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Landing and caring for the Tuya in the garden plot. Western Tui Western Tui Variety Review

Thuya is one of the most popular decorative garden crops. It is widely used in landscape design. The undoubted advantages of the plant in the eyes of the gardener - unpretentiousness, cold resistance, the ability to successfully adapt to the not always favorable climate and put up with separate errors in care. Selectors have a lot of varieties, including dwarfs. Place for such a culture will be found on any garden plotIn addition, landing and caring for the Thay do not require titanic efforts.

What does thuya look like

Thuja, she "tree of life" or "Northern White Cedar" - a long-term coniferous plant related to the family of cypress. The genus is a few, it includes only five species. Natural area of \u200b\u200bher habitat is North America and East Asia. In nature, the height of the tree can reach 15-20 m, and the diameter of the barrel is meter and more. There are also 70 meter giants with a girth of about 6 m. But in the brought by the breeding way of the thu, which are most often grown in garden sites, the dimensions are much more modest. This is a long-lived tree, 100-150 years old for him is not the limit.

Natural Tui - Real Giants, Copies are known at the age of five hundred years and more

The name of the famous Swedish botanist and Karl Linney systematizer gave the name. It comes from the Greek "sacrificing." Wood Tui used to be widely used for ritual bonfires, inevitable due to the characteristic pleasant fragrance.

The crown has a very dense, pyramidal or rounded, dark-green needles, reminds lying flavored scales. She is soft, practically does not ourselves. Waste is lighter than the front side. In winter, some varieties of needles are brown. For the plant, this is the norm, and not some kind of exotic disease.

The needles at the Tui consists of small scales, it resembles a fern leaves with something

The root system of the Tui is well developed, but superficial, so the soil in the attractive circle is often slightly extended. The bark in young plants smooth, brilliant, reddish-brown. With age, it gradually heat and begins to move wide stripes.

The bark in adult tui is often peeled with whole wide ribbons, for the plant it is normal

Flowers of linomes and dull-red or brick cones of Tui hidden in a thick crown. And some breeding varieties do not bloom at all. For all the thu, the light recognizable "cypress" flavor is characteristic. From the cones do essential oil with similar smell. It increases the total tone of the body, helps to quickly restore the strength, increase the stress resistance and endurance to physical exertion, contributes to the concentration of attention. It is useful for the treatment of many skin diseases.

Tui bloom often passes almost imperceptibly

Tuya very well tolerates the haircut and keeps the form, since the growth rate is no different. That is why culture is so loved by landscape designers. The simplest solution is to form live hedge From Tui. No less effectively plant looks in single and group landings. Miniature varieties are used in rocories, mountaineering and "Japanese gardens". But it's not worth overdoing. Thuja in Russia is still exotic, it strongly stands out against the background of the local flora. Excess trees and shrubs in the garden plot creates a gloomy atmosphere.

Thuya looks very attractive, both in single landings and compositions

Culture prefers a well-heated plots or at least halftime. In the shadow of Tui "Lysset". Winds and drafts Plant is not afraid, it can be safely planted in open places. It also loves coolness - long droughts and the heat of Tuya is not very good. But the plant puts up with an unfavorable environmental situation, air gas. Such requirements for cultivation conditions with a very high frost resistance (at -35-40 ° C) allow you to cultivate the Tui for most of Russia, including in the regions with a sharply continental climate. The most cold-rescue western, it is precisely it is the basis for most of the experiments of breeders.

Living fence from the Tui is very easy to maintain it in proper condition, too easy

Tyu are often confused with other decorative plant - Juniper. But if you look attentively, you can find a lot of differences.

Table: how to distinguish and juniper

Criterion Tuya
Requirements for growing conditionsWell tolerates the baked air, dust, smoke. Negative refers to droughtDrought-resistant, dust and gaspace does not tolerate
Root systemDeveloped but superficialVery powerful, rod root goes into the soil of 10 m and more
Form of the crownDepends on the variety - may be round, and pyramidal, and spontaneousSpicy, pretty "loose" shrub
NeedlesSoft, consisting of individual scales. Color varies depending on the varietyHard sharp spines resembling awl. Painted in "Smoky" bluish-green color
FruitSmall reddish brown conesSIZO-Violet or bluish berries, sometimes with red sweat

If you look closely, then the juniper has almost nothing in common

Sorts grown in garden sites

Breeded by selection by varieties of Tui a great set. They differ in dimensions, the shape of the crown, the colorful needles. Surely every gardener will be able to find a plant in the shower. Most of them are derived based on Tui Western.

  • Aureospicata. Low tree or shrub. Crown in the form of a wide cone. Halfood needles, the sun is castting golden. There is a dwarf variety - aurea nana, the height of which does not exceed 0.6 m. In young copies of the needles of lime-colored, gradually it changes the shade on a salad-green.
  • Bodmeri. A bush plant, reaching a height of 2.5 m. The main "chip" is thick, fancy bending branches. Dark-green needles, very thick.
  • Brabant. One of the most common varieties. This is a tree that achieves a height of 12-15 m with a barrel of 2-3 m in gripping. Green needles, does not change in winter. The bark in adult copies of the Brabant is very hindered. Compared with other species, it is highlighted by the speed of growth, adding about 30-40 cm per year.
  • Columna. Colonid shrub or tree. Height varies from 2-3 m to 10-12 m. Growing extremely slowly. The dry-green needles, they seemed black. During the year, its color does not change.
  • Danica. Shrub with a rounded crown of the correct shape. The height is about 0.5 m, the diameter is 0.8-1 m. The needles are very thick and soft, bright green. In winter, Danika acquires a light bronze tide. Well tolerate the shortage of light, relatively good - drought.
  • Elegantissima. A very elegant church with a height of 3-5 m. Crown is dense, in the form of a wide cone. Bright-green needles, glossy. The ends of the branches are whiten.
  • EUROPA GOLD. Shrub in the form of a cone. The height is 2-3 m, the width of the base is 1-1.5 m. Young shoots are yellowish-brown. New chevings bright orange, then gradually yellow. In winter, their color does not change.
  • Fastigiata. Very much resembles cypress. The height of the tree is up to 12-15 m, the crown in the form of a column. It grows pretty quickly. The color of the needles varies from salad to dark green, almost black. It depends on the conditions of cultivation.
  • Filiformis. Shrub, whose height does not exceed 1.5 m. Crown is almost round, slim shoots, nicety. Bright-green needles, brown in winter.
  • Globosa. Shrub in the form of almost the right ball (height - 1-1.2 m, the girth is about 1 m). Shutty glossy, dark green. In winter, changes the color to the brown or grayish. More than other varieties demanding to watering, prefers halftime. The variety of NANA does not exceed 30 cm. In the cold of its needles.
  • SMAGARD. Another very common variety. Young trees are slender, with a pyramidal crown. Then they seem to "settle", become squat. Growth speed is gradually slowed down. Height does not exceed 5-7 m. Evergreen tree. A very high frost resistance of Smaragd is no different, where winter is harsh and low, even adult copies need shelter for the winter.
  • Sunkist. Very tight and large shrub in the form of almost the right cone. The height reaches 3-5 m, the base diameter is 2-4 m. Young copies are golden, then it gradually changes the shade on the lemon. In winter, bronze. In order for the plant to retain the effect, bright lighting is especially important.
  • Tiny Tim. Ruffy shrub loose for Tui. The height is up to 1 m, the width is about 1.5 m. The needle is bright green, the bronze chill acquires in winter.
  • One of the most spectacular varieties. Crown is very dense, bright-green needles, with small stains of yellow, white, creamy color.
  • Nillieri. Bust-shaped bush, no more than meter in diameter. Short shoots, rigid. Zelene-blue needles with a sizem. In winter, changes the shade on greenish-brown.
  • Zebrina. A rapidly growing tree, reaching a height of 10-15 m. The needles are yellowish or lime, with white or cream thin stripes.
  • Golden Globe. Flood shrub diameter near a meter. In pruning practically does not need. Required to lighting and watering. The needles on the surface of Crohn lemon-yellow, inside - light green.
  • Wagneri. The tree height is 3-3.5 m. Krone is narrow, pyramidal, very dense. Olive-green needles, sometimes with a grayish subton. In the fall changes the color to the bright copper.
  • Woodwardii. Shrub with an almost round crown with a diameter of about 2 m. The dry-green needles, for the year its color does not change.
  • Albospicata. A low church, a growing maximum to 2.5 m. Crown in the form of a wide cone, shoots towards the trunk are located under an acute angle. Bright-green needles, at the ends of branches - with white spots and strokes. Especially brightly such a film manifests itself in the beginning of summer, by autumn, the contrast is gradually smoothed. The trees in the sun look very impressive, as if highlighted from the inside.
  • Cristata. Tree with a height of up to 3.5 m, crown in the form of a wide cone. The needles of a very dark green color with a naize. Separate flakes are small, collected in dense, almost vertical "branches", something similar to bird feathers.
  • Rheingold. Shrub height near meter. Young specimens are almost spherical, as they grow up, clear contours are gradually "blurred", trimming is necessary. The needles pale-golden, winter changes the color to the copper, in the spring it becomes a pinkish tump.
  • Teddy. One of the most miniature varieties, the diameter of the crown does not exceed 30 cm. The maximum possible sizes of the bush reaches after 5-6 years after disembarking into the ground. Couplings are very short, saturated green and very atypical for the thuma form. As the wood grows, they are getting hard. In winter, Teddy's needles will boil. This variety never suffers from sun burns.
  • Ericoides. The tree is not more than a meter high, intensely branched. Soothes are thin, form a multiple crown, resembling a bird's nest. Needle needles, but soft. From above, it is painted in lime color, rich-green sprinkle with gray-naes. In winter, changes the shade on a dark brown with a purple tide. It does not bloom, seeds do not forms. But it is very easily multiplied with stalling.
  • Recurva Nana. A tree with a height of up to 2 m. Crown on form looks like a bow. Shoots are thin, easily bent and intertwined with each other. Dark-green needles, drill in winter.
  • Spiralis. A tree with a height of up to 6 m. It looks very unusual due to spiral spirals. Crown in the form of a cone, pretty "loose". The needles of a saturated dark green color. The variety does not suffer from sunburn, needs regular watering.
  • MR BOWLING BALL. Dwarf-shaped shrub with a diameter of 0.6-0.9 m with as if an openwork crown. This is especially well noticeable on the "lace" shadow. The needles of grayish-green color, almost filamentous. In winter, bronze.

