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What a tree loves shadow. Perennial flowers growing in half. Plants and shadow

Already in early spring We begin to think about the layout of our garden, distributing the plants that we will put in various parts cottage plot. As a rule, most faces the problem of choosing a plant for landing in shadow places that really want to decorate beautiful flowers or shrubs, because such areas often remain empty and neglected.

What to land in a shady seat or which plants belong to the shadow

The shady place is considered to be the site where sunlight falls no more than 3 hours a day, and the rest of the time there is a deep shadow.

In each garden, there are shaded plots, it can be the northern or western slopes, places at the fence or between large trees.

In fact, the most shady places in the garden are the most best places, after all, as a rule, there is a favorite bench for relaxing on a hot summer day. However, not every plant will be able to withstand the shadow, successfully grown and delight the eye with its flowering.

Television plants include those plants that, no matter how strange it sounds, do not endure sunlight or suffer from its excess. As a rule, they have bright juicy and green foliage.

All speakers and shadowable plants can be divided into 2 varieties: decorative deciduous and blooming.

  • To Teyotelubiv colors and blooming shrubs The following are: Weigela, Mattiola Two, Daisy, Forget-me-not, Rudbeckia, Easy tobacco, Astilba, Brunner, Medication, Hydrangea (Large, Tree, Pillya), Geichera, Honey, Hawthorn, Badan, Rogers, Ariance, Vasilisnik, Volzhanka, Akvilia, dtscentre, acronite, lily of the Lily May, cuff, astranition, bureaucrat, clopogon, buczital.
  • To Teyotelubiv decoratively deciduous sustainers The host includes, fern, astilboides, bearer, Barbaris Tunberg, Biryuchika.

Tip! When you compose with plants with a shaded area, then do not put only monocultures, the discharge perennials and annual people look great in the close neighborhood.

Popular teothelubiy shrubs

From shrubs for shady beds perfect barbaris Tunberg. In a deep shadow, you can hardly get bright and red colors, and the right one, it will be just a uniform green color, but nevertheless, it is still a very notable shadowed plant.

Another small and shadowed shrub is becklett. Its volatile and low form looks very good in the garden.

Under the shadow of the trees there will be a rather noticeable shrub privet. His lemon color The leaves seem to illuminate the shady space.

If you want to plant a higher shrub in the shady corner of his garden and with useful berriesthen best for these purposes is suitable hawthorn.

And if you need a beautiful shrub, then it is suitable for this weigela. However, different varieties differently They relate to the shadows - there are more shadowish, eating less.

Very decorative in the shady corner will look kizlin. He has beautiful dark green leathery and shiny leaves. Again, the varieties are noticeably different by shadowability.

Imagine how nice will sit in a gazebo that wonders honeysucklewith her magnificent colors.

By the way, decorative kalina Bulderezh ( Snowball) Also shadowed.

Popular Annual and Perennial Shadowish Flowers

Favorites among colors for shady garden Mattiola couny ,, forget-me-not, Rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco.

Easy tobacco

If we talk about seasonal and annual teothelubil plants, then under the trees, where a big shadow, in the spring you can safely plant,, and because they will bloom in all their glory long before the leaves appear on the trees.

Brief descriptions of the most popular shadow and tenetic perennial plants: shrubs and flowers


According to many flower water, the host is just the queen of a shady garden. She has the most diverse color of the leaves, ranging from the sizogo to yellow-green, there are even leaves with white edging.

Very appropriate to combine the host with the most different varieties Fern, putting them in the shade of the house, where everything is in order with humidity (it is high).

Video: Care and cultivation of the teennubigo host


This is a bizarre plant that feels great in the shade and grows perfectly in a wet soil.

Video: Growing and care for the teen


The tightest feature of this plant is original large leaves. Its sheet can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

One more distinctive trait Astilboides is that he is not entirely attached to the stalk: it grows straight from the middle of the sheet. In other words, it turns out such an umbrella on the leg.

This luxurious and spectacular plant loves to grow near the swampy rivers, it is in best of sight Suitable for decorating artificial reservoirs.


Very many buzulnikov very much. For those growing in natural natural conditions, Dark green leaves and irresistible inflorescences yellow color.

