Repairs Design Furniture

Thuja Brabant at home. Thuja Smaragd and Brabant in Landscape Design: What is better, differences. Preparation of soil before landing

Evergreen plants are very popular with gardeners, designers and dacities. This choice is due to their aesthetic appearance, the ability to maintain color throughout the year, simplicity in the care and unpretentiousness of plants.

Thua Brabant on cottage plotThanks to sizes and form, often used as a living hedge, planted along the fences, alleys, roads. It looks spectacular in the design of the landscape design of any territory.

A non-additive plant with pleasure grown on panstones, in sanatorium and hotel parks, in the territories of restaurants and administrative buildings.


Thua Brabant - evergreen treewhich has the color of the needles remain unchanged at any time of the year. This is a form western Tui with the characteristic conical form of the crown, retains presentable view Throughout life.

Despite some similarity with similar plants, Thuya Brabant has its own distinctive features:

  • Increased growth rate. This species is able to give an increase a year to 25-30 cm in height. For favorable conditions And regular care with the rules of agrotechnology grows up to 50 cm.
  • Universality. Depending on the desire to transform, it is possible in a beautiful big ball or give a classic pyramidal form. With the help of trimming, geometric compositions are formed, alive hedges are created.
  • Unpretentious. For exceptional resilience, it is called otherwise "tree of life." It does not appear yellowish tint in the cold season. The only requirement for care is sufficient sunny lighting. Trees in the shade do not die, but their color changes.
  • Longevity. Putting a tree on his site, be sure that his beauty will admire a few more generations of your family.

One of the species of this type is Tuya Golden Brabant. Its main characteristics: golden hue of the needles and relatively small sizes. IN landscape design Often use these two fellows to create harmonious and original compositions.

Variety Brabant is unpretentious to the quality of the soil, does not require abundant irrigation, steady tolerate dry periods. The most comfortable place for growth is lightweight. The sun can dry a cheva, and the absence of color will lead to a change in color and weaken the tree.

Thuja Brabant is growing even in the most contaminated industrial regions and is well evolving due to such a property as gas resistance.

On the fertile soils, with full care, the dimensions of the adult tree reach giant sizes - to 15m. Typically, the height of the plant ranges from 4 to 6 m. The circumference of the adult plant is 2-3 m. Mandatory requirement - Regular trimming of branches 2 times a year. This variety is able to grow both in height and wide for record time, losing its appearance.

The crown width is generated depending on the desired result, the pruning procedure is carried out during the early spring or early autumn, until the first signs of branches are noted. So the plant is less injured and its growth is not slowed down. During the year, the diameter of the tree increases to 10 cm. Adjust the dimensions and the form can be independently or seeking help for professional gardeners.

One more distinctive feature Tui Brabant - frost resistance. It perfectly transfers the temperature differences, can grow in any territorial zone. The main requirement concerning the preservation in winter - to climb the soil around young seedlings. It will save root system From frost and prevent negative consequences.

Important! Bright winter sun in winter can provoke burns on the needles. This is especially true of young trees, two and three years old.

Another distinctive feature of this variety - the branches fall almost to the Earth, hiding the trunk. Considering the size of the tree, you can hide the shortcomings of the area and the soil around the coniferous landing.

Landing and care

Thuja Brabant is intensively growing and plentifully fruits only when all agrotechnical requirements are observed. Decorative properties are preserved throughout the year, if the plant is planted in half. For the living ingredients between the plants, there are about 1 m between the plants, this will allow the crowns to come together and create a one-piece composition.

Due to its unpretentiousness and the presence of a closed root system, seedlings easily carry transplants at any time of the year. Landing Tui Brabant in the spring ensures one hundred percent survival rate with good care.

