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I'm all bad in life. What to do when everything is bad in life

In the modern, dynamic world in fact, everyone, even if you are a super positive person, little depression happens. When everything seems, deadlock. What to do when everything is bad? Nothing happens, nowhere will not grow anything and life turns into something in something incomprehensible. There is an urgent question: what to do when things are not treated?

    The main rule, and the most important thing - do not panic, do not seek to blame. Quietly sit down and reflect how it happened that everything was over, and not otherwise. And did it end?

    Write all your problems onto the sheetWhat prevents you from living and plunge you into depression. Think which of the problems you can solve yourself, and what efforts you need to do. Something from this list can be eliminated with someone's help. Well, something you just need to accept (wiping weather, for example) and stop perceiving it as a problem.

    Learn to perceive the universe positive. Look for positive parties in everything that surrounds you or meet you on the way. Did you get the car passing by at high speed when you were on the transition? And I could knock down. Therefore, reveal what survived. Learn to see in each event positive and fun sides. Remember, it is from your perception that they depend on the circumstances that occur around. And if your mood rolled to zero and below, it can always be lifted! And even you need to do it!

    Do not try to "fill up" the problem of alcohol. Of course, it will become easier to the fragment, but the ongoing will come on a hanging syndrome, and the wallet will not pay you content. Although ... a little for relaxation can be. A glass of good wine before dinner did not even harm anyone.

    Try until you handy with problems that you just need to wait, do something useful, such as sports. While this will be absorbed itself, you bring the body in order. And waited, and the problems went away, and the figure is normal. Good?

    Go to volunteers. Human nature is so arranged that it becomes easier for him when he sees that another worse than him. Yes, and no one has canceled the boomerang. Works. You will be distracted from your problems, dealing with the decision of others.

    Feel free to spill your negative. Bring the dishes, Poriate Mat, after all. But in no case can you nurse your pain, anger and hatred. This is strictly impossible to do this. Well, of course, do not try to disrupt your anger on loved ones. The emission of the negative should be carried out in the air, do not send anger to a specific object.

    Take care. Communicate not only with girlfriends, influential people at work, communicate for the soul. Contact the Internet Community (an article can be useful to you on how to communicate on the Internet) for the topic of interest to you, go to the temple. Perhaps it is religion to this, specific moment, and can help you. Feel free to ask for help.

    Not a gift they say that hope is dying the latter. No need to think that there are no problems only and no one suffers. Tomorrow always comes. After a night, the dawn comes. It does not matter how much the night will last, the main thing is that it will definitely end.

Article on the topic: Why don't I have friends? The main causes of the lack of friendship.

What to do when things are not treated? Act. A rolling stone gathers no moss. From the fact that you will run back the hands and loudly wall about your unfortunate fate, nothing will go anywhere and does not work out itself.

We will have to raise the fillet and start to move. Think your head and work with your elbows. What makes you think that someone comes running and all squeals? We move, head, hands, legs, what do you want. Just do not hide in the shell to suffer alone.

But there are problems, to help survive that only time and patience can. Tragedies with loss of close and expensive treats only time. You just need to learn to live again.

Everything is bad and not want to live ...

Let's try to consider on the sample situations when it is not clear what to do when everything is bad.

For example: husband gone. Bed? The trouble, but is so critical to run to dry out because of this. It was so good and comfortable next to this person that life without him loses all the meaning? Most likely, in fact it turns out that it was not so that everything was chocolate. And Stulchak, he did not lower behind him, and the toothpaste spread over the entire sink, and the tea bags scattered throughout the table, and it all shouted terribly and annoyed. Money earned little and spent them on fishing rods and fishing rods. Also in social networks photos of foreign women Laikal, and you had to think about whether he had a mistress or not. It was? It was. Besil? Besily.

Well, all, calm down. No more than this irritant, enjoy. A place for a prince was freed that tea bags immediately in the trash will send, and spots from tea on a snow-white countertop will immediately wipe off the napkin. And on the bike on weekends with you will ride. And the dog will be heading together by choosing the most fun puppy from all offered. Otherwise, the eternity on these bags would be angry, wiping the table.