The buzigans derived by artificially, more often dark brown, even actually burgundy foliage and extraordinary, similar to chamomile, yellow color pains that are able to hold for a whole month.


This is a completely unique plant, flawlessly suitable for landing in the shade. In winter, it goes in the green state and after winter again appears to be green. The fact is that under the snow, Badan does not drop foliage and does not die, and all the time is saved green.

Flowers of this plant are unpaired and modest, but very cute.

Another interesting property of Badan is that its old leaves, which become dark or brown, possess special healing properties. In Tibet, they are brewed as a rejuvenating tea.

Video: Unpretentious and shadowless Badan

Bruunner (Necessive)

Indispensable for decorating a small shady segment.

In addition to beautiful leaf Impressive coloring (volatile and green with silver web), she also flowers in charming - small shiny forget-me-not.

You can look at it for hours, so it is air and beautiful. It's just impossible to take a look!

Videos: landing and care for the teen-born plant of Brunner Large

Volzhanka (Aruncus)

It can hardly withstand the half, but in a deep shadow it blooms a little less abundant. And anyway, the unassicious Volzhanka again and again dismisses his inflorescences!

Video: unpretentious volzhanka for landing and flowering in the shade


Geichera looks completely remarkably than and won the hearts of many gardeners. The number of coloring leaves is surprisingly rich: from lilac-steel before bright red and green.

The dimensions are also sufficiently diverse: from miniature forms to quite highly highcases.

This is absolutely unpretentious plantwhich does not require special attention, perfectly growing and not losing decorativeness from May to October.

In addition, Geichera is very winter-hardy and perfectly tolerates the first autumn frosts, leaving under the snow with leaves, supported in the case.

And in May, the geihans will very quickly start and pick up their color, due to amazingly beautiful foliage.

It blooms on Divo beautifully, the blooms are high enough over the plant and hold quite a long time.

In the near past, Botany crossed Geyhera and Tiallo and got new Sort Geichell. The plant has become even more resistant to preservation of colorfulness, and the color gamut is much wider.

Video: Everything about the cultivation of teothelubal geihans

Dicentre (broken heart)

Growing can both on the open and solar territory and on the shaded areas. However, the buds are dissolved in the sun and flowing early, and the blooms are not distinguished by a special magnitude and pomp. In the shady places, the color is diveged slower, but the flowers are obtained brighter, large and deliver pleasure to their wonderful view Until July-August. Therefore, it will be good to land the dicentré, for example, closer to the gazebo or house, the shadow of which will fall on the plant most of the day.

It will be nice to look at the fence.

Video: How to grow dicentro or broken heart in a shady garden

Clopogon (Tsimacyfouga)

His name, of course, is not entirely congestive, but so openwork and pretty foliage that when you see it, then, most likely, just fall in love.

At the end of summer, he usually throws the floweros - a long blizzard with silver flower. The spectacle is impressive! Walking by without stopping simply impossible.

Another important advantage of this shadower perennial is the fact that it can grow quite a long time at the same place.


On our summer cottages, this flower was not widely distributed, but nevertheless it is a very friendly plant, which, as no other suitable for the shadow side of the country area.

The coloring can vary from him from dark green Colors to Variant, when a green leaf on the edge is bordered by white stripes.

Gentle white and pink flowers around the stem, similar to Lily of Lily, is a very pleasant sight.

The plant grows quickly enough, so if you need to fill the shadow space under fruit trees or put in the shade next door with conifers, then the purchase deserves your attention.


Another king of the shadow is a fern. The colors, of course, does not give, no matter how much we wanted and did not wait, but he has amazing foliage that can be different colors, different sizes and forms. He lives him best in a wet shady corner.

We are accustomed to the fact that the fern is always dark green, but now brought a variety with a dark brown color, lilac hearter and silver edges of the leaves.

If you put a fern in the shade of your garden house Or in another shady spot, then he will wholely take all your attention and attention to the guests of your garden.

Video: Fernist care and its cultivation in the shade under the crown of trees


Many flower flowers call her queen shady garden, which grows in a height of up to 1.5 meters.

Thanks to the magnificent major leaves, Rogersia is very picturesque throughout the season.

Fluffy and fragrant inflorescences of white, pink or creamy blossoms are blooming in early July and can bloom more than a month.

