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Remove the extrasens of the words abandoned in anger. Conspiracy-guard from the bad word, said in anger. What is waiting for control over anger

Today, most people have so much faith in God or in any other higher forces, which is not aware of the importance of promises and zarns, data in the impulse of spiritual despair. And in vain, after all, giving oaths, we bring big trouble on yourself, as in this case, what we consider usually and meaningful words, in fact, turns out to be promises given to otherworldly forces. In my practice there are many cases when these otherworldly forces demanded that people accurately execute this oath, which turned into numerous chants and problems for them.

In this article I would like to give all readers an important advice: never let the swars and promises, the execution of which you really don't really want. You believe in this or not, but by our fate astral forces will not leave your words without attention and the most inappropriate moment for you will need to keep the promise in the rustling of emotions. In particular, you can never be swamming with your children, or your own health, you can not go or try to make a deal with the highest forces, promising to do something in exchange for momentary help in any matters. In all these cases, you can attach such troubles and troubles, to get rid of which only the most strongest will help you practical magic performed by an experienced master.

To confirm your words, I would like to describe several situations with which people turned to me, at one time challenged the rule not to give an oath. The first story is about a female student who was so afraid of exams that each time fell into a real panic. And in this state she did not see another way out of the situation, as soon as handle prayers and promises to the highest forces. In requests for help on the exam, she talked about what is ready to pay for a good assessment by any fee, even if it will be her personal happiness.

Since then, many years have passed, and this girl has turned into an adult blooming woman who can not find his only, get married, give birth to children and heal a happy family life. Of course, a woman no longer remembers those promises and oaths, which in foolishness gave in the greatness, but these are the forces to which she turned to, did not forget anything. They acted according to the scenario, who at one time offered them a young student - helped her successfully finish training, but in return took her personal happiness. And now for this woman, practical magic was the only hope for a happy fate, capable of destroying the circle of failures on a love front.

The strength of the oath given in the emotional impulse.

Any words spoken by us in the rustling of emotions acquire dual force. That is why it is impossible to desire someone in the hearts in the hearts, since in most cases such words do not remain not heard and immediately implemented. It is for this principle that the negative is guided: if someone in a rush of envy or anger will wish you trouble, then it will definitely come.

The same can be said about the oaths: promises, data in the gust of despair or anger, will necessarily reach their addresses. And if you promised otherworldly forces, which in return for their favor will donate anything, this victim will definitely be in demand. It is also impossible to promise to give up something for the sake of achieving any goal, as such human self-confidence does not like the highest forces. Therefore, they will force a person in every possible way to break their oath, creating such life situations in which it will be impossible to keep this promise. And as soon as the person gives a slack and retreat from his word, the toughest punishment will immediately follow. And although practical magic is able to neutralize the negative obtained in response to the violation of the oath, yet certain consequences will still have its own strength.

It must be said that any attempts to bargain with the highest forces, whether God or astral spirits are doomed in advance for failure. Already one thing is that a person tried to enter into collusion, the otherworldly, and they apply maximum efforts to prove to man how we are weak and imperfect. A visual example of this could be the situation when a man asks for the highest strength to hide the truth about his treason and swear to his health that such a thing no longer repeat. Demons worked out by such a promise will definitely offer a man such a temptation, to refuse which he just will not be forces. And the result of the oath will be lost under the terms of the contract health divorce with his wife, which became known about the next treason - not the one that the demons helped hide, but about the next.

In principle, practical magic does not recommend to swear at all, but this can be done only in those situations when you speak the clean truth. For example, when you are accused of something that you really did not accomplish - then the oath can help you justify yourself and at the same time will not cause anger of the otherworldly forces. If with the help of an oath you will try to hide your misconduct, then the punishment for false words will be inevitable.

Appeals to the highest forces as a source of troubles and misfortunes.

To show how dangerous, there may be an appeal to otherworldly forces, I want to give another vital situation. One woman seriously fell ill with a child. Each time, seeing his suffering, she appeared in Mount to God with requests to heal her son, and in return suggested her own health. These words were pronounced in such despair, which was not ignored. And although in fact a woman, of course, did not want to accept the disease, and dreamed only about the recovery of her child, the wrong request was fulfilled literally.