Several ways are practiced:

  • Seeds. It is believed that with this method, the trees grow stronger and endless, but its decorative qualities deteriorate. Seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or collect themselves. Mature cones are kept warm to full cracking and collect seeds. Germinate in wet sand. After the appearance of sprouts are seeded in the prepared soil mixture of peat, sand and derdy land In the 1: 1: 3 ratio. Place into the cool basement and, if necessary, moisturize the soil. Sit into soil with the onset of heat.
  • Seedlings. In a wide, up to 1 m hole, strong tempered seedlings with a developed root system are planted. The depth must be 20-30 cm more than the ends of the roots. Pour a drainage layer with a height of 15-20 cm, pour the soil mixture, similar to the cultivation of Tui seeds, rolish with water. The root neck should be located at one level with the soil.
  • Reproduction with cuttings. The branches remaining after trimming are shortened to a length of 10-15 cm, placed in water-water container or wet soil. After the appearance of the roots, they transplanted into the soil and create greenhouse conditions. Immediately place the cuttings on the street contraindicated. The weak root system will not withstand frosts, and the thua will die.

Rules of care for young landings Simple: regular abundant irrigated in the first year of growth, loosening and removal of weed grass. For adult trees, it is recommended to enter 0.5-1 kg of nitroammofosk.

Tip: For drainage, any materials are used: stones, clayzit and brick fragments.

The soil for Tui Brabant is not a decisive factor when landing. However, preference is given fertile soil. Or additionally on the site of the alleged plantations is made by humus, peat and sand. As needed, mineral fertilizers add to strengthen the root system.

Depending on the predicted result, it is not less than half a meter at a distance. There are trenches for group compositions, pits are prepared for single trees. Recommended landing on permanent place On the plot - in the fall or in the middle of spring. At this time of year in the soil, there is enough moisture, the plants will not need to be frequent. In a hot dry period, regular abundant watering is required, from 10 to 20 liters for one plant every week.

The cultivation of the Tui does not take away a lot of time, strength and energy. In adult trees, the crown is only adjusted, and watering is carried out only in the absence of atmospheric precipitation for a long time. Plants practically do not affect pests, so they do not require additional processing insecticides. Apply chemical compounds Just with extreme necessity. Young seedlings for the year are adapted.

Important! The abundance of keriformicates harms plants.

It is better growing thuja in places protected from the wind. The soil is mulched throughout the entire growing season. It keeps moisture in the summer and protects from frosts in winter.

The crown of the tree is very plastic, its formation depends on your desire, purpose, aesthetic preferences. For a small amount of landings, a large garden secateur is used, a special technique is used with extensive operations.
The first trimming is made not earlier than 2-3 years after the seedlings landing in open sad.

Trimming Tui Brabant in the spring is carried out after the formation of the kidneys. The second - at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn, it helps to strengthen the crown and provides the result of the desired form. After melting snow, broken and dried branches are removed. The main condition is to prevent the branches of the branches during trimming, monitor the symmetry of the forms.

Haircut Tui Brabant allows you to create unique compositions, alleys, form shapes that correspond to the design of the territory or your desire. Cropped branches are used for reproduction and as an injection material, natural fertilizer. Pipher in the process of haircuts of conifers contributes to the strengthening of the crown and their development for the next year.

In the living rods, you can cut the tree no more than 1 \\ 3 young escape, otherwise the growth will suspend. There are three types of shapes of haircuts:

  • pyramidal;
  • colon's hair;
  • sharo-shaped.

Zircon is used to stimulate the root formation, "epin" is sprayed on the crown to remove stress in the plant.

Tools are disinfected before pruning, check for contamination and rust. It should be borne in mind that the plants are isolated by resin, so it is better to work in gloves and special clothes.

If the thua after winter is desirable, it is necessary to find out the reasons. With a local change in color in cold period, trees will be restored independently after the onset of heat and the first spring trimming. In this way of needles natural way Updated. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the soil to secure the result.

With mass yellowing of landings, it is necessary to check the branches on elasticity. If they are fragile, easily break - this is a reason to beat the alarm and take measures immediately.

Negative impact may be caused by several factors:

  • nearness groundwater and congestive phenomena in the soil;
  • blowing the root cervix plant and posting at its base;
  • landing density;
  • soil depletion;
  • systematic measurement of animals in places of growth of trees;
  • aggressive environment (industrial gases, automotive exhausts);
  • mechanical damage to the trunk.

If the reasons are not installed, you need to seek help from professional florists.

Thuja Brabant in landscape design

Designers have long and actively use evergreen plantations as landscape design. Unpretentiousness and year-round beauty attracts owners of private houses and managers of organizations.