Popular gardeners variety: photo

Tuya aureospicata in the sun acquires a very beautiful golden chill Thuja Bodmeri is branches bending under the most unexpected angles Tuya Brabant is very popular with gardeners around the world Tuya Columna fully justifies the names obtained by external similarity to the column Tuya Danica was removed in the late 40s of the twentieth century, but still not lost popularity Thuja Elegantissima is very elegant and decorative Thuja EUROPA GOLD gradually changes the color of the needles with orange on golden Tyu Fastigiata is easy to confuse with cypress Thuja Filiformis is noticeably different from "Relatives" Tuya Globosa supports a spherical shape even without trimming Thuja SMAGARD is very often found in landscaped compositions Thuja Sunkist is a very dense crown Thuja Tiny Tim is pretty "loose", the crown is not distinguished by a dense Tuya Variegata stands out of the Pins Tuya Hillieri is distinguished by a cheese with an unusual bluish tide Tui Zebrina has a very unusual striped needles Tuya Golden Globe places increased requirements for lighting and watering Thuja Wagneri in the fall paints a very beautiful copper color Thu WoodwardIi - evergreen plant Thuja Albospicata retains motion only in the first half of summer, then the contrast is slightly smoothed In Tui, the Cristata needles slightly resembles feathers Thuja rheingold in the spring acquires a pinkish shade Tuya Teddy - one of the most miniature varieties In Tui Ericoides, the tint of the needle reminds the color of heather, hence the name Thuja Recurva Nana is very thin, easy to confuse shoots Thuja Spiralis does not suffer from long stay under the right sunlight Thuja MR BOWLING BALL - Very beautiful bushing with a "lace" crown

Preparatory procedures and landing in open ground

The requirements for cultivation conditions at the Tui are not so much. Considering that this is a long-lived plant, a place for disembarking should be chosen deliberately. To transfer somewhere adult tree, then it is unlikely to succeed, even though the root system is superficial.

In order for the thuly in the best manner showed her decorativeness, she needs the sun. Some varieties with yellow or pystride cheese in the shade even lose an unusual shade, "fading" to the green. Winds and drafts The tree is not afraid, so it can be safely planted in open areas. Uniform illumination contributes to the formation of a symmetrical thick crown.

The sun's sun is needed, but it is advisable for her to provide easy half

Nevertheless, it is still desirable to provide Tui light half, especially during periods when the sun is most actively. Long stay under the right rays can cause dehydration, which, in turn, significantly reduces the frost resistance of the plant.

To the quality of soil special requirements There is no Tui. If there is a choice, it will prefer the nutritious substrate with good aeration. But the tree successfully carries out on the "poor" sandy soils, and on the "heavy" clay, and even practically in a swamp. It is desirable that the soil is weakly acid. To achieve this, fresh sawdust of coniferous trees, peat, and several citric acid crystals or a pair of apple acid crystals or a couple of droplets of apple acid can be added to the soil when planting.

It is necessary to take into account the nearest "neighbors". Tuyu is quite suitable "Company" of other coniferous trees, spiries, acacia, hydrangea. But, for some reason, she does not like peonies and asters.

It is not known why, but with peonies, the thuu gets very bad

Very important quality of planting material. It is advisable to purchase thui with a closed root system, in pots or containers. When transplanting into the ground, such plants are experiencing less stress. Healthy copies of the needles are bright, glossy, saturated color, and there are no spots and damage on the crust suspiciously reminiscent of mold or rot. Roots should not be visible - neither drainage holesnor on the surface of the earth. If this is not the case, Tuya is in a pot already too long, which is harmful to the plant.

High-quality planting material is coming up in a new location faster and easier

In regions with harsh winters, which often occur much earlier than the calendar is provided, the Tui land in the spring, from the end of April to mid-May. This will give the plant the opportunity to adapt to the new habitat and ensure itself a supply of nutrients for the upcoming wintering. In areas with the subtropical climate, the procedure can be postponed on autumn. In order to take care, Tue is enough for 2-2.5 months to the first frosts.

The landing pit is always prepared in advance. Ideally, it needs to be done in the fall, if it didn't work out - at least 2-3 weeks before the planned landing. Its width and diameter should be 35-50 cm exceed the dimensions of the earth coma in the container. At the bottom, a layer of drainage is required. Just a bucket of pebbles, rubble, ceramisit, small ceramic shards.

At the bottom of the landing pit for the Tui, a layer of drainage is obligatory so that the water is not stood at the roots

The upper 10-15 cm of the substrate extracted from the pit is mixed with 20-25 liters of humid or overworked compost, 5-7 liters of large sand and peat crumbs are added. From fertilizers you can make sifted wood ashes and dolomite flour (300-400 g per pit) - they will provide a plant with phosphorus, potassium and calcium. This mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit, forming a small hollyk. Then it will need to cover with something waterproof so that the nutrients do not flip out of the soil.

