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How to crop carrots and beets for storage. Phytozont Coniferous, "Rakurs", "Pinocid" - Unique preparations for the health and beauty of coniferous plants

The question of pruning the topping of carrots often occurs from novice gardens. Probably, they are confused by recommendations encountered on the Internet. Answer this question is very simple.

Do I need to cut the top of the carrot

It can only be about trimming the tops before booking, you should not even talk about making the tops during the growing season.

Stage of cultivation

No matter how high the carrot tops in the growing season, it is impossible to cut it in any case. Bottom is the greens of vegetable, which means it participates in the process of photosynthesis just like leaves of shrubs or trees.

Top - "light" plants, a kind of breathing organ and photosynthesis, without her carrots will die quickly

Without her plant will die. Doubt can try on multiple copies. Immediately after cutting, the barn root ceases to grow, after a week it swept, then rotates.

Young leaflets contain a lot of useful substances, and people without great health problems should be used in food. Adding them to soups gives the piquancy to the taste, and it is quite possible to cut on a leaflet from the plant in the first half of summer, but no longer worth it.

Excessive foliage does not carry a negative impact on the root plant, but its removal will harm the plant. On the contrary, the larger the leaves, the greater the nutrients are formed in the root, the better it will be stored.

Evidence of vegetation

Do not cut the tops and before the dig of the rooteplood, although some gardeners per week do it. There is an opinion that such a reception will lead to best preparation Kornefloda to winter storage, but it is not confirmed by science.

On the contrary, there is a danger that with favorable weather conditions, the carrots left without a trees will start to grow it again. This will lead to an outflow of useful substances from the root plant in the Botto and, on the contrary, worsen product quality and its safety.

Cleaning for storage

After moving carrots, the tops should be removed immediately, otherwise the root roots will quickly begin to dry. Many gardeners tear the tops by twisting immediately after extracting roots from the ground. Others cut it out sharp knife, leaving 1-2 cm. Carrots with stalk residues stored in the cellar in the sand.

However, storage in the sand is not very convenient. It is much easier to another reception, which I have been using for 30 years, and it is now popular. When digging the tops, I climb, then carrots thoroughly and dry. Pickle cut off with a clean knife together with 4-5 mm root corner. I put the carrots in plastic bags of 2-3 kg and stored them loosely closed in the cellar to the new crop.

Carrots are rich in vitamins and unpretentious in growing root. Not only the vegetable itself has useful properties, but also his tops. But does the Buckwill cut off the carrots at all? Is it possible to cut the top of the carrot in the process of growing vegetable? And when can you cut the top of a carrot? Let's find answers to these questions.

At all useful properties The greenery of the root of the root, eat it carefully. If you are allergic to carrots or essential oils contained in its stems and leaves, ulcer of the stomach or inflammation of the thick bowel, it is better to refrain from adding carrot "tops" to your diet. It is not recommended to use this greens of pregnant women, because it increases the tone of the uterus and can provoke miscarriages.

Is it possible to cut the top of the carrot while it is still growing? Trim carrots during growth are not recommended in any way. Like the greens of any plant, carrot tops participate in the process of photosynthesis. If you cut the green stalks before harvesting, the carrot will stop growing and simply rotates in the ground. Also, the root of her flavoring grade loses its taste and ceased to ripeness and ceases to be saturated with useful trace elements. If you notice that some kind of vegetable is greater than its neighbors, you should not panic and try to cut everything to reduce the growth rate - the carrot of a big top will not affect the carrot, and cutting can only harm.

When cut

When can I cut the top of carrots? When you harm the root for storage for the winter, it is not easy to cut the stalks from it, but you need. If you leave them, the process of rotting will begin very quickly. Without stalks cut correctly on the day of the harvest, the root of the root will be kept longer, besides, it will preserve his taste better. Does the Merkovas cover cut off in advance while it is not yet collected and is in the ground?

Some gardeners begin to crop green leaflets about a week before harvest, but it is better to leave everything as it is up to cleaning. Carrots, being in the ground without greens, begins to grow it again. If you use a vegetable throughout the season directly from the bed and do not plan it storage, then the rules of trimming in this case are observed.