Next, the story developed in a sad scenario: the child passed the course of treatment, after which he became better, now he passes the course of rehabilitation therapy and there are hopes that over time he returns to normal life. But the woman herself began to hurt, and none of the doctors can put a certain diagnosis of her: if you judge the results of numerous surveys and analyzes, the woman has everything in perfect order, however, it still loses its strength every day.

This situation is a visual example of how dangerous to contact the highest forces with requests to harm himself or anyone else. If you want your loved ones to be healthy - ask for them to health, but never offer your health in exchange for their recovery.

In practical magic, many cases, when the request for recovery of anyone remained without attention, but the health of the asked sharply deteriorated, in some cases people did not even have time to save, because they did not know what to treat. The specifics of the valves caused by oaths and appeals to the highest forces is that modern medicine does not have the ability to recognize its nature. Accordingly, a person does not receive timely help, which can lead to the saddest consequences.

Oaths and gaps that turn against us.

We have already talked about what you can not swear with your children, as we are at the danger of their happiness and well-being. Indeed, since there is nothing more expensive for each person, such oaths with confidence can be called the most strong and, at the same time, terrible. For example, the oaths of their own children are often becoming the strongest argument for a woman who wants to justify before their lover. And not so scary if the woman really is not to blame for anything and this oath is called upon to confirm her right. If, in fact, the conscience of a woman is a unclean, and the oaths are pronounced only in order to somehow correct the situation and hide their own misconduct, the consequence of rapid words become the most difficult trouble.

When you swear with your children, you still give them to the otherworldly forces, which will definitely take advantage of their authority immediately, as you violate the promise given to them. And in the fact that you break it, you can not even doubt: even if you are holy to believe that you are ready to comply with this word and refuse something in your life, the demons will definitely begin to offer you all sorts of temptations. And since the human nature of weak, in some of the situations you will not be able to resist the temptation and make an act, which will give your own children to the confusion of otherworldly forces.

By the way, it is not necessary to think that such naive protection, as the fingers crossed behind the back, can really help avoid punishment in cases when you know that you know. In fact, this protective reception has no power and is invented by those who seek to remove the cargo with a deliberately false oath. And the only real rescue from an inevitable punishment is sincere repentance and requests for forgiveness.

Danger of zagins, these late people.

Along with the fact that it is impossible to make promises to otherworldly forces, it is also impossible to swear in anyone already late people. The most common example of rods, data to the dead, is the promise of the deceased spouse, never to marry or not to have any intimate proximity. What was dictated to the impulse of the wife killed by grief, who lost his beloved person, is quite understandable. Moreover, it is quite clear that at the time of the death of a beloved person is indeed in such a state that it can not even think that someone else will appear in his life.

But when it takes time and grief gradually retreats, life takes its own. And here, problems begin: as soon as a person is started to go out with anyone, he begins to be the deceased spouse. Even by despite the fact that the Spirit does not utter a word, the spouse becomes clear that the discontent of the deceased is caused by the fact that he is disturbed by the progress: not to have any close relationship with anyone.

When I am addressed to help me to help in such situations, I always try to figure out what actions were made by the spouses of the deceased at the time when they imprudently gave their zamas for the deceased. Some put into the coffin or notes with oaths in eternal loyalty, some pronounce these oaths in words, and some even put their photos in the coffin so that even in the afterlime world is allegedly located next to the spouse. In all these cases, people make a big mistake. The consequences of which will have to correct with great difficulty.

Even more sad implications are expected to those who give promises to the suicians. If in cases where a person dies with his death, his still soul goes to the best world and does not disturb the living without much the reasons, then the soul suicide cannot find peace for a long time. Since the road to the best world is closed for them, the soul suicides continue to be among the living and very often their relatives or spouses. And as soon as in the life of a spouse, at one time granted a grant of celibacy, any love story appears, the soul of suicide immediately begins to demand strict observance of the oath.

In conclusion of this article, I would like to once again warn everyone from oaths and zarns, as these rapid words very often brought serious troubles and trouble on people.

Conspiracy-charm from the bad word said in anger

Word is a great strength. From words, but the word can hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself the fact that a person puts into it, especially if a bad blood relative wants a bad blood relative.

People have long been reconciled, the quarrel gradually asked out of memory, but the materialized evil did not disappear anywhere, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

"My mother loves us, but how much I remember myself, with a quarrels you swear on what the light stands:" God forbid you snot to the fist, missed, and more, - maybe you will rate the mother. "

And I really suffer all my life, nor a share nor happiness. Everyone as the mother wished: Moting snot on a fist. Recently, one grandmother told me that I was cursed by my mother, that the seal of her words in my eyes is worth. And she said that both the children and my grandchildren will now suffer.