Humidiation - Natural Remedy for improving soil fertility

When disembarking at the same time several tuy, the interval between plants varies from 1-1.5 m to 5-7 m. It depends on the size of the plant itself of a particular variety and configuration of the planned landscape composition. If the formation of a living hedge is planned, 50-70 cm is enough. Tui need to "move away" from other powerful trees and shrubs at least 3 m. They will not solve "competition" for food, obtained from the soil, due to the less developed root system.

When forming a living hedge of Tui planted quite closely

The attitude of the Tui into the soil is not different. It is similar to the same procedure for any fruit trees and berry shrubs. It is able to cope with even an inexperienced gardener.

  1. 3-4 hours before the landing, the seedling in the container is abundantly watered - it will be easier to remove it from the tank. Some gardeners use no clean water temperature for this, but a bright pink potassium permanganate solution or any fungicide of biological origin - for disinfection and prevention of the development of fungal diseases. And the biostimulator will help the plant minimize stress from transplant, will have a positive effect on his immunite. You can use both purchased drugs (epin, heteroaceuxin, corneumine) and folk remedies (aloe juice, diluted honey, succinic acid).
  2. At the top of the land hilly in the landing pit make a small deepening. The plant is removed from the container, trying to preserve the integrity of the soil coma on the roots. Thus tolerate into the pit, it is started to fall asleep with small portions of the soil. It is desirable to use a mixture of fertile rod, humid and sand in a 3: 2: 1 proportion. Periodically, it is compacted to avoid the appearance of "air pockets". When the pit is filled to the edge, the root neck of the plant should be just at the level of the ground.
  3. Landshed abundantly watered, consuming 25-30 liters of water. If the seedlock was enough overseas, it will be necessary for a support, about 30-40 cm high (taking into account the depth of the pit). It is worth taking care in advance, and not to stick into the ground after disembarking. Otherwise it is very easy to damage root system.
  4. Approximately half an hour after irrigation, the rolling circle with a diameter of 50-60 cm is mulched, falling asleep to peat crumbs, small pieces of bark or sinters, creating a layer with a thickness of 5-7 cm. It will help keep moisture in the soil and will not give exist weeds. Mulch should not close the base of the barrel and the lower branches - they can start bone and rot.
  5. Only planted Tui is very demanding of watering. During the first month, the soil must be moisturized at least once a week. The next day, the soil in the rhytholic circle loosened to a depth of 5-7 cm. While the plants do not fit in a new place, it is desirable to cover them in the hottest midday watches. sun ray.

There is nothing complicated in the landing of a saplau in the soil

VIDEO: landing of a saplings of Tui into the ground

After landing Tui in open sad Caring for her forces even novice gardener. In essence, it comes down to maintaining the soil in a rolling circle clean, regular irrigation, annual fertilizer and trimming of the plant. Loose, ideally, you need to spend after each watering. At the same time, it is necessary to be very neat and not to delve into the soil more than 8-10 cm, otherwise there is a chance to damage the roots.

Pruning is necessary for almost all varieties. Although now there are also such that they are taken and maintained by a convexer-plated breeder without any additional effort from the gardener.

The first time is cut off at the beginning of the second or third season of stay in the open soil. The tips of young shoots are shortened by 4-5 cm, stimulating more intense branching. A year later, you can start forming the crown. Get rid of branches growing down, deep into the branches, clearly knocking out the desired contour.

Approve the required configuration to the tree, in the future it only supports that it is not much difficulty, because the growth rate most of the Tui varieties is not different. Using trimming, you can adjust the height of the tree.

Tui bushes can be given any, the most fantastic forms

The plant is very good to the procedure, but still not too much to zeal. At once, they remove no more than a third of the greenery. Pruning can be carried out several times a year. The main volume of work in this case is usually left for autumn or end of summer. In the spring, there is a sanitary trimming, getting rid of frozen or broken down the snow of the snow. The plus temperature should be standing on the street. You still need to have time before "wake up" growth kidneys.

After trimming, the thua is rapidly restored

The tool is used only sharply sharpened and disinfected. Sections are made by one mp3ge, not "peeling" wood. The "wounds" are washed with 2% solution of copper sulfate, sprinkled with twisted chalk or wood ash and smeared the garden.

For trimming, only a carefully prepared tool is used

Video: how to cut a coniferous tree

Thuya - moisture-up culture. During the first month after landing in the ground, it is poured at least once a week, spending on the plant 15-20 liters of water. If there is a heat on the street and there are no precipitation, the intervals are reduced to 2-4 days. Drought she tolerates badly - the shoots of nicorate, the needle loses the tone, may even get yellow.

Adult copies are enough to water every 10-15 days, if the weather is optimal for the plant. The norm varies from 5-10 liters (for the miniature shrubs) to 50-70 l (for large-sized trees). The deficiency of moisture is evidenced by the yellowed needles on the top of the plant.

Thuja is a moisture-loving plant, but the zeros of the soil in the roots does not tolerate categorically

Watering spend early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun is no longer visible. In summer, the water temperature should roughly coincide with the air temperature. The plant loves sprinkling very much. If it is organized, there is no technical capabilities, the krona of the car is periodically poured with water from watering can or hose. After such a procedure, the plant "comes to life" literally in the eyes, starting to distribute the characteristic fragrance. The needles, with which dust and dirt are washed, looks much more or more decorative, the process of photosynthesis is more active.

Sprinkling and sprinkling Tuya refers very positive

Since the second half of September, watering is gradually reduced, by the 20th of October, which is noted. This is the necessary part of the preparation of the tree to wintering. Spraying can be held longer, stopping only 2-3 weeks to expected freezers.

If necessary, after irrigation, update the mulch layer. It helps to keep moisture in the soil and effectively prevents the tilting circle of weeds.

Fertilizers begin to depose from the second season in the open soil. Just once, at the end of April or in early May. The soil by this time pulls off at a depth of 8-10 cm, the threat of return spring frosts is minimized. Special stores are used for coniferous trees. As part must be nitrogen.

Tyuin feed with special fertilizers for coniferous trees

More frequent tui feeding stimulates its active growth. Accordingly, the configuration of the crown is violated, more time will have to devote pruning. Once every 2-3 years in the process of loosening in the spring, it is possible to plug up or overwhelming compost - 4-5 l per m² of the rolling circle.

Video: Important nuances of coniferous trees in the garden plot

Young plants under the age of five must be hidden for the winter, especially if Tui is grown in the Urals or Siberia. But it is better to progress, defending and adults, if winter is predicted very harsh and low-speed. The priority circle is cleaned from vegetable debris, loose, update the mulch layer. To the base of the barrel, humid, mixed with peat crumbs. It is necessary to protect the roots from the freezing.

As a rule, only young things need to be protected from cold

When the dimensions of the plants allow, the thui covers cardboard boxes Suitable size, stuffing them with pages of newsprint, wood chips, straw, sawdust. The branches can be tied up to the bottom so that the krone is not so empty. The smallest bushes simply throw up a snack or failed foliage.

Over larger copies, something like a slag is built. For the supports installed by the "house", the supports stretch several layers of burlap or any air-permeable underfloor material. Studitically not suitable polyethylene film and any synthetics. Then the resulting design is tied with twine. Remove it in the spring when a positive temperature is established.