Idea for the design of the shaded plot! To the back plan to plant such high and teen-bobbinate plants, like buzular, clopogonica and ferns, the second tier to make from the host, and on the lower plan, and Geichella.

On your summer cottage, only shaded places remained, and it is difficult for you to pick up suitable plants instances to revive them? Take advantage of our advice and recommendations on improvement, and then the whole mosaic of your garden will work together.

Video: What plants fall in shady terrain

Depending on the need for the intensity of light, plants can be divided into light-minded, teothelubile and shadowish. For the development of light-loving plants, more than 3-5 hours of the opening sun are needed. Shadowish plants May be fruit in half.

In the literature, under the concept of half, it is implied about 3 hours of the straight sun in the morning or in the evening with a shadow in the middle of the day or good illumination without the straight sun throughout the day. Complete shadow - about 3 hours of direct daylight in the middle of the day and limited illumination is everything else time. A rarefied shadow is sunlight, penetrating throughout the day through a rooty foliage of trees or another partial obstacle.

The worst option

The worst option for landing, if no straight ray of the sun fall on the day on the plants. For example, a narrow bar between the house and high fence. In this case, it is possible to recommend landing of teothelubil plants (TIS) or large-scale (relatively shadowed rocks, such as cherry and allycha), which will be able to rise above the fence and use the light of the open sky.

Specificity of cultivation

All plants adapt to the light conditions, but a healthy plant will grow only in conditions that correspond to its needs. Therefore, when placing fruit and berry plants in the garden, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for light conditions.

It should be understood that with a lack of light, if the fruits are tied, they have a mediocre taste, fruiting shifts to the periphery of the crown, and also quickly begin to die off the fruit sprigs, which leads to the latter of trees. The shoots become weakly developed, with long interstices, the leaves are thin, light green, suffer and root system.

Typically, plants in the shade are weakly fruiting, due to poor aging of wood, they cannot normally go through the quenching period and are damaged by winter frosts, frosts appear on them.

We grow the main fruit

Almost all fruit lights. The southern cultures are most needed - peach, apricot, cherry, then apple tree, pear, but Cherry, Alycha and plum more shadowish. Cherry and Alycha can be satisfactorily fruit even with relatively strong thickened landings, while the apple tree in such cases, fruiting is observed only at the top of the crown.

More shadowed berry plantsBut, with a lack of light, the harvest is strongly reduced, and the shading has the strongest affects the strawberries and raspberries and weaker - on the yield of the gooseberry. Black currant is more shadowed than red. Red currant relieves a side shading well, but demanding to the upper light.

What to plant?

In the conditions of shady zones, it can be advised to grow mainly plants characteristic of forest communities. The best representatives of the shadowiness are Leschina, Aria ( blackfold Rowan.), alpine currants, types of barbaris, gooseberry, relatively shadow-shaped dogwood, Irga, Kalina. From Lian, which beautifully decorate the walls of the house or fence, you can recommend the types of actinidia (acute, kolomykta) and lemongrass, from decorative plants in the openwork tree shadow will be good to feel the types of hydrangea and rhododendron, sufficiently shadow-listeners, samste, snowy year, Magonia, Padoliste, Beacker (European and winged), and tees even a challenge.

Many plants love the solar color and the maximum crop can be obtained when growing them in sunny places. However, on any site there is a shadow and half. This shadow from buildings on the site (houses, baths, barn), fence, from high with a thick crown fruit trees. What to land in such places, you need to know. Do not give these sections of weed grass.

"Country hobby"

Shrub growing in shadow

However, the shadow is different and depends on the parties of the world. On the south side in the half you can grow many vegetables up to watermelons and tomatoes. But only greens grow in the north (dill, parsley, salad).

In order to properly plant plants, you need to understand well on what areas and how long the sun is.

In the shade with a slight lighting, various coniferous cultures are growing well: ate, fir, tees. From and trees can be planted with IRGU, honeysuckle, viburnum, rowan, currant, lilac, hawthorn. These breeds grow perfectly with a small amount of sunlight.