Is there protection from this and how to remove it? "

From bad words read in the morning dawn. Conspiracy Next:

How not to take milk from duck,

Do not assemble with rye apples

Do not press the rope from the water,

Do not knock out oil from shit,

So do not spoil the curse:

Neither blood and no one's

Neither old and nor young

Nor in grayies, nor in Pleshines,

Neither with your teeth, no teeth.

Don't be for curse

Neither mother nor sisters nor brothers.


And the Lord Slave Your (Name). Amen.

Now I will tell you how to remove evil with a person. In a cup with water, drive a knife counterclockwise and read the forty time in a row a special conspiracy. Then beware of plotted water. The words of the conspiracy are:

Christ goes

Twelve students lead

Says explains, shows

The commandments punishes its own.

You can not curse,

We must save the soul from evil.

Save, sord, save,

Curse with a slave of your (name) take off.

I believe in the Unified God of Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    See also:

Do not speak Sgorie

If patience is virtue, then anger is a vice. When patience is running out, it is inferior to anger. It comes to my memory a funny story about the educator of the kindergarten. Before keeping children for a walk, she wore shoes on them - just thirty-two pairs, by the number of children. After the last boot was dressed, the 32nd kid suddenly said: "These are not my shoes." Having lost patience, the teacher threw shoes from him, after which he said: "They are sister; She gave me to donate them today. "

Looking forward - a prelude to an outbreak of anger, which is often manifested in evil words. Evil words are a poison of a smoke of a fire that flashes in our hearts. Henry Becher said somehow: "Speak in anger, and it will be the best speech that you ever have to regret."

A lot of angry flares are described in the Bible and a lot of words spoken in anger are captured. Cain was angry at God for the non-recognition of his gift (Gen. 4: 5). Tsar Saul was angry, because David threatened him to the throne: "And David acted prudently everywhere, where he sent him Saul, and made him Saul by the head of military people; And it was liked to all the people and servants Saulov. When they walked, when David's return from all the cities of Israeli went to the meeting of Saul Tsar with singing and kimvala. And exclaimed the playing women, saying: Saul won thousands, and David - tens of thousands! And Saul was very upset, and it was unpleasant to him this word, and he said: David gave tens of thousands, and I am thousands; He lacks only kingdoms. And from that day and then suspiciously watched Saul on David "(1 Tsar. 18: 5-9).

The ion was angry at God, because God did not fulfill his desires (Ion 4). In his anger, Ion threatened to God suicide. And all this - just because God did not fulfill what he wanted.

The disciples later announcing the mother of James and John demanded a high position for their sons and power in the coming kingdom of heaven (Matt. 20: 20-28). Their indignation was caused by the fact that they themselves wanted to take a high position there. Her requirement contradicted their own interests, and it was angry them.

The eldest son (onions 15: 11-32) was angry at the Father, because it seemed to him that it cost him worse than with his brother, while in reality it was not.

Refusal in something, envy, disappointment, collision of interest, ungratefulness - all these sources of anger. But unfortunately, anger does not exist in itself. It is similar to the cancer tumor, exciting the entire body. Anger prompted Cain to kill his brother; This act relieves it in fear and flour and betrayed him by God's court. The wrath of Saul called in his soul the feelings of the vigor, bitterness and the secret hatred of David.

The anger of the Iona appealed to Himself on God; He gave rise to pity for himself, despair and thoughts about suicide. The anger of the apostles led to a retail and split among people whose unity was unusually important for early Christianity. The anger of the eldest son led to the rupture between him and his father, who had supported him in life.

Anger gives rise to deep problems in society. How to make angry words to turn into speeches, bearing peace and restoring good relationships? You need to replace the anger with patience. In the original text of the New Testament there are two words, each of which means "patience". The meaning of one of them is that we should not harm in retaliation for harm - even if it is in our power. The second word means the ability to maintain vigor even with the greatest life circumstances.