Living hedge from Tui Brabant has a number of advantages:

  • air saturation with oxygen;
  • decorative effect;
  • noise insulation;
  • differentiation of the territory.

The optimal height is determined by desire and location. Parameters range from 1 to 4 meters. Properly planted plants increase over time, forming a real "coniferous" wall. It remains only to cut it at its discretion twice a year.

What is better: Tui Brabant or Smaragd

Both types of Tui are widely used by designers and have earned popularity from simple consumers. The main difference of these varieties is the growth rates. Smaragd grows significantly slower than Brabander. When choosing conifers, you need to consider this feature. Is the task in a short time to get full-fledged plantations or need to be reduced garden work By pruning.

When forming the living ingreders, Brabant, due to the ability of extensive branching and a column form, guarantees you a solid line that closes as it grows and forms a dense impassable wall. Smaragd, having a cone-shaped form, is more suitable for single landings, it is more frost-resistant and longer holds the shape after the haircut.

Both crib varieties are used in landscape design. Thanks to some differences, you can accurately predict the end result after disembarking. In any case, they will decorate the territory, they will add a cozy atmosphere, the individuality of the site will emphasize.

Thuya Brabant is in great demand for gardeners. And it is not surprising, because it is unpretentious plant It remains attractive round year. In addition, culture quickly grows, it is easy to create live hedge per short term. On how to plant and care for the plant, you will learn in this material.


Thuja Brabant, the photo of which is presented in the article, is a bright representative of the cypress family. In a natural medium, this attractive tree is found in the forests of North America. There it grows up to 20 meters in height. At home, the sizel sizes is much more modest. And the culture does not exceed 4-5 meters. But the height is not the main quality for which this plant is valued. After all, the main advantage of Brabant is a rapid growth. For the year, the seedlus adds up to 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width. Thanks to this quality, the trees can be raised a beautiful living fence in 2-3 years.

Choosing a place

Thuja Brabant is a light-affilome plant, so you choose well-lit sections for it. Of course, the green beauty is also taken into the shade. But from the lack of light, the saturation of the color and the thickness of the needles will suffer. An ideal place For the plant will be the eastern or western side of the site.

As for the soil, the plant comes to any type of soil. But the maximum decorative qualities of the Tui manifest themselves on fertile sublinks. If the soil is depleted, then do not forget to regularly feed the culture. Then she will delight the lush crown and emerald color all year round.


You can plant a coniferous brabant in spring and autumn. But experienced gardeners advise to start work in September-October. Then the plant has time to take care of cold weather, and with the arrival of spring continues his height. In addition autumn landing It will not be necessary to water the plant.

Although the thua is unpretentious to the soil, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance. Then you will be sure that the culture is enough nutrients. To do this, mix the following components:

  • cherry land - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

For seedlings, dig a pits with a depth of 0.7 m and 1 meter width. If you grow an alley from coniferous plants, Observe the distance between cultures of five meters. If you want to create a living fence from Tui Brabant, then the distance between the trees should be 0.5-0.7 meters. So how to plant a plant:

  1. At the bottom of the recesses, lay out a 20-centimeter layer of drainage. For these purposes, use clayjit or broken brick.
  2. Cover drainage with a layer of prepared soil. It is advisable to add 500 g of nitroammophosphate to each pit.
  3. Remove the plant from the container and set into the deepening along with the earth's room. So that the thua is easier to come out of the pot, do not water it before planting 2-3 days.
  4. Pull the emptiness soil. At the same time, follow the root neck to be closed with the level of land.
  5. Failure the ground, make a watering circle and moisturize the plant well.
  6. When water is absorbed, mulch the surface of the sawdust layer, peat or pine cheeis.

The first 2-3 years after landing Tui Brabant needs careful care. In the spring and summer, shelter the gentle hive from the scorch rays of the sun. Also, do not forget to remove dry shoots. When the plant arrives, it will be required to pay.


If it planted a thi brabant in the spring, then water the plant once a week at the rate of 10 liters per tree. In the summer, increase moisturizing, especially in hot and dry weather. At this time, each seedling needs 20 liters of water 2 times a week. In the fall, cut watering. An adult plant is enough rain rainfall and groundwater. And it should be watered only in dry periods.