Rules trimming

Crumpled greens is held on the same day when collecting. Before cutting, the vegetables are dried and cleaned from the ground. If you cut a greens with a top of the root of the root, use a well-fulfilled knife so that there are no stuffs left on the surface, and apply chalk on the cut. Left, cutters can start germinate, and the crop will be spoiled.

Cropped and prepared vegetables are stored in the cellar, folding in boxes with layers with some interval between each vegetable, and falling asleep every layer of sand. The descent of the assembled crop in the cellar occurs only two weeks after collecting. So the skin is quite offended, and during this time they will show themselves all damaged and unsuitable for storage root.

Cut from tops can be used in cooking, put it or freeze for the winter. Some use sprigs for pickling and preservation. In the refrigerator, it is not kept for a long time and in a couple of days dry out, so in a fresh form it is used immediately. In plastic bags, everything will become even faster, so postponing cut-off tops with plans to use it into soup or salad, it is better to just tie it with a naught bundle. A more mature greens will be patched, but in combination with pepper, vinegar, ginger and garlic of bitterness will be significantly less.

For storage, choose only the whole, not yellowed, unbearable and not squall leaves, without plating mold. Sew tops under sunny rays Not recommended. You can store both in glass containers and in canvas bags. Place for storage should be dark and room temperature. You can freeze as in plastic containersand in plastic bags.

VIDEO "Recipes for the treatment of carrots"

In this video you will hear useful advice on the use of carrot tops.

If a rich harvest was issued, then the owner will definitely have a problem how to keep carrots for the winter. There are rules, subject to which the storage of carrots does not seem to be a complex process. The main thing is to comply with all the conditions and maintain them throughout the entire period right up to spring.

Preparation of carrot to storage

  1. To remove root roots.
  2. Crop all tops.
  3. Dry and venture for 2-3 hours.
  4. Week to withstand root at a temperature of 10-14 ° C.

Immediately before storage, all carrots carefully examine and remove the fruits with damage and stains.

How to cut carrots for storage

With incorrect trimming, carrots in winter can germinate. If the tops do not cut at all - the carrots will start, because the greens will suck out of her all moisture.

Proper trimming in the preparation for storage includes two stages: first cuts into the greens before the start of the root. The second stage is cutting off the head on the thickness of the half-meter. It will eliminate carrots from germination during winter storage and will preserve the appearance and quality for a long time.

Where to store carrots

Carrot storage in winter can be carried out not only in the cellar or basement, but also in the city apartment. The main thing is to create all the conditions so that the roots do not germinate and did not start. When fading, the product loses its entire juice, which contains most of the vitamins. If available, then cold storage equipment is suitable, but only in the case where the temperature regime corresponds to prerequisites storage.


There are several options for storing a rich harvest in the apartment. First of all, there are no basement among apartment owners, and therefore creating the necessary temperature conditions Can be in two ways: refrigerator or balcony. In the refrigerator, you can save root or polyethylene packages or with the help of a freezer. In the latter case, carrots must be gratened.


For such a goal, a glazed, but unheardal balcony. The way you can choose any: peat, sawdust, sand. An important rule - Roots must be isolated from each other. In this case, there is no risk of the occurrence of rot and distribute it to all stored roots. On the open balcony Save the crop will not work, because when the temperature drops it will flood.

A box that stands on a balcony with vegetables should be closed, and with severe frosts it is recommended to cover with warm things or wondering in a different way. At a plus temperature, it is not worth covering the container with roots, since it can refund and the process of rotting will begin.


Cellar in a private house - optimal option for proper storage Carrots in winter. Here you can create best conditions. Including temperature and humidity. In the cellar root root in any kind of bags, wooden and plastic boxes With filler. It may be sand, sawdust and even earth with clay.

In order to preserve the crop in the cellar, it is important to draw disinfection and disinsection of the room to bring insects, rodents, as well as destroy the spores of mushrooms. All this can interfere with the safety of roots, and you lose a crop.


The original storage method is a garden. It is important to understand that in this case the carrots remains until spring, since it is impossible to open the garden. Thus, the roots are preserved until spring heat, and it is possible to eat them before the appearance of fresh greenery.

Storage on the garden begins with the fact that all the tops in carrots are cut to the very base. Then the garden is moving with coarse-grained wet sand. After that, stretch the film to which peat, sawdust or humus. As a result, everyone is covered with another film or rubberoid. In this form, the carrots successfully pumps up to the moment of digging and it will not deteriorate. It is important that there is no close running of groundwater.