Remember, the universe does not like emptiness. If the place is released by one, it will take it another. "Holy place, no empty happens," and you cling to the past, do not give way to the future. Speat enjoy the moment.

Another example: a sad job without pleasure. Throw her. Now so many opportunities. Just look around around. Look, internet spaces, it is not only entertainment.

If you are comfortable, being at home, work on the network, then for what to raise yourself with the walk in a sad office and communicate with people who do not like. In order for something to change around you, you need to change inside. It all depends on you. This is your life and you live it. No one can do anyone forcibly happy.

Want to be happy - be. The human eyelid in comparison of the universal scale, short. There is simply no time for suffering and despondency. There are so many interesting things around. And you prefer to buck on the spot, savoring your problems. What for?

Another problem: quarreled with relatives. So make up. Call and make it up. The state of the affect in which in the hearts you shouted with each other offensive words, most likely passed. Everyone has already cooled, and you, including. But be wiser, call and just find out how are you. Without returning to that last quarrel. This is not weakness, the first step is wisdom. But pride is sin, and the most mortal. Why do you need a sin? Especially so uninteresting.

When a person is in depression, even the smallest and minor incidents seem to be universal tragedies. Even a banal hole on tights can derive from equilibrium. Here you do not need to blow soap bubbles, do not blow out an elephant from the fly.

Domestic trifles never put problems in the category. These are just things, things created for your comfort. Broke, broke to throw out to hell, if it did not work out. Improve yourself with shopping, replace the spoiled thing to the new and sparkling. Things exist for a person, and not vice versa.

Therefore, in such a situation, just enjoy a hike to a supermarket or shopping center. It will be wonderful just on the way to go to the cafe or in the cinema. Arrange the day off, with shopping and entertainment.

In fact, any problem can be found a solution. Many problems are not at all the problems, it all depends on how you feel about them. The longer you regret yourself and whine, the more in the deeper pit you drive yourself. Forever, as "Father Our" it is worth remembering that all the problems, both their presence, and their absence, go from your head.

It is specifically that your relationship to all problems, and directly your desire to deal with the circumstances, which are found on your life path. This is your life and only you decide what it will be, try to find harmony in the shower. Like you sadly suffer alone, or you closer to live positively and fun surrounded by people who love you, and which you love, just to decide.

Therefore, you are going, wash your nose and go ahead, only forward. Life goes on!

Probably, every person asked for at least once in his life what to do when everything is bad. It is not glued at work, problems with learning, there is no personal life, native people do not understand, friends betray ... Yes, no more reasons when a person can despair, lower his hands and fall into depression? If you are in such a situation, you urgently need help. And first of all, you should take it from myself.

And we will help you do it. How to cope with the depressed state and again gain the joy of life? What to do when everything is bad? I hope that the following frequency tips will help you overcome the problems and change your life for the better!