The plant responds well to sprinkle. After this event of the needle acquires a saturated color and shine. Therefore, spend the procedure as often as possible. Remember that Tui Brabant is much easier to transfers the overjoyment, from which the growth of seedlings is just slowed down. But the lack of moisture affects the plant much worse: the tree drops his chew, his needles are yellow and die away.


For the first 2 years after landing, feed the seedlings every spring with mineral fertilizers for coniferous crops. In the summer it is desirable to add compost. But do not overdo it with fertilizers and in no case increase the dosage. Otherwise, you risk burning coniferous beauty. In the future, it is recommended to feed it once every 2-3 years.

Loosening and mulching

The next day after each watering or rain loose soil. Otherwise, a crust is formed on the surface of the soil, which will block air access to roots. But do not deepen much. Roots at coniferous beauty superficial. And they can be damaged by loosening.

After the procedure, be sure to mulch the soil. This will help the plant to hold moisture from the roots. In addition, the mulch will fit the culture and will not give rise to weeds. For these purposes, use sawdust, dry grass, peat or needles coniferous trees.


The first time to cut the plant two years after landing. Moreover, it is better to carry out this event in the late spring, when twigs and kidneys are formed. In the future, pruning is carried out in this way:

  • Each spring as soon as snow comes down, cut out all damaged and broken branches. This will improve the appearance of the plant and protect it from diseases and pests.
  • Every year, at the end of the summer, conduct forming trimming. Then the next year of the needles will be thicker.

Conduct a sanitary or forming trimming better on cloudy days. Then the shoots hidden under the crown will not receive burns. If you give a certain shape of a coniferous beauty, then shorten twigs are no more than 1/3 of length. Otherwise, "bare places" will be inaded for a long time.

Preparation for winter

Young plants will not be able to survive frost on their own, so you prepare them to the cold. To do this, tie the crown and cover the culture with a loan or other nonwoven material. In addition, do not forget to mulch the soil near the plant and cover the roots of the bag. Adult Tui calmly carry a decrease in temperature to -25 ° C. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover them. But still tapping the horses of the trees. Otherwise, it will break from the weight of the snow.

Reproduction of cuttings

Sofa of coniferous beauties are quite expensive. Therefore, if you want to multiply a cheap brabant, use the drawing method. But note that this is suitable for the shoots of the plant who has reached at least 2 years of age. Start the event at the end of summer. Then the sprouts are strengthened for autumn and winter, and in the spring they can be planted for a permanent place.

For cuttings, choose strong shoots with a length of 50 cm. And do not cut off the twigs, but snap the bark with a piece. Before rooting, hold the shoots in a solution of manganese or heteroacexin for several hours. So you disinfect the sections of the sections and protect the culture from pathogenic microbes.

Root cuttings in a special substrate consisting of equal parts Dernery soil, sand and peat. Before planting, be sure to disinfect the soil. How to root cuttings:

  1. Fall off the substrate in drawers or containers and moisturize.
  2. Cut low part Cheesets cuttings, treat Kornvin sections and root them into the soil. Bookmark depth - 2-3 cm.
  3. Cover the planting with glass or polyethylene and put it in a warm, light place.

So that the cuttings give roots, regularly moisture the soil from the spray gun. Also, do not forget to periodically air the seedlings, otherwise they will rot. In winter, provide cuttings additional lighting phytolampa. When plants are rooted, and new shoots will appear on them, boost seedlings. To do this, remove the film first for 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time. After that, learn the plants to open air. Ensure correct care Tue Brabant, and the coniferous beauty will delight you with an attractive view and rapid growth over the years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners argue: What is better to plant for the living fence - Tyu Smeragd or Brabant? Each variety has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, SMARAGDA has the color of the needles more rich. But the Brabant grows faster, and for the year the increase in varieties is 0.5 meters, unlike 10-20 cm of the first grade.

At the same time, the frost resistance of SMARAGD is much higher, and the grade is caring in the shade, but does not tolerate the convergence. Brabant feels well in areas with close grounding of groundwater. But a variety loves a lot of light. In general, which of these varieties is suitable for the site, to solve you. In any case, these types of Western Tui will not disappoint you. After all, they are unpretentious and delight with their beauty all year round.