Such feelings called patience in the Bible contradict human nature. The natural response of a person is usually completely reverse: we want to answer the revenge, to get together who prevented us, caused harm or rude to us. It is difficult for us, it is almost impossible, to wait for the decisions and expansion of the will of God in difficulty circumstances, in such cases we often ask yourself relief, not grace. In this case, we can compare us in this case with the grain of watermelon: if you put your finger on them, they are not flattened, but slip. And if we cannot "slip out" because of what it gives us, we are angry with the power that overwhelms us.

The Word of God teaches us how to successfully replace the anger with patience; Patience that helps us refrain from revenge, and patience that supports the courage of the Spirit in us. Unfortunately, many people overwhelm their anger and he becomes part of their nature. Such people are called "evil". They need a council of a psychologist who understands the essence of biblical truths.

But even these "evil" people can learn confidence, meekness and peace in the Word.

First of all, we must understand that anger is a natural feeling sent to us by God. With it, we distinguish badly from good. Righteous anger is a source of justice in this world.

Anger is a "warning" feeling. It warns us against injustice, worn and unrighteousness. In Scripture, often speak of anger of God. God is sinless, but he is able to be angry. Anger is the right reaction to evil. In the same time. Scripture indicates the sinfulness of angry flashes. Spiritually mature Christian should be able to separate anger from sins often concomitant to him. God intended anger to warn us about injustice - and not lead to her. We must listen to your anger, and then make the right conclusions. Instead of leading to insults, quarrels, internal self-destruction, anger should encourage us to pray, act carefully and cleverly, and to hope for God. All these feelings allow us to love our enemies and bring us the inner world.

In the New Testament there are three instructions that help us direct our anger on the right track. All of them are associated with the concept of patience.

1. "... every person will be ... slow on anger" (Iac. 1:19). This advice helps us to learn how to restore the anger at the time of its birth. He gives us the opportunity to evaluate what happened and think over your answer.

2. "Do not warm up" (Ephesus. 4:26). We must be able to distinguish between sins, usually related to the feeling of anger. This will help us oppose such sins.

3. "The Sun will not go in the anger of your M" (Ephesus 4:26). You need to be able to get rid of anger, focusing on the thoughts about God and turning your energy to a reasonable and correct permission of the problem that caused anger. Such an attitude will help us to gain the inner world and avoid angry collisions.

We remember - Rate

"Everyone will be slow in anger" - this is the command of Jacob, faithful to believers who persecuted and persecution (James 1:19). The meaning of these biblical words is the same as the popular expression "count to 10". Words "Be Medil" mean "permeate", "stop". This wise council appears to our patience. He calls us not to lose the spirit of the spirit in the face of difficulties and look for reasonable ways to resolve them. Being "slow in anger" means to keep your anger over the time required for a reasonable assessment of the situation created.

There are five divine truths that help us be "slow in anger."

1. God tells people embraced by anger, to ask themselves three questions:

A. "Why were you upset? If you do good, then do not raise faces? " (Gen. 4: 6-7). If our anger is a reaction to a reproach to us, if we were wrong, then we should honestly recognize the right point of reproach, humbly reassure and try to correct the injustice committed by us. Our anger will be patient, to recover justice.

B. "Does it really upset you so much?" (Ion 4: 4). God asked Jonah, angry at God for his mercy. He wanted God to fulfill his own desires. But Ion did not have the right to be angry - God, and not he, ordered by the fate of Ninevei. Assigning alien rights often serves as a reason for unfair wrath. The subordination of the will of God is not always nice to us, but it gives rise to patience, invests in our senses the words of loyalty and expression of gratitude to God. B. Father said to the angry eldest son:

"My son, you are always with me and everything is mine" (Luk. 15:31). Anger, born pity for himself or comparing itself with other people, makes us forget about everything is good, which is given to us, for which we should thank God. Feeling anger, it is useful to immediately determine whether it is born with selfish, evil comparison with other people. Yes, it is difficult to "rejoice with rejoicing" (Rom. 12:15), but if we focus on what we should be grateful, it will humiliate the evil spirit of dissatisfaction.

2. Are there serious foundations for my anger? This is a key question that helps us restrain anger. It is always necessary to evaluate what happened from different sides. It is extremely important. Such a manifestation of patience not only doubt our anger, but also expressed in restrained and friendly speeches.

3. Try to look at what happened at a different angle, from another point of view. Such an attempt always helps us to hold back. We need to mentally put yourself in place of another person (the one who caused our anger); This psychological admission always helps to drown anger and causes feelings of tolerance and refin. This family of patience is named after Gal. 5:23 meekness.