When everything is bad: act

  1. Do not hold back your emotions. What to do when the soul is bad? When did you recently experience a deep emotional shock? Give the will feelings. Everyone does it in its own way. Someone cries on the shoulder from a close girlfriend, and someone climbs a grand party to distract. Do what you want (naturally, within the law), and you will see what will be easier.
  2. Disassemble the problem on the shelves. Try to think about it objectively and impartially. Resect the reason and consider possible ways to solve the problem that can be done now. When everything is bad, I want to climb into yourself and grieve, but this is not a way out of the situation. Loading in such a state for a long time - it means that two new tenants in your home are: depression and hopelessness. Strong people act, while weak sit and regret themselves. Be strong!
  3. Despite the fact that the current situation does not bring anything except grief, as it seems at first glance, still think about what she taught you. It is the problems that temper the character, make a person more experienced and wiser. Think about what your problem taught you, what experience you removed from it.
  4. In all the bad, if you try, you can see something good. Analyze your problem, and you will find the positive points that you will definitely delight! For example, you have met a long time with a young man, were madly happy, and then he suddenly suddenly threw you. Yes, it is very painful, but with the loss you have acquired one important advantage - freedom. You are free in your actions, you don't need to think more about what he would say, however he responded to what he did. From now on, you are my own mistress herself, you have more free time for yourself, and no one has canceled flirt. And flirt, as you know, adorns any woman! That's so! And there, you look, and the new love will come out and will be much better than the same.
  5. It is important not just what to do when everything is bad, but and what should not do. Do not close. Do not closure to yourself, do not dwell on the problem. At such moments you need to be able to be distracted. After all, life is so interesting, and you sit and break your head over something alone and extremely unpleasant. Street with old friends, spend the evening with the whole family together somewhere in nature, go to the nightclub and hang out with a friend, go on sports, start learning a foreign language or master the new program on your computer, find a new and interesting hobby, make a dog and make a dog and etc. Options - Sea! Do what you like and brings joy. The world will play with new paints, and you will discover such bright edges that did not even suspect!
  6. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Support for loved ones and relatives, friends and loved ones is very important for every person. After all, these people will always help to get out of a difficult situation, will support and will not give up to the arbitrary of fate. If you are alone, then look for friends. And you will definitely find them. In the meantime, refer to the help of a good psychologist. He will help you stand up again.
  7. And finally, do not be afraid! Perhaps to solve your problem you need to make a lot of effort. You scares it or you just laziness. Fight this and do not be afraid to exercise conceived, even if it is very difficult, and then the fortune you will definitely smile! It is useful to remember one important wisdom. King Solomon lived not such a sweet life, as many seems to. And he had a ring that helped him worry all the adversity. The secret of Pisces - in the inscription on it. And it represents one simple phrase: "And it will pass." Remember this in the moments of despair. The grief cannot last forever, and you will definitely smile with happiness, just help him a little!

Success is the way from failure to failure. Probably, every person asked for at least once in his life what to do when everything is bad. It is not glued at work, problems with learning, there is no personal life, native people do not understand, friends betray ...

Yes, is there any little reasons when a person can despair, lower his hands and fall into depression? If you are in such a situation, you urgently need help. And first of all, you should take it from myself.

How to cope with the depressed state and again gain the joy of life?

I hope that the following frequency tips will help you overcome the problems and change your life for the better!

When everything is bad: act!

1. Do not hold back your emotions

What to do when the soul is bad? When did you recently experience a deep emotional shock? Give the will feelings. Everyone does it in its own way. Someone cries on the shoulder from a close girlfriend, and someone climbs a grand party to distract.
Do what you want (naturally, within the law), and you will see what will be easier.

2. Disassemble the problem on the shelves

Try to think about it objectively and impartially. Resect the reason and consider possible ways to solve the problem that can be done now. When everything is bad, I want to climb into yourself and grieve, but this is not a way out of the situation.

Loading in such a state for a long time - it means that two new tenants in your home are: depression and hopelessness. Strong people act, while weak sit and regret themselves. Be strong!

3. Despite the fact that the current situation does not bring anything except grief, as it seems at first glance, still think about what she taught you.

It is the problems that temper the character, make a person more experienced and wiser. Think about what your problem taught you, what experience you removed from it.

4. In the whole bad, if you try, you can see something good.

Analyze your problem, and you will find the positive points that you will definitely delight! For example, you have met a long time with a young man, were madly happy, and then he suddenly suddenly threw you.

Yes, it is very painful, but with the loss you have acquired one important advantage - freedom. You are free in your actions, you don't need to think more about what he would say, however he responded to what he did.

From now on, you are my own mistress herself, you have more free time for yourself, and no one has canceled flirt.

And flirt, as you know, adorns any woman! That's so! And there, you look, and the new love will come out and will be much better than the same.

5. It is important not just what to do when everything is bad, but what should not do.

Do not close. Do not closure to yourself, do not dwell on the problem. At such moments you need to be able to be distracted. After all, life is so interesting, and you sit and break your head over something alone and extremely unpleasant.

Street with old friends, spend the evening with the whole family together somewhere in nature, go to the nightclub and hang out with a friend, go on sports, start learning a foreign language or master the new program on your computer, find a new and interesting hobby, make a dog and make a dog and etc.