However for good Development You need to follow the following rules:

  • regularly cut lower hanging branches;
  • cut out a thick crown to increase the illumination of all shoots;
  • purchase the ground under the trees carefully and carefully how much allows the root system of the plant;
  • regularly conduct feeders;
  • use raised flower beds with a fertile layer, so that the plants are not competed due to food.

What to land under the trees

Well develop in the shade of rhododendron trees, maiden grapes, hydrangea, ivy.

You can also plant a black and red elder with their bright and unusual colors of foliage and matured berries. Or joint landing of Ryabina, Irgi, Leschinny, who do not require attention and practically do not hurt.

You can arrange a bed with vegetables, easily carrying a small shading. IN southern latitudes Such a landing is even desirable, so that the vegetables did not suffer from the scorching sun. Such cultures include: garlic, salad of all varieties, cabbage even broccoli and Kohlrabi, Mangold, sorrel, arugula, spinach. Beet, planted in the shade does not suffer from shortage sun ray And during the season they grow not very large, but sweet and juicy root roots. From spicy crops in the shade, dill is growing normally, basil, parsley, kinza, kerwell. Quietly belongs to the field of forest strawberry. Try, experiment and find cultures that are well growing in a half.

Reception that improves lighting

If you have a corner where the sun is almost not looking, then the plants will be elongated, pale with a weak taste. You can increase the illumination by making mulch between plants with reflective film.

A film is found to reflect the light of different shades. The greatest result in the reflection of light is obtained from a metallized film. Most often used white film. But for the tomato it is better to use a red film. The use of a reflective film allows you to expand the list of crops grown in the shade of trees.

The film besides increasing light and photosynthesis of plants allows you to raise the temperature of the air at the landings, increase the humidity of the soil, reduce the defeat of the tool and tryps, which in general leads to improved quality and yield of cultures.

Remember that the soil under the trees warms up later, so you should not hurry with planting vegetables, so that they do not freeze them.

What flowers grow in the shade

Even in a dense dawn forest there is no naked land, there are always plants capable of growing there. A nasturtium is growing in a half, which in the bright sun flowers are minced, and the leaves dry out. You can: Wildwoman, Pyrethrum, Lion Zev, Sage, pansies.

However, trees can pick out moisture in colors. And if you do not work often, it is worth putting drought-resistant blooming cultures. This is a Barwin, cyclomen Caucasian, Mokha, Osmanthus, the beautiful, geranium is a large-in-view. It is worth paying attention to instrettening, Nigelle.

If there is no moisture under the trees for a long time, then it is advisable to plant a fern, a variety of hosts, dend Canadian, Japanese anemone, a frost, moss, a high, catchment (Akvilia).

What to plant from the fence?

Now often the fence is made tall and solid, so the shadow is enough. It is worth putting here berry culture: Mailina, Currant, IRGU, Cranberry, Gooseberry. And although these shrubs are recommended to grown in sunny places, however, they grow well in the shade, although the yield decreases. You can even in the shadow of the fence to plant a plum and cherry.

If the owners want to hide the fence over the greens of the curly Lian, then Clematis will be suitable for this, akibia five, hydrangea and honeysuckle, Stownonia Sixilital.

So, we found out. They are quite a few. And even if something did not work, do not be sad, maybe just an unsuccessful variety. Experiment, squeeze, take care, and everything will turn out. I wish you success.

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I invite you to a group on for dacnics, gardeners: "Country hobby" Everything about country Life: cottage, garden, garden, flowers, rest, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Modern summer cottages, as a rule, are small, mostly 6 acres, and I want not only to highlight the garden and the garden, but also to locate small house, household buildings, to equip a recreation area with a gazebo, so so that the barbell plays. The main thing is the presence of a garden with vegetables and greens. Only there is one problem - if there are all the buildings of solar places on the site there is very little.

That is why the gardeners immediately have questions about how to properly use shaded areas and which vegetables can be planted in the shade.

General landing rules on a small area

  • Fruit trees are placed along the fence around the perimeter of the plot.
  • Shrubs planted in rows in the center of the plot, thereby distinguishing it on the zones.
  • For vegetables and colors choose the remaining free places, given what of them are teotalem, and which prefer
  • Vegetables, loving shadow, as a rule, the lack of the Sun compensate for increased demands for the composition of the soil and its humidity. Therefore, they should be regularly water and feed, especially during the ripening period.

