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On what day the evil eye begins to appear. Children suffering from stomach pain. How to distinguish the evil eye from a common disease using matches

If a difficult period has begun in life, you are unlucky at work and in your personal life, a person is haunted by failures, financial difficulties, then you should think about it. Perhaps he became a victim of the evil eye or damage was directed at him. To determine whether this is so, you can use different ways... After making sure that the evil eye is there, his victim can independently perform the ceremony or turn to a white sorcerer to clear his energy field and return to normal life.

The main signs of damage or the evil eye

Damage - causing harm to a person with the help of special rituals, it is induced deliberately, and the evil eye is an unconscious negative impact on the energy field of another person.

Corruption is a fairly simple act in the practice of even the weakest magicians. Knowing the rituals, even a common person... That is why troubles, failures and black bars often have a very specific reason - the evil eye. Understand availability negative energy such signs will help:

  • A sudden deterioration in well-being, not associated with diseases: loss of strength, apathy, unwillingness to do anything. In this state, the previously energetic person refuses to take active actions, experiences inexplicable laziness, constantly wants to sleep. At the same time, he does not have any ailments or complaints about the state of health and chronic fatigue. This condition occurred unexpectedly and is not associated with stress. This is the first sign that this face has been jinxed or damaged.
  • A victim of damage can experience a pronounced negative reaction when visiting exhibitions, museums, and other places where objects of spiritual heritage are presented.
  • People in creative professions can suddenly feel the disappearance of inspiration. The project that two days ago seemed interesting and original, generated a lot of ideas, is not moving forward now.
  • Depressed state, constant drowsiness. Previously normal sleep has now begun to occupy most of a person's life; he cannot force himself to get up, even realizing that it is necessary. This sign indicates a serious blow to the energy shell.
  • Nightmares that make you wake up in a cold sweat, recurring from night to night, are also a pronounced symptom of the evil eye. Especially dangerous are dreams in which the sleeper sees himself trapped, in mortal danger. Understand if nightmare as a consequence of experiences or as a result of spoilage, you can put freshly brewed mint tea next to the bed at night: the aroma of this plant will have a calming effect. If the nightmare still manifests itself, this is a bad sign, damage makes itself felt.

The evil eye and damage can also affect the child, so if a previously active student began to complain of fatigue, do their homework with less diligence, refuse to attend sections and additional classes, get up badly in the morning, constantly catch a cold - these are alarming symptoms.

A woman should think about checking for damage and the evil eye if she has problems with pregnancy and bearing a baby - in the absence of obvious health problems, she cannot conceive a child or the pregnancy ends in miscarriage.

Having found at least 2-3 such signs in yourself or your loved one, you should think about it with the help of special effective techniques determine the presence of damage or the evil eye.

Symptoms of corruption and curse

These concepts have a lot in common - actions are carried out purposefully in order to harm another person, cause him problems in his personal life or at work, financial difficulties. However, the curse is much stronger damage... Let us present the signs by which one can determine their presence in a person, in the form of a table:

Representatives of various religions can impose curses, they are also found in Islam. If the symptomatology is identified and the person suspects that he has been jinxed or cursed, it is necessary to use special methods.

Old proven ways

It is possible to understand that they want to jinx a person without using magic rituals, ordinary observation will help. If there are a lot of envious people around, someone constantly stares at him in the back, speaks negatively without reason, then these may be alarm bells.

You can also determine the presence of the evil eye or damage when visiting a church. The victim will experience discomfort, deterioration of health, weakness, which will disappear as soon as she leaves the doors of the holy place. Contact with holy water will also cause negative sensations.

To identify the evil eye will help the usual Golden ring... This method was also used by our distant ancestors, and has established itself as reliable and easy to use by people poorly familiar with magic. In the absence of a ring, you can use other jewelry made of noble metal: earrings, chain, bracelet.

The thing should belong to a person, it is better if he wears it constantly.

To carry out the ritual, you should put the selected gold jewelry in holy water, and then hold the jewelry charged with holy energy over the person's cheek. White footprint - good sign, there is no damage, but the red trail indicates that the energy field is filled with strong negative from the outside.

Rituals with candles and matches

To identify the evil eye, you can use ordinary wax candles.