How to store carrots for the winter

The correct bookmark on the winter depends on what the root roof is stored. Much depends on the filler, since each gardener chooses for itself the optimal option. But with each of the ways there are nuances for which you need to pay attention.

In sand

The most common method. The main advantages of the sand is that it allows you to keep the temperature-needed temperature regime and does not allow root to contact with each other.

For storage, you will need a box, sand and water. On the sand bucket, you should use 1 liter of water. This is enough for moisture. On the bottom of the box lay down the sand with a layer of 5 cm thick. From above layer of carrots so that the root plates do not come into contact with each other. From above sand, then a layer and repeat and so until the box is filled. Admissible and use of dry sand. It makes sense in the sand Add ash or haired lime.

In sawdust

Sawdust must be exclusively coniferous, since such a filler prevents the infection with the fungus and kills the pathogenic microbes. In sawdust, carrots are also kept by layers. In addition, the phytoncides, which are contained in sawdust, will prevent germination during the storage period.

In the ground

Specialists are not recommended to store the entire harvest on the garden, since these rootes will be available for use only in the spring. This method is suitable only to those who have stocks and for the winter. The vegetable in the garden will help to be saturated with vitamins in the spring season and early summer.

In polyethylene

Polyethylene bags are perfectly suitable for storing rootepodes during the winter. If you store in the refrigerator, packages are perfect.

When laying the root crops in bags, it is also recommended to use sawdust coniferous treesTo move root root for safety. This prevents the flow of fruits, kills pathogenic microbes, as well as fungus. It is impossible to tie a polyethylene bag because carrots should have air access. The bag must be put in a dark and cool place. If winter is risk strong change Temperatures, the bag will need to be covered with warm things.

Important! When placed in polyethylene, carrots need to be reduced to maximize, because, otherwise the rotation process will accelerate.

In a saucepan

A great way to maintain a small amount of vegetable. To do this will need enameled saucepan. It is necessary to assemble the harvest, dry and cut each copy, and then vertically lay in the pan. Top cover with a newspaper or a napkin, and close the saucepan with a lid. Thus, you can save the crop in a cool place until spring.

In the onion or garlic husk

A leek or garlic husk is suitable as a filler of the boxes and packages for storing root. The effect of such a litter is the same as when using coniferous sawdust. In Luke and garlic husks there are special essential oils that will not allow spreading rot and scare rodents and insects. This method is especially useful when stored in the cellar. We also need to lay layers. The first layer of husks in the box should be thoroughly, and then simply spend all the layers of carrots, not allowing the contact of the root plates.

In a refrigerator

In the refrigerator, the rootpode is stored on the bottom shelf, in the polyethylene package. In this case, carrots must be absolutely dry, and the package is tightly closed to prevent the penetration of foreign smells from the refrigerator.

With a small amount of vegetable, there is a way at which you need to wrap each root of the stretch film and then put in the refrigerator.

In the freezer

The freezer is suitable for storing a small amount of product. Pre-root roots must be washed and grated on a large grater. Then the resulting mass is distributed over the packages, it is tightly closed and put it in the freezer.

The amount of frozen vegetable in this case depends on the size of the freezer. If the owner has a big separate freezing CameraYou can save more useful root roots.

How to keep a soot carrot

Mytaya carrot is stored not so long as dirty. Therefore, for long-term storage, it is not recommended to wash roots.

The washed rootpode is suitable only or for short-term storage in the refrigerator with a speedy use or, as an option for freezing. In the latter case, wash the vegetable must be necessary.

Important! If the crop is big, and it is planned to save the fruits for the whole winter, then you just need to shook the ground and clean the root root. Store Myoto Carrot for a long time will not work.

At what temperature to store carrots

Carrot storage conditions suggest high humidity and low temperature. Optimal option:

  1. Temperature 0-2 ° C.
  2. Humidity 90-97%.

It is important to monitor moisture, because with increased rates, the harvest just rotates.

To monitor the temperature in the room where the root roof is stored, there must be a thermometer. When freezing, be sure to protect and strengthen the harvest so that it does not wash. Otherwise, storage is useless.

