Repair Design Furniture

Crafts from milk boxes. Crafts from cardboard boxes: toys for children and ideas for home (39 photos)

A creative person can easily come up with and build a craft with his own hands from any available materials. Ordinary people can also, if they wish, easily make their own masterpiece, using certain sites on the Internet or master classes.

In our article today we will focus on crafts from cardboard boxes, which you can do on your own or with the kids.

Such games develop children's imagination, and the result will delight everyone.

Boxes are suitable for crafts different sizes, from which it is easy to build various objects: from large boxes - household items in the form of furniture, cars, airplanes, etc., from small boxes - photo frames, boxes, pencil devices, etc.

Options for a variety of crafts from cardboard boxes are presented in the photo.

Original ideas

By constructing various crafts from boxes with their own hands, children develop fine motor skills, attention and imagination. When using cutting objects, adult assistance is required to avoid injury.

It is better to immediately distribute responsibilities before work, the child performs more simple work, and you - the remaining, more complex.

For crafts, you can take any cardboard boxes.

Egg trays were no exception. it perfect option for creativity. They make great: animals, birds and inflorescences. The easiest way to make a chicken is in the form of a delivery for an egg.


Take for their production: egg tray, paper scissors, acrylic paint, paintbrush, glue, felt cloth or colored paper.

The work process is not complicated, everything should be done in order:

  • cut out part of the tray (protruding cell);
  • trim the cell in the form of a rooster with a huge tail;
  • paint it with acrylic colored paint, drawing bird feathers, and leave to dry;
  • cut out blanks from felt material or paper for the beard, comb and beak;
  • fix these blanks with glue;
  • make eyes, decorate with feathers.

The cockerel is ready!


Making a craft in the form of a flower is a little more difficult. Required materials: egg tray, PVA, paint, wire and scissors. Such crafts can be done in different ways.

For example, cut off a cell and along the folds inside the cell, cut out the petals that need to be twisted and inserted into each other, if you want, add additional petals.

The resulting inflorescences are attached to a wire or fixed at the surface to make flower arrangement... A milk bag can also be used. For example, in the form of a bird feeder, a well, toys or houses.


Cubes are a favorite pastime for all kids. It is very simple to build it yourself. You will need: 1 liter milk bags with a square base, a paper knife, a measuring ruler, a colored marker, double-sided adhesive tape, pictures.

Let's start making cubes:


  • wash and dry milk cartons;
  • set aside from the bottom of the bag along the edges twice 7 cm and make a marker line-mark;
  • set aside another 1.5-2 cm from the mark on one side and cut off the entire remaining top;
  • cut along the ribs to the mark at the bottom and assemble the cube as a simple box, the long side will be the lid;
  • stick various funny images, letters or photos on the side edges.
  • fold the cube in the usual way.

To fix the images on the side faces of the cube, glue the cube with newspaper pieces soaked in glue before gluing the main image. Further ready-made version cover the crafts with colorless acrylic varnish. If you place small objects inside the cube, you will get a rattle.


The candy box is perfect for a great photo frame, decorative box, etc. They are very strong and well-shaped, sometimes with a hinged lid.

Cover the box with gift wrapping paper, lace or satin cloth, decorate with composition using various little things, pins, bows, etc. and the box is ready.


The flat box is useful for creating a greeting card with a frame. To do this, in addition to the box itself, you will need:

  • Greeting Cards,
  • bright or pastel colored paper,
  • PVA glue,
  • corrugated cardboard,
  • stationery,
  • ribbons, bows and other decorative things.

Draw the outline of the postcard over the top of the box lid. Then step back to the center of the contour from the sides by 1-2 cm, circle the resulting contour with a pencil and cut the window.


From corrugated cardboard paper, cut out the details for the interior and exterior. On the opposite side of the flip cover, fix the postcard with tape so that it can be seen through the window made.

Attach a ribbon to it and the side and mask the places of their attachment with corrugated cardboard parts on the side and a corresponding postcard on the inside of the lid.

Complete the checkout various elements decor. Place congratulatory words and a small present in the inside of the box.

Other crafts

From matchboxes you can also create crafts. Most often they make doll furniture, vehicles, boxes, etc.