First option. Three lighted candles are placed in the person's room in the immediate vicinity of the bed. If the candles burn evenly, then the person is out of danger. But if the flame smokes, burns unevenly, then there are signs of damage. If the flame has gone out, although there is no wind or draft in the room, then the person is faced with a more serious problem - a curse.

The second version of the ritual is also carried out with a burning candle: you should walk with it through the apartment of a possible victim. A strongly smoldering flame will speak about the presence of negative energy.

If a child is observed in two or three places - this is the norm, there are negatively charged places in everyone's dwelling. But if there are more of them, purification rituals should be performed immediately.

When going around the house, you should pay attention to corners, plants, electrical appliances- they are the keepers of energy.

Option three will help to conduct a "self-diagnosis" of damage. You must use two church candles: one should burn, and with the second, using a knife, cut the wax and place it in a spoon. After holding a spoon over the flame, waiting for the wax to melt, it is necessary to pour it into a prepared dish with cold water... The resulting drawing will answer the question: if it is smooth, correct shape- there is no evil eye, and if the form is sloppy, intermittent, resembles a lump, purification rituals should be performed.

The fourth option is with matches and tea. The alleged victim of the evil eye or damage should drink tea, then do not wash the mug, add water to it and take 13 matches, which should be set on fire one by one, while reading a prayer. Burned-out matches should be thrown into the water, their behavior will tell if there is an evil eye. If at least one of them drowned, this is a bad sign, indicating the interference of negative energy in the mental field. And if all the matches remain on the surface, everything is in order.

With an egg

It is very simple and efficient method identification of damage or curse, which can be used both on adults and on a child. The procedure is performed with the help of another person. A raw chicken egg, preferably a rustic one, is rolled over the body of a possible victim, and in order to prevent the transfer of energy, it is necessary that the assistant acts with gloves or holds the egg with a towel.

During the ritual, the egg must not be torn off the surface of the human body.

After that, the egg is gently broken and placed in a glass with clean water for several hours, after which an inspection is carried out. The unchanged state of the protein indicates that the mental field is pure from the influence of envious people, but its turbidity, as well as the spreading protein, are indicators that a run-in person has been jinxed. Cloudy water is also a bad sign.

You can find out who caused the damage. Practicing magicians are sure that after the rite of removal, the person who tried to harm will find out about this and will come to visit in a couple of days to check why his witchcraft does not work. Therefore, unexpected guests are most often the people who used black magic. Having learned about the corruption, you should not fall into despair, there are many rituals that allow you to clear the aura from the evil eye. Prayers will help get rid of the evil eye, but damage and curse are more serious energy problems that often affect the astral and mental fields of a person. In particular difficult cases will have to seek help from practicing white magicians.

From the fact that one person can jinx another, as they say, without a second thought, involuntarily, it is not easier. Because it is all the same - one of the types of damage that destroys the energy of a person, and in other words - his biofield. It's like a respirator or flu virus: a person sneezed or coughed in transport, and with a temperature they can lie down a few at once. standing people... Only with the evil eye is everything much more serious.

How to understand that you have been jinxed

A glance thrown enviously, or a spoken evil word leaves something like an unhealed wound in the biofield. It is also a kind of disease, in which temperature fluctuations, weight loss, and memory problems can become symptoms. Beautiful people must have noticed that they often suffer from an incomprehensible runny nose, or rashes on the skin. It is too .

However, most often the evil eye affects young children and newlyweds. The kid is completely defenseless against the influence of evil forces on him. And the bride and groom envious people can jinx at their own wedding.

Weak forms of the evil eye, like the same imaginary cold or acne, go away on their own. But there are some - and they occur most often - that need to be filmed. Sometimes you can even do it yourself.

Of course, such a symptom as general weakness, drowsiness and a complete lack of strength (in such cases, they say that everything “falls out of hand”) a person can take for a disease. But all the tests were done, the doctor sent them for examination, but the diagnosis was not! So this time it is a "symptom" of the evil eye.

Similar to the symptoms of traditional diseases will be such as dizziness, high or low blood pressure, palpitations, arrhythmias. The evil eye can affect blood clotting. Not only seemingly harmless pimples, but acne and even warts can also appear due to an unkind look or bad word... Even eczema can be caused by the evil eye. Even tumors can arise due to the influence of angry envious people.