Storage term

The term depends on the selected storage method. The maximum period in which the product retains its taste and nutritious qualities - 12 months. But for this it is necessary to constantly adherence to all storage conditions. The storage temperature of carrots should not be lowered below zero, since the rootpode loses its taste and the year is still stored.


Save carrots for the winter is easy. Subject to observance temperature mode and humidity roots will be stored during the winter and even more. It is important to prepare them correctly. Experienced gardeners They know that ideally you need to choose the right variety. Optimal for storage are the grade of conical shape and medium size. And also worth paying attention to the harvest timing. The product is as unplanned, and the transfrete long time is stored. Correct variety proper preparation, Bookmark for storage - Three whales, which keeps long-term storage of rootfields in winter.

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Topping cuts to the head of the vegetable, and twice. The first time remove the leaves, and the second time is cut below top edge Heads 1 cm. This will exclude germination in winter and winding.

How to trim carrots for storage - Photo:

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Methods Processing

How to treat storage carrots? Do I need to wash carrots before laying on storage? Molds storage are several. Before this vegetable is processed solution of payroll potassium.

White RotHaving affecting fruits quickly propagates when storing them in one container, which differs from black rot, not transmitted from the root to the root.

The processing of manganese pure carrots is produced in a large capacity (pelvis or bath). Prepare navy And poured on vegetables laid there. Exposure lasts up to 2 hours, then carrots are removed and driedon dense fabric or tarpaulin.

This processing method is effective only from the damage to the root plates with white rot and pests. The possibility of damage to fruits black Gnill remains. The procedure for processing carrots Before bookmarking for winter storage, the following:

Tips for the preparation of root for storage in this video:

Storage rules

How to store carrots?

Before collecting carrots intended for long-term storage needed active Watering. It will give her more ripeness.

SAMI acceptable temperature For the storage of washing carrots in winter - from 0 to +1 degrees Celsius. Above this limit begins germination. In the garden, vegetables are damaged already with minus 2 degrees Celsius. You can learn about the possibility of in the garden from our article.

In the repository (cellar, basement), you can lay carrots with stacks (boots) without using containers, peeping sand rows. Determine humidity of sand Just - squeeze in the palm of your hand, the lumps should not crumble. In the stacks of carrots is heads outward. Oh read on our website.

If autumn was warm and solar, it is not worth a hurrying with carrots harvesting, but it should be done before the onset of frosts.

Everything is heard about the benefits of carrots, but it is possible to save it to spring. Its competent storage, as, however, and other vegetables, begins with proper cleaning, and before that - with right choice varieties. For long-term storage, the mid-expenditures and late varieties and hybrids are suitable.

Let let go under the sun

So that carrots retain all their useful qualities, it is cleaned before the onset of frosts. At a temperature of minus 1 degree, the head of the root is frozen, and for storage such carrots is no longer suitable: even slightly fastened in winter quickly sweeps. But it is not worth a hurry with the digital. In September - October, if it is warm and sunny weather, each rootpower adds about 3--4 g per day. Therefore, carrots assembled late (but before the onset of frosts) and maturing better, and is stored longer. Yes, and vitamins and other useful substances in it more.

Carrots for winter storage are cleaned in good dry weather. Dug up with garden pods, pull out from the soil and immediately remove the tops. Otherwise she will pull the juices and nutrients From the root, which will become sluggish and dehydrated from this. Such a vegetable is unlikely to flew to spring, and the vitamins in it almost will not remain. But the tops are not cut, but unscrew, leaving a small (about 0.5 cm) "tail". So the head of the root is not injured. The twisted tops faster dries faster and does not allow penetrating into various microorganisms.

Sometimes carrots have a lot of root fibers. They also need to be carefully removed.

Then harvest We must necessarily dry under the sunny rays. This is done in order for the land, sticking to the root, lighter shake it easier. Yes, and vegetables do not prevent such "ultraviolet disinfection". After solar baths Shake the balance of soil. Although, as experience shows, carrots with stored ground is kept better.

Wash roots before bookmarking for storage is not recommended. But it is necessary to carefully sort. With dark stains or damaged should be immediately removed: spoiled and starting to rot, they can infect other root crops. Only healthy are suitable for storage.