Thuja Western Brabant (Thuja Occidentalis Brabant) - has a column-like krona. In this case, the crown is compact, often descends to the earth itself. At the same time, quite branched. The height of this beauty can reach more than 3.5 m. Is valuable planting material Almost throughout Russia. The exception is arid areas and regions with very low temperatures (below 30-35 degrees). It does not very well tolerate long-term thaw with a drop of temperatures, as it can cause early sludge. Moisture- This thua is perfectly leaving in the city feature, where they are often used as living hedges. It can grow both in sunny places and in shaded.

Thuya Brabant - evergreen tree, like all things. It has a beautiful green cheva, which is omitted to the earth itself. From the other types of Tui, Tuya Brabant is rapidly increasing, which is its undoubted advantage and advantage in relation to the rest of the varieties.

This type of thuu needs a constant systematic care associated, in particular, with constant periodic circumcision of shoots for the formation of a beautiful form of crown, especially those who want a living fence from Tui Western Brabant. It is supported the desired height Trees and beautiful appearance of the Tui.

Another feature of the Tui Western Brabant is spring blossom, which ends with the formation of small brown lumps. Their appearance slightly reduces the decorativeness of the tree, but especially does not interfere with appearance.

Can be applied on single and group landings. It looks great as a living hedge. The landing frequency in this case should be 0.5-0.7 m in the row.

Diameter of crown and height: In our conditions grows 3.5-4 m (in southern latitudes up to 15 - 20 m). Crown conical, young aged thick, later becomes loose.
Fruit: Brown cones, oblong-oval, 0.8 - 1.2 cm length.
Needles: The needles of scaly, green, keeps coloring in winter.
Growth features and cultivation: Annual increase in the Tui Western Brabant in a height of 30 cm, in a width of 10 cm.
The soil: It can grow on any basis, but prefers fresh, sufficiently moistened fertile loam.
Shine: It grows both in the light and in the shade, but on the sunny place the crown is more decorative.
Moisture: It takes both dryness and not long excess soil moisturizing.
Frost resistance: Frost-resistant. USDA zone 3 (see).
Care and protection: In the first year after landing, plants need to hide the above-ground part and inspired rOCK Chip or peat layer 5-10 cm. Very well tolerates trimming and haircut.
Decorative qualities: It is characterized by a narrow-pyramidal crown and a green cheese that does not change color and winter. Recommended for live elevations. Frequency of landing in a row: after 0.5-0.7 m.
Purpose: Single and group landings, alleys, live hedges

Landing and care for the Tuya Western Brabant

For the landing of the thui choose solar places. Although the plant suffers and shadow, but at the same time the plant develops worse and crown becomes less attractive. The soil is suitable (peat, dry and clay squeezes). When landing in a heavier soil at the bottom of the landing pit, a drainage layer is needed at least 15 cm thick. The landing pit is digging under the size of the coma of the plant, depth of 60 to 80 cm. Soil mixture You can prepare in advance. The mixture is optimally suitable, consisting of sand, peat and sheet (turf) land in the ratio of 1: 1: 2. The level of acidity for the thuy is desirable within 4.5-6 pH (see). For better growth add nitroammophos adult plant up to 100 g). It must be remembered that the root neck must be at the ground level.

After landing, it is necessary to regularly water, about 1 times a week one bucket of water for an adult plant. If the landing was produced in a hot dry period, the frequency of irrigation should be increased. Thuja - a plant that evaporates moisture a lot, so loves watering and sprinkling, it speaks well to him.

The feeder is carried out as a rule in the spring, for this any complex fertilizers (Kemira-Universal, etc.), 50-60 g per m 2 are suitable for this.

At the occurrence of the growing season, the soil is loosened on a small depth (10 cm), so thua has a surface root system, and mulched (compost, peat, bark, etc.)

Winter frosts An adult plant tolerates well. However, the Tui suffer from sun burns In the spring. Therefore, they need to be stolen, especially young plants (see). For the winter, the crown is tightly tape in order to avoid damage to the crown from wet snow. In the spring, damaged dry shoots are removed, the sanitary trimming is carried out (see).