My teeth hurt, and the dentist says that everything is in order - which means that this may also be due to the evil eye. Hair can become like tow (and also “climb” strongly), once such beautiful nails can break. So common among modern people a condition like insomnia, if it torments from week to week, most likely, the work of the "hands" of the evil eye. As well as loss of appetite or, conversely, a constant desire to eat. A person who has been jinxed can become incredibly irritable, crying, it would seem, for no reason, or rather, when the situation is clearly not worth it. In general, he is offended at everyone and everything. Everything is bad! And the trouble is that a couple of days ago there was nothing of the kind.

The worst thing is that close people - husband and wife, bride and groom, loving friend friend - begin to get angry because of nonsense, "flare up" over any trifle, look for non-existent shortcomings. In general, they show aggressiveness, as if in front of them worst enemies... In families where someone has fallen under the evil eye, quarrels and scandals are common.

How to distinguish the evil eye from a common disease using matches

You can understand whether a person has a common illness or whether he was jinxed with the help of a simple ritual. To carry it out, you need matches and plain water. And let no one interfere with its participants.

To begin with, water should be drawn into a ladle, cross it and cross yourself. Then, lighting three matches in turn, they need to be thrown into the water, turning each time to the Lord with the following words: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" After that, you need, looking at the water, pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “The holy water, not typed by me, typed it myself Holy Mother of God, the Christian race to wash, to help from the evil eye. It’s not I who wash it, I don’t wash it off, the Mother of God washes away, everything that is thought, and conceived, and let in and started, you will not be here, you cannot live here, you cannot destroy the servant (slave) of God (name the name). Amen".

There can be two results. First, they will remain floating on the surface, and the patient will feel the same as before. This is good, because the evil eye is not! Second: the matches will sink, and the person will become even worse than before. This means that he was jinxed. Moreover, the more matches drowned, the heavier the bad influence itself.

The evil eye is light if one match went to the bottom. And you can remove it immediately: let the person drink the water over which the conspiracy was pronounced.

But if two matches have drowned, then the evil eye will have to be removed with the help of a special conspiracy: “I will get up before the sun, I will go out before dawn, I will go into an open field, three keys are beating in an open field. One is the dawn key, the other is the earthly key, the third is the heavenly key. The first key is from a gray eye, from a white eye, from a black eye, the second key is from a sorcerer and a witch, from a simple-haired girl and a hand-rolled woman, the third key is from demons and devils and any unclean spirit. From three springs water, protect me, the servant of God (name) from all evil. Amen". If three matches have drowned, then this is no longer an evil eye, but damage.

How to identify the evil eye with a candle

The one who is ill should look for a rather long time, without looking away and trying to blink as little as possible. It may happen that the tongue of the candle becomes, in spite of the distance, so burning the eyes that it will be completely impossible to look at it. In addition, a person will smell smoke, he will be given a strong heat, as if from a stove. All these signs indicate that the person was jinxed. What to do?

It is necessary to light and immediately extinguish the candle above the patient's head 12 times. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “Lord, we are running to you, and Your rich bounties have been sent down on us, and have mercy on Your servants, as Good and a Man-lover: may the fire of Your fury not burn us down, let the fury of Your lightnings and thunders consume us below: but your usual use of benevolence, tame your anger, and turn the air into bliss, and sunbeams Cut the darkness into the darkness, and transform the darkness into silence. Amen".

Whether a person was jinxed or not can be determined using another method called casting. To carry it out, you need to pour the wax melted in a water bath into a ladle of cold water. Attention: you need to be very careful, because during the ritual you need to hold the ladle above the patient's head. The words to be uttered: "Water is pouring, fire is crumpled, wax is melted, trouble is pouring out." If the wax, solidified in water, does not take a certain shape, this means that there is no evil eye.

The ritual is called casting because during it the wax can be “cast” into a shape that resembles a person, plant or animal.

In this case, it is believed that the evil eye is there, but it is not heavy. It is much worse if the wax takes on a shape that resembles a bed, coffin, or cross. This means that the person was deliberately jinxed. In other words, this is no longer a "simple" evil eye, but damage.