Options - Sea! Do what you like and brings joy. The world will play with new paints, and you will discover such bright edges that did not even suspect!

6. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Support for loved ones and relatives, friends and loved ones is very important for every person.

After all, these people will always help to get out of a difficult situation, will support and will not give up to the arbitrary of fate. If you are alone, then look for friends.

And you will definitely find them. In the meantime, refer to the help of a good psychologist. He will help you stand up again.

7. And finally, do not be afraid!

Perhaps to solve your problem you need to make a lot of effort. You scares it or you just laziness. Fight this and do not be afraid to exercise conceived, even if it is very difficult, and then the fortune you will definitely smile!

It is useful to remember one important wisdom. King Solomon lived not such a sweet life, as many seems to. And he had a ring that helped him worry all the adversity.

The secret of Pisces - in the inscription on it. And it represents one simple phrase: "And it will pass." Remember this in the moments of despair. The grief cannot last forever, and you will definitely smile with happiness, just help him a little!

Life is not always colorful and happy, there are such moments when even an optimist lowers hands. It seems that everything is against you - close, unfamiliar people, bosses, even nature crying with you torrential rain. There is a feeling that worse than it will not be. What to do in such a situation? First of all, calm down, disperse, perhaps you just screw yourself.

Is it possible to cope with your emotions?

Each person has a changeable mood. Sometimes we can not figure out why it happened exactly and appeared. Here you need to patience! Not all days are successful. Not in vain they say, life is alternating white and black stripes. But, if you think, in fact, life is a chessboard, it all depends on the right course.

Did you get up in the morning and start to fall from the hands? Make respiratory soothing exercises that will lead your thoughts in order, tune in to a positive way.

Often the reason for bad mood, apathy, is idleness. Sometimes boring, do not know what to take yourself. The computer is tired, TV too. Tell me "Stop"! Why do you live and spend your time wasted. Get useful things.

Many women on maternity leave constantly break off on husbands in the evening, because they are bored for a whole day. As a result disappears, problems arise in relationships. And you did not try to take ourselves with something interesting, try to develop, do what you like. Some women immediately find an excuse: "I have a small child!" So what? On this life does not end, but only begins. If you show an example that you are constantly working, actively moving, you and children will grow targeted, active.

Almost all experts say: " Bad of those who do not want to do anything to be good. You can never give up. Life is a struggle, peculiar overcoming obstacles ". Take advantage of valuable advice.

Think about something good

Often due to all problems appear. Do not injected the situation, you do not need to constantly inspire that it will happen bad. Remember a good point from life or labelish about something pleasant. Immediately it will become easier.


Dropped into depression, thank you? Come to the mirror, look at it and smile. You are beautiful, bad mood is not to the face, so get rid of it.

Appreciate what you have

Many people are egoers, they demand from others it is not clear that. The error is that the egoists do not appreciate what they have, they want to conquer the vertices. Dreams and desire is good, but sometimes it is necessary to descend to the ground and think about your loved ones, which you do hurt. Some can easily lose love, friendship, first think that there is nothing terrible in it. And then understand the mistake, but it is impossible to return the person.

This happens not only with people. We will bring a simple example, you dream about something for a very long time, wait, and when it comes true, everything is not like. As a result, the emptiness is in the soul, anxiety, apathy appears. Often, people who have so feeling. They constantly wish to achieve their own, but the achievement of the goal does not bring them joy.

Remember! Rejoice in the present, not illusory, invented. Dream, but do not forget about real life.

Adhere to the principle: "All that is done - only for the better"

Have problems? Try to simulate the situation differently. If it happens, it means that it is necessary to survive. You should not immediately fall into a panic, tear your hair, try to change something. Just calm down, wait, you can relax, and through the time you will laugh at your problems.

How to get out of a dead end?