From large cardboard boxes designed for household appliances, handicrafts in the form of children's household appliances are easily obtained, Vehicle and fortresses.


Become a real architect and please your child with a real castle or own home... Moreover, your child will be proud of such a creation made by beloved mom and dad.

The child himself will be able to invest in the process of his production a piece of his labor. Girls will be delighted to have their own miniature kitchen or dollhouse.

Crafts from boxes for children, made by parents with love, will leave unforgettable vivid memories for the child for a lifetime.

Photo of crafts from boxes

DIY crafts from boxes are a great opportunity to furnish a child's play space without any special financial costs. It is easy to work with this material, it is easy to get volumetric figures from it, thanks to which the boxes are actively used by both adults and children.

A huge variety of things!

For example, it has become traditional to transform a fairly spacious box with a removable lid into a beautiful Dollhouse... All that is needed is to cut through the windows and doors, paste over the walls of the house with wallpaper, decorate the facade and make cardboard furniture.

You can even make a real school out of the box - just place it on one of the walls school board and make students sit at their desks.

You can make a beautiful frigate for sea travel out of the box.

What a magical journey awaits a child and dolls on such a ship!

You can also use boxes to create a doll's interior. For example, one of the options for crafts from boxes is a do-it-yourself stove for a doll's kitchenette. The cute curtains and the tiny crockery on the far shelf make it unique.

You can also make a real Russian stove by attaching a chimney to the box.

Or a modern hob with a ceramic hob.

Or an entire kitchen consisting of a refrigerator, stove and sink.

You can turn a large box into a real TV, comfortably seated in which the child can show you real performances.

And you can make a bright cash register. Children will love it if an old unnecessary calculator is used as a keypad.

You can make a professional camera - just attach a small decorative candle with a round bottom to a small box.

And lovers of cleanliness will love the washing machine, especially if its door is made of transparent film.

It is difficult for the modern generation to do without a computer. It is also easy to make from a cardboard box wrapped in foil.

Another achievement modern science there may be cardboard robots that the stronger sex will surely like.

Real multi-storey car parking will not leave them indifferent either.

A whole motorcycle can be assembled from several boxes.

You can make a wonderful toy out of boxes - a fire truck.

And from many boxes you can build a whole metropolis with many parking lots, roads and shopping centers.

Romantic girls, on the other hand, will like medieval castles, where sophisticated princes and beautiful princesses live.

A highlight for such a castle can be cardboard figures of animals - horses and even chickens.

With figurines of toy animals, you can create a whole composition from an ordinary box - for example, a fantastic, fairytale, forest.

Or a real aquarium, in which colorful toy fish will settle.

You can simply use the box in the game, denoting a specific building with it, or dividing the space into two halves.

They can be so different. With your own hands, it is easy to turn this material into any object that a child may need to immerse himself in a fantasy world.

You know that you can make a variety of crafts out of cardboard boxes - toys for children, home decor items, and other useful things. The fact remains that cardboard and cardboard boxes all of us are now surrounded from all sides. Cardboard material is the most widespread in the world, so it can be found anywhere. Almost all of our products that we buy in stores are packed in it.
DIY crafts from cardboard boxes
Based on this, did you ever think that this can be used for your own purposes? How? Very simple - by doing useful crafts from cardboard boxes.

After you have used the cardboard for its intended purpose, you can give it a "second chance" and make crafts. They can be very different, ranging from ordinary decoupage boxes to projects of castles, cities, various decorations, etc.

One of the main advantages will be that such crafts are very good to do with children. Then they will not only develop creatively, but also receive a huge portion of interest and pleasure.

If you liked the idea of ​​crafts with children, they can be roughly divided into two groups: for boys and for girls.

It is logical that girls will be more interested in carving dolls, various toys, flowers. Boys will give preference to planes, cars and tanks. In any case, the development of perseverance, attention and motor skills will be a huge advantage.

Types of cardboard for crafts

Depending on the packaging, there are several options for the carton. Conventionally, a cardboard milk carton will differ in its structure from a carton made of technology, for example. Therefore, depending on the idea, as well as the materials at hand, we can choose one or another option.

The carton box may differ:
  • Shape (round, square, triangular, etc.).
  • Size (small, medium, large).
  • Density.
  • Surface texture (matte, glossy, corrugated).