Removing the evil eye: cleansing with water

As you know, water is a powerful purifier, especially if its natural strength is backed up by prayer. When removing the evil eye, old conspiracies serve this role.

Removing the evil eye with water. On the street, you need to leave the water poured into a container (bowl, for example) overnight. In the morning, you should put three forks, three knives and three needles in it. Then, “drawing” a cross on the water with a knife, say: “You, Lord, offered Yourself as a sacrifice on the cross for my salvation. Can I also reject the burdens of unfair judgments of people about me? Make it, Lord Jesus, so that, thinking of those scolding and slanderous things that You endured for me, my heart would learn patience, and not only without irritation, but even with thanksgiving, willingly endure the insults and condemnations of others. For one thing I beg Thee, O Lord, do not leave my enemies forever in their blindness, but finally illuminate them with a ray of Thy grace. Amen".

After that, you need to remove the forks, knives and needles from the water. Water should be sprinkled on the one from whom the evil eye is removed, as well as his bed, room and clothes. Tea is brewed for him in the same water.

Removing the evil eye with three waters. To carry out this ritual, you need to draw the same amount of water from three different sources, for example, from three wells, ice holes, cranes. Then this water is drained into one bucket and left outside overnight. In the morning, the person who was jinxed should strip naked, and he should be doused with this water, saying the following words: “Mother water! In the name of the Holy Trinity, give holy water from three wells for purity, for ease of health to the servant of God ”(the name is called).

For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and 12 candles. The candles should be lit in turn and, dipping into the water, extinguished, uttering a conspiracy: "I salt, blacken, torture, torture, I speak the servant of God (name) from drifts, from drifts, from far-fetched, from fortune-telling, blown in the wind, from a whirlwind man , from the bald grandfather, from the Kiev witch, from the evil eye. Zarya-zarynitsa, you rise in the evening, the night extinguishes you, so the servant of God (name) would rise and go out, sickness and corruption, all ailments and black sorrow. As fire is knocked out of white stone, from gray flint, so would all sorrows, all drifts, drifts, contrived, faked, fortune-telling, knocked out, thrown out, carried away to the place where people do not live, dogs do not lie from the servant of God (name), birds don't sing. My word is strong, seven locks are locked, my tongue is the key. Amen".

Removing the evil eye from a child

If, there are special rituals to free him from this scourge.

With water. Washing the child and draining the water on the floor or on the ground, reciting the words: “From the poppies, water, from the baby of sorrow. Otkul took off, merged there. Whoever is angry with a child, then back with a writhing. Amen". Parents may speak, or godmother... Of course they should go to confession and communion regularly.

With the help of an egg. A raw egg should be rolled over the back of the baby's head and back, as well as other parts of the body, which are called in the plot. The words are as follows: “The chicken laid a testicle, not a simple one, a spell. I then roll the testicle, on the top, on the head, on the shoulders, on the back, on the arms, on the chest, on the tummy, on the ass, on the legs, on the soles, all over the white body. I roll the testicle, I shake all the damage at it. I throw the egg into the fire, return the evil to the evil one. "

After that, the egg must be broken with the blunt side of a knife into a ladle of water with the following words: “I am not crushing the shell, I am crushing your ailments. I press, I crush ailments from the servant of God (name). Amen".

An indicator that the evil eye has taken place will be that the egg will turn black and a rotten smell will appear.

This water must be poured into the toilet and then thoroughly washed. You should also wash the ladle, and then ignite it in the stove.

Video to the topic "Cleansing from negative energy"

In this article we will look at the main ones, find out what the evil eye is in general and how it manifests itself on a person. And also, we will recommend ways that can protect against this dangerous effect. If you nevertheless become its accidental victim, we will share tips on how to remove Negative consequences this phenomenon.

The evil eye is considered to be a strong unintentional blow to the human biofield. Unlike damage, this impact is unconscious and unintentional. For example, if a person thought something unkind or said a swear word in their hearts, unconsciously he inflicts an energy blow on the interlocutor. Without wanting it, he has a negative impact on the biofield of another person by the power of his thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Only a person with strong energy... This can happen in moments of strong outburst of negative emotions: a quarrel, scandal, showdown.