Adult Tui also need protection, especially if the harsh is expected to be severely snowy winter

Tui branches are very careful, keeping it configuration

Tui branches can break under the weight of snow, especially wet. During the winter it is necessary to raise periodically, reducing the load.

At the end of winter and early spring, the sun begins to show activity. At this time, the unlucky thuja can get enough serious burns. To avoid this, it is protected by the same underfloor material. There is also a special PURSHATE preparation that protects it from burns. When spraying on a housing, it forms a thin film that prevents the evaporation of moisture.

Video: Preparation of the Tui for Winter

Possible problems in growing

Immunity at the Tui is quite good, with due care, it suffers from diseases and pests is extremely rare. In addition, many insects scare off a characteristic coniferous fragrance. But there is, unfortunately, exceptions. Thuja can be subjected to attacks of shields, a cypress tree, a spider tick, tower.

As a rule, in order to scare the pests, fairly folk remedies. Trees and shrubs are periodically sprayed with an infusion of onion or garlic casher, these same plants can be planted nearby. At least once a month of the Tui, it is useful to handle foam of a ternary, green potash or economic soap. It spray the crown, leave for 30-40 minutes, then wash off from the watering can or hose.

In order to scare away from the landing of adults of the tower moth, the plants spray with an etobacterin, lepyocydom, betoccascotin. To combat its caterpillars and with Tli, any general insecticides (Inta-Vir, Fury, confident Maxi, Admiral) are suitable. The shields are destroyed using Aktara, Fufanon, Fosbecide. Antona, Apollo, Sanmight, Vestimen, are effective against the pawriter tick.

What did the attacking pests look like: photo

The shield reliably protects the durable shell, so the folk remedies in the fight against it are ineffective, it is necessary to immediately apply chemicals TLL - one of the most "omnivorous" garden pestseven a sharp aroma of conifers of the car can not scare it Under the defeat by the spider tick of the needle of the thuu, the thin, almost translucent threads resembling a web The main harm to plants causes terry moth larvae, but this does not mean that with adult individuals do not need to fight

Of fungal diseases, fusariosis, cytospose, brown spider are the greatest danger to the Tui. To avoid infection, several potassium permanganate crystals are periodically added to water for watering, staining it in a pale pink color. To the base of the barrel, pushed chalk or sifted wood ash. In the spring of the first looser of the soil in the ground, the granules of tripides, glyocladin contribute.

Finding characteristic symptoms, fungicides are used to care for the diseases. It is advisable to use drugs of biological origin (Alin-B, Baikal, Tiovit-Jet, strobe). They are not dangerous to human health and the surrounding natural environment. As a rule, if the disease is seen on time, it is enough 3-4 treatments with an interval of 5-7 days.

Photo Gallery: Symptoms Dangerous for Tui Diseases

The Thuja affected by fusarium seems to be faded without visible reasons Cytospose is dangerous fungal disease, it is most likely not killing, but her decorative will decrease sharply Brown spider - a specific disease of coniferous trees

Thuja grown in the garden plot often turns yellow. Thus, it testifies to the gardener on its defined mistakes. Most often, the cause is the wrong landing (the root cervix is \u200b\u200bblunting into the soil or, on the contrary, he strongly protrudes from her), solar burns or too meager watering.

One of the most popular coniferous decorative trees is Tuya. This is an evergreen tree or a shrub that belongs to the family of cypress. This family also includes such widespread coniferous plantslike cypress ,. Young Tui have needle cheese. The needles possess a light green tint. Adults have a scratched foliage, the color is darker. A tree can develop almost up to 100 years.

Most varieties are resistant to frost. Color gamas of the thuu diverse depending on the varieties. For example, a tree is blue, as well as yellowish. There are high three-meter thui, as well as dwarf shrubs.

Western Tuya enjoys the greatest popularity in Russia.

Western Thuja: description and varieties

Western Thuja is a view. It can grow up to 20 meters, but in Russia, the Western Tuya rarely grows above 7 meters. Forms Croons are:

  • Spheroid.

Grown a large number of varieties western Tui. Among them are such common varieties: Smaragd, Bartant, Danika, Column and others. However, some amateur gardeners look out on horticultural counters less popular, but no less unusual varieties. Below are the most common varieties with photos. Often, gardeners and landscape designers, deciding to plant them, wonder: "What better to put in the country?"

Degrat Spire - grade for lovers

Degrat Spire - Large variety of Western Tui. It has a unique colonum shape, has a narrow and straight crown and is considered the most narrow among colonum species. The height of this culture is up to 3 meters. Degrat Spire is widespread in the West.

This tree is the perfect option for landscape design and landscaping. For example, Degrat Spire will help equip any elevation, even if it is height reaches 5 meters. High, but a thin green wall will not take a lot of space on the plot.

Tuya Western Degroot Spire ("Degrat Spire").

Degrat Spire has such advantages as frost resistance and undemanding for soil conditions. Sress the tree is better in those places that are well illuminated by the solar rays. The shadow makes the crown more loose. Ideal soil for growing this variety is a combination of the following components:

  • Sand;
  • Peat;
  • Leaves.

For watering is enough one bucket of water. Watering regular - once a week. In the spring tree feed. Soil is required to periodically mulch and loose. In the spring period, the tree is covered to avoid burns of sun rays. For the winter period, the crown is required to pull the ribbon so that the wet snow does not damage the crown.

Holmstrup - Beauty from Denmark

Hollestrup is an evergreen shrub. The shape of the crown is coloniary. Adult tree Grow up to 4 meters in height. Crown color - rich green. In winter periods, the color of the needle does not change. The needles of shrubs is distinguished by a dense, represents scales.

Thuja Holmstrup (Holmstrup).

This variety is resistant to frosts, shadowless and well tolerate windy weather. Shrub does not require high soil fertility. This shrub is an excellent option for Russia. It is best to plant it in places well lit by sunlight. Either it is worth choosing not too shaded places.

Shrub is an excellent choice for landing by groups or alone. Live hedges are rarely created with Holmstrup.

Fastigiat - valuable grade for experienced gardeners

One of the varieties of narrow-shaped thuu is Fastigiat. This varietal variety was first grown in Germany. Adult tree grows up to 12 meters in height. Grows very quickly. Visually is like a cypress. The wood needles is characterized by soft and pleasant aroma. The bumps are small.

Thuja Western Fastigiata (Fastigiat).

This grade loves the sun and prefers fertile soil. In the spring, young seedlings are desirable to cover so that the spring sun does not damage them. To improve the structure of the soil, it is mounted. For mulching uses bevelled grass. In the winter time, a napnik is used for mulching. The bacnik prevents the reproduction of mice.

With the help of Fastigiats often form living hedges. They are not only beautiful, but also do not occupy a lot of space. The varietal variety is not afraid of decorative haircuts. Designers use a tree in large landscaped compositions, use it in group landings. It is perfectly combined with a variety of colors and shrubs.

Yellow varieties of Tui Western

Essently popular, refresh the landscape, look great in any compositions. Unfortunately, many of them are "capricious". The most common varieties in Russia are described below.

Thuja West Erhlo Ribon - for lovers of yellow varieties of Tui

Hello Ribon - Yellow Tui variety. It has small sizes. Crown shape - conical. Adult thua has a height of up to 2 meters. Grows fast enough. Crohn is distinguished by looseness, so it is advisable to stop the tree to give it density to it.

The needles in young trees have an orange color, becoming with an adultery of green. In winter periods, the crown is becoming brown. Than a solar place where this thuja is growing, brighter color crowns.

The grade is distinguished by demanding conditions for cultivation. The soil must be fertile and wet so that the plant pleases with its beauty.