Tui trees and shrubs are very popular among gardeners thanks to juicy greenery and lush-shaped crown. Putting Tui Brabant and ensuring necessary care These fast-growing cultures, in a short time, you can create amazing garden compositions on the site. This popular unpretentious plant is used to form a rather dense green hedge, which is pleasing to the eyes throughout the year.

Growing conditions

Spring work on the landing of a representative of the family of cypressov is held when the soil warms up completely. In the fall, the conifer must not less than a month so that the seedling is ingrained to the first frost. The plant planted in August into open ground will need less irrigation. This contributes to a non-fit sun and frequent autumn rains.

Thuja Brabant prefers pretty bright lighting, but it can be in a half worth one for some time. Continuous sunny rays leads to enhanced evaporation of moisture from the needles, which affects the decorativeness of the plant. The dehydrated tree is harder to survive the winter. Roughs placed in the shade will not be able to grow thick and lush cron. It is also necessary to take care of the protection of plants from a strong wind.

Young plants that have not reached the height of one and a half meters, it is advisable to hide under an awning of the hot sun, and it is useful for the winter to cover with frost breathing underfloor material.

Soil preparation and planting plants

Tui Brabant is undemanding to the soil composition, but a carefully prepared substrate for landing will be beneficial on its rooting. Getting nutrients in sufficient quantities, the village will increase the chic green crown.

To obtain a fertile earth mixture, each seedling will need:

  • ferry sheet land (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • nitroammofoska (up to 500 g).

Most often Tui Western Brabant is used by gardeners and designers to create a living hedge. So to get quite dense decorative wall The distance between plants from 0.5 to 1 meter should be observed. To create an alley, the interval between trees is withstanding from 5 to 8 m.

The magnitude of the landing pits depends on the size of the earth's seedling, which should be freely placed in it. Depth can reach 70-75 cm, width - about a meter. Placing climber on heavy soil with high humidity, Take care of drainage. On the bottom of the pit layer to 20 cm, it is possible to pour clairzit or pebbles, the use of broken brick is allowed. Before planting an earthen kom Tui Western, it is recommended to dry, without disturbing its integrity.

The process of planting a decorative conifer is not distinguished by complexity.

  1. A part of the cooked substrate is laid on the drain layer.
  2. The seedling is deepened in a pit in such a way that the root neck remains at the ground level.
  3. On the sides and on top, the rhizome is sprinkled with a ready-made fertile mixture.
  4. The soil around the plant is rambling and shedding with water.

Reproduction at home

When breeding a coniferous seeds, the plant loses its decorative properties. Tuya Brabant is quite easy to divorce stalling. Cropped withdrawal branches at least 40 cm long will quickly be finished, if you place them for some time in a container with water. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot. A young seedling is not recommended to transfer in the open soil in the fall. It is better to wait for the plant to strengthen, and in the spring to transplant to the main place of growth.

Plant care

Throughout the first month, the conifer is required a weekly watering. For each plant, at least 10 liters of water is consumed. In case of continuous drought, the volume of irrigation increases to 20 liters per week.

The needles of the thui evaporate a large number of Moisture, so regular sprinkle will affect the green mass.

  • Thuja Brabant has a surface root system, so looping after irrigations should be taken carefully.
  • Soil mulch peat or compost will not only save roots and add required amount Nutrients, but also prevents excessive evaporation of water.
  • In the spring, during the first two years after the landing, the plants are fed by combined fertilizers, which necessarily must be magnesium. During the summer, feeding can be repeated in June and July.
  • With the onset of spring, the Tui remove the filled and sick shoots.

Under the weight of the snow, the branches of the plant can break, so they are recommended to be tied with a rope for the winter. The roots of the conifer is preferably covered with a sweetheart.

It does not represent the difficulty and care of the plant at home. For Tui Western, grown in a pot, it is recommended to support temperature mode in the range from 10 ° C to 15 ° C. Brabant prefers scattered illumination or half. Requires timely watering, spraying the needles and feeding plants. In the summer, the pot from Thury is preferably taken out into the street in a cool privided place.