You can also suffer from the evil eye from envious people and ill-wishers who are haunted by your family happiness or career success. There are also people with the "evil eye", the very energy of which is predisposed to negatively influence others. Although usually they are aware of this peculiarity of theirs and, quite often, suffer from it.

Self-eye - what is it

A type of evil eye is the self-evil eye, that is negative program applied to oneself. If a person for a long time is in power negative emotions, thoughts and feelings, a powerful charge of destructive energy is created around him. Both the person himself and his loved ones can suffer from it.

How not to become a victim of self-evil eye will help you with the following tips:

  • Treat the surrounding reality and people with positive attitude... Negative emotions and feelings destroy energy protection your biofield.
  • Be optimistic about your life and the events taking place in it. Feeling self-doubt, constantly repeating that we will not succeed, we ourselves create an attitude towards failure and defeat.
  • You must always believe in yourself and your success. Thus, you will turn on a creative energy program that will protect against all negative impacts.

The evil eye on your loved ones

To protect your family from the evil eye, remember that each of our thoughts or accidentally thrown words can have an impact on others, to be embodied in life. If you wish only good things for loved ones, watch what you say.

Never tell your family that they are losers, that they will not be able to achieve anything in life, and do not frighten you with other troubles. After all, every word of yours has energy that can both charge with a positive and cause serious harm to their future life.

Try to keep the house as few quarrels and scandals as possible. Indeed, at such moments, a huge amount of negative energy splashes out on people close to you. Later, you will regret what you said in a fit of anger, but it will be too late. Your negative emotions cause serious harm to the biofield of relatives, and can cause the evil eye.

If you want to reliably protect your family from the evil eye, maintain harmony around you and fill your home and all inhabitants with positive and positive emotions.

Signs of the evil eye

If, nevertheless, you have become a victim of the evil eye, you can on the following grounds:

  • The person becomes lethargic, drowsy, apathetic. Constantly lacking vital energy, prostration.
  • There may be problems with sleep: at night he cannot fall asleep, and in the morning he wakes up sluggish and overwhelmed.
  • The desire to study or work disappears. This leads to career problems, job loss.
  • Often worried about heart problems and pressure drops. Chronic diseases are aggravated.
  • The victim of the evil eye becomes slow, indifferent to what is happening, loses interest in life.
  • Attacks of unexplained aggression occur. A person is constantly in a state of internal tension and anxiety.
  • Constant conflicts with others drain the potential of life energy and lead to a breakdown.
  • Problems with alcohol or drug addiction may begin.
  • There is a tingling sensation in the chest, tears begin to shed for no reason, the temperature rises.
  • A characteristic sign of the evil eye is also the inability of a person to endure his gaze in the mirror. He also avoids looking the other person directly in the eyes.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms and suspect that you have become a victim of the evil eye, check it with the help of special rituals.

Rites to determine the evil eye

There are many special ceremonies and rituals in the world for diagnosing the evil eye on a person.

If in Lately physical ailments began to bother you, appeared chronic fatigue or a depressed state, we advise you to do a couple of simple but effective rituals.

Rite of passage for determining the evil eye with an egg

This method is most often used to determine the evil eye. It is considered to be very reliable and effective in detecting a negative program in a person.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need the usual tap water and a chicken egg. For this purpose, only a fertilized house egg is suitable. Then proceed in this order:

  • It is necessary to break the egg into a cup of water, trying to keep the yolk intact.
  • Place the cup on your head for a few minutes.
  • Put her on flat surface and proceed with the diagnosis.

Now we can find out what the egg will tell us about:

  • The unchanged appearance of the yolk indicates that there are no negative effects on you. The evil eye cannot, in this case, be the cause of your troubles or ailments.
  • White fibers that rise up from the protein indicate that some kind of not very strong effect was exerted on you. For example, it can be the evil eye or light damage. From their negative impact you can easily get rid of yourself with the help of simple rituals, conspiracies and amulets.
  • In the event that you noticed blotches of black in the fibers of the protein, and the yolk acquired a boiled appearance, a strong magical effect was exerted. This includes a powerful evil eye and damage that a professional magician has brought. In this case, you will not be able to cope on your own; it is better to seek help from a knowledgeable person.