Thuja Yellow Ribbon ("Hello Ribon").

Beautiful gold needle makes this kind of very valuable. In a landscape design, with the help of Tui, Erhlo Ribon form walls that have a rich yellow shade. They are planted into containers, as well as make up with their use of live swelling and memorial walls.

Tuya Golden Gloss - Yellow Balls for Dacha Pots

Golden Globes is distinguished by its slow growth. The shape of the crown of this coniferous culture is a spherical. The height of the adult bush does not exceed 1 meter.

The needles differ with looseness. Regular haircut allows you to achieve density. Earlings of shoots have golden color, inside the crown of the needle has green color. In the autumn period of time, the needle acquires a shade of copper, in a spring again becomes golden. To shrub pleased with golden color, it is recommended to plant it in sunny places or slightly shaded.

Tuya Golden Globe (Golden Glob).

This shrub is not a pipe of high soil fertility, but loves the soil rich soil. In order to avoid ripping branches, the crown is associated for the winter.

Shrubs are applied in landings by groups, they are planted and alone. Also, with the help of them create beautiful living hedges and borders.

The most interesting varieties

There are many other varieties of this culture. These varieties are extremely popular as: Brabant, Smaragd, Danika, Globes. In specialized stores and nurseries there are more unique and less common varieties. Below are the names of the Tui Western varieties and their brief description.

Little Boy - This is a relatively new dwarf spherical grade. Height does not exceed 0.5 meters. Height slow. The needle of such a thuu has an emerald color. Little battle requires high soil fertility. He loves the sun, but not to grow and in half. Such such uses in the creation:

  • Japanese gardens;
  • Live borders.

Hoserie - This is the original variety from Poland. This is another dwarf spherical variety of wood. Chesual needle has dark green. In the fall of the needles acquire a bronze tint. Hosary loves moisture, is not demanding to soil and shadowed. Also, this culture is resistant to frost and is not afraid of winds.

Mirgem - This is another dwarf grade Tui. Adult plant grows up to 80 cm. The needle has a bright yellow, becoming in the autumn bronze. Plant growth slow. Due to its size, such a thua is the perfect option for mountaineering and plantings in pots.

Question answer

For landing along the fences, such varieties are often used as Hollestrup, Fastigiat, Brabant, Smaragd.

What is the taucia is unpretentious?

Unpretentious many types of this culture. Often choose Brabant, Smaragd, Holmstrup.

How much are the car's seedlings?

The price of one seedling is from 150 rubles and higher.

I am engaged in alpinearia. How are the Tui in the Alpine Hills?

For alpinaries, low-speed varieties are suitable. In Russia, the most popular are the dwarf types of Western Tui. Perfect for the following varieties: Danika, Golden Glob, Woodwardi, Philimormis. All of them have a spherical shape.

Is it possible to use the same in mix bears?

Can. Despite the fact that the mixture involves a wide variety of colors and shades, coniferous successfully apply in mix bears. Tuya has many shades: green, blue and yellow.

Review on video

A brief and clear overview of some outstanding varieties. Information on the video is submitted so that it will be interesting to novice gardeners.

The evergreen Tuya has many varieties that are based on sizes, the crown form, the color of the needles. Depending on the type of car, used as an independent element garden design or addition to flower beds, alpine slings, rockers. Unpretentious, in their own way, the Tui - species and varieties with the photo of the most common coniferous representatives we will look at. In Russia, the western varieties received special recognition of the gardeners. They may have a view of a lush shrub or a tree with a column-like, pyramidal, spherical or spherical crown, there are also so-called molding thuly.

Tui Tui Western, what are the varieties

One of the most favorite, common varieties of these conifers is Thuja Western Smaragd. This majestic tree appears to the cypress, grows up to 5 meters high. Which of the year there was no, his needles has a constant emerald shade. Smaragd hardy, frost-tootk, undemanded to the type of soil, but especially loves loam or lime soils. For him, the places lit by the sun or, in the extreme case, the half. This species It has a slow growth (up to 10 cm per year), optimally suitable for the design of a variety of, creating alive hedges.

This variety has a remarkable variety, which also fell in love with dacifics, owners outdoor territories - Golden Smaragd Tuya. It received its name thanks to a golden shade of branches, which does not change throughout the year. An adult tree reaches 2 meters of height, has a cone-shaped crown with dense, unnecessary shoots. This representative of the conifers loves the fertile soil, which should be well moistened, drained. Does not like gaspace, dirty air of the city, so the cottage or country plot will be suitable for it to grow conditions. An ideal place For landing such a thuua are weakly acidic loams lit by the sun area. Smaragd is adapted to the Russian climate, hardy.

Golden Smaragd, photo:

For this variety, neat loosening of the soil is shown, as it has a surface root system that can be easily damaged. The discharge depth should not exceed 10 cm, for the same reason, with the onset of hot summer, the land near the trees is desirable to climb to slow down the evaporation of moisture. The thickness of the mulching must be approximately 8-10 cm.

A variety description: Thuja Western Danika is a shrub having a ball shape, which is called dwarf due to its small sizes. The height of this bush reaches approximately half a meter, width - 1 meter. It is characterized by the presence of dense soft needles, growing up shoots. The increase is slow, no more than 5 times per year. Due to its compact sizes, unpretentiousness, the external decorativeness of Danik is perfectly fits into any design or garden composition. Krone Shrub is well amenable to formation, haircut. Green hedges, borders are an excellent option for a given dwarf type. Also, this conifer is called spherical.

Spherical Thuja Danika, photo:

Another representative of the dwarf row Danica is the Aurea variety, which is characterized by a more yellowish tone of the needles. Requirements for the conditions of content, the characteristics of both species are similar. These shrubs love fertile soil, fresh water, regular moisturizing, crown irrigation when hot. Haircuts do not require well-resistant, frost resistant. It should be borne in mind that in the first years of the life of bushes, you need to warm up for the winter (mulching, shelter by the corresponding material), as well as to protect the early spring from solar burns. For 2-3 years, Tui will be accompanied by a new place.

Aurea Danika - Character Tuya, photo:

Among the varieties of these coniferous crops, there are also giants that differ in rapid growth can reach a height of up to 20 meters. IN middle lane Russia, this variety most often grows up to 2-3 meters, less often - up to 5. Thuja Western Brabant adds about 30-40 cm of height every year, the width of the column-like crown also does not stand still - is approximately 10-15 cm of increment. This variety does not change the color of the needles with a change of time of the year, has rich-green branches, sometimes with golden tips.

This is an unpretentious frost-resistant grade, well caring on any types of soil, but fertile soil is more preferable for it. It tolerates well as weak, so excessively abundant watering. April-May blooms, perfectly gives me a haircut, forming the crown. A relatively new variety of Brabant Golden variety is also popular, which demonstrates a golden conifer painting while maintaining all major qualities.

Brabant Thuja, photo:

Eastern Tui - Aurea Nana, Biota - Photo, description

Eastern Tui types are about 60 varieties. Despite the fact that they are more demanding than their Western counterparts, with due conditions, these trees can become a real decoration of the site. All varieties of Tui Eastern have differences in the color of the needles, bark, the shape of the crown, shoots, other characteristics.

All of them love the sun, a lot of light. If you put an eastern one in the pronted place, then its crown will not develop properly, which will later affect decorativeness. Such trees are great for creating live barriers from wind, design of rocky gardens. Like Western varieties, they are high straightforward, dwarf (for example, Aurea Nana). The species of Eastern Tui are not winter-hardy.