4. To accurately determine the cause of anger. The ability to accurately determine the cause of anger helps to cope with it immediately. Table A lists 10 conventional springs of anger and the main elements that determine the correct reaction to it.

5. Express the feeling of approaching anger with words. It's just amazing how helps to keep the angry recognition in it. But honestly admitted in this feeling - the case is not easy. Usually we try to hide our feelings. Apparently, the matter is in pride: it is very difficult to say about yourself "I am angry", "I'm angry." If I'm internally hot, and the wife asks me: "Why are you angry?", I immediately answer without thinking: "I'm not angry at all!" This answer is not only false, but he is able to donate the spark of anger in my wife's heart.

Honest answer: "I don't know exactly what, but for some reason I'm angry. Show me tolerance until I will overcome this feeling and pray that I find the right answer to it, "will help reduce anger and take the right decision.

These five steps, five divine truths, will help us gain patience and be "slow in anger". They will give us the opportunity to objectively appreciate the reasons for what has been angry, and finding the right, fair, pious solution to this problem. The author of the parable says: "The long-suffer is better brave, and who owns it better than the conqueror of the city" (Prover. 16:32).

Source of anger How to prove patience
Disordered life, many small worries Sort up life, eliminate unnecessary duties. And learn to say "no" once a day.
Laziness interfering to do what is important and to bring the case to the end. Work diligently, making what is important.
Feeling personal guilt. Ask for forgiveness from God and other people. Try to defeat the weakness that leads to a sense of guilt.
Violation of justice. Provide the court to God (Rome.12: 17-21) and pay the energy to find a reasonable solution to the problem.
Symbolic anger - anger, carrying in situations similar to those who once got angry. To admit that in your heart there is a sin of bitter (Heb.12: 15); understand that unfair to punish people for other people's mistakes committed in
past; Resort to the help of a third party competent in this matter if necessary.
Destroyed hopes. Waiting for the opportunity to thank God (Phil. 1:19).
Rights violation. Provide the rights of God (Rome.12: 17-21), which cares about your needs. If necessary, refer to people from which
hanging the decision (to the government. Parents, boss).
Unknown circumstances from you. Rely on the omnipotence of God and obey His will. Learn to praise God in suffering (Job. 1-2; Phil.1: 20-21, 27-29; 1 Pet. 2: 19-25).
Collision of interests and plans to promote in life. Calculate the true value of your dreams compared to eternal values. Submit wisdom I.
wheel of God.

Not sin in anger

The second instruction of the Bible is angry. We find in the message to Ephesians 4:26: "Angry, do not sin." It is very important to realize that anger is a sense of warning. It indicates a violation of justice and refuses the wrongness. However, if we do not "slowly in anger", we will not show proper patience, anger can easily involve us in sin.

In the message to Ephesians, a clear edge is carried out between anger and sin. Anger itself is not a sin. Sin arises when anger is coming out of our power. Anger towards sin is similar to temptation. Be sophisticated - does not mean sinning; Sin occurs when we disappear into the power of temptation (James 1: 14-15).

If we do not pacify our sin in the bud, he lies with us, like a predatory beast (Gen. 4: 7). As the Apostle Paul said, the devil will take advantage of our life (Ephesus 4: 26-27). If anger remains in us, he breeds hatred and bitterness, becomes a devastating sin. This residual anger is the source of many sins: lies, deception, grillness, threats, blasphemy, mention of the NGU named after God, Grevyness. The heart, the full malice, gives rise to murder, envy, immorality, retail, split and revenge. The author of the Epistle to the Jews calls us: "Try to have peace with everyone and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Watch that who did not lose their grace of God so that which bitter root, having arisen, did not harm, and that many people do not defile themselves "(Heb. 12: 14-15).

In order not to fall into sins anger generated by anger, you need to patiently humble anger, look for his reason. And then instead of words that produce mess, the feeling of inner guilt and alienation between people, words from our lips will be broken with words, full of tolerance, healing and lively useful. In these words will be praised:

* Honest recognition in evil feelings

* request for prayer support in our resistance to sin generated by anger

* A request for a pious advice that helps to answer the wrath

* Questions asked without the shadow of condemnation with which you can find out all the details important for us

* humble repentance if anger appears in response to our own egoism and bad acts

* Call for other people to humble and understand your anger and oppose sins with the concomitant

* meekness and understanding that is given to a person who can put themselves in place of another

* submission to the will of God and the glorification of God

* Silence. If we are not able to offer anything useful to solve the problem, then silence our is truly gold (Ps. 140: 3).