If you find you have damage or the evil eye, you need to pour water and an egg into the toilet and say:

“Let it return to the one from whom it comes. Amen".

The next morning, purchase 8 homemade eggs and start the cleansing ritual.

For eight days in a row, you will need to put a glass of water by the bedside before going to bed and break an egg into it. In the morning, carefully examine the contents of the glass: each time the appearance of the egg should improve, and the negative program gradually becomes weaker and weaker. By the end of the ritual, she should completely disappear.

Determination of the evil eye by coals

With the help of charcoal, you can successfully determine the presence of damage and the evil eye on a person. They are often also used as amulets against various negative influences.

You need to throw 3 coals into a small container of water. If the coals remain on top or one of them drowns, the evil eye or damage will not threaten you. But, in the event that all three coals fell to the bottom of the glass, you probably became a victim of the evil eye. It is urgent to take measures to remove the harmful effects.

To cleanse the evil eye, remove the coals from the water and read the words above it:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from any evil eye, from a bad hour, from a woman's, from a man's, from a child's, from joyful, from hateful, from slanderous, from negotiation. Amen".

Read the plot nine times. For this rite, you can also use any other cleansing prayer or conspiracy.

Then drink some charged water and sprinkle it all over your body and face. This simple ritual will effectively help you cleanse yourself of negative influences.

The first symptoms of the evil eye are noticeable a few minutes after the person has been jinxed (there is a self-evil eye). What do the signs develop into and how to make sure that this is the evil eye?

In the article:

The first signs of the evil eye

The evil eye is a negative program, the signs of which affect any area of ​​life, most often well-being. Symptoms are the same in women and men.

Do not be offended by the person who jinxed. Most often this happens unconsciously and not necessarily by envious people. It happens that in response to a story about difficulties, a friend, trying to console, says something like: "Your problems are still nonsense, if something happened, I would know."

The initial symptoms of the evil eye are similar to the signs of communication with: weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache... In the future, they develop into constant apathy and lethargy, passivity.

Usually the evil eye concerns something specific: appearance, work, financial situation, new things, relationships - the list is endless. If the victim happily spoke about new car or someone out loud envied happiness, and then the person failed, this is the evil eye.

Fatigue and weakness, which are noticeable after the appearance of negativity towards a person, turn into constant increased fatigue. There is a desire to relax and unwind.

There are problems with sleep: at night it is impossible to fall asleep, in the morning - to get out of bed and start work. A well-balanced person spends a lot of time after sleep to start doing daily activities. The desire to do even necessary things, for example, go to the shower, disappears. There is a complete lack of strength.

Later, irritability, self-pity, health problems (with skin, nails, teeth and hair, frequent headaches) appear.

Absent-mindedness is another sign of how the evil eye manifests itself.

Sexual activity decreases: even if the partner is attracted, there will be no strength for sex.

A quick recognition of the symptoms of the evil eye will save you from more serious problems. The faster you get rid of the induced negativity, the less the evil eye will affect your life.

Many people, faced with various kinds of problems in life, complain about extraterrestrial forces. Quite often, we blame someone for the prolonged black streak, personal life does not develop, and health suffers. But not many can find out if outside interference is taking place here. And we decided to talk about how to understand that you have been jinxed, in order to know the cause of failures, and how to eliminate them.

The evil eye, in contrast to damage, is considered more in an easy way energetic influence on a person and a child. But it does no less harm, although it can be sent inadvertently.

The evil eye, like damage, is special section of magic. However, he has characteristic feature that corruption does not have. It lies in unintentionality. There are tons of people who can be called "eye-witted". Without noticing it, they can destroy your aura with their negative energy message. It is not uncommon for people to carry the evil eye to themselves. At the same time, damage is considered intentional. All rituals and ceremonies for the induction of such curses are performed consciously. Therefore, in order to know what you are dealing with (damage, evil eye), and to determine whether you have not been jinxed, you need to know the symptoms of the evil eye and damage.

In particular, the main signs that accompany the evil eye are health and psychological disorders. They can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • a sharp and unreasonable deterioration in well-being;
  • frequent headaches;
  • constant fatigue, lethargy;
  • drowsiness, constant yawning;
  • pain in the spine;
  • frequent colds;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the desire to do what you love fades away, etc.