Thuja East, photo:

Dwarf Aurea Nana, photo:

Eastern Thuya Biot, photo:

Most of the eastern representatives of the conifers of heat resistant, are well tolerated drought, they feel normally on areas with close location groundwater, stony soils.

Fluffy green thuja, species whose varieties can be similar is actually unique in every form. The color of the needle can be a golden yellow, juicy green or even a blue shade. Size, height, shape, structure of branches, their direction can also be the most diverse.

Choose yourself, what you like more thuja, species and varieties with photos were presented above.

These are the most popular representatives of the cypress family who choose gardeners, owners of cottages, country houses. With appropriate care, it is decorative, useful tree Will be decorated with your territory, please the gaze for many years.

Thuja Western Spiralis
Right - Thuja Smaragd, on the left - Tuya Yolopoliste Lutea Design Example with Thay
Recreation area with thay

Tui are common in landscape design, because relatively unpretentious care and retain an attractive appearance all year round Thanks different forms And sizes them can be made by both large household plots and miniature gardens. Consider more varieties and types of things with photos and names.

The main types of Tui

Although in nature there is a wide variety of evergreen shrubs and trees, focused total 5 species . On their basis, a huge number of varieties differ in color, the shape of the crown, size are displayed. The greatest potential for breeding work possess the following types of Tui:






Western evergreen

It was the species of Western Tui most often found on sale. The reason is the fitness of the form to the climatic conditions of the middle strip, frost resistance, unpretentiousness in care. This is the richest on the grade evergreen plant.

Right Western Tui from North America. In a natural habitat, they reach 20 m. Young age is growing in the form of a neat pyramid. Old copies are rounded. Clothing flat, scratched, green. Distinctive trait - From the bottom side, a few tones lighter. The bark is red-brown, with age cracks, is stratified and hangs from the barrel strips. The bumps are not more than 1.5 cm, falling in the fall.

Eastern evergreen

This variety is mistakenly called the Thuy. Although the correct name is the biota oriental or flatter East. In nature grows in China and Korea. The plant is familiar to the poor, stony soils. It develops well in a moderate climate.

East species grows very slowly. In the warm regions, it develops in the form of a tree, and in the cold - in the form of a shrub. Adult specimens reach 5-10 m. Crown can be a cone-shaped, pyramidal. The base is usually wide. Branches are flat, vertically directed. Old needles scaly, and young needle. Changes color depending on the season. The bark is red-brown, with age peels.

Folded evergreen

Giants come from North America, or rather from the Pacific coast. In a natural habitat, up to 60 m are growing up, and in the middle lane, they usually do not exceed 15 m. Tui prefer warm climatic conditions, so at low temperatures can be squeezed slightly.

Branches or horizontal, or a bit raised. Young side shoots droops. The needles elongated, scaly. From the outside, painted in the emerald color, and with the inner has a characteristic blessed strip. On the basis of a folded species, about fifty varieties are derived.

Japanese evergreen

In nature, Tuya is found in Central Japan, as well as on the islands of Sikoku and Honshu. The Japanese themselves relate to the tree, considering it sacred. In ancient times, his deforestation was strictly prohibited. In a natural habitat, it grows up to 20 m. In culture, it usually does not exceed 9 m.

Croon pyramidal, curd branches, vertically directed. The needles are fragrant, flat, scaly. Matte, bright green with an outside and silver-blue with inner. Bark red-brown shade, fibrous. The view is not afraid of low temperatures, but demanding to moisture. It develops well at open solar sites and in a half.

Korean evergreen

Right from the valleys, forests, and mountain slopes of Korea and China. They grow either in the form of a loose conical village, or in the form of a sprawling shrub. Usually do not exceed 8 m in height. The plant is winter-hardy, not afraid of low temperatures. Shoots are flat, the scratch-shaped needles stupid, narrow. From the outside green, and from the inner - slightly silver.

The Korean Tui type has ease, escape areas. Young twigs form elegant lace. Their edges are slightly raised up. The form is not a little, has a small number of varietal varieties.

Varieties of pyramidal tuy

In landscape design, conifers are grouping in size and shaped crown. Most popular conesoid or pyramidal Tuii. Their basis is wide, and the top is narrowed. The photo you can see both dwarf and large group varieties. Consider the most vivid representatives.

Smaragd (Smaragd)

Thuja can be used as a solitator and in group coniferous landings. It is with the name of Smragda most often linked luxurious hedges. The variety is well tolerating trimming, allowing you to create intricate forms.

    annual shoot of shoots - up to 20 cm in height and about 5 cm in width;

    the dimensions of the adult plant - up to 6 m in height and 2 m in width;

    the needles of scaly, fragrant, bright green, young yellow-green growth.

Thuya Smaragd is characterized by high frost resistance. Not demanding of the soil, needs minimal care, which comes down to periodic watering, sprinkling. For favorable conditions Krone remains a dense, beautiful pyramidal form. Needle does not change color throughout the year.

Holmstrup (Holmstrup)

Universal Thuya which looks equally well as a solitator and alive hedges. It features an average growth rate, resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Hollestrup is equally developing in a country household plot and in the city park.

    the size of the 10-year-old village is 2 m in height and 0.6 m wide;

    annual increase - about 15 cm;

    cheshawned needle, bright green.

Crown dense, cone-shaped form. In frequent trimming does not need. Adult copies can reach 4 m in height and 1.2 m wide. The grade withstands the temperature drop to -34 ° C.

Plotukladus Pyramidalis Aurea (Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea)

Thuja belongs to the eastern mind. Crown is dense, wide at the base, proportionally narrowing up. The top is pronounced, pointed. Main features:

    height is about 4-6 m;

    chesewood needles, thick;

    the color is yellow-green, does not change depending on the season;

    annual increase - up to 10 cm.

Like all the eastern varieties can freeze a little in the harsh winters. The variety is used to form living hedges, spectacular plantings from evergreen plants.

Kornik (Kornik)

Bright variety of folded look. Forms a luxurious tree with a pyramidal crown. The basis is wide, begins with almost the earth itself. Main characteristics:

    A 10-year-old plant grows up to 3 m in height and 1.5 m in width;

    the branches of the elastic are located horizontally or slightly downgrade;

    the glossy needles are dark green from the outside and silver with the inner, for the winter changes color on golden or bronze.

The landscape design of the landscape design is used as a solitator or to form a living hedge. To create a solid green curtain, seedlings are planted after 1 m from each other.

Varieties of spherical Tui

Evergreen balls preserve decorative View Even without haircuting. Maximum that they need to be to correct several shoots, knocking out of the total mass. They grow slowly, evenly increasing both in height, and in width. Spherical Tuii In landscape design used in group landings, for registration garden tracksAlpine slides. They look harmoniously on small panstonesare suitable for growing in containers.

Golden Globe (Golden Globe)

The variety is created by Dutch breeders. Forms a rounded bush from thin, short twigs. Main features:

    adult plant in diameter slightly more than 1 m;

    an approximate increase for the year - 8 cm;

    the needle-shaped needles, yellow with a golden chip, at low temperatures acquires a red-copper hue.

In order for Tui to the maximum showing the beauty of its color, it is necessary to place it on the sunny, open plot. Best looks in the design of tracks, mixtorers, flower beds.

Teddy (Teddy)

Popular spherical variety of Western Tui. Attractive for unpretentiousness in cultivation, a unique form. The plant does not need trimming, independently creates an ideal ball.

    needle needles, but no common;

    the color is bluish-green, at low temperatures it becomes brown;

    annual shoot of shoots - up to 3 cm;

    10-year-old bush grows up to 0.4 m.