Changing the color of the needles and the foaming of damaged shoots indicate illness that can be caused by fungi or pests. To prevent fungal diseases, it is necessary to stick to the basic rules for planting and leaving the plant. At the first signs of diseases characteristic of coniferous trees, it is necessary to treat Tyu Brabant with special drugs. Spraying with the preparations of "Fufanon" or "Aktellik" is made in May.

A haircut

For the formation of living hedges and garden compositions, the plant must be regularly subjected to haircut. To create a dense green wall, it is enough to correct the shape of the conifer to twice a year: in early June and at the end of August. Regularly shortening the top and trimming the side shoots, you can maintain the necessary height and shape of a decorative plant.

Thuja Brabant remarks wonderful trimming, which is held since the third year of life. A powerful secret should be cut off the tops of the branches, unnecessarily not injured them. Only a third of the escape will be coated so that the plant does not weaken.

Among the landscaped designers, Western Brabant is deservedly very popular. Fast-growing, frost-resistant and unpretentious coniferous plant is increasingly decorating private gardens. Lush thick crown having a pyramidal shape, very decorative. It looks spectacular both in the combined compositions and in the alas and alive hedges.

Using this representative of the cypress family when creating a stylish cozy garden Let us limit the space by giving it a decent framing.

Thuja Western Brabant is one of the types of Western Tui, which is rapid growth, its height reaches 20 m, and the diameter of the crown - 4 m. In the growth rate of Thuja "Brabant" is inferior only by larch, but, unlike her, does not resear Leaves for the winter. Croon Tui Compact, a branchist, can descend to the earth itself, and the bark has a red-brown tint, often peeling.

The needles of the Tui "Brabant" of green, sometimes with golden tips. She retains her paints even in winter. This is a rare property for such plants, usually they turn yellow with the onset of cold.

All the most interesting and useful about Tui "Brabant" Consider below.

Characteristics and features of Tui "Brabant"

Thuja "Brabant" from the family of cypress trees is considered to be "giant" among its relatives. It also has a lush crown. The needles itself resembles scales up to 0.4 cm in size, growing vertically. They are tight pressed to run.

Once in 2-3 years, the needles fall together with branches. The cones of Tui "Brabant" are small, up to 12 mm, have an egg shape. They consist of thin plates with two sustained seeds. Seeds - yellow with two wings.

For the year, the Western thua grows up to 30 cm in height and up to 10 cm in width.It has sound wood, quite durable, without resin moves, with delicate aroma, not exposed to putrid processes. The root system of the Tui "Brabant" is very compact.

This grade loves the sun, but can easily grow in the shade. It feels well near groundwater and in highly moistened areas. And adult individuals with the perfectly formed root system normally transfer drought and frosts. Thuja "Brabant" easily carries out in urban conditions. The original crown shape caused the use of Western Tui in landscape design, among solitary and group landings.

Did you know? Thuja is widely used in medicine. All parts of the plant are used for different preparations: needles, bark, branches, bumps, pollen.

How to choose healthy seedlings when buying

Saplings of Tui "Brabant" best buy already acclimatized. Each plant must be in a separate container with fertilizers. Thanks to this approach, the seedlings do not need to dig up, damaging the root system. After landing in the ground, they will surely come down.

To acquire Tui saplings better at the end of May or in June, at this time the deceased instance of the plant will not be able to give you for living. Healthy seedlings are easy to distinguish on a juicy, not refined with green green. Brown or yellow - Sign of the patient plant. The tips of the roots of a healthy seedling have white color and thickness from 1 to 3 mm. The soil in which the seedling grows should be wet. It is best to buy plants with a height of up to 20 cm to 1 m.

How to put the same "Brabant"

In order to enjoy the green magic and the fabulous aroma of Tui Barbant's fabulous aroma, all the rules for planting seedlings should be observed. This is the key to the healthy growth and long life of the plant.

Best time for landing

It is possible to plant it from spring to autumn inclusive, and the seedlings are best shot in April - May. In these months it is worth using inexpensive seedlings. Then, throughout the summer, you can do container seedlings. Most likely, all your plants will take place. But it is better to feel it, the spring copies will be more active and more active.