These are the main differences by which cardboard boxes can be distinguished.

DIY materials from cardboard boxes

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of the crafts themselves, we must stock up on necessary materials for our work. And so, in order to bring the idea to life, we may need:

  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Glue.
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Scotch.
  • Paints.
  • Ruler and compasses.
  • Washcloth (in case of decoupage).

DIY materials from cardboard boxes
This is a general list of things you need. It can be supplemented depending on the craft you will be doing.

Work progress - deciding what to make out of the cardboard box

If we talk about the general progress of work, first we need an idea that we need to translate into reality. You may even need some kind of plan and drawing of the craft, so think about this in advance.
Next, we prepare necessary materials and go directly to the work itself.

DIY box craft ideas for kids and home

And so, here are a few ideas that you can use to apply the box in everyday life, as well as make it beautiful and functional.

Cardboard box craft idea

  1. A large cardboard box can serve box, which will store linen, some seasonal items, old toys, photo albums. In general, everything that is needed, but should not be scattered throughout the apartment. Such a box can be beautifully decorated with a fabric that is glued to the glue.

  2. where the jewelry is stored. You don't have to buy old antique boxes. You can make such a storage with the help of available tools yourself. Decorate with decoupage, paint or varnish.

  3. A shoe box would be great casket for beads, accessories and other small accessories related to needlework. You can even make separate compartments for this or that material. To do this, you need smaller boxes, which we glue and place in the middle of the large one.

  4. Small matchboxes will be great chest of drawers for jewelry- chains, rings and other small trinkets. They can also be beautifully decorated and presented as a gift to your friends or family.

  5. Mini chest of drawers for small items from matchboxes
  6. Another idea for using cardboard matchbox- this is Kids toys... Depending on the age and gender of the child, it can be a car, doll furniture or train.

  7. Children's toys from cardboard boxes
  8. Build a whole from bigger boxes nursery kitchen furniture for your child.

  9. Children's furniture from cardboard boxes
  10. Instead of a home tent, you can make “ home box". Children are very fond of such small houses. Equip it with pillows in the middle, and the child will be wildly delighted.

  11. DIY box-house for a child
  12. Juice and milk boxes should also not be thrown into the trash. They will make a great house - bird feeder... Just a few minutes of scissoring and our craft is ready. You can hang it both outside the window and in the forest, garden or in the country. This will be especially important in winter period years when it is difficult for birds to find food.

  13. Bird feeder from a cardboard bag from milk or juice
  14. Also from cardboard boxes you can make children's shelving where toys and other things will be stored.

  15. Rack from a cardboard box for children's games
  16. Animals from boxes... When your child has tortured you with wanting to have a pet, don't despair. You can do it with your child. For this you need boxes different sizes and a little effort. Make a cat, dog or fish together. The child will be able to play with them, and may even practice their grooming skills.

Craft: cardboard box toys
As you can see, there are a lot of ideas, and they are all diverse. It’s hard to believe that you can build so many things out of ordinary cardboard. Therefore, let's move on to the practical part and try how it all works.

DIY master class "Decoupage boxes"

Not everyone in our time knows what decoupage is. Therefore, first, let's clarify this term.
Decoupage is a kind of surface design, mainly of a cardboard type. It is created with glue, napkins and paints. There are several secrets on how to make a whole composition out of an ordinary drawing on a napkin, from which it will simply not be possible to take your eyes off.
Decoupage cardboard box
So, in our work we need the following materials:

  • Cardboard box. It can be of any shape and color.
  • Oil and acrylic paints.
  • Two-phase craquelure varnish.
  • Acrylic varnish.
  • PVA glue).
  • Napkins with the composition you like the most.
  • Sponge, brushes, scissors.
  • Skin.


Ready-made box - this craft can be used as gifts
As a result of our actions, a beautiful extraordinary cardboard box will come out, which will take on a completely different look than it was originally. You can store various things in it, and it will show off on the dresser, coffee table or a bedside table.

Photo of crafts from cardboard boxes

So do not rush to throw out the cardboard boxes, but rather put them aside and use them to create different options crafts for you and your kids. It is not only very funny and exciting, but also useful in everyday life. Did you like the article? Share on social networks!