Thu Teddy is indispensable when making alpinarias, garden tracks, flower. It looks good both in single and group landings. Not demanding to soils. Surface roots, so reacts positively to moderate watering.

Hoseri (Hoseri)

Polish variety of Western species. Croon Schora, in adulthood pillow-shaped. Skeletal branches at an acute angle are directed up. Throughout the length, they turn miniature, looking at different directions. Due to this, the surface of the whole ball looks velvety.

    the diameter of the 10-year plant is about 0.5 m;

    adult copies do not exceed 1 m in height and width;

    small needles of a rich green color, at low temperatures, bronze color acquires;

    annual increase - 4-8 cm.

Little Tui use to decorate garden tracks, leapsmonds, mixboraders, alpinarias. Good grow in open soil and containers.

Varieties of Colon's Tuy

Beautiful variety of coniferous plants. It is the colon-shaped thounds most often used to form live elevations. With a thick landing, they create solid curtains that additionally protect against noise. Annual increase depends on the grade and conditions of cultivation. But mostly these are fast-growing plants. Their height often exceeds 5 m.

Columna (Columna)

It is considered one of the easiest in the cultivation of varieties . Thuja was created by German breeders at the beginning of the twentieth century. Column grows slim, high tree. Growth growth average.

    10-year-old seedlings 3 m in height and up to 1.5 m in width;

    adult plants reach 10 m in height;

    glossy challenge challenge, saturated dark green shade.

Croon Tui Colon Feathed, proportionally narrowed up, the top is rounded. The branches are horizontal, their tips are expanded in the form of a fan. The variety does not need a haircut, not afraid of low temperatures, unpretentious in cultivation.

Brabant (Brabant)

Quick-growing variety of western species. Basically used in group landings, to create green alleys. The main features of the variety:

    annual increase - up to 30 cm;

    the needles of a scaly type, a rich green color, preserving, regardless of the season;

    adult copies reach 3-5 m in height.

Tui is mostly colonum, but sometimes can form a narrow cone-shaped crown. Young shoots flat, resemble beautiful fan. The whole tree surface is slightly wavy. Old copies have a loose structure.

Varieties of dwarf tuy

The names of miniature evergreen shrubs and trees will be useful when making an alpine slide, mixboraders, garden tracks. Dwarf teui do not occupy a lot of space, slowly grow, do not interfere with other plants. In landscape design, they are used both in group and single landings. Tui can become a bright emphasis on any flowerbed.


Western type of Tui. Grows in the form of a shrub. Crown first rounded, and with an oval age, very dense. The main features of the variety:

    an approximate annual increase - up to 5 cm;

    the diameter of 10-year-old seedlings about 0.3-0.5 m;

    chesewood needles, green, young cream shade increment, in winter acquires a brownish-brown tone.

Thuja looks light and air due to fan-shaped thin side branches. The needles are very soft, textured, a little bit like a lichen.

Danica (Danica)

Survived variety in the design of flower, mountaineering, garden tracks. It is used as a solitator among flowering plants, as well as in group landings of conifers. The main features of the Tuiu:

    the size of an adult plant is 0.8 m in height and up to 1 m wide;

    young needle needle, and old scratch-shaped;

    spring-summer painting bright green, and autumn-winter - brown.

Danika prefers open solar sections. But it can also grow in half. In the shade, it loses his decorativeness, usually dense crown becomes loose, shapeless. The variety of frosts, withstands the temperature drop to -30 ° C.

Zmatlik (ZMatlik)

The brainchild of Czech breeders belongs to the western view. Dwarf teui form a narrow colonum rim. Although, at a young age, their shape is distillation, somewhat disheveled, the trunk can be curved. The main features of the variety:

    the height of the adult plant is slightly more than 1 m;

    chesewood needles, small;

    coloring dark green, saturated.

Smatlik has an attractive view due to the exposulous fanoid branches, creating waves and spirals. The variety prefers open solar sections, in the shadow of Crown becomes loose.

Varieties of pillow-shaped Tui

Like spherical, pillowless evergreen grows slowly, do not need additional correction of the crown. They themselves are decorative, they look impurious both in group and solitary landing. Evergreen pillows complement high pyramidal or colonum-shaped thounds. Harmoniously looks with fir, juniper. May be adjacent with blooming plants.

Umbraculifera (Umbraculifera)

Comparatively large, but slowly developing instance. Crohn is dense, consists of flexible branches, briefing with dense side shoots. The main characteristics of the variety:

    approximate increase in the year - up to 10 cm;

    the dimensions of the 10-year plant - 1 m in height and 2 m in width;

    shutty glossy, dark green, young growth with a bluish tide.

Crown pressed, on the edge a little rounded due to which the umbrella resembles. Side shoots are bent and directed in different directions, thereby creating the effect of water ripples.

Golden Tuffet (Golden Tuffet)

The lowest variety of Western Tui. Forms a squat, dense pillow-shaped crown. The main features of the variety:

    the height of adult plants is not more than 0.6 m;

    needle needle, green, young growth pinkish yellow;

    in winter, the needles change the painting on the bronze or orange.

In order for Thuja completely revealed its potential, it is desirable to place it on a fertile, loose, well-lit plot. In the shade, the shrub loses decorativeness. His crown becomes rarefied, a warm shade of the needles is replaced by greens.

Varieties of yellow tuy

Golden coniferous plants in landscape design are not less popular than green. They refresh the general view of the household plot, allow you to harmoniously combine color gamut Flower beds, Mixleboard or Alpine Slide. Among the Golden Tui there are large, medium and dwarf instances, which allows the garden of any size.

Forever Goldy

Bright representative of a folded species. Forms a compact dense crown of a pyramidal form. Short branches are thickly covered with cheese, young shoots are multidirectional, create a plush surface effect. The main features of the variety:

    annual increase - 10 cm;

    the dimensions of adult copies - 4 m in height and up to 1.5 m in width;

    chesow-shaped needles;

    coloring in spring and summer golden-bronze, autumn and winter reddish-bronze.

The grade is light-see, in the shade loses attractiveness, the needles are painted in a lemon green shade. She needs shelter for the winter, as well as protection against the scorching Martam Sun.

Ringold (Rheingold)

Under the description hides a very unpretentious, but slow-growing shrub. Refers to the hardy, frost-resistant western. Young seedlings grow in the form of balls. With age, a conical crone is formed. Main features:

    an exemplary increase in shoots per year - 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width;

    the dimensions of the adult plant - 3 m in height and 1.5 m wide;

    young needle needle, old - scaly;

    in the summer, the painting is yellow-golden, in winter bronze.

It is advisable to land a shrub on a well-lit plot. In the shade, he loses his decorativeness, Krona becomes loose. It takes a haircut well. Does not like long stagnation of water.

Varieties of fast-growing tuy

Slow-growing varieties are good for small gardens, mountaineering, mixboraders. But here to create livestocks, fast-growing thuuy are best suited . They allow in a short time from a small seedling to grow a large tree or shrub. Such varieties are no less decorative than plants with a slow or middle rate of growth. They look good both in group and solitary landing.

Gelderland (Gelderland)

Popular representative of a folded species. Forms a dense, starting from the earth itself a cone-shaped crown. It can be used as a solitator or as a living hedge. The main features of the variety:

    annual increase - up to 25 cm;

    the height of the adult tree is about 5 m;

    chesoe-shaped needles, soft to the touch;

    summer coloring green, winter - golden-bronze.

Thuja is unpretentious in leaving, prefers solar sections. Well tolerate trimming.