Selection of place and soil landing

The perfect soil for the Tui is wet and light. If you put a plant in dry and clay soil, It is most likely to dry and shrust. Tuya does not like shadows and wind, but alone with the scorching sun, too, should not be left. Optimal option will be a wind-protected place with sufficient number Light and shadow.

Preparation of soil before landing

Before boarding, dig a hole of 60 × 60 × 80 cm. If the soil is raw and heavy, you need to make drainage from fine stones, broken bricks, large pebbles or rubble layer 20 - 30 cm.
The nutritional mixture for the Tui consists of ground, sand and peat (1: 2: 2). If the plant is planted in spring or early summer, pour 200 g of complex fertilizers into each yam. If we plant at the end of summer or in the fall, add 250 g of superphosphate.

Rules landing Sedenty

It is very important to observe the distance between the tias when landing. Distribute seedlings of Tui "Brabant" at a distance from 0.5 to 3 m. The optimal depth of planting is from 60 to 80 cm.Drainage - 15 - 20 cm.

Directly to landing can be started after preparatory work. The root system of the Tui "Brabant" set to the nutritional mixture so that the neck of the seedling is at the ground level. Put the roots with a mixture and lose weight slightly.
it general rules For Tui Western Brabant. But if you decide to land the Tui "Brabant" in the fall, then some features should be known for this time.

  1. You need to meet the deadlines: Saplings with open roots "betray land" from the beginning of September to early October, and grown in a container - until the end of October.
  2. When landing, no feeders do not apply, except for those that stimulate the growth of the roots.
  3. It is advisable to use a mulch for warming roots.
  4. It is necessary to protect the crown of a young plant from the scorching sun and frost.

How to care for Tuya "Brabant" in the process of cultivation

Care and cultivation of the Tui - not the easiest task for the gardener. So that the plant was beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to follow the rules for the growth of it in the process of growth: feeding, mulching, right watering, making fertilizers, trimming and haircut.

Watering, loosening and soil mulching

After planting, every seedling is plenty. Then mulch the priority circle of each tree with a layer of 10 cm. The mulch helps longer to keep moisture in the soil, does not allow it to overheat, does not give to grow weeds, and decaying, it supplies the root system with nutrients. In winter, mulch protects the roots of the Tui from the freezing and does not allow the soil to be compacted.

For mulching, peat, bark of coniferous plants, leaf humus and compost suitable. In the first month after landing, it is necessary to abundantly water it every day, because from the lack of moisture, young shoots are withering, and Krone has been rare.

Important! The roots of the Tui do not have to rear and be very moistened.

The thua needs regular soil looser at a depth of 10-15 cm.

Making fertilizers

Fertilizer for Tui "Brabant" is not very different from feeding for other varieties of this plant.

If the thuja is planted in spring or early summer, then in September it is necessary to think about the fosfo-potash fertilizer plant.In the following years, it is fed at the beginning of spring with a dry fancy "Kemira-Universal" or a hydrocomplex. The procedure is repeated in two weeks. In the fall, it is necessary to restore the plant with phosphorus-potash mixtures.

Trimming and haircut

If there is a need, the spring gardeners make a sanitary trimming of the Tui, removing patients and damaged branches. The most effective haircut of the Tui "Brabant" will be in June. Remove no more than 1/3 of the shoot length.

Did you know? To create a living hedge of Tui, it is often used by the Brabant grade. It is popular thanks to his unpretentiousness and good haircut tolerance.

Livestore and use in landscape design

Beginner gardeners are often wondering: how fast is the Thuja "Brabant" grow and is it suitable for living hedges? This Tui variety grows much faster than others, it is resistant to urban conditions, so it is often used in landscape design and creating living walls. Thuja "Brabant" is wonderful with cypress, oriental fir, TsuGa, European larch, spherical and open juniper, spherical and egg-shaped pines, microbiotes, openwork larchs and many other plants, allowing you to create interesting compositions.
In landscape design there are two kinds of alive ingredients: free-growing and condensed. For Tui "Brabant" is best suited for a cut-out form. If you are interested in the question: how to trim the things for living hedges, then it is best to do it twice a year - in March and August. Due to the weave of the branches of the plant will create a dense wall.