There are options

Keep in winter carrots can be in a clay sheath. From water and clay, knead the solution (not curved sour cream), lower the roots into it, and then dry. It is important that they are completely covered with a clay shell. The carrots prepared in this way can be kept in open drawers or baskets. A drying layer of clay forms a thin coating on the root, protecting them from evaporation of moisture, withering and various diseases. Compared to other methods, this most wasteless - losses are not more than 4--5%.

Helps keep carrots and chalk solution. Telling can be both dry and wet. With a wet roofing spray or immerse in a 30% suspension of chalk. After that, they need to be cut as soon as possible. Dry petty is a dismounting for chalk at the rate of 150--200 g per 10 kg of carrots. A layer of chalk forming on the surface of the roots creates a weakly alkaline medium, which prevents the development of diseases, the appearance of rotten bacteria and mold.

Beautiful carrots and sand remains perfectly. In the cellar it is better to lay a border or pyramid with a height of no more than 1 m. Under the bottom row, pour 2 cm sand. Then put root heads to the heads and pour the sand layer again. Vegetables should not touch each other. Upper layer Sand, as well as sand on the sides of the pyramid or borals splash the water as soon as it starts to push. This method is suitable if the storage is cold enough, but does not freeze. By 1 kg of carrots, approximately 0.5--1 kg of sand leaves. You can mix sand with hawed lime or chalk at the rate of 9: 1.

Many owners store carrots in polyethylene bags of thick (100--150 μR) films. With this method, natural losses and the number of sprouted root roots are practically reduced to zero. Fit vegetables in bags, and put the bags vertically and do not start - they must be open: within them is created increased humidity Air and increases the maintenance of carbon dioxide. Without through ventilation, carrots fade less and dry, not so losing and in weight. It practically fully preserves vitamins, and its taste qualities do not change.

If the storage is possible, the temperature differences are possible, a condensed moisture is formed, which flows through the walls and is collected at its bottom. So that the condensate does not accumulate, make some small holes in the bag. You can pour inside the package 2--3 handstone dry onion husk.

Keep carrots in coniferous sawdust. In the level of 20 cm from the floor, the shelves are arranged and pumped off with wet (18--20%) sawdust. Place the roots on them with layers, which will also patch with sawdust. Sawdles need to take coniferous. They contain essential oil (Skipidar), which, having disinfectant properties, prevents germination and appearance of white rot. With this storage, carrots remain juicy and dense for a long time.

If the square does not allow, carrots are stored in boxes small sizes, the capacity is not more than 20 kg. This method will help save space for other vegetables. Boxes must be with dense walls and lid. In them, carrots will be kept better than in a container with holes. Boxes set to a stand 15--20 cm high above the floor and at the same distance from each wall.

If the boxes are stored on the balcony, with the onset of cold weather, they need to be covered with something warm. And with severe frosts it is better to put in the apartment and put next to the balcony door.

Unwashed carrots can be folded into a plastic bag, tightly roll and put in the refrigerator. So that it is saved longer, it is better to put no more than 2--3 root plates in one package. So it will be excluded in a bag of excess air and moisture. But before laying out vegetables, chole them during the day in the refrigerator, without covering. Otherwise, then condensate is formed, and carrots in the package will start germinate and rot.

IN lately Another option of bookmarking carrots for the winter is practiced. The head (0.5--1 cm) is cut off and dried root roofs: it is from here, as a rule, a vegetable begins to heat. Cropped carrot is dry until it is loaded and the wound will not be lost, and is laid for storage in any way.


Without proper storage conditions of carrots, rapid wilt, germination and illness are consistently threaten. Therefore, from time to time, move the root roots, sorting rotting and only beginners to deteriorate. Never leave them in the repository! If you think that kidnapped carrots can still save, put it in another place and pour with chalk.

Terms of storage of carrots

In polyethylene packages (in the refrigerator) - from 1 to 2 months.

In the clay shell (in the cellar) to the new crop.

In the sand (in the cellar) - from 6 to 8 months.

In coniferous sawdust (in the basement) - up to the year.

In closed boxes (in the basement) - from 5 to 8 months.

Help NG.

The perfect temperature for storing carrots is zero degrees, and air humidity - 90--95%. At temperatures close to zero, biochemical metabolic activity slows down 10 times. If the temperature is boosting, the roots will start germinate and rotes that significantly reduce their value, reduce the amount of vitamins and beneficial substances.