My culinary "hobby" is fried bifshes. The most difficult thing for me in this business is to adjust the level of fire in the roaster. If you do not follow the fire - the meat burns. Usually I pour water and close the meat with a lid; It is stealing and gradually softened under the influence of a couple of collecting under the lid.

Patience that helps us ease, establish anger source, and refrain from the sins associated with it, like water, coolant and producing softening steam. Patience gives us the opportunity to turn the destructive power of anger to words that are happily and pleasant to hear people, in words that heal those who surround us.

Conspiracy of the Siberian healer. Issue 06 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy from the bad word said in anger

Word is a great strength. From words consist of prayers, but the word can hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself the fact that a person puts into it, especially if a bad blood relative wants a bad blood relative.

People have long been reconciled, the quarrel gradually asked out of memory, but the materialized evil did not disappear anywhere, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

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Alevtina (Dr. - Greek. "Locking incenses, alien to bad") Alevtina is a sweet, although a nervous girl exposed to tonsillitis and pharyngitis. It looks like a father and externally and character, often tied to him more than to the mother. Not devoid of talents: it draws well, possesses

Diseases and accidents originating from curse

Many diseases whose causes cannot find doctors may have occurred from the curse.
And doctors that will they find a curse?
Once a single paralyzed one was brought to me in Kalyu. Washed a hefty uncle, and could not sit. His torso was not bent, it was like a wooden. One person carried him on his back, and the other supported the rear. I put the unfortunate two hemp, and he settled on something on them. His companions told me that he was in such a state from the fifteen years and was tormented by eighteen years. "But is it unless to learn from anyone? - I thought. Be this can not, there is some reason hidden here. "

I started asking and found out that this young man was cursed. What happened? But what: somehow he went to school, got on the bus and collapsed on the seat. At one stop on the bus, an elderly priest was entered and one old man and got up near him.
"Stand up," someone told him, "the place of senior gave way." And he, who does not pay any attention to anything, collapsed even more. Then the old man standing next to him: "Here is so elongated and stay forever - you can not sit." And this curse has worked. You see how - the young man was with a pinch. "And what am I," says, "will I get up? I paid for my place. " Yes, but the other also paid. It is an elderly man, dear, and you are a fifteen-year-old young man - Russell. "That's what everything happened to this," I said to him. "To become healthy, try to repent." You need repentance. " And as soon as the unfortunate understood and realized his guilt, he immediately became healthy.

And how many current troubles comes from the curse, from indignation!
Know: If in some family, many die or the whole family dies, then the reason for this or in injustice, or in witchcraft, or in curses.
One father had a son, which and then went out of the house and flew unknown where. Once the Father in the attack of irritation told him: "You reach me - come once and forever!" And so in the same evening, when the boy returned home, right opposite their entrance to the car knocked him away. He as fell, and remained lying, then friends took his body and brought home. After his father came to the holy mountain and came to me in Kalyu. He cried and said: "My child killed right on the threshold of my house." He began to tell, and then he says: "I told him something before that." - "What did you say to him"
- "He walked at night unknown where, I was angry and told him:" You will come to me once and forever! " "Maybe it happened because of this?"
- "Well, what else? - I replied - try to repent the search for examish. " See how: you say, this time will come once and for all, and the child bring dead. And the Father then give hair on yourself to tear yes cry ....

Parental curse acts very much. Know that the curse and even [just] the indignation of parents act very strongly. And even if the parents did not curse their children, and simply came because of them in the indignation, then the latter does not have a single bright day: all their life is one solid torment. Then such children suffer very much their terrestrial life. Of course, in life, they are easier for them, because with their sufferings they repaid some local debts. There is something that Saint Isaac says: "He comes with his geenna," that is, the suffering here, in this life, he reduces his hellish flour, because the suffering in this life is to bite hellish flour. That is, when spiritual laws come into force, a person is somewhat exempt from Gehenna, from torment.