Small tricks growing

What is still done if there are a lot of shadow on the plot and the trees are given, and therefore the edge is the question - what vegetables are planted? Oddly enough, we should not despair in this case.

Yes, you will not win a competition for a giant zucchini or a huge tomato, but nevertheless you can get a decent harvest, except that a little later than usual. After all, most edible crops are enough per day for no more than four hours to be in the sun, and many leafy plants require even less.

If you have problems with sunlightIt should be started with the analysis of the current situation so that it is already possible to resolve the issue of which vegetables can be planted in the shade.

  • You will be pleasantly surprised by learning that many parts of your site get the lights much more than it seemed to you. Get a photometer or a luxury, which are always sold in stores for the garden and the garden. With the help of these devices, you can easily measure the illumination of any place and decide what you can plant there.
  • If you doubt that the selected area will normally grow certain vegetables, carry out such an experiment. Before splitting the beds, plant plants in the pots and put them on this site. Watch their growth. Seeing that they are too stretched, have a pale greens or do not fron, move them to another place.

This method of growing plants in pots on sites with a small area is quite popular, especially if groups of pots are placed on small platforms equipped with wheels. First, you can constantly grow vegetables and greens by moving the platform with pots during the day on the sunny plots, and secondly, to determine the most favorable places for their growing.

  • A good result for organizing more solar places gives a change in illumination under the trees. Coming to the crown of wood, especially removing the lower branches, you can get scattered sunlight. And here it will not be necessary to think that it is possible to plant in the shade, because there can be quite many different plants in the generation created.

What vegetables are not particularly demanding for sunlight?

Choosing, what vegetables can be planted in the shade, know that they are not so little.

Beans, peas and bush beans feel perfectly in such conditions and give a good harvest.

Shaded places under the trees are suitable for growing such root plates, like beets, carrots, radishes and radish.

Representatives of the Conductors family - Broccoli, Color, Beijing and white cabbage - Also grow well on the shaded places, especially if they are planted with rows in the East-West direction, to regularly water and pour.

Even some varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, which are considered solvently, normally transfer the shadow, especially in the southern regions. True, the timing of ripening them is slightly moved.

What leafy cultures are grown in the shadows?

Great growing on the shaded areas of rhubarb, just no need to forget about regular irrigation.

These species such as the slim and the Schitt, when they grow not on the sun, the greens becomes more juicy.

Solving what to put in the shade, boldly give preference to such leafy crops as sorrel, arugula, spinach, salads and sheet mustard. The leaves will not grow powerful, but it will long be gentle, without bitterness and will not go fast in color.

What are they growing in the shadows?

Despite the fact that many are needed enough sun, such as celery, parsley, mint, lovers, thyme, kinza and estragon perfectly carry the shadow, becoming even more fragrant.

As you can see, the absence in the sun area is not an irresistible obstacle for those who want to have an excellent garden. And which vegetables can be planted in the shade, you decide, especially since their choice is great.

Most plants need a sufficient amount of sunlight, since it is under its effect that the process of photosynthesis occurs, the important role of which in the growth and development of living organisms is undoubted. That is why many plants feel good at the illuminated areas, and in front of the dachank, in the future, the question always arises that to plant in the shadows in those areas where the sun looks very rarely.

Any cottage is a plot with the presence of several zones where there are places in a certain ratio sufficient number Sunlight and shaded corners. Think about how to land in the shadow of the countrywood, lovers start at the same moment when they have a desire to use for growing floral and vegetable crops, trees and shrubs all useful places, including with large quantity Shadow

The shadow zones available in the country area differ from each other degree of light penetration and sunlight. For some sites, the complete absence of any light is characterized, only a few hours arrive at the other sun during the day, and in some corners high trees Allows you to penetrate only the scattered light. So you can put in the shade under the trees, if nothing wants to grow? It turns out that there are some garden crops that feel great on the shaded land plot and however boasts good harvest fruit. I would like to focus more on how to organize the landing of such plants in the shade, as well as how kind of flowers, vegetables and garden plants give preference.