Damage and its manifestations in relation to the victim are more serious. To understand that the evil eye or other spell is being targeted at you or your child, you can turn to practicing magicians for help. But there are also such rituals that are carried out independently. Having performed one of these rituals, you can recognize not only if you have an evil eye (love spell, damage, etc.), but also recognize the author.

Rite of passage with a ring of precious metal

If you managed to recognize the symptoms of the evil eye, you can find out a more accurate result about the presence of magical interference by holding this rite... To implement it you will need:

  • a glass of holy water;
  • ring made of gold.

In the evening, fill a vessel with holy water and place a ring in it. It is necessary to wait a while for the object to give the water all the energy of the real owner. Further, to find out if you or the child have been jinxed, you need to remove the ring from the water and hold it over the cheek of the alleged victim.

If there is a streak white, which means that there is no outside magical interference. If the trail becomes black, this means that there is an evil eye. Based on the results obtained, it will be possible to carry out actions to remove the spell.

Rite of passage with church candles

You can also learn about targeting the evil eye by following this method. Through the ritual with three church candles, you can understand that you have been jinxed or sent a spell on a child.

In the evening, you need to install candles in the room of the alleged victim. Next, they will need to be ignited. If the candle flame is calm and even, the symptoms of magic turned out to be false and the evil eye does not work. If there is an evil eye, then the candles will crackle strongly during burning. If the candles go out, it could be cause for concern. Perhaps it is not just the evil eye on you, but a stronger energetic effect. For example, damage or ancestral curse.

Egg detection ritual

In order to recognize on your own whether the evil eye is imposed or not, you can carry out a ceremony with the usual chicken egg... In addition to the egg, you will need:

  • glass beaker;
  • cold water.

Whether you or your child was jinxed or not, you can find out by rolling an egg all over the victim's body. In this case, it is necessary not to tear the object off the skin throughout the entire procedure. If an adult needs help to carry out his plan, it is allowed to call best friend... Run in your child raw egg you can do it yourself.

When this procedure is completed, you will need to fill a glass with water and break an egg there. Only you need to break it very carefully so as not to tear the thin shell and not damage the yolk. It is best to first make the crack with a foreign object, and then pick it open with your fingers, pouring the egg into the water.

Set the jar of water and egg aside for a while. Then see how all the ingredients of this "cocktail" are arranged. Bring the egg to a light source. If you do not notice any changes in the state of the protein and yolk, then the evil eye is absent. If the protein has become clouded, clots or threads have formed in it, then the evil eye (damage) is one hundred percent induced. With this in mind, you should immediately contact the practicing magic people. They will help eliminate unwanted energy impact and get rid of its consequences.

Ritual with matches and prayers

To determine if someone has sent the evil eye on you, you can perform another simple ceremony. To carry out the ritual, you will need:

  • an unwashed cup from which the alleged victim (you, the child, or another family member) recently drank tea or coffee;
  • Matchbox.

Having almost filled the cup with water (you can use it with ordinary water), start burning the match over the container. During the procedure, read constantly the text of the prayer "Our Father". The stubs of matches should be thrown into the water. If there is an evil eye, the matches will sink. If not a single burnt match falls to the bottom of a cup of water, it means that your aura is pure and not subject to extraneous energetic influence.

Wax ritual to detect magic spell

This ritual, during which you will need to pour wax on the water, will help you find out if you have any kind of curse. Whether it is the evil eye, damage, love spell, performing the ceremony will help refute suspicions or confirm them.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to take:

  • 2 church candles;
  • a vessel with cold water;

Using a knife, you need to scrape off a little wax from one candle. After filling a tablespoon with it, melt it over the flame of the second candle. Read the prayer "Our Father" during the procedure.

This ceremony will be effective if it is intended to reveal the evil eye on the performer himself or in relation to his child.

When the wax is sufficiently melted, it should be gradually poured into a container of water. After completing the action, in a few minutes you will be able to assess the condition of the wax breast. If the structure of the wax is smooth, even and without flaws, then there is no evil eye. If the surface is porous, in breasts, with elevations and pores, then this means that there is a strong magical effect (evil eye, damage, love spell, etc.). Therefore, immediately do your best to get rid of it.