But those parents that the words "send" their children to the devil, "dedicate" them to him. After that, the devil has the right to such children, he says: "You dedicated them to me." Husband and wife lived in the pharasics. Their child was very sealed, and the father constantly said: "Yes, so that you have taken unclean" well, and what: the father said the baby so much and for God's relaxation, he began to disappear from the cradle. Then the unfortunate mother went to Hajfendi (so called the reverend arsion of the Cappadocyan residents of Faras). "Bless, Hajfendi! My child dragged demons. " Hajfendidi walked to them to the house, read prayers over the cradle and the baby returned. And so continued without end. "Hajfendi, bless!" - The unfortunate woman said again and again and asked: "How will it all end?" "" To me, "answered her saint," it is not difficult for you. Do you find it difficult to come and call me? So, someday the devil it will be bored, and he will leave your son alone. " From that day, the child stopped disappearing. But when he grew up, he was called "the devilish fraud." He Balamutil all the village - did not give rest to anyone. How to suffer from this my father. This small one came to one postlane and said: "Something said something about you," then she walked to another and told him the same thing. People quarreled among themselves, even reached the scuffle. Then, understanding that each of them was erected in vain, they agreed to grab the slander and deal with him. But he managed to make it so that in the end, both asked for forgiveness! So he succeeded in cunning! Real "Devilish Facedness"!
God has taken this in order to see the continuation of the story with the disappearance of the baby, people were formed, kept themselves and were very attentive. God's God will judge, we are not talking now. It is clear that he has a lot of mitigating circumstances.

The greatest treasure for people living in the world is the parent blessing. Just as in the life of Monastic, the greatest blessing, which your old man blessed you. Therefore, they say: "Do not miss the parent blessing." I remember, one mother had four children. None of them married and did not marry. Mother cried: "I will die," said, - from grief, none of my children married. Pray for them "She was a widow, her children were orphans. I was painful for them. I prayed, prayed, but to no avail. "Something is not here," I thought. "On us," her children said, "damaged damage."
"No," I say, "this is not a damage, it can be punished ... And maybe your mother cursed you?"
- "True, the Father, - answer, - in childhood we have been very shawli, and she constantly sought us in the morning until the evening:" Yes, so that you burn to you! "
"Go," I say, "to the mother and tell her the true cause of your unsettlegi, so that she fell into a feeling, so that she repairs, he had examined and from today, without stopping you, blessed you." And for a year and a half, all four created families!
Apparently, this unfortunate is not enough that there was a widow, but also easily fell into a state of irritation and despondency. Naughty took her out of themselves, and for it she cursed them.

And if parents curse their children and then die, how can children get rid of parental curse?

Looking at yourself, they are most likely recognized that in their time Beducurili, tormented their parents and therefore they cursed them. If they realize their guilt, they sincerely shown and confess their sins, then everyone will be boosted. The succeeding spiritually, they will help both their departed parents.

And me, Gerona, when I went to the monastery, cursed my parents ...
Such curses are the only ones - become a blessing.

"Noble Curse"
Geronda, and whether it is wrong, when they offend, talk about the offender: "God will reward him for his evil?"

The one who says does himself makes himself a wicker. Such a person does not understand that, speaking, he "noble" curses others. Some talk about themselves that they are sensitive people, have love and mental subtlety and suffer injustices that they make others. But at the same time they talk about those who offend them: "God will be reproached for their evil."
In this life, all people pass exams to go to other, eternal life - to paradise. Povem tells me that such a "noble curse" is located below the spiritual passing of the ball and the Christian it is in disabilities. After all, Christ did not teach us the love of this kind. "Father, let them go, do not behave well, what they do" - that love he teaches.
And besides, the best blessing of all, it is when we are undeservedly cursed, and we are silent, with kindness it is accepted. If people are superficial or custody - those who have anger and pervert the truth, "they will fall unauthorized us or go with us, try, if we can, not to look for an excuse when injustice concerns us personally.

And words: "Yes, God will repay" - we will not speak, because it is also a curse.Well, if we come to forgive our offenders from the bottom of our heart, ask God to strengthen us to incur greater slander and we will, as far as possible, to continue spiritual life. And let those whose typics are judgment and the condemnation of others come with us unfair, because in this way they are not tired preparing us golden crowns for true life.

Of course, people living with God never curse others, because they have no malice, but only kindness. Evil, which is thrown in these consecrated people, consecrated - whatever it is. And those who live with God are experiencing great, invisible to other joy.