First of all, remember that "the night always ends, and the day comes." Learn to suffer all the tests, be wise. Experienced psychotherapists pay attention to such methods:

  • Mouse over in your life. Get rid of all that brings you discomfort. Is it tired of constantly repairing a servant? Throw it away and buy a new one. Worry, wet and spoil the hairstyle? Call a taxi. Constantly quarrel with her husband or wife, relationships do not bring joy, only torment you? Think about divorce. Remember, the end is always the beginning of a new life.
  • Do not give up. Some think that the exit from the situation is to get drunk, cried, use stimulants, tear off all night in a nightclub. Why rush to omw with your head? Always remember that drugs are temporary happiness, which in the future leads to dangerous consequences.
  • Sign up in the gym . Throw all the negative energy during physical exertion. In addition, the mood improves, you will look great, and this will give confidence in life.
  • Try to do good, it will be remembered for you . If you are constantly going to do something, you did not think about what was hurt someone, made a mistake.
  • Drive out negative emotions . You can go far to nature and scream with all our strength. If it is very bad, pay, with tears all mental pain will be released. Write about all your problems, and then burn a sheet.

Independently fails to cope with me, have you fell into deep depression? Contact your psychotherapist, it will help you find a way out. Perhaps some time you need to drink sedatives. For example, they are often prescribed, valerian tincture, dyeing. But it is not necessary to get involved in antidepressants, tranquilizers - they only exacerbate the situation.

Sit and think, why is it all bad? Look around, and maybe someone is much worse, and you just came up with your tragedies. Learn to calmly perceive all the vital troubles, do not give up, always fight to the end. The main thing is not to succumb to different temptations, negative impact. In any situation, stay yourself. Be happy, rejoice in life and do not pay attention to different little things!

"Stone" in the soul is not a simple depressnyak "from the light bulb." This means that there are unfinished problems in life, and thoughts are painful and confused. You seem to stick the cargo of my problems for anyone, everything must be solved by the most, but what exactly to do with everything wrong - unknown.

And when the most peak of bad luck comes, everything is bad, the emptiness in the soul, and their hands are lowered, only then the depresnae begins. If you are already in this state, then let's get rid - what went wrong?

Procrastination is a complex word, but its essence is familiar with almost every person. Psychologists this word denote the postponement of the works "for tomorrow." This "tomorrow" again, postponed indefinitely, and meanwhile, other unfinished cases are going to a huge com.

No, this is not a simple laziness when a person wants to just relax and gain strength. This is the load of those problems that should be done urgently, therefore there can be no speech on vacation. But other things can not wait, and they are all the same urgent. As a result, everything is done on an ambulance hand at the last minute and Trep-Lyap.

The result - the result did not bring joy, the chance of victory was missed, and from there and moral devastation. So that this is not happening, here are the advice:

    He undertooks - try to fulfill it right there. Well, in the extreme case, take a short time out for inspiration.

    Not enough for everything at once, doing everything half. It is better to abstract from other problems, but focus on the most important thing.

    Do not let all promises to look kindly. It is better to refuse and stay honest than to promise, do not fulfill and then hide.

    I crossed the case - clarify whether there is still a chance to catch everything. If there is - do everything immediately, if not, "score."

    Not Handri because of the missed. This is a lesson to you - or are you trying to take over the wrongty, or the process itself is unpleasant to you, which means you don't need.

Procrastination is dangerous when it comes to personal health or loved ones. These problems are definitely impossible to postpone. And everything else is nonsense: work, homemade troubles and other little things. So they were not so important if they could be postponed.

Therefore, the emptiness in your soul is just time to think about new plans. As a gap on the keyboard between the words: finished one word - "Space" - start another. Just do not repeat your mistakes, make up at least a clear schedule.

Almost all people are afraid of losing the property as they own. The fear is practically intrusive. They think - they lose all, and there will be not only emptiness in the soul, but life will lose all meaning.

Nowadays, the way to enrichment is too light. Take loans, mortgage - here's a housing, and the car and the house is full of all the best. But it is only worth losing a prestigious job, as everything goes to a knuckle:

    Apartment and car are taken for non-payment.

    All gold remained in the pawnshop.

    Loans are stuck, going into interest.

The emptiness in your pocket is an emptiness in the shower, no one can help, because even friends have moved to the side of more successful buddies.

