Dream fortune telling

They dissolve the pinch of salt in water, drink salted water before bedtime and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - he will give me to drink." The groom will dream and move the bride.

A four card kings are put under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed - that come in a dream."

They put a comb's comb under the pillow and pronounce these words: "Daughty mine, come and taking me."

Divination on ring, bread and hook

Put these objects under the handkerchief and turn five times around them. After that, drag, without looking, these things are from under the handkerchief. I got a hook - the husband will be poor, the bread is rich, the ring is beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight you need to go out and go through the freshly blowing snow. If no one goes to dawn traces, life in marriage will be free, if the traces are flooded - all his life will have to live with her husband in quarrels.

At midnight you need to go out and throw a handful of snow towards the opposite wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, it means that the husband will be young and beautiful if the snowflakes will scatter on the parties - the husband will be elderly.

Divination by phone

If the handset takes a man, ask his name, it will be the name of your narrowed.

Dial an arbitrary phone number. If the handset takes a man, ask his name, it will be the name of your narrowed. If a woman takes the tube, then the rival will stand on the way to personal happiness. And if the child responded, then you will marry, and you have to give birth to give birth, and you need to look for someone who you already know. If the stranger does not want to call you his name, it means that you will have a lot of fans and in the end you can create strong relationships, but not so soon.

Family life

Fortune telling on needles

Two needles need to be smeared with melted wax, omit into the water, make a desire and carefully follow their behavior. If you drowned immediately - the desire will come true if they were connected - marriage will have to do, and if you died - not to see the narrowed. For married women Sewaged needles promise family problems, for men - problems in affairs.

Ice fortune telling

You need to fill a glass of water, omit the ring there and put it on the street. In terms of the number of hills on the surface of the ice, judge the number of sons, and by number of pits - about the number of daughters.

Fortune telling on fate

Fortune telling in wax

At all times, this fortune telling was one of the most popular. It is necessary to drop wax into the water and carefully consider the resulting figure: if in the form of a wallet or bills to wealth, in the form of a house - to the change of the place of residence or purchase of housing, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the shape of a heart - to real love.

Divination by shadow

You need to smire into a loose piece of paper or newspaper, lay it on the plate and set fire, and, while it burns, to pronounce his question aloud. After complete combustion of the paper next to the plate, you need to put a burning candle and look at the shadow, which throws out the burnt paper on the wall. The figure that will appear and indicate the answer.

If you look at this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on mirrors

In another fortune, two mirrors take each other opposite each other to form a long corridor. They light two candles so that they reflect in the mirrors and illuminated the corridor. If you look at this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The giggling takes the handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to put them on one on the table, saying: "Good luck - wealth - love - Decenservation - poverty - work - troubles, care - a child - an apartment - military uniforms." A set of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. On what word grains run out, then waiting for you next year.

Divination in small objects

The company is going from young people and girls. Everyone puts on a tray some thing: key, button, cufflink, handkerchief, coin, ring, earring. Cover a tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with his left hand, everyone pulls out what the first will fall: the key is a new housing or a car, shawl - tears, ring - marriage, earrings - good luck in a career, coin - wealth, butt , Cockup - Travel.

That strip that creates the first, means that it has a positive answer written on it.

Fortune telling on paper

For this divination, paper strips of the same size are needed to write questions you are interested in, our desires. All strips in random order are placed in a wide bowl in which water is poured. Paper strips are first twisted in the whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. That strip that creates the first, means that it has a positive answer written on it.


Fresh fir branch hold over the candle and say: "Eel-Queen, all trees mother, live me long or death to wait? Wealth or poverty, treason or loyalty? " Spruce branch put under the pillow. In the morning, take out and consider. Needles are not boosters and did not creep - health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. The needles crumbled on the disease or quarrels.

You can relate differently to fortune tells and their predictions. The main thing is to believe in their truthfulness - and then you can really clarify your own future.