Excelsa (Excelsa)

Tuya refers to a folded form. Very quickly develops. In young age, forms a coloniforous crown, further retains a cone-shaped form. The basis is wide, squat. Main characteristics:

    annual shoots of shoots - about 30 cm;

    the dimensions of the adult plant - 15 m in height and 3 m in width;

    chesewood needles, glossy;

    coloring saturated green, shoots a little lighter.

At the excells of branches horizontally aimed or slightly elevated up. Rough tips. Sustainable K. low temperatures, unfavorable conditions of the external environment variety. It needs constant moistening of the soil.

Large and miniature, fluffy and slender, diverse forms and colors evergreen plants are always relevant in the preservation areas. Tui description will help determine the choice and harmoniously decorate the mixtore, alpine slide or a live fence.

Thuja dwarf is an evergreen coniferous plant, which belongs to the family of cypress. These shrubs have long been in great demand among gardeners, as they have a thick crown, which is of great importance in terms of decorative decoration of household plots, parks or gardens.

This type of coniferous plants, is famous not only due to its appearance, but also the ability to influence human health, because the non-elusive calm walk along the alley seated thai, contributes to the calm of the nerves. Landscape designers are treated among basic plants to create a wide variety of decorative compositions in the garden.


Why many people give preference to dwarf varieties:

  1. First of all, Thuja is a coniferous plant, which means that it is able to delight the eyes of people with their magnificent green cheese for the extent of the year;
  2. From nature, the Tui can clean the air well. They enriched environment oxygen, thanks to which this plant is planted on the territory of hospitals, along Alley and parks, where people are constantly walking;
  3. The lowest varieties are great for creating live hedges, which create a good decorative effect, and reduce the permeability of noise from the street;
  4. The plant is unpretentious in terms of care;
  5. Dwarf conifers are quite simply tolerated;
  6. Slowing down the thui on its plot, you can create a lot of interesting decorative options.

The most common varieties

This thuya little variety, It has unusual shape Bowl, with a diameter of no more than one meter. Small fluffy balls, very cool fit into the design of the garden plot, especially if we combine them with other types of plants;

Sustal of low growth with a beautiful branching crown, which looks very good in the composition of the Alpine slide. A feature of this variety is its ability to change coloring depending on the time of year. In the summer, Croon Tui Little The champion stands out for its light brown cheese, and during the winter cold weather - it becomes bronze color;

Character Thuja, diameter about 50 centimeters. Grows very slowly, and reaches his maximum size, only 10 years after landing. Perfectly combined with stones;

A low thuja that has a spherical crown with yellow-green cheese in the form of small scheels. This variety looks very good in the mountaineering (miniature garden). Growth rates are very slow (grows up to 50-60 centimeters in height only 10 years after disembarking);

Specialists who are engaged in breeding and growing decorative varieties Tui, advise landing dwarf varieties on sites, with poor soil. This must be done so that they do not strive to grow up, and did not lose their familiar shape.

Correct plant selection

To achieve as a better decorative effect, you need to carefully approach the choice of a dwarf car that will grow in the garden. To begin with, experts advise to take into account all the features of the region, and the parameters of the site on which the shrub will be planted (soil and solar lighting).

When choosing a variety of a dwarf teu, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Endurance to shady places;
  • Resistance to strong freezers;
  • Demand in terms of care;

Before buying a dwarf, it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance. After all, if you buy a plant with defects, in the future it will often hurt and will not be able to perform its main task - decorative decoration of the site.

What should pay attention to when buying a shrub:

  1. The casualties of the root system -the integrity of the land coma on the root system provides protection against the negative effects of low or high temperatures, as well as many other external factors. In addition, you should pay attention to the degree of development of the same root system. If the roots are chopped, the plant with a high probability does not fit at all;
  2. Roots and trunk - The visual assessment of the state of the seedling consists in assessing its dryness. If the upper layers of the dwarf car will be peeling and peeling, then most likely such a shrub will die;
  3. Crown - Attentive inspection of the crown and trunk will help in a timely manner to determine the presence of any deviations at a seedling (the presence of diseases or pests). It is immediately clear that to buy an unhealthy seedling of the undepair is not from the best, because there is no guarantee that it is successfully attached;

Landing a low grade

For landing a dwarf teu, there are no restrictions about the season, but according to experts, the best period for landing Tui is autumn or early spring. If you follow this advice, the shrub will grow stronger and resistant to environmental impact.

During the landing of the Tui, the root neck must be at the same level with the soil, it cannot be immersed too deeply, but also raise the above soil just as undesirable, it can end the disease of the plant.

If there are plots with stagnant water (rain rainfalls or melting snow), it is necessary to create a kind of drainage to prevent root rotting (at the bottom of the landing jama). To create a high-quality alley from the Tui, the Tui landing distance should be 1-2 meters.

In the case of landing of dwarf tui as a living hedge in one next, it is necessary to observe the distance of about 1 meter (but more accurate measurements, it is necessary to make a finite shrub size).

Growing conditions

  • The positive feature of the dwarf teu is considered to be its ability to take root on any soil: it can be sand, and clay and even turne;
  • Little shrubs feel better in the soil with a fairly good layer of humus, and a weakly acidic reaction;
  • Good growth rates, low shrubs are demonstrated on the sunny or in a shady place. In the shade, they are better not to plant, as the needles will be rare and thua will lose their lush shape and greens;
  • The location of the Tui localization should be selected on the place where the sun will not shine all day. Shrub does not like drought very much;
  • Tuya positively refers to the wet soil. But it is not necessary to plant them in areas with an abundant accumulation of groundwater. In addition, the thuja tolerates drought quite well, and during a long dry period, it is enough to spend 2-3 irrigation a week in the form of sprinkling so that the needles do not lose their decorative beauty;
  • Tui dwarf varieties can be planted both in the open ground and in the pot.

Care for shrub

The main ways to care for the dwarf thay are considered timely and clearly organized watering. Within 1 month after disembarking in the ground, you need to water at least 1 time per week, bringing about 10 liters of water. If there is arid weather on the street, the amount of irrigation increases to two.

Maintaining the normal level of soil moisture is one of the main conditions that provides a luxurious and magnificent crown at the Tui. Throughout the first three years after disembarking, it is necessary to regularly loose land near the trunk, but not too deep (no more than 10 centimeters) so as not to damage the root system, which is located almost on the surface.

For mulching dwarf thu, it is better to use peat or sawdust (a layer of about 6-7 centimeters). To prevent damage to the crown in winter, when heavy snowfalls may occur, it is necessary to bind low shrubs.

When spring warming comes, the young buzzes are best placed in the shadow to reduce the effect of sunlight to avoid burns on the needles.

To trim an adult shrub, advise the use of acute secateurs. Pruning is subject to no more than 1/3 of the plant.

Diseases and possible pests

Thuja rarely suffers from various diseases, unlike other plant species, but in some cases an unexpected yellowing needle may occur. This feature may have several reasons:

  • Violation of the landing rules is an insufficient or reduction dive of the root system into the soil;
  • Burns from frequent influence of sun rays;
  • Beafeit's damage to a fungal disease.

Such a sign does not necessarily mean the disease. Some Tui varieties are able to change the color of their crown depending on the time of year. For example, with the onset of the first winter frosts of the needles, yellow color can acquire, but with the arrival of spring, it becomes green again.

Application of Dwarf Tui in Alpinarians

Alpinarium- This is an artificially created landscape composition, which recreates miniature decorative plot Mountain terrain, that is, the place in which coniferous plants occupy no last place.

For the full creation of miniature alpinaria, it is the small varieties of decorative tui, which differ from their conpact compactness and slow development rates.