Unfortunately, the severity of such problems feels the vast population of our country. Too too sweet candy, everyone was antered, not explaining what it is in bitter. And only units look at everything with optimism:

    They did not live richly - and it was not necessary to start. Again, a removable apartment - yes and do not care. Mortgage - the same eat, only much more expensive.

    Thanks to the fate, which helped get rid of false friends. Now it is clear who is who. Real friends stayed near even poverty.

    Loans will go and will discuss. And fate gave the chance to start living with a blank sheet and pointed out past errors.

    The main thing is that the key phrase here "start living". And therefore - everything just begins, and it's time to fill this emptiness in the shower with something new and good.

You will not look at everything with optimism - will morally kill yourself and your relatives. But in such a situation, at least one person needs, which pulls all those who suffer up, and not down. And it will be better if you find one person exactly.

In general, we need to watch philosophically for all these problems: "Thank you, God, that I took money. All my relatives are alive and healthy, and this is the main thing! ".

Changes in personal life - and not for the better

Here, spiritual emptiness is closed with difficulty. He treats only Doctor time. Although in some cases not everything is lost.

Threw husband

Such sad changes in the family will be embossed a woman from equilibrium for a long time. Especially when there is a viper direction on the way. First, hysterics, threats, diminishing, and then depression, emptiness, the severity in the soul.

But how many times are these gone returned home with a guilty head? And how many times it happened that women already "perpless" and the spouse no longer want to let the threshold? And how many times the women fell in love with a new way, and she no longer needed this old loving!

Therefore, if your husband now dreamed, and you do not find the place - know that he is generally alive yet. There are many options to return it to the family, and one option is what he is no longer needed.

Or maybe you are to blame for something? Maybe there is a chance to fix something? Maybe there is no rave? Then do not postpone it for tomorrow - Wash tears and act today.

Loss of a loved one

That's more difficult. For example, I left my mother's life. You have already flushed all the tears, passed the terrible days of all the farewell ceremonies, and you went into deep depression. You look at one point, you do not want to communicate with anyone, even though you are madly lonely.

So far, the time works to heal psychologically. So far nothing needs. Unobtrusive care of relatives and friends is good. The main thing is that you now do not jerkali to "embroider depressive fooling out of your head." This is not a fool, it should be.

The best way out is communication with those who have already passed a similar stage. Only he will help calm and explain how best to get out of depression. It is to him and will be trust. Just do not fall on the hook some sect.

I hear apathy ringing, but I don't know where he

Worst of all, it is to succumb to depression when you are not clear what you screw. I want to cry - and the reasons seem to be. Some kind of longing, nothing more. It is still spinning in the abdomen, he is given to the pain in the heart, but you do not understand: is that - the premonition of something is not good?

Yes, there is a fear for the future - you are waiting for something, but I screwed yourself in advance that the outcome must be bad. This is the mistake of many people. And the roots of such behavior germinate since childhood.

If you have grown in some kind of fear since childhood (there was violence and tyranny in the family), then such an oppressive state will always accompany you. It is called - a pushing and punishing supera. Moreover, if what scares you will still happen, then you will only blame yourself.

If your condition is already close to the fact that you are saved only the bear beds, then read the article. Maybe it is there that your depression is lost, right up to health problems. But if you are still able to move and work, then several tips will not prevent youer:

    Do not wind yourself because of nonsense. Like, he dreamed of a bad dream or a fortune teller came out there. The dream is just a reflection of our thoughts, so such a "script" and develops. And the fortuneteller should be earned, so it will prophesate any nonsense.

    Rass yourself with positive. I want to be a chocolate, and I want to - Sabantej with friends. Look comedy on TV, switch the thrillers and do not see politics.

    Do not fold your problems on others if they are incompetent in this. It's one thing - lawyers and doctors, other - amateurs that promise, but do not.

    Think only about the good outcome of the case. And for this purpose, if it is in your power. And again - do not postpone anything in a long box.

In general, it is possible to easily get rid of gravity in the soul with the help of some sedative medicines. And they should not be excluded too. Soothed the nerves - hesitated her head for good thoughts - and so much immediately there will be decisions to throw off the hard mountain of problems from their shoulders!