Landing trees and shrubs in the shadow of a country house and fence

The correct distribution and planting of plants will help a thorough study of the country area, as well as the identification of shaded corners with a definition of time during which the sunlight can penetrate through thick crowns of trees. Only a small number decorative cultures May develop in such conditions, because for most, sunlight is needed.

The land plot that most of the time is in the shade of the house is not a very attractive place for planting vegetation. Well and comfortably feel in this area will be only special view Plants. However, in nature, such plants have and landing them near the house help improve the aesthetic species of the site. The most suitable for these purposes are coniferous plants, in which fir and tees are in priority .

Perfectly feel in the shadow of the house and many deciduous plants that allow you to create a bright composition on our summer cottage. Among the garden crops should be preferred landings irgi. , ryabins, Honeysuckle, Currant, Irgi (here about her) kalins, Lilan and hawthorn .

Many shrubs grow well and develop without the sun and create any additional conditions. Some of the opponents of the Sun are rhododendrons, Which is desirable to plant in a half-tree under the trees. Plots with a small shading are suitable for landing such cultures as macs and watercolor (Akvilia) , hydrangea, and amur wild, as well as ivy , Place which can be located along the fence or wall of the house.

The greatest popularity among dachensors received various red and black emers which possess bright decorative properties and well suite dacha decorations. Landing irgi, Leschina and rowan. allow not only to create contrast garden landingBut also differ in their unassumature to grow conditions, as well as resistant and resistance to various diseases. Such cultures can be used for landings, both on the plot and in the fruit of the garden.

Flowers and decorative plants grown in shadow

Despite the greater importance of the Sun in the life of flowering plants, many of them feel great in the shade, and some are ready to do without it. All flowers and plants intended for landings in the shaded corners of the site can be divided into several groups:


Includes the largest list of colors that can be used for both creating flower and landscape decorating.

  • Badin - Perfectly growing in the middle and dense shadow, but with a strong degree of shading can be problems with flowering.
  • Day-lily - prefers to grow in a half, because excessive shading can reduce the amount of flowering of this plant.
  • It is absolutely not picky plants to the conditions of its location, and also has the ability to rapid growth.
  • They are classic plants that can be found in the flower beds of most dachensons.
  • Host - The nature itself ordered this flower to live in the shade, only then her leaves will be able to show all their gamut.

And here are other shadow and teen-bique plants: kobei., astilba andpeonies , such Molacukovic, like muscari , iris and barwin , dotcentra and bowl , bagulin. and saxifrage - All of them, including soil, can be successfully involved in solving a problem with a small presence in the flower beds of sunlight or their complete absence.

Two-year-old plants

The most common teothelobile flowers are pansies . Due to the variety of their species that grow well in areas without sunlight, one can observe the flowering of these plants throughout the summer season.

Complete Shadow Suitable for Growing newared and Brunkers which are able to dissipate independently and create a whole carpet of flowering plants.


This is the most small group of colors, since lovers of shaded places here are very small.

The plot with the half is suitable for cultivation balzine But the complete absence of sunlight can lead to a lack of flowering.

Tobacco fragrant It stands out by its beauty among other plants and feels most comfortable in the garden with scattered light.

Calendula "She will be enough of the entire pair of three hours of staying in the sun during the daytime to feel, in the future, in the shadow in good health and bloom twice the season.

What to plant from vegetables in the garden

The most non-addictive cultures among vegetables are sorrel and garlic which can safely grow with the complete absence of sunlight. Such conditions are suitable for growing carrots However, the best and qualitative harvest of this rootpode will be at least with the short stay of these vegetables in the sun. Plot of land near the fence can be used for landing such bean as beans. and peas as well as for growing salad and cucumbers .

Lovers of small rootfields dining beds , root parsley and pasternaka You can safely make landings in shaded places. well and horseradish It is just the king of the shade, and even his landing in the most unattractive place without sunlight will allow vegetable to grow and please all the wonderful crop of leaves and roots.

We will not forget to forget this and useful cucumber grass (in this article) with it, practically, constant during the season, blossom, and about rubber (but ) from lovel .

Of course, it is necessary to use all useful Square cottage plot, even if some of its places do not differ abundance of sunlight. Even a novice gardener, an amateur, by samples and mistakes, it will be possible to choose those plants that will not only feel perfectly on the shaded area, but also give the dacha attractive appearance.