Repairs Design Furniture

Machine from the box for children. Matching boxes

For the manufacture of the machine will need three empty box from ordinary matches, two empty rods from a ballpoint handle, a little thin copper wire and two pieces of aluminum or steel wire 10 centimeters and a diameter of 2.5 millimeters. Also need a simple pencil, ruler, scissors and stationery knife.

Take one matchbox and disconnect the box and the box cover. On the top of the lid, ride with both edges box. The slot must end in 5 millimeters from the edge of the lid box. Bend the cut part at an angle of 110 degrees. From the edge of the cropped part, retreat 15 millimeters and cut the remainder of the top of the cover. In the figure, the part that needs to be cut off, is shaded. Returning the box in place, we get a car cab with windshield.

Take the second matchbox and disassemble it. Cover box split across two equal parts. From both sides, cut down 12 millimeters from the box box and paste these parts back into the lid. Glue PVA glue the resulting part with a part of the first box.

The middle of the box box use as a material for the manufacture of car seats. Measure two pieces of 10 millimeters, cut them off and glue the car to the salon.

Disassemble the third match boxes and cut 16 more circles from it with a diameter of 20 millimeters. Spread 4 mug together with PVA glue. These billets will be wheels of the car. On the empty rods from the ballpoint or wire, wear the wheels and throw the ends with a lighter, slightly flattering them. Stick the axis to the bottom matching boxes. Car model ready.

Crafts from match boxes are an excellent lesson for children, which will teach them to make embarrassing materials interesting things. Today I want to show you 4 options for crafts from match boxes that are interested in girls and boys. Masite We will: Fire Machine, Tank, Puppet Suitcase and Dresser for puppet Domika.


  • Match boxes
  • Colored paper and cardboard
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Plasticine
  • Toothpick
  • Paint gouache
  • Plastic bottle
  • Wire and pebbles

Fire machine made of match boxes:

For the crafts, we use 5 match boxes, 4 of them glue with each other and shower red paper from all sides. Please note that from 1 side we leave a non-stuck rectangle. From the last box we need only the chacher, it is also saving paper.

We glue the boxes to the workpiece of 4 boxes, cut out and glue the window, headlights.

Cut from cardboard and glue wheels. From the plasticine we cut the flasher, we have it from above. Also from plasticine, they sculpt the rectangle at the expense of which the staircase will be kept. But the ladder itself is glued from the toothpicks, and after drying the glue, we install.

Crafts "Tank" from matchboxes:

We will need 3 box. Two of them glue together and salable with colored paper. The third boxes are also covered with paper, only another color.

We glue the boxes among themselves, cut out a caterpillar from cardboard, glit to the tank. From above glue a tube from a bottle and a ship or middle part of the ear stick. PVA glue plastics does not hold, so there will be another glue or plasticine.

Suitcase for dolls made of match box

It will take only 1 boxes, both parts of which are covered with paper. From paper of another color, cut the circles, cut in half and glue the suitcase in the corners, and also glue paper handle.

Dresser for a doll house made of match boxes:

Glue three match box, on the sides, on top and bottom we glue with cardboard, as shown in the photo:

We put forward the boxes, we wash the glue and glue the toothpicks, after drying it is cut off too much.

Strace the entire chest, and after each future drawer with the help of the needle, we make two holes. In them, we wake a wire with a stray bead, and twisted the wire inside the box.

Machines - this most simple drinking From match boxes. However, they are glad to make boys and girls with pleasure. Children attract a variety of colors and the ability to invent their own car models. After all, if a little change the outlines of the body, the machine completely changes its appearance.

For one machine, only three empty box will be required. Choose colored paper the desired color, Slice of blue paper for glasses and headlights and black cardboard for wheels.

Two box glued together, and on top add to the third. It can be slightly moved to the front or back of the future typewriter depending on the planned model. We glue the third boxes. The workpiece of our typewriter is ready.

From the colored paper, cut out a strip of about 4 cm wide (width box) and 18-20 cm long. If the paper is glued tight to the surface of the boxes, it turns out the body of one form, and if we stretch the paper on the bumper and the body, then the model will turn out another.

For the side surfaces of our cars, we put the part side on paper and simply get a pencil. Then we turn the machine and circle the contours for the other side ..

Cut the details along the contour and stick on the machine. The protruding edges of the colored paper can be cut off with thin scissors.

The next stage - cut out and glue the glass. To do this, use blue or blue paper. This work requires special accuracy, like any applique. Headlands can also be made blue or yellow.

From black cardboard cut the wheel. Instead of a template we use a coin in 10 rubles. Wheels stick on the side surfaces machines. By gluing the wheels on the one hand, turn our model and glue